Association of British Scrabble Players

Science & Tech > Mammals > Pigs

Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.

babiroussa (Malay) a large hoglike quadruped of the E. Indies.
babirusa (Malay) a large hoglike quadruped of the E. Indies.
babirussa (Malay) a large hoglike quadruped of the E. Indies.
baconer a pig suitable for bacon.
boar a male pig.
boarish swinish; brutal.
boarishly (Adv.) BOARISH, swinish, brutal.
boarishness the state of being boarish.
boschvark (Afrikaans) another name for the bushpig, an African wild pig.
boshvark (Afrikaans) the bush hog.
bushpig an African wild pig.
cheshire a breed of American pig.
duroc a large red hog.
farrow to give birth to a litter of pigs.
farrowing the act of giving birth to a litter of pigs.
grumphie (Scots) a pig.
grumphy (Scots) a pig.
grunter one who, or that which, grunts; specifically, a hog.
guffie (Scots) a pig.
hoggish like a hog, greedy.
hoggishly (Adv.) HOGGISH, like a hog, greedy.
hoggishness the state of being hoggish.
hoghood the nature of a hog.
hoglike like a hog.
javelina (Spanish) a wild boar, also known as a peccary.
kunekune (Maori) a feral pig native to New Zealand.
landrace a large white Danish breed of pig.
peccary (Carib) a kind of wild pig.
pig a farm animal bred for food (verb) to eat greedily
piggie a little pig.
piggish greedy or dirty.
piggishly (Adv.) PIGGISH, greedy.
piggishness the state of being piggish.
piggy piglike (noun) a little pig
piglike resembling a pig.
porcine of or pertaining to pigs.
porker a pig, esp a young hog, fattened for pork.
porkling a pig; a porker.
saddleback a kind of pig.
shoat a young pig, esp one that has just been weaned.
shote a young pig, esp one that has just been weaned.
shotte a young pig, esp one that has just been weaned.
sounder a herd of pigs; a young boar.
sow a female pig; (verb) to scatter seed on the ground.
sown (PaP.) SOW, to scatter seed on the ground.
suid any member of the pig family Suidae, including wild pigs, warthogs and the domestic pig.
suidian belonging to the pig family; (noun) a member of the pig family.
suilline like a pig.
swine a pig.
swinehood the state of being a pig.
swinelike like a swine.
swinish resembling or befitting swine.
swinishly (Adv.) SWINISH, resembling swine.
swinishness the state of being swinish.
tamworth a breed of long-bodied pigs with red-golden hair.
tayassuid (Tupi) any member of the Tayassuid family of New World pigs.
warthog a wild pig, which has pronounced warts on the face and bristly grey skin.