Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.
anoa | a wild ox of the Celebes. |
arna | the Indian water-buffalo. |
aurochs | an extinct wild ox, aka URE or URUS. |
banteng | the wild ox of Java. |
beefalo | a cross between a cow and a buffalo > BEEFALOS or BEEFALOES. |
beeves | cattle, oxen. |
bestial | a collective name for cattle > BESTIALS. |
bison | either of two heavily-built wild oxen of the genus Bison. |
bisontine | of or relating to bison. |
bonasus bonassus | the aurochs or European bison > BONASUSES, BONASSUSES. |
bossy | a cow; (adj.) inclined to boss > BOSSIER, BOSSIEST. |
bovid | a member of the family Bovidae, ruminants. |
bovine | relating to cattle; an animal of the cattle family. |
bovinity | the state of being bovine. |
buffalo | any of several wild Asiatic oxen; the American bison > BUFFALOS or BUFFALOES. (Verb) to overawe, bemuse. |
bull | a male cow. |
bullock | an ox or castrated bull; (verb) to force (one's way) heavily: BULLOCKED, BULLOCKING. |
bullocky | like a bullock. |
calfhood | the state of being a calf. |
calfless | of a cow, not having a calf. |
carabao | a kind of water buffalo. |
catalo cattalo | a cross between domestic cattle and N. American bison > CATALOS or CATALOES; CATTALOES or CATTALOS. |
cattabu | a cross between domestic cattle and zebu > CATTABUS. |
cattle | bovine mammals of the genus Bos, esp oxen, bulls and cows. |
cavicorn | hollow-horned; (noun) an animal of the Bovidae. |
chang | a kind of cattle. |
cow | the female of the bovine animals. |
cowlike | like a cow. |
cowy | suggestive of a cow > COWIER, COWIEST. |
crummy crummie | a cow with crooked horns. |
devon | one of a breed of hardy cattle originating in the country of Devon, England. |
dexter | a small breed of red or black beef cattle. |
doddy | a hornless cow; (adj.) sulky: DODDIER, DODDIEST. |
dso dzo dzho zho zo | a kind of yak > DSOS, DZOS, DZHOS, ZHOS, ZOS. |
dsobo zobo zobu | a male ZO. |
dsomo jomo zhomo | a female ZO. |
freemartin | a sexually deficient female calf born as a bull calf's twin. |
galloway | a breed of hornless cattle. |
gaur | a kind of wild ox, aka SELADANG. |
gayal gyal | an Indian domesticated ox. |
hariana | a breed of cattle. |
hawkie hawkey | a cow with a white-striped face. |
heifer | a young cow that has had no more than one calf. |
holstein | a breed of cattle. [From Holstein, a region in N. Germany]. |
humlie | a pollarded or hornless cow. |
illawarra | a breed of shorthorn dairy cattle. |
kerry | one of an Irish breed of cattle. |
kine kyne | cattle. These are plural. Because it also means a type of television tube, KINE can take an —S, but KYNE cannot. |
kouprey | an Indo-Chinese wild cow. |
ky kye | cattle. No KYS*, but KYES is valid from KYE in another sense. |
kyloe | a small long-haired breed of Hebridean cattle. |
longhorn | a breed of beef cattle, often reddish, with long curved horns. |
mooly mooley muley mulley | a hornless cow. |
muskox | a large bovid of arctic regions > MUSKOXEN. |
neat | an ox, cow, bull etc > NEATS. |
normande | a breed of cattle originating in Normandy. |
ovibos | the musk ox > OVIBOSES. [L. ovis sheep, and bos, bovis ox]. |
ovibovine | of or relating to musk-oxen. |
owse | an ox > OWSEN. |
ox | a bovine animal > OXEN; also, a clumsy person > OXES. |
oxlike | like an ox. |
poler | one of a pair of bullocks harnessed to a pole. |
poley | of cattle, hornless; (noun) a hornless cow. |
quey | a heifer. |
rother | an ox, cow. |
sahiwal | any of a breed of humped dairy cattle. [From the name of a town in the central Punjab, Pakistan.] |
saladang seladang sladang | a kind of wild ox, aka GAUR. |
saola | a small ox-like mammal found in Vietnam and Laos. |
stirk | a yearling ox or cow. |
supercow | a dairy cow that produces a very high milk yield. |
tamarao tamarau timarau | a small wild buffalo of the Philippines. |
taurean tauric taurine | of or relating to a bull. TAURINE is also a noun, a chemical compound, and so can take an —S. |
tollie tolly | a castrated calf > TOLLIES. |
toro | a bull, esp. in the context of bullfighting. |
ure urus | an extinct wild ox, aka AUROCHS > URES, URUSES. |
vealer | a calf raised to provide veal. |
vealy | resembling veal or a calf > VEALIER, VEALIEST. |
vitular vituline | pertaining to a calf or to veal. |
wagyu | a Japanese breed of beef cattle. |
weaner | a calf, lamb, or pig weaned during the current year. |
wisent | the European bison. |
yak | a wild and domesticated cattle of Tibet, with long horns and shaggy hair. |
yakow | an animal crossbred from a male yak and a domestic cow. |
zamouse | a short-horned buffalo. [Arabic jamus]. |
zebu | a humped domestic ox. |