aa | (Hawaiian) a type of lava > AAS. |
ab | An abdominal muscle > ABS. |
ad | (Coll.) advertisement > ADS. |
ae | (Scots) one. No -S. |
ag | (Short for) agricultural; (noun) agriculture > AGS. |
ah | Interjection expressing surprise, joy etc > AHS, AHING, AHED. |
ai | (Tupi) the three-toed sloth > AIS. |
al | An E. Indian shrub > ALS. |
am | Present tense of be. |
an | Indefinite article; (noun) something that might have happened but did not, as in ifs and ans > ANS. |
ar | The letter r > ARS. |
as | In whatever way; (noun) a Norse god > AESIR; a gravel ridge or KAME > ASAR; a Roman coin > ASSES. |
at | Preposition denoting position in space or time; (noun) a monetary unit of Laos > ATS. |
aw | Interjection expressing disappointment, sympathy etc. |
ax | (US) axe > AXES. |
ay | (Noun) an affirmative vote > AYS. Also AYE. |
ba | In ancient Egyptian religion, the soul > BAS. |
be | To exist. |
bi | (Short for) bisexual > BIS. |
bo | Fellow; pal, buddy > BOS. |
by | Beside, near; (noun) same as BYE > BYS. |
ch | (Obs. dial.) pronoun meaning I. |
da | (Burmese) a heavy Burmese knife > DAS. Also DAH. |
de | From (as used in names). |
di | (Pl.) DEUS, a god. |
do | A musical note: DOS; (verb) to perform > DOES, DOING, DID, DONE. |
ea | (Dial.) river > EAS. |
ed | (Short for) education > EDS. |
ee | (Scots) eye > EEN. |
ef | The letter f. |
eh | Interjection expressing enquiry; (verb) to say 'eh' > EHS, EHING, EHED. |
el | The letter l > ELS. |
em | The letter M; a unit of measurement in printing > EMS. |
en | The letter N; a unit in printing > ENS. |
er | An interjection expressing hesitation. |
es | The letter S > ESES. Also ESS. |
et | (Obs.) pt. EAT. |
ew | Interjection used to express disgust. |
ex | The letter X; someone no longer in a previous relationship > EXES; (verb) to cross out > EXING, EXED. |
fa | A musical note, as in sol-fa > FAS. |
fe | (Hebrew) a Hebrew letter > FES |
fy | An interjection expressing reproach. No -S hook. Also FIE. |
gi | (Japanese) a judo or karate costume > GIS. Also GIE. |
go | To pass from one place to another > GOES, GOING, WENT, GONE; (noun) a board game > GOS. |
gu | (ON) a kind of violin formerly used in the Shetlands. Also GUE, GJU. |
ha | An interjection expressing e.g. surprise. |
he | A male person > HES. |
hi | An interjection calling attention. |
hm | An interjection expressing hesitation. Also HMM. |
ho | Interjection calling attention, expressing surprise etc. Also HOH. |
id | A fish of the carp family > IDS. Also IDE. |
if | On condition that; (noun) a condition > IFS. |
in | (Verb) to take in > INS, INNING, INNED. |
io | An interjection expressing joy, triumph, grief; (noun) a cry of 'io' > IOS. |
is | (3rd.) BE, to exist. |
it | The neuter of he she him or her. |
ja | Yes. |
jo | (Scots) a loved one > JOES. |
ka | The spirit or soul of a dead person; (verb) to serve > KAS, KAING, KAED. Also KAE. |
ki | (Japanese) the spirit of Japanese martial art > KIS. Also QI, CHI. |
ko | (Maori) a digging-stick > KOS. |
ky | Cattle. No -S. Also KYE. |
la | A musical note > LAS. |
li | (Chinese) a Chinese unit of distance > LIS. |
lo | An interjection meaning see, look. |
ma | (Coll.) mother > MAS. |
me | A musical note > MES. |
mi | A musical note > MIS. |
mm | An interjection expressing agreement. |
mo | A moment > MOS. |
mu | (Greek) a letter of the Greek alphabet > MUS. |
my | Of or belonging to me. |
na | (Scots) no, not at all. |
ne | (Obs.) not. |
no | Word of negation > NOS or NOES. |
nu | (Greek) a letter in the Greek alphabet > NUS. |
ny | (Verb) to approach > NYES, NYING, NYED. Also NIE > NIES, NYING, NIES. |
ob | An objection > OBS. |
od | A hypothetical force; an old word for god, often used as a mild oath > ODS. |
oe | (Scots) a grandchild > OES. Also OY, OYE. |
of | Belonging to. |
oh | An interjection; (verb) to say OH > OHS, OHING, OHED. |
oi | An interjection used to express attention; (noun) the grey-faced petrel > OIS. |
ok | (Adjective) all right. |
om | An intoned Hindu sacred symbol > OMS. |
on | (Verb) to go on with, to put up with > ONS, ONNING, ONNED. |
oo | (Scots) wool > OOS. |
op | (Short for) operation > OPS. |
or | (Noun) the heraldic tincture gold > ORS. |
os | (Lat.) 1. a bone > OSSA. 2. a mouthlike opening > ORA. |
ou | (Scots) an interjection expressing concession; (noun) a bloke > OUS. |
ow | An interjection expressing pain. |
ox | A bovine animal > OXEN; also, a clumsy person > OXES. |
oy | (Scots) a grandchild > OYS. Also OE, OYE. |
pa | (Maori) a hill fort > PAS. Also PAH. |
pe | (Hebrew) a Hebrew letter > PES. Also PEH, FEH. |
pi | (Greek) a letter in the Greek alphabet > PIS. |
po | (Short for) chamberpot > POS. |
qi | (Chinese) the physical life-force postulated by certain Chinese philosophers > QIS. |
re | A musical note > RES. |
sh | An interjection requesting silence. Also SHA, SHH. |
si | An earlier form of TI, a musical note. |
so | In such a way; (noun) a musical note > SOS. |
st | An interjection requesting silence. |
ta | An interjection expressing thanks > TAS. |
te | = TI, a musical note > TES. |
ti | A musical note; a small Pacific tree > TIS. |
to | In the direction of, towards. |
ug | To dread, loathe > UGS, UGGING, UGGED. [ON ugga, to fear, dread]. |
uh | An interjection expressing surprise. |
um | An interjection expressing doubt or hesitation; (verb) to express hesitation > UMS, UMMING, UMMED. |
un | (Dial.) one > UNS. |
up | (Verb) to move up > UPS, UPPING, UPPED. |
ur | An interjection expressing hesitation. |
us | Pronoun. |
ut | A musical note > UTS. |
we | Pronoun. |
wo | Woe > WOS. |
xi | (Greek) a letter in the Greek alphabet > XIS. |
xu | A Vietnamese monetary unit > XU. No -S. |
ya | an Asian pear >YAS. |
ye | (Arch.) you. |
yo | An interjection calling for effort or attention |
yu | (Chinese) a precious jade > YUS. |
za | (Sl.) pizza > ZAS. |
ze | A gender-neutral pronoun. |
zo | (Tibetan) a kind of yak > ZOS. Also ZHO, DZO, DSO, DZHO. |