


aahs (3rd.) AAH, to say AAH.
aals (Pl.) AAL, an E. Indian shrub.
abac A nomogram, a chart or diagram of scaled lines or curves used to assist in mathematical calculations > ABACS.
abas (Pl.) ABA, a tightly-woven camel-hair fabric or tunic, worn by Arabs.
abba (Aramaic) a Syriac or Coptic bishop > ABBAS.
abbe (Fr.) a courtesy title given in France to every one vested with the ecclesiastical habit or dress > ABBES.
abbs (Pl.) ABB, a kind of textile yarn.
abed In bed.
aber (Welsh) an estuary > ABERS.
abet To incite by encouragement and support > ABETS, ABETTING, ABETTED.
abid (Pt.) ABIDE, to stay, dwell.
able Competent > ABLER, ABLEST; ABLY; (verb) to enable > ABLES, ABLING, ABLED.
ably (Adv.) ABLE, competent.
abri (Fr.) a bomb shelter > ABRIS.
abut To be adjacent to and touching > ABUTS, ABUTTING, ABUTTED.
abye To pay the penalty for > ABYES, ABYING, ABOUGHT (not ABYED*). Also ABY.
abys (3rd.) ABY, to pay as a penalty.
acai A berry found in the Brazilian rainforest, aka palm berry > ACAIS.
acca (Aust. sl.) an academic > ACCAS. Also ACKER.
aced (Pt.) ACE, to play a winning serve in tennis.
acer (Lat.) a plant of the maple genus > ACERS. [L. acer, maple].
aces (3rd.) ACE, to play a winning serve in tennis.
ache A persistent dull pain; (verb) to be the site of this > ACHES, ACHING, ACHED.
achy Aching > ACHIER, ACHIEST.
acid Sharp, sour > ACIDER, ACIDEST; ACIDLY; (noun) an acid substance > ACIDS.
acme (Greek) a peak, summit > ACMES.
acne A skin disease caused by inflammation of the sebaceous follicles, esp on the face, neck, and shoulders > ACNES, ACNED.
acre A measure of land equivalent to 4840 sq yd > ACRES, ACRED.
acro a skiing event in which a skier performs acrobatic moves to music > ACROS.
acta (Lat.) official minutes of a proceeding.
acts (3rd.) ACT, to do in a specified way.
acyl (Denoting) carboxylic acid > ACYLS.
adaw (Spenser) to daunt, subdue > ADAWS, ADAWING, ADAWED.
adds (3rd.) ADD, to make an addition.
addy An email address > ADDIES.
adit A nearly horizontal shaft to the surface in a mine > ADITS.
ados (Pl.) ADO, fuss.
adry (Arch.) in a state of thirst or dryness.
adze A cutting tool with an arched blade set at right angles to the handle; (verb) to shape with an adze > ADZES, ADZING, ADZED.
aeon (Lat.) the largest division of geological time, composed of several ERAS > AEONS. Also EON.
aero (Relating to) aircraft or aeronautics > AEROS.
aery (Adj.) like air > AERIER, AERIEST; AERILY. (Noun) a bird of prey's nest > AERIES. Also AERIE, AIERY, EYRIE, EYRY, AYRIE.
aesc (OE) an Old English rune used for AE > AESCES.
afar (At) a great distance > AFARS.
affy To trust; to assure on one's faith > AFFIES, AFFYING, AFFIED or (Spenser) AFFYDE.
afro A hairstyle characterized by thick, bushy curls standing out from the head > AFROS.
agar (Malay) a jelly prepared from seaweeds of various kinds > AGARS.
agas (Pl.) AGA, a Turkish commander.
aged Being of a certain age; old > AGEDLY.
agee (Scots) off the straight; ajar. Also AJEE.
agen (Dial.) again. Also AGIN.
ager One that ages > AGERS.
ages (Pl.) AGE, a long time.
agha (Turkish) a Turkish commander > AGHAS. Also AGA.
agin (Dial.) again. Also AGEN.
agio (Ital.) a premium paid on foreign currency exchange > AGIOS. [Ital. agio, ease, convenience].
aglu (Inuit) a breathing hole made in ice by a seal > AGLUS. Also AGLOO.
agly (Scots) awry. Also AGLEE, AGLEY.
agma (Greek) a phonetic symbol representing the sound ng > AGMAS. Also ENG.
agog In a state of eager curiosity.
agon The dramatic conflict between the chief characters in a literary work > AGONS or AGONES.
agro a student of agricultural studies > AGROS.
ague A malarial fever > AGUES.
ahed (Pt.) AH, to say ah.
ahem A sound expressing delicate interruption. No -S.
ahis (Pl.) AHI, yellowfin tuna.
ahoy Interjection used to hail another vessel.
aias (Pl.) AIA, same as AYAH, Indian nursemaid.
aida A finely-meshed cotton fabric used for cross-stitch embroidery > AIDAS.
aide (Fr.) a confidential assistant to a person of senior rank > AIDES.
aids (3rd.) AID, to help.
aiga (Samoan) a large family, often spanning several generations > AIGAS. Also AINGA.
ails (3rd.) AIL, to be amiss, be ill.
aims (3rd.) AIM.
aine (Fr.) elder, senior.
ains (Pl.) AIN, a Hebrew letter.
airn (Scots) iron; (verb) to iron > AIRNS, AIRNING, AIRNED.
airs (3rd.) AIR, to make known publicly.
airt (Scots) direction, quarter; (verb) to direct > AIRTS, AIRTING, AIRTED.
airy Full of air, light > AIRIER, AIRIEST; AIRILY.
aits (Pl.) AIT, small island.
aitu In Polynesia, a demigod > AITUS.
ajar Partly open.
ajee (Scots) awry. Also AGEE.
ajis (Pl.) AJI, a spicy pepper.
aked (Pt.) AKE, to ache.
akas (Pl.) AKA, a kind of New Zealand vine.
akee (Kru) a small African sapindaceous tree, now common in the W. Indies; its edible fruit, often used in Caribbean cookery > AKEES. Also ACKEE.
akes (3rd.) AKE, to ache.
akin Related by blood.
alae (Pl.) ALA, an outgrowth on a fruit.
alan A large hunting dog > ALANS. Also ALANT, ALAND.
alap (Sanskrit) in Indian music, the introductory section of a RAGA > ALAPS. Also ALAAP, ALAPA.
alar Of or pertaining to the wing or shoulder. Also ALARY.
alas An interjection expressing grief.
alay (Obs.) to allay > ALAYS, ALAYING, ALAYED. Also ALEYE.
alba A white substance found in the brain > ALBAS.
albe (Arch.) albeit. Also ALBEE.
albs (Pl.) ALB, a priest's long white vestment.
alco (Aust. sl.) a heavy drinker or alcoholic > ALCOS. Also ALKO.
alec A herring > ALECS.
alee On the lee side.
alef (Hebrew) the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet > ALEFS. Also ALEPH.
ales (Pl.) ALE, a beer fermented in an open vessel using yeasts that rise to the top of the brew.
alew (Spenser) halloo.
alfa (Arabic) a N. African esparto grass > ALFAS. Also HALFA.
alfs (Pl.) ALF, an uncultivated Australian.
alga (Lat.) a seaweed > ALGAE or ALGAS.
alif (Arabic) an Arabic letter, corresponding to Greek ALEPH > ALIFS.
alit (Pt.) ALIGHT, to come down from something.
alko (Aust. sl.) a heavy drinker or alcoholic > ALKOS. Also ALCO.
alky (Coll.) an alcoholic > ALKIES. Also ALKIE.
alls (Pl.) ALL, the whole.
ally To join by marriage, friendship, treaty etc > ALLIES, ALLYING, ALLIED.
alma (Arabic) an Egyptian dancing-girl > ALMAS. Also ALMAH, ALME, ALMEH.
alme (Arabic) an Egyptian dancing-girl > ALMES. Also ALMAH, ALMA, ALMEH.
alms Relief given out of charity to the poor.
alod An estate held in absolute ownership, without acknowledgement to a superior > ALODS. Also ALLOD, ALODIUM, ALLODIUM.
aloe Any member of a mainly S African genus Aloe, consisting mostly of trees and shrubs of the lily family > ALOES, ALOED.
aloo (Hindi) a potato > ALOOS.
alow (Scots) ablaze. Also ALOWE.
alps (Pl.) ALP, a mountain.
also In addition.
alto (Ital.) the highest adult male voice, with range above the tenor > ALTOS.
alts (Pl.) ALT, a high tone; a halt or rest.
alum A sulphate of ammonium and potassium, used as a mordant > ALUMS.
alus (Pl.) ALU, a potato.
amah (Port.) an Oriental nursemaid > AMAHS. Also AMA.
amas (Pl.) AMA, an Oriental nurse.
ambo An early Christian raised reading-desk or pulpit > AMBOS or AMBONES.
amen So be it; (verb) to say amen > AMENS, AMENING, AMENED.
ames (Pl.) AME, a soul.
amia A freshwater fish, aka BOWFIN > AMIAS.
amid A compound formed by the union of amidogen with an acid element or radical > AMIDS. Also AMIDE.
amie (Fr.) a (female) friend > AMIES.
amin A compound derived from ammonia > AMINS. Also AMINE, AMMINE.
amir (Arabic) an Eastern ruler > AMIRS. Also AMEER, EMIR, EMEER.
amis (Spenser) a strip of linen worn by priests round the shoulders > AMISES. Also AMICE, ALMUCE.
amla An E. Indian tree, aka EMBLIC > AMLAS.
ammo (Abbr.) ammunition > AMMOS.
amok (Malay) in a murderous rage; frenzied; (noun) a murderous rage > AMOKS. Also AMUCK.
amps (Pl.) AMP, an AMPERE, a unit of electrical current.
amus (Pl.) AMU, a unit of mass.
amyl A univalent radical > AMYLS.
anal Relating to the anus > ANALLY.
anan = ANON in sense of (to a person calling for attention) in a moment! coming!
anas (Pl.) ANA. a collection of someone's table-talk.
ance (Dial.) once.
ands (Pl.) AND, the symbol ampersand.
anes (Pl.) ANE, one.
anew Afresh, again.
anga (Sanskrit) a yoga practice > ANGAS.
anil (Arabic) indigo, the plant or dye > ANILS.
anis (Pl.) ANI, a tropical American bird.
ankh (Arabic) an Egyptian symbol of life, resembling a looped cross, later adapted by Coptic Christians as their cross > ANKHS.
anna (Hindi) a coppery Indian/Pakistani coin > ANNAS.
anno (Lat.) in the year of the Christian era.
anns (Pl.) ANN, in Scotland, payment to a parish minister's widow.
anoa (Indonesian) a wild ox of the Celebes > ANOAS.
anon At once; immediately. Also ANAN.
anow (Milton) enough. Also ENOW.
ansa (Lat.) part of Saturn's rings > ANSAE.
anta 1. (Lat.) a square pilaster at either side of a doorway > ANTAE. 2. a tapir > ANTAS.
ante To put a fixed stake in the pot > ANTES, ANTEING, ANTED or ANTEED.
anti (Noun) one who is against > ANTIS.
ants (Pl.) ANT, a small industrious insect.
anus (Lat.) the opening at the end of the alimentary canal by which undigested residues are excreted > ANUSES. [L. anus, ring].
apay (Arch.) to satisfy; to repay > APAYS, APAYING, APAID or APAYD. Also APPAY.
aped (Pt.) APE, to imitate.
aper One that apes > APERS.
apes (3rd.) APE, to imitate.
apex (Lat.) the summit or peak > APEXES or APICES.
apod An animal without feet or ventral fins > APODS. Also APODE.
apos (Pl.) APO, a type of protein.
apps (Pl.) APP, short for application program.
apse A rounded extension at the end of a building, especially at the east end of a church > APSES.
apso (Tibetan) a Tibetan terrier > APSOS.
apts (3rd.) APT, to fit, adapt.
aqua (Lat.) water > AQUAE or AQUAS.
arak (Arabic) a spirit made from TODDY > ARAKS. Also ARRACK.
arar The SANDARAC tree > ARARS. [Moroccan name].
arba (Arabic) a heavy screened wagon used by Tatars and others > ARBAS. Also AROBA, ARABA.
arbs (Pl.) ARB, an ARBITRAGEUR, one who makes profit by dealing on the stock exchange.
arch Sly, mischievous > ARCHER, ARCHEST; ARCHLY; (verb) to bend > ARCHES, ARCHING, ARCHED.
arco (Ital.) with the bow.
arcs (Pl.) ARC, a type of curve.
ards (Pl.) ARD, a primitive form of plough.
area (Lat.) a particular tract of the earth's (or another planet's) surface; a region > AREAS or AREAE.
ared (Spenser) pt. of AREAD, to counsel. Also AREDD.
areg (Pl.) ERG, a Saharan area of shifting sands.
ares (Pl.) ARE, 100 sq. metres.
aret (Spenser) to entrust, commit > ARETS, ARETTING, ARETTED.
arew (Obs.) in a row. Also AROW.
arfs (Pl.) ARF, a barking sound.
argh an interjection expressing pain or dismay.
aria (Ital.) an elaborate melody for a single voice > ARIAS.
arid Very dry > ARIDER, ARIDEST; ARIDLY.
aril An additional envelope, often fleshy, developed around the seed in certain plants (e.g. yew) > ARILS, ARILED. Also ARILLUS.
aris (Cockney slang) arse > ARISES. [From Aristotle > bottle > bottle and glass].
arks (3rd.) ARK, to put in an ark.
arle To give earnest-money > ARLES, ARLING, ARLED.
arms (3rd.) ARM, to provide with weapons.
army A large body of people armed for war and under military command > ARMIES.
arna (Hindi) the Indian water-buffalo > ARNAS.
arow (Obs.) in a row. Also AREW.
arpa A site concerned with internet infrastructure > ARPAS.
arse (Sl.) the backside > ARSES; (verb) to bother with > ARSES, ARSING, ARSED.
arsy (Sl.) aggressive, irritable or argumentative > ARSIER, ARSIEST. Also ARSEY.
arti (Hindu) a ritual performed in homes and temples in which incense and light is offered to a deity > ARTIS. Also AARTI.
arts (Pl.) ART, the creation of works of beauty.
arty Artistic > ARTIER, ARTIEST; ARTILY; (noun) an arty person > ARTIES.
arum A large-spathed plant, aka 'cuckoo-pint' or 'lords and ladies' > ARUMS.
arvo (Aus. sl.) afternoon > ARVOS.
aryl Any aromatic univalent hydrocarbon radical > ARYLS.
asar (Pl.) AS, a kame or esker.
asci (Pl.) ASCUS, a spore sac.
asea At sea.
ashy Resembling ash > ASHIER, ASHIEST.
asks (3rd.) ASK, to make a request of.
asps (Pl.) ASP, a venomous snake.
atap (Malay) the NIPA palm > ATAPS. [Malay atap, roof, thatch]. Also ATTAP.
ates (Pl.) ATE, reckless ambition.
atma (Sanskrit) the individual soul > ATMAS. Also ATMAN.
atoc (Peruvian) a species of skunk > ATOCS. Also ATOK.
atok (Peruvian) a species of skunk > ATOKS. Also ATOC.
atom The smallest particle in an element which can take part in a chemical reaction > ATOMS.
atop On top of.
atua (Maori) a spirit or demon > ATUAS.
auas (Pl.) AUA, the yellow-eyed mullet.
aufs (Pl.) AUF, an elf's child.
augh an interjection expressing despair or frustration.
auks (Pl.) AUK, a northern sea bird.
aula (Lat.) a hall > AULAS.
auld (Scots) old > AULDER, AULDEST.
aune (Fr.) an ell; a French measure of cloth > AUNES.
aunt A father's or mother's sister, or an uncle's wife > AUNTS.
aura (Lat.) a supposed subtle emanation from living things > AURAE or AURAS.
auto (Verb) to travel by car > AUTOS, AUTOING, AUTOED.
aval Pertaining to a grandparent.
avas (Pl.) AVA, a narcotic drink prepared from Polynesian plant.
avel (Hebrew) a mourner esp during the first seven days after a death > AVELS. Also OVEL.
aver To declare positively > AVERS, AVERRING, AVERRED.
aves (Pl.) AVE, a prayer to the Virgin Mary.
avos (Pl.) AVO, a monetary unit of Macao.
avow To declare, to maintain > AVOWS, AVOWING, AVOWED.
away (Noun) an away match > AWAYS.
awdl (Welsh) a Welsh ode > AWDLS.
awed (Pt.) AWE, to strike with AWE.
awee Awhile.
awes (3rd.) AWE, to strike with AWE.
awfy (Scots) awfully, extremely.
awks (Pl.) AWK, a computer language used for data-pprocessing.
awls (Pl.) AWL, a tool for boring holes.
awns (Pl.) AWN, the beard of barley.
awny Having awns; bearded > AWNIER, AWNIEST.
awol An absentee without leave > AWOLS.
awry Twisted to one side; crooked; amiss.
axal Of the axis. Also AXIAL, AXILE.
axed (Pt.) AXE, to strike with an axe.
axel In figure-skating, a jump from one skate to the other > AXELS.
axes (Pl.) AXE, a tool for cutting or chopping.
axil The upper angle formed where the leaf meets the stem > AXILS.
axis 1. (Lat.) the imaginary straight line about which a body such as the earth rotates > AXES, AXISED. 2. the white-spotted deer of India > AXISES.
axle The pin or rod in the nave of a wheel on or by means of which the wheel turns > AXLES, AXLED.
axon (Greek) a nerve fibre > AXONS. [Gk. axon, axis]. Also AXONE.
ayah (Hindi) an Indian nursemaid > AYAHS. Also AIA.
ayes (Pl.) AYE, a vote in the affirmative.
ayin (Hebrew) a Hebrew letter > AYINS. Also AIN.
ayre (Obs.) = AIR, esp. in sense of tune > AYRES.
ayus (Pl.) AYU, a small edible Japanese fish.
azan (Arabic) the Muslim call to prayer, made five times a day by a MUEZZIN > AZANS. Also ADHAN.
azon A radio-controlled aerial bomb > AZONS.
azym Unleavened bread; Passover cake > AZYMS. Also AZYME.
baal (Hebrew) a false god > BAALS or BAALIM.
baba (Polish) a kind of cake > BABAS. [Fr., from Polish baba old woman].
babe A baby; an attractive young woman > BABES.
babu (Hindi) a native clerk who writes English; also, a Hindu title answering to Mr. or Esquire > BABUS. Also BABOO.
baby (Adj.) like a baby > BABIER, BABIEST; (verb) to treat like a baby > BABIES, BABYING, BABIED.
bach (Welsh) affectionate term of address > BACHS; (verb) to live as a bachelor > BACHES, BACHING, BACHED.
back To support > BACKS, BACKING, BACKED.
bacs (Pl.) BAC, baccalaureate.
bade (Pt.) BID, to command.
bads (Pl.) BAD, a bad thing.
baes (Pl.) BAE, a person's sweetheart or lover: often used as an affectionate term of address.
bael (Hindi) a thorny Indian tree > BAELS. Also BEL, BHEL.
baff In golf, to strike the ground with the sole of the club and so send the ball up in the air > BAFFS, BAFFING, BAFFED.
baft (Urdu) a coarse fabric, orig. Oriental > BAFTS.
bagh (Hinglish) a garden > BAGHS.
bags (3rd.) BAG, to put into a bag.
baht (Thai) the basic monetary unit of Thailand, equal to 100 SATANGS > BAHTS.
bahu (Hindi) a daughter-in-law, esp one who lives with her husband's family when married > BAHUS.
bail 1. a barrier or pole separating horses in an open stable. Also BAYLE. 2. (verb) to release on bail > BAILS, BAILING, BAILED.
bait Food put on a hook to attract fish; (verb) to set a trap etc. with food > BAITS, BAITING, BAITED.
baju (Malay) a short loose jacket worn in Malaysia and Indonesia > BAJUS.
bake To dry, harden or cook by the heat of the sun or fire > BAKES, BAKING, BAKED, BAKEN.
bald Devoid of hair > BALDER, BALDEST; BALDLY; (verb) to become bald > BALDS, BALDING, BALDED.
bale (Verb) to form into bundles > BALES, BALING, BALED.
balk To stop short, refuse a jump > BALKS, BALKING, BALKED. Also BAULK, BAUK.
ball Anything spherical or nearly so; (verb) to form into a ball > BALLS, BALLING, BALLED.
balm A fragrant resin; (verb) to embalm > BALMS, BALMING, BALMED.
bals (Pl.) BAL, a BALMORAL.
balu (Hindi) in India, a bear > BALUS. Also BALOO.
bams (Pl.) BAM, a hoax or cheat.
banc (Fr.) a bank, as at a casino > BANCS.
band A flat strip used to bind or mark anything; (verb) to mark with band > BANDS, BANDING, BANDED.
bane (Noun) an evil, a poison; (verb) to harm, poison > BANES, BANING, BANED.
bang A loud, explosive noise; (verb) to make a bang > BANGS, BANGING, BANGED.
bani (Pl.) BAN, a Romanian monetary unit.
bank An institution for the keeping of maoney; (verb) to deposit in a bank > BANKS, BANKING, BANKED.
bans (3rd.) BAN, to prohibit.
bant To diet > BANTS, BANTING, BANTED.
baos (Pl.) BAO, a steamed dumpling, usually eaten with a filling.
baps (Pl.) BAP, a large flat breakfast roll.
bapu (Hindi) a spiritual father > BAPUS.
barb A Moorish horse; a dark pigeon > BARBS; (verb) to fit with a sharp point. > BARBS, BARBING, BARBED.
bard (Welsh) a poet; a kind of armour for horses; (verb) to armour a horse > BARDS, BARDING, BARDED. Also BARDE.
bare Unclothed, uncovered > BARER, BAREST; BARELY; (verb) to make bare > BARES, BARING, BARED.
barf (Coll.) to vomit > BARFS, BARFING, BARFED.
bark To make a sound like a dog > BARKS, BARKING, BARKED.
barm The foam on malt liquors > BARMS.
barn A building for storing hay, straw etc.; (verb) to store in a barn > BARNS, BARNING, BARNED.
barp (Scots) a mound or cairn > BARPS.
bars (Pl.) BAR, a unit of pressure of one million dynes per square centimeter.
base Mean > BASER, BASEST; BASELY; (verb) to place on a foundation > BASES, BASING, BASED.
bash To strike > BASHES, BASHING, BASHED.
bask To lie in the warmth or sunshine; to enjoy and take great pleasure > BASKS, BASKING, BASKED.
bass (Adj.) of a voice, deep > BASSER, BASSEST; BASSLY; (verb) to utter in a deep tone BASSES, BASSING, BASSED.
bast Phloem, the conductive material in a plant; inner bark, esp of lime > BASTS.
bate To reduce the force of > BATES, BATING, BATED.
bath Water for immersing the body; (verb) to take a bath > BATHS, BATHING, BATHED.
bats (3rd.) BAT, to strike with a bat.
batt A sheet of BATTING, cottonwool prepared in sheets for quilting > BATTS.
baud A unit of data transmission speed of one bit per second > BAUDS.
bauk To stop short, refuse a jump > BAUKS, BAUKING, BAUKED. Also BAULK, BALK.
baur (Scots) a joke, amusing incident > BAURS. Also BAWR.
bawd A procurer, now only a female one, a woman who obtains women for prostitution > BAWDS.
bawk an Atlantic seabird > BAWKS.
bawl To shout or cry very loudly > BAWLS, BAWLING, BAWLED.
bawn (Irish) in Ireland, the fortification round a house, an enclosure for cattle > BAWNS. [Ir. babhun, enclosure].
bawr (Scots) joke, amusing incident > BAWRS. Also BAUR.
baye (Spenser) to bathe > BAYES, BAYING, BAYED.
bays (3rd.) BAY, to make a noise like a hound.
bayt (Spenser) to bate, abate > BAYTS, BAYTING, BAYTED.
bazz to throw (as a stone) > BAZZES, BAZZING, BAZZED.
bead A small ball strung with others in a rosary; (verb) to provide with beads > BEADS, BEADING, BEADED.
beak A bird's bill > BEAKS, BEAKED.
beal an infected sore > BEALS.
beam A ray of light; (verb) to smile > BEAMS, BEAMING, BEAMED.
bean The name of several kinds of leguminous plants and their seeds; (verb) to strike on the head > BEANS, BEANING, BEANED.
bear To carry > BEARS, BEARING, BORE or BARE, BORNE.
beat To strike repeatedly > BEATS, BEATING, BEAT, BEATEN, YBET.
beau (Fr.) a lover; a boyfriend > BEAUS or BEAUX.
beck To beckon > BECKS, BECKING, BECKED.
bede (Obs.) a prayer > BEDES.
beds (3rd.) BED, to put to bed.
bedu A tent-dwelling nomadic Arab > BEDU > no -S. Also BEDUIN, BEDOUIN, BEDAWIN.
beef The meat of the cow > BEEFS; a steer or cow > BEEVES; (verb) to add strength to > BEEFS, BEEFING, BEEFED.
been (PaP.) BE.
beep The sound made by the horn of a car, etc; (verb) to make this sound > BEEPS, BEEPING, BEEPED.
beer An alcoholic drink made from malted barley flavoured with hops > BEERS.
bees (Pl.) BEE, any of various four-winged insects.
beet A plant of the goosefoot family, with a red or white succulent root, used as food (red) and as a source of sugar (white); (verb) to improve or mend, esp. a fire > BEETS, BEETING, BEETED.
begs (3rd.) BEG, to ask, entreat.
bein (Scots) well off, comfortable. Also BIEN.
bell (Verb) to provide with a bell > BELLS, BELLING, BELLED.
bels (Pl.) BEL, a measure of noise.
belt A band of leather or other material, esp one worn around the waist; (verb) to hit very hard > BELTS, BELTING, BELTED.
bema (Greek) a synagogue platform > BEMAS or BEMATA. Also BIMA, BIMAH.
bend To curve > BENDS, BENDING, BENT or BENDED.
bene The sesame plant > BENES. Also BENNE, BENNI, BENI.
beni (Mende) sesame > BENIS. Also BENE, BENNI, BENNE.
benj (Arabic) cannabis, Indian hemp, used as a weak narcotic > BENJES. Also BHANG.
bens (Pl.) BEN, mountain.
bent (Noun) a kind of grass > BENTS.
bere Barley, esp. the six-rowed barley > BERES.
berg (Afrikaans) a hill or mountain in S. Africa > BERGS.
berk A fool > BERKS. Also BURK.
berm A narrow shelf or path between the bottom of a parapet and the ditch > BERMS. Also BERME.
best (Verb) to defeat > BESTS, BESTING, BESTED.
beta (Greek) a Greek letter > BETAS.
bete To mend; to repair > BETES, BETING, BETED. Also BEET.
beth (Hebrew) the second letter of the Hebrew alphabet > BETHS.
bets (3rd.) BET, to wager.
bevy An alcoholic drink; a drinking session > BEVIES. Also BEVVY.
beys (Pl.) BEY, a Turkish governor.
bhai (Hindi) a brother-in-law > BHAIS.
bhat The basic monetary unit of Thailand, equal to 100 SATANGS > BHAT. No -S. Also BAHT.
bhel (Hindi) a thorny Indian tree > BHELS. Also BAEL, BEL.
bhut (Hindi) a small whirlwind > BHUTS. Also BHOOT.
bias To cause to incline to one side > BIASES or BIASSES, BIASING or BIASSING, BIASED or BIASSED.
bibb A mast support > BIBBS.
bibe (Irish) a type of banshee whose crying is an omen of death > BIBES.
bibs (Pl.) BIB, the POUT, a fish of the cod and haddock genus with a large chin barbel.
bice A pale blue or green paint > BICES.
bide To wait, dwell > BIDES, BIDING, BIDED or BODE, BIDDEN.
bidi (Hindi) a hand rolled cigarette > BIDIS. Also BEEDI.
bids (3rd.) BID, to make an offer.
bien (Scots) well off, comfortable. Also BEIN.
bier A coffin stand to carry a dead person to the grave > BIERS.
biff A blow; (verb) to strike hard > BIFFS, BIFFING, BIFFED.
biga (Lat.) a two-horse chariot > BIGAE.
bigg Four-rowed barley > BIGGS. Cf. BERE.
bigs (3rd.) BIG, to build.
bike (Coll.) a bicycle; (verb) to travel by bike > BIKES, BIKING, BIKED.
bile A fluid secreted by the liver > BILES.
bilk To cheat out of something valuable; to evade payment of creditors > BILKS, BILKING, BILKED.
bill A concave battle-axe with a long wooden handle; (verb) to charge someone for services > BILLS, BILLING, BILLED.
bima (Hebrew) a raised platform in a synagogue > BIMAS. Also BEMA, BIMAH.
bine The flexible shoot of climbing plant, especially hop > BINES.
bing A heap or pile; as, a bing of wood > BINGS.
bink A bench > BINKS.
bins (3rd.) BIN, to put into a bin, discard.
biog (Abbr.) biography > BIOGS. Also BIO.
bios (Pl.) BIO, biography.
bird (Verb) to catch or snare birds > BIRDS, BIRDING, BIRDED.
birk (Scots) birch > BIRKS.
birl To carouse > BIRLS, BIRLING, BIRLED. Also BYRL, BIRLE.
biro A tradename of a kind of ballpoint pen > BIROS.
birr 1. (Scots) to whir > BIRRS, BIRRING, BIRRED. 2. (Amharic) the monetary unit of Ethiopia > BIRROTCH.
bise (Fr.) a cold dry northerly wind, mainly prevalent in spring, that occurs in and near Switzerland > BISES. Also BIZE.
bish A mistake, a blunder > BISHES.
bisk A kind of rich thick soup > BISKS. Also BISQUE.
bist (Arch.) 2nd person singular of BE.
bite To seize or tear with the teeth > BITES, BITING, BIT, BITTEN.
bito A tree of dry tropical Africa and Asia > BITOS.
bits (3rd.) BIT, to curb or restrain.
bitt A post for fastening cables, etc; (verb) to secure a cable to a bitt > BITTS, BITTING, BITTED.
bize (Fr.) a cold N or NE wind prevalent at certain seasons in and near Switzerland > BIZES. Also BISE.
blab To talk idly; to tell tales > BLABS, BLABBING, BLABBED.
blad (Scots) to strike, disfigure > BLADS, BLADDING, BLADDED.
blae (ON) dark blue or bluish gray; lead-colored > BLAER, BLAEST. [ON blar, livid].
blag To rob, steal > BLAGS, BLAGGING, BLAGGED.
blah Pretentious nonsense; (verb) to talk stupidly or insipidly > BLAHS, BLAHING, BLAHED.
blam The sound of a gunshot > BLAMS.
blat (Sl.) a newspaper. Also BLATT. (Verb) to cry like a sheep > BLATS, BLATTING, BLATTED.
blaw (Scots) to blow > BLAWS, BLAWING, BLAWED, BLAWN.
blay A small fish, aka BLEAK or ABLET > BLAYS. Also BLEY.
bleb A large vesicle or bulla, usually containing a serous fluid; a blister; a bubble, as in water, glass, etc > BLEBS.
bled (Pt.) BLEED, to lose blood.
blee (Scots) complexion > BLEES.
blet A form of decay in fruit which is overripe; (verb) to decay like this > BLETS, BLETTING, BLETTED.
blew (Pt.) BLOW, to produce a current of air.
bley A small fish, aka BLEAK or ABLET > BLEYS. Also BLAY.
blin (Russian) a small buckwheat pancake > BLINI, BLINIS or BLINY. Also BLINTZ, BLINTZE. (Verb) to cease from, stop > BLINS, BLINNING, BLINNED.
blip (Verb) to remove sound from a tape > BLIPS, BLIPPING, BLIPPED.
blit To transfer a large array of bits between different locations in a computer's memory > BLITS, BLITTING, BLITTED.
blob A drop or globule; (verb) to make a blob or blobs > BLOBS, BLOBBING, BLOBBED.
bloc (Fr.) a combination of States, parties, groups, or people, formed to promote a particular interest > BLOCS.
blog A journal written on-line and accessible to users of the internet > BLOGS.
blot A spot of e.g. ink; (verb) to remove excess ink etc. with blotting-paper > BLOTS, BLOTTING, BLOTTED.
blow To produce a current of air > BLOWS, BLOWING, BLEW, BLOWN, BLOWED.
blud Blood, in the sense of a close friend.
blue The colour of clear sky > BLUER, BLUEST; BLUELY; (verb) to make blue > BLUES, BLUING or BLUEING, BLUED.
blur An ill-defined spot or smear; (verb) to make a blur > BLURS, BLURRING, BLURRED.
boab (Aust.) short for BAOBAB, a tree native to Africa > BOABS.
boak (Dial.) to belch, vomit > BOAKS, BOAKING, BOAKED. Also BOKE, BOCK.
boar A male pig > BOARS.
boas (Pl.) BOA, a kind of snake.
boat A small rowing, sailing or motor vessel; loosely, a ship; (verb) to sail about in a boat > BOATS, BOATING, BOATED.
boba A contagious skin disease resembling syphilis, aka YAWS > BOBAS. Also BUBA.
bobo a well-to-do person who holds bohemian values and leads a bourgeois life > BOBOS.
bobs (3rd.) BOB, to move rapidly up and down.
bock To vomit, belch > BOCKS, BOCKING, BOCKED. Also BOKE, BOAK.
bode To foretell, be an omen of > BODES, BODING, BODED.
bods (Pl.) BOD, a person.
body (Verb) to give form to, to embody > BODIES, BODYING, BODIED.
boep (S. Afr.) a protruding belly > BOEPS.
boet (S. Afr.) brother, chum > BOETS.
boff A hearty laugh. Also BOFFO, BOFFOLA. (Verb) to hit, strike > BOFFS, BOFFING, BOFFED.
bogs (Pl.) BOG, to sink into a bog.
bogy A goblin, a bugbear, an object of special dread > BOGIES. Also BOGEY, BOOGERMAN, BOGEYMAN, BOGYMAN, BOOGEYMAN.
boho (Coll.) a Bohemian > BOHOS.
bohs (Pl.) BOH, an exclamation used to startle someone.
boil To pass rapidly from liquid into vapour with violent and copious production of bubbles > BOILS, BOILING, BOILED.
bois (Pl.) BOI, a lesbian who adopts a boyish appearance or manners.
boke (Dial.) to belch, vomit > BOKES, BOKING, BOKED. Also BOCK, BOAK.
boko (Sl.) the nose > BOKOS.
boks (Pl.) BOK, a goat or antelope.
bola (Spanish) a throwing weapon > BOLAS.
bold Brave, daring > BOLDER, BOLDEST; BOLDLY; (noun) boldfaced type > BOLDS.
bole A fine earthy clay > BOLES.
boll The pod of a plant, as that of flax or cotton; (verb) to form pods > BOLLS, BOLLING, BOLLED.
bolo (Spanish) a traditional long-bladed Philippine knife > BOLOS.
bolt A bar or rod that slides into a hole or socket to fasten a door; (verb) to fasten with a bolt > BOLTS, BOLTING, BOLTED.
boma (Swahili) in Africa, a thorn enclosure > BOMAS.
bomb A hollow case containing explosive; (verb) to attack with bombs > BOMBS, BOMBING, BOMBED.
bona (Lat.) goods. No -S.
bond Something that binds; (verb) to secure with a bond > BONDS, BONDING, BONDED.
bone A hard substance forming the skeleton of the higher animals; (verb) to take the bones out of > BONES, BONING, BONED.
bong To make a deep ringing sound > BONGS, BONGING, BONGED.
bonk To hit or thump; to have sexual intercourse with > BONKS, BONKING, BONKED.
bony Like bone > BONIER, BONIEST. Also BONEY.
boob (Verb) to make a mistake > BOOBS, BOOBING, BOOBED.
book A collection of sheets of paper, etc, bound or otherwise fastened together; (verb) to reserve in advance > BOOKS, BOOKING, BOOKED.
bool (Scots) a bowl; (verb) to play bowls > BOOLS, BOOLING, BOOLED.
boom A hollow sound or roar; (verb) to make a hollow sound > BOOMS, BOOMING, BOOMED.
boon A timely benefit, a blessing > BOONS.
boor A rude person > BOORS.
boos (3rd.) BOO, to show disapproval of by a boo.
boot A covering for the foot and at least the ankle, often the calf or even higher up the leg, made of leather, rubber, etc; (verb) to kick > BOOTS, BOOTING, BOOTED.
bops (Pl.) BOP, a variety of jazz music.
bora (Ital.) a violent cold North wind that blows from the mountains (usually in the winter) towards the East coast of the Adriatic > BORAS.
bord (Spenser) board > BORDS. Also BOORD, BORDE, BOORDE.
bore To pierce, make a hole in > BORES, BORING, BORED.
bork To attack a candidate or public figure systematically, especially in the media > BORKS, BORKING, BORKED.
borm (Dial.) to smear with paint > BORMS, BORMING, BORMED.
born (Pt.) BEAR, to give birth to.
bors (Pl.) BOR, an East Anglian form of address meaning neighbour.
bort Diamond dust or fragments > BORTS. Also BOART, BORTZ.
bosh (Coll.) meaningless talk > BOSHES.
bosk A bush; a thicket > BOSKS. Also BOSQUE, BOSQUET, BOSKET.
boss Excellent > BOSSER, BOSSEST; (verb) to order about > BOSSES, BOSSING, BOSSED.
bota (Spanish) a leather bottle for wine > BOTAS.
bote Compensation for injury or damage to property > BOTES.
both The two; the one and the other.
bots A cattle disease caused by botfly larvae.
bott The maggot of a botfly > BOTTS. Also BOT.
bouk (Scots) the body; bulk > BOUKS. Also BUKE.
boun To prepare oneself > BOUNS, BOUNING, BOUNED. Also BOWNE.
bout A contest > BOUTS.
bowl To roll or trundle > BOWLS, BOWLING, BOWLED.
bowr (Spenser) a muscle > BOWRS.
bows (3rd.) BOW, to bend or incline downwards.
boxy Like a box > BOXIER, BOXIEST; BOXILY.
boyf (Sl.) a boyfriend > BOYFS.
boyg (Norwegian) a problem difficult to get to grips with > BOYGS.
boyo (Welsh slang) a boy, a young man > BOYOS.
boys (3rd.) BOY, to play a female part as a boy.
bozo (US slang) a man, a fellow > BOZOS.
brad (ON) a thin, flat, small-headed nail; (verb) to fasten with a brad > BRADS, BRADDING, BRADDED. [ON broddr spike].
brae (Scots) a steep bank beside a river valley; a hillside > BRAES.
brag (Verb) to boast > BRAGS, BRAGGING, BRAGGED; (adj.) first-rate > BRAGGER, BRAGGEST; BRAGLY.
brak (S. Afr.) brackish, salty; (noun) a mongrel dog > BRAKS.
bran The husks of grain sifted from the flour; (verb) to soak in water mixed with bran > BRANS, BRANNING, BRANNED.
brap an exclamation used to imitate the sound of a burst of gunfire from an automatic weapon.
bras (Spenser) brass.
brat A contemptuous name for a child > BRATS.
braw (Scots) fine, brave > BRAWER, BRAWEST; BRAWLY.
bray To cry like a donkey > BRAYS, BRAYING, BRAYED.
bred (Pt.) BREED, to cause to give birth; (noun) a person who lives in a small remote place > BREDS.
bree (Scots) the liquor in which anything has been boiled > BREES. Also BRIE, BROO.
brei (S. Afr.) to speak with uvular r, especially in Afrikaans > BREIS, BREIING, BREID. Also BREY.
bren (Arch.) to burn > BRENS, BRENNING, BRENT (not BRENNED*).
brer (Southern US dial.) brother > BRERS.
brew To prepare by infusion > BREWS, BREWING, BREWED.
brey (S. Afr.) to speak with uvular r, especially in Afrikaans > BREYS, BREYING, BREYED. Also BREI.
brie (Scots) the liquor in which anything has been boiled > BRIES. Also BREE, BROO.
brig A two-masted, square-rigged vessel > BRIGS.
brik (Arabic) a Tunisian deep fried spicy pastry filled with fish or meat and sometimes an egg > BRIKS.
brim The upper edge of a vessel; (verb) to fill to the brim > BRIMS, BRIMMING, BRIMMED.
brin The rib of a fan > BRINS.
brio (Ital.) liveliness, enthusiastic vigour, as in con brio > BRIOS.
bris (Hebrew) a Jewish circumcision rite > BRISSES. Also BRISS, BRITH.
brit A young herring, sprat or other fish > BRITS. Also BRITT.
brod (Dial.) a goad, a spike; (verb) to prod > BRODS, BRODDING, BRODDED.
brog (Scots) an awl; (verb) to prick with an awl > BROGS, BROGGING, BROGGED.
broo (Scots) unemployment benefit; the office at which people receive it > BROOS. Also BUROO.
bros (Pl.) BRO, a place for which one feels a strong affinity.
brow The eyebrow; the ridge over the eyes > BROWS, BROWED.
brrr An interjection expressing a feeling of cold. Also BRR.
brus (Pl.) BRU, a friend.
brut (Fr.) of wines, unsweetened, dry; (noun) a very dry champagne. > BRUTS.
brux To grind the teeth > BRUXES, BRUXING, BRUXED.
buat (Scots) a lantern > BUATS. Also BOWAT, BOWET.
buba A contagious skin disease resembling syphilis, aka YAWS > BUBAS. Also BOBA.
bubo (Lat.) an inflammation, with enlargement, of a lymphatic gland, esp. in the groin, as in syphilis > BUBOES, BUBOED.
bubs (Pl.) BUB, a strong drink.
bubu A long flowing garment worn by men and women in Mali > BUBUS. Also BOUBOU.
buck The male of e.g. the deer; (verb) (of a horse, etc) to jump repeatedly into the air > BUCKS, BUCKING, BUCKED.
buda (Hinglish) derogatory for an old man > BUDAS.
budi (Hinglish) derogatory for an old woman > BUDIS.
budo (Japanese) the system or philosophy of the martial arts > BUDOS.
buds (Pl.) BUD, to produce buds.
buff Dull yellow > BUFFER, BUFFEST; (verb) to polish with a buff > BUFFS, BUFFING, BUFFED.
bufo (Lat.) a black tincture in alchemy > BUFOS. [L. bufo, toad].
bugs (3rd.) BUG, to trouble, annoy.
buhl A form of marquetry with e.g. gold and silver inlaid in tortoiseshell > BUHLS. [From Charles André Boulle (1642-1732), a cabinetmaker in the service of Louis XIV]. Also BOULLE, BOULE, BUHLWORK.
buhr A cellular, flinty rock, used for mill stones > BUHRS. Also BUHRSTONE, BURRSTONE, BURSTONE.
buik (Scots) a book > BUIKS. Also BUKE.
buke (Scots) a book > BUKES. Also BUIK.
bulb (Verb) to form bulbs > BULBS, BULBING, BULBED.
bulk Volume or size; (verb) to have bulk; to fill out > BULKS, BULKING, BULKED.
bull (Verb) to copulate with a cow > BULLS, BULLING, BULLED.
bumf Toilet paper; also, worthless paperwork, literature, or junk mail > BUMFS. Also BUMPH.
bump To make a heavy or loud noise; to knock dully > BUMPS, BUMPING, BUMPED.
bums (3rd.) BUM, to hum like a bee.
buna A kind of artifical rubber made from BUTADIENE > BUNAS.
bund 1. a league; a confederacy; esp. the confederation of German states. 2. in India, a man-made embankment or dam; (verb) to embank > BUNDS, BUNDING, BUNDED.
bung The stopper of the hole in a barrel; (verb) to stop up or enclose with a bung > BUNGS, BUNGING, BUNGED.
bunk A box or recess in a ship's cabin; (verb) to occupy a bunk > BUNKS, BUNKING, BUNKED.
bunn A kind of sweet roll or cake > BUNNS. Also BUN.
buns (Pl.) BUN, a kind of sweet roll or cake.
bunt (Verb) to knock > BUNTS, BUNTING, BUNTED.
buoy (Verb) to mark with buoys > BUOYS, BUOYING, BUOYED.
bura (Russian) in central Asia, a blizzard blowing from the North, or a summer wind from the North that causes dust storms > BURAS. Also BURAN.
burb (Abbr.) suburb > BURBS.
burd (Scots) a bird > BURDS. Also BURDIE.
burg A fortified town > BURGS.
burk (Coll.) a fool > BURKS. Also BERK.
burl A small knot in thread; a knot in wood; (verb) to finish cloth by removing burls > BURLS, BURLING, BURLED.
burn To consume or injure by fire or great heat > BURNS, BURNING, BURNED or BURNT or (obs.) YBRENT.
burp To belch > BURPS, BURPING, BURPED.
burr (Verb) to remove a rough edge from > BURRS, BURRING, BURRED.
burs (Pl.) BUR, a prickly seed-case.
bury To hide in the ground; to cover > BURIES, BURYING, BURIED.
bush (Verb) to cover or protect with bushes > BUSHES, BUSHING, BUSHED.
busk To entertain by singing and dancing; to prepare > BUSKS, BUSKING, BUSKED.
buss A kiss, esp. a rude or playful kiss; (verb) to kiss > BUSSES, BUSSING, BUSSED.
bust To break, shatter > BUSTS, BUSTING, BUSTED.
busy Occupied > BUSIER, BUSIEST; BUSILY; (verb) to occupy oneself > BUSIES, BUSYING, BUSIED.
bute (Sl.) a capsule of phenybutazone > BUTES.
buts (3rd.) BUT, to put forward as an objection.
butt To strike with the head, as a goat etc > BUTTS, BUTTING, BUTTED.
buys (3rd.) BUY, to purchase.
buzz To make a noise like that of insects' wings > BUZZES, BUZZING, BUZZED.
byde (Scots) to bide > BYDES, BYDING, BYDED.
byes (Pl.) BYE, a pass to the next round (of a competition, etc.).
byke (Scots) a nest of wasps or wild bees; a swarm, throng; (verb) to swarm > BYKES, BYKING, BYKED.
byre A cow barn > BYRES.
byrl To carouse > BYRLS, BYRLING, BYRLED. Also BIRL, BIRLE.
byte A set of usu. eight binary digits (bits) considered as a unit > BYTES.
caas (3rd.) CAA, to call.
caba (Fr.) a woman's work-basket > CABAS. Also CABAS.
cabs (3rd.) CAB, to take or drive a cab.
caca (Sl.) excrement > CACAS.
cack Faeces, rubbish; (verb) to defecate > CACKS, CACKING, CACKED.
cade A Mediterranean medicinal shrub > CADES.
cadi (Arabic) a civil judge in a Muslim country > CADIS. [Arabic qadi, a judge]. Also KADI, QADI.
cads (Pl.) CAD, a dishonourable man.
cafe A coffee house or a small, inexpensive restaurant > CAFES.
caff (Sl.) cafe > CAFFS.
cafs (Pl.) CAF, a cafe.
cage A compartment or enclosure, usu made from bars and wires; (verb) to enclose in a cage > CAGES, CAGING, CAGED.
cags (Pl.) CAG, a cagoule.
cagy Cautious, wary > CAGIER, CAGIEST; CAGILY. Also CAGEY.
caid (Arabic) a North African chief > CAIDS. Also KAID, QAID.
cain (Gaelic) a tenanted farm rent paid in kind > CAINS. Also KAIN, KANE.
cake A breadlike composition enriched with additions such as sugar, eggs, spices, currants, peel, etc.; (verb) to take on the consistency of cake > CAKES, CAKING, CAKED.
caky With the consistency of cake > CAKIER, CAKIEST. Also CAKEY.
calf 1. a young cow > CALVES. 2. the skin of a calf, calfskin > CALFS.
calk A pointed piece on a horseshoe to prevent slipping; (verb) to provide with a calk > CALKS, CALKING, CALKED. Also CALKIN, CALKER, CAULKER, CAWKER.
call To summon > CALLS, CALLING, CALLED.
calm Not disturbed > CALMER, CALMEST; CALMLY; (verb) to make calm > CALMS, CALMING, CALMED.
calo (Ital.) (abbrev. of) CALANDO, slowing with gradually lowering volume; (noun) a Spanish argot used by chicano youths > CALOS.
calp In Ireland, a dark shaly limestone > CALPS.
cals (Pl.) CAL. calorie.
calx (Lat.) the substance of a metal or mineral that remains after strong heating > CALCES or CALXES. [L. calx, lime].
cama The hybrid offspring of a camel and a llama > CAMAS.
came (Noun) a lead rod for framing a pane in a leaded or stained glass window > CAMES.
cami (Short for) camisole > CAMIS.
camo Camouflage > CAMOS.
camp Effeminately homosexual > CAMPER, CAMPEST; CAMPLY; (verb) to live in a tent > CAMPS, CAMPING, CAMPED.
cams (3rd.) CAM, to whiten with camstone.
cane To beat with a rod > CANES, CANING, CANED.
cang (Port.) a wooden collar used to punish criminals in China > CANGS. Also CANGUE.
cann To direct the steering of > CANNS, CANNING, CANNED. Also CON, CONN.
cans (3rd.) CAN, to store in a can.
cant (Adj.) affectedly moral or religious > CANTER, CANTEST; (verb) to tilt, slope > CANTS, CANTING, CANTED.
cany Like cane, abounding in cane > CANIER, CANIEST.
capa (Spanish) a Spanish cloak > CAPAS.
cape (Verb, naut.) to keep a course towards a cape > CAPES, CAPING, CAPED.
caph (Hebrew) a Hebrew letter > CAPHS. Also KAPH, KHAPH, KHAF, KAF.
capi (Pl.) CAPO, the head of a branch of the Mafia.
capo (Ital.) the head of a branch of the Mafia > CAPOS or CAPI.
caps (Pl.) CAP, to put a cap on something.
carb (Abbr.) carburettor > CARBS. Also CARBY.
card To provide with a card (a stiff piece of paper) > CARDS, CARDING, CARDED.
care To be concerned or interested > CARES, CARING, CARED.
cark Worry; trouble, distress; (verb) to worry > CARKS, CARKING, CARKED. [L. carricare, to load].
carl A rude, rustic man; a churl > CARLS. Also CARLE, CARLOT.
carn A mound of stone set up as a memorial > CARNS. Also CAIRN, KARN.
carp (Verb) to criticise, complain > CARPS, CARPING, CARPED.
carr (ON) an alder wood > CARRS.
cars (Pl.) CAR, a self-propelled wheeled vehicle.
cart To convey in a cart (a two-wheeled vehicle) > CARTS, CARTING, CARTED.
casa (Ital.) a house, a mansion > CASAS.
case To put in a case (a container or receptacle) > CASES, CASING, CASED.
cash A small Eastern coin > CASHES; (verb) to convert to cash > CASHES, CASHING, CASHED. [Port. caiza].
cask A hollow round container for holding liquor, made of wooden staves bound with hoops; (verb) to put in a cask > CASKS, CASKING, CASKED.
cast To throw with force > CASTS, CASTING, CAST or (obs.) CASTED.
cate (Obs.) a dainty or choice food > CATES.
cats (3rd.) CAT, to vomit.
cauf A coal-miner's basket > CAUVES. Also CORF.
cauk An opaque, compact variety of BARITE, or heavy spar > CAUKS. Also CAWK.
caul A foetal membrane covering the head > CAULS.
caum (Scots) pale bluish-grey clay; (verb) to whiten with this > CAUMS, CAUMING, CAUMED. Also CAM, CALM.
caup (Scots) a two-handed drinking bowl > CAUPS.
cava (Spanish) a sparkling wine > CAVAS.
cave To hollow out > CAVES, CAVING, CAVED.
cavy A kind of South American rodent > CAVIES.
cawk An opaque, compact variety of BARITE, or heavy spar > CAWKS. Also CAUK.
caws (3rd.) CAW, to cry as a crow.
cays (Pl.) CAY, a low islet.
cazh (Sl.) casual.
ceas (Shakesp.) enough said. Also CAESE, SESE, SESEY, SESSA.
ceca (Pl.) CECUM, the blind gut.
cede To yield or surrender something, such as a territory > CEDES, CEDING, CEDED.
cedi (Fante) a Ghanaian monetary unit, equal to 100 PESEWAS > CEDIS.
cees (Pl.) CEE, the letter C.
ceil To provide with a ceiling > CEILS, CEILING, CEILED. Also CIEL.
cell (Verb) to store in a honeycomb > CELLS, CELLING, CELLED.
cels (Pl.) CEL, celluloid.
celt A prehistoric stone tool, such as an axehead > CELTS.
cens (Fr.) a nominal annual payment given to the owner of an estate or property in recognition of his or her title.
cent A coin worth 1/100th of a dollar > CENTS.
cepe A kind of edible mushroom > CEPES. Also CEP.
ceps (Pl.) CEP, a kind of edible mushroom.
cere Wax; a wax-like protuberance at base of upper part of bird's bill; (verb) to cover with wax > CERES, CERING, CERED.
cero (Spanish) a large spiny-finned food fish > CEROS. [Sp. sierra, saw].
cert (Abbr.) certainty > CERTS.
cess A tax, a local rate; (verb) to impose a tax > CESSES, CESSING, CESSED. Also SESS.
cete A badger's home > CETES. Also SETT.
chad A bit of paper punched out of paper tape or cards > CHADS.
chai (Romany) fem. of CHAL, a fellow, a person > CHAIS.
chal (Romany) a fellow, a person > CHALS. The feminine is CHAI.
cham (Turkish) a prince or chief; a governor > CHAMS. Also KHAN.
chao (Vietnamese) a monetary unit of Vietnam > CHAOS. Also HAO.
chap To roughen > CHAPS, CHAPPING, CHAPPED or CHAPT.
char To burn slightly > CHARS, CHARRING, CHARRED.
chas (Pl.) CHA, tea.
chat To converse informally > CHATS, CHATTING, CHATTED.
chav (Coll.) derogatory word for a young working class person who wears casual sports clothes > CHAVS.
chaw To grind with the teeth; to masticate > CHAWS, CHAWING, CHAWED.
chay (Tamil) an Indian plant of the madder family whose root chayroot yields a red dye > CHAYS. [Tamil saya]. Also CHAYA, SHAYA.
chef (Verb) to work as a chef > CHEFS, CHEFING or CHEFFING, CHEFED or CHEFFED.
chem (Short for) a chemistry class or course > CHEMS.
cher (Fr.) dear.
chew To crush or grind with the teeth > CHEWS, CHEWING, CHEWED.
chez (Fr.) at the home of.
chia A Mexican herb > CHIAS.
chib (Scots) a sharp weapon such as a knife or razor; (verb) to slash with a sharp weapon > CHIBS, CHIBBING, CHIBBED.
chic (Noun) style, elegance > CHICS; (adj.) having style, elegant > CHICER, CHICEST; CHICLY.
chid (Pt.) CHIDE, to scold.
chik (Hindi) a slatted blind > CHIKS. [Hindi ciq].
chin (Verb) to hold with the chin > CHINS, CHINNING, CHINNED.
chip To break a small piece from > CHIPS, CHIPPING, CHIPPED.
chis (Pl.) CHI, a Greek letter.
chit (Dial.) a shoot; (verb) to sprout > CHITS, CHITTING, CHITTED.
chiv (Slang) a knife; (verb) to cut with a knife > CHIVS, CHIVING or CHIVVING, CHIVED/CHIVVED.
chiz (Sl.) a cheat, a swizz; (verb) to swindle > CHIZZES, CHIZZING, CHIZZED.
choc (Coll.) chocolate > CHOCS.
chog (Dial.) the core of a piece of fruit > CHOGS.
chon (Korean) a Korean monetary unit. OSPD says pl. CHON, but Chambers implies pl. is CHONS, and CHONS is in OSWI. Also JUN.
chop To sever with a sharp tool > CHOPS, CHOPPING, CHOPPED.
chou (Fr.) a cabbage; an ornamental soft rosette; a cream bun > CHOUX.
chow (Verb) to eat > CHOWS, CHOWING, CHOWED.
chub A species of fresh-water fish of the Cyprinidae or Carp family, aka CHEVEN > CHUBS.
chug To move with a dull explosive noise, as a locomotive > CHUGS, CHUGGING, CHUGGED.
chum (Verb) to become a chum > CHUMS, CHUMMING, CHUMMED.
chur (NZ) an informal expression of agreement.
chut (Fr.) an expression of impatience.
ciao (Ital.) goodbye.
cide (Obs.) to decide > CIDES, CIDING, CIDED.
cids (Pl.) CID, a champion.
ciel To provide with a ceiling > CIELS, CIELING, CIELED. Also CEIL.
cigs (Pl.) CIG, cigarette.
cill A sill > CILLS.
cine A motion picture > CINES.
cinq (French) the number five > CINQS.
cion A detached piece of a plant capable of propagating, esp by grafting; a young member of a family > CIONS. Also SCION.
cire (Fr.) a fabric with a waxed finish (the e is accented) > CIRES.
cirl A species of bunting > CIRLS.
cist A tomb consisting of stone chest covered with stone slabs > CISTS, CISTED.
cite To quote as an authority or example > CITES, CITING, CITED.
cito (Lat.) quickly.
cits (Pl.) CIT, a term of contempt for someone who is not a gentleman.
city A large town > CITIES, CITIED.
cive A herb of the onion family. Also CHIVE.
clad To cover one material with another > CLADS, CLADDING, CLADDED.
clam (Verb) to dig for clams > CLAMS, CLAMMING, CLAMMED.
clan A united group of families > CLANS.
clap To bring the hands together smartly > CLAPS, CLAPPING, CLAPPED or CLAPT.
clat (Scots) something scraped together, a lump; (verb) to scratch, scrape > CLATS, CLATTING, CLATTED. Also CLAUT.
claw To scratch with claws (sharp, curved toenails) > CLAWS, CLAWING, CLAWED.
clay (Verb) to purify (e.g. sugar) with clay > CLAYS, CLAYING, CLAYED.
clef A character placed on the stave by which the absolute pitch of the following notes is fixed > CLEFS.
cleg A horse-fly > CLEGS.
clem To starve > CLEMS, CLEMMING, CLEMMED.
clew A corner of a sail with hole to attach ropes; (verb) to attach a rope thus > CLEWS, CLEWING, CLEWED.
clip To cut e.g. hair > CLIPS, CLIPPING, CLIPPED or CLIPT.
clit (Sl.) a clitoris > CLITS.
clod A lump or mass, especially of earth, turf, or clay > CLODLY; (verb) to pelt with clods > CLODS, CLODDING, CLODDED.
clog A wooden shoe; a shoe with a wooden sole; (verb) to choke with an impediment > CLOGS, CLOGGING, CLOGGED.
clon A group of asexually derived organisms > CLONS.
clop To make the sound of a hoof striking pavement > CLOPS, CLOPPING, CLOPPED.
clot To form into a clot (a thick mass) > CLOTS, CLOTTING, CLOTTED.
clou (Fr.) the main point of interest; a dominant idea > CLOUS.
clow (Scots) = CLOVE > CLOWS. A clow-flower is a gillyflower.
cloy To gratify beyond desire > CLOYS, CLOYING, CLOYED.
club A heavy staff of wood, usually tapering, and wielded in the hand; (verb) to strike with a club > CLUBS, CLUBBING, CLUBBED.
clue (Verb) to furnish with a clue > CLUES, CLUING or CLUEING, CLUED.
coal (Verb) to dig for coal; to transport coal > COALS, COALING, COALED.
coat An outer garment with sleeves; an overcoat; (verb) to cover with a coat, in various senses > COATS, COATING, COATED.
coax To cajole > COAXES, COAXING, COAXED.
cobb A gull, esp. the great black-backed gull > COBBS. Also COB.
cobs (3rd.) COB, to strike, thump on the buttocks.
coca (Quechua) the dried leaf of a South American shrub > COCAS. [Sp. f. Aymara kuka or Quechua koka.]
coch (Obs.) a coach > COCHES.
cock A male bird; (verb) to draw back (the cock of a gun) > COCKS, COCKING, COCKED.
coco The coconut palm > COCOS.
coda (Ital.) an end-piece > CODAS.
code To convert into symbols > CODES, CODING, CODED.
cods (3rd.) COD, to trick, deceive.
coed A girl student at a coeducational institution > COEDS.
coff (Scots) to buy > COFFS, COFFING, COFFED or COFT.
coft (Scots) pt. COFF, to buy.
cogs (3rd.) COG, to cheat, dissemble.
coho A Pacific salmon > COHOS or COHOES. Also COHOE.
coif A covering for the head, esp the close-fitting cap of white lawn or silk originally worn by serjeants-at-law; (verb) to put the hair into a coif > COIFS, COIFING, COIFED. Also COIFFE, QUOIF.
coil To wind in even rings > COILS, COILING, COILED.
coin To make coins (metal currency) > COINS, COINING, COINED.
coir A material for cordage, matting, etc., consisting of the prepared fiber of the outer husk of the cocoanut > COIRS. Also KYAR.
coit (Aust. sl.) the buttocks, the backside > COITS.
coke (Verb) to make into, or to become like, coke > COKES, COKING, COKED.
coky Resembling coke > COKIER, COKIEST.
cola (Temne) a genus of W. African trees producing nuts used in drugs and for flavouring soft drinks > COLAS. Also KOLA.
cold Not hot > COLDER, COLDEST; COLDLY; (noun) the state of being cold > COLDS.
cole A plant of the Brassica or Cabbage genus; esp. that form of B. oleracea called rape and coleseed > COLES.
coll (Obs.) to embrace, hug > COLLS, COLLING, COLLED.
cols (Pl.) COL, a pass over mountains.
colt A young male horse; (verb) to frisk like a colt, to defraud > COLTS, COLTING, COLTED.
coly An African bird > COLIES.
coma (Lat.) a spherical cloud of material surrounding the head of a comet > COMAE or COMAS.
comb To arrange or clean with a comb (a toothed instrument) > COMBS, COMBING, COMBED.
come To move toward something or someone > COMES, COMETH, COMING, CAME.
comm As in comm badge, a small wearable badge-shaped radio transmitter > COMMS.
comp (Coll.) a compositor; (verb) to work as a compositor > COMPS, COMPING, COMPED.
coms (Abbr.) combinations. N.B. no COM*.
cond (Pt.) CON, to know, study.
cone (Verb) to bear cones > CONES, CONING, CONED.
conf An online conference > CONFS.
coni (Pl.) CONUS, a type of ventricle in mammals.
conk To fail, break down > CONKS, CONKING, CONKED. Also KONK.
conn To direct the steering of > CONNS, CONNING, CONNED. Also CON.
cons (3rd.) CON, to trick, or persuade by dishonest means.
cony A rabbit > CONIES. Also CONEY.
coof (Scots) a lout, a dolt > COOFS. Also CUIF.
cook To prepare food by heating > COOKS, COOKING, COOKED.
cool Moderately cold > COOLER, COOLEST; COOLLY; (verb) to make less warm > COOLS, COOLING, COOLED.
coom Soot; coal dust; refuse matter; (verb) to begrime > COOMS, COOMING, COOMED.
coon A raccoon > COONS.
coop To confine > COOPS, COOPING, COOPED.
coos (3rd.) COO, to make a sound like a dove.
coot A water bird, black with a white frontal shield > COOTS.
cope To contend or strive > COPES, COPING, COPED.
cops (3rd.) COP, to capture.
copy To imitate > COPIES, COPYING, COPIED.
cord (Verb) to bind with a cord > CORDS, CORDING, CORDED.
core To remove the core (the central part) of > CORES, CORING, CORED.
corf A coal-miner's basket > CORVES. Also CAUF.
cork The outer bark of the cork tree, a species of oak; (verb) to stop up with a cork > CORKS, CORKING, CORKED.
corm The swollen subterranean part of a stem > CORMS.
corn To preserve with salt > CORNS, CORNING, CORNED.
cors (Pl.) COR, a Hebrew measure.
cory (Romany) (vulg.) the penis > CORIES. [Romany kori, thorn]. Also COREY.
cose To make oneself cosy > COSES, COSING, COSED.
cosh A bludgeon, truncheon, lead-pipe, piece of flexible tubing filled with metal, or the like, used as a weapon; (verb) to strike with a cosh > COSHES, COSHING, COSHED.
coss (Hindi) a measure of distance > COSSES. Also KOSS, KOS.
cost To estimate a price for production of > COSTS, COSTING, COST or COSTED.
cosy Snug > COSIER, COSIEST; COSILY; (noun) a cover for a teapot > COSIES. Also COSEY, COSIE, COZEY, COZIE, COZY. (Verb) to make cosy, snuggle > COSIES, COSYING, COSIED.
cote To pass by; to outstrip (as one dog another) > COTES, COTING, COTED.
coth (Abbr.) hyperbolic cotangent > COTHS.
cots (Pl.) COT, a small bed for a young child.
cott (Spenser) a small boat > COTTS.
coup (Scots) to overturn, turn up > COUPS, COUPING, COUPED. Also COWP.
cour (Obs.) to cover > COURS, COURING, COURED or COURD.
cove (Verb) to form or provide with an architectural cove > COVES, COVING, COVED.
cowk (Dial.) to retch, feel nauseated > COWKS, COWKING, COWKED.
cowl A large loose hood, esp of a kind worn by a monk; (verb) to cover with a cowl > COWLS, COWLING, COWLED.
cowp (Scots) to overturn, turn up > COWPS, COWPING, COWPED. Also COUP.
cows (Pl.) COW, to subdue.
cowy Suggestive of a cow > COWIER, COWIEST.
coxa (Lat.) the first joint of the leg of an insect or crustacean > COXAE.
coxy Bumptious, self-assured > COXIER, COXIEST. Also COCKY, COCKSY.
coys (3rd.) COY, to caress.
coze To chat > COZES, COZING, COZED. [Fr. causer].
cozy (Noun) a cover for a teapot. Also COSY, COSEY, COSIE, COZIE, COZEY. (Adj.) cosy > COZIER, COZIEST; COZILY; (verb) to cuddle up > COZIES, COZYING, COZIED.
crab A marine crustacean; (verb) to obstruct, frustrate > CRABS, CRABBING, CRABBED.
crag A rough steep rock > CRAGS. Also CRAIG.
cram To fill or pack tightly > CRAMS, CRAMMING, CRAMMED.
cran A measure of capacity for herrings just landed, = 37.5 gallons > CRANS.
crap To throw a 2, 3, or 12 in a dice game > CRAPS, CRAPPING, CRAPPED.
craw The stomach of an animal > CRAWS.
cray (Aust.) a CRAYFISH > CRAYS.
cred (Abbr. of) credibility > CREDS.
cree Of grain, to soften by boiling or soaking > CREES, CREEING, CREED. [Fr. crever, to burst].
crem A crematorium > CREMS.
crew To serve aboard a ship > CREWS, CREWING, CREWED.
cria The offspring of a llama > CRIAS.
crib To confine closely > CRIBS, CRIBBING, CRIBBED.
crim (Abbr.) criminal > CRIMS.
cris (Malay) a dagger or short sword used by the Malays, commonly having a serpentine blade. Also KRIS, CREESE, KREESE.
crit (Abbr.) criticism > CRITS.
croc (Abbr.) crocodile > CROCS.
crog (Dial.) to ride a bicycle as a passenger > CROGS, CROGGING, CROGGED.
cron in computing, a command used to schedule a job that is executed at a certain time, or periodically > CRONS.
crop To cut off short > CROPS, CROPPING, CROPPED.
crow Any of several large black birds of the genus Corvus; (verb) to gloat, exult > CROWS, CROWING, CROWED.
crud Anything dirty, filthy; (verb) to encrust with dirt > CRUDS, CRUDDING, CRUDDED.
crue (Milton) crew > CRUES.
crus (Lat.) a part of a leg, the shank > CRURA.
crux (Lat.) the nub, the crucial point > CRUCES or CRUXES,
cube To form into a cube (a regular solid) > CUBES, CUBING, CUBED.
cubs (3rd.) CUB, to produce cubs.
cuds (Pl.) CUD, a portion of food to be chewed again.
cued (Pt.) CUE, to give a cue as a signal.
cues (3rd.) CUE, to give a cue as a signal.
cuff The end of the sleeve near the wrist; a covering for the wrist; (verb) to strike esp. round the head > CUFFS, CUFFING, CUFFED.
cuif (Scots) a lout, a dolt > CUIFS. Also COOF.
cuit (Scots) the ankle > CUITS. Also CUTE, COOT.
cuke (Sl.) a cucumber > CUKES.
cull To select from others > CULLS, CULLING, CULLED.
culm The stem of grass or sedge; (verb) to form a culm > CULMS, CULMING, CULMED.
cult A religious society > CULTS.
cums (Pl.) CUM, ejaculated sperm.
cunt The female pudendum > CUNTS.
cups (3rd.) CUP, to form into a cup shape.
curb To restrain > CURBS, CURBING, CURBED.
curd (Verb) to curdle > CURDS, CURDING, CURDED.
cure To restore to health > CURES, CURING, CURED.
curf An incision made by a cutting tool > CURFS. Also KERF.
curl To form into ringlets > CURLS, CURLING, CURLED.
curn (Scots) a grain, a small quantity > CURNS. Also CURRAN.
curr To make a purring sound > CURRS, CURRING, CURRED.
curs (Pl.) CUR, a mongrel dog.
cush The cushion in billiards > CUSHES.
cusk A kind of fish, aka TORSK or BURBOT > CUSKS.
cusp A point; the point or horn of the moon; a toothlike meeting of two branches of a curve > CUSPS, CUSPED.
cuss (Coll.) to curse > CUSSES, CUSSING, CUSSED.
cute Pleasingly attractive > CUTER, CUTEST; CUTELY.
cuts (3rd.) CUT, to make an incision in.
cwms (Pl.) CWM, a bowl-shaped valley or hollow in (Welsh) mountains.
cyan A greenish-blue colour > CYANS.
cyma (Lat.) an ogee moulding of the cornice > CYMAE or CYMAS.
cyme A flower cluster in which each growing point ends in a flower, the oldest flowers being at the top or centre of the cluster > CYMES.
cyst A sac > CYSTS.
cyte In biology, a cell > CYTES.
czar (Russian) ruler, emperor > CZARS. Also TSAR, TZAR.
daal the pigeon pea, a pealike plant cultivated in India and the tropics.
dabs (Pl.) DAB, a kind of flatfish.
dace A small river fish of the carp family and chub genus > DACES.
dack (Aust. sl.) to remove the trousers from, debag > DACKS, DACKING, DACKED.
dada An artistic movement > DADAS.
dado A skirting-board > DADOS or DADOES. (Verb) to fit with a dado > DADOS, DADOING, DADOED.
dads (3rd.) DAD, to throw against something, to dash.
daes (3rd.) DAE, to do.
daff (Arch.) to play the fool > DAFFS, DAFFING, DAFFED.
dags (Pl.) DAG, to cut off a sheep's dags.
dahl (Hindi) an Indian name for a lentil > DAHLS. Also DAL, DHOLL, DHAL.
dahs (Pl.) DAH, a Burmese knife.
dais (Fr.) a platform > DAISES.
daks (Pl.) DAK, in India, the mail or post.
dale A valley > DALES.
dali A tropical American tree related to nutmeg, yielding staves etc. and wax seeds > DALIS.
dals (Pl.) DAL, a kind of Indian edible pea.
dalt (Scots) a foster-child > DALTS. Also DAULT.
dame A matron > DAMES.
damn To curse > DAMNS, DAMNING, DAMNED.
damp Moist > DAMPER, DAMPEST; DAMPLY; (verb) to lessen in intensity > DAMPS, DAMPING, DAMPED.
dams (3rd.) DAM, to restrain water with an embankment or bank.
dang To damn > DANGS, DANGING, DANGED.
dank Damp > DANKER, DANKEST; DANKLY; (noun) in Milton, a wet place > DANKS.
dans (Pl.) DAN, a level of efficiency (in Japanese sport).
dant (Obs.) to daunt > DANTS, DANTING, DANTED.
daps (3rd.) DAP, to skip or bounce, as a stone off the surface of a lake.
darb Something considered extraordinary > DARBS.
dare To have the necessary courage > DARES, DARING, DARED or DURST.
darg A day's labour > DARGS.
dark Not light in colour > DARKER, DARKEST; DARKLY; (verb) to darken > DARKS, DARKING, DARKED.
darn To mend with interlacing stitches > DARNS, DARNING, DARNED.
dart To move suddenly or swiftly > DARTS, DARTING, DARTED.
dash To strike violently > DASHES, DASHING, DASHED.
data (Pl.) DATUM, a given fact.
date To determine or record the date of > DATES, DATING, DATED.
dato (Malay) a landowner or chief in northern Borneo, the Philippines, and some adjacent areas > DATOS. [Malay datok, elder]. Also DATTO.
daub To smear > DAUBS, DAUBING, DAUBED.
daud (Scots) to knock, thump > DAUDS, DAUDING, DAUDED. Also DAWD, DOD.
daur (Scots) to dare > DAURS, DAURING, DAURED.
daut (Scots) to pet > DAUTS, DAUTING, DAUTED. Also DAWT.
davy A safety lamp > DAVIES.
dawd (Scots) to knock, thump > DAWDS, DAWDING, DAWDED. Also DAUD, DOD.
dawk (Hindi) in India, the mail or post; a letter > DAWKS. [Hindi dak, a relay of men]. Also DAK.
dawn Daybreak; (verb) to become day > DAWNS, DAWNING, DAWNED.
daws (Pl.) DAW, a kind of bird.
dawt (Scots) to pet > DAWTS, DAWTING, DAWTED. Also DAUT.
days (Pl.) DAY, a period of twenty four hours.
daze To stun > DAZES, DAZING, DAZED.
dead Not alive > DEADER, DEADEST; (verb, obs.) to lose vitality, become numb > DEADS, DEADING, DEADED.
deaf Lacking the sense of hearing > DEAFER, DEAFEST; DEAFLY.
deal To trade or do business > DEALS, DEALING, DEALT.
dean (Verb) to serve as a dean > DEANS, DEANING, DEANED.
dear Precious > DEARER, DEAREST; DEARLY; (verb) to injure > DEARS, DEARING, DEARED.
deaw (Spenser) dew > DEAWS.
debe (Swahili) a tin > DEBES.
debs (Pl.) DEB, debutante.
debt Something that is owed > DEBTS, DEBTED.
deck To adorn > DECKS, DECKING, DECKED.
deco (Relating to) art deco > DECOS.
deed 1. (verb) to transfer (property) > DEEDS, DEEDING, DEEDED. 2. (Scots) dead > DEEDER, DEEDEST.
deek (Romany) look at, see. [Romany dik, to look, see].
deem To hold as an opinion > DEEMS, DEEMING, DEEMED or DEMPT.
deen (Spenser) din > DEENS.
deep Far down > DEEPER, DEEPEST; DEEPLY; (noun) a deep place > DEEPS.
deer A ruminant mammal > DEERS.
dees (Pl.) DEE, the letter D; anything of that shape.
deet An insect repellant > DEETS.
deev (Persian) in Iranian (esp. Zoroastrian) mythology > a demonic power > DEEVS. Also DIV.
defi (Fr.) a challenge > DEFIS.
defo Definitely, as an informal expression of agreement.
defy To resist openly and boldly > DEFIES, DEFYING, DEFIED.
degs (3rd.) DEG, to water.
degu the brush-tailed rat, a small rodent native to Chile > DEGUS.
deid (Scots) dead > DEIDER, DEIDEST. Also DEED.
deif (Scots) deaf > DEIFER, DEIFEST.
deil (Scots) devil > DEILS.
deke To fake (an opponent) out of position (as in ice hockey) > DEKES, DEKING or DEKEING, DEKED. [A short form of 'decoy'].
dele In printing, to delete > DELES, DELEING, DELED.
delf Pottery made at the city of Delft in Holland > DELFS or DELVES. Also DELFT, DELFTWARE, DELPH.
dell A small, retired valley; a ravine > DELLS.
delo (Aust. sl.) a delegate > DELOS.
dels (Pl.) DEL, another word for NABLA, a mathematical symbol.
delt (Coll.) short for deltoid muscle > DELTS.
deme (Greek) a territorial subdivision of Attica (also of modern Greece), corresponding to a township > DEMES. [Gk demos].
demo (Abbr.) demonstration; (verb) to demonstrates > DEMOS, DEMOING, DEMOED.
demy An old size of paper, roughly A2 > DEMIES.
dene A sandy tract or dune by the seashore > DENES.
deni One hundredth part of a DENAR > DENIS.
dens (3rd.) DEN, to retire to a den.
dent To make a depression in > DENTS, DENTING, DENTED.
deny To declare to be untrue > DENIES, DENYING, DENIED.
deps (Pl.) DEP, a convenience store.
dere (Spenser) to injure > DERES, DERING, DERED.
derm The true skin, below the outer layer > DERMS. Also DERMA, DERMIS.
dern (Arch.) secrecy, hiding > DERNS.
dero (Coll.) a tramp or derelict > DEROS. Also DERRO.
derv Diesel engine fuel > DERVS. [Acronym of diesel-engined road vehicle].
desi (Hinglish) local, authentic. Also DESHI.
desk A writing table > DESKS.
deus (Lat.) a god > DI or DEI.
deva (Sanskrit) a god; a deity; a divine being > DEVAS.
devi (Sanskrit) a Hindu goddess > DEVIS.
devo (Short for) devolution, as in devo max, an arrangement in which a central government transfers the maximum amount of authority to a regional government while still retaining sovereignty over it > DEVOS.
devs (Pl.) DEV, a Hindu god.
dews (3rd.) DEW, to moisten as with dew.
dewy Moist with dew > DEWIER, DEWIEST; DEWILY.
dexy A tablet of DEX, a sulfate used as a stimulant > DEXIES. Also DEXIE.
deys (Pl.) DEY, the pasha of Algiers.
dhak (Hindi) a leguminous tree of eastern India and Myanmar, with showy orange or red flowers > DHAKS.
dhal (Hindi) an Indian name for a lentil > DHALS. Also DAL, DAHL, DHOLL.
dhol (Hindi) a large cylindrical drum used in Indian music > DHOLS.
dhow (Arabic) a lateen-rigged oriental craft > DHOWS.
dial (Verb) to dial e.g. a telephone > DIALS, DIALING or DIALLING, DIALED or DIALLED.
dibs (Sl.) money. Also DIBBS.
dice (Verb) to cut into cubes > DICES, DICING, DICED.
dich (Shakesp.) optative mood, perhaps contracted for 'do it.'.
dick (Verb) as in 'to dick around'; vulgar slang (of a man) have sexual intercourse with (someone) > DICKS, DICKING, DICKED.
dict (Obs.) to dictate > DICTS, DICTING, DICTED.
dido An antic, caper > DIDOS or DIDOES.
didy A diaper > DIDIES. Also DIDIE.
dieb (Arabic) a jackal of N. Africa > DIEBS.
died (Pt.) DIE, to depart from life.
diel Involving a full day.
dies (3rd.) DIE, to depart from life.
diet To regulate one's daily sustenance > DIETS, DIETING, DIETED.
diff (Coll.) difference > DIFFS. Also DIF.
difs (Pl.) DIF, difference.
digs (3rd.) DIG, to excavate.
dika (Mpongwe) (the fruit or seed of) the wild mango, a W. African tree > DIKAS. [Mpongwe odika condiment.]
dike (Verb) to make a dike > DIKES, DIKING, DIKED.
dill An umbelliferous herb related to parsnip, the fruits of which are used in condiments and as a carminative > DILLS, DILLED.
dime The tenth part of an American and Canadian dollar, 10 cents > DIMES.
dimp (Sl.) a cigarette butt > DIMPS.
dims (3rd.) DIM, to make dim.
dine To eat dinner > DINES, DINING, DINED.
ding To dash; to throw violently > DINGS, DINGING, DINGED, DANG or DUNG.
dink Trim; neat > DINKER, DINKEST; DINKLY; (noun) in tennis, a drop shot; (verb) to play such a shot > DINKS, DINKING, DINKED.
dino (Abbr.) a dinosaur > DINOS.
dins (3rd.) DIN, to make a loud noise.
dint To make a dent in > DINTS, DINTING, DINTED.
diol A chemical compound > DIOLS.
dips (3rd.) DIP, to immerse briefly; to lower.
dipt (Pt.) DIP, to immerse briefly; to lower.
dire Dreadful > DIRER, DIREST; DIRELY.
dirk A Highland dagger; (verb) to stab with a dirk > DIRKS, DIRKING, DIRKED.
dirl (Scots) to (cause to) vibrate > DIRLS, DIRLING, DIRLED.
dirt (Verb) to make dirty > DIRTS, DIRTING, DIRTED.
disa An African orchid, with dark green leaves > DISAS.
disc (Verb) to work with a disc harrow > DISCS, DISCING, DISCED. Also DISK.
dish To put into a dish (a concave vessel) > DISHES, DISHING, DISHED.
disk (Verb) to break up land with a disc harrow > DISKS, DISKING, DISKED.
diss (Noun) an Algerian grass; (verb) to disrespect > DISSES, DISSING, DISSED. Also DIS.
dita (Tagalog) a tree of India and the Philippines > DITAS.
dite To compose, indite > DITES, DITING, DITED.
dits (3rd.) DIT, to block.
ditt A poem, the words of a song > DITTS. Also DIT.
ditz A silly person > DITZES.
diva (Ital.) a female opera singer > DIVAS.
dive To plunge headfirst into > DIVES, DIVING, DIVED or DOVE.
divi (Abbr.) dividend > DIVIS.
divo (Ital.) a distinguished male singer > DIVI or DIVOS.
divs (Pl.) DIV, a demonic power.
dixi (Lat.) I have spoken. Cf. DIXIT.
diya (Hindi) a small oil-lamp used in Hindu worship, especially at Diwali.
dixy (Hindi) a military cooking-pot > DIXIES. Also DIXIE.
djin (Arabic) one of a class of spirits in Muslim theology > DJINS. Also JIN, JINNEE, DJINNI, GENIE.
doab (Urdu) a tongue or tract of land included between two rivers; as, the doab between the Ganges and the Jumna > DOABS. [Persian do-ab, two waters].
doat To dote > DOATS, DOATING, DOATED.
dobe an unburned, sun-dried brick made of clay and straw > DOBES.
dobs (3rd.) DOB, to inform on or betray.
doby An adobe, a sun-dried brick > DOBIES. Also DOBIE.
dock To bring into a dock (a wharf) > DOCKS, DOCKING, DOCKED.
doco (Aust. sl.) a documentary > DOCOS.
docs (Pl.) DOC, doctor.
dodo (Portuguese) an extinct bird of Madagascar > DODOES or DODOS. [Port. doudo, silly].
dods (3rd.) DOD, to cut the hair of.
doek (Afrikaans) a square cloth for tying round the head, worn by African women > DOEKS.
doen (Spenser) 3rd pers. pl. DO.
doer One that does something > DOERS.
does (3rd.) DO, to perform.
doff To do off, strip > DOFFS, DOFFING, DOFFED.
doge (Ital.) the former title of the chief magistrate in Venice > DOGES.
dogs (3rd.) DOG, to follow like a dog.
dogy A motherless calf > DOGIES. Also DOGEY, DOGIE.
docu (Coll.) a documentary film > DOCUS.
dohs (Pl.) DOH, a musical note.
doit (Dutch) an old Dutch coin of little value > DOITS. 'And take no doit/Of usance for my monies' (M.O.V.). Also DUIT, DOITKIN, DODKIN.
dojo (Japanese) a martial arts school > DOJOS.
dole 1. pain, woe, trouble > DOLES. Also DOOL, DOOLE, DULE.
doll (Verb) to dress stylishly > DOLLS, DOLLING, DOLLED.
dols (Pl.) DOL, a unit of intensity of pain.
dolt A heavy, stupid fellow > DOLTS.
dome (Verb) to cover with a dome > DOMES, DOMING, DOMED.
doms (Pl.) DOM, a title given to certain monks.
domy Dome-like, having domes > DOMIER, DOMIEST.
dona (Spanish) feminine of DON, the title > DONAS. Also DONAH.
done (Pt.) DO, to perform.
dong A deep sound like that of a large bell; (verb) to make this sound > DONGS, DONGING, DONGED.
dons (3rd.) DON, to put on.
doob (Hindi) dog's tooth grass, prized as food for cattle > DOOBS.
dook (Scots) to duck, bathe > DOOKS, DOOKING, DOOKED. Also DOUK.
dool Pain, woe, trouble > DOOLS. Also DOLE, DOOLE, DULE.
doom To destine to an unhappy fate > DOOMS, DOOMING, DOOMED.
doon (Scots) down. Also DOUN.
door A hinged or sliding panel for closing the entrance to a room, cupboard, etc > DOORS.
doos (Pl.) DOO, dove, pigeon.
dopa A drug to treat Parkinson's disease > DOPAS.
dope To give a narcotic to > DOPES, DOPING, DOPED.
dops (3rd.) DOP, to dip.
dorb (Aust. sl.) a stupid or inept person > DORBS. Also DORBA.
dore (Fr.) gilded (the e has an accent).
dork An idiot, an object of contempt; the penis > DORKS.
dorm (Abbr.) dormitory > DORMS.
dorp (Afrikaans) a S. African village or small town > DORPS.
dorr (Noun) a kind of dung-beetle. Also DOR, DORBUG. (Verb) to mock, scoff > DORRS, DORRING, DORRED.
dors (Pl.) DOR, a dung-beetle.
dort (Scots) to sulk > DORTS, DORTING, DORTED.
dory A golden-yellow fish of the mackerel family > DORIES. Also DOREE.
dosa (Hindi) an Indian pancake made from rice flour > DOSAI or DOSAS.
dose To give a specified quantity of medicine to > DOSES, DOSING, DOSED.
dosh (Sl.) money > DOSHES.
doss To sleep or bed down, esp. at a common lodging-house or in improvised accommodation > DOSSES, DOSSING, DOSSED.
dost (Arch.) 2nd. pers. sing. DO.
dote To show excessive affection > DOTES, DOTING, DOTED.
doth (Arch.) 3rd pers. sing. DO. Also DOETH.
dots (3rd.) DOT, to cover with dots.
doty Half-rotten; as, DOTY timber > DOTIER, DOTIEST.
douc A kind of monkey, remarkable for its varied and brilliant colors, native to Cochin China > DOUCS.
douk To dip, plunge > DOUKS, DOUKING, DOUKED. Also DOOK.
doum (Arabic) a kind of African palm tree > DOUMS.
doun (Scots) down. Also DOON.
doup (Scots) the bottom of anything > DOUPS. Also DOWP.
dour Determined, sullen > DOURER, DOUREST; DOURLY.
dout (Scots) to put out, extinguish > DOUTS, DOUTING, DOUTED.
doux (Fr.) of champagne, very sweet.
dove (Scots) to doze > DOVES, DOVING, DOVED. Also DOVER.
dowd A woman who wears dull-looking clothes > DOWDS.
dowf (Scots) dull, heavy, spiritless. No comp!
dowl (Shakesp.) a portion of down in a feather; a piece of fluff > DOWLS. Also DOWLE.
down To cause to fall > DOWNS, DOWNING, DOWNED.
dowp (Scots) the bottom of anything > DOWPS. Also DOUP.
dows (Pl.) DOW, an Arab sailing vessel.
dowt (Scots) a cigarette end > DOWTS.
doxy A woman of loose morals, a prostitute > DOXIES. Also DOXIE.
doys (Pl.) DOY, beloved.
doze To sleep lightly > DOZES, DOZING, DOZED.
drab (Noun) a harlot; (verb) to whore > DRABS, DRABBING, DRABBED; (adj.) dull, monotonous > DRABBER, DRABBEST; DRABLY.
drac (Aust. sl.) of a woman, unattractive. Also DRACK.
drad (Spenser) pt. of DREAD.
drag To pull along the ground > DRAGS, DRAGGING, DRAGGED.
dram 1/8 oz. of whisky; (verb) to drink a dram > DRAMS, DRAMMING, DRAMMED.
drap (Scots) to drop > DRAPS, DRAPPING, DRAPPED.
draw To move by pulling > DRAWS, DRAWING, DREW, DRAWN.
dray A low heavy cart used for haulage; (verb) to transport by this > DRAYS, DRAYING, DRAYED.
dree (Scots) to suffer, endure > DREES, DREEING, DREED.
dreg A residue; usu. in plural > DREGS.
drek (Yiddish) inferior merchandise, rubbish > DREKS. Also DRECK.
drew (Pt.) DRAW, to move by pulling.
drey A squirrel's nest > DREYS.
drib To do by little and little > DRIBS, DRIBBING, DRIBBED.
drip To fall in drops > DRIPS, DRIPPING, DRIPPED or DRIPT.
drop To let fall > DROPS, DROPPING, DROPPED or DROPT.
drow (Scots) wet mist > DROWS.
drug To affect with a drug (a medicinal substance) > DRUGS, DRUGGING, DRUGGED.
drum A percussion instrument, a skin stretched on a frame; (verb) to play a drum, make a sound like a drum > DRUMS, DRUMMING, DRUMMED.
drys (Pl.) DRY in political sense > a right-winger.
dsos (Pl.) DSO, a yak.
duad Two units treated as one; a couple; a pair > DUADS. Also DYAD.
dual Twofold > DUALLY; (verb) to make a road into a dual carriageway > DUALS, DUALLING, DUALLED.
duan (Gaelic) a division of a poem corresponding to a canto; a poem or song > DUANS.
duar (Arabic) a circular Arab encampment > DUARS. Also DOUAR, DOWAR.
dubs (3rd.) DUB, to add sound effects, etc.
duce (Ital.) a leader > DUCI or DUCES.
duci (Pl.) DUCE, a leader.
duck To lower quickly > DUCKS, DUCKING, DUCKED.
duct (Verb) to transport along a duct > DUCTS, DUCTING, DUCTED.
dude (Verb) to dress flashily > DUDES, DUDING, DUDED.
duds (Coll.) clothes.
dued (Pt.) DUE, to endue.
duel (Verb) to fight a duel > DUELS, DUELING or DUELLING, DUELED or DUELLED.
dues (Pl.) DUE, to endue.
duet A composition for two; (verb) to take part in playing a composition for two > DUETS, DUETING or DUETTING, DUETED or DUETTED. Also DUETT, DUETTO.
duff (Verb) to bungle; to mishit a ball in golf > DUFFS, DUFFING, DUFFED.
dugs (Pl.) DUG, a nipple of an animal.
duit (Dutch) a former Dutch coin > DUITS. Also DOIT, DODKIN, DOITKIN.
duka (Swahili) in E. Africa, a shop, store > DUKAS.
duke (Verb) to play the duke; to fight with the fists > DUKES, DUKING, DUKED.
dule Pain, woe, trouble > DULES. Also DOLE, DOOLE, DOOL.
dull Not sharp > DULLER, DULLEST; DULLY; (verb) to make dull > DULLS, DULLING, DULLED.
duly (Adv.) DUE, required.
duma (Russian) the Russian parliament > DUMAS. Also DOUMA.
dumb Stupid > DUMBER, DUMBEST; DUMBLY; (verb) to make dumb > DUMBS, DUMBING, DUMBED.
dump To let fall heavily > DUMPS, DUMPING, DUMPED.
dune A hill of sand > DUNES.
dung (Verb) to spread with dung > DUNGS, DUNGING, DUNGED.
dunk To dip into liquid > DUNKS, DUNKING, DUNKED.
duns (3rd.) DUN, to press for payment.
dunt To strike with a heavy blow > DUNTS, DUNTING, DUNTED.
duos (Pl.) DUO, two of anything.
dupe To deceive > DUPES, DUPING, DUPED.
dups (3rd.) DUP, to undo, do up.
dure To endure, last > DURES, DURING, DURED.
durn To damn > DURNS, DURNING, DURNED.
duro (Spanish) a Spanish silver dollar > DUROS.
dush (Scots) to strike heavily against > DUSHES, DUSHING, DUSHED.
dusk Dark, twilit > DUSKER, DUSKEST; DUSKLY; (verb) to become dusk > DUSKS, DUSKING, DUSKED.
dust To make free of dust (minute particles of matter) > DUSTS, DUSTING, DUSTED.
duty A moral or legal obligation > DUTIES, DUTIED.
dwam (Scots) a swoon, a sudden sickness; (verb) to swoon > DWAMS, DWAMMING, DWAMMED. Also DWALM, DWAUM.
dyad Two units treated as one; a couple; a pair > DYADS. Also DUAD.
dyed (Pt.) DYE, to stain.
dyer One who dyes > DYERS.
dyes (3rd.) DYE, to stain.
dyke (Verb) to build a dyke > DYKES, DYKING, DYKED.
dyne A unit of force > the force required to accelerate 1 gram to 1 cm per second per second > DYNES.
dzho (Tibetan) a kind of yak > DZHOS. Also ZHO, ZO, DSO, DZO.
dzos (Pl.) DZO, a yak.
each Being one of two or more distinct individuals.
eale (Shakesp.) evil > EALES.
eans (3rd.) EAN, to bring forth young.
eard (Scots) earth; (verb) to bury > EARDS, EARDING, EARDED. Also YIRD, YEARD, YIRTH.
earl A rank above viscount, below marquis > EARLS.
earn To gain or deserve for one's labor or service > EARNS, EARNING, EARNED.
ears (3rd.) EAR, to produce corn ears.
ease To give rest or relief to > EASES, EASING, EASED.
east (Verb, archaic) to move or turn east > EASTS, EASTING, EASTED.
easy Not difficult > EASIER, EASIEST; EASILY; (noun) a communication code word for the letter E; (verb) to stop rowing > EASIES, EASYING, EASIED.
eath (Obs.) easy. Also EATHE, ETHE.
eats (3rd.) EAT, to consume by mouth.
eaus (Pl.) EAU, water.
eaux (Pl.) EAU, water.
eave The lower edge of a roof > EAVES.
ebbs (3rd.) EBB, to move back from the land.
ebon Ebony > EBONS.
ecad A plant assumed to have adapted to its environment > ECADS.
ecce (Ital.) behold, here is. Also ECCO.
ecco (Ital.) behold, here is. Also ECCE.
eche (Obs.) to eke > ECHES, ECHING, ECHED. Also ECH, EECH, EIK, EKE, ICH.
echo A reflected sound > ECHOES; (verb) to reflect sound > ECHOS, ECHOING, ECHOED.
echt (Ger.) genuine, authentic.
ecod (Arch.) a mild oath. Also EGAD, EGADS, IGAD.
ecos (Pl.) ECO, ecology.
ecru (Fr.) (having) the color or appearance of unbleached stuff, as silk, linen, or the like > ECRUS.
ecus (Pl.) ECU, the European monetary unit.
eddo A kind of yam, aka TARO, DASHEEN > EDDOES.
eddy To move against the main current > EDDIES, EDDYING, EDDIED.
edge To provide with an edge (a bounding or dividing line) > EDGES, EDGING, EDGED.
edhs (Pl.) EDH, a Hebrew letter.
edit To correct and prepare for publication > EDITS, EDITING, EDITED.
eech (Obs.) to eke > EECHES, EECHING, EECHED. Also ECH, ECHE, EIK, EKE, ICH.
eels (Pl.) EEL, any of various fishes with long smooth cylindrical or ribbon-shaped bodies.
eely Like an eel > EELIER, EELIEST.
eevn (Milton) evening > EEVNS. Also EEVEN, EEVNING.
eeew an interjection used to express disgust.
effs (3rd.) EFF, euphemism for fuck.
efts (Pl.) EFT, a newt.
egad (Arch.) a mild oath. Also ECOD, EGADS, IGAD.
egal (Shakesp.) equal. 'Whose souls do bear an egal yoke of love'.
eger A bore or sudden rise of the tide > EGERS. Also EAGER, EAGRE.
eggs (3rd.) EGG, to add eggs to.
eggy Like an egg, tasting of egg > EGGIER, EGGIEST.
egis (Greek) protection, defense; patronage, sponsorship > EGISES. Also AEGIS.
egma (Shakesp.) an enigma > EGMAS.
egos (Pl.) EGO, the "I" or self.
ehed (Pt.) EH, to say 'eh'.
eide (Pl.) EIDOS, an essence.
eiks (3rd.) EIK, to eke.
eild Old age > EILDS. Also ELD.
eina (Afrikaans) expressing sudden pain.
eine (Obs.) eyes. Also EYNE, EYEN.
eish (S. Afr.) expressing surprise, dismay.
eked (Pt.) EKE, to add.
ekes (3rd.) EKE, to add.
ekka (Hindi) a small one-horse carriage > EKKAS.
elan (Fr.) ardor inspired by passion or enthusiasm > ELANS.
elds (Pl.) ELD, old age.
elfs (3rd.) ELF, to tangle hair.
elhi (US) pertaining to school grades 1 to 12. This is an adjective > no -S.
elks (Pl.) ELK, a large deer found in Canada.
ells (Pl.) ELL, an old measure of length equal to 45 inches.
elms (Pl.) ELM, a tree of genus Ulmus.
elmy Full of elm trees > ELMIER, ELMIEST.
else In a different place, time, or way.
elts (Pl.) ELT, a young sow.
emes (Pl.) EME, obs. for uncle.
emeu An emu > EMEUS.
emic Relating to a type of linguistic analysis.
emir (Arabic) an Eastern ruler > EMIRS. Also EMEER, AMIR, AMEER.
emit To send forth > EMITS, EMITTING, EMITTED.
emma Formerly, a signaller's name for the letter M > EMMAS.
emmy A gold plated statuette awarded annually for television > EMMYS.
emos (Pl.) EMO, a type of music combining traditional rock with emotional lyrics.
empt (Dial.) to empty > EMPTS, EMPTING, EMPTED.
emus (Pl.) EMU, a flightless bird.
emyd A genus of freshwater terrapin > EMYDS. Also EMYDE, EMYS.
emys A genus of freshwater terrapin > EMYDES. Also EMYD, EMYDE.
ends (3rd.) END, to finish or close.
enes (Pl.) ENE, evening.
enew In falconry, to drive or plunge into water > ENEWS, ENEWING, ENEWED. [OF. en + eau].
engs (Pl.) ENG, a phonetic symbol representing the sound ng.
enol A chemical compound > ENOLS.
enow (Obs.) enough.
ents (Coll.) entertainments.
enuf (Coll.) enough.
envy To be envious of > ENVIES, ENVYING, ENVIED.
eoan Of or pertaining to the dawn.
eons (Pl.) EON, a long time.
eorl (Obs.) an earl > EORLS.
epee (Fr.) a sword similar to the foil but with a larger guard and a heavier blade of triangular cross section > EPEES.
epha (Hebrew) a Hebrew dry measure of about 23 litres > EPHAS. Also EPHAH.
epic A long narrative poem > EPICS.
epos (Greek) an epic poem > EPOSES.
eras (Pl.) ERA, a main division of geological time.
ered (Pt.) ERE, to plough.
eres (3rd.) ERE, to plough.
erev (Hebrew) the day before > EREVS.
ergo (Lat.) therefore; hence; (noun) an ergometer > ERGOS.
ergs (Pl.) ERG, a unit of work measuring force of one dyne applied over one centimeter.
erhu a Chinese two-stringed musical instrument, played with a bow.
eric (Irish) a blood-fine paid by a murderer in old Irish law > ERICS. Also ERICK, ERIACH.
erks (Pl.) ERK, an aircraftman.
erne The sea-eagle > ERNES.
erns (3rd.) ERN, to earn.
eros (Greek) the sum of the self-preservative, as opposed to self-destructive, instincts > EROSES.
errs (3rd.) ERR, to make a mistake.
erst Before, formerly. Also EARST.
eruv (Hebrew) an area, circumscribed by a symbolic line, within which certain activities forbidden to Orthodox Jews on the Sabbath are permitted > ERUVS, ERUVIM or ERUVIN.
eses (Pl.) ES, the letter S.
esky A portable insulated container for keeping drinks cool > ESKIES.
esne (OE) a domestic slave in Old English times > ESNES.
espy To catch sight of > ESPIES, ESPYING, ESPIED.
esse (Lat.) actual existence, essence > ESSES. [L. esse, to be].
ests (Pl.) EST, a programme designed to develop human potential.
etas (Pl.) ETA, a letter in the Greek alphabet.
etat (Fr.) the staff of an army, including all officers above the rank of colonel > ETATS.
etch To engrave with acid > ETCHES, ETCHING, ETCHED.
eten A giant > ETENS. Also ETTIN.
ethe (Obs.) easy. Also EATH, EATHE.
eths (Pl.) ETH, a Hebrew letter.
etic Relating to a type of linguistic analysis.
etna A vessel for heating liquids > ETNAS.
etui (Fr.) a small ornamental case for holding e.g. needles > ETUIS. Also ETWEE.
euge (Greek) an interjection meaning well done.
eugh (Spenser) a yew > EUGHS.
euks (3rd.) EUK, to itch.
euoi (Greek) a cry expressing Bacchic frenzy. Also EVOHE, EVHOE, EVOE.
euro 1. (Aborig.) a WALLAROO, any of several large types of kangaroo > EUROS.
even Level, smooth > EVENER, EVENEST; EVENLY; (verb) to make even > EVENS, EVENING, EVENED.
ever At all times.
eves (Pl.) EVE, evening.
evet A newt > EVETS. Also EFT.
evil Bad > EVILER or EVILLER, EVILEST or EVILLEST; EVILLY; (noun) something bad > EVILS.
evoe (Greek) a cry expressing Bacchic frenzy. Also EVOHE, EVHOE, EUOI.
evos (Pl.) EVO, evening.
ewer A jug with a wide mouth, esp. a water-jug of the kind formerly used in bedrooms > EWERS.
ewes (Pl.) EWE, a female sheep.
ewks (3rd.) EWK, to itch.
ewts (Pl.) EWT, a newt.
exam An examination > EXAMS.
exec (Abbr.) executive > EXECS.
exed (Pt.) EX, to cross out or delete.
exes (Pl.) EX, the letter X; someone no longer in a previous relationship.
exit To go out > EXITS, EXITING, EXITED.
exon Any segment of a gene which consists of CODONS > EXONS. Cf. INTRON.
expo An exhibition or public showing > EXPOS.
exul (Spenser) exile > EXULS.
eyas A young hawk taken from the nest for training > EYASES. Also NYAS, EYASS.
eyed (Pt.) EYE, to look at carefully.
eyen (Obs.) eyes. Also EYNE, EINE.
eyer One who eyes > EYERS.
eyes (3rd.) EYE, to look at carefully.
eyne (Obs.) eyes. Also EYEN, EINE.
eyot A small island in a river > EYOTS.
eyra (Guarani) a S. American wild cat, aka JAGUARUNDI, JAGUARONDI > EYRAS.
eyre A journey in circuit of certain judges called justices in eyre > EYRES.
eyry A bird of prey's nest > EYRIES. Also AERIE, AIERY, AERY, AYRIE, EYRIE.
faan (Pt.) FAA, to fall.
faas (3rd.) FAA, to fall.
fabs (Pl.) FAB, fabrication.
face To oppose or meet defiantly > FACES, FACING, FACED.
fact Something known with certainty > FACTS.
fade To lose color or brightness > FADES, FADING, FADED.
fado (Port.) a type of Portugese folk-song or dance > FADOS. [Port. fado, fate].
fads (Pl.) FAD, a craze.
fady Wearing away, fading > FADIER, FADIEST.
faff (Coll.) to mess around > FAFFS, FAFFING, FAFFED.
fags (3rd.) FAG, to work, or be worked, hard.
fahs (Pl.) FAH, a musical note.
faik (Scots) to abate; to excuse > FAIKS, FAIKING, FAIKED.
fail To be unsuccessful in an attempt > FAILS, FAILING, FAILED.
fain Happy; inclined; pleased > FAINER, FAINEST; FAINLY; (verb) (Spenser) to feign > FAINS, FAINING, FAINED. Also FAINE, FAYNE
fair Just; pleasant to look at > FAIRER, FAIREST; FAIRLY; (verb) to make fair > FAIRS, FAIRING, FAIRED.
faix (Dial.) faith!
fake To contrive and present as genuine > FAKES, FAKING, FAKED.
fall To descend under the force of gravity > FALLS, FALLING, FELL, FALLEN.
falx (Lat.) the sickle-shaped fold of the dura mater on the midline of the brain between the cerebral hemispheres > FALCES. [L. falx, sickle].
fame (Verb) to report, make famous > FAMES, FAMING, FAMED.
fand (Obs.) to try or attempt > FANDS, FANDING, FANDED.
fane A temple > FANES.
fang (Shakesp.) to seize in the teeth > FANGS, FANGING, FANGED. Also PHANG.
fank (Scots) a coil, tangle; an enclosure for sheep > FANKS.
fano A liturgical cape worn by the Pope when celebrating a solemn pontifical mass > FANOS. Also FANUM, FANON.
fans (3rd.) FAN, to cool, as with a fan.
fard To paint, as the face or cheeks > FARDS, FARDING, FARDED.
fare To get along > FARES, FARING, FARED.
farl (Scots) the quarter of a round cake of flour or oatmeal > FARLS. Also FARLE, FARTHEL.
farm To manage and cultivate as a farm (a tract of land devoted to agriculture) > FARMS, FARMING, FARMED.
faro A card game > FAROS.
fars (3rd.) FAR, to remove to a distance.
fart To expel gas through the anus -- usually considered vulgar > FARTS, FARTING, FARTED.
fash (Scots) to vex, to annoy, to trouble > FASHES, FASHING, FASHED.
fast Speedy > FASTER, FASTEST; (verb) to go without food > FASTS, FASTING, FASTED.
fate To destine > FATES, FATING, FATED.
fats (3rd.) FAT, to make or grow fat.
faun (In Roman legend) a rural deity represented as a man with a goat's ears, horns, tail, and hind legs > FAUNS.
faur (Scots) far > FAURER, FAUREST.
faut (Scots) to fault > FAUTS, FAUTING, FAUTED.
faux (Fr.) fake, as in faux naif > falsely simple or naive, feigning artlessness.
fava (Ital.) a broad bean > FAVAS.
fave (Sl.) favourite > FAVER, FAVEST.
fawn (Verb) to ingratiate oneself with > FAWNS, FAWNING, FAWNED.
faws (Pl.) FAW, a gypsy.
fays (3rd.) FAY, to clean out a ditch.
feal Faithful; loyal; (verb) to conceal > FEALS, FEALING, FEALED.
fear To be afraid of > FEARS, FEARING, FEARED.
feat (Verb) to fashion, make neat > FEATS, FEATED, FEATING; (adj.) neat, deft > FEATER, FEATEST; FEATLY.
feck (Scots) quantity, number; (verb) to fuck > FECKS, FECKING, FECKED.
feds (Pl.) FED, short for federal agent.
feeb (US) a weak ineffectual person, a wimp > FEEBS.
feed To give food to > FEEDS, FEEDING, FED.
feel To perceive through the sense of touch > FEELS, FEELING, FELT.
feen (Irish) an informal word for a man > FEENS.
feer (Scots) to draw the first furrow in ploughing > FEERS, FEERING, FEERED.
fees (3rd.) FEE, to pay a fee to.
feet (3rd.) FOOT, to walk.
fegs (Scots) a mild oath.
fehm (Ger.) a mediaeval German court > FEHME. Also VEHM.
fehs (Pl.) FEH, a Hebrew letter.
feis (Irish) an ancient Irish assembly for the proclamation of laws etc > FEISEANNA.
fell (Verb) to cause to fall > FELLS, FELLING, FELLED; (adj.) inhumanly cruel > FELLER, FELLEST.
felt A soft fabric formed without weaving, filaments pressed together using the natural tendency of the fibres of wool and certain kinds of hair to interlace and cling together; (verb) to cover with felt > FELTS, FELTING, FELTED.
feme A legal term for a woman, as in feme covert, married woman, feme sole, unmarried woman or widow > FEMES.
fems (Pl.) FEM, a passive homosexual.
fend To ward off > FENDS, FENDING, FENDED.
feni (Hindi) an alcoholic spirit produced in Goa from coconuts or cashew nuts > FENIS. Also FENNY.
fens (Pl.) FEN, wet land with alkaline, neutral, or only slightly acid peaty soil.
fent A slit or crack > FENTS.
feod A fief or land held on condition of service > FEODS. Also FEUD.
fere Able, sound > FERER, FEREST; (noun) a companion or mate > FERES. Also FEARE, FIERE, PHEERE, PHEER.
ferm (Spenser) a farm, lodging > FERMS.
fern A flowerless vascular plant > FERNS.
fess A band over the middle of an escutcheon; (verb) (Scots) to fetch > FESSES, FESSING, FESSED.
fest A festival, a special occasion; chiefly in combination, as SONGFEST, GABFEST > FESTS.
feta (Mod. Gr.) a white sheep or goat cheese popular in Greece > FETAS. Also FETTA.
fete (Fr.) a festival; a lavish often outdoor entertainment; (verb) to honour with a celebration > FETES, FETING, FETED.
fets (3rd.) FET, to fetch.
fett (Obs.) to fetch > FETTS, FETTING, FETTED. Also FET, FESS.
feud To engage in a feud (a bitter, continuous hostility) > FEUDS, FEUDING, FEUDED.
feus (Pl.) FEU, a Scottish form of land tenure.
fews (Pl.) FEW, a small number.
feys (3rd.) FEY, to clean out.
fiar (Scots) in law, the owner of a property in fee simple > FIARS. Also FEUAR.
fiat (Lat.) a formal authorization for a proposed arrangement; (verb) to sanction > FIATS, FIATING, FIATED.
fibs (3rd.) FIB, to tell a small lie.
fice A small dog > FICES. Also FYCE, FEIST.
fico (Ital.) a contemptibly worthless trifle, a fig > FICOS or FICOES. [Ital, denoting an obscene gesture]. Also FIGO.
fido A coin having a minting error (from freaks + irregulars + defects + oddities) > FIDOS.
fids (Pl.) FID, a conical pin of hard wood.
fief An estate held of a superior on condition of military service; a FEE; a FEUD > FIEFS.
fier (Comp.) FIE, fey; (noun) a companion > FIERS.
fife A high-pitched flute; (verb) to play a fife > FIFES, FIFING, FIFED.
fifi A kind of hook > FIFIS.
figo (Ital.) a fig, or gesture of contempt > FIGOS. Also FICO.
figs (3rd.) FIG, to adorn, dress up.
fike (Scots) to fidget restlessly > FIKES, FIKING, FIKED. Also FYKE.
fiky (Scots) fidgety > FIKIER, FIKIEST. Also FIKISH.
fila (Pl.) FILUM, a threadlike anatomical structure.
file To arrange in order for future reference > FILES, FILING, FILED.
filk A type of popular music that parodies folk songs > FILKS.
fill To put as much as can be held into > FILLS, FILLING, FILLED.
film To make a motion picture > FILMS, FILMING, FILMED.
filo (Greek) very thin pastry dough > FILOS. [Gk. phyllon, leaf]. Also FILLO, PHYLLO.
fils (Pl.) FIL, the shaft of a vehicle.
find To come upon after a search > FINDS, FINDING, FOUND.
fine Of excellent quality > FINER, FINEST; FINELY; (verb) to subject to a fine (a monetary penalty) > FINES, FINING, FINED.
fini (Fr.) finished; ruined.
fink A strike-breaker; an informer; (verb) to inform on > FINKS, FINKING, FINKED.
fino (Spanish) a type of light-coloured dry sherry; a glass or drink of such sherry > FINOS.
fins (3rd.) FIN, to equip with fins.
fiqh> Islamic jurisprudence, an extension of shariat law > ERHUS.
fire To project by discharging from a gun > FIRES, FIRING, FIRED.
firk (Dial.) to drive or rouse; to speed along > FIRKS, FIRKING, FIRKED.
firm Unyielding to pressure > FIRMER, FIRMEST; FIRMLY; (verb) to make firm > FIRMS, FIRMING, FIRMED.
firn (Ger.) granular ice formed by the recrystallization of snow > FIRNS. [Ger. firn, of last year]. Aka NEVE.
firs (Pl.) FIR, the name of several conifers.
fisc The state treasury; the public revenue > FISCS. Also FISK.
fish To catch or try to catch fish (cold-blooded aquatic vertebrates) > FISHES, FISHING, FISHED.
fisk 1. the state treasury; the public revenue. Also FISC. 2. (verb) to frisk, to gad about > FISKS, FISKING, FISKED.
fist (Verb) to strike or grip with the fist > FISTS, FISTING, FISTED.
fits (3rd.) FIT, to make suitable.
fitt A division of a poem > FITTS. Also FIT, FITTE, FYTTE.
five A number > FIVES.
fixt (Obs.) (Pt.) FIX, to make firm, fasten.
fizz To effervesce > FIZZES, FIZZING, FIZZED. Also FIZ.
flab Excess body fat > FLABS.
flag (Verb) to grow weary > FLAGS, FLAGGING, FLAGGED.
flak Anti-aircraft fire; strong criticism; hostile reaction > FLAKS. [An acronym of German Fliegerabwehrkanone (anti-aircraft gun), from Flieger (aircraft, literally flyer) + Abwehr (defense) + Kanone (gun).]
flam 1. a custard. Also FLAN, FLAUNE, FLAWN, FLAM.
flan A custard > FLAN or FLANES. Also FLAUNE, FLAWN, FLAM, FLAMM.
flap To wave up and down > FLAPS, FLAPPING, FLAPPED.
flat Smooth, level > FLATTER, FLATTEST; FLATLY; (verb) to flatten > FLATS, FLATTING, FLATTED.
flaw (Verb) to make defective > FLAWS, FLAWING, FLAWED.
flax The fibres of the plant Linum, which are woven to make linen cloth; the plant itself > FLAXES.
flay To strip off the skin from > FLAYS, FLAYING, FLAYED.
flea Any of an order of wingless, very agile, parasitic, bloodsucking insects > FLEAS.
fled (Pt.) FLEE, to run away.
flee To run away > FLEES, FLEEING, FLED.
fleg (Scots) to frighten > FLEGS, FLEGGING, FLEGGED. Also FLEY.
flew (Noun) the pendulous upper lip of a bloodhound or similar dog > FLEWS.
fley (Scots) to frighten > FLEYS, FLEYING, FLEYED. Also FLEG.
flic (Fr.) (sl.) policeman > FLICS.
flim (Dial.) a five-pound note > FLIMS.
flip Flippant > FLIPPER, FLIPPEST; (verb) to throw with a brisk motion > FLIPS, FLIPPING, FLIPPED.
flir An electronic heat sensor able to detect and display on a T.V-like screen a distant scene despite darkness, smoke etc used esp in military aircraft (Forward Looking Infrared Radar) > FLIRS.
flit To move lightly and swiftly > FLITS, FLITTING, FLITTED.
flix (Noun) fur, beaver-down; (verb) an old form of FLUX > FLIXES, FLIXING, FLIXED.
flob to spit or gob > FLOBS, FLOBBING, FLOBBING.
floc To aggregate into FLOCCULES > FLOCS, FLOCCING, FLOCCED.
floe A large mass of floating ice > FLOES.
flog To beat with a whip or rod > FLOGS, FLOGGING, FLOGGED.
flop To fall heavily and noisily > FLOPS, FLOPPING, FLOPPED.
flor A yeasty growth which is allowed to form on the surface of sherry wines and which gives them a nutty taste > FLORS.
flow To move steadily and smoothly along > FLOWS, FLOWING, FLOWED.
flox as in flox silk, the same as floss silk.
flub To bungle, botch > FLUBS, FLUBBING, FLUBBED.
flue A shaft, tube, or pipe, esp. as used in a chimney, to carry off smoke, gas, etc > FLUES, FLUED.
flus (Pl.) FLU, influenza.
flux (Verb) to flow, to fuse > FLUXES, FLUXING, FLUXED. Also FLIX.
foal (Verb) to give birth to a foal > FOALS, FOALING, FOALED.
foam To form foam (a light, bubbly, gas and liquid mass) > FOAMS, FOAMING, FOAMED.
fobs (3rd.) FOB, to cheat, to trick.
foci (Pl.) FOCUS, a point at which rays or waves (of light, heat, sound, etc.
foen (Spenser) pl. of FOE. Also FONE.
foes (Pl.) FOE, an enemy.
fogs (3rd.) FOG, to be affected by fog.
fogy A very conservative person > FOGIES. Also FOGEY, FOGIE.
fohn (Ger.) a hot dry wind that blows down Alpine valleys > FOHNS. Also FOEHN.
foid An agreed term for FELDSPATHOID, any mineral of a group related to FELDSPAR > FOIDS.
foil A light slender flexible sword tipped by a button and usually having a bell-shaped guard; (verb) to frustrate > FOILS, FOILING, FOILED.
foin To thrust with a sword or spear > FOINS, FOINING, FOINED. Also FOYNE.
fold To lay one part over another part of > FOLDS, FOLDING, FOLDED.
folk A people or tribe > FOLKS.
fond Kindly disposed > FONDER, FONDEST; FONDLY; (verb) to dote > FONDS, FONDING, FONDED.
fone (Spenser) pl. of FOE. Also FOEN.
fons (Pl.) FON, a fool.
font A receptacle for baptismal water > FONTS.
food A substance taken into the body to maintain life and growth > FOODS.
fool To deceive > FOOLS, FOOLING, FOOLED.
foos (Pl.) FOO, a name for a temporary computer variable or file.
foot The terminal part of the leg on which the body stands and moves > FEET; (verb) to walk > FOOTS, FOOTING, FOOTED.
fops (3rd.) FOP, to deceive.
fora (Pl.) FORUM, a marketplace; a place for discussion.
forb (Greek) any herb that does not resemble grass > FORBS. [Gk. phorbe, fodder, forage].
ford (Verb) to cross water by wading > FORDS, FORDING, FORDED.
fore At an earlier time or period; (noun) the front > FORES.
fork To work with a fork (a pronged implement) > FORKS, FORKING, FORKED.
form To produce > FORMS, FORMING, FORMED.
fort A small fortress; (verb) to fortify > FORTS, FORTING, FORTED.
foss A ditch or moat > FOSSES. Also FOSSE.
foud (ON) a bailiff or magistrate in Orkney or Shetland > FOUDS. [ON fogeti]. Cf. FOUDRIE.
foul Dirty, repulsive > FOULER, FOULEST; FOULLY; (verb) to make dirty > FOULS, FOULING, FOULED.
four A number > FOURS.
fous (Pl.) FOU, bushel.
fowl (Verb) to hunt birds > FOWLS, FOWLING, FOWLED.
foxy LIke a fox, crafty > FOXIER, FOXIEST; FOXILY.
foys (Pl.) FOY, loyalty, allegiance.
fozy (Scots) spongy, lacking firmness > FOZIER, FOZIEST.
frab (Dial.) to worry > FRABS, FRABBING, FRABBED.
frae (Scots) from. Also THRAE.
frag To blow up an unpopular officer with a grenade (short for FRAGMENT) > FRAGS, FRAGGING, FRAGGED.
frap To draw tight (as with ropes or cables) > FRAPS, FRAPPING, FRAPPED.
fras (Pl.) FRA, brother.
frat A college fraternity > FRATS.
frau (Ger.) woman, housewife > FRAUS.
fray To wear off by rubbing > FRAYS, FRAYING, FRAYED.
free Unconfined > FREER, FREEST; FREELY; (verb) to set free > FREES, FREEING, FREED.
frib A piece of wool taken from a fleece > FRIBS.
frig (Sl.) to have sex > FRIGS, FRIGGING, FRIGGED.
fris (Hungarian) the quick dance movement of a Hungarian CSARDAS. Also FRISKA.
frit 1. Mixed materials for making glass; (verb) to fuse into a vitreous substance > FRITS, FRITTING, FRITTED. Also FRITT.
friz To fry with a sizzling noise > FRIZZES, FRIZZING, FRIZZED. Also FRIZZ.
froe A cleaving tool with its blade at right angles to its handle > FROES. Also FROW.
frog Any insectivorous anuran amphibian of the family Ranidae; (verb) to hunt frogs > FROGS, FROGGING, FROGGED.
from Starting at.
fros (Pl.) FRO, a hairstyle.
frow (Dutch) a woman, goodwife > FROWS. Also VROW, VROUW, VROU.
frug A vigorous dance performed to pop music, popularized in the 1960s; (verb) to perform this dance > FRUGS, FRUGGING, FRUGGED.
fubs (3rd.) FUB, to put off.
fuci (Pl.) FUCUS, a genus of seaweed.
fuck To copulate -- usually considered obscene > FUCKS, FUCKING, FUCKED.
fuds (Pl.) FUD, a rabbit's or hare's tail.
fuel (Verb) to supply with fuel > FUELS, FUELING or FUELLING, FUELED or FUELLED.
fuff To spit like a cat > FUFFS, FUFFING, FUFFED.
fugs (3rd.) FUG, to cause a fug in.
fugu (Japanese) a toxin-containing fish > FUGUS.
fuji (Japanese) a silk fabric > FUJIS.
full Having no spare room > FULLER, FULLEST; FULLY; (verb) to shrink and thicken cloth > FULLS, FULLING, FULLED.
fume To give off fumes (gaseous exhalations) > FUMES, FUMING, FUMED.
fums (Pl.) FUM, a fabulous Chinese bird.
fumy Producing fumes > FUMIER, FUMIEST.
fund To provide money for > FUNDS, FUNDING, FUNDED.
fung (Chinese) a fabulous bird > FUNGS. Also FUM.
funk To be afraid > FUNKS, FUNKING, FUNKED.
funs (3rd.) FUN, to tease.
furl To roll up > FURLS, FURLING, FURLED.
furr (Scots) a furrow > FURRS.
furs (3rd.) FUR, to cover or coat with fur.
fury Violent anger > FURIES.
fusc Of a brownish-gray color; dusky. No comp. Also FUSCOUS.
fuse To equip with a fuse (a detonating device) > FUSES, FUSING, FUSED.
fusk to obtain data from (a website) by using a fusker > FUSKS, FUSKING, FUSKED.
fuss To be overly concerned with small details > FUSSES, FUSSING, FUSSED.
fust A strong, musty smell; mustiness; (verb) to smell mouldy > FUSTS, FUSTING, FUSTED.
futz (Yiddish) to spend time aimlessly > FUTZES, FUTZING, FUTZED.
fuze To fuse > FUZES, FUZING, FUZED.
fuzz (Verb) to become fuzzy > FUZZES, FUZZING, FUZZED.
fyce A small dog > FYCES. Also FICE, FEIST.
fyke (Scots) to fidget restlessly > FYKES, FYKING, FYKED. Also FIKE.
fyle (Spenser) a file > FYLES.
fyrd (OE) a local militia in Anglo-Saxon times > FYRDS.
gabs (3rd.) GAB, to chatter.
gaby (Dial.) a simpleton > GABIES.
gach to behave boastfully > GACHES, GACHING, GACHED.
gade A miner's wedge > GADES. Also GAD, GAID.
gadi (Marathi) the cushioned throne of an Indian ruler > GADIS. Also GADDI.
gads (3rd.) GAD, to wander about idly or in pursuit of pleasure.
gaed (Pt.) GAE, to go.
gaen (Pt.) GAE, to go.
gaes (3rd.) GAE, to go.
gaff A hook for catching large fish; (verb) to catch with such a hook > GAFFS, GAFFING, GAFFED.
gaga (Fr.) in senile dotage.
gage (Verb) to bind by pledge or security; to stake, wager > GAGES, GAGING, GAGED.
gags (3rd.) GAG, to silence.
gaid A miner's wedge > GAIDS. Also GAD, GADE.
gain (Adj.) near, straight; convenient > GAINER, GAINEST; GAINLY; (verb) to acquire > GAINS, GAINING, GAINED.
gair (Scots) a gore (in cloth or land) > GAIRS.
gait (Verb) to teach (a horse) its gaits > GAITS, GAITING, GAITED.
gajo (Romany) a non-gypsy > GAJOS. Also GORGIO, GADJO.
gaks (Pl.) GAK, cocaine.
gala A celebration > GALAS.
gale A strong wind > GALES.
gall An abrasively-induced skin sore; (verb) to make sore by rubbing > GALLS, GALLING, GALLED.
gals (Pl.) GAL, a girl.
gama (Spanish) a kind of pasture grass found in the Western United States > GAMAS.
gamb A beast's whole leg > GAMBS. Also GAMBE.
game Plucky > GAMER, GAMEST; GAMELY; (verb) to gamble > GAMES, GAMING, GAMED.
gamp A large, baggy umbrella > GAMPS.
gams (Pl.) GAM, a school of whales.
gamy Tasting like game, highly flavoured > GAMIER, GAMIEST; GAMILY. Also GAMEY.
gane (Pt.) GAE, to go.
gang (Verb) to associate in a gang > GANGS, GANGING, GANGED.
gans (3rd.) GAN, to go.
gant (Scots) to yawn > GANTS, GANTING, GANTED.
gaol To jail > GAOLS, GAOLING, GAOLED.
gape To stare with open mouth > GAPES, GAPING, GAPED.
gapo (Tupi) in Peru, a riverside forest periodically flooded > GAPOS. Also IGAPO.
gaps (3rd.) GAP, to make a gap in.
gapy Infested with GAPEWORMS > GAPIER, GAPIEST.
garb A fashion of dress; (verb) to clothe, array > GARBS, GARBING, GARBED.
gare (Scots) greedy, miserly.
gari (Japanese) thinly sliced pickled ginger, often served with sushi > GARIS.
gars (Pl.) GAR, a garfish.
gart (Pt.) GAR, to compel.
gash (Adj.) ghastly > GASHER, GASHEST; GASHLY; (verb) to cut > GASHES, GASHING, GASHED.
gasp To breathe convulsively > GASPS, GASPING, GASPED.
gast (Obs.) to frighten > GASTS, GASTING, GASTED.
gate To supply with a gate (a movable barrier) > GATES, GATING, GATED.
gath (Sanksrit) the second section of a RAGA > GATHS. Also GAT.
gats (Pl.) GAT, a gun.
gaud A trick or practical joke; (verb) to paint e.g. the cheeks > GAUDS, GAUDING, GAUDED.
gaum (ON) to stare vacantly or handle in a clumsy manner > GAUMS, GAUMING, GAUMED. [ON gaumr heed, attention]. Also GORM.
gaun (Scots) going.
gaup To stare and gape > GAUPS, GAUPING, GAUPED. Also GAWP, GAWK, GORP.
gaur (Hindi) a kind of wild ox, aka SELADANG > GAURS.
gaus (Pl.) GAU, a German political district.
gaws (Pl.) GAW, an imperfect rainbow or other supposed sign of coming weather.
gave (Pt.) GIVE, to transfer freely to another's possession.
gawd (Coll.) God > GAWDS.
gawk To stare and gape > GAWKS, GAWKING, GAWKED. Also GAWP, GAUP, GORP.
gawp To stare and gape > GAWPS, GAWPING, GAWPED. Also GAUP, GORP, GAWK.
gays (Pl.) GAY, a homosexual.
gaze To look intently > GAZES, GAZING, GAZED.
gazy Given to gazing > GAZIER, GAZIEST.
geal (Dial.) to congeal > GEALS, GEALING, GEALED.
gean The wild cherry > GEANS.
gear To provide with gears (toothed machine parts) > GEARS, GEARING, GEARED.
geat The channel or spout through which molten metal runs into a mold in casting > GEATS.
geck (Verb) to mock, dupe > GECKS, GECKING, GECKED.
geds (Pl.) GED, a pike.
geed (Pt.) GEE, to hurry up.
geek A weirdo, a nerd > GEEKS. [Originally a carnival barker who attracted visitors to sideshows by biting the heads of live chickens or snakes].
geep A creature produced by combining DNA from a sheep and a goat > GEEPS.
gees (3rd.) GEE, to hurry up.
geez An interjection expressing consternation. Also JEEZ.
geit A child > GEITS. Also GET, GYTE, GAITT.
geld To castrate an animal, esp. a horse > GELDS, GELDING, GELDED.
gels (3rd.) GEL, to form a gelatinous substance.
gelt (Sl.) money, profit > GELTS.
gems (3rd.) GEM, to adorn with gems.
gena (Lat.) the cheek or side of the head > GENAS.
gene A hereditary unit > GENES.
gens (Lat.) an ancient Rome a clan including several families descending from a common ancestor > GENTES.
gent (Abbr.) gentleman > GENTS.
genu (Lat.) the knee > GENUA.
geos (Pl.) GEO, a gully or creek.
gere (Spenser) gear > GERES.
germ (Verb) to put forth buds, sprout > GERMS, GERMING, GERMED.
gers (Pl.) GER, a kind of felt tent, a yurt.
gert (Dial.) very big.
gest An exploit; a tale of adventure > GESTS. [L. gestus, pp. of gerere, to wage, to accomplish]. Also GESTE.
geta (Japanese) a wooden sandal with a thong between the toes > GETAS.
gets (3rd.) GET, to obtain.
geum (Lat.) a plant of the Geum genus of the rose family, aka AVENS > GEUMS.
ghat (Hindi) (in India) a mountain pass; a landing stage; a place for cremation > GHATS. Also GHAUT.
ghee (Hindi) clarified butter > GHEES. Also GHI.
ghis (Pl.) GHI, clarified butter.
gibe To scoff, mock > GIBES, GIBING, GIBED. Also JIBE,
gibs (Pl.) GIB, a wedge-shaped piece of metal.
gids (Pl.) GID, a disease of sheep.
gied (Pt.) GIE, to give.
gien (Pt.) GIE, to give.
gies (3rd.) GIE, to give.
gifs (Pl.) GIF, a type of computer image.
gift (Verb) to make a gift > GIFTS, GIFTING, GIFTED.
giga (Ital.) a lively Italian dance > GIGAS or GIGHE. Also GIGUE.
gigs (3rd.) GIG, to play a gig.
gila A large lizard native to Arizona, New Mexico, etc > GILAS.
gild To cover with a thin layer of gold > GILDS, GILDING, GILDED or GILT; also (obs.) GILDEN or GYLDEN.
gill (Verb) to catch fish by the gills > GILLS, GILLING, GILLED.
gilt A young sow that has not farrowed > GILTS.
gimp A yarn with a hard core; (verb) to make or furnish with this > GIMPS, GIMPING, GIMPED. Also GUIMP, GYMP.
ging (Obs.) a gang or company > GINGS.
gink (Sl.) a fellow > GINKS.
ginn (Pl.) DJINNI, one of a class of spirits in Muslim theology. Also DJINN, JINN.
gins (3rd.) GIN, to trap or snare.
gios (Pl.) GIO, an inlet.
gips (Pl.) GIP, a cheat, swindle.
gird To surround > GIRDS, GIRDING, GIRDED or GIRT.
girl A female child > GIRLS.
girn (Dial.) to grin, make faces > GIRNS, GIRNING, GIRNED. Also GURN.
giro A system of credit transfer between banks, post offices, etc.; spec. a system run by the British Post Office for the banking and transfer of money > GIROS.
girr (Scots) a hoop, for a barrel or used as a child's plaything > GIRRS. Also GIRD.
girt (Verb) to gird > GIRTS, GIRTING, GIRTED.
gism (Coll.) energy, force; semen > GISMS. Also JISM, JISSOM.
gist The essence, the main point of a matter > GISTS.
gite (Fr.) in France, a farmhouse offering holiday accommodation > GITES.
gits (Pl.) GIT, a stupid person.
give To transfer freely to another's possession > GIVES, GIVING, GAVE, GIVEN; to put gyves on > GIVES, GIVING, GIVED.
gizz (Scots) a wig > GIZZES. Also JIZ.
gjus (Pl.) GJU, a fiddle.
glad Joyful > GLADDER, GLADDEST; GLADLY; (verb) to make glad > GLADS, GLADDING, GLADDED.
glam Characterised by extravagant glamour > GLAMMER, GLAMMEST; (noun) a greying, leisured, affluent married person; (verb) to glamourise > GLAMS, GLAMMING, GLAMMED.
gled The common kite > GLEDS. Also GLEDE.
glee (Scots) to squint > GLEES, GLEEING, GLEED. Also GLEY.
gleg (Scots) quick, sharp > GLEGGER, GLEGGEST; GLEGLY.
glei (Russian) a sticky clay soil > GLEIS. Also GLEY.
glen A narrow valley with a stream, often with trees > GLENS.
gley (Scots) to squint > GLEYS, GLEYING, GLEYED. Also GLEE.
glia (Greek) the supporting tissue of the brain and spinal cord > GLIAS. [Gk. glia, glue]. Also NEUROGLIA.
glib (Verb) to make glib; to castrate > GLIBS, GLIBBING, GLIBBED; (adj.) slippery, smooth > GLIBBER, GLIBBEST; GLIBLY.
glid (Scots) slippery > GLIDDER, GLIDDEST. Also GLIDDER, GLIDDERY.
glim A glimpse; a light, a lantern > GLIMS.
glit Sticky, slimy or greasy material > GLITS.
glob A roundish drop or dollop of a semi-liquid substance, esp. mucus > GLOBS.
glom (Sl.) to steal; to take a look > GLOMS, GLOMMING, GLOMMED.
glop (Verb) to stare in alarm or wonder > GLOPS, GLOPPING, GLOPPED.
glow To emit light and heat > GLOWS, GLOWING, GLOWED.
glue To fasten with glue (an adhesive substance) > GLUES, GLUING or GLUEING, GLUED.
glug To make a gurgling sound > GLUGS, GLUGGING, GLUGGED.
glum Morose > GLUMMER, GLUMMEST; GLUMLY; noun) a gloomy feeling > GLUMS.
glut To feed or fill to excess > GLUTS, GLUTTING, GLUTTED.
gnar To snarl or growl > GNARS, GNARRING, GNARRED. Also GNARR, KNAR, GNARL.
gnat Any small fly of the family Culicidae, of which the females are commonly bloodsuckers > GNATS.
gnaw To chew with the teeth > GNAWS, GNAWING, GNAWED or GNAWN.
gnow In W. Australia, the MALLEE fowl > GNOWS.
gnus (Pl.) GNU, a kind of antelope.
goad To drive animals with a goad (a pointed stick) > GOADS, GOADING, GOADED.
goaf A space in a coal-seam, into which waste is packed > GOAFS.
goal (Verb) in Rugby, to convert a try into a goal > GOALS, GOALING, GOALED.
goas (Pl.) GOA, a Tibetan gazelle.
goat A horned mammal > GOATS.
gobi (Hindi) a cauliflower.
gobo A device used to protect a camera lens from light > GOBOS or GOBOES.
gobs (3rd.) GOB, to spit.
goby Any fish of the genus Gobius with ventral fins forming a sucker > GOBIES.
gods (3rd.) GOD, to deify, treat as a god.
goel The avenger of blood among the Hebrews, the next of kin whose job it was to hunt down a murderer > GOELS.
goer One that goes > GOERS.
goes (3rd.) GO, to proceed.
goey Enterprising, go-ahead > GOIER, GOIEST.
goff (Arch.) golf; to play golf > GOFFS, GOFFING, GOFFED.
gogo A discotheque > GOGOS.
goji the vitamin-rich berry of a solanaceous plant, aka wolfberry > GOJIS.
gold A metallic element > GOLDS; (adj.) the colour of gold > GOLDER, GOLDEST.
gole (Milton) a goal > GOLES.
golf To play golf (a type of ball game) > GOLFS, GOLFING, GOLFED.
golp A purple ROUNDEL > GOLPS. Also GOLPE.
gone Departed.
gong A metal disc, usu rimmed, that sounds when struck or rubbed with a drumstick; (verb) to summon by sounding a gong > GONGS, GONGING, GONGED.
gonk A stuffed toy > GONKS.
gons (Pl.) GON, a geometrical grade.
good Having suitable qualities > BETTER, BEST; (noun) that which is morally or ethically right > GOODS.
goof (Verb) to make a blunder > GOOFS, GOOFING, GOOFED.
goog (Aust. sl.) an egg > full as a goog means drunk > GOOGS.
gook (Offensive) a native of an occupied country > GOOKS.
gool (Scots) a marigold > GOOLS. Also GOOLD, GULE.
goon A hired thug > GOONS.
goop A fool, a fatuous person > GOOPS.
goor (Hindi) an unrefined cane sugar > GOORS. Also GUR.
goos (Pl.) GOO, sticky stuff.
gora (Hinglish) a white or fair-skinned male > GORAS.
gore To pierce with a horn or tusk > GORES, GORING, GORED.
gori (Hinglish) a white or fair-skinned female > GORIS.
gorm (ON) to stare vacantly or handle in a clumsy manner > GORMS, GORMING, GORMED. [ON gaumr heed, attention]. Also GAUM.
gorp To stare and gape > GORPS, GORPING, GORPED. Also GAUP, GAWP, GAWK.
gory Like gore, covered with blood > GORIER, GORIEST; GORILY.
gors (Pl.) GOR, a seagull.
gosh A mild substitute or euphemism for God.
goss (Dial.) to spit > GOSSES, GOSSING, GOSSED.
goth A morbid style of rock music and fashion characterized by black clothes and heavy make-up > GOTHS.
gouk (Scots) a cuckoo; a fool, an April fool > GOUKS. Also GOWK.
gout A disease in which defective metabolism of uric acid characteristically causes arthritis, esp. in the smaller bones of the feet > GOUTS.
govs (Pl.) GOV, governor.
gowd (Scots) gold > GOWDS; (adj.) golden > GOWDER, GOWDEST.
gowf (Scots) to strike, cuff; to play golf > GOWFS, GOWFING, GOWFED.
gowk (Scots) a cuckoo, a fool > GOWKS. Also GOUK.
gowl (Scots) to cry or howl > GOWLS, GOWLING, GOWLED.
gown A loose flowing outer garment; (verb) to attire in a gown > GOWNS, GOWNING, GOWNED.
grab To grasp suddenly > GRABS, GRABBING, GRABBED.
grad (Coll.) a graduate > GRADS.
gram A unit of mass in the metric system, formerly that of a cubic centimetre of water at 4°C, now a thousandth part of the International Prototype Kilogram > GRAMS. Also GRAMME.
gran A grandmother > GRANS.
grat (Pt.) GREET, to weep.
grav A unit of acceleration > GRAVS.
gray Grey > GRAYER, GRAYEST; GRAYLY; (verb) to make grey > GRAYS, GRAYING, GRAYED.
gree (Verb) to agree > GREES, GREEING, GREED.
gren (Spenser) to grin > GRENS, GRENNING, GRENNED.
grew (Noun) a greyhound; (verb) to shudder, to make the flesh creep > GREWS, GREWING, GREWED. Also GRUE.
grex (Lat.) a group of plants that has arisen from the same hybrid parent > GREXES.
grey Of a mixture of black and white > GREYER, GREYEST; GREYLY; (verb) to make grey > GREYS, GREYING, GREYED.
grid A grating, network > GRIDS, GRIDDED.
grig A cricket, a grasshopper; a sand-eel; (verb) to fish for grigs (in sense of sand-eels) > GRIGS, GRIGGING, GRIGGED.
grim Forbidding > GRIMMER, GRIMMEST; GRIMLY.
grin To smile broadly > GRINS, GRINNING, GRINNED.
grip To take hold of > GRIPS, GRIPPING, GRIPPED, GRIPT or GRYPT.
grit (Verb) to spread with grit > GRITS, GRITTING, GRITTED; (adj.) (Scots) great > GRITTER, GRITTEST.
griz a grizzly bear > GRIZ.
grog Diluted spirit, usually rum, as an alcoholic drink; (verb) to extract the spirit from the wood of casks by soaking it in hot water > GROGS, GROGGING, GROGGED.
grok (Coll.) to understand thoroughly and intuitively > GROKS, GROKKING, GROKKED.
grot A grotto > GROTS.
grow To cultivate > GROWS, GROWING, GREW, GROWN.
grrl as in riot grrl, a young woman who plays or enjoys an aggressively feminist style of punk rock music > GRRLS.
grub (Verb) to dig > GRUBS, GRUBBING, GRUBBED.
grue Horror; (verb) to shudder, to feel the flesh creep > GRUES, GRUING, GRUED. Also GREW.
grum Glum, morose > GRUMMER, GRUMMEST; GRUMLY.
guan (Spanish) a large noisy American arboreal game bird > GUANS.
guar (Hindi) a legume grown for forage and its seeds which yield guar gum > GUARS.
gubs (Pl.) GUB, a white man.
guck Slimy, gooey muck > GUCKS. Also GUNK.
gude (Scots) good. Also GUID.
gues (Pl.) GUE, kind of violin formerly used in the Shetlands.
guff Nonsense, humbug > GUFFS.
guga (Gaelic) a young gannet, eaten as a delicacy in the Hebrides > GUGAS.
guid (Scots) good. Also GUDE.
gula (Lat.) the upper part of the throat > GULAS. [L. gula, throat].
gule (Scots) a marigold > GULES. Also GOOL, GOOLD.
gulf (Verb) to engulf > GULFS, GULFING, GULFED.
gull (Verb) to dupe, deceive > GULLS, GULLING, GULLED.
gulp To swallow rapidly > GULPS, GULPING, GULPED.
guls (Pl.) GUL, an Oriental carpet design.
guly Of colour GULES (heraldic red). No comp!
gump (Noun) a complete nitwit; (verb) to catch fish with the bare hands, to GUDDLE > GUMPS, GUMPING, GUMPED.
gums (3rd.) GUM, to stick with gum.
gung As in gung ho.
gunk Any unpleasant, dirty, sticky material (orig. the trademark of a grease solvent) > GUNKS.
guns (3rd.) GUN, to shoot.
gups (Pl.) GUP, gossip or prattle.
gurl (Scots) to growl > GURLS, GURLING, GURLED.
gurn (Dial.) to grin, make faces > GURNS, GURNING, GURNED. Also GIRN.
gurs (Pl.) GUR, an unrefined cane sugar.
guru (Hindi) a Hindu teacher > GURUS. Also GOOROO.
gush To flow forth forcefully > GUSHES, GUSHING, GUSHED.
gust A sudden blast of wind; (verb) to blow in gusts > GUSTS, GUSTING, GUSTED.
guts (Verb) to eat greedily > GUTSES, GUTSING, GUTSED.
guvs (Pl.) GUV, governor.
guys (3rd.) GUY, to make fun of, ridicule by innuendo.
gyal (Hindi) an Indian domesticated ox > GYALS. Also GAYAL.
gyan (Hindi) knowledge.
gybe In sailing, to shift from side to side > GYBES, GYBING, GYBED. Also JIBB, JIBE.
gymp A yarn with a hard core; (verb) to make or furnish with this > GYMPS, GYMPING, GYMPED. Also GIMP, GUIMP.
gyms (Pl.) GYM, gymnasium.
gyno (Short for) a gynoecologist > GYNOS.
gyny (Coll.) gynaecology > GYNIES. Also GYNAE, GYNIE.
gypo a small-time logging operator > GYPOS.
gyps (3rd.) GYP, to cheat.
gyre To move in a circle or spiral > GYRES, GYRING, GYRED.
gyri (Pl.) GYRUS, a convoluted ridge between two grooves.
gyro A gyrocompass; a gyroscope > GYROS.
gyte (Scots) a child, a brat > GYTES.
gyve A fetter; (verb) to put fetters on > GYVES, GYVING, GYVED. Also GIVE.
haaf (ON) in Orkney, a deep-sea fishing-ground > HAAFS. [ON haf, sea].
haar (ON) a raw sea-mist > HAARS. [ON harr, hoary].
habu (Japanese) a kind of poisonous snake > HABUS.
hack To cut or chop roughly > HACKS, HACKING, HACKED.
hade The angle between plane of a fault and vertical plane; (verb) to incline from vertical > HADES, HADING, HADED.
hadj (Arabic) a Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca > HADJES. Also HAJ, HAJJ.
hads (3rd.) HAD, to hold.
haed (Pt.) HAE, to have.
haem The pigment combined with protein in haemoglobin > HAEMS.
haen (Pt.) HAE, to have.
haes (3rd.) HAE, to have.
haet (Scots) a small amount, a whit > HAETS.
haff (Ger.) a lagoon separated from sea by a long sand-bar > HAFFS. [Ger. Haff, bay].
haft (Verb) to set in a haft; to establish firmly > HAFTS, HAFTING, HAFTED.
hagg (Scots) broken ground in a moss or bog, a place from which peat has been dug > HAGGS. Also HAG.
hags (3rd.) HAG, to hack, hew.
haha A sunken fence > HAHAS.
hahs (Pl.) HAH, an interjection expressing surprise etc.
haik (Arabic) an oblong cloth worn by Arabs on head or body > HAIKS or HAIKA. Also HAICK, HAIQUE, HYKE.
hail To welcome > HAILS, HAILING, HAILED.
hain (Scots) to enclose or protect with a fence or hedge; esp. to preserve (grass) from cattle > HAINS, HAINING, HAINED. [ON hegna, to enclose, protect].
hair (Verb) to provide hair for; to free from hair > HAIRS, HAIRING, HAIRED.
haji (Arabic) a Muslim pilgrim to Mecca > HAJIS. Also HADJI, HAJJI, HADJEE.
hajj (Arabic) a Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca > HAJJES. Also HAJ, HADJ.
haka (Maori) a ceremonial war-dance > HAKAS.
hake A fish of the cod family > HAKES.
haku (Maori) the kingfish > HAKUS.
hale (Verb) to haul, pull > HALES, HALING, HALED; (adj.) healthy > HALER, HALEST.
half One of two equal parts > HALVES or HALFS.
hall A room serving as an entry area in a house or building > HALLS.
halm A strawy stem > HALMS. Also HAULM.
halo A ring of light; (verb) to surround with a halo > HALOS or HALOES, HALOING, HALOED.
halt To stop > HALTS, HALTING, HALTED.
hame (Scots) home; (verb) to home > HAMES, HAMING, HAMED.
hams (3rd.) HAM, to overact.
hand To present with the hand (the end of the forearm) > HANDS, HANDING, HANDED.
hang To attach from above only > HANGS, HANGING, HANGED or HUNG.
hank A series of rings or clips for attaching a jib or staysail to a stay; (verb) to catch, as on a loop > HANKS, HANKING, HANKED.
hant To haunt > HANTS, HANTING, HANTED.
haos (Pl.) HAO, a monetary unit of Vietnam.
haps (3rd.) HAP, to happen, bechance.
hapu (Maori) a subtribe > HAPUS.
hard Not soft > HARDER, HARDEST; HARDLY.
hare (Verb) to run like hare > HARES, HARING, HARED.
harl (Scots) to drag along the ground > HARLS, HARLING, HARLED.
harm To injure > HARMS, HARMING, HARMED.
harn A coarse linen fabric > HARNS. 'Her cutty sark, o' Paisley harn'. ('Tam o'Shanter').
haro In Channel Islands, a cry announcing legal redress > HAROS. Also HARROW.
harp A musical instrument played by plucking strings stretched from a curved neck to an inclined soundboard; (verb) to play the harp > HARPS, HARPING, HARPED.
hart The male of the red deer esp. when over five years old > HARTS.
hash A mixed dish of meat and vegetables in small pieces; (verb) to make a hash > HASHES, HASHING, HASHED.
hask (Spenser) a fish-basket > HASKS.
hasp To fasten with a hasp > HASPS, HASPING, HASPED.
hass an oatmeal pudding made with sheep's gullet > HASSES.
hast (3rd pers.) HAVE.
hate To loathe > HATES, HATING, HATED.
hath (3rd. pers.) HAVE.
hats (3rd.) HAT, to provide with or cover with a hat.
haud (Scots) to hold > HAUDS, HAUDING, HUDDEN. Also HAULD.
hauf (Scots) half > HAUFS.
haul To pull with force > HAULS, HAULING, HAULED.
haun (Scots) a hand > HAUNS.
haut (Fr.) high; elevated; hence, haughty; proud. Also HAUGHT, HAULT.
have (Noun) a wealthy person > HAVES.
hawk A bird of prey; a carpenter's tool; (verb) to fly a hawk > HAWKS, HAWKING, HAWKED.
hawm (Dial.) to lounge about > HAWMS, HAWMING, HAWMED.
haws (3rd.) HAW, to make the sound haw.
hays (3rd.) HAY, to make hay.
haze To subject to a humiliating initiation > HAZES, HAZING, HAZED.
hazy Like a haze > HAZIER, HAZIEST; HAZILY.
head To be chief of > HEADS, HEADING, HEADED.
heal To make sound or whole > HEALS, HEALING, HEALED.
heap To pile up > HEAPS, HEAPING, HEAPED.
hear To perceive by the ear > HEARS, HEARING, HEARD.
heat To make hot > HEATS, HEATING, HEATED or HET.
hebe (Greek) a member of a genus of shrubby plants > HEBES. [Gk. hebe, youth].
hech An exclamation of surprise.
heck The lower part of a door, an inner door, a grating > HECKS. Also HAIK, HAKE.
heed To pay attention to > HEEDS, HEEDING, HEEDED.
heel To supply with a heel (the raised part of a shoe) > HEELS, HEELING, HEELED.
heft To lift; to feel the weight of > HEFTS, HEFTING, HEFTED.
hehs (Pl.) HEH, a Hebrew letter.
heid (Scots) head > HEIDS.
heil (Ger.) interjection > hail!; (verb) to salute > HEILS, HEILING, HEILED.
heir (Verb) to inherit > HEIRS, HEIRING, HEIRED.
held (Pt.) HOLD, to have in one's possession.
hele (Spenser) to hide, conceal > HELES, HELING, HELED.
hell (Verb) to hide, conceal > HELLS, HELLING, HELLED.
helm A helmet; (verb) to steer, manage > HELMS, HELMING, HELMED.
helo A helicopter > HELOS.
help To give assistance to > HELPS, HELPING, HELPED or HOLP, HOLPEN.
heme An iron-bearing component of hemoglobin > HEMES.
hemp A plant yielding a coarse fibre and an oil > HEMPS.
hems (3rd.) HEM, to form a hem on.
hend (Arch.) to seize, grasp > HENDS, HENDING, HENDED. Also HENT.
hens (3rd.) HEN, to challenge to a daring act.
hent (Shakesp.) to seize, take > HENTS, HENTING, HENTED. Also HEND.
heps (Pl.) HEP, a rosehip.
hept (Spenser) heaped.
herb A seed-bearing plant whose aerial parts do not persist above ground at the end of the growing season > HERBS, HERBED.
herd To bring together in a herd (a group of animals) > HERDS, HERDING, HERDED.
here This place > HERES.
herl The barb of a father > HERLS.
herm A head of Hermes on a square stone post > HERMS. Also HERMA.
hern (Dial.) heron > HERNS.
hero A brave man > HEROES; a sandwich or HOAGIE > HEROS.
hers The possessive case of the pronoun SHE.
hery (Spenser) to praise, regard as holy > HERIES, HERYING, HERIED. Also HERYE, HERRY.
hesp (Scots) to hasp > HESPS, HESPING, HESPED.
hest Command; precept; injunction > HESTS. Also HEAST, HEASTE.
hete (Spenser) to promise, command, name > HETES, HETING, HOTE. Also HIGHT.
heth (Hebrew) a Hebrew letter > HETHS. Also CHETH, HET, KHET, KHETH.
hets (Pl.) HET, a Hebrew letter.
hewn (PaP.) HEW, to cut with blows.
hews (3rd.) HEW, to cut with blows.
heys (Pl.) HEY, a winding country dance.
hick A person from the country, a yokel > HICKS.
hide To conceal > HIDES, HIDING, HID, HIDDEN; to remove the hide from > HIDES, HIDING, HIDED.
hied (Pt.) HIE, to hasten.
hies (3rd.) HIE, to hasten.
high Elevated > HIGHER, HIGHEST; HIGHLY; (verb) to ascend; to raise higher > HIGHS, HIGHING, HIGHED.
hike To walk a long distance > HIKES, HIKING, HIKED.
hila (Pl.) HILUM, a mark where a seed was attached to its stalk.
hild (Spenser) held. No -S.
hili (Pl.) HILUS, an indentation in the surface of an organ.
hill (Verb) to rise into a mound > HILLS, HILLING, HILLED.
hilt (Verb) to provide with a hilt > HILTS, HILTING, HILTED.
hims (Pl.) HIM, a male.
hind The female of the red deer in or after its third year > HINDS.
hing (Hindi) asafoetida, a fetid gum resin > HINGS.
hins (Pl.) HIN, a Hebrew liquid measure.
hint To suggest indirectly > HINTS, HINTING, HINTED.
hioi (Maori) a plant of the mint family > HIOIS.
hips (3rd.) HIP, to carry on the hip.
hipt (Pt.) HIP, to carry on the hip.
hire To engage the services of for payment > HIRES, HIRING, HIRED.
hish A by-form of HISS > HISHES, HISHING, HISHED.
hisn (Dial.) his.
hiss To make a sibilant sound > HISSES, HISSING, HISSED.
hist (Arch.) an expression used to attract attention; (verb) to urge or summon with such an interjection > HISTS, HISTING, HISTED.
hits (3rd.) HIT, to strike.
hive (Verb) to put into a hive > HIVES, HIVING, HIVED.
hiya (Coll.) a greeting.
hmmm an interjection expressing thoughtful consideration.
hoar Grey, esp. with age; (verb) to cover with hoar > HOARS, HOARING, HOARED. Also HORE.
hoas (Pl.) HOA, to say HOA.
hoax To deceive > HOAXES, HOAXING, HOAXED.
hobo A tramp; (verb) to travel as a hobo > HOBOS or HOBOES, HOBOING, HOBOED.
hobs (3rd.) HOB, to furnish with hobnails.
hock (Noun) a white Rhine wine; (verb) to pawn > HOCKS, HOCKING, HOCKED.
hods (3rd.) HOD, to bob or jog.
hoed (Pt.) HOE, to use a hoe.
hoer One who hoes > HOERS.
hoes (3rd.) HOE, to use a hoe.
hogg A yearling sheep > HOGGS. Also HOG, HOGGET.
hogh (Spenser) = HOE, promontory > HOGHS.
hogs (3rd.) HOG, to use selfishly.
hoha (NZ) bored, annoyed.
hohs (Pl.) HOH, an interjection calling attention, expressing surprise etc.
hoik To hitch up, to jerk upwards > HOIKS, HOIKING, HOIKED. Also HOICK.
hois (3rd.) HOI, to urge, incite.
hoka (Maori) red cod > HOKA. No -S.
hoke To overact a part in a play > HOKES, HOKING, HOKED.
hoki A food fish with white flesh > HOKIS.
hold To have in one's possession > HOLDS, HOLDING, HELD, HILD, HOLDEN.
hole To make a hole (a cavity in a solid) > HOLES, HOLING, HOLED.
holk (Scots) to dig, burrow > HOLKS, HOLKING, HOLKED. Also HOWK.
holm A river island > HOLMS.
holo (Short for) hologram > HOLOS.
holp (Obs.) helped.
hols (Coll.) holidays. N.B. no HOL*.
holt The lair or den of an animal, esp. an otter > HOLTS.
holy Perfect in a moral sense > HOLIER, HOLIEST; HOLILY; (noun) a holy object > HOLIES.
homa (Persian) a sacred plant of the ancient Persians > HOMAS. Also HOM.
home To return to one's home (place of residence) > HOMES, HOMING, HOMED.
homo (Lat.) man generically > HOMINES; (sl.) a homosexual > HOMOS.
homs (Pl.) HOM, a sacred plant of the ancient Persians.
homy Home-loving > HOMIER, HOMIEST. Also HOMEY.
hond (Obs.) hand > HONDS.
hone To sharpen > HONES, HONING, HONED.
hong (Noun) (Chinese) a Chinese warehouse or foreign mercantile house in China. (Verb) (obs) to hang > HONGS, HONGING but no HONGED*.
honk To make a sound like a horn, or as of wild geese > HONKS, HONKING, HONKED.
hons (Pl.) HON, honey.
hood A flexible covering for the head and back of the neck; (verb) to cover with or as with a hood > HOODS, HOODING, HOODED.
hoof The hard covering of animal's foot > HOOVES; (verb) to dance > HOOFS, HOOFING, HOOFED.
hook To catch with a hook (a bent piece of metal) > HOOKS, HOOKING, HOOKED.
hoon (Aust. slang) a lout, a yob > HOONS.
hoop To fasten with a hoop (a circular band of metal) > HOOPS, HOOPING, HOOPED.
hoor a Scots and Irish form of whore; a difficult or unpleasant thing > HOORS.
hoot To make a sound like an owl > HOOTS, HOOTING, HOOTED. Also HOUT, WHOOT.
hope To have a desire or expectation > HOPES, HOPING, HOPED.
hops (3rd.) HOP, to leap on one leg.
hora (Hebrew) an Israeli dance > HORAS. Also HORAH.
hore Grey, esp. with age. Also HOAR.
hork to spit > HORKS, HORKING, HORKED.
horn To form a horn (a hard, bonelike projection of the head) > HORNS, HORNING, HORNED.
hors (Fr.) out of the combat; disabled from fighting.
hose Stockings or socks > HOSEN; (verb) to spray with water > HOSES, HOSING, HOSED.
hoss (Sl.) horse > HOSSES.
host To entertain socially > HOSTS, HOSTING, HOSTED.
hote (Spenser) pt. of HIGHT, to command or call.
hots (Sl.) sexual desire.
houf (Scots) a place where one is often found, a haunt; (verb) to go to such a place > HOUFS, HOUFING, HOUFED. 'The corby left her houf in the rock' (James Hogg, 'Kilmeny'). Also HOWFF, HOUFF, HOWF.
hour Sixty minutes > HOURS. Also HOWRE.
hout To make a sound like an owl > HOUTS, HOUTING, HOUTED. Also HOOT, WHOOT.
hove (Spenser) to hover, loiter > HOVES, HOVING, HOVED.
howe A hill, a burial-mound > HOWES.
howf (Scots) a place where one is often found, a haunt; (verb) to haunt, frequent > HOWFS, HOWFING, HOWFED. Also HOWFF, HOUF, HOUFF.
howk (Scots) to dig, burrow > HOWKS, HOWKING, HOWKED. Also HOLK.
howl To cry like a dog > HOWLS, HOWLING, HOWLED.
hows (Pl.) HOW, a method of doing something.
hoya A plant of genus Hoya, the wax-plant > HOYAS.
hoys (Pl.) HOY, a small fishing vessel.
hubs (Pl.) HUB, the centre of a wheel > HUBS.
huck A durable fabric > HUCKS.
hued Having a HUE.
huer A lookout man in pilchard fishing > HUERS.
hues (Pl.) HUE, colour.
huff To breathe heavily > HUFFS, HUFFING, HUFFED.
huge Very large > HUGER, HUGEST; HUGELY.
hugs (3rd.) HUG, to embrace.
hugy Huge, vast. No comp!
huhu (Maori) a New Zealand beetle > HUHUS.
huia (Maori) a New Zealand bird akin to a crow > HUIAS.
huic An interjection to encourage hounds.
huis (Pl.) HUI, a Maori gathering.
hula (Hawaiian) a sinuous Polynesian dance with rhythmic hip movements > HULAS.
hule (Nahuatl) a Central American rubber tree > HULES. Also ULE.
hulk (Verb) to appear impressively large > HULKS, HULKING, HULKED.
hull (Shakesp.) to drift on the sea like a wrecked ship > HULLS, HULLING, HULLED.
huma (Urdu) a mythical bird similar to the phoenix, supposed to bring luck to any person over whom it hovers on its restless flights > HUMAS. [Pers. & Urdu huma, phoenix.]
humf (Scots) to carry something heavy or awkward > HUMFS, HUMFING, HUMFED. Also HUMPH.
hump To arch into a hump (a rounded protuberance) > HUMPS, HUMPING, HUMPED.
hums (3rd.) HUM, to make a sound like bees.
hung (Pp.) HANG, to attach from above only.
hunh An interjection requesting repeating of an utterance.
hunk A large piece > HUNKS.
huns (Pl.) HUN, a barbarous and destructive person.
hunt To pursue for food or sport > HUNTS, HUNTING, HUNTED.
hups (3rd.) HUP, to shout 'hup'.
hurl To throw with great force > HURLS, HURLING, HURLED.
hurt To injure > HURTS, HURTING, HURT.
hush To quiet > HUSHES, HUSHING, HUSHED.
husk To remove the husk (the outer covering) from > HUSKS, HUSKING, HUSKED.
huso (Ger.) the great sturgeon > HUSOS. [OHG huso].
huss A kind of dogfish > HUSSES.
huts (3rd.) HUT, to quarter (troops) in a hut.
hwan A monetary unit of S. Korea > HWAN. No -S.
hwyl (Welsh) divine inspiration in oratory > HWYLS.
hyed (Pt.) HYE, to hie, hurry.
hyen (Shakesp.) a hyena > HYENS.
hyes (3rd.) HYE, to hie.
hyke (Arabic) an oblong cloth worn by Arabs on head or body > HYKES. Also HAIK, HAIQUE, HAICK.
hyla A kind of tree-frog > HYLAS. [NL, from Gk. hule, wood].
hyle (Greek) wood; matter > HYLES. [Gk. hyle].
hymn A song of praise, esp to God, but also to a nation, etc.; (verb) to sing a hymn > HYMNS, HYMNING, HYMNED.
hype Exaggeration, build-up; (verb) to exaggerate > HYPES, HYPING, HYPED.
hypo (Coll.) to inject with a hypodermic needle > HYPOS, HYPOED, HYPOING.
hyps (3rd.) HYP, to render melancholy.
hyte (Scots) insane. Also GYTE.
iamb A poetic foot consisting of a short then a long syllable > IAMBS.
ibex A wild mountain-goat > IBEXES or IBICES.
ibis Any of a group of gregarious wading birds of warm and tropical climates > IBISES.
iced (Pt.) ICE, to cool with ice.
icer A person who makes or applies icing > ICERS.
ices (3rd.) ICE, to cool with ice.
ichs (3rd.) ICH, to eke, augment.
icks (Pl.) ICK, something sticky or disgusting.
icky Repulsive > ICKIER, ICKIEST; ICKILY.
icon A religious carving of a saint etc > ICONS or ICONES. Also EIKON, IKON.
idea A conception existing in the mind > IDEAS, IDEAED.
idee (Fr.) idea > IDEES.
idem (Lat.) the same; the same as above.
ides (Lat.) in the ancient Roman calendar, the eighth day after the nones, i.e. the 15th of March, May, July, October, and the 13th of the other months.
idle Unoccupied > IDLER, IDLEST; IDLY; (verb) to be unoccupied > IDLES, IDLING, IDLED.
idly (Adv.) IDLE, unoccupied.
idol An object of worship > IDOLS.
idyl A short description in verse or prose of a picturesque scene or incident, esp. in rustic life > IDYLS. Also IDYLL.
iffy (Coll.) dodgy, chancy > IFFIER, IFFIEST.
igad (Arch.) a mild oath. Also ECOD, EGAD, EGADS.
iggs (3rd.) IGG, to ignore, snub.
iglu (Inuit) a snow house > IGLUS. [Inupiaq iglu, house]. Also IGLOO.
ikan (Malay) fish esp in names of cooked dishes e.g. assam ikan > IKANS.
ikat (Malay) a technique of dyeing yarn and tying it, thus giving geometric patterns > IKATS. [Malay ikat, to tie, fasten].
ikon A religious carving of a saint etc > IKONS. Also ICON, EIKON.
ilea (Pl.) ILEUM, the anterior or superior bone of the pelvis.
ilex (Lat.) the holm oak > ILEXES or ILICES.
ilia (Pl.) ILIUM, the anterior or superior bone of the pelvis.
ilka (Scots) every.
ilks (Pl.) ILK, a type or kind.
ills (Pl.) ILL, harm.
illy (Adv.) ILL, bad.
imam (Arabic) the officer who leads the devotions in a mosque > IMAMS. Also IMAUM.
imid A class of organic compounds formed from ammonia > IMIDS. Also IMIDE.
immy A type of playing marble > IMMIES.
impi (Zulu) a regiment of Zulu warriors > IMPIS or IMPIES.
imps (3rd.) IMP, to graft, to splice a falcon's broken feathers.
inby (Scots) towards the interior, by the house. Also INBYE.
inch The twelfth part of a foot, equal to 2.54cm; (verb) to move by slow degrees > INCHES, INCHING, INCHED.
info (Abbr.) information > INFOS.
ingo (Scots) entry into or taking on a new tenancy > INGOES.
ings (Pl.) ING, a meadow, esp one beside a river.
inia (Pl.) INION, the external occipital protuberance.
inks (3rd.) INK, to colour with ink.
inky Like ink > INKIER, INKIEST.
inly Inwardly; thoroughly.
inns (3rd.) INN, to put up at an inn.
inro (Japanese) a small container for pills and medicines > INRO. No -S.
inti (Quechua) the standard monetary unit of Peru, equal to 100 céntimos > INTIS. [Sp. f. Quechua ynti sun, the Inca sun god].
into To the inside of.
ions (Pl.) ION, an atom that has an electrical charge, by virtue of having gained or lost electrons.
iota (Greek) a Greek letter > IOTAS.
ired (Pt.) IRE, to anger.
ires (3rd.) IRE, to anger.
irid Any plant of the IRIS family > IRIDS.
iris (Noun) part of the eye > IRISES or IRIDES. (Verb) to give the form of a rainbow to > IRISES, IRISING, IRISED.
irks (3rd.) IRK, to annoy or weary.
iron To furnish with iron (a metallic element) > IRONS, IRONING, IRONED.
isba (Russian) a Russian log hut > ISBAS.
isit (S. Afr.) an expression used in response to a statement, sometimes to seek confirmation but often merely to show that one is listening.
isle (Verb) to make an isle of > ISLES, ISLING, ISLED.
isms (Pl.) ISM, any distinctive theory or fad.
isna (Scots) is not. Also ISNAE.
isos (Pl.) ISO, an isolated replay, a TV and film facility.
itas (Pl.) ITA, the miriti palm.
itch To have an uneasy or tingling skin sensation > ITCHES, ITCHING, ITCHED.
item (Verb) to enumerate, to make a note of > ITEMS, ITEMING, ITEMED.
iure (Lat.) by right or law. Also JURE.
iwis (Arch.) certainly. [From I wis, i.e. I know]. Also YWIS.
ixia A S. African shrub > IXIAS. [Gk. ixos, mistletoe].
izar (Arabic) a long cotton outer garment (usually white) worn by Muslim women > IZARS.
jaap (S. Afr.) a simpleton or country bumpkin > JAAPS.
jabs (3rd.) JAB, to poke or stab.
jack Medieval leather coat worn as armour; (verb) to raise with a type of lever > JACKS, JACKING, JACKED.
jade (Noun) a precious stone > JADES. [Spaniards who first met this stone in the 16th century believed that it had the power to cure kidney problems, so called it piedra de ijada, kidney-stone]. (Verb) to tire > JADES, JADING, JADED.
jafa (NZ) an offensive name for a person from Auckland [NZ slang from Just Another F***ing Aucklander] > JAFAS.
jaga (Malay) to guard, watch > JAGAS, JAGAING, JAGAED.
jagg To cut unevenly > JAGGS, JAGGING, JAGGED. Also JAG.
jags (3rd.) JAG, to cut unevenly.
jail To put in jail (a place of confinement) > JAILS, JAILING, JAILED.
jake (US) a country lout, a yokel > JAKES; (Aust) honest, fine.
jaks (Pl.) JAK, an East Indian tree.
jamb (Verb) to jam > JAMBS, JAMBING, JAMBED; (noun) a piece of leg armour, a greave. Also JAMBE.
jams (3rd.) JAM, to block up.
jane A small silver Genoese coin > JANES.
jann (Arabic) the least powerful order of JINN > JANNS.
jape To play a joke > JAPES, JAPING, JAPED.
japs (3rd.) JAP, to splash or spatter.
jark A seal on a document; a pass, safe-conduct > JARKS.
jarl (ON) a chief; an earl; in English history, one of the leaders in the Danish and Norse invasions > JARLS.
jarp (Dial.) to strike, smash esp the shell of an egg at Easter > JARPS, JARPING, JARPED.
jars (3rd.) JAR, to put in jars.
jasp (Spenser) = JASPER, a precious stone > JASPS. Also JASPIS.
jass (Obs.) jazz > JASSES.
jasy A wig, orig. of worsted > JASIES. Also JASEY, JAZY.
jato A jet-assisted take-off > JATOS.
jauk To dawdle > JAUKS, JAUKING, JAUKED.
jaup (Scots) to splash or spatter > JAUPS, JAUPING, JAUPED. Also JAP.
java A type of coffee > JAVAS.
jaws (3rd.) JAW, to chatter at length.
jaxy The posterior, the anus > JAXIES. Also JAXIE, JACKSIE, JACKSY.
jays (Pl.) JAY, a bird of the crow family.
jazy A wig, orig. of worsted > JAZIES. Also JASY, JASEY.
jazz Any of various styles of music with a strong rhythm, syncopation, improvisation, etc, originating in black American folk music; (verb) to play jazz music, to enliven > JAZZES, JAZZING, JAZZED.
jean A twilled cotton cloth > JEANS, JEANED.
jeat (Obs.) jet, the mineral > JEATS.
jedi A person who claims to live according to a philosophy based on that of the fictional Jedi in Star Wars > JEDIS.
jeed (Pt.) JEE, to stir or budge.
jeel (Scots) to congeal, set > JEELS, JEELING, JEELED.
jeep (Verb) to travel by jeep > JEEPS, JEEPING, JEEPED.
jeer To mock > JEERS, JEERING, JEERED.
jees (3rd.) JEE, to budge or stir.
jeez An interjection expressing consternation. Also GEEZ.
jefe (Spanish) a chief > JEFES.
jeff To gamble with printer's quadrats > JEFFS, JEFFING, JEFFED.
jehu A coachman, especially one who drives at a rattling pace > JEHUS. "The driving is like the driving of Jehu the son of Nimshi; for he driveth furiously." - 2 Kings ix. 20.
jell To set like jelly > JELLS, JELLING, JELLED.
jeon (Korean) a monetary unit of S. Korea > JEON > no -S! Also CHON.
jerk To move with a sharp, sudden motion > JERKS, JERKING, JERKED.
jess (Shakesp.) a strap of leather attached to the talons of a hawk, by which it is held on the fist; (verb) to fasten such straps > JESSES, JESSING, JESSED. Also JESSE.
jest To joke > JESTS, JESTING, JESTED.
jete A movement in dancing > JETES.
jets (3rd.) JET, to travel by jet.
jeux (Pl.) JEU, game.
jiao (Chinese) a Chinese monetary unit, one tenth of a YUAN > JIAOS. Also CHIAO.
jibb In sailing, to shift from side to side > JIBBS, JIBBING, JIBBED. Also GYBE, JIBE.
jibe In sailing, to shift from side to side > JIBES, JIBING, JIBED. Also GYBE, JIBB.
jibs (Pl.) JIB, a small triangular sail extending from the head of the foremast.
jiff (Coll.) an instant > JIFFS. Also JIFFY.
jigs (3rd.) JIG, to dance a jig.
jill A female hare > JILLS.
jilt To reject a lover > JILTS, JILTING, JILTED.
jimp (Scots) slender > JIMPER, JIMPEST; JIMPLY. Also JIMPY.
jink To move suddenly, from side to side > JINKS, JINKING, JINKED.
jinn (Pl.) DJINNI, one of a class of spirits in Muslim theology. Also DJINN, GINN.
jins (Pl.) JIN, a supernatural being in Muslim mythology.
jinx A person or thing that brings bad luck; an unlucky influence; (verb) to bring bad luck to, or put an unlucky spell on > JINXES, JINXING, JINXED.
jird (Berber) a kind of N. African GERBIL > JIRDS.
jism (Coll.) energy, force; semen > JISMS. Also JISSOM, GISM.
jive To dance to jazz or swing music > JIVES, JIVING, JIVED.
jivy Jazzy, lively > JIVIER, JIVIEST. Also JIVEY.
jizz The characteristic movement of a bird > JIZZES.
jobe To reprimand tediously > JOBES, JOBING, JOBED.
jobs (3rd.) JOB, to work at jobs.
jock (US slang) keen sportsman > JOCKS.
joco (Scots) cheerfully complacent.
joes (Pl.) JOE, sweetheart.
joey An old threepenny bit > JOEYS.
jogs (3rd.) JOG, to run at a slow, steady pace.
john (Sl.) a toilet > JOHNS.
join To unite > JOINS, JOINING, JOINED.
joke To say something amusing > JOKES, JOKING, JOKED.
joky Full of jokes > JOKIER, JOKIEST; JOKILY. Also JOKEY.
jole (Dial.) to bump, knock > JOLES, JOLING, JOLED. Also JOWL, JOLL, JOULE.
joll (Dial.) to bump, knock > JOLLS, JOLLING, JOLLED. Also JOWL, JOLE, JOULE.
jols (3rd.) JOL, to have a good time.
jolt To jar or shake roughly > JOLTS, JOLTING, JOLTED.
jomo (Tibetan) the female of the ZO > JOMOS. Also DSOMO, ZHOMO.
jong (Afrikaans) a friend, often used in direct address > JONGS.
jook (Scots) to duck or dodge > JOOKS, JOOKING, JOOKED. Also JOUK.
jors (Pl.) JOR, the second movement of a RAGA.
josh To tease > JOSHES, JOSHING, JOSHED.
joss (Chinese) a Chinese figure of a god, an idol > JOSSES.
jota (Spanish) a Spanish dance in triple time > JOTAS.
jots (3rd.) JOT, to note down.
jouk (Scots) to duck or dodge > JOUKS, JOUKING, JOUKED. Also JOOK.
jour (Fr.) a day, as in jour de feste > JOURS.
jowl (Dial.) to bump, knock > JOWLS, JOWLING, JOWLED. Also JOLL, JOLE, JOULE.
jows (3rd.) JOW, to ring, toll.
joys (3rd.) JOY, to rejoice, to be glad.
juba A Negro rustic dance > JUBAS.
jube (Lat.) a rood-loft, or screen and gallery > JUBES. [L. imperative of jubere, to command].
juco (US) junior college; an athlete at a junior college > JUCOS.
judo (Japanese) a Japanese form of unarmed combat > JUDOS.
juds (Pl.) JUD, a mass of coal.
judy (Sl.) a girl, a girl-friend > JUDIES.
juga (Pl.) JUGUM, a pair of leaflets in a pinnate leaf.
jugs (3rd.) JUG, to put in a jug.
juju A fetish, a supernatural power > JUJUS.
juke To dance > JUKES, JUKING, JUKED.
juku (Japanese) a Japanese school that prepares students for entrance exams e.g. to university > JUKUS.
jump To spring off the ground > JUMPS, JUMPING, JUMPED.
junk To discard as trash > JUNKS, JUNKING, JUNKED.
jupe A woman's jacket > JUPES.
jura (Pl.) JUS, a legal right.
jure (Lat.) by right or law. Also IURE.
jury (Verb) to select material for an exhibition > JURIES, JURYING, JURIED.
just Fair, equitable > JUSTER, JUSTEST; JUSTLY; (verb) to tilt with lances > JUSTS, JUSTING, JUSTED. Also JOUST, GIUST.
jute A fibre obtained from the phloem of two plants of the linden family, used for making ropes > JUTES.
juts (3rd.) JUT, to project.
juve (Abbr.) juvenile > JUVES.
jynx (Lat.) the wryneck > JYNXES. [L. iynx, from Gk. iynx or iynx]. Also YUNX.
kaal (S. Afr.) naked.
kaas A large cupboard > KAAS.
kabs (Pl.) KAB, an ancient Hebrew unit of measure.
kack rubbish, faeces > KACKS.
kade A wingless fly that infests sheep > KADES. Also KED.
kadi (Arabic) a civil judge in a Muslim country > KADIS. [Arabic qadi, a judge]. Also CADI, QADI.
kaed (Pt.) KAE, to serve.
kaes (3rd.) KAE, to serve.
kafs (Pl.) KAF, a Hebrew letter.
kago (Japanese) a basketwork PALANQUIN > KAGOS.
kagu A flightless bird > KAGUS. [Native name in New Caledonia].
kaid (Arabic) a North African chief > KAIDS. Also CAID, QAID.
kaie (Obs.) key > KAIES.
kaif (Arabic) a state of dreamy intoxication induced by e.g. cannabis > KAIFS. [Arabic kaif, pleasure]. Also KIF, KIEF, KEF, KEEF.
kaik (NZ) the South Island dialect word for KAINGA, a Maori village > KAIKS. Also KAIKA.
kail A ninepin > KAILS. Also KAYLE.
kaim (Scots) a comb; a ridge or mound of sand and gravel deposited on or near a glacier > KAIMS. Also KAME.
kain (Gaelic) a tenanted farm rent paid in kind > KAINS. Also CAIN, KANE.
kais (Pl.) KAI, a meal.
kaka (Maori) a brownish-green New Zealand parrot > KAKAS.
kaki (Japanese) a fruit like a persimmon > KAKIS.
kaks (Pl.) KAK, faeces, rubbish.
kale A hardy cabbage-like vegetable > KALES.
kali (Arabic) the prickly saltwort or glasswort > KALIS.
kama (Sanskrit) earthly desire > KAMAS.
kame (Scots) a comb; a ridge or mound of sand and gravel deposited on or near a glacier > KAMES. Also KAIM.
kami (Japanese) a Japanese divine being > KAMIS.
kana (Japanese) Japanese syllabic writing > KANAS.
kane (Gaelic) a tenanted farm rent paid in kind > KANES. Also CAIN, KAIN.
kang (Chinese) a sleeping platform > KANGS.
kans (Hindi) an Indian grass related to sugar-cane > KANSES.
kant An inclination from the horizontal or vertical plane; (verb) to so incline > KANTS, KANTING, KANTED. Also CANT.
kaon An elementary particle of the meson family > KAONS.
kapa (Polynesian) a kind of cloth prepared by the Polynesians from the inner bark of the paper mulberry > KAPAS. Also TAPA, TAPPA.
kaph (Hebrew) a Hebrew letter > KAPHS. Also CAPH, KHAPH, KHAF, KAF.
kapu (Hawaiian) a Hawaiian set of rules for daily life > KAPUS.
kara (Punjabi) a steel bangle, worn by Sikhs > KARAS.
kark (Aus. sl.) to break down, die > KARKS, KARKING, KARKED.
karn A mound of stone set up as a memorial > KARNS. Also CAIRN, CARN.
karo (Maori) a small New Zealand shrub or tree > KARO. No -S.
kart As in go-kart > KARTS, KARTING but no KARTED*.
kata (Japanese) a sequence of movements in the martial arts > KATAS.
kati (Malay) a unit of measure used in S.E. Asia > KATIS. Also CATTIE, KATTI.
kats (Pl.) KAT, a shrub of the spindle tree family.
kava (Tongan) a narcotic drink prepared from Polynesian plant > KAVAS. Also AVA, KAVAKAVA.
kawa (Maori) protocol or etiquette (in a Maori tribal meeting place) > KAWAS.
kaws (3rd.) KAW, to caw.
kayo A knockout; (verb) to knock out > KAYOS or KAYOES, KAYOING, KAYOED.
kays (Pl.) KAY, the letter K.
kazi (Sl.) lavatory > KAZIS. Also CARSEY, KARZY, KARSY, KARSEY, KHAZI.
kbar A kilobar > KBARS.
keas (Pl.) KEA, a large New Zealand parrot.
kebs (3rd.) KEB, to cast a lamb prematurely.
keck To heave or retch, as in an effort to vomit > KECKS, KECKING, KECKED.
keds (Pl.) KED, a wingless fly that infests sheep.
keef (Arabic) a state of dreamy intoxication induced by e.g. cannabis > KEEFS. [Arabic kaif, pleasure]. Also KIF, KIEF, KAIF, KEF.
keek To glance; to peep > KEEKS, KEEKING, KEEKED.
keel The part of a ship along the bottom from stem to stern; (verb) to turn keel upward > KEELS, KEELING, KEELED.
keen Sharp > KEENER, KEENEST; KEENLY; (verb) to lament esp. over a corpse > KEENS, KEENING, KEENED.
keep To tend, look after > KEEPS, KEEPING, KEPT.
keet A young guinea-fowl > KEETS.
kefs (Pl.) KEF, a state of dreamy tranquility.
kegs (Pl.) KEG, a barrel.
keir A bleaching-vat > KEIRS. Also KIER.
keks (Coll.) trousers. N.B. no KEK*.
kell (Scots) a woman's headdress, a veil > KELLS.
kelp A type of seaweed; (verb) to burn this > KELPS, KELPING, KELPED. Also KILP (but as noun only).
kelt (Scots) a salmon that has just spawned > KELTS.
kemp Coarse hair > KEMPY; (verb) to strive for mastery > KEMPS, KEMPING, KEMPED.
keno A gambling game, a variety of the game of lotto, played with numbered balls or knobs > KENOS. [Fr. quine, winning number]. Also KEENO, QUINO.
kens (3rd.) KEN, to know.
kent (Scots) a leaping or punting pole; (verb) to punt or pole > KENTS, KENTING, KENTED.
kepi (Fr.) a legionnaire's cap > KEPIS.
keps (3rd.) KEP, to catch.
kept (PaP.) KEEP, to tend, look after.
kerb (Verb) to provide with curbing > KERBS, KERBING, KERBED.
kerf A cut, notch or groove; (verb) to make an incision with a cutting tool > KERFS, KERFING, KERFED. Also CURF.
kern An Irish foot-soldier; (verb) to granulate > KERNS, KERNING, KERNED.
kero (Aust. sl.) kerosene > KEROS.
kesh (Punjabi) the uncut hair and beard traditionally worn by Sikhs > KESHES.
kest (Obs.) to cast > KESTS, KESTING, KEST.
keta (Russian) a Pacific salmon, the dog-salmon > KETAS.
kete (Maori) a basket woven from flax > KETE. No -S.
keto Pertaining to KETONE, a chemical compound of carbon, obtained by distilling salts of organic acids. No -S.
kets (Pl.) KET, carrion.
kewl (Coll.) cool > KEWLER, KEWLEST.
keys (3rd.) KEY, to enter (data) into a computer.
khaf (Hebrew) a Hebrew letter > KHAFS. Also CAPH, KAPH, KHAPH, KAF.
khan (Turkish) a prince or chief; a governor > KHANS. Also CHAM.
khat (Arabic) a shrub of E Africa, Arabia, etc, or specif its leaves, chewed or taken as tea for their stimulant effect > KHATS. Also KAT, QAT.
khet (Hebrew) a Hebrew letter > KHETS. Also HETH, HET, CHETH, KHETH.
khis (Pl.) KHI, a Greek letter.
khor (Arabic) a dry watercourse; a ravine > KHORS. [Arabic khurr, khorr].
khud (Hindi) in India, a pit, hollow, ravine > KHUDS.
kibe A chapped place on skin; an ulcerated chilblain > KIBES.
kick To strike out with the foot or feet > KICKS, KICKING, KICKED.
kids (3rd.) KID, to hoax or deceive.
kief (Arabic) a state of dreamy intoxication induced by e.g. cannabis > KIEFS. [Arabic kaif, pleasure]. Also KIF, KEF, KAIF, KEEF.
kier A bleaching-vat > KIERS. Also KEIR.
kiev a dish made of thin fillets of meat, esp chicken (chicken kiev), filled with butter, etc, coated with breadcrumbs, and fried > KIEVS.
kiff (S. Afr.) excellent. No comp!
kifs (Pl.) KIF, a state of dreamy intoxication induced by e.g. cannabis.
kild (Spenser) killed.
kill To deprive of life > KILLS, KILLING, KILLED or KILD.
kiln (Verb) to dry, fire in a kiln > KILNS, KILNING, KILNED.
kilp A type of seaweed > KILPS. Also KELP.
kilt A skirt-like garment; (verb) to tuck up like a kilt > KILTS, KILTING, KILTED.
kina A tree yielding cinchona, from which quinine is made > KINAS. Also KINAKINA, QUINA, QUINQUINA, QUINAQUINA, CHINACHINA.
kind Disposed to do good to others > KINDER, KINDEST; KINDLY; (verb) to beget > KINDS, KINDING, KINDED.
kine A type of television tube > KINES.
king (Verb) to make king; to provide with a king > KINGS, KINGING, KINGED.
kink To form a tight curl or bend in > KINKS, KINKING, KINKED.
kino A red gum containing tannin, obtained from several tropical trees > KINOS.
kins (Pl.) KIN, one's relations.
kipe An osier basket for catching pike > KIPES.
kipp (Scots) anything beaked; a pointed hill > KIPPS.
kips (Pl.) KIP, a Laotian monetary unit.
kirk (Scots) church; (verb) to bring to church > KIRKS, KIRKING, KIRKED.
kirn To churn > KIRNS, KIRNING, KIRNED.
kirs (Pl.) KIR, a wine and blackcurrant drink.
kish A solid graphite floating on a molten bath of pig-iron > KISHES.
kiss To touch with the lips as a sign of affection > KISSES, KISSING, KISSED.
kist (Scots) a chest; (verb) to coffin > KISTS, KISTING, KISTED.
kite A long-tailed bird of prey of the hawk family; (verb) to fly like a kite > KITES, KITING, KITED.
kith One's friends, neighbours, relatives > people of one's own kind > KITHS.
kits (Pl.) KIT, a small pocket violin.
kiva (Am. Ind.) an underground chamber used in religious rites by Pueblo Indians > KIVAS. [Hopi].
kiwi (Maori) a New Zealand bird, the APTERYX > KIWIS.
klap (S. Afr.) to slap or smack > KLAPS, KLAPPING, KLAPPED.
klik (Coll.) a kilometre > KLIKS. Also KLICK.
knag A short projection from the trunk or branch of a tree > KNAGS.
knap (Shakesp.) to snap, crack > KNAPS, KNAPPING, KNAPPED.
knar To snarl or growl > KNARS, KNARRING, KNARRED. Also GNAR, GNARR, GNARL.
knee To strike with the knee (a joint of the leg) > KNEES, KNEEING, KNEED.
knew (Pt.) KNOW, to have a true understanding of.
knit To make a fabric or garment by joining loops of yarn > KNITS, KNITTING, KNITTED.
knob A rounded protuberance; (verb) to supply with knobs > KNOBS, KNOBBING, KNOBBED.
knop A loop or tuft in yarn > KNOPS.
knot To tie in a knot (a closed loop) > KNOTS, KNOTTING, KNOTTED.
know To have a true understanding of > KNOWS, KNOWING, KNEW, KNOWN.
knub A knob, a small lump > KNUBS.
knur A knot on a tree > KNURS. Also KNAUR, KNURR, NUR, NURR.
knut A swell, a dandy > KNUTS.
koan (Japanese) a nonsensical question given to Buddhist students for contemplation > KOANS.
koap (Papua New Guinean slang) sexual intercourse > KOAPS.
koas (Pl.) KOA, a Hawaian acacia.
kobo A monetary unit of Nigeria > KOBOS. [Nigerian version of English copper].
kobs (Pl.) KOB, an African waterbuck.
koel (Hindi) an Asian or Australian bird of the cuckoo family > KOELS. [Hindi koël, koïl from Skt. kokila].
koff (Dutch) a small Dutch sailing vessel > KOFFS.
koha (Maori) a gift or donation esp. of cash > KOHAS.
kohl (Arabic) a black cosmetic powder > KOHLS.
kois (Pl.) KOI, a Japanese carp.
koji (Japanese) a fungus used to initiate fermentation in making soy sauce > KOJIS.
koka the lowest score awarded for a throw or hold in judo, worth three points > KOKAS.
kola (Temne) a genus of W. African trees producing nuts used in drugs and for flavouring soft drinks > KOLAS. Also COLA.
kolo (Serbo-Croat) a Serbian folk-dance > KOLOS. [Serbo-Croat kolo, wheel].
kond (Spenser) pt. of KON, to know.
konk To fail, break down > KONKS, KONKING, KONKED. Also CONK.
kons (3rd.) KON, to know.
kook (Scots) to dart in and out of sight > KOOKS, KOOKING, KOOKED.
koph (Hebrew) the nineteenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet > KOPHS. Also QOPH.
kops (Pl.) KOP, South African word for hill.
kora A West African musical instrument > KORAS.
kore (Greek) an ancient Greek statue of a draped maiden > KORES or KORAI.
koro (Maori) an elderly Maori man; a title of respect for an elderly Maori man > KORO. No -S.
kors (Pl.) KOR, a Hebrew unit of measure.
koru (Maori) a stylized curved pattern used especially in carving > KORUS.
koss (Hindi) a measure of distance > KOSSES. Also COSS, KOS.
koto (Japanese) a kind of musical instrument > KOTOS.
kows (Pl.) KOW, a bunch of twigs.
krab In mountaineering, a short form of KARABINER > KRABS.
krai (Russian) an administrative district in Russia > KRAIS.
kray (Russian) an administrative district in Russia > KRAYS.
kris (Malay) a dagger or short sword used by the Malays, commonly having a serpentine blade > KRISES. Also CRIS, CREESE, KREESE.
ksar (Milton) tsar > KSARS.
kudo Award, honour (back-formation from KUDOS) > KUDOS.
kudu (Hottentot) a kind of antelope with long spiral horns > KUDUS. Also KOODOO.
kueh (Malay) any cake of Malay, Chinese or Indian origin > KUEH. No -S.
kues (Pl.) KUE, the letter Q.
kufi A close-fitting brimless cylindrical or round hat > KUFIS.
kuia (Maori) a Maori female elder or elderly woman > KUIAS.
kuku (Maori) a large fruit-eating pigeon of New Zealand > KUKUS.
kula (Melanesian) a form of ceremonial gift exchange practised among a group of islanders in the W. Pacific used to establish relations between islands > KULAS.
kuna The standard monetary unit of Croatia, divided into 100 LIPA > KUNE.
kune (Pl.) KUNA, the standard monetary unit of Croatia.
kuri (Maori) a mongrel, an extinct native dog > KURIS. Also GOORIE, GOORY.
kuru Laughing sickness, a disease of New Guinea > KURUS.
kuta (Hinglish) a male dog; a man or a boy regarded as unpleasant or contempible > KUTAS.
kuti (Hinglish) a female dog; a woman or girl regarded as unpleasant or contemptible > KUTIS.
kutu (Maori) a body louse, a COOTIE > KUTUS.
kuzu (Japanese) a thickening agent used in a macrobiotic diet > KUZUS.
kvas (Russian) an alcoholic drink of low strength (actually given to children) made in Russia and E. Europe from cereals and stale bread > KVASES. Also KVASS, QUASS.
kyak (Inuit) a type of canoe > KYAKS. Also KAYAK, KAIAK.
kyar A material for cordage, matting, etc., consisting of the prepared fiber of the outer husk of the cocoanut > KYARS. Also COIR.
kyat (Burmese) the standard Burmese monetary unit, equal to 100 PYAS > KYATS.
kybo (Aust. sl.) a temporary lavatory constructed for use when camping > KYBOS.
kyes (Pl.) KYE, a private Korean-American banking club to which members pay contributions usually to start small businesses.
kyle (Gaelic) a narrow strait > KYLES. [Gaelic caol, narrow].
kynd (Spenser) to kind, beget > KYNDS, KYNDING, KYNDED. Also KYNDE.
kyne (Scots) kine, cattle. No -S.
kype The hook on the lower jaw of a mature male salmon > KYPES.
kyte (Scots) the belly > KYTES.
kyus (Pl.) KYU, a grade in martial arts.
labs (Pl.) LAB, laboratory.
lace A delicate ornamental fabric made by looping, knotting, plaiting or twisting threads into definite patterns; (verb) to fasten by means of a lace (a cord for drawing together two edges) > LACES, LACING, LACED.
lack To be without > LACKS, LACKING, LACKED.
lacs (Pl.) LAC, a dark red resin.
lacy Of or like lace > LACIER, LACIEST; LACILY. Also LACEY.
lads (Pl.) LAD, a boy or youth.
lady A woman of refinement and gentle manners > LADIES.
laer (Afrikaans) = LAAGER, a camp; (verb) to make camp > LAERS, LAERING, LAERED.
lags (3rd.) LAG, to fall behind.
lahs (Pl.) LAH, a musical note.
laic Pertaining to lay people rather than clergy; (noun) a lay person > LAICS.
laid (Scots) to load > LAIDS, LAIDING, LAIDED.
laik (Scots) to sport or play > LAIKS, LAIKING, LAIKED. Also LAKE.
lain (Pt.) LIE, to be in a horizontal position.
lair (Scots) to mire, cover with mud > LAIRS, LAIRING, LAIRED.
lake (Verb) to sport or play > LAKES, LAKING, LAKED. Also LAIK.
lakh (Hindi) a unit of counting > one hundred thousand > LAKHS.
laky Containing lakes > LAKIER, LAKIEST.
lall To articulate R as L > LALLS, LALLING, LALLED.
lama (Tibetan) a Tibetan monk or priest > LAMAS.
lamb (Verb) to give birth to a lamb > LAMBS, LAMBING, LAMBED.
lame Physically disabled > LAMER, LAMEST; LAMELY; (verb) to make lame > LAMES, LAMING, LAMED.
lamp (Verb) to illumine; to supply with lamps > LAMPS, LAMPING, LAMPED.
lams (3rd.) LAM, to beat.
lana The wood of the GENIPAP, a large West Indian tree > LANAS.
land To set down upon land (solid ground) > LANDS, LANDING, LANDED.
lane A narrow passageway > LANES.
lang (Scots) long > LANGER, LANGEST.
lank Thin, shrunken > LANKER, LANKEST; LANKLY; (verb) to make or become lean, shrunken > LANKS, LANKING, LANKED.
lant Stale urine, used in wool-scouring > LANTS.
lanx (Arch.) a platter > LANCES.
laps (3rd.) LAP, to scoop up with the tongue.
lard (Verb) to cover or smear foods with lard > LARDS, LARDING, LARDED.
lare Lore; learning > LARES.
lari A monetary unit of the Maldives, 1/100th of a RUFIYAA > LARIS. Also LAARI, LAREE.
lark To behave playfully > LARKS, LARKING, LARKED.
larn (Dial.) to learn > LARNS, LARNING, LARNED.
lars (Pl.) LAR. a tutelary deity.
lase To function as a LASER > LASES, LASING, LASED.
lash To strike with a whip > LASHES, LASHING, LASHED.
lass (Scots) a girl > LASSES. Also LASSIE.
last To continue in existence > LASTS, LASTING, LASTED.
late After the due time > LATER, LATEST; LATED; LATELY.
lath (Verb) to cover with laths > LATHS, LATHING, LATHED.
lati (Pl.) LAT, a former monetary unit of Latvia.
lats (Pl.) LAT, a former monetary unit of Latvia.
latu (Pl.) LAT, a Latvian unit of currency.
laud To praise > LAUDS, LAUDING, LAUDED.
lauf (Ger.) a run in a bobsleigh contest > LAUFS.
lava Magma that has been extruded out on to the earth's surface > LAVAS.
lave To wash, bathe > LAVES, LAVING, LAVED.
lavs (Pl.) LAV, lavatory.
lawk (Dial.) interjection expressing surprise. Also LAWKS.
lawn A fine linen or cotton fabric, used for clothing > LAWNS.
laws (3rd.) LAW, to take to court.
lays (3rd.) LAY, to place horizontally.
laze To pass time lazily > LAZES, LAZING, LAZED.
lazo A lasso; (verb) to lasso > LAZOS or LAZOES, LAZOING, LAZOED.
lazy Idle > LAZIER, LAZIEST; LAZILY; (verb) to move lazily > LAZIES, LAZYING, LAZIED.
lead To cover with lead (a heavy metallic element) > LEADS, LEADING, LEADED; to guide > LEADS, LEADING, LED.
leaf A usually green, flattened organ of vascular plants > LEAVES; (verb) to turn pages rapidly > LEAFS, LEAFING, LEAFED.
leak To permit the escape of something through a breach or flaw > LEAKS, LEAKING, LEAKED.
leal (Scots) loyal > LEALER, LEALEST; LEALLY.
leam (Arch.) to gleam, glow > LEAMS, LEAMING, LEAMED. Also LEME.
lean Having little fat > LEANER, LEANEST; LEANLY; (verb) to deviate from a vertical position > LEANS, LEANING, LEANED or LEANT.
lear (Spenser) to teach > LEARS, LEARING, LEARED.
leas (Pl.) LEA, arable land left fallow or used for pasture.
leat A mill-stream > LEATS.
lech (Verb) to lust > LECHES, LECHING, LECHED.
lede the introductory section of a news story > LEDES.
leed (Pt.) LEE, to give shelter to.
leek A vegetable of the onion genus > LEEKS.
leep (Hindi) to plaster with cow-dung; to boil or scald > LEEPS, LEEPING, LEEPED.
leer To look with a sideways glance > LEERS, LEERING, LEERED.
lees The sediment that settles at the bottom of a liquid, esp. a fermented liquid such as wine; dregs.
leet (Shakesp.) a manor court > LEETS.
left Opposite to right > LEFTER, LEFTEST.
legs (3rd.) LEG, to walk briskly.
lehr A glass-annealing oven > LEHRS. Also LEAR, LEER.
leir (Spenser) to teach > LEIRS, LEIRING, LEIRED. Also LERE, LEAR, LEARE, LEER.
leis (Pl.) LEI, a garland.
leke (Spenser) leaky.
leks (Pl.) LEK, an Albanian monetary unit.
leku (Pl.) LEK, the monetary unit of Albania.
leme (Arch.) to gleam, glow > LEMES, LEMING, LEMED. Also LEAM.
lend To give the temporary use of > LENDS, LENDING, LENT.
leng (Obs.) to lengthen, tarry > LENGS, LENGING, LENGED.
leno A thin, muslin-like fabric > LENOS.
lens (Verb) to make a film of > LENSES, LENSING, LENSED.
lent (Pt.) LEND, to give the temporary use of.
leps (3rd.) LEP, to leap.
lept (Pt.) LEP, to leap.
lere (Spenser) to teach > LERES, LERING, LERED. Also LEIR, LEAR, LEARE, LEER.
lerp (Aborig.) in Australia, a scalelike, waxy, protective, edible secretion produced on the leaves of certain plant louse larvae > LERPS.
less (Noun) a smaller portion or quantity > LESSES.
lest (Spenser, verb) to listen > LESTS, LESTING, LESTED.
lets (3rd.) LET, to allow.
leud A feudal vassal > LEUDS or LEUDES.
leva (Pl.) LEV or LEW, a Bulgarian monetary unit.
leve Gladly. Also LIEF.
levo Turning towards the left. Also LAEVO.
levs (Pl.) LEV, a unit of Bulgarian currency.
levy To impose or collect by legal authority > LEVIES, LEVYING, LEVIED.
lewd Sexually suggestive > LEWDER, LEWDEST; LEWDLY.
leys (Pl.) LEY, a meadow.
liar One that speaks falsely > LIARS.
lias The lowest series of rocks of the Jurassic system > LIASES.
libs (3rd.) LIB, to geld.
lice (Pl.) LOUSE, a wingless parasitic insect.
lich (Obs.) a body, living or dead > LICHES.
lick To pass the tongue over the surface of > LICKS, LICKING, LICKED.
lido A bathing beach; an open-air swimming pool > LIDOS. [The original Lido is a beach resort near Venice, Italy. The town's name comes from the Italian word lido, shore or bank.]
lids (3rd.) LID, to provide with a lid.
lied (Ger.) a song > LIEDER.
lief (Adv.) soon; gladly > LIEFER, LIEFEST; LIEFLY; (noun) beloved > LIEFS.
lien A right to keep possession of property belonging to another person until a debt due by that person is discharged > LIENS.
lier One who lies > LIERS.
lies (3rd.) LIE, to tell a lie.
lieu (Fr.) a place or stead, esp. in the phrase in lieu of > LIEUS.
life The quality that distinguishes animals and plants from inanimate matter > LIVES or LIFES.
lift To move to a higher position > LIFTS, LIFTING, LIFTED.
ligs (3rd.) LIG, to lie about, idle.
like Similar > LIKER, LIKEST; (verb) to feel attracted to > LIKES, LIKING, LIKED.
lill (Spenser) to loll the tongue > LILLS, LILLING, LILLED.
lilo An inflatable mattress > LILOS.
lilt To have a jaunty rhythm > LILTS, LILTING, LILTED.
lily Any plant or flower of the genus Lilium > LILIES, LILIED.
lima A kind of bean > LIMAS.
limb (Verb) to dismember; to supply with limbs > LIMBS, LIMBING, LIMBED.
lime A tropical citrus tree; its small nearly globular fruit, with acid-tasting flesh; (verb) to treat with lime > LIMES, LIMING, LIMED.
limn To portray, paint or delineate > LIMNS, LIMNING, LIMNED.
limo (Abbr.) LIMOUSINE > LIMOS.
limp Lacking rigidity > LIMPER, LIMPEST; LIMPLY; (verb) to walk lamely > LIMPS, LIMPING, LIMPED.
limy Containing or tasting of lime > LIMIER, LIMIEST.
lind A lime-tree > LINDS. Also LINDEN.
line To mark with lines (slender, continuous marks) > LINES, LINING, LINED.
ling Any of various plants of the heath family, esp. Calluna vulgaris, heather > LINGS.
link To connect > LINKS, LINKING, LINKED.
linn (Scots) a waterfall > LINNS.
lino Linoleum > LINOS.
lins (Pl.) LIN, a waterfall.
lint An absorbent cotton or linen fabric with the nap raised on one side, used to dress wounds, etc; (verb) to put lint on > LINTS, LINTING, LINTED.
liny Like a line > LINIER, LINIEST. Also LINEY.
lion A large powerful cat, found in Africa and India > LIONS.
lipa A monetary unit of Croatia > LIPE.
lipe (Pl.) LIPA, a monetary unit of Croatia.
lipo (Coll.) a liposuction > LIPOS.
lips (3rd.) LIP, to touch with the lips.
lira (Ital.) an Italian unit of currency > LIRE or LIRAS; a Maltese unit of currency > LIRI; an Israeli unit of currency > LIROT or LIROTH.
lire (Pl.) LIRA, an Italian unit of currency.
liri (Pl.) LIRA, a Maltese monetary unit.
lirk (Scots) to wrinkle > LIRKS, LIRKING, LIRKED.
lisk The groin, flank > LISKS.
lisp To pronounce the letters S and Z imperfectly > LISPS, LISPING, LISPED.
list To write down in a particular order > LISTS, LISTING, LISTED.
lite (Dial.) to alight, dismount > LITES, LITING, LITED. Also LYTE.
lith (Scots) a joint; spec. the last joint or the tip of a finger > LITHS.
lits (Pl.) LIT, the former monetary unit of Lithuania.
litu (Pl.) LITAS, a former monetary unit of Lithuania.
live Having life > LIVER, LIVEST; LIVELY; (verb) to function as an animal or plant > LIVES, LIVING, LIVED.
load To place in or on a means of conveyance > LOADS, LOADING, LOADED.
loaf A shaped mass of bread > LOAVES; (verb) to pass time idly > LOAFS, LOAFING, LOAFED.
loam (Verb) to cover with loam > LOAMS, LOAMING, LOAMED.
loan To lend > LOANS, LOANING, LOANED.
lobe A rounded, projecting anatomical part; (verb) to divide into lobes > LOBES, LOBING, LOBED.
lobi (Pl.) LOBUS, a lobe.
lobo (US) a timber wolf > LOBOS.
lobs (3rd.) LOB, to throw gently.
loca (Pl.) LOCUS, a place, a locality.
loch A lake > LOCHS.
loci (Pl.) LOCUS, a place, a locality.
lock To secure by means of a mechanical fastening device > LOCKS, LOCKING, LOCKED.
loco (Noun) a locomotive; (verb) to poison with locoweed > LOCOS or LOCOES, LOCOING, LOCOED.
lode A deposit of valuable ore occurring between definite limits in the surrounding rock > LODES.
lods (Pl.) LOD, a statistic relating to the odds of an event.
loft (Verb) to strike a ball so it rises > LOFTS, LOFTING, LOFTED.
loge (Fr.) a small enclosure or box in a theatre or opera house > LOGES.
logo A small design used as the symbol of an organisation etc > LOGOS.
logs (3rd.) LOG, to enter into a record.
logy Heavy or dull in respect to motion or thought; as, a LOGY horse > LOGIER, LOGIEST; LOGILY. Also LOGGY.
loid (Sl.) celluloid; (verb) to open a lock with a strip of celluloid > LOIDS, LOIDING, LOIDED.
loin The part of the lower back between the pelvis and the ribs > LOINS.
loir (Fr.) a large European species of dormouse > LOIRS.
loke A short narrow lane; a grass-covered track > LOKES.
loll To lounge > LOLLS, LOLLING, LOLLED.
lolz (Slang) amusement derived from mischievous or provocative behaviour on the Internet.
loma (Lat.) a membranous fringe or flap > LOMAS or LOMATA.
lome To cover with LOAM > LOMES, LOMING, LOMED.
lone Having no companions > LONELY.
long Extending for a considerable distance > LONGER, LONGEST; (verb) to desire strongly > LONGS, LONGING, LONGED.
loof (Scots) the palm of the hand > LOOFS.
look To use one's eyes in seeing > LOOKS, LOOKING, LOOKED.
loom To appear in an enlarged and indistinct form > LOOMS, LOOMING, LOOMED.
loon A simple-minded person.
loop To form loops (circular or oval openings) > LOOPS, LOOPING, LOOPED.
loor (Scots) comparative of LIEF, glad.
loos (3rd.) LOO, to love.
loot To plunder > LOOTS, LOOTING, LOOTED.
lope To run with a steady, easy gait > LOPES, LOPING, LOPED.
lops (3rd.) LOP, to cut off unnecessary parts.
lord (Verb) to act as a lord > LORDS, LORDING, LORDED.
lore On a bird, the area between the eye and the bill > LORES.
lorn Lost, abandoned.
lory (Malay) a kind of small parrot > LORIES. [Malay lori]. Also LOWRY, LOWRIE.
lose To come to be without and be unable to find > LOSES, LOSING, LOST.
losh (Scots) (interjection) Lord.
loss The act of one that loses > LOSSES.
lost (Pt.) LOSE, to mislay.
lota (Hindi) in India, a small brass or copper pot > LOTAS. Also LOTAH.
lote (Arch.) lotus > LOTES.
loth Reluctant > LOTHER, LOTHEST.
loti (Sesotho) a monetary unit of Lesotho > MALOTI. No -S.
loto A game played by covering on a card each number drawn till a line of numbers is completed > LOTOS. Also LOTTO.
lots (3rd.) LOT, to allot.
loud Strongly audible > LOUDER, LOUDEST; LOUDLY.
loun (Scots) sheltered, calm, quiet; (verb) to calm > LOUNS, LOUNING, LOUNED. Also LOWN, LOON, LOWND, LOWNE, LOUND.
loup (Scots) to leap > LOUPS, LOUPING, LOUPIT, LOUPEN. Also LOWP.
lour To look sullen or threatening > LOURS, LOURING, LOURED. Also LOWER.
lous (3rd.) LOU, to love.
lout (Verb, archaic) to bow, stoop > LOUTS, LOUTING, LOUTED.
love To feel great affection for > LOVES, LOVING, LOVED.
lowe (Scots) to blaze > LOWES, LOWING, LOWED.
lown (Scots) sheltered, calm, quiet; (verb) to calm, become calm > LOWNS, LOWNING, LOWNED. Also LOWNE, LOWND, LOUN, LOUND.
lowp (Scots) to leap > LOWPS, LOWPING, LOWPED. Also LOUP.
lows (3rd.) LOW, to make a noise like a cow.
lowt To bow, stoop > LOWTS, LOWTING, LOWTED. Also LOUT.
loys (Pl.) LOY, a long narrow spade.
luau (Hawaiian) a Hawaiian dish made of coconut, octopus etc > LUAUS.
lube A lubricant; (verb) to lubricate > LUBES, LUBING, LUBED.
luce (Shakesp.) the pike or jack, a fresh-water fish > LUCES.
luck (Verb) to succeed by chance or good fortune > LUCKS, LUCKING, LUCKED.
lude A type of sedative pill > LUDES.
ludo A simple board game played with dice and counters in which the aim is to be the first to reach a destination > LUDOS.
luds (Pl.) LUD, a lord, judge.
lues (Lat.) disease, especially of a contagious kind > LUES.
luff To turn a ship towards the wind > LUFFS, LUFFING, LUFFED.
luge A light toboggan; (verb) to ride on this > LUGES, LUGEING or LUGING, LUGED.
lugs (3rd.) LUG, to pull or drag with difficulty.
luit (Scots) pt. LET.
luke Moderately warm; not hot; tepid. Also LUKEWARM.
lull To cause to sleep or rest > LULLS, LULLING, LULLED.
lulu An outstandingly bad or impressive person or thing > LULUS.
lulz (Slang) amusement derived from mischievous or provocative behaviour on the Internet.
luma A monetary unit of Armenia > LUMAS.
lump A shapeless mass; (verb) to make into lumps > LUMPS, LUMPING, LUMPED.
lums (Pl.) LUM, chimney.
luna (Lat.) a North American moth with crescent-shaped markings > LUNAS. [L. luna, moon].
lune Anything shaped like a half-moon > LUNES.
lung A respiratory organ > LUNGS.
lunk A stupid person > LUNKS.
luns (Pl.) LUN, a lee.
lunt (Scots) a slow match; a sudden flame; (verb) to kindle > LUNTS, LUNTING, LUNTED.
luny Loony > LUNIER, LUNIEST; (noun) a loony person > LUNIES.
lure To attract with something desirable > LURES, LURING, LURED.
lurk To wait in concealment > LURKS, LURKING, LURKED.
lurs (Pl.) LUR, a Bronze Age trumpet.
lush Luxuriant > LUSHER, LUSHEST; LUSHLY; (verb) to ply with alcohol > LUSHES, LUSHING, LUSHED.
lusk To lie about lazily > LUSKS, LUSKING, LUSKED.
lust To have an intense desire > LUSTS, LUSTING, LUSTED.
lute (Verb) to coat with lute (in sense of a protective covering) > LUTES, LUTING, LUTED.
lutz A jump in figure-skating > LUTZES. [From Gustav Lussi, Swiss figure-skater who introduced it].
luvs (Pl.) LUV, term of endearment.
luxe (Fr.) luxury, as in de luxe.
lwei A monetary unit of Angola > LWEIS.
lyam A kind of bloodhound > LYAMS. Also LYME, LYM.
lych A corpse > LYCHES.
lyes (Pl.) LYE, any solution obtained by leaching.
lyme A kind of bloodhound > LYMES. Also LYAM, LYM.
lyms (Pl.) LYM, a leash, a slow hound.
lyne (Spenser) linen > LYNES.
lynx An animal of the Lynx genus of wild cats > LYNXES.
lyra As in lyra viol, a lutelike instrument forerunner of the mandolin. No -S.
lyre A musical instrument like the harp, used esp in ancient Greece as an accompaniment to poetry > LYRES.
lyse To undergo lysis, disintegration or destruction of cells > LYSES, LYSING, LYSED.
lyte (Obs.) to alight > LYTES, LYTING, LYTED. Also LITE.
maar (Ger.) a volcanic crater without a cone, usually filled by a lake > MAARS or MAARE.
maas (3rd.) MAA, of a goat, to bleat; (noun) thick soured milk > MAASES.
mabe A cultured pearl > MABES.
maca A cruciferous biennial plant, native to the Peruvian Andes; the powdered root of this plant, used as a stimulant and health supplement > MACAS.
mace A club-like weapon; (verb) to attack with this > MACES, MACING, MACED.
mach A number indicating the ratio of the speed of an object to the speed of sound in the surrounding medium > MACHS.
mack A pimp, pander > MACKS.
macs (Pl.) MAC, mackintosh.
made (Pt.) MAKE, to cause to exist.
mads (3rd.) MAD, to be mad.
maes (Pl.) MAE, more.
mage A magician; a person of exceptional wisdom and learning > MAGES. Also MAGUS.
magg (Scott) to steal > MAGGS, MAGGING, MAGGED.
magi (Pl.) MAGUS, a magician.
mags (3rd.) MAG, to tease, chatter.
maha As in maha yoga, a form of yoga practised with a master that incorporates all eight classical yogas.
maid (Verb) to work as a maid > MAIDS, MAIDING, MAIDED.
maik (Scots) a mate or consort, an equal > MAIKS.
mail To send by a governmental postal system > MAILS, MAILING, MAILED.
maim To injure so as to cause lasting damage > MAIMS, MAIMING, MAIMED.
main (Adj.) chief, principal > MAINER, MAINEST; MAINLY; (verb) to maim or cripple > MAINS, MAINING, MAINED.
mair (Scots) more > MAIRS.
make To cause to exist > MAKES, MAKING, MADE.
maki (Japanese) in Japanese cuisine a small segment cut from a long roll of cold rice and various other ingredients wrapped in a sheet of seaweed > MAKIS.
mako (Maori) a kind of shark > MAKOS.
maks (3rd.) MAK, to make.
mala (Hindi) a string of beads or knots used in prayer > MALAS.
male An individual that begets young by fertilizing the female > MALES.
mali (Hindi) one of the gardener class in India > MALIS.
mall (Verb) to maul, beat > MALLS, MALLING, MALLED.
malm A calcareous loam used in making brick > MALMS.
mals (Pl.) MAL, pain, sickness.
malt Barley or other grain prepared for brewing or distilling or vinegar-making, esp. by steeping, germinating, and drying; (verb) to treat or combine with malt > MALTS, MALTING, MALTED.
mama Mother > MAMAS.
mams (Pl.) MAM, mother.
mana (Maori) an impersonal supernatural force > MANAS.
mand (Spenser) manned.
mane The long hair growing on and about the neck of some animals > MANES, MANED.
mang (Arch.) to speak or talk > MANGS, MANGING, MANGED.
mani A stone prayer wall in a Tibetan Buddhist temple, usu. carved with sacred images or texts > MANIES or MANIS.
mano A stone roller used in Mexico etc. for grinding maize on a METATE, a stone with a concave surface > MANOS.
mans (3rd.) MAN, to staff, operate.
many Consisting of or amounting to a large number > MORE, MOST.
maps (3rd.) MAP, to make a map.
mara A large rodent, like a CAVY, found in Patagonia > MARAS.
marc (Fr.) grapeskins and other refuse from wine-making > MARCS.
mard (Spenser) marred.
mare (Lat.) a sea on the moon > MARIA.
marg (Abbr.) margarine > MARGS. Also MARGE.
mark A former monetary unit and coin in England and Scotland worth two thirds of a pound sterling > MARKS; (verb) to make a mark on > MARKS, MARKING, MARKED.
marl A mixture of clays, carbonates and ground-up shells used as a fertilizer; (verb) to fertilise with marl > MARLS, MARLING, MARLED.
marm A form of address to a woman, = ma'am > MARMS.
mars (3rd.) MAR, to spoil.
mart (Verb) (Shakespeare) to sell, trade > MARTS, MARTING, MARTED.
mary (Aust. slang) a woman, esp. an aboriginal woman > MARIES.
masa (Spanish) in Mexican cooking, a dough made from masa harina, ground, dried maize and used to make tamales etc > MASAS. [Sp. masa, dough, from L. massa, a lump].
mase To act as a MASER, a device used to amplify long-range radar and radio astronomy signals > MASES, MASING, MASED.
mash To reduce to a pulpy mass > MASHES, MASHING, MASHED.
mask A covering for the face, or the upper part of it, for concealment; (verb) to conceal with or as with a mask > MASKS, MASKING, MASKED.
mass To assemble in a mass (a body of coherent matter) > MASSES, MASSING, MASSED.
mast (Verb) to supply with a mast > MASTS, MASTING, MASTED.
masu (Japanese) a Japanese salmon > MASUS.
mate An infusion made from the leaves and shoot of a S. American shrub, aka Paraguay tea; (verb) to couple with > MATES, MATING, MATED.
math Mathematics > MATHS.
mats (3rd.) MAT, to form a tangle.
matt A non-glossy surface, as on paint > MATTS.
maty Friendly > MATIER, MATIEST; MATILY; (noun) a friend > MATIES. Also MATEY.
maud A Scottish shepherd's woollen plaid > MAUDS.
maul A war-club or mace; a heavy wooden hammer or beetle; (verb) to beat with a maul, to handle roughly > MAULS, MAULING, MAULED.
maun (Dial.) must.
maut (Scots) malt > MAUTS.
mawk (ON) a maggot. [ON mathkr, maggot].
mawn (Pt.) MAW, to mow.
mawr (Dial.) a girl, especially a great awkward girl > MAWRS. Also MAUTHER, MAWTHER.
maws (3rd.) MAW, to mow.
maxi A maxi garment > MAXIS.
maya (Sanskrit) in Buddhist philosophy, the power to produce illusions > MAYAS.
mayo (Abbr.) mayonnaise > MAYOS.
mays (Pl.) MAY, hawthorn blossom.
maze (Verb) to bewilder, confuse > MAZES, MAZING, MAZED.
mazy Like a maze, winding > MAZIER, MAZIEST; MAZILY.
mead Alcoholic liquor produced by fermenting a mixture of honey and water > MEADS. Also MEATH, MEATHE.
meal (Verb) to cover with meal > MEALS, MEALING, MEALED.
mean Low, humble > MEANER, MEANEST; MEANLY; (verb) to signify > MEANS, MEANING, MEANT.
meat Animal flesh used as food > MEATS, MEATED.
mech (Short for) mechanic > MECHS.
meck (Scots) an old halfpenny > MECKS. Also MAIK,
meds (Pl.) MED, medication.
meed A fitting return or recompense > MEEDS.
meek Submissive > MEEKER, MEEKEST; MEEKLY.
meer (Verb) to mark off; to bound > MEERS, MEERING, MEERED. Also MERE, MEARE.
mees (Pl.) MEE, in Malaysia, noodles or a dish containing noodles.
meet Suitable > MEETER, MEETEST; MEETLY; (verb) to encounter > MEETS, MEETING, MET.
meff (Dial.) a tramp, a worthless person > MEFFS.
mega Very big.
megs (Pl.) MEG, a halfpenny.
mein (Shakesp.) to moan > MEINS, MEINING, MEINED. Also MEANE, MENE.
mela (Hindi) in the Indian subcontinent, a Hindu festival or fair > MELAS. [Hindi, from Sanskrit mela, assembly].
meld To merge, blend > MELDS, MELDING, MELDED.
mell (Shakesp.) to mix, to meddle > MELLS, MELLING, MELLED.
mels (Pl.) MEL, honey.
melt To change from a solid to a liquid state by heat > MELTS, MELTING, MELTED.
meme In biology, a practice or belief passed on other than by genes > MEMES.
memo A memorandum > MEMOS.
mems (Pl.) MEM, a Hebrew letter.
mend To repair > MENDS, MENDING, MENDED.
mene (Obs.) to lament, moan > MENES, MENING, MENED. Also MEIN, MEANE.
meng To mix; to unite, couple > MENGS, MENGING, MENT or MEINT or MEYNT. Also MING, MENGE.
meno (Ital.) less.
ment (Pt.) MENG, to mix.
menu (Fr.) a list of dishes available > MENUS.
meou To make a sound like a cat > MEOUS, MEOUING, MEOUED. Also MIAOW, MIAOU, MEOW, MIAUL.
meow To make a sound like a cat > MEOWS, MEOWING, MEOWED. Also MIAOW, MEOU, MIAOU, MIAUL.
merc (Abbr.) mercenary > MERCS or MERCES.
mere Only > MERER, MEREST; MERELY; (verb) to mark off, divide > MERES, MERING, MERED.
meri (Maori) a war-club > MERIS.
merk An old Scotch silver coin > MERKS.
merl A blackbird > MERLS. Also MERLE.
mesa (Spanish) a flat-topped hill > MESAS.
mese (Greek) in Greek music, the middle string of the lyre; its note > MESES.
mesh To entangle > MESHES, MESHING, MESHED.
mess To make dirty or untidy > MESSES, MESSING, MESSED.
meta Pertaining to positions in benzene ring separated by one carbon atom.
mete To distribute by measure > METES, METING, METED.
meth A stimulant drug > METHS.
mets (Pl.) MET, meteorology.
meus (Pl.) MEU, the plant SPIGNEL.
meve (Obs.) to move > MEVES, MEVING, MEVED.
mewl To cry feebly, as a kitten > MEWLS, MEWLING, MEWLED.
mews (Verb) to pass through a MEUSE > MEWSES, MEWSING, MEWSED. Also MEUSE, SMEUSE.
meze (Turkish) a type of appetizer served in Greece > MEZES. [Turkish meze, a snack]. Also MEZZE.
mezz Relating to an intermediate stage in a financial process.
mhos (Pl.) MHO, a unit of electrical resistance.
mibs (Pl.) MIB, a type of marble.
mica A rock-forming mineral (muscovite, biotite, lepidolite, etc) with perfect basal cleavage > MICAS.
mice (Pl.) MOUSE, a small rodent.
mich To play truant > MICHES, MICHING, MICHED. Also MITCH.
mico (Tupi) the black-tailed marmoset > MICOS.
mics (Pl.) MIC, microphone.
midi A skirt or coat that extends to the middle of the calf > MIDIS.
mids (Pl.) MID, middle.
mien (Fr.) air or look; manner > MIENS.
miff A petty falling out; a tiff; (verb) to put in a bad mood, offend > MIFFS, MIFFING, MIFFED.
migg A type of playing marble > MIGGS. Also MIG, MIB, MIGGLE.
migs (Pl.) MIG, a type of playing marble.
miha (Maori) a young fern frond that has not opened. No -S.
mihi (Maori) a ceremonial greeting; (verb) to greet ceremonially > MIHIS, MIHIING, MIHIED.
mike (Abbr.) microphone; (verb) to record by use of a microphone > MIKES, MIKING, MIKED.
mild Gentle, not harsh > MILDER, MILDEST; MILDLY; (verb) to make or become mild > MILDS, MILDING, MILDED.
mile A unit of linear measure, 1760 yards > MILES.
milf A sexually attractive middle-aged woman > MILFS.
milk To draw milk (a whitish, nutritious liquid) from the udder of > MILKS, MILKING, MILKED.
mill To grind by mechanical means > MILLS, MILLING, MILLED.
milo A drought-resistant variety of SORGHUM > MILOS.
mils (Pl.) MIL, a Cypriot coin.
milt The soft roe of a fish; (verb) of fish, to impregnate > MILTS, MILTING, MILTED.
mime To mimic > MIMES, MIMING, MIMED.
mina A Greek unit of weight or money > MINAS or MINAE. Also MNA, MANEH.
mind To heed > MINDS, MINDING, MINDED.
mine To dig into for valuable materials > MINES, MINING, MINED.
ming To mix; to unite, couple > MINGS, MINGING, MINGED, MEINT, MEYNT, MENT. Also MENG, MENGE.
mini Something distinctively smaller than others of its kind > MINIS.
mink A carnivorous mammal > MINKS.
mino (Japanese) a raincoat of hemp etc > MINOS.
mint Any plant of the aromatic labiate genus Mentha; (verb) to coin, to invent > MINTS, MINTING, MINTED.
minx A pert, sly, or flirtatious young woman; a hussy > MINXES.
miny Abounding with mines; like a mine > MINIER, MINIEST.
mips A million instruction per second. No MIP*.
mire (Verb) to bog down > MIRES, MIRING, MIRED.
miri (Pl.) MIR, a Russian farming community.
mirk Dark, gloomy > MIRKER, MIRKEST; (noun) darkness, gloom > MIRKS. Also MURK.
miro (Maori) a tall coniferous tree of New Zealand > MIRO. No -S.
mirs (Pl.) MIR, a Muslim ruler.
mirv (Military slang) to provide with MIRV capabilities, i.e. missiles containing many thermonuclear warheads > MIRVS, MIRVING, MIRVED.
miry Abounding with deep mud; full of mire > MIRIER, MIRIEST.
mise The issue in a writ of right > MISES.
miso (Japanese) a paste, used in flavouring, prepared from soya beans and fermented in brine > MISOS.
miss To fail to make contact with > MISSES, MISSING, MISSED.
mist To become blurry > MISTS, MISTING, MISTED.
mite Any of various tiny arachnids of the order Acarida, many of which carry disease, smaller than ticks and, unlike them, not always parasitic in habits > MITES.
mitt Any of various glovelike hand coverings, such as one that does not cover the fingers > MITTS. Also MITTEN.
mity Infested with mites > MITIER, MITIEST.
mixt (Obs.) pt. MIX.
mixy Mixed > MIXIER, MIXIEST.
mizz (Coll.) short form of misery. Also MIZ.
mnas (Pl.) MNA, a Greek unit of weight or money.
moai (Rapanui) any of the gigantic stone statues of Easter Island > MOAI. No -S.
moan To utter a low, mournful sound > MOANS, MOANING, MOANED.
moas (Pl.) MOA, an ostrich-like New Zealand bird, extinct for over a century.
moat (Verb) to surround with a moat > MOATS, MOATING, MOATED.
mobe (Sl.) a mobile phone > MOBES. Also MOBIE, MOBY.
mobs (3rd.) MOB, to form into a mob.
moby (Sl.) a mobile phone > MOBIES. Also MOBE, MOBIE.
moch (Scots) misty or humid weather > MOCHS.
mock To ridicule > MOCKS, MOCKING, MOCKED.
mocs (Pl.) MOC, moccasin.
mode A method of doing or acting > MODES.
modi (Pl.) MODUS, the terms of a conveyance.
mods (Pl.) MOD, a Highland Gaelic festival.
moer (S. Afr.) a despicable person; (verb) to attack someone > MOERS, MOERING, MOERED.
moes (Pl.) MOE, a wry face.
mofo (US) a motherfucker > MOFOS.
mogs (3rd.) MOG, to move away, jog.
moho a boundary separating the earth's crust and the mantle > MOHOS.
mohr (Arabic) a West African gazelle > MOHRS. Also MHORR.
moil to drudge > MOILS, MOILING, MOILED. [Anglo-French moiller, to make wet, dampen, with the idea of toiling in mud]. Also MOYLE.
moit (Dial.) = MOTE, a foreign particle in wool > MOITS.
mojo (US slang) magic > MOJOS or MOJOES.
moke A donkey > MOKES.
moki (Maori) a New Zealand sea fish > MOKIS.
moko (Maori) a system of tattooing > MOKOS.
mola (Cuna) a brightly-coloured applique or embroidered panel made by Cuna Indian women of Panama > MOLAS.
mold (US) to mould > MOLDS, MOLDING, MOLDED.
mole The quantity of a compound that has a weight equal to the compound's molecular weight > MOLES.
moll A gangster's girlfriend > MOLLS.
mols (Pl.) MOL, the chemical term.
molt To moult > MOLTS, MOLTING, MOLTED.
moly A magical herb given by Hermes to Odysseus against the charms of Circe; a species of wild onion > MOLIES.
mome (Shakesp.) a stupid person > MOMES.
momi (Pl.) MOMUS, a satirist, a critic.
moms (Pl.) MOM, mother.
mona (Spanish) a kind of West African monkey > MONAS.
mong (Dial.) a throng or crowd; a mixture > MONGS.
monk A man who is a member of a secluded religious order > MONKS.
mono The black howler monkey of Central America > MONOS.
mons (Lat.) a protuberance of the body > MONTES.
mony (Scots) many. Also MONIE.
mood A person's emotional state at a particular moment > MOODS.
mooi (Afrikaans) fine.
mook (Japanese) a book produced in magazine format > MOOKS.
mool (Scots) mould > MOOLS.
moon The satellite of a planet; (verb) to spend time idly > MOONS, MOONED, MOONING.
moop (Scots) to nibble, munch > MOOPS, MOOPING, MOOPED. Also MOUP.
moor To secure a vessel by means of cables > MOORS, MOORING, MOORED.
moos (3rd.) MOO, to low.
moot (Adj.) debatable > MOOT, MOOTEST; (verb) to debate > MOOTS, MOOTING, MOOTED.
mope To act in a dejected or gloomy manner > MOPES, MOPING, MOPED.
mops (3rd.) MOP, to clean with a mop.
mopy Moping > MOPIER, MOPIEST. Also MOPEY.
mora (Lat.) a unit of metrical time in prosody > MORAE or MORAS. A game of guessing how many fingers are held up > MORAS.
more A greater amount > MORES.
morn Morning > MORNS.
mors (Pl.) MOR, a type of humus.
mort The note sounded on a hunting horn when an animal is killed > MORTS.
mose (Shakesp.) a doubtful verb, applied to some disease in a horse > MOSES, MOSING, MOSED.
mosh A type of dance performed to loud rock music; (verb) to dance in this manner > MOSHES, MOSHING, MOSHED.
mosk (Arabic) an Islamic temple > MOSKS. Also MOSQUE.
moss (Verb) to cover with moss > MOSSES, MOSSING, MOSSED.
most The greatest part of > MOSTEST but not MOSTER*.
mote A speck of dust > MOTES, MOTED; (verb) may, must > MOSTE, MOTEN.
moth A winged insect > MOTHS, MOTHED.
moti (Hinglish) a fat woman or girl > MOTIS.
mots (Pl.) MOT, a word, a pithy saying.
mott (SW US) a clump of trees, esp. on a prairie > MOTTS.
motu (Maori) a small reef island in the Pacific > MOTU or MOTUS.
moue (Fr.) a disdainful or pouting look > MOUES.
moup (Scots) to nibble, munch > MOUPS, MOUPING, MOUPED. Also MOOP.
mous (Pl.) MOU, mouth.
move To change from one position to another > MOVES, MOVING, MOVED.
mowa (Hindi) a kind of butter-tree with edible flowers > MOWAS. Also MOWRA, MAHUA, MAHWA.
mown (Pt.) MOW, to cut the grass on.
mows (3rd.) MOW, to cut the grass on.
moxa (Japanese) a soft woolly mass prepared from the young leaves of Artemisia chinensis, and used as a cautery by burning it on the skin > MOXAS. [Japanese mogusa].
moya Volcanic mud > MOYAS.
moyl (Obs.) a mule. Also MOYLE.
moys (Pl.) MOY, an old coin.
moze To raise the nap of a fabric with a gig > MOZES, MOZING, MOZED.
mozo A manual labourer > MOZOS.
mozz (Aus. sl.) bad luck. Also MOZ.
much Plentiful > MUCHLY; (noun) a great deal > MUCHES.
muck To fertilize with manure > MUCKS, MUCKING, MUCKED.
muds (3rd.) MUD, to bury in mud, to plaster with mud.
muff An open-ended cylinder of fur or cloth into which the hands are placed for warmth; (verb) to make a mess of, fail to catch > MUFFS, MUFFING, MUFFED.
mugg To make funny faces > MUGGS, MUGGING, MUGGED.
mugs (3rd.) MUG, to attack from behind.
muid (Dutch) a Dutch or (now esp.) South African dry measure of capacity > MUIDS.
muil (Scots) a backless slipper, a mule.
muir (Scots) a moor > MUIRS.
mule (Verb) to strike (a coin) from dies belonging to two different issues > MULES, MULING, MULED.
mull A light fabric; (verb) to ponder over, study > MULLS, MULLING, MULLED.
mumm To sport or make diversion in a mask or disguise; to mask > MUMMS, MUMMING, MUMMED.
mump To move the lips with the mouth closed; to mumble, as in sulkiness > MUMPS, MUMPING, MUMPED.
mums (3rd.) MUM, to act in a mime.
mumu (Hawaiian) a long loose dress > MUMUS. Also MUUMUU.
mung To process computer data > MUNGS, MUNGING, MUNGED.
muni A security issued by a municipal government > MUNIS.
muns (Pl.) MUN, a fellow.
muon A subatomic particle > MUONS.
mura (Japanese) a Japanese village > MURAS.
mure To wall up the doors of; to stop (up) the means of access to > MURES, MURING, MURED.
murk Dark, gloomy, obscure > MURKER, MURKEST; MURKLY; (noun) darkness, gloom > MURKS. Also MIRK.
murl (Scots) to crumble > MURLS, MURLING, MURLED.
murr A guillemot, an auk > MURRS. Also MURRE.
muse To ponder > MUSES, MUSING, MUSED.
mush Meal, esp cornmeal, boiled in water or milk until thick; (verb) to reduce to mush > MUSHES, MUSHING, MUSHED.
musk (Verb) to perfume with musk > MUSKS, MUSKING, MUSKED.
muso (Sl.) a musician > MUSOS.
muss To disarrange, to mess > MUSSES, MUSSING, MUSSED. Also MUSSE.
must (Scots) a musk, hair-powder; (verb) to powder > MUSTS, MUSTING, MUSTED. Also MUIST.
mute Characterized by an absence of speech > MUTER, MUTEST; MUTELY; (verb) to deaden the sound of > MUTES, MUTING, MUTED.
muti (Zulu) a traditional medicine, associated with witch-doctors > MUTIS. [Zulu umuthi tree, plant, medicine].
muts (Pl.) MUT, a mongrel dog.
mutt (US) a blockhead; a dog > MUTTS. Also MUT.
muzz (Coll.) to make muzzy > MUZZES, MUZZING, MUZZED.
mwah A representation of the sound of a kiss.
myal Relating to MYALISM, a magic cult among West Indian blacks.
mycs (Pl.) MYC, a cancer-causing gene.
myna (Hindi) an Asiatic bird of the starling family > MYNAS. [Hindi maina]. Also MYNAH, MINA.
myth A type of traditional story > MYTHS.
myxo (Aust. sl.) myxomatosis > MYXOS.
mzee (Swahili) an old person > MZEES.
naam (Hist. law) the action of taking another's goods by distraint; goods so taken > NAAMS. Also NAM.
naan (Hindi) a kind of Indian bread > NAANS. Also NAN.
nabe A neighbourhood movie theatre > NABES.
nabk (Arabic) a tree, the Christ's-thorn > NABKS. [Arabic nebk]. Also NEBBUK, NEBEK, NEBECK.
nabs (3rd.) NAB, to seize.
nach (Hindi) an entertainment in India consisting chiefly of dancing by professional dancing girls > NACHES. Also NAUTCH.
nada (Spanish) nothing; nothingness > NADAS.
nads (Sl.) testicles. No NAD*.
naes (Pl.) NAE, no.
naff Tacky > NAFFER, NAFFEST; NAFFLY; (verb) to go away > NAFFS, NAFFING, NAFFED.
naga (Sanskrit) a snake, especially the cobra; a divine snake (Hindu mythology) > NAGAS.
nags (3rd.) NAG, to worry or annoy constantly.
naif (Fr.) ingenuous > NAIFLY; (noun) a naive person > NAIFS. Also NAIVE.
naik (Hindi) the rank of corporal in the Indian army > NAIKS.
nail To fasten with a nail (a slender piece of metal) > NAILS, NAILING, NAILED.
nain (Scots) one's own.
nala (Hindi) a ravine, a watercourse > NALAS. [Hindi nala]. Also NULLAH, NULLA, NALLAH, NALLA.
name To give a title to > NAMES, NAMING, NAMED.
nams (Pl.) NAM, the action of taking another's goods by distraint.
namu (Maori) a black New Zealand sandfly > NAMU. No -S.
nana (Aus. sl.) an idiot, a fool > NANAS.
nane (Scots) none.
nang (Sl.) excellent, cool.
nano the science that deals with materials on an atomic or molecular scale > NANOS.
nans (Pl.) NAN, a kind of Indian lightly leavened bread.
naoi (Pl.) NAOS, the inner cell of a temple.
naos (Greek) the inner cell of a temple > NAOI or NAOSES.
napa A kind of soft leather prepared from sheep- or goat-skin by a special tawing process > NAPAS. [From Napa in California]. Also NAPPA.
nape The back of the neck; (verb) to attack with napalm > NAPES, NAPING, NAPED.
naps (3rd.) NAP, to take a short sleep.
narc (Abbr.) narcotic > NARCS.
nard An East Indian plant of the valerian family, used from remote ages in Oriental perfumery; an ointment made from this; (verb) to anoint with nard > NARDS, NARDING, NARDED.
nare A nostril, esp. a hawk's > NARES. [L. naris, nostril].
nark (Romany) a police informer; (verb) to inform on, to annoy > NARKS, NARKING, NARKED. [Romany nak, nose].
nary (Dial.) not any.
nats (Pl.) NAT, a nationalist.
nave The largest part of church where the congregation sits > NAVES.
navs (Pl.) NAV, navigation.
navy A nation's warships > NAVIES.
nays (Pl.) NAY, a denial.
naze A headland or cape > NAZES.
nazi (Ger.) a type of fascist > NAZIS. [Ger. short form of Nationalsozialist, National Socialist].
neal An aphetic form of ANNEAL, to heat and cool metal gradually to temper > NEALS, NEALING, NEALED.
neap The tidal period of least difference between high and low tides; (verb) to tend towards the neap > NEAPS, NEAPING, NEAPED.
near Close at hand > NEARER, NEAREST; NEARLY; (verb) to approach > NEARS, NEARING, NEARED.
neat Tidy > NEAT, NEATEST; NEATLY; (noun) cattle > NEATS.
nebs (Pl.) NEB, a beak or bill.
neck To kiss and caress in lovemaking > NECKS, NECKING, NECKED.
neds (Pl.) NED, young hooligan.
need To have an urgent or essential use for > NEEDS, NEEDING, NEEDED.
neem (Hindi) an East Indian tree > NEEMS. Also NEEMB, NIM, NIMB.
neep (Scots) a turnip > NEEPS.
nefs (Pl.) NEF, a church nave.
negs (Pl.) NEG, a photographic negative.
neif (Obs.) the fist > NEIFS. Also NEAFE, NEAFFE, NEIVE, NIEF, NIEVE.
neks (Pl.) NEK, a col, a pass.
nema A NEMATODE, a parasitic worm with an unsegmented, cylindrical body > NEMAS.
nemn (Obs.) to name > NEMNS, NEMNING, NEMNED, NEMPT.
nene (Hawaiian) a kind of goose native to Hawaii > NENES.
neon A gaseous element > NEONS, NEONED.
neps (Pl.) NEP, catmint.
nerd A person obsessed with computers at the expense of human interaction > NERDS. Also NURD.
nerk A fool, an idiot > NERKS.
nesh Soft, crumbly; tender > NESHER, NESHEST.
ness A headland > NESSES.
nest To build a nest (a structure for holding bird eggs) > NESTS, NESTING, NESTED.
nete (Greek) the highest note of a lyre > NETES. [Gk. nete or neate (chorde), literally, lowest (string)].
nets (3rd.) NET, to catch in a net.
neuk (Scots) a nook > NEUKS.
neum A succession of notes sung to one syllable > NEUMS. Also NEUME.
neve (Fr.) old compressed snow, aka FIRN > NEVES.
nevi (Pl.) NEVUS, a birthmark.
newb a newbie > NEWBS.
news (Verb) to report > NEWSES, NEWSING, NEWSED.
newt A tailed amphibian of the salamander family > NEWTS.
next Nearest > NEXTLY; (noun) the next thing or person > NEXTS.
ngai Clan or tribe, as used before the names of certain Maori tribes.
nibs (3rd.) NIB, to provide with a nib.
nice Agreeable > NICER, NICEST; NICELY.
nick To make a shallow cut in > NICKS, NICKING, NICKED.
nide A pheasant's nest or brood; (verb) to nest > NIDES, NIDING, NIDED. Also NID.
nidi (Pl.) NIDUS, a nest or breeding-place.
nids (Pl.) NID, a pheasant's nest.
nied (Pt.) NIE, to nigh.
nief (Obs.) the fist > NIEFS. Also NEIF, NEAFE, NEAFFE, NIEVE, NEIVE.
nies (3rd.) NIE, to nigh.
nife The earth's hypothetical core of nickel and iron > NIFES.
niff To pong > NIFFS, NIFFING, NIFFED.
nigh Near > NIGHER, NIGHEST, NARRE, NEIST; (verb) to draw near to > NIGHS, NIGHING, NIGHED.
nill Not to will; to refuse > NILLS, NILLING, NOULD, NOULDE, NILLED.
nils (Pl.) NIL, nothing.
nimb (Hindi) an East Indian tree > NIMBS. Also NEEM, NEEMB, NIM.
nims (3rd.) NIM, to take or steal.
nine A number > NINES.
nipa (Malay) a low-growing E. Indian palm, aka ATTAP or ATAP > NIPAS.
nips (3rd.) NIP, to pinch.
nirl (Scots) a lump, a crumb; a stunted person; (verb) to stunt, shrivel > NIRLS, NIRLING, NIRLED or NIRLIT.
nish (Coll.) nothing > NISHES.
nisi (Lat.) taking effect at a specified date unless cause is shown otherwise. No -S.
nite (Coll.) night > NITES.
nits (Pl.) NIT, the egg of a louse or similar insect.
nixe (Pl.) NIX, a water-sprite.
nixy A female NIX or malignant water-spirit > NIXIES. Also NIXIE.
noah (Aust. sl.) a shark > NOAHS. (Rhyming slang > Noah's ark).
nobs (Pl.) NOB, a person of high social rank.
nock To notch a bow or arrow > NOCKS, NOCKING, NOCKED.
node A swollen enlargement > NODES.
nodi (Pl.) NODUS, a knotty point, difficulty.
nods (3rd.) NOD, to move the head forward in assent or greeting.
noel A Christmas carol > NOELS.
noes (Pl.) NO.
nogg An egg-nog or similar drink > NOGGS. Also NOG.
nogs (Pl.) NOG, an egg and alcohol drink.
noil Short fibers combed from long fibers during textile preparation > NOILS.
noir (Fr.) a type of crime fiction > NOIRS.
nole The top of the head; the noddle > NOLES. Also NOLL, NOUL, NOWL, NOULE.
noll The top of the head; the noddle > NOLLS. Also NOUL, NOWL, NOULE, NOLE.
nolo (Lat.) a type of legal plea > NOLOS.
noma An ulceration of the cheek > NOMAS.
nome (Greek) a province or department esp. in ancient Greece > NOMES. Also NOMOS.
noms (Pl.) NOM, name.
nona A virus disease > NONAS.
none One of seven canonical daily periods for prayer and devotion > NONES.
nong (Aust. sl.) a fool, an idiot > NONGS.
noni (Hawaiian) a tree of SE Asia whose fruit provides a possibly health-promoting juice > NONIS.
noob An Internet novice > NOOBS.
nook A corner in a room > NOOKS. Also NEUK.
noon The middle point of the day; (verb) to rest at noon > NOONS, NOONING, NOONED.
noop (Scott) a knob, the tip of the elbow > NOOPS.
nope (Coll.) no.
nori (Japanese) a kind of seaweed, used as a foodstuff in Japan > NORIS.
nork (Aust. sl.) a woman's breast > NORKS.
norm A standard regarded as typical for a specific group > NORMS, NORMED.
nose (Verb) to sniff with the nose > NOSES, NOSING, NOSED.
nosh (Yiddish) food; (verb) to eat > NOSHES, NOSHING, NOSHED.
nosy Prying > NOSIER, NOSIEST; NOSILY; (noun) a nosy person > NOSIES. Also NOSEY.
nota (Pl.) NOTUM, the dorsal aspect of the thorax in insects.
note To write down > NOTES, NOTING, NOTED.
nott With close-cropped hair.
noul The top of the head; the noddle > NOULS. Also NOLL, NOWL, NOULE, NOLE.
noun A word used to denote the name of something > NOUNS.
noup (Scots) in the Shetlands, a crag, a steep headland > NOUPS.
nous (Greek) pure intellect; reason; commonsense > NOUSES.
nout (Dial.) nothing. Also NOWT.
nova (Lat.) an exploding star > NOVAE or NOVAS.
nowl The top of the head; the noddle > NOWLS. Also NOLL, NOUL, NOULE, NOLE.
nown (Obs.) own.
nows (Pl.) NOW, the present time.
nowt (Dial.) nothing > NOWTS. Also NOUT.
nowy Having a convex curvature near the middle. No comp!
noys (Pl.) NOY, to hurt or annoy.
nubs (3rd.) NUB, to hang.
nude Without clothes > NUDER, NUDEST; NUDELY; (noun) someone without clothes > NUDES.
nuff (Sl.) enough.
nugs (Pl.) NUG, a chunk of wood sawn from a log.
nuke (Verb) to destroy by use of nuclear weapons > NUKES, NUKING, NUKED.
null (Verb) to annul, cancel, make void > NULLS, NULLING, NULLED.
numb Without feeling > NUMBER, NUMBEST; NUMBLY; (verb) to make numb > NUMBS, NUMBING, NUMBED.
nuns (Pl.) NUN, a female member of a religious order.
nurd A person obsessed with computers at the expense of human interaction > NURDS, NURDY. Also NERD.
nurl To cut with reeding or fluting on the edge of, as coins, the heads of screws, etc > NURLS, NURLING, NURLED. Also KNURL.
nurr A knot in wood > NURRS. Also KNAUR, KNURR, KNUR, NUR.
nurs (Pl.) NUR, a knob or knot in wood.
nuts (Pl.) NUT, popularly, any fruit with an edible seed in a hard shell.
nyah an interjection used to express contempt for another.
nyas (Obs.) = EYAS, a young hawk taken from the nest for training > NYASES
nyed (Pt.) NYE, to draw nigh.
nyes (3rd.) NYE, to nigh.
oafs (Pl.) OAF, a clumsy person.
oaks (Pl.) OAK, a genus of trees of the beech family.
oaky Oak-like > OAKIER, OAKIEST; (noun) an ice-cream > OAKIES.
oars (3rd.) OAR, to row a boat.
oary Having the form of or using oars > OARIER, OARIEST.
oast A kiln to dry hops or malt > OASTS.
oath A formal declaration or promise to fulfill a pledge > OATHS.
oats (Pl.) OAT, a genus of grasses.
oaty Like oats > OATIER, OATIEST.
obas (Pl.) OBA, a West African chief.
obes (Pl.) OBE, West Indian witchcraft.
obey To follow the commands or guidance of > OBEYS, OBEYING, OBEYED.
obia West Indian witchcraft > OBIAS. Also OBI, OBEAH.
obis (3rd.) OBI, to bewitch.
obit (Lat.) a religious office for a dead person > OBITS.
oboe A double-reed treble woodwind instrument > OBOES.
obol (Greek) a Greek coin > OBOLS. Also OBOLUS.
obos (Pl.) OBO, a vessel for carrying oil or bulk ore.
obvs (Coll.) obviously.
ocas (Pl.) OCA, a S. American wood-sorrel.
occy As in all over the OCCY, in every direction > OCCIES.
oche The throwing line in darts > OCHES.
octa A unit of cloud-cover, one-eighth sky > OCTAS. Also OKTA.
odah (Turkish) a room in a harem > ODAHS. Also ODA.
odal (Orkneys) allodial, without feudal superior; (noun) an estate so held > ODALS. Also UDAL.
odas (Pl.) ODA, a room in a harem.
odds (Pl.) ODD, in golf, an additional or allowed stroke.
odea (Pl.) ODEUM, a building for the performance of vocal and instrumental music.
odes (Pl.) ODE, an elaborate lyric addressed to someone or something.
odic Of or pertaining to an ODE.
odor Any smell, whether fragrant or offensive > ODORS, ODORED. Also ODOUR.
odso (Obs.) an interjection expressing surprise > ODSOS. Also GODSO, GADSO.
odyl = OD, the vital force > ODYLS. Also ODYLE.
offa off, off from.
offs (3rd.) OFF, to go off.
offy (Sl.) an off-licence > OFFIES.
ogam (Irish) a 6th C. Irish writing alphabet > OGAMS. Also OGHAM.
ogee A curve or molding like integral sign; arch of two curves meeting at a point > OGEES.
ogle To stare at > OGLES, OGLING, OGLED.
ogre A cannibalistic giant > OGRES.
ohed (Pt.) OH, to say OH.
ohia (Hawaiian) a Polynesian tree of the myrtle family with bright red flowers, aka LEHUA > OHIAS.
ohms (Pl.) OHM, a unit of electrical resistance.
oiks (Pl.) OIK, an inferior person, a lout.
oils (3rd.) OIL, to smear or lubricate with oil.
oily Like oil > OILIER, OILIEST; OILILY.
oink To make a noise like a pig > OINKS, OINKING, OINKED.
oint To anoint > OINTS, OINTING, OINTED.
okas (Pl.) OKA, a Turkish weight.
okay (Verb) to approve, pass as OK > OKAYS, OKAYING, OKAYED.
okeh Expressing approval > OKEHS.
okes (Pl.) OKE, a Turkish weight.
okra A tropical plant of the mallow family, with edible pods, aka GUMBO > OKRAS.
okta A unit of cloud-cover, one-eighth sky > OKTAS. Also OCTA.
olde A facetious word for old.
olds (Pl.) OLD, an old person.
oldy (Coll.) an old person or thing > OLDIES. Also OLDIE.
olea (Pl.) OLEUM, fuming sulphuric acid.
oleo (Abbr.) OLEOGRAPH, a lithographic reproduction of an oil painting > OLEOS.
oles (Pl.) OLE, a shout of approval.
olid Rank-smelling.
olio A savoury dish of meat and vegetables > OLIOS.
olla (Spanish) a jar or urn > OLLAS. [Sp. olla, pot].
olms (Pl.) OLM, a blind salamander.
olpe (Greek) a Greek jug > OLPES or OLPAE.
omas (Pl.) OMA, a grandmother.
ombu (Guarani) a S. American tree, that grows in the pampas > OMBUS.
omen (Verb) to portend > OMENS, OMENING, OMENED.
omer (Hebrew) a Hebrew dry measure, = 1/10 EPHA > OMERS.
omit To leave out > OMITS, OMITTING, OMITTED.
omov One man one vote > OMOVS.
once (Noun) one time > ONCES.
oner Something that is one of its kind > ONERS. Also WUNNER.
ones (Pl.) ONE, an individual thing or person.
onie (Scots) any. Also ONY.
only Sole, alone > ONLIEST but not ONLIER*.
onos (Pl.) ONO, a kind of fish.
onst (Dial.) once.
onto To a position upon.
onus (Lat.) a burden > ONUSES.
onyx A form of chalcedony consisting of plane layers of different colours, much used for cameos > ONYXES.
oofs (Pl.) OOF, money.
oofy Having OOF or money > OOFIER, OOFIEST.
oohs (3rd.) OOH, to say OOH.
ooms (Pl.) OOM, uncle.
oons An oath, God's wounds.
oont (Hindi) a camel > OONTS.
oops (3rd.) OOP, to bind with thread, join.
oose (Scots) fluff, nap > OOSES.
oosy (Scots) fluffy > OOSIER, OOSIEST.
oots (Pl.) OOT, out.
ooze To flow or leak out slowly > OOZES, OOZING, OOZED.
opah A large sea-fish with laterally flattened body > OPAHS. Aka SUNFISH, KINGFISH.
opal An amorphous variety of SILICA > OPALS, OPALED.
opas (Pl.) OPA, a grandfather.
oped (Pt.) OPE, to open.
open Affording unobstructed access, passage, or view > OPENER, OPENEST; OPENLY; (verb) to cause to become open > OPENS, OPENING, OPENED.
opes (3rd.) OPE, to open.
oppo One's opposite number > a partner or opponent > OPPOS.
opts (3rd.) OPT, to decide or choose.
opus (Lat.) work, esp. an artistic or literary work > OPUSES or OPERA.
orad Towards the mouth.
oral Relating to the mouth; uttered by the mouth > ORALLY; (noun) an oral examination > ORALS.
orbs (3rd.) ORB, to surround, to form into an orb.
orby Orbed > ORBIER, ORBIEST.
orca The killer whale > ORCAS. Also ORC.
orcs (Pl.) ORC, a killer whale.
ordo An annual religious calendar with instructions for Mass and office for each day > ORDINES or ORDOS.
ords (Pl.) ORD, a point e.g. of a weapon.
ores (Pl.) ORE, a solid mineral aggregate.
orfe (Ger.) a kind of carp > ORFES.
orfs (Pl.) ORF, a viral infection of sheep.
orgs (Pl.) ORG, an organization.
orgy A party marked by unrestrained sexual indulgence > ORGIES.
orle A border within a shield at a short distance from the edge > ORLES.
orra (Scots) odd, not matched. An ORRA MAN is a farmworker kept to do any odd job that may arise.
orts (Pl.) ORT, a morsel left at a meal.
oryx A kind of antelope > ORYXES.
orzo (Ital.) pasta in the form of small pieces like barley > ORZOS.
osar (Pl.) OS, an esker.
oses (Pl.) OSE, an esker.
ossa (Pl.) OS, bone.
otic Pertaining to the ear.
otto (Persian) a fragrant essential oil made from the damask rose > OTTOS. Also OTTAR, ATTAR.
ouch An interjection expressing pain; (noun) a socket in which a precious stone is set; (verb) to set a precious stone in a socket > OUCHES, OUCHING, OUCHED.
ouds (Pl.) OUD, an African lute.
ouks (Pl.) OUK, Scots for week.
ould (Irish) old > OULDER, OULDEST.
oulk (Scots) week > OULKS. Also OUK.
ouma (Afrikaans) a grandmother > OUMAS.
oupa (Afrikaans) a grandfather > OUPAS.
ouph (Shakesp.) an oaf > OUPHS. Also OUPHE.
oups (3rd.) OUP, to bind with thread.
ourn (Dial.) ours.
ours A possessive form of the pronoun WE.
oust To expel or remove from a position or place > OUSTS, OUSTING, OUSTED.
outa an informal contraction of out of.
outs (3rd.) OUT, to put or throw out.
ouzo (Mod. Gr.) an aniseed-flavored Greek liqueur > OUZOS.
oval Egg-shaped > OVALLY; (noun) an oval (egg-shaped) figure or object > OVALS.
ovel (Hebrew) a mourner esp during the first seven days after a death > OVELS. Also AVEL.
oven An enclosed compartment in which substances are heated; (verb) to cook in an oven > OVENS, OVENING, OVENED.
over (Verb) to go, leap or vault over > OVERS, OVERING, OVERED.
ovum The female reproductive cell > OVA.
owed (Pt.) OWE, to be in debt for.
ower (Scots) over.
owes (3rd.) OWE, to be in debt for.
owie An injry that is not serious > OWIES.
owls (3rd.) OWL, to smuggle esp. wool.
owly Owlish > OWLIER, OWLIEST.
owns (3rd.) OWN, to possess.
owre (Spenser) ore > OWRES.
owse (Scots) an ox > OWSEN.
owts (Pl.) OWT, anything.
oxen (Pl.) OX.
oxer In foxhunting, an ox-fence > OXERS.
oxes (Pl.) OX, in sense of a clumsy person.
oxic denoting a process involving oxygen.
oxid A compound containing oxygen. Also OXIDE.
oxim Any of a number of compounds obtained by the action of hydroxylamine on aldehydes or ketones that contain a bivalent group (=NOH) attached to a carbon atom > OXIMS. Also OXIME.
oyer A hearing or an inspection, as of a deed, bond, etc., as when a defendant in court prays oyer of a writing > OYERS.
oyes The call of a public crier for attention before making a proclamation > OYESES or OYESSES. Also OYEZ.
oyez The call of a public crier for attention before making a proclamation. Pl. OYEZES. Also OYES.
paal (Dutch) in the Caribbean, a stake driven into the ground > PAALS.
paan Betel leaf > PAANS.
paca (Tupi) a South American rodent, the spotted CAVY > PACAS. [Sp. & Port. f. Tupi p´ca].
pace To walk with a regular step > PACES, PACING, PACED.
pack To put into a receptacle for transportation or storage > PACKS, PACKING, PACKED.
paco (Quechua) an alpaca > PACOS. [Sp. f. Quechua pako red, reddish yellow].
pacs (Pl.) PAC, a moccasin or soft shoe to be worn inside a boot.
pact An agreement > PACTS.
pacy Fast, lively, smart > PACIER, PACIEST. Also PACEY.
padi (Malay) a rice field > PADIS. Also PADDY.
pads (3rd.) PAD, to cover or fill with soft material.
page To summon by calling out the name of > PAGES, PAGING, PAGED.
pahs (Pl.) PAH, a Maori fort or settlement.
paid (Pt.) PAY, to remunerate.
paik (Scots) to thump, drub > PAIKS, PAIKING, PAIKED.
pail A watertight cylindrical container > PAILS.
pain To cause pain (suffering or distress) > PAINS, PAINING, PAINED.
pair To arrange in sets of two > PAIRS, PAIRING, PAIRED; (adj.) poor > PAIRER, PAIREST.
pais (Arch.) the people from whom a jury is drawn. No plural.
paks (Pl.) PAK, a pack.
pale Lacking colour > PALER, PALEST; PALELY; (verb) to grow pale > PALES, PALING, PALED.
pali (Hawaiian) a cliff in Hawaii > PALIS.
pall A covering cloth laid upon Communion chalice; (verb) to grow wearisome > PALLS, PALLING, PALLED.
palm To touch with the palm (inner surface) of the hand > PALMS, PALMING, PALMED.
palp An elongated sense organ, usually near mouth, in insects, mollusks, crustaceans. Also PALPUS. (Verb) to sense by touch > PALPS, PALPING, PALPED.
pals (3rd.) PAL, to associate as a pal.
paly Pale in colour > PALIER, PALIEST.
pams (Pl.) PAM, the knave of clubs.
pand (Scots) the valance of a bed > PANDS.
pane (Verb) to insert panes into > PANES, PANING, PANED.
pang (Verb) to inflict a pang on > PANGS, PANGING, PANGED.
pans (3rd.) PAN, to wash earth for gold.
pant To breathe quickly and with difficulty > PANTS, PANTING, PANTED.
papa A father > PAPAS.
pape (Scots) pope > PAPES.
paps (3rd.) PAP, to feed with pap.
para (Turkish) a small Turkish coin > PARAS. [Turkish parah].
pare To cut or shave off the outer surface or edge of > PARES, PARING, PARED.
park To leave a vehicle in a location for a time > PARKS, PARKING, PARKED.
parp To sound a car horn; to toot > PARPS, PARPING, PARPED.
parr A young salmon, during its freshwater days (first two years) > PARRS.
pars (3rd.) PAR, to score a standard number of strokes in golf.
part To divide or break into separate pieces > PARTS, PARTING, PARTED.
pase (Spanish) a movement of a matador's cap > PASES. [Sp. pase, pass].
pash (Shakesp.) to strike violently, to bruise, crush > PASHES, PASHING, PASHED.
pass To go by > PASSES, PASSING, PASSED.
past Time gone > PASTS.
pate The top of the head, usually a bald head > PATES, PATED.
path (Verb) (Shakesp.) to go > PATHS, PATHING, PATHED.
pats (3rd.) PAT, to stroke gently.
patu (Maori) a short club > PATUS.
paty Having expanded crossed arms. No comp!
paua (Maori) a name for the abalone shell > PAUAS. Also PAWA.
paul An obsolete silver coin > PAULS. Also PAOLO.
pave To cover with material that forms a firm, level surface > PAVES, PAVING, PAVED.
pavs (Pl.) PAV, a pavlova.
pawa (Maori) a name for the abalone shell > PAWAS. Also PAUA.
pawk (Scots) a trick > PAWKS.
pawl A lever which engages with a ratchet wheel so as to permit movement in one direction only > PAWLS.
pawn To give as security for something borrowed > PAWNS, PAWNING, PAWNED.
paws (3rd.) PAW, to scrape with a paw.
pays (3rd.) PAY, to remunerate.
peag (Am. Ind.) wampum; beads used as money > PEAGS. Also PEAGE.
peak To reach a maximum > PEAKS, PEAKING, PEAKED.
peal To ring out > PEALS, PEALING, PEALED.
pean 1. (Her.) a fur resembling ermine but having gold markings on a black field. 2. (verb) to beat thin with a hammer > PEANS, PEANING, PEANED. Also PEEN, PENE.
pear A fruit, a pome tapering towards the stalk and bulged at the end > PEARS.
peas (Pl.) PEA, the nutritious seed of certain papilionaceous climbing plants.
peat Vegetable matter partly decomposed in wet acid conditions in bogs and fens to form a firm brown deposit resembling soil > PEATS.
peba (Tupi) a long-nosed armadillo of the genus Dasypus > PEBAS.
pech (Scots) to pant > PECHS, PECHING, PECHED. Also PEGH.
peck A unit of dry measure equal to 8 quarts; (verb) to pick at with a beak > PECKS, PECKING, PECKED.
pecs (Pl.) PEC, pectoral muscle.
pedi (Short for) pedicure > PEDIS.
peds (Pl.) PED, pedestrian.
peed (Pt.) PEE, to urinate.
peek To look furtively or quickly > PEEKS, PEEKING, PEEKED.
peel The covering of a fruit; (verb) to remove the peel from > PEELS, PEELING, PEELED.
peen The end of a hammer head opposite to the face, esp. when sharp; (verb) to beat thin with a hammer, hammer out; strike with the peen of a hammer > PEENS, PEENING, PEENED. Also PENE, PEAN.
peep To take a quick look > PEEPS, PEEPING, PEEPED.
peer To look narrowly or searchingly > PEERS, PEERING, PEERED.
pees (3rd.) PEE, to urinate.
pegh (Scots) to pant > PEGHS, PEGHING, PEGHED. Also PECH.
pegs (3rd.) PEG, to fasten with a peg.
pehs (Pl.) PEH, the Hebrew letter.
pein The end of a hammer head opposite to the face, esp. when sharp; (verb) to hammer with this > PEINS, PEINING, PEINED. Also PEAN, PEEN. PENE.
peke (Coll.) a Pekinese dog > PEKES.
pela (Chinese) white wax from a scale insect > PELAS. [Chinese peh-la, white wax].
pele (Spenser) a peal > PELES.
pelf Wealth or riches, especially when dishonestly acquired > PELFS (PELVES is the pl. of PELVIS).
pell A skin or hide; a roll of parchment > PELLS.
pels (Pl.) PEL, an earlier word for a pixel.
pelt To strike repeatedly with blows or missiles > PELTS, PELTING, PELTED.
pend (Verb) to hang > PENDS, PENDING, PENDED.
pene The end of a hammer head opposite to the face, esp. when sharp; (verb) to beat thin with a hammer > PENES, PENING, PENED. Also PEEN, PEAN, PEIN.
peni (Spenser) penny > PENIS. Also PENIE.
penk (Ger.) a minnow. [Ger. Pinke].
pens (3rd.) PEN, to write down on paper.
pent (Noun) a penthouse; a sloping or overhanging roof > PENTS.
peon (Spanish) a day-labourer, esp. in Spanish-speaking America > PEONS or PEONES.
pepo Any fleshy fruit with a firm rind, as a pumpkin, melon, or gourd > PEPOS. Also PEPONIUM, PEPONIDA.
peps (3rd.) PEP, to put pep into.
perc (Short for) perchloride, a chemical used in dry cleaning > PERCS.
pere (Fr.) father > PERES.
peri (Persian) in Persian mythology, a fairy > PERIS.
perk To carry oneself jauntily > PERKS, PERKING, PERKED.
perm To give hair a permanent wave > PERMS, PERMING, PERMED.
pern The honey buzzard > PERNS.
perp (Coll.) one who has committed a crime > PERPS.
pert Impudent > PERTER, PERTEST; PERTLY; (noun) an impudent person > PERTS.
perv To behave as a sexual pervert > PERVS, PERVING, PERVED. Also PERVE.
peso (Spanish) a standard monetary unit in the Philippines and some S and Central American countries, worth 100 CENTESIMOS in Uruguay and 100 centavos elsewhere > PESOS.
pest An annoying person or thing > PESTS.
pets (3rd.) PET, to treat as a pet.
pews (Pl.) PEW, one of several long benchlike seats with backs, used by the congregation.
pfft An interjection expressing sudden ending.
pfui An exclamation of contempt, scorn etc. Also PHOOEY.
phat Susceptible of easy and rapid typesetting > PHATTER, PHATTEST.
phew An exclamation of relief, astonishment etc. No -S.
phis (Pl.) PHI, a Greek letter.
phiz (Coll.) physiognomy, face > PHIZES or PHIZZES. Also PHIZOG.
phoh An expression of disgust > PHOHS. Also FOH, PHO.
phon (Greek) a unit of loudness of sound as heard by listeners > PHONS. [Gk. phone sound, voice.]
phos (Pl.) PHO, an expression of disgust.
phot A unit of the product of illumination and duration, equal to one lux maintained for one second > PHOTS.
phut A sound like a bullet's; (verb) to make such a sound > PHUTS, PHUTTING, PHUTTED.
pial Pertaining to a PIA, a membrane of the brain.
pian A tropical disease > PIANS.
pias (Pl.) PIA, a tropical plant.
pica An old type size, approximately, and still used synonymously for, 12-point > PICAS.
pice (Hindi) an Indian coin, 1/4 anna > PICE. No -S.
pick To select > PICKS, PICKING, PICKED.
pics (Pl.) PIC, picture.
pied (Pt.) PIE, to reduce to confusion.
pier A structure extending from land out over water > PIERS.
pies (3rd.) PIE, to reduce to confusion.
piet (Scots) a magpie > PIETS. Also PYAT, PYOT, PYET.
pigs (3rd.) PIG, to eat greedily.
pika (Tungus) any of various small lagomorph mammals of western N. America and central Asia > PIKAS.
pike A voracious freshwater fish; (verb) to kill or pierce with a pike > PIKES, PIKING, PIKED.
piki (Am. Ind.) maize-meal bread in the form of very thin sheets, made by the Hopi Indians of the south-western US > PIKIS. [Hopi].
pila (Pl.) PILUM, a Roman javelin.
pile To lay one upon the other > PILES, PILING, PILED.
pili (Tagalog) a kind of nut > PILIS.
pill (Verb) to form into pills > PILLS, PILLING, PILLED.
pily Divided into wedge shapes > PILIER, PILIEST.
pima A strong cotton > PIMAS. [From Pima County, Arizona].
pimp To solicit clients for a prostitute > PIMPS, PIMPING, PIMPED.
pina (Obs.) pineapple; also, a fine cloth woven of pineapple fibre; the n has a tilde > PINAS.
pine To yearn intensely > PINES, PINING, PINED.
ping To produce a brief, high-pitched sound > PINGS, PINGING, PINGED.
pink Rose-coloured > PINKER, PINKEST; PINKLY; (verb) to cut with special scissors to make zigzag edge > PINKS, PINKING, PINKED.
pins (3rd.) PIN, to fasten with a pin.
pint A measure of capacity equal to half a quart or 4 gills > PINTS.
piny (Noun) a peony > PINIES; (adj.) having e.g. the fragrance of pine > PINIER, PINIEST. Also PINEY.
pion A pi-meson > PIONS.
pioy (Scots) a home-made firework > PIOYS. Also PIOYE, PEEOY.
pipa The Surinam toad, noted for its peculiar breeding habits > PIPAS. [Surinam dialect].
pipe A unit of liquid capacity equal to two hogsheads; (verb) to play a pipe > PIPES, PIPING, PIPED.
pipi (Maori) an edible shellfish of Australasia > PIPIS.
pips (3rd.) PIP, to offend or disgust.
pipy Like a pipe; hollow-stemmed > PIPIER, PIPIEST.
pirl An eddy, a ripple > PIRLS.
pirn (Scots) a reel, a bobbin > PIRNS.
pirs (Pl.) PIR, a Muslim holy man.
pise (Fr.) a species of wall made of stiff earth or clay rammed in between molds which are carried up as the wall rises > PISES. The e has an accent.
pish An exclamation of contempt; (verb) to make such an exclamation > PISHES, PISHING, PISHED.
piso (Tagalog) a Philippines monetary unit > PISOS.
piss (Coll.) to urinate > PISSES, PISSING, PISSED.
pita (Quechua) the fibre of various species of bromelia > PITAS. [Quechua pita, fine thread].
pith (Verb) to severely damage the brain of a frog > PITHS, PITHING, PITHED.
pits (3rd.) PIT, to put.
pity To feel pity (sorrow aroused by another's misfortune) > PITIES, PITYING, PITIED.
pium (Tupi) a small troublesome Brazilian biting fly > PIUMS.
pixy A small fairy > PIXIES. Also PIXIE, PISKY.
pize A term of imprecation; pox, pest; (verb) to strike someone a blow > PIZES, PIZING, PIZED.
plan To formulate a plan (a method for achieving an end) > PLANS, PLANNING, PLANNED.
plap A flatter sound than a plop; (verb) to make such a sound > PLAPS, PLAPPING, PLAPPED.
plat To form by interweaving; to braid; to plait > PLATS, PLATTING, PLATTED.
play To engage in amusement or sport > PLAYS, PLAYING, PLAYED.
plea (Verb) to dispute in a law-court > PLEAS, PLEAING, PLEAED.
pleb (Abbr.) PLEBEIAN > PLEBS.
pled (Pl.) PLEAD, to ask for earnestly.
plew A beaver skin > PLEWS. Also PLU, PLUE.
plex (Abbr.) multiplex > PLEXES.
plie (Fr.) a movement in ballet > PLIES. (The e has an accent).
plim To swell, as grain or wood with water > PLIMS, PLIMMING, PLIMMED.
plod To walk heavily > PLODS, PLODDING, PLODDED.
plop To drop or fall heavily > PLOPS, PLOPPING, PLOPPED.
plot To plan secretly > PLOTS, PLOTTING, PLOTTED.
plow A plough; (verb) to plough > PLOWS, PLOWING, PLOWED.
ploy (Verb) to move from a line into column > PLOYS, PLOYING, PLOYED.
plue A beaver's pelt > PLUES. Also PLU, PLEW.
plug To seal or close with a plug (a piece of material used to fill a hole) > PLUGS, PLUGGING, PLUGGED.
plum Choice > PLUMMER, PLUMMEST; (noun) an oval drupe or stone-fruit with juicy, sweet-tasting yellowish flesh > PLUMS.
plus (Verb) to increase in value > PLUSES or PLUSSES, PLUSED or PLUSSED, PLUSING or PLUSSING.
poas (Pl.) POA, meadow-grass.
pock A pustule raised on the surface of the body in variolous and vaccine diseases; (verb) to mark with pocks > POCKS, POCKING, POCKED.
poco (Ital.) little.
pods (3rd.) POD, to shell peas.
poem A composition in verse > POEMS.
poep (Afrikaans) a fart; a despicable person > POEPS.
poet One who writes poems > POETS.
pogo To jump up and down on the spot to music > POGOS, POGOING, POGOED.
pogy (Am. Ind.) a marine fish > POGIES.
pohs (3rd.) POH, to reject contemptuously.
pois (Pl.) POI, fermented TARO.
poke To push or prod > POKES, POKING, POKED.
poky (Noun) jail > POKIES. Also POKEY. (Adj.) cramped > POKIER, POKIEST; POKILY.
pole A unit of area equal to a square rod; (verb) to propel with a pole > POLES, POLING, POLED.
polk To dance a polka > POLKS, POLKING, POLKED.
poll To question for the purpose of surveying public opinion > POLLS, POLLING, POLLED.
polo A game like hockey played on horseback > POLOS.
pols (Pl.) POL, a politician.
polt (Verb) to strike, thump > POLTS, POLTING, POLTED.
poly (Abbr.) a polytechnic > POLYS or POLIES.
pome Any fruit of the apple family e.g. apple, quince > POMES.
pomo (Coll.) postmodernism > POMOS.
pomp Stately or splendid display > POMPS.
poms (Pl.) POM, a Pomeranian dog.
pond (Verb) to make into a pond > PONDS, PONDING, PONDED.
pone The card player on the dealer's right responsible for cutting the cards > PONES.
pong To stink > PONGS, PONGING, PONGED. Also PONK.
ponk To smell bad > PONKS, PONKING, PONKED. Also PONG.
pons (Lat.) bridge, as in pons asinorum, 'bridge of asses'; test of ignorant person's ability > PONTES.
pont In S. Africa, a small ferryboat guided across a narrow stretch of water by a rope or cable > PONTS.
pony A small horse > PONIES. Also POWNY, POWNEY, POWNIE. (Verb) (old slang) to pay or settle up > PONIES, PONYING, PONIED. Also PONEY.
pood (Russian) a Russian weight, equal to forty Russian pounds or about thirty-six English pounds avoirdupois > POODS.
poof Expressing surprise.
pooh Expressing contempt; (verb) to express contempt for > POOHS, POOHING, POOHED.
pook (Scots) to pluck, pinch > POOKS, POOKING, POOKIT or POUKIT. Also POUK.
pool To combine in a common fund > POOLS, POOLING, POOLED.
poon (Malayalam) an E. Indian tree > POONS. [Malayalam punna].
poop (Verb) to fool, cozen > POOPS, POOPING, POOPED. Also POUPE.
poor Not rich > POORER, POOREST; POORLY.
poos (3rd.) POO, to poop.
poot (Scots) a poult, a young fowl; (verb) to shoot at young partridges or young grouse > POOTS, POOTING, POOTED.
pope A small freshwater fish, aka RUFFE > POPES.
pops (3rd.) POP, to make a pop.
pore Any opening into or through a tissue or body structure; (verb) to examine closely > PORES, PORING, PORED.
pork Pig's flesh as food; (verb) to eat ravenously > PORKS, PORKING, PORKED.
porn Pornography > PORNS.
port A sweet fortified dessert wine; (verb) to carry, convey > PORTS, PORTING, PORTED.
pory (Obs.) porous; as, pory stone > PORIER, PORIEST.
pose To assume a fixed position > POSES, POSING, POSED.
posh Smart, stylish > POSHER, POSHEST; POSHLY; (verb) to polish up > POSHES, POSHING, POSHED.
poss To agitate clothes in washing them > POSSES, POSSING, POSSED.
post To affix in a public place > POSTS, POSTING, POSTED.
posy (Noun) a small bunch of flowers > POSIES; (adj.) given to posing > POSIER, POSIEST.
pote To poke, thrust > POTES, POTING, POTED.
pots (3rd.) POT, to cook or put in a pot.
pott A paper-size > POTTS.
pouf To fluff up.
pouk (Scots) to pluck, pinch > POUKS, POUKING, POUKIT. Also POOK.
pour To cause to flow > POURS, POURING, POURED.
pout To protrude the lips in ill humor > POUTS, POUTING, POUTED.
pown (Scots) a peacock > POWNS. Also POWIN.
pows (Pl.) POW, head.
poxy Afflicted by pox > POXIER, POXIEST.
pozz (Sl.) old short form of positive. Also POZ.
prad (Dutch) (sl.) a horse > PRADS. [By metathesis from Dutch paard, horse.]
pram A flat-bottomed boat or lighter, used in Holland and the Baltic, and sometimes armed in case of war > PRAMS. Also PRAAM.
prao (Malay) a swift Malayan sailboat with triangular sail and one outrigger > PRAOS. Also PROA, PRAHU, PRAU.
prat (Coll.) an idiot > PRATS.
prau (Malay) a swift Malayan sailboat with triangular sail and one outrigger > PRAUS. Also PROA, PRAHU, PRAO.
pray To address prayers to > PRAYS, PRAYING, PRAYED.
pree (Scots) to make a trial of, esp. by tasting or kissing > PREES, PREEING, PREED.
prem A premature infant > PREMS.
prep (Abbr.) preparation; (verb) to prepare > PREPS, PREPPING, PREPPED.
prex (US college slang) the president of a college > PREXES. Also PREXY.
prey To seize and devour animals for food > PREYS, PREYING, PREYED.
prez (Abbr.) president > PREZES.
prig (Shakesp.) to steal > PRIGS, PRIGGING, PRIGGED.
prim Over-demure > PRIMMER, PRIMMEST; PRIMLY; (verb) to dress with great nicety > PRIMS, PRIMMING, PRIMMED.
proa (Malay) a swift Malayan sailboat with triangular sail and one outrigger > PROAS. Also PRAU, PRAHU, PRAO.
prob (Coll.) a problem > PROBS.
prod To jab with something pointed > PRODS, PRODDING, PRODDED.
prof (Abbr.) professor > PROFS.
prog To wander about and beg; to seek food or other supplies by low arts > PROGS, PROGGING, PROGGED.
prom A school or college dance > PROMS.
proo (Scots) a call to a cow to come near. Also PRUH.
prop To keep from falling > PROPS, PROPPING, PROPPED.
pros (Pl.) PRO, one in favour of.
prow (Noun) part of a ship > PROWS; (adj.) (Spenser) full of prowess > PROWER, PROWEST.
pruh (Scots) a call to a cow to come near. Also PROO.
prys (Obs.) to price > PRYSES, PRYSING, PRYSED.
psis (Pl.) PSI, a Greek letter.
psst An interjection used to attract someone's attention. Also PST.
ptui An imitation of the sound of someone spitting. Also PTOOEY.
pube Pubic hair > PUBES.
pubs (Pl.) PUB, a public house.
puce Brownish-purple; purplish-pink > PUCER, PUCEST.
puck A mischievous sprite. Also POOKA, POUKE. (Verb) to strike the bal in hurling > PUCKS, PUCKING, PUCKED.
puds (Pl.) PUD, pudding.
pudu A very small deer, native of the Chilian Andes > PUDUS.
puer The dung of dogs, used as an alkaline steep in tanning; (verb) to tan using this > PUERS, PUERING, PUERED.
puff To blow in short gusts > PUFFS, PUFFING, PUFFED.
pugh (Obs.) an expression of contempt. No -S.
pugs (3rd.) PUG, to grind with water and make plastic.
puha (Maori) sow-thistle > PUHAS.
puir (Scots) poor > PUIRER, PUIREST.
puja (Sanskrit) a Hindu act of worship or prayer > PUJAS. Also PUJAH, POOJA, POOJAH.
puka (Maori) any tobacco plant having broad leaves > PUKA. No -S.
puke To vomit > PUKES, PUKING, PUKED.
puku (Zulu) an antelope of central southern Africa, related to the water-buck and distinguished by its shaggy golden-yellow coat > PUKUS. [Zulu mpuku].
puky Resembling vomit > PUKIER, PUKIEST.
pula (Setswana) the standard monetary unit in Botswana, = 100 THEBE > PULAS. [Setswana, lit, rain, used as a greeting].
pule To pipe; to whimper or whine > PULES, PULING, PULED.
puli (Hungarian) a long-haired sheepdog > PULIK or PULIS.
pulk (Finnish) a Laplander's boat-shaped sledge > PULKS. Also PULKA, PULKHA.
pull To exert force in order to cause motion toward the force > PULLS, PULLING, PULLED.
pulp To reduce to pulp (a soft, moist mass of matter) > PULPS, PULPING, PULPED.
puls (Pl.) PUL, a monetary unit of Afghanistan.
pulu (Hawaiian) a silky fibre from the Hawaiian tree-fern > PULUS.
puly Given to PULING, whiny > PULIER, PULIEST.
puma (Quechua) a large reddish-brown American cat, aka mountain lion > PUMAS. [Sp. f. Quechua púma.]
pump A device for moving fluids; (verb) to cause to flow by means of a pump > PUMPS, PUMPING, PUMPED.
pumy (Spenser) a pebble > PUMIES. Also PUMIE.
puna (Quechua) a high bleak plateau in the Peruvian Andes; a cold wind of the Andes that blows there > PUNAS. [Amer. Sp., f. Quechua.]
pung (Am. Ind.) a box-shaped sleigh > PUNGS. [Algonquian tom-pung, cf. TOBOGGAN].
punk Decayed wood > PUNKS; (adj.) rotten, worthless > PUNKER, PUNKEST.
puns (3rd.) PUN, to make a pun.
punt A flat-bottomed boat for use in shallow water, propelled by a pole; (verb) to travel by punt > PUNTS, PUNTING, PUNTED.
puny Small and feeble > PUNIER, PUNIEST; PUNILY. Also PUISNE, PUISNY.
pupa (Lat.) an insect in the usu. passive stage between larva and imago > PUPAE or PUPAS.
pups (3rd.) PUP, to give birth to a pup.
pupu (Hawaiian) a dish of Asian foods served as an appetize > PUPUS.
pure Free from stain > PURER, PUREST; PURELY; (verb) to cleanse or refine; to treat with pure (dog faeces) > PURES, PURING, PURED.
puri (Hindi) in India, a small cake of unleavened bread fried in vegetable oil > PURIS. Also POORI.
purl (Of a stream etc.) to ripple along, murmuring > PURLS, PURLING, PURLED.
purr To utter a low, vibrant sound > PURRS, PURRING, PURRED.
purs (3rd.) PUR, to purr.
push To exert force in order to cause motion away from the force > PUSHES, PUSHING, PUSHED.
puss A familiar name for a cat > PUSSES. Also PUSSY.
puts (3rd.) PUT, to place.
putt To hit with a light stroke in golf > PUTTS, PUTTING, PUTTED.
putz To waste time > PUTZES, PUTZING, PUTZED.
puys (Pl.) PUY, a small volcanic cone.
pwns (3rd.) PWN, to dominate or humiliate an opponent esp in online gaming.
pyas (Pl.) PYA, a Burmese monetary unit.
pyat (Scots) a magpie > PYATS. Also PYOT, PIET, PYET.
pyes (3rd.) PYE, to reduce to confusion.
pyet (Scots) a magpie > PYETS. Also PYAT, PIET, PYOT.
pyic Pertaining to or discharging pus.
pyin A protein contained in PUS > PYINS.
pyne To waste away > PYNES, PYNING, PYNED. Also PINE.
pyot (Scots) a magpie > PYOTS. Also PYAT, PIET, PYET.
pyre A pile of combustible material > PYRES.
pyro (Abbr.) PYROGALLOL, a chemical used in photography > PYROS.
qadi (Arabic) a civil judge in a Muslim country > QADIS. [Arabic qadi, a judge]. Also CADI, KADI.
qaid (Arabic) a North African chief > QAIDS. Also CAID, KAID.
qats (Pl.) QAT, an E. African shrub.
qins (Pl.) QIN, a kind of Chinese zither.
qoph (Hebrew) the nineteenth letter of Hebrew alphabet > QOPHS. Also KOPH.
quad (Verb) to imprison > QUADS, QUADDING, QUADDED.
quag A quagmire > QUAGS.
quai (Fr.) quay > QUAIS.
quat A pimple; an insignificant person > QUATS.
quay A wharf for the loading or unloading of vessels > QUAYS.
quep = GUP, obs. interjection expression remonstrance. No -S.
quey (Scots) a heifer > QUEYS.
quid A cut or wad or something chewable > QUIDS.
quim (Sl.) the female genitalia > QUIMS.
quin A quintuplet > QUINS.
quip To make witty remarks > QUIPS, QUIPPING, QUIPPED.
quit To end one's engagement in or occupation with > QUITS, QUITTING, QUITTED.
quiz (Verb) to question > QUIZZES, QUIZZING, QUIZZED.
quod A quadrangle or court, as of a prison; hence, a prison; (verb) to imprison > QUODS, QUODDING, QUODDED. Also QUAD.
quop (Dial.) to throb > QUOPS, QUOPPING, QUOPPED.
rabi (Urdu) the spring grain harvest in India and Pakistan > RABIS. [Arabic rabi, spring]. Cf. KHARIF.
raca (Aramaic) empty, worthless (used as term of derision in Matthew 5.22).
race To compete in a contest of speed > RACES, RACING, RACED or (obs.) RAST.
rach A dog that hunts by scent > RACHES. Also RACHE, RATCH.
rack To place in a type of framework > RACKS, RACKING, RACKED.
rade (Dial.) rode.
rads (Pl.) RAD, a unit of radiation.
raff Rubbish, refuse > RAFFS.
raft A buoyant platform of logs, planks, etc., used as a vessel or moored platform; (verb) to convey by raft > RAFTS, RAFTING, RAFTED.
raga (Sanskrit) an Indian musical form > RAGAS. [Skr. raga, colour, tone].
rage To act or speak with violent anger > RAGES, RAGING, RAGED.
ragg A rough hard stone > RAGGS. Also RAG.
ragi (Hindi) a kind of millet > RAGIS. Also RAGGEE, RAGEE, RAGGY.
rags (3rd.) RAG, to tease or ridicule.
ragu In Italian cooking, a meat and tomato source.
rahs (Pl.) RAH, to express approbation.
raia (Arabic) a non-Muslim subject of Turkey > RAIAS. Also RAYAH, RAYA.
raid To make a sudden assault on > RAIDS, RAIDING, RAIDED.
raik (Scots) a course, journey; a range, pasture; (verb) to go, to range > RAIKS, RAIKING, RAIKED.
rail To scold in abusive or insolent language > RAILS, RAILING, RAILED.
rain To fall like rain (drops of water condensed from atmospheric vapor) > RAINS, RAINING, RAINED.
rais (Pl.) RAI, a modern North African form of popular music.
rait To soak flax > RAITS, RAITING, RAITED. Also RET.
raja (Hindi) an Indian ruler > RAJAS. Also RAJAH.
rake To gather with a toothed implement > RAKES, RAKING, RAKED.
raki (Turkish) a strong spirit distilled in Turkey, Yugoslavia, etc., from grain, usually flavoured with aniseed or other aromatics > RAKIS. Also RAKEE.
raku (Japanese) a kind of earthenware made in Japan > RAKUS.
rale (Fr.) a rattling sound from a diseased lung > RALES.
rami (Malay) Rhea or China grass, a plant of the nettle family > RAMIS. Also RAMEE, RAMIE.
ramp (Verb) to provide with a ramp; to swindle, esp. by the practice of causing large, false increases in the price of shares etc. by dishonest means > RAMPS, RAMPING, RAMPED.
rams (3rd.) RAM, to push or cram down hard.
rana (Hindi) a Rajput prince > RANAS.
rand (Noun) a monetary unit of S.Africa; (verb) to rant > RANDS, RANDING, RANDED.
rang (Pt.) RING, to give forth a clear, resonant sound.
rani (Hindi) an Indian queen > RANIS. Also RANEE.
rank Coarsely luxuriant > RANKER, RANKEST; RANKLY; (verb) to arrange in order > RANKS, RANKING, RANKED.
rant To speak in a loud or vehement manner > RANTS, RANTING, RANTED.
rape To force to submit to sexual intercourse > RAPES, RAPING, RAPED.
raps (3rd.) RAP, to strike sharply.
rapt Deeply engrossed > RAPTLY.
rare Not common > RARER, RAREST; RARELY; (verb) to be enthusiastic, as in 'raring to go' > RARES, RARING, RARED.
rark (NZ) to reprimand > RARKS, RARKING, RARKED.
rase To level to the ground > RASES, RASING, RASED. Also RAZE.
rash (Adj.) over-hasty > RASHER, RASHEST; RASHLY; (verb) (obs.) to dash, rush > RASHES, RASHING, RASHED.
rasp To rub with something rough > RASPS, RASPING, RASPED.
rast (Obs.) pt. RACE.
rata (Maori) a myrtaceous New Zealand tree with hard red wood and bearing crimson flowers > RATAS.
rate To estimate the value of > RATES, RATING, RATED.
rath (Noun) a prehistoric hill fort > RATHS; (adj.) quick, ready > RATHER, RATHEST.
rato Rocket-assisted take-off > RATOS.
rats (3rd.) RAT, to hunt rats.
ratu A local chief or ruler in Indonesia or Fiji > RATUS. Also RATOO.
raun (Scott) fish-roe; female fish > RAUNS. Also RAWN.
rave To speak irrationally or incoherently > RAVES, RAVING, RAVED.
ravs (Pl.) RAV, a rabbi, esp one in authority.
rawn (Scots) fish-roe; female fish > RAWNS. Also RAUN.
raws (Pl.) RAW, a sore place.
raya (Arabic) a non-Muslim subject of Turkey > RAYAS. Also RAYAH, RAIA.
rays (3rd.) RAY, to emit rays.
raze To tear down or demolish > RAZES, RAZING, RAZED. Also RASE.
razz (Sl.) a raspberry; (verb) to blow a raspberry > RAZZES, RAZZING, RAZZED.
read To look at so as to take in the meaning of, as something written or printed > READS, READING, READ.
reak (Verb) to reckon, care for, heed > REAKS, REAKING, REAKED. Also RECK, REKE.
real Genuine > REALER, REALEST; REALLY; (noun) a monetary unit in Brazil > REALS, REALES or REIS.
ream To enlarge the bore of > REAMS, REAMING, REAMED.
rean A drainage channel > REANS. Also REEN, RHINE, RHYNE.
reap To cut for harvest > REAPS, REAPING, REAPED.
rear To lift upright > REARS, REARING, REARED.
rebs (Pl.) REB, a Confederate soldier.
reck (Verb) to heed, care > RECKED, ROUGHT, RAUGHT. Also REAK, REKE.
recs (Pl.) REC, a recreation ground.
redd (Scots) to put in order > REDDS, REDDING, REDDED.
rede (Arch.) to advise or counsel > REDES, REDING, REDED.
redo (Noun) a repeated action > REDOS; (verb) to do again > REDOES, REDOING, REDID, REDONE.
reds (3rd.) RED, to put in order.
reed A tall stiff hard-culmed marsh or water grass of various kinds; (verb) to fasten or thatch with reed > REEDS, REEDING, REEDED.
reef (Verb) to reduce the area of a sail by rolling or folding part of it > REEFS, REEFING, REEFED.
reek To emit smoke, fumes etc > REEKS, REEKING, REEKED. Also REECH.
reel A lively dance of the Scottish Highlands; (verb) to stagger > REELS, REELING, REELED.
reen A drainage channel > REENS. Also REAN, RHINE, RHYNE.
rees (Pl.) REE, a female RUFF.
refi (Short for) refinancing > REFIS.
refs (Pl.) REF, referee.
reft (Pt.) REAVE, to rob, plunder.
rego (Aus. coll) abbreviation for (motor vehicle) registration > REGOS. Also REGGO.
regs (Pl.) REG, a regulation.
rehs (Pl.) REH, an efflorescence of salts on soil in India.
reif (Shakesp.) property etc. taken by force or robbery; plunder, booty > REIFS.
reik A prank > REIKS. Also REAK.
rein To restrain > REINS, REINING, REINED.
reis Twigs or small branches > REISES.
reke (Verb) to reckon, care for, heed > REKES, REKING, REKED. Also RECK, REAK.
rely To place trust or confidence > RELIES, RELYING, RELIED or (Spenser) RELIDE.
rems (Pl.) REM, a unit of radiation damage.
rend To tear apart forcibly > RENDS, RENDING, RENDED or RENT or (obs.) YRENT.
renk (N. England) horrible, unpleasant > RENKER, RENKEST.
reno (Short for) a renovated house > RENOS.
rens (3rd.) REN, to run.
rent To obtain temporary use of in return for compensation > RENTS, RENTING, RENTED.
reny To renounce, abjure > RENIES, RENYING, RENIED. Also RENAY, RENEY.
reos (Pl.) REO, a New Zealand language.
repo (Abbr.) repossession > REPOS.
repp A kind of corded cloth > REPPS. Also REP.
reps (Pl.) REP, a commercial representative.
resh (Hebrew) a Hebrew letter > RESHES.
rest To refresh oneself by ceasing work or activity > RESTS, RESTING, RESTED.
rete A network, esp. of blood-vessels or nerves > RETES or RETIA.
rets (3rd.) RET, to expose to moisture (flax, hemp, etc.).
revs (3rd.) REV, to increase the speed of revolution.
rews (Pl.) REW, a row.
rhea An ostrich-like bird > RHEAS.
rhos (Pl.) RHO, a letter of the Greek alphabet.
rhus (Lat.) a genus of shrubs and small trees > RHUSES.
riad (Arabic) a traditional Moroccan house or palace with an interior garden > RIADS.
rial The unit of currency in Iran, Oman and Saudi Arabia, aka RIYAL > RIALS. Also, an old English gold coin, aka RYAL.
rias (Pl.) RIA, a drowned valley.
riba (Arabic) interest or usury, as forbidden by the Koran > RIBAS.
ribs (3rd.) RIB, to tease.
rice (Verb) to form soft food, esp. potatoes, into strands by passing through a RICER, sieve etc > RICES, RICING, RICED.
rich Wealthy > RICHER, RICHEST; RICHLY; (verb) obs. to grow rich > RICHES, RICHING, RICHED.
rick To pile hay in stacks > RICKS, RICKING, RICKED.
ricy Containing rice > RICIER, RICIEST. Also RICEY.
ride To sit on, control, and be conveyed by an animal or machine > RIDES, RIDING, RODE or (obs.) RADE, RIDDEN.
rids (3rd.) RID, to free or clear.
riel The basic monetary unit of Kampuchea > RIELS.
riem (Afrikaans) a raw-hide thong > RIEMS.
rife Abundant, prevalent > RIFER, RIFEST; RIFELY.
riff (In jazz) a short rhythmic phrase repeated constantly; (verb) to play such a phrase > RIFFS, RIFFING, RIFFED.
rifs (3rd.) RIF, to dismiss from employment.
rift (Verb) to make a rift in > RIFTS, RIFTING, RIFTED.
rigg The dogfish > RIGGS.
rigs (3rd.) RIG, to fit with sails.
rile To anger > RILES, RILING, RILED.
rill (Verb) to flow in a rill or rills > RILLS, RILLING, RILLED.
rima (Lat.) in full rima glottidis > the passage in the glottis between the vocal cords > RIMAE.
rime Hoar-frost; (verb) to cover with rime > RIMES, RIMING, RIMED.
rims (3rd.) RIM, to provide with a rim.
rimu (Maori) a coniferous New Zealand tree > RIMUS.
rimy Covered with rime > RIMIER, RIMIEST.
rind (Verb) to bark, encrust > RINDS, RINDING, RINDED.
rine (Spenser) rind > RINES.
ring To form a ring (a circular band) around > RINGS, RINGING, RINGED; to give forth a clear, resonant sound > RINGS, RINGING, RANG, RUNG.
rink A place for ice-skating; (verb) to skate on a rink > RINKS, RINKING, RINKED.
rins (3rd.) RIN, to run.
riot To take part in a violent public disturbance > RIOTS, RIOTING, RIOTED.
ripe Ready for harvest > RIPER, RIPEST; RIPELY; (verb) to ripen, also to grope, search, ransack > RIPES, RIPING, RIPED.
ripp (Scots) a plucked handful e.g. of grass, corn > RIPPS.
rips (3rd.) RIP, to tear open or apart.
ript (Obs.) pt. RIP.
rise To move upward > RISES, RISING, ROSE, RISEN.
risk To expose to a risk (a chance of injury or loss) > RISKS, RISKING, RISKED.
risp (Scots) to rasp, grate > RISPS, RISPING, RISPED.
rite A ceremonial act or procedure > RITES.
rits (3rd.) RIT, to scratch.
ritt (Scots) to scratch > RITTS, RITTING, RITTED. Also RIT.
ritz A pretentious display > RITZES.
riva (ON) in Shetland, a cleft in rock. [ON rifa].
rive To rend, tear apart > RIVES, RIVING, RIVED, RIVEN, RIFTE, YRIVD.
rivo (Shakesp.) a drinking-cry > RIVOS.
riza (Russian) an ornamental silver plate covering a Russian icon > RIZAS.
road An open way for public passage > ROADS.
roam To move about without purpose or plan > ROAMS, ROAMING, ROAMED.
roan (Scots) a roof-gutter > ROANS. Also RONE, RHONE.
roar To utter a loud, deep sound > ROARS, ROARING, ROARED.
robe A gown or loose outer garment; a gown or dress of office, rank or state; (verb) to dress in a robe > ROBES, ROBING, ROBED.
robs (3rd.) ROB, to steal.
roch The little auk > ROCHES. Also ROTCHIE, ROTCH, ROTCHE.
rock To move back and forth > ROCKS, ROCKING, ROCKED.
rocs (Pl.) ROC, a fabulous bird.
rode (Verb) of a woodcock, to make an evening flight > RODES, RODING, RODED.
rods (3rd.) ROD, to push a rod through e.g. a drain to clear it.
roed Filled with roe.
roes (Pl.) ROE, a mass of fish eggs.
rohe (Maori) the territory controlled by a Maori tribal group > ROHES.
roid as in roid rage, angry and aggressive behaviour caused by the use of anabolic steroids.
roil To make muddy by stirring or to disturb sediment > ROILS, ROILING, ROILED.
roin (Spenser) to growl, roar > ROINS, ROINING, ROINED. Also ROYNE.
roji (Japanese) a form of Japanese garden design > ROJIS.
roke (Dial.) steam, vapour; (verb) to steam, smoke > ROKES, ROKING, ROKED.
roks (Pl.) ROK, a mythical bird.
roky (Dial.) misty; foggy; cloudy > ROKIER, ROKIEST.
role A part played by an actor > ROLES.
rolf To practise massage > ROLFS, ROLFING, ROLFED.
roll To move along by repeatedly turning over > ROLLS, ROLLING, ROLLED.
roma (Pl.) ROM, a gypsy man.
romp To play boisterously > ROMPS, ROMPING, ROMPED.
roms (Pl.) ROM, a gypsy man or boy.
rone (Scots) a roof-gutter > RONES. Also RHONE, ROAN.
rong (Obs.) pt. of RING.
ront (Spenser) a runt > RONTS. Also RONTE.
ronz (Acronym) the rest of New Zealand.
rood A cross or crucifix at the entrance to a church chancel > ROODS.
roof To provide with a roof (the external upper covering of a building) > ROOFS, ROOFING, ROOFED.
rook (Verb) to swindle > ROOKS, ROOKING, ROOKED.
room A walled space within a building; (verb) to occupy a room > ROOMS, ROOMING, ROOMED.
roon (Scots) a strip of cloth, a selvage > ROONS. Also RUND, ROYNE.
roop (Scots) to make a hoarse sound > ROOPS, ROOPING, ROOPED.
roos (Pl.) ROO, kangaroo.
root To put forth a root (an underground portion of a plant) > ROOTS, ROOTING, ROOTED.
rope To bind with a rope (a thick line of twisted fibers) > ROPES, ROPING, ROPED.
ropy Of a liquid or bread > forming viscid or slimy threads; sticky and stringy > ROPIER, ROPIEST; ROPILY. Also ROPEY.
rore (Shakesp.) a roar > RORES.
rort To commit fraud, falsify accounts > RORTS, RORTING, RORTED.
rory (Scots) noisy, garish > RORIER, RORIEST. Also ROARY, ROARIE, RORIE.
rose (Verb) to redden > ROSES, ROSING, ROSED.
rost (Obs.) to roast > ROSTS, ROSTING, ROSTED.
rosy Rose-coloured > ROSIER, ROSIEST; ROSILY; (verb) to redden > ROSIES, ROSYING, ROSIED.
rota (Lat.) a roster; a tribunal in the Roman Catholic church > ROTAS.
rote (Verb) to fix by rote > ROTES, ROTING, ROTED.
roti (Hindi) a cake of unleavened bread > ROTIS.
rotl (Arabic) a variable Levantine weight > ARTAL or ROTLS.
roto (Abbr. of) ROTOGRAVURE, a type of printing process > ROTOS.
rots (3rd.) ROT, to decay.
roue (Fr.) a debauched man; a lecher > ROUES.
roul (Obs.) a roll > ROULS. Also ROULE.
roum (Obs.) a room > ROUMS.
roup (Scots) to sell by auction > ROUPS, ROUPING, ROUPED.
rout To defeat overwhelmingly > ROUTS, ROUTING, ROUTED.
roux (Fr.) a thickening made of equal quantities of butter and flour mixed together > ROUX.
rove To roam > ROVES, ROVING, ROVED.
rows (3rd.) ROW, to propel through water with oars.
rowt (Obs.) to rout > ROWTS, ROWTING, ROWTED.
rube (US slang) a bumpkin, easy mark > RUBES.
rubs (3rd.) RUB, to rob.
ruby A pure transparent red corundum; (verb) to redden > RUBIES, RUBYING, RUBIED; (adj.) red like a ruby > RUBIER, RUBIEST.
ruck To crease, pucker > RUCKS, RUCKING, RUCKED.
rucs (Pl.) RUC, a fabulous bird.
rudd A fish related to the roach > RUDDS.
rude Boorish > RUDER, RUDEST; RUDELY; (noun) a rude boy > RUDES.
rudi (In Jamaica) a member of a group of lower- or working-class teenagers in the 1960s, noted for listening to ska music and for juvenile delinquency > RUDIS.
ruds (Pl.) RUD, redness of complexion.
rudy (In Jamaica) a member of a group of lower- or working-class teenagers in the 1960s, noted for listening to ska music and for juvenile delinquency > RUDIES.
rued (Pt.) RUE, to regret.
ruer One who rues > RUERS.
rues (Pl.) RUE, a plant with medicinal leaves.
ruff (At bridge) to play a trump card when one cannot follow through > RUFFS, RUFFING, RUFFED.
ruga (Lat.) an anatomical fold or wrinkle > RUGAE.
rugs (3rd.) RUG, to pull roughly.
ruin To destroy > RUINS, RUINING, RUINED.
rukh (Persian) a fabulous bird > RUKHS. Also ROK, ROC, RUC.
rule To exercise control over > RULES, RULING, RULED.
ruly Obedient, orderly > RULIER, RULIEST.
rume (Shakesp.) rheum > RUMES.
rump (Verb) to turn one's back upon > RUMPS, RUMPING, RUMPED.
rums (Pl.) RUM, spirit made from sugar cane.
rund (Scots) a strip of cloth, a selvage > RUNDS. Also ROON, ROYNE.
rune A letter of an ancient alphabet > RUNES, RUNED.
rung A crosspiece forming a step of a ladder > RUNGS.
runs (3rd.) RUN, to move quickly.
runt Anything undersized > RUNTS, RUNTED. Also RONT, RONTE.
rurp A small hook-like piton used in mountaineering > RURPS.
ruru (Maori) the BOOBOOK owl > RURUS.
rusa 1. (Malay) a large Indian deer of the genus RUSA, esp. the SAMBAR. 2. (Hindi) a kind of East Indian grass from which an aromatic oil is distilled > RUSAS. Also ROOSA.
ruse A deception > RUSES.
rush To move swiftly > RUSHES, RUSHING, RUSHED.
rusk A light, soft-textured sweetened biscuit; sweet raised bread dried and browned in an oven > RUSKS.
rust To form rust (a reddish coating that forms on iron) > RUSTS, RUSTING, RUSTED.
ruth Compassion, pity > RUTHS.
ruts (3rd.) RUT, to make a furrow with a wheel.
ryal An old English gold coin worth about ten shillings > RYALS. Also RIAL.
ryas (Pl.) RYA, a type of Scandinavian rug.
ryes (Pl.) RYE, a cereal grass.
ryfe (Spenser) rife.
ryke (Scots) to reach > RYKES, RYKING, RYKED.
rynd A fitting to support a millstone > RYNDS.
ryot (Hindi) an Indian peasant > RYOTS. Also RAIYAT.
rype (Danish) a ptarmigan > RYPER.
ryus (Pl.) RYU, a school of Japanese martial arts.
saag (Hindi) in Indian cooking, spinach.
sabe To savvy > SABES, SABEING, SABED.
sabs (Pl.) SAB, a saboteur.
sack Dry white wine or sherry from Spain; (verb) to dismiss > SACKS, SACKING, SACKED.
sacs (Pl.) SAC, a pouch or baglike structure.
sade (Hebrew) a Hebrew letter > SADES. Also SADHE, SADI, TSADE, TSADI.
sadi (Hebrew) a Hebrew letter > SADIS. Also SADE, SADHE, TSADE, TSADI.
sado (Japanese) a tea ceremony > SADOS. Also CHADO, CHANOYO, CHANOYU.
sads (3rd.) SAD, to express sadness.
safe Secure > SAFER, SAFEST; SAFELY; (verb) to make e.g. a gun safe > SAFES, SAFING, SAFED.
saft (Scots) soft > SAFTER, SAFTEST.
saga A medieval Scandinavian narrative > SAGAS.
sage A garden labiate plant (Salvia officinalis) whose grey-green leaves are used as a flavouring > SAGES; (adj.) wise > SAGER, SAGEST; SAGELY.
sago (Malay) a type of palm tree; a nutritive cereal derived from its pith > SAGOS. [Malay sagu].
sags (3rd.) SAG, to bend or hang down.
sagy Full of sage; seasoned with sage > SAGIER, SAGIEST.
saic (Turkish) a Levantine vessel like a ketch > SAICS. Also SAICK, SAIQUE.
said (Noun) a descendant of Mohammed's daughter Fatima > SAIDS. Also SAYYID, SAIYID, SAYID.
sail To move across the surface of water by the action of wind > SAILS, SAILING, SAILED.
saim (Scots) a seam > SAIMS.
sain To make the sign of the cross over > SAINS, SAINING, SAINED.
sair (Scots) sore, very > SAIRER, SAIREST; (verb) to savour > SAIRS, SAIRING, SAIRED.
sais (Pl.) SAI, the capuchin monkey.
sake A Japanese alcoholic drink made from fermented rice > SAKES. Also SAKI.
saki (Japanese) a kind of rice wine > SAKIS. Also SAKE.
sale The act or an instance of selling > SALES.
sall (Obs.) shall.
salp Any species of Salpa, or of the family Salpidae > free-swimming chordates with flattened, translucent, keg-like bodies > SALPS. Also SALPA, SALPID, SALPIAN.
sals (Pl.) SAL, a large North Indian tree.
salt Tasting of salt > SALTER, SALTEST; SALTLY; (verb) to put salt on > SALTS, SALTING, SALTED.
sama (Japanese) a title given to an exalted person > SAMAS.
same Resembling in every relevant respect > SAMES.
samp (Am. Ind.) a coarsely ground maize > SAMPS. [Narragansett].
sams (3rd.) SAM, to gather.
sand To cover with sand (a loose, granular rock material) > SANDS, SANDING, SANDED.
sane Of sound mind > SANER, SANEST; SANELY; (verb) to bless > SANES, SANING, SANED.
sang (Chinese) a Chinese organ played by mouth > SANGS.
sank (Pt.) SINK, to move to a lower level.
sans (Fr.) without; deprived or destitute of.
sant (Hindi) in Sikhism, a devout person, a saint > SANTS.
saps (3rd.) SAP, to drain.
sard A deep orange-colored kind of chalcedony > SARDS. Also SARDIUS.
sari (Hindi) a Hindu woman's chief garment, a long cloth wrapped round the waist and passed over the shoulder and head > SARIS. Also SAREE.
sark (Scots) a shirt, a chemise > SARKS.
sars (Pl.) SAR, a sea bream.
sash (Verb) to dress or adorn with a sash > SASHES, SASHING, SASHED.
sass Impudence, cheek; (verb) to cheek > SASSES, SASSING, SASSED.
sate To satiate > SATES, SATING, SATED.
sati (Sanskrit) the act of a Hindu widow willingly being cremated on the funeral pyre of her husband > SATIS. [Sanskrit sati, a true wife]. Also SUTTEE.
saul (Dial.) a soul > SAULS.
saut (Scots) salt > SAUTS.
save To rescue from danger, injury, or loss > SAVES, SAVING, SAVED.
savs (Pl.) SAV, a saveloy.
sawn (PaP.) SAW, to cut with a saw.
saws (3rd.) SAW, to cut with a saw.
saxe As in saxe blue, a light bluish-grey colour.
says (3rd.) SAY, to utter in words.
scab (Verb) to work as a blackleg > SCABS, SCABBING, SCABBED.
scad Any of numerous carangid fishes, esp. one with a row of large scales along each side; a horse-mackerel or SAUREL > SCADS.
scag (US slang) heroin. Also SKAG. (Verb) to make a tear in cloth > SCAGS, SCAGGING, SCAGGED.
scam (Sl.) a swindle; (verb) to swindle > SCAMS, SCAMMING, SCAMMED.
scan To examine closely > SCANS, SCANNING, SCANNED or SCAND.
scar To form a scar (a mark left by the healing of injured tissue) > SCARS, SCARRING, SCARRED.
scat (Verb) to scare away > SCATS, SCATTING, SCATTED.
scaw A low cape or headland > SCAWS. Also SKAW.
scog (Scots) shadow, shelter > SCOGS. Also SKUG, SCUG, SCOUG, SCOOG.
scop (OE) an Anglo-Saxon poet and harpist > SCOPAS (but SCOPS is valid anyway as a kind of owl).
scot Money assessed or paid > SCOTS.
scow A large flat-bottomed boat, having broad, square ends; (verb) to transport by this > SCOWS, SCOWING, SCOWED.
scry To see the future e.g. via a crystal ball > SCRIES, SCRYING, SCRIED or (Spenser) SCRYDE. Also SKRY.
scud To run along quickly and lightly > SCUDS, SCUDDING, SCUDDED.
scug (Scots) shadow, shelter > SCUGS. Also SCOG, SKUG, SCOUG, SCOOG.
scul (Obs.) school > SCULS.
scum To remove the scum (impure or extraneous matter) from > SCUMS, SCUMMING, SCUMMED.
scup (Am. Ind.) a common Atlantic fish, the northern PORGY > SCUPS. [Narraganset mishcuppauog]. Also SCUPPAUG.
scur To scour, search > SCURS, SCURRING, SCURRED. Also SKER, SKIRR, SQUIRR.
scut The tail of e.g. a rabbit > SCUTS.
scye An opening for the insertion of a sleeve > SCYES.
seal To close or make secure against access, leakage, or passage > SEALS, SEALING, SEALED.
seam To join with a seam (a line formed by sewing two pieces of fabric together) > SEAMS, SEAMING, SEAMED.
sean A kind of net; to fish with such a net > SEANS, SEANING, SEANED. Also SEINE.
sear (Shakesp.) scorched, withered > SEARER, SEAREST; (verb) to burn > SEARS, SEARING, SEARED.
seas (Pl.) SEA, a great expanse of water.
seat To place on a seat (something on which one sits) > SEATS, SEATING, SEATED.
sech A hyperbolic secant > SECHS.
seco (Ital.) (of wine) dry.
secs (Pl.) SEC, a secant.
sect A group of people united by common beliefs or interests > SECTS.
seed To plant seeds (propagative plant structures) in > SEEDS, SEEDING, SEEDED.
seek To go in search of > SEEKS, SEEKING, SOUGHT.
seel To stitch up a hawk's eyes > SEELS, SEELING, SEELED.
seem To give the impression of being > SEEMS, SEEMING, SEEMED.
seen (PaP.) SEE, to perceive by the eye.
seep To pass slowly through small openings > SEEPS, SEEPING, SEEPED.
seer A prophet > SEERS.
sees (3rd.) SEE, to perceive by the eye.
sego (Am. Ind.) a liliaceous plant of Western North America, and its edible bulb > SEGOS. [Ute].
segs (Pl.) SEG, a stud in the sole of a shoe.
seif (Arabic) a long sand-dune lying parallel to the direction of the wind that forms it > SEIFS. [Arabic sayf, sword].
seik (Scots) sick > SEIKER, SEIKEST.
seil To strain > SEILS, SEILING, SEILED. Also SILE.
seir (Port.) a scombroid fish of the eastern coastal waters of India > SEIRS. Also SEER.
seis (Pl.) SEI, a rorqual.
sekt (Ger.) a sparkling wine > SEKTS.
seld Rare; uncommon; unusual. No comp! Cf. SELDSEEN, SELDSHOWN.
sele Happiness, good fashion > SELES. Also SEEL, SEIL, SEAL.
self One's own person > SELVES; (verb) to fertilize by the same individual > SELFS, SELFING, SELFED.
sell To give up to another for money or other valuable consideration > SELLS, SELLING, SOLD.
sels (Pl.) SEL, self.
seme 1. (Her.) strewn or scattered with small bearings. Also SEMEE, SEMEED. 2. A type of ornamental pattern > SEMES.
semi A semi-detached house > SEMIS.
sena (Hindi) in India, an army, esp. used of paramilitary organisations representing various castes > SENAS.
send To cause to go > SENDS, SENDING, SENT; to scend > SENDS, SENDING, SENDED.
sene (Samoan) a monetary unit of Western Samoa > SENE. No -S.
sens (Obs.) since.
sent (Verb, obs.) to scent > SENTS, SENTING, SENTED.
seps (Greek) a skink of the genus Seps with a serpentlike body > SEPSES.
sept A division of a tribe; a clan > SEPTS.
sera (Pl.) SERUM, a watery liquid, esp. that which separates from coagulating blood.
sere Scorched, withered > SERER, SEREST; (verb) to dry up, wither > SERES, SERING, SERED.
serf A person in modified slavery, esp. one bound to work on the land > SERFS.
serk A shirt > SERKS. Also SARK.
serr To press close, close the ranks of > SERRS, SERRING, SERRED. Also SERRE, SERRY.
sers (Pl.) SER, a unit of weight in India.
sese (Shakesp.) enough said. Also CAESE, CEAS, SESEY, SESSA.
sesh (Abbr.) session > SESHES.
sess A tax, a local rate for the maintenance of soldiers > SESSES. Also CESS.
seta (Lat.) a bristle; any bristle-like organ > SETAE.
sets (3rd.) SET, to put or place in position.
sett A badger's home > SETTS. Also CETE.
sevs (Pl.) SEV, an Indian food of deep-fried strands of flour.
sewn (PaP.) SEW, to work on with a needle and thread.
sews (3rd.) SEW, to work on with a needle and thread.
sext The office of the sixth hour > SEXTS.
sexy Sexually attractive > SEXIER, SEXIEST; SEXILY.
seys (Pl.) SEY, a carcase of beef.
shad A deep-bodied herring-like marine fish, spawning in rivers > SHADS.
shag A bird allied to the cormorant; (verb) to make shaggy > SHAGS, SHAGGING, SHAGGED.
shah (Persian) (a title of) the monarch of Iran (Persia) > SHAHS.
shan (Obs. criminal sl.) a base or counterfeit coin > SHANS. Also SHAND.
shat (Pt.) SHIT, to defecate.
shaw (Verb) to show > SHAWS, SHAWING, SHAWED, SHAWN.
shay A chaise > SHAYS.
shea An African sapotaceous tree, from the seeds of which a substance resembling butter is obtained; the African butter tree > SHEAS.
shed (Verb) to house in a shed > SHEDS, SHEDDING, SHEDDED.
shen the spiritual element of a person's psyche > SHEN. No -S.
shes (Pl.) SHE, a female person.
shet (Dial.) to shut > SHETS, SHETTING, SHET.
shew (Obs.) to show > SHEWS, SHEWING, SHEWED, SHEWN.
shhh an interjection requesting quietness.
shim A thin slip of metal etc. used to fill a space or to adjust parts; (verb) to fill in or adjust with a shim > SHIMS, SHIMMING, SHIMMED.
shin To climb by gripping and pulling alternately with the hands and legs > SHINS, SHINNING, SHINNED.
ship To transport by ship (a vessel suitable for navigation in deep water) > SHIPS, SHIPPING, SHIPPED.
shir To pucker, gather; to bake eggs > SHIRS, SHIRRING, SHIRRED. Also SHIRR.
shit To defecate > SHITS, SHITTING, SHITTED or SHAT.
shiv A knife; (verb) to cut with a SHIV > SHIVS, SHIVVING, SHIVVED.
shmo (Yiddish) a stupid person > SHMOES. Also SCHMO, SCHMOE.
shod (Pt.) SHOE, to put shoes on.
shoe A stiff outer covering for the foot, not coming above the ankle > SHOES or (archaic) SHOON. (Verb) to put shoes on > SHOES, SHOEING, SHOED or SHOD, SHODDEN.
shog (Dial.) to jog, move on, go away > SHOGS, SHOGGING, SHOGGED.
shoo (Verb) to cry 'Shoo' > SHOOS, SHOOING, SHOOED.
shop To examine goods with intent to buy > SHOPS, SHOPPING, SHOPPED.
shot (Verb) to load with shot > SHOTS, SHOTTING, SHOTTED.
show To cause or permit to be seen > SHOWS, SHOWING, SHOWED, SHOWN.
shri (Sanskrit) a title of respect, sir > SHRIS. [Skr. shri, majesty]. Also SRI.
shul (Hebrew) a synagogue > SHULS or SHULN. Also SCHUL.
shut To close > SHUTS, SHUTTING, SHUT.
shwa (Ger.) a vowel sound, like "a" in alone or "e" in linen, that in English often appears unstressed > SHWAS. Also SCHWA.
sial The upper layer of the continental crust, so called because it is rich in silica and aluminum oxide > SIALS. Compare SIMA.
sibb (Scott) a blood relation, a kinsman > SIBBS. Also SIB, SYBBE.
sibs (Pl.) SIB, a blood relation, a kinsman.
sice (Arabic) a groom, a mounted attendant > SICES. Also SYCE, SAICE.
sich (Arch.) such.
sick Ill > SICKER, SICKEST; SICKLY; (verb) to incite to attack > SICKS, SICKING, SICKED.
sics (3rd.) SIC, to incite a dog to attack.
sida (Greek) any plant of the Queensland hemp genus Sida, of the mallow family > SIDAS.
side To agree with or support > SIDES, SIDING, SIDED.
sidh (Irish) fairy people. No -S. Also SIDHE.
sien (Arch.) scion > SIENS. Also CION, SIENT, SYEN.
sies (S. Afr.) expressing disgust. Also SIS.
sift To sieve > SIFTS, SIFTING, SIFTED.
sigh To let out a sigh (a deep, audible breath) > SIGHS, SIGHING, SIGHED.
sign To write one's name on > SIGNS, SIGNING, SIGNED.
sigs (Pl.) SIG, a short personalized message at the end of an email, a signature.
sijo (Korean) a Korean verse form > SIJOS.
sika (Japanese) a kind of deer, native to Japan > SIKAS.
sike A rill or small ditch > SIKES. Also SYKE.
sild (Norwegian) herring, esp. canned, lightly smoked herring imported from Scandinavia > SILDS.
sile To strain > SILES, SILING, SILED. Also SEIL.
silk A fibre produced by the larva of a silkworm moth; (verb) to cover or clothe with silk > SILKS, SILKING, SILKED.
sill The horizontal piece that bears the upright portion of a frame > SILLS.
silo (Verb) to put or keep in a silo > SILOS, SILOED, SILOING.
silt A fine deposit of mud, clay, etc., esp. one in a river or lake; (verb) to fill or become filled with silt > SILTS, SILTING, SILTED.
sima The oceanic crust, also the lower layer of the continental crust, so called because it is enriched in silica and magnesium oxide > SIMAS. Cf. SIAL.
simi (Swahili) in Africa, a short two-edged sword or large knife > SIMIS.
simp (Abbr.) simpleton > SIMPS.
sims (Pl.) SIM, an evangelist.
sind (Scots) to rinse, wash out > SINDS, SINDING, SINDED. Also SYND, SINE, SYNE.
sine (Scots) to rinse, wash out > SINES, SINING, SINED. Also SYND, SYNE, SIND.
sing To utter with musical inflections of the voice > SINGS, SINGING, SANG, SUNG.
sinh A hyperbolic function of an angle > SINHS.
sink To move to a lower level > SINKS, SINKING, SANK, SUNK, SUNKEN.
sins (3rd.) SIN, to commit sin.
sipe (Dial.) to soak through, seep > SIPES, SIPING, SIPED. Also SYPE.
sips (3rd.) SIP, to drink in small mouthfuls.
sire To beget > SIRES, SIRING, SIRED.
siri (Malay) the betel pepper > SIRIS. Also SIRIH.
sirs (3rd.) SIR, to address as 'sir'.
siss (Abbr.) sister > SISSES. Also SIS.
sist To stay, as judicial proceedings; to delay or suspend > SISTS, SISTING, SISTED.
site To place in position for operation > SITES, SITING, SITED.
sith (Arch.) since. Also SITHEN, SITHENCE, SITHENS.
sits (3rd.) SIT, to rest on the buttocks.
sitz As in sitz bath, a bath in which the hips and buttocks are immersed in warm water.
size To arrange according to size (physical proportions) > SIZES, SIZING, SIZED.
sizy Pertaining to SIZE, in sense of a weak glue > SIZIER, SIZIEST.
sjoe (S. Afr.) expressing surprise, admiration etc.
skag (US slang) heroin > SKAGS. Also SCAG.
skas (Pl.) SKA, Jamaican music similar to reggae.
skat A card game for three persons, resembling solo whist > SKATS.
skaw A low cape or headland > SKAWS. Also SCAW.
sked to schedule > SKEDS, SKEDDING, SKEDDED.
skee To ski > SKEES, SKEEING, SKEED.
skeg A length of keel projecting aft to protect the rudder > SKEGS. Also SKEGG.
sken (Dial.) to squint or stare > SKENS, SKENNING, SKENNED.
skeo (Orkney) a hut, a shed > SKEOES or SKEOS. Also SKIO.
skep (ON) a farm basket, especially of wicker or straw; a beehive, especially domed and made of straw; (verb) to collect into a hive > SKEPS, SKEPPING, SKEPPED. [ON skeppa bushel].
sker To scour, search; to send skimming > SKERS, SKERRING, SKERRED. Also SCUR, SKIRR, SQUIRR.
sket (Dial.) to splash water > SKETS, SKETTING, SKETTED.
skew Oblique, biase > SKEWER, SKEWEST; (verb) to make oblique > SKEWS, SKEWING, SKEWED.
skid To slide sideways as a result of a loss of traction > SKIDS, SKIDDING, SKIDDED.
skim To remove floating matter from the surface of > SKIMS, SKIMMING, SKIMMED.
skin To strip or deprive of skin (the membranous tissue covering the body of an animal) > SKINS, SKINNING, SKINNED.
skio (Orkney) a hut, a shed > SKIOES or SKIOS. Also SKEO.
skip To move with light springing steps > SKIPS, SKIPPING, SKIPPED.
skis (3rd.) SKI, to move on skis.
skit A short dramatic scene > SKITS.
skog to shelter > SKOGS, SKOGGING, SKOGGED.
skol (ON) a drinking toast; good health! Also SKOAL. (Verb) to down a drink in one go > SKOLS, SKOLLING, SKOLLED.
skry To see the future e.g. via a crystal ball > SKRIES, SKRYING, SKRIED. Also SCRY.
skua A predatory gull-like sea bird > SKUAS.
skug (Scots) shadow, shelter > SKUGS. [ON skuggi, shadow]. Also SCOG, SCUG, SCOUG, SCOOG.
skyf (S. Afr.) a cigarette or substance for smoking; (verb) to smoke > SKYFS, SKYFING, SKYFED.
skyr (ON) curds; a yogurt-like curd cheese > SKYRS.
slab (Verb) to form into slabs > SLABS, SLABBING, SLABBED.
slae (Scots) a sloe > SLAES.
slag To convert into slag (the fused residue of a smelted ore) > SLAGS, SLAGGING, SLAGGED.
slam To shut forcibly and noisily > SLAMS, SLAMMING, SLAMMED.
slap To strike with the open hand > SLAPS, SLAPPING, SLAPPED.
slat (Verb) to strike, beat > SLATS, SLATTING, SLATTED.
slaw Cabbage salad > SLAWS.
slay To amuse overwhelmingly > SLAYS, SLAYING, SLAYED; (verb) to kill violently > SLAYS, SLAYING, SLEW, SLAIN.
sleb (Slang) a celebrity > SLEBS.
sled (Verb) to travel by sled > SLEDS, SLEDDING, SLEDDED.
slee (Scots) sly > SLEER, SLEEST.
slew (Verb) to swerve violently > SLEWS, SLEWING, SLEWED.
sley A weaver's reed > SLEYS.
slid (Pt.) SLIDE, to move smoothly along a surface.
slim Slender > SLIMMER, SLIMMEST; SLIMLY; (verb) to make slim > SLIMS, SLIMMING, SLIMMED.
slit To make a slit (a long, narrow cut) in > SLITS, SLITTING, SLITTED.
slob A slovenly or boorish person > SLOBS.
sloe The fruit of the blackthorn > SLOES.
slop To spill or splash > SLOPS, SLOPPING, SLOPPED.
slot To cut a long, narrow opening in > SLOTS, SLOTTING, SLOTTED.
slow Not fast > SLOWER, SLOWEST; SLOWLY; (verb) to make slow > SLOWS, SLOWING, SLOWED.
slub To twist fibre after carding to prepare it for spinning > SLUBS, SLUBBING, SLUBBED. Also SLUBB,
slue To swing round violently > SLUES, SLUING, SLUED. Also SLEW.
slug (Verb) to strike > SLUGS, SLUGGING, SLUGGED.
slum To visit slums (squalid urban areas) > SLUMS, SLUMMING, SLUMMED.
slur To pass over lightly or carelessly > SLURS, SLURRING, SLURRED.
slut A slovenly woman > SLUTS.
smee (Dial.) a name for various ducks, smew, pochard > SMEES. Also SMEATH, SMEETH.
smew A bird, the smallest MERGANSER > SMEWS.
smit (Scots) to stain, infect > SMITS, SMITTING, SMITTED.
smog An atmospheric mixture of smoke and fog > SMOGS.
smug Complacent > SMUGGER, SMUGGEST; SMUGLY; (verb) to seize without ceremony > SMUGS, SMUGGING, SMUGGED.
smur (Scots) to drizzle > SMURS, SMURRING, SMURRED. Also SMIRR, SMIR.
smut (Verb) to soil, make smutty > SMUTS, SMUTTING, SMUTTED.
snab (Scots) a cobbler; a shoemaker's apprentice > SNABS.
snag To catch on a snag (a jagged protuberance) > SNAGS, SNAGGING, SNAGGED.
snap To make a sharp cracking sound > SNAPS, SNAPPING, SNAPPED.
snaw (Dial.) to snow > SNAWS, SNAWING, SNAWED.
sneb To reprimand > SNEBS, SNEBBING, SNEBBED. Also SNEBBE.
sned 1. the curved handle of a scythe > SNEDS. Also SNATH, SNATHE, SNEATH, SNEAD. 2. (verb) to cut, lop > SNEDS, SNEDDING, SNEDDED.
snee (Obs.) to cut > SNEES, SNEEING, SNEED.
snib (Scots) a small bolt, a catch for a window-sash; (verb) to fasten with such > SNIBS, SNIBBING, SNIBBED.
snig To chop off; to cut > SNIGS, SNIGGING, SNIGGED. Cf. SNED, SNEE.
snip To cut with a short, quick stroke > SNIPS, SNIPPING, SNIPPED.
snit A fit of rather childish temper, a tantrum > SNITS.
snob One who tends to avoid or rebuff those regarded as inferior > SNOBS.
snod (Scots) smooth, neat > SNODDER, SNODDEST; (verb) to trim, tidy > SNODS, SNODDIT or SNODDED, SNODDING.
snog (Sl.) to kiss > SNOGS, SNOGGING, SNOGGED.
snot Mucus; (verb) to blow the nose > SNOTS, SNOTTING, SNOTTED.
snow To fall as snow (precipitation in the form of ice crystals) > SNOWS, SNOWING, SNOWED.
snub To treat with contempt or neglect > SNUBS, SNUBBING, SNUBBED.
snug Cosy > SNUGGER, SNUGGEST; SNUGLY; (verb) to lie close > SNUGS, SNUGGING, SNUGGED.
snye A natural channel bypassing rapids or body of river > SNYES. Also SNY.
soak To saturate thoroughly in liquid > SOAKS, SOAKING, SOAKED, (obs.) SOAKEN.
soap To treat with soap (a cleansing agent) > SOAPS, SOAPING, SOAPED.
soar To fly at a great height > SOARS, SOARING, SOARED.
soba (Japanese) noodles made from buckwheat flour > SOBAS.
sobs (3rd.) SOB, to cry uncontrollably.
soca A variety of Caribbean calypso music > SOCAS. [From soul plus calypso]. Also SOKAH.
sock A covering for the foot and part or all of the lower leg; (verb) to strike > SOCKS, SOCKING, SOCKED.
socs (Pl.) SOC, the historical right of holding a local court.
soda Any of a number of common sodium compounds > SODAS.
sods (3rd.) SOD, to cover with sods.
sofa A long, upholstered seat > SOFAS.
soft Not hard > SOFTER, SOFTEST; SOFTLY; (verb) (Spenser) to soften > SOFTS, SOFTING, SOFTED.
sogs (3rd.) SOG, to soak.
soho A huntsman's halloo. No -S.
sohs (Pl.) SOH, a musical note.
soil Unconsolidated materials above bedrock; (verb) to make dirty > SOILS, SOILING, SOILED.
soja A dark, salty sauce made from fermented soy beans and wheat flour > SOJAS. Also SOY, SOYA.
soju (Korean) a Korean vodka distilled from rice or sweet potato > SOJUS.
soke A district under a particular jurisdiction > SOKES. Also SOC, SOKEN, SUCKEN.
sola (Hindi) a spongewood > SOLAS. Also SOLAH.
sold (Noun) (Spenser) pay, remuneration > SOLDS. Also SOLDE.
sole Alone > SOLELY; (verb) to pull by the ears > SOLES, SOLING, SOLED. Also SOWL, SOWLE, SOOLE.
soli (Pl.) SOLO, a performance by one person.
solo A performance by one person > SOLOS or SOLI. (Verb) to perform a solo > SOLOS, SOLOING, SOLOED.
sols (Pl.) SOL, a musical note.
soma (Greek) the whole axial portion of an animal, including the head, neck, trunk, and tail > SOMAS or SOMATA.
some Being an unspecified number or part.
soms (Pl.) SOM, the standard monetary unit of Kyrgyzstan.
somy (Pl.) SOM, the standard monetary unit of Kyrgyzstan.
sone A unit of loudness on a scale based on subjective or perceived loudness > SONES.
song That which is sung; a short poem or ballad suitable for singing or set to music > SONGS.
sons (Pl.) SON, a male offspring.
sook (Arabic) an Arab market-place > SOOKS. [Arabic suk]. Also SUK, SUQ, SOUK, SUKH. (Verb) to suck > SOOKS, SOOKING, SOOKED.
sool To incite (a dog) to attack > SOOLS, SOOLING, SOOLED.
soom (Scots) to swim > SOOMS, SOOMING, SOOMED.
soon In a short time > SOONER, SOONEST.
soop (Scots) to sweep > SOOPS, SOOPING, SOOPED.
soot (Verb) to besmear with soot > SOOTS, SOOTING, SOOTED.
soph (Abbr.) SOPHOMORE, one belonging to the second of the four classes in an American college > SOPHS.
sops (3rd.) SOP, to soak.
sora (Am. Ind.) a North American rail > SORAS. Also SOREE.
sorb To absorb; to adsorb > SORBS, SORBING, SORBED.
sord A flock of mallard > SORDS.
sore Sensitive to pain > SORER, SOREST; SORELY; (verb) to make sore > SORES, SORING, SORED.
sori (Pl.) SORUS, a cluster of SPORANGIA.
sorn (Scots) to impose in order to obtain hospitality, to sponge > SORNS, SORNING, SORNED.
sort To arrange according to kind, class, or size > SORTS, SORTING, SORTED.
soss To fall at once into a chair or seat; to sit lazily > SOSSES, SOSSING, SOSSED.
soth Truth > SOTHS. Also SOOTH.
sots (3rd.) SOT, to act as a sot, a habitual drunkard.
souk (Arabic) an Arab market-place > SOUKS. [Arabic suk]. Also SOOK, SUQ, SUK, SUKH. (Verb) to such > SOUKS, SOUKING, SOUKED.
soul The spiritual aspect of human beings > SOULS, SOULED.
soum (Scots) the proportion of sheep or cattle suitable for any pasture; (verb) to reckon this > SOUMS, SOUMING, SOUMED. Also SOWM.
soup Any liquid food made by stewing pieces of meat, vegetables or grains; (verb) to increase the power of > SOUPS, SOUPING, SOUPED.
sour Having an acid taste > SOURER, SOUREST; SOURLY; (verb) to make sour > SOURS, SOURING, SOURED.
sous (Pl.) SOU, a low-value French coin.
sout (Spenser) soot > SOUTS.
sovs (Pl.) SOV, a sovereign.
sowf (Scots) to whistle or hum softly > SOWFS, SOWFING, SOWFED. Also SOWFF, SOWTH.
sowl (Shakesp.) to lug, drag > SOWLS, SOWLING, SOWLED. Also SOWLE, SOOLE, SOLE.
sowm (Scots) the proportion of sheep or cattle suitable for any pasture; (verb) to reckon this > SOWMS, SOWMING, SOWMED. Also SOUM.
sown (PaP.) SOW, to scatter seed on the ground.
sowp (Scots) a spoonful, a sip > SOWPS.
sows (3rd.) SOW, to scatter seed on the ground.
soya A dark, salty sauce made from fermented soy beans and wheat flour > SOYAS. Also SOY, SOJA.
soys (Pl.) SOY, a dark, salty sauce made from fermented beans.
spae (ON) to foretell; to divine > SPAES, SPAING, SPAED. [ON spa].
spag (Aus. sl.) an Italian person; (verb) of a cat, to scratch a person > SPAGS, SPAGGING, SPAGGED.
spam (Verb) to send out electronic junk mail > SPAMS, SPAMMING, SPAMMED.
span To extend over or across > SPANS, SPANNING, SPANNED.
spar To provide with spars (stout poles used to support rigging) > SPARS, SPARRING, SPARRED.
spas (Pl.) SPA, a mineral spring; a resort built round this.
spat (Verb) to slap, strike > SPATS, SPATTING, SPATTED.
spaw (Obs.) a spa > SPAWS.
spay To remove the ovaries from (a female animal) > SPAYS, SPAYING, SPAYED.
spec (Abbr.) specification; (verb) to specify > SPECS, SPECCING, SPECCED.
sped (Pt.) SPEED, to move swiftly.
spek Fat, bacon, blubber from a whale > SPEKS. Also SPECK.
spet To spit; to throw out > SPETS, SPETTING, SPET.
spew To vomit > SPEWS, SPEWING, SPEWED.
spie (Spenser) a spy > SPIES.
spif A postage stamp perforated with the initials of a firm to avoid theft by employees > SPIFS.
spim Spam received via an instant messaging system > SPIMS.
spin To draw out and twist into threads > SPINS, SPINNING, SPUN or SPAN.
spit To emit saliva > SPITS, SPITTING, SPAT; to pierce with a spit > SPiTS, SPITTING, SPITTED, SPITTEN.
spiv One who lives by his wits without regular employment; a slacker > SPIVS.
spod A boring, unattractive or over-studious person > SPODS.
spot To mark with spots (small, roundish discolorations) > SPOTS, SPOTTING, SPOTTED.
spry Smart, dapper > SPRIER or SPRYER, SPRIEST or SPRYEST; SPRYLY.
spud A small narrow digging tool with a spadelike blade; (verb) to dig with a spud > SPUDS, SPUDDING, SPUDDED.
spue To spew > SPUES, SPUING, SPUED.
spug (Coll.) a house sparrow > SPUGS. Also SPUGGY.
spun (Pt.) SPIN, to draw out and twist into threads.
spur A goading instrument on a horse rider's heel; (verb) to apply the spur to > SPURS, SPURRING, SPURRED.
sris (Pl.) SRI, a Hindu title of respect.
stab To pierce with a pointed weapon > STABS, STABBING, STABBED.
stag To deal as a stag (on the stock-market) > STAGS, STAGGING, STAGGED.
stap (Scots) to stuff, thrust, cram > STAPS, STAPPING, STAPPED.
star To perform as a star > STARS, STARRING, STARRED.
stat (Abbr.) statistic > STATS.
staw (Scots) to stall > STAWS, STAWING, STAWED.
stay To continue in a place or condition > STAYS, STAYING, STAYED or STAID.
sted (Spenser) to stead > STEDS, STEDING, STEDED. Also STEDE, STEDD, STEDDE, STEED.
stem To staunch, stop > STEMS, STEMMING, STEMMED.
sten To stride vigorously > STENS, STENNING, STENNED. Also STEND.
step To move by lifting the foot and setting it down in another place > STEPS, STEPPING, STEPPED or (obs.) STEPT.
stet (Lat.) to restore after marking for deletion > STETS, STETTING, STETTED.
stew A dish of food, esp. meat with vegetables, cooked in water or a stock > STEWS, STEWING, STEWED.
stey (Scots) steep > STEYER, STEYEST.
stie (Obs.) sty; (verb) to keep in a sty > STIES, STYING, STIED.
stim (Irish) a very small amount > STIMS.
stir To pass an implement through in circular motions > STIRS, STIRRING, STIRRED.
stoa (Greek) a covered walk with colonnade(s) > STOAS, STOAE, STOAI.
stob A stake, a stump; (verb) to stab > STOBS, STOBBING, STOBBED.
stop To discontinue the progress or motion of > STOPS, STOPPING, STOPPED or (obs.) STOPT.
stot A bullock, a steer; (verb) to bound, to walk with a springy step > STOTS, STOTTING, STOTTED. Also STOTT.
stow To pack > STOWS, STOWING, STOWED.
stub To strike accidentally against a projecting object > STUBS, STUBBING, STUBBED.
stud To set thickly with small projections > STUDS, STUDDING, STUDDED.
stum Unfermented or partly fermented grape-juice, must; esp. must in which the fermentation has been prevented or arrested by fumigation with sulphur; (verb) to doctor with stum > STUMS, STUMMING, STUMMED.
stun To render senseless or incapable of action > STUNS, STUNNING, STUNNED.
stye A sore place on the eye > STYES.
suba (Hindi) a province in India > SUBAS. Also SUBAH.
subs (3rd.) SUB, to subedit (copy).
such Of that kind.
suck To draw in by establishing a partial vacuum > SUCKS, SUCKING, SUCKED.
sudd (Arabic) a mass of vegetation floating on water in NE Africa > SUDDS.
suds (Verb) to foam up, to lather > SUDSES, SUDSING, SUDSED.
sued (Pt.) SUE, to prosecute at law.
suer One who sues; a suitor > SUERS.
sues (3rd.) SUE, to prosecute at law.
suet The hard, fatty tissue around the kidneys of cattle and sheep > SUETS.
sugh To make a sigh that sounds like the wind > SUGHS, SUGHING, SUGHED. Also SOUGH.
sugo An Italian meat sauce > SUGOS.
sugs (3rd.) SUG, to attempt to sell a product while purporting to be engaged in market research.
suid Any member of the pig family Suidae, including wild pigs, warthogs and the domestic pig > SUIDS.
suit To be appropriate to > SUITS, SUITING, SUITED.
sukh (Arabic) an Arab market-place > SUKHS. [Arabic suk]. Also SOOK, SUQ, SUK, SOUK.
suks (Pl.) SUK, an Arab market-place.
sulk To be sulky > SULKS, SULKING, SULKED.
sulu (Fijian) in Fiji, a cloth worn as a sarong > SULUS.
sumi (Japanese) a type of black Japanese ink > SUMIS.
sumo (Japanese) a form of wrestling > SUMOS.
sump A pit or depression into which liquid drains > SUMPS.
sums (3rd.) SUM, to add, make up the total of.
sumy (Pl.) SUM, the monetary unit of Uzbekistan.
sung (Pp.) SING, to utter with musical inflections of the voice.
suni A small S. African antelope > SUNIS.
sunk (Noun) a turf seat > SUNKS.
sunn (Hindi) an E. Indian plant with tough fibre used in cordage > SUNNS.
suns (3rd.) SUN, to expose to the sun's rays.
supe (Abbr.) superintendent > SUPES.
sups (3rd.) SUP, to take liquid into the mouth.
suqs (Pl.) SUQ, an Arab market-place.
sura (Arabic) a chapter of the Koran > SURAS. Also SURAH.
surd A sum containing roots; a voiceless sound in speech > SURDS.
sure Certain > SURER, SUREST; SURELY; (verb) to provide with sewers > SURES, SURING, SURED.
surf Surging water or waves rushing up a sloping beach; sea foam; (verb) to bathe in or ride on surf > SURFS, SURFING, SURFED.
suss To arrest for suspicious behaviour > SUSSES, SUSSING, SUSSED.
susu (Caribbean) an arrangement made among friends whereby each person makes regular contributions to a fund, the money being drawn out periodically by each individual in turn > SUSUS.
swab (Verb) to absorb or mop with a swab > SWABS, SWABBING, SWABBED. Also SWOB.
swad (Dial.) a country lout, a soldier > SWADS.
swag To sway, to sag > SWAGS, SWAGGING, SWAGGED.
swam (Pt.) SWIM, to propel oneself in water by natural means.
swan A large aquatic bird; (verb) to move like a swan > SWANS, SWANNING, SWANNED.
swat To hit sharply > SWATS, SWATTING, SWATTED.
sway To move slowly back and forth > SWAYS, SWAYING, SWAYED.
swee To sway, swing > SWEES, SWEEING, SWEED.
swey (Scots) to sway, swing > SWEYS, SWEYING, SWEYED.
swig To drink deeply or rapidly > SWIGS, SWIGGING, SWIGGED.
swim To propel oneself in water by natural means > SWIMS, SWIMMING, SWAM, SWUM.
swiz A swindle; (verb) to deceive > SWIZZES, SWIZZING, SWIZZED. Also SWIZZ.
swob (Verb) to absorb or mop with a swob > SWOBS, SWOBBING, SWOBBED. Also SWAB.
swop To barter, give in exchange > SWOPS, SWOPPING, SWOPPED or SWOPT. Also SWAP.
swot To study hard > SWOTS, SWOTTING, SWOTTED.
swum (PaP.) SWIM, to propel oneself in water by natural means.
sybo (Scots) a CIBOL, a spring onion > SYBOES. Also SYBOE, SYBOW.
syce (Arabic) a stableman or groom, esp. in India > SYCES. Also SICE, SAICE.
syed (Pt.) SYE, to sieve.
syen (Arch.) scion > SYENS. Also SIEN, SIENT.
syes (3rd.) SYE, to sieve.
syke A rill or small ditch > SYKES. Also SIKE.
syli A former monetary unit of Guinea > SYLIS.
sync (Abbr.) synchronised. Also SYNCH.
synd (Scots) to rinse, wash out > SYNDS, SYNDING, SYNDED. Also SIND.
syne (Scots) to rinse > SYNES, SYNING, SYNED. Also SYND, SIND.
sype (Dial.) to soak through, seep > SYPES, SYPING, SYPED. Also SIPE.
syph (Abbr.) syphilis > SYPHS.
taal (Afrikaans) language, usually by implication Afrikaans > TAALS.
tabi (Japanese) a kind of sock worn with Japanese sandals > TABIS.
tabs (3rd.) TAB, to name or designate.
tabu (Tongan) a prohibition, interdict; (verb) to forbid as e.g. unclean > TABUS, TABUING, TABUED. Also TABOO, TAPU.
tace (In plate armour) one of a series of overlapping pieces forming a kind of skirt > TACES. Also TASSE, TASLET, TASSET.
tach (Bibl.) a fastening or clasp > TACHS. Also TACHE.
tack To fasten with tacks (short, sharp-pointed nails) > TACKS, TACKING, TACKED.
taco (Spanish) in Mexican cooking, a very thin rolled pancake with a meat filling > TACOS.
tact Skill in dealing with delicate situations > TACTS.
tads (Pl.) TAD, a small amount.
taed (Pt.) TAE, to toe.
tael (Malay) a denomination of money, also, a weight of one ounce and a third > TAELS. [Malay tahil, weight].
taes (Pl.) TAE, to toe.
tags (3rd.) TAG, to put a tag on.
taha (Zulu) a S. African weaver-bird > TAHAS. [Zulu taka].
tahr A Himalayan wild goat > TAHRS. Also TEHR.
tail To provide with a tail (a hindmost part) > TAILS, TAILING, TAILED.
tain Paper-thin tin plate; tinfoil used as a backing for mirrors > TAINS.
tais (Pl.) TAI, a sea-bream.
tait (Scots) a small portion, a pinch > TAITS. Also TATE.
taka (Bengali) a monetary unit of Bangladesh > TAKAS.
take To get possession of > TAKES, TAKING, TOOK, TAKEN.
taki (Mongolian) a rare wild horse > TAKIS. Also TAKHI.
taks (3rd.) TAK, to take.
taky (Obs.) attractive > TAKIER, TAKIEST.
tala (Sanskrit) a traditional rhythmic pattern in Indian music > TALAS. [Skr. 'hand-clapping'].
talc A soft greasy white mineral, acid magnesium silicate; (verb) to sprinkle with talc > TALCS, TALCING or TALCKING, TALCED or TALCKED.
tale A story > TALES.
tali (Pl.) TALUS, ankle bone.
talk To communicate by speaking > TALKS, TALKING, TALKED.
tall Of more than usual height > TALLER, TALLEST; (noun) a garment size for a tall person > TALLS.
tame Not wild > TAMER, TAMEST; TAMELY; (verb) to make tame > TAMES, TAMING, TAMED.
tamp To stop up a shot hole with earth; to ram down > TAMPS, TAMPING, TAMPED.
tams (Pl.) TAM, a cap with a broad flat top.
tana (Hindi) an Indian police station > TANAS. Also TANNA, TANNAH, THANA, THANAH, THANNA, THANNAH.
tane (Spenser) taken.
tang To ring; to twang > TANGS, TANGING, TANGED.
tanh (Abbr.) hyperbolic tangent > TANHS.
tank (Verb) to store in a tank > TANKS, TANKING, TANKED.
tans (3rd.) TAN, to become brown in the sun.
taos (Pl.) TAO, virtuous conduct.
tapa (Polynesian) a kind of cloth prepared by the Polynesians from the inner bark of the paper mulberry > TAPAS. Also KAPA, TAPPA.
tape To fasten with tape (a long, narrow strip or band) > TAPES, TAPING, TAPED.
taps (3rd.) TAP, to knock gently.
tapu (Tongan) a prohibition, interdict; (verb) to forbid as e.g. unclean > TAPUS, TAPUING, TAPUED. Also TABOO, TABU.
tara (Maori) a variety of bracken found in New Zealand and Tasmania > TARAS.
tare To ascertain and allow for the tare of > TARES, TARING, TARED.
tarn A lake in the bedrock basin of a CIRQUE > TARNS.
taro (Polynesian) a kind of yam, aka DASHEEN, EDDO > TAROS.
tarp (Sl.) tarpaulin > TARPS.
tars (3rd.) TAR, to coat with tar > TARS.
tart A dish of pastry distinguished from a pie either by being uncovered or by having a sweet, not savoury, filling; (adj.) sharp tasting > TARTER, TARTEST; TARTLY; (verb) to smarten up > TARTS, TARTING, TARTED.
tase to stun with a gun that fires electrified darts > TASES, TASING, TASED.
tash (Scots) to soil, blemish > TASHES, TASHING, TASHED.
task To assign a job to > TASKS, TASKING, TASKED.
tass (Dial.) a mow, a heap > TASSES.
tate (Scots) a small portion, a pinch > TATES. Also TAIT.
tath Cattle dung; coarse tufted grass that grows where cattle dung has fallen; (verb) to manure > TATHS, TATHING, TATHED.
tats (3rd.) TAT, to make by TATTING, a knotted lace edging.
tatt To make (anything) by tatting; to work at tatting; as, tatted edging > TATTS, TATTING, TATTED.
tatu To mark the skin with indelible pigments > TATUS, TATUING, TATUED. Also TATTOO.
taus (Pl.) TAU, the Greek letter.
taut Stretched tight > TAUTER, TAUTEST; TAUTLY; (verb, Scots) to mat, tangle > TAUTS, TAUTING, TAUTED. Also TAWT.
tava (Hindi) a griddle in Indian cookery > TAVAS. Also TAWA, TAVAH.
tavs (Pl.) TAV, the Hebrew letter.
tawa (Hindi) a griddle in Indian cookery > TAWAS. Also TAVA, TAVAH.
taws (3rd.) TAW, to convert skin to white leather by tanning with alum and salt.
tawt (Scots) to mat, tangle > TAWTS, TAWTING, TAWTED. Also TAUT.
taxa (Pl.) TAXON, a taxonomical unit of classification.
taxi A motor-car for hire > TAXIS. (Verb) of an aeroplane, to run along the ground > TAXIES, TAXIING or TAXYING, TAXIED.
tays (Pl.) TAY, tea.
tead (Spenser) a torch > TEADS. Also TEADE.
teak (Malayalam) a large tree of the verbena family of India and SE Asia; the timber of this tree, a dark heavy oily wood of great strength and durability > TEAKS. [Malayalam tekka].
teal A kind of duck > TEALS.
team To form a team (a group of persons associated in a joint action) > TEAMS, TEAMING, TEAMED.
tear To emit tears (drops of saline liquid secreted by a gland of the eye) > TEARS, TEARING, TEARED; to pull apart or into pieces > TEARS, TEARING, TORE, TORN.
teas (3rd.) TEA, to take tea.
teat The small protuberance through which the mammalian young suck the milk > TEATS, TEATED.
tech (Abbr.) technology > TECHS.
tecs (Pl.) TEC, detective.
teds (3rd.) TED, to spread out grass for drying.
tedy (Scott) tedious > TEDIER, TEDIEST.
teed (Pt.) TEE, to place a golf ball on a tee.
teek (Hinglish) well.
teel The sesame plant > TEELS. Also TIL.
teem To be full to overflowing > TEEMS, TEEMING, TEEMED.
teen Injury, pain; (verb) to injure > TEENS, TEENING, TEENED. Also TENE, TEENE.
teer To daub, plaster > TEERS, TEERING, TEERED.
tees (3rd.) TEE, to place a golf ball on a tee.
teff (Amharic) an Ethiopian cereal grass > TEFFS. Also TEF.
tefs (Pl.) TEF, an Ethiopian cereal grass.
tegg A sheep in its second year > TEGGS. Also TEG.
tegs (Pl.) TEG, a sheep in its second year.
tegu (Aztec) a large black and yellow S American lizard > TEGUS. Also TEGUEXIN.
tehr A Himalayan wild goat > TEHRS. Also TAHR.
teil (Biblical) an oak-like hardwood tree, the TEREBINTH, which when cut exudes a fragrant resinous juice > TEILS. [OF teil, L. tilia].
tein A monetary unit of Kazakhstan, equal to one hundredth of a tenge > TEINS.
tela (Lat.) a web-like structure > TELAE.
teld (Spenser) told.
tele (Abbr.) television > TELES. Also TELLY.
tell To inform > TELLS, TELLING, TOLD or (Scots) TELT or TAULD.
tels (Pl.) TEL, burial mound.
telt (Scots) pt. TELL. Cf. TELD.
teme (Obs.) team > TEMES.
temp (Abbr.) temporary; (verb) to work as a temporary secretary > TEMPS, TEMPING, TEMPED.
tems A sieve > TEMSES. N.B. no TEM*. Also TEMSE.
tend To be disposed or inclined > TENDS, TENDING, TENDED.
tene (Arch.) injury, pain > TENES. Also TEEN, TEENE.
tens (Pl.) TEN, the next whole number after nine.
tent (Verb) to cover with a tent > TENTS, TENTING, TENTED.
tepa An organophosphorus compound used as an insect sterilant and formerly to treat cancer > TEPAS.
terf (Milton) turf > TERFS. Also TERFE.
term To give a name to > TERMS, TERMING, TERMED.
tern A long-winged aquatic bird, related to the gulls > TERNS.
test To subject to an examination > TESTS, TESTING, TESTED.
tete (Fr.) an elaborately dressed head of hair; a headdress > TETES.
teth (Hebrew) a Hebrew letter > TETHS. Also TET.
tets (Pl.) TET, a Hebrew letter.
tews (3rd.) TEW, to hustle.
text The main body of a written or printed work; (verb) to save a text message > TEXTS, TEXTING, TEXTED.
thae (Scots) these.
than (Obs.) then > THANS.
thar (Nepali) a Himalayan goat-like antelope, aka SEROW > THARS. Not to be confused with the TAHR or TEHR, which is a Himalayan wild goat.
that The one indicated.
thaw To melt > THAWS, THAWING, THAWED.
thee (Verb) to address as thee, e.g. to thee and thou > THEES, THEEING, THEED.
them The objective case of the pronoun THEY.
then (Noun) that time > THENS.
thew Muscle, strength > THEWS, THEWED.
they The 3d person pl. pronoun in the nominative case.
thig (Scots) to beg; to live on alms > THIGS, THIGGING, THIGGIT.
thin Not fat > THINNER, THINNEST; THINLY; (verb) to make thin > THINS, THINNING, THINNED.
thio Of compounds, containing sulphur.
thir (Scots) those.
this The person or thing just mentioned.
thon (Scots) yon.
thou (Verb) to address as THOU > THOUS, THOUING, THOUED.
thro (Arch.) through. Also THRU.
thru (Arch.) through. Also THRO.
thud To make a dull, heavy sound > THUDS, THUDDING, THUDDED.
thug A brutal ruffian or assassin > THUGS.
thus (Noun) frankincense > THUSES.
tian (Provencal) a vegetable gratin baked in an earthenware dish > TIANS.
tiar A tiara > TIARS.
tice (Shakesp.) to entice > TICES, TICING, TICED.
tich A small person > TICHES. Also TITCH.
tick Any of the larger bloodsucking mites of the Acarina order; (verb) to make a sound like a clock > TICKS, TICKING, TICKED.
tics (Pl.) TIC, a muscular twitch.
tide To flow like the tide (the rise and fall of the ocean's waters) > TIDES, TIDING, TIDED.
tids (Pl.) TID, mood, state of mind.
tidy In good order > TIDIER, TIDIEST; TIDILY; (verb) to make tidy > TIDIES, TIDYING, TIDIED.
tied (Pt.) TIE, to fasten.
tier (Verb) to arrange in tiers > TIERS, TIERING, TIERED.
ties (3rd.) TIE, to fasten.
tiff (Verb) to dress, trick out > TIFFS, TIFFING, TIFFED.
tifo An elaborate organized display performed by supporters during a football match > TIFOS.
tift (Scots) to sip, drink; to squabble > TIFTS, TIFTING, TIFTED. Also TIFF.
tige (Fr.) the shaft of a column > TIGES. [Fr. tige, stalk].
tigs (Pl.) TIG, a touch, a game involving touching.
tika (Hindi) a red mark or pendant on the forehead of Hindu women, originally of religious significance but now also worn for ornament > TIKAS. Also TILAK.
tike (Shakesp.) a cur > TIKES.
tiki (Maori) in Polynesia, an image representing an ancestor, often worn as an amulet; (verb) to take a scenic tour round an area > TIKIS, TIKIING, TIKIED.
tiks (Pl.) TIK, the drug methamphetamine in crystal form.
tile To cover with tiles (thin slabs of baked clay) > TILES, TILING, TILED.
till To cultivate > TILLS, TILLING, TILLED.
tils (Pl.) TIL, sesame.
tilt To cause to slant > TILTS, TILTING, TILTED.
time To determine the speed or duration of > TIMES, TIMING, TIMED.
tina (Slang) crystal meth > TINAS.
tind To kindle; to burn > TINDED, TYND or TYNDE. Also TEEND.
tine (Scots) to lose, be lost > TINES, TINING, TINED. Also TYNE.
ting To make the sound of a bell > TINGS, TINGING, TINGED.
tink To make a sharp, shrill noise; to tinkle > TINKS, TINKING, TINKED.
tins (3rd.) TIN, to coat with tin.
tint To color slightly or delicately > TINTS, TINTING, TINTED.
tiny Very small > TINIER, TINIEST; TINILY.
tipi (Am. Ind.) a Native American tent > TIPIS. (Sioux tipi, dwelling). Also TEPEE, TEEPEE.
tips (3rd.) TIP, to give a tip.
tipt (Pt.) TIP, to give a tip.
tire To grow tired > TIRES, TIRING, TIRED.
tirl (Scots) to turn; to whirl; to rattle > TIRLS, TIRLING, TIRLED.
tiro (Lat.) a novice > TIROS or TIROES. [L. tiro, young soldier, new recruit or more generally novice]. Also TYRO.
tirr (Scots) to strip > TIRRS, TIRRING, TIRRED.
tite (Obs.) promptly, at once > TITELY. Also TYTE.
titi A small S. American monkey > TITIS.
tits (3rd.) TIT, to tug.
tivy With great speed.
tiyn a monetary unit of Kazakhstan > TIYNS.
tizz (Coll.) a state of agitation > TIZZES. Also TIZZY.
toad Any anuran amphibian of the class Bufonidae, similar to frogs but more terrestrial, and having a drier warty skin > TOADS.
toby (Thieves' slang) the road > TOBIES.
tock Of a clock, to make a sound like a tick, but deeper > TOCKS, TOCKING, TOCKED.
toco Punishment > TOCOS. Also TOKO.
tocs (Pl.) TOC, an arbitrary syllable used for the letter t in spoken telecommunication messages.
tods (Pl.) TOD, an old wool weight.
tody A small West Indian insectivorous bird > TODIES.
toea A monetary unit of Papua New Guinea, 1/100 of a KINA > TOEAS.
toed (Pt.) TOE, to kick or touch with the toes.
toes (3rd.) TOE, to kick or touch with the toes.
toey (Aus. sl.) nervous, edgy > TOEIER, TOEIEST.
toff A dandy > TOFFS. [From a gold tassel worn by titled students at Oxford & Cambridge].
toft A homestead; a hillock > TOFTS.
tofu (Japanese) a soft Oriental cheese made from soybean milk > TOFUS.
toga (Lat.) a Roman garment > TOGAS or TOGAE, TOGAED. Also TOGE.
toge (Shakesp.) a TOGA > TOGES, TOGED.
togs (3rd.) TOG, to dress, attire.
toho A call to pointers or setters to stop > TOHOS.
toil To work strenuously > TOILS, TOILING, TOILED.
toit To saunter > TOITS, TOITING, TOITED.
toke (Sl.) a puff on a cigarette; (verb) to puff > TOKES, TOKING, TOKED.
toko Punishment > TOKOS. Also TOCO.
tola (Hindi) an Indian unit of weight > TOLAS. [Hindi from Skr. tula, weight].
told (Pt.) TELL, to inform.
tole To lure or decoy > TOLES, TOLING, TOLED.
toll (Verb) to sound, as a large bell does, esp with slow, measured strokes > TOLLS, TOLLING, TOLLED.
tolt A kind of writ in Old English law > TOLTS.
tolu A fragrant balsam said to have been first brought from Santiago de Tolu, in New Granada > TOLUS.
tomb (Verb) to entomb, bury > TOMBS, TOMBING, TOMBED.
tome A large, usu scholarly, book or volume > TOMES.
tomo (Maori) a shaft formed by the action of water on volcanic or limestone rock > TOMOS.
toms (Pl.) TOM, a male animal e.g. a tomcat.
tone To give a particular tone (a sound of definite pitch and vibration) to > TONES, TONING, TONED.
tong (Chinese) a Chinese guild or secret society, particularly one associated with organized crime; (verb) to hold, manipulate, use tongs > TONGS, TONGING, TONGED.
tonk To hit e.g. a cricket-ball into the air > TONKS, TONKING, TONKED.
tons (Pl.) TON, a unit of weight.
tony A simpleton > TONIES; (adj.) high-toned > TONIER, TONIEST. Also TONEY.
took (Pt.) TAKE, to get possession of.
tool To form or finish with a tool (an implement used in manual work) > TOOLS, TOOLING, TOOLED.
toom (Scots) empty > TOOMER, TOOMEST; (noun) a rubbish-tip; (verb) to empty > TOOMS, TOOMING, TOOMED.
toon (Hindi) an Indian tree of the mahogany family > TOONS. [Hindi tun].
toot To sound a horn or whistle in short blasts > TOOTS, TOOTING, TOOTED.
tope A kind of shark; (verb) to drink > TOPES, TOPING, TOPED.
toph A rock made of fine volcanic detritus > TOPHS. Also TUFA, CALCTUFA, TOPHE.
topi 1. (Hindi) a tropical pith helmet. Also TOPEE.
topo (Coll.) a picture of mountain with climbing routes superimposed on it > TOPOS.
tops (3rd.) TOP, to surpass.
tora (Hebrew) the body of Jewish law and learning, including sacred literature and oral tradition > TORAS. Also TORAH.
torc A necklace or armband in the form of a twisted metal band > TORCS.
tore A surface described by rotation of conic section about a line > TORES.
tori (Pl.) TORUS, a large convex moulding.
torn (PaP).) TEAR, to pull apart.
toro (Spanish) a bull > TOROS.
torr A unit of pressure equal to 1/760 of standard atmospheric pressure > TORRS.
tors (Pl.) TOR, a rocky heap on the top of a hill.
tort A breach of a duty imposed by law (rather than by contract) which gives a right of action for damages > TORTS.
tory A member of the Conservative party > TORIES.
tosa (Japanese) a breed of heavily built, smooth-haired dog > TOSAS.
tose (Scots) to tease out, draw out > TOSES, TOSING, TOSED. Also TOZE, TOAZE.
tosh (Sl.) nonsense; (verb) to trim > TOSHES, TOSHING, TOSHED.
toss To throw lightly > TOSSES, TOSSING, TOSSED or ( obs.) TOST or YTOST.
tost (Obs) pt. TOSS, to throw up.
tote To carry by hand > TOTES, TOTING, TOTED.
tots (3rd.) TOT, to add or total.
touk (Scots) to tap, drum > TOUKS, TOUKING, TOUKED.
toun (Scots) town > TOUNS. Also TOON.
tour (Fr.) to make a prolonged journey from place to place > TOURS, TOURING, TOURED.
tout To solicit brazenly > TOUTS, TOUTING, TOUTED.
town A center of population smaller than a city > TOWNS.
tows (3rd.) TOW, to pull along.
towt (Scots) to pout, sulk > TOWTS, TOWTING, TOWTED.
towy Pertaining to TOW, prepared fibres of flax, hemp etc > TOWIER, TOWIEST.
toyo A smooth straw for making hats > TOYOS.
toys (3rd.) TOY, to play idly with.
toze (Shakesp.) to tease out, comb > TOZES, TOZING, TOZED. Also TOSE, TOAZE.
trad (Abbr.) traditional (jazz) > TRADS.
tram A device for aligning a piece of machinery; (verb) to adjust a machine using a tram > TRAMS, TRAMMING, TRAMMED.
trap To catch in a trap > TRAPS, TRAPPING, TRAPPED or (obs.) TRAPT.
trat (Abbr.) TRATTORIA, an Italian restaurant > TRATS. Also TRATT.
tray The three in cards or dice > TRAYS. Also TREY.
tree To drive up a tree (a tall, woody plant) > TREES, TREEING, TREED.
tref (Hebrew) in the Jewish religion, forbidden as food, not kosher. Also TREFA, TREFAH, TREIF, TREIFA.
trek To go on a journey > TREKS, TREKKING, TREKKED. Also TRECK.
trem an electric guitar lever for producing a tremolo > TREMS.
tres (Fr.) very.
tret An allowance to purchasers of 4lb on every 104 lb for waste > TRETS.
trew (Obs.) true.
trey The three in cards or dice > TREYS. Also TREZ.
trez The three in cards or dice. Also TREY.
trie (Spenser) to try > TRIES, TRYING, TRIED.
trig (Scots) trim, neat > TRIGLY > no comp; (verb) to make something trig > TRIGS, TRIGGING, TRIGGED.
trim Neat > TRIMMER, TRIMMEST; TRIMLY; (verb) to cut neatly > TRIMS, TRIMMING, TRIMMED.
trin A triplet by birth > TRINS.
trio (Ital.) a set of three; a composition for three instruments > TRIOS.
trip To stumble > TRIPS, TRIPPING, TRIPPED.
trod (Noun) track, path > TRODS. Also TROAD, TROADE, TRODE.
trog To trudge, walk wearily > TROGS, TROGGING, TROGGED.
tron (Scots) a public weighing-machine for weighing produce in the market-place of a city or burgh; the post of this used as a pillory > TRONS. Also TRONE.
trop (Fr.) too much.
trot To go at a gait between a walk and a run > TROTS, TROTTING, TROTTED.
trou (Short for) trousers.
trow (Arch.) to believe > TROWS, TROWING, TROWED.
troy A system of weights > TROYS. [From Troyes in France].
true Corresponding to fact > TRUER, TRUEST; TRULY; (verb) to make true > TRUES, TRUING, TRUED.
trug A shallow wooden basket with a handle, used for carrying flowers or fruit > TRUGS.
trye (Spenser) = TRY as adjective, in sense of choice, purified.
tryp (Abbr.) TRYPANOSOME, a parasite causing sleeping sickness > TRYPS.
tsar (Russian) ruler, emperor > TSARS. Also CZAR, TZAR.
tsks (3rd.) TSK, to make the sound task.
tuan (Malay) sir, lord, master; also, an Australian marsupial, aka WAMBENGER or brush-tailed PHASCOGALE* > TUANS.
tuba (Lat.) an ancient trumpet > TUBAS or TUBAE.
tube (Verb) to provide with or fit into a tube > TUBES, TUBING, TUBED.
tubs (3rd.) TUB, to bathe in a tub.
tuck To fold under > TUCKS, TUCKING, TUCKED.
tufa (Ital.) a rock made of fine volcanic detritus > TUFAS. Also CALCTUFA, TOPH, TOPHE.
tuff A general term for all consolidated pyroclastic rock > TUFFS. Not to be confused with TUFA > TUFFS. Also CALCTUFF.
tuft To form into tufts (clusters of flexible outgrowths attached at the base) > TUFTS, TUFTING, TUFTED.
tugs (3rd.) TUG, to pull forcibly.
tuis (Pl.) TUI, the New Zealand honey-bird.
tule (Nahuatl) a large American bulrush > TULES. [Sp. f. Nahuatl tollin, tullin].
tump (Dial.) to tip or turn over esp. accidentally; to cause to tip over > TUMPS, TUMPING, TUMPED.
tums (Pl.) TUM, stomach.
tuna Any of several large marine food and game-fishes of the family Scombridae > TUNAS. Also TUNNY.
tund To beat, thump > TUNDS, TUNDING, TUNDED.
tune To put into the proper pitch > TUNES, TUNING, TUNED.
tung (Chinese) a kind of Chinese tree > TUNGS.
tuns (3rd.) TUN, to put into a tun.
tuny Tuneful, esp. in a superficial way > TUNIER, TUNIEST.
tups (3rd.) TUP, of a ram, to copulate.
turd A piece of dung -- an offensive term > TURDS.
turf A surface layer of earth containing a dense growth of grass and its roots > TURVES; (verb) to cover with turf > TURFS, TURFING, TURFED.
turk A young dynamic person > TURKS.
turm (Obs.) a troop > TURMS. Also TURME.
turn To move around a central point > TURNS, TURNING, TURNED.
turr (Canadian) a Newfoundland name for the guillemot > TURRS.
tush (Verb) to say tush > TUSHES, TUSHING, TUSHED.
tusk (Verb) to pierce with the tusks > TUSKS, TUSKING, TUSKED.
tuts (Scots) tut; (verb) to say tut > TUTSES, TUTSING, TUTSED.
tutu (Fr.) a ballerina's short stiff skirt > TUTUS, TUTUED.
tuzz (Dryden) a tuft > TUZZES.
twae (Scots) two > TWAES. Also TWA.
twal (Scots) twelve > TWALS.
twas (Pl.) TWA, two.
twat (Sl.) the female genitalia; a foolish person > TWATS.
tway (Obs.) a form of TWAIN > TWAYS.
twee Affectedly cute or quaint > TWEER, TWEEST; TWEELY.
twig (Verb) to observe closely > TWIGS, TWIGGING, TWIGGED.
twin To bring together in close association > TWINS, TWINNING, TWINNED.
twit (Verb) to upbraid, taunt > TWITS, TWITTING, TWITTED.
twos (Pl.) TWO, the next whole number after one.
tyde (Spenser) tied.
tyed (Pt.) TYE, to wash ore in a TYE.
tyee A food fish > TYEES.
tyer One who ties > TYERS.
tyes (Pl.) TYE, to wash ore in a TYE.
tygs (Pl.) TYG, an old drinking-cup with two or more handles.
tyin A monetary unit of Kyrgyzstan > TYIN. No -S. Also TYIYN.
tyke A dog, a cur; a rough-mannered person; a Roman Catholic > TYKES. Also TIKE.
tymp The plate of a blast furnace opening > TYMPS.
tynd (Spenser) pt. of TIND, to kindle. Also TYNDE.
tyne (Spenser) to lose > TYNES, TYNING, TYNED. Also TINE.
type To write with a typewriter > TYPES, TYPING, TYPED.
typo A typographical error > TYPOS.
typp A unit of yarn size > TYPPS.
typy Characterised by conformity to a group > TYPIER, TYPIEST. Also TYPEY.
tyre (Verb) to fit with a tyre > TYRES, TYRING, TYRED.
tyro (Lat.) a novice or beginner > TYROS, TYROES or TYRONES.
tyte (Obs.) promptly, at once. Also TITE.
tzar (Russian) ruler, emperor > TZARS. Also CZAR, TSAR.
udal (Orkneys) allodial, without feudal superior. Also ODAL.
udon In Japanese cooking, large noodles of wheat flour > UDONS.
udos (Pl.) UDO, a kind of Japanese ARALIA.
ueys (Pl.) UEY, a U-turn.
ufos (Pl.) UFO, an unidentified flying object.
ughs (Pl.) UGH, an exclamation expression repugnance.
ugly Not beautiful > UGLIER, UGLIEST; UGLILY; (verb) to make ugly > UGLIES, UGLYING, UGLIED.
ukes (Pl.) UKE, a ukulele.
ulan (Ger.) a light cavalryman in semi-oriental uniform; a Prussian lancer > ULANS. Also UHLAN.
ules (Pl.) ULE, a Central American rubber tree.
ulex (Lat.) gorse > ULEXES.
ulna (Lat.) the inner and larger of the two bones of the forearm > ULNAS or ULNAE.
ulus (Pl.) ULU, an Eskimo knife.
ulva (Lat.) a genus of thin papery bright green seaweeds including the kinds called sea lettuce > ULVAS. [L. ulva, sedge].
umbo (Lat.) the boss of a shield > UMBOS or UMBONES.
umes (Pl.) UME, a fleshy yellow fruit, similar to an apricot but having a sour flavour, used mainly to make drinks, preserves, and sauces.
umma The body of Muslim believers considered as one community > UMMAS.
umph An interjection. Also HUMPH.
umps (3rd.) UMP, to umpire.
umpy (Aust. sl.) an umpire > UMPIES. Also UMPIE.
umra A lesser pilgrimage to Mecca made separately or at the same time as the hajj, and consisting of a number of devotional rituals performed within the city > UMRAS.
umus (Pl.) UMU, a Maori oven.
unai (Tupi) a two-toed sloth > UNAIS. Also UNAU.
unau (Tupi) a two-toed sloth > UNAUS. Also UNAI.
unbe Not to be > UNBEING, UNBEEN.
unce (Scots) an ounce > UNCES.
unci (Pl.) UNCUS, a hook or hooklike process or structure.
unco (Scots) strange; foreign; extraordinary > UNCOER, UNCOEST; (noun) a stranger, a piece of news > UNCOS or UNCOES.
unde Wavy. Also UNDEE, UNDY, OUNDY.
undo To bring to ruin > UNDOES, UNDOING, UNDID, UNDONE.
undy Wavy. Also UNDEE, UNDE, OUNDY.
unis (Pl.) UNI, university.
unit A specific quantity used as a standard of measurement > UNITS.
unto To.
upas (Malay) a tree with a poisonous drip > UPASES. [Malay upas, poison].
upby A little farther on. Also UPBYE.
updo An upswept hairdo > UPDOS.
upon On.
upsy (Noun) a carousal > UPSIES. Also UPSEY, UPSEE.
upta Of poor quality. Also UPTER.
urao (Spanish) a native hydrated double salt of sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate, occurring esp. as an evaporite > URAOS. Aka TRONA.
urbs (Pl.) URB, an urban area.
urde Pointed, with a pattern of points. Also URDY, URDEE.
urds (Pl.) URD, an Indian bean.
urdy Pointed, with a pattern of points. No comp! Also URDE, URDEE.
urea A substance found in mammalian urine, the chief form in which nitrogenous waste is excreted > UREAS.
ures (Pl.) URE, an extinct wild ox.
urge To force forward > URGES, URGING, URGED.
uric Of or pertaining to urine; obtained from urine; as, uric acid.
urns (3rd.) URN, to enclose in an urn.
urps (3rd.) URP, to vomit.
ursa (Lat.) a female bear > URSAE.
urus An extinct bovine mammal, aka URE or AUROCHS > URUSES.
urva (Nepali) the crab-eating mongoose of SE Asia > URVAS.
used (Pt.) USE, to put to some purpose.
user One that uses > USERS.
uses (3rd.) USE, to put to some purpose.
utas The seventh day after a festival > UTASES.
utes (Pl.) UTE, a utility vehicle.
utis (Shakesp.) riotous merriment, which accompanied the eighth day of a festival > UTISES.
utus (Pl.) UTU, the (Maori) settlement of a debt.
uvae (Pl.) UVA, a grape or grape-like berry.
uvas (Pl.) UVA, a grape or grape-like berry.
uvea The posterior pigment-bearing layer of the pupil of the eye > UVEAS.
vacs (Pl.) VAC, vacation.
vade (Shakesp.) to fade > VADES, VADING, VADED. 'His summer leaves all vaded'.
vaes (Pl.) VAE, a voe.
vagi (Pl.) VAGUS, the tenth cranial nerve.
vags (3rd.) VAG, to arrest someone for vagrancy.
vail (Arch.) to lower, doff, let down > VAILS, VAILING, VAILED.
vain Conceited > VAINER, VAINEST; VAINLY.
vair Squirrel fur, much used in medieval times, to line and trim robes > VAIRS.
vale (Lat.) farewell; (noun) a valley > VALES.
vali (Turkish) a governor, esp. of a VILAYET > VALIS. Also WALI.
vamp (Verb) to patch up rather than refurbish > VAMPS, VAMPING, VAMPED.
vane A device for showing the direction of the wind > VANES, VANED.
vang A guy-rope to steady a gaff > VANGS.
vans (3rd.) VAN, to send or travel by van.
vant (Shakesp.) van, vanguard > VANTS.
vape to inhale nicotine vapour (from an electronic cigarette) > VAPES, VAPING, VAPED.
vara (Spanish) a Spanish American linear measure > VARAS. [Sp. vara, rod]. Also VARE.
vare (Spanish) a Spanish American linear measure > VARES. [Sp. vara, rod]. Also VARA.
vars (Pl.) VAR, a unit of reactive power.
vary To become or make different > VARIES, VARYING, VARIED.
vasa (Pl.) VAS, a tube or duct.
vase A rounded, decorative container > VASES.
vast (Noun) a vastness > VASTS; (adj.) huge > VASTER, VASTEST; VASTLY.
vats (3rd.) VAT, to put stuff in a vat.
vatu The monetary unit of Vanuatu > VATUS.
vaus (Pl.) VAU, a Hebrew letter.
vaut (Obs.) to vault > VAUTS, VAUTING, VAUTED. Also VAWTE, VAUTE.
vavs (Pl.) VAV, a Hebrew letter.
vaws (Pl.) VAW, a Hebrew letter.
veal The meat of a calf > VEALS.
veep (US coll.) a vice-president > VEEPS. Also VEEPEE.
veer To change direction > VEERS, VEERING, VEERED.
vees (Pl.) VEE, a mark or object shaped or angled like a vee.
vega (Spanish) a low fertile plain; a tobacco field > VEGAS.
vego (Coll.) a vegetarian > VEGOS.
vehm (Ger.) a mediaeval German court > VEHME. Also FEHM.
veil (Verb) to cover with a veil > VEILS, VEILING, VEILED.
vein To fill with veins (tubular blood vessels) > VEINS, VEINING, VEINED.
vela (Pl.) VELUM, a veil or integument.
veld (Afrikaans) open grassland > VELDS. [Afrikaans veld, from Dutch veld, field]. Also VELDT.
vele (Spenser) a veil > VELES.
vell The fourth stomach of a calf, aka ABOMASUM > VELLS.
vena (Lat.) a vein > VENAE.
vend To sell > VENDS, VENDING, VENDED.
vent To provide with a vent (an opening for the escape of gas or liquid) > VENTS, VENTING, VENTED.
vera Very.
verb A word used to express an act, occurrence, or mode of being > VERBS.
verd As in verd antique, a dark green mottled impure variety of serpentine. No -S.
vers (Fr.) verse.
vert (Noun) in forest law, every green plant having leaves that may serve as a cover for deer; the right to cut this; (verb) (coll.) to become a convert > VERTS, VERTING, VERTED.
very Precise, absolute > VERIER, VERIEST; VERILY.
vest An undergarment for the top half of the body, an UNDERSHIRT; (verb) to place authority in > VESTS, VESTING, VESTED.
veto (Lat.) to forbid > VETOES, VETOING, VETOED.
vets (3rd.) VET, to examine closely.
vext (Obs.) pt. VEX, to distress or annoy.
viae (Pl.) VIA, way, road.
vial (Verb) to put in a vial > VIALS, VIALING or VIALLING, VIALED or VIALLED or (obs.) VIOLD.
vias (Pl.) VIA, way, road.
vibe (Coll.) vibration > VIBES.
vibs (Coll.) shoes with Vibram soles. N.B. no VIB*.
vice (Verb) to grip in a vice > VICES, VICING, VICED.
vide (Lat.) see.
vids (Pl.) VID, video.
vied (Pt.) VIE, to contend in rivalry.
vier One who vies > VIERS.
vies (3rd.) VIE, to contend in rivalry.
view To look at > VIEWS, VIEWING, VIEWED.
viff to change direction abruptly of a VTOL aircraft > VIFFS, VIFFING, VIFFED.
viga (Spanish) a ceiling beam > VIGAS. [Sp. viga, beam, rafter].
vigs (Pl.) VIG, a vigorish.
vild (Spenser) vile > VILDLY. Also VILDE.
vile Odious > VILER, VILEST; VILELY.
vill A township, or feudal territorial unit > VILLS.
vims (Pl.) VIM, energy, vigour.
vina (Sanskrit) an Indian stringed instrument > VINAS. Also VEENA.
vine (Verb) to remove vines from e.g. vines and pods from (peas) > VINES, VINING, VINED.
vino (Ital.) (Sl.) wine > VINOS.
vins (Pl.) VIN, wine.
vint A vintage; (verb) to gather a vintage > VINTS, VINTING, VINTED.
viny Of or pertaining to vines; producing, or abounding in, vines > VINIER, VINIEST.
viol Any member of a class of stringed instruments, forerunners of the violin class > VIOLS.
vire To transfer funds by VIREMENT > VIRES, VIRING, VIRED.
virl (Scots) = FERRULE, a rod or stick > VIRLS.
visa (Verb) to provide with a visa > VISAS, VISAING, VISAED.
vise 1. to hold in a vice > VISES, VISED, VISING. 2. to provide with a visa > VISES, VISEING, VISEED.
vita (Lat.) life > VITAE or VITAS.
vite (Fr.) quickly.
viva (Ital.) a shout or cry used to express approval; (verb) to shout viva > VIVAS, VIVAING, VIVAED.
vive (Scots) lively, forcible > VIVELY.
vivo (Ital.) lively.
vizy (Scots) a close or careful look; a gunsight; (verb) to take a close look > VIZIES, VIZYING, VIZIED. Also VISIE, VIZZIE.
vlei (Afrikaans) low-lying ground where a shallow lake forms in the wet season > VLEIS. Also VLY.
vlog A blog using the medium of video; (verb) to keep a video blog > VLOGS, VLOGGING, VLOGGED.
voar (Orkney) spring, seed-time > VOARS.
voes (Pl.) VOE, a bay or creek.
vogs (Pl.) VOG, air pollution caused by volcanic dust.
void (Adj.) empty. No comp > there is VOIDER, but it is a noun. (Verb) to empty > VOIDS, VOIDING, VOIDED.
voip A system for converting analogue signals to digital so that the telephone calls may be made over the internet > VOIPS.
vola (Lat.) the hollow of the hand or foot > VOLAE.
vole (Verb) to win all the tricks in one deal > VOLES, VOLING, VOLED.
volk (Afrikaans) the Afrikaner people > VOLKS.
vols (Pl.) VOL, in heraldry, two wings displayed and conjoined.
volt The unit of electromotive force > VOLTS.
voms (3rd.) VOM, to vomit.
vors (3rd.) VOR, to warn.
vote To cast a vote (a formal expression of will or opinion) > VOTES, VOTING, VOTED.
vows (3rd.) VOW, to make a vow or vows.
vril A hypothetical electric fluid in Bulwer-Lytton > VRILS.
vrot (Afrikaans) rotten; putrid; very bad.
vrou (Afrikaans) a woman, esp. a married woman > VROUS. Also VROW, VROUW, FROW.
vrow (Dutch) a woman, goodwife > VROWS. Also VROUW, FROW, VROU.
vugg (Cornish) a small unfilled cavity in a lode or in rock > VUGGS. [Cornish vooga]. Also VUG, VUGH.
vugh (Cornish) a small unfilled cavity in a lode or in rock > VUGHS. [Cornish vooga]. Also VUG, VUGG.
vugs (Pl.) VUG, a small unfilled cavity in a lode or in rock.
vuln To wound; pierce with a weapon > VULNS, VULNING, VULNED.
vums (3rd.) VUM, to vow.
waac A member of the Women's Auxiliary Army Corp > WAACS.
waah an interjection used to express wailing.
wabs (Pl.) WAB, a web.
wack Crazy > WACKER, WACKEST; an eccentric, mad, or crazy person; a crackpot > WACKS.
wadd An earthy ore of manganese > WADDS. Also WAD, WADT.
wade To walk through water > WADES, WADING, WADED.
wadi (Arabic) the dry bed of a torrent; a river valley > WADIS. Also WADY.
wads (3rd.) WAD, to form into a wad.
wadt An earthy ore of manganese > WADTS. Also WAD, WADD.
wady (Arabic) the dry bed of a torrent; a river valley > WADIES. Also WADI.
waes (Pl.) WAE, woe.
waff To bark > WAFFS, WAFFING, WAFFED. Also WAUGH.
waft To carry lightly over air or water > WAFTS, WAFTING, WAFTED.
wage To engage in or carry on > WAGES, WAGING, WAGED.
wags (3rd.) WAG, to move from side to side.
waid (Obs.) weighed. Also WAIDE.
waif (Verb) to cast up as a waif > WAIFS, WAIFING, WAIFED.
wail To utter a long, mournful cry > WAILS, WAILING, WAILED.
wain A farm wagon; (verb, obs.) to carry, convey > WAINS, WAINING, WAINED.
wair To spend > WAIRS, WAIRING, WAIRED.
wais (Pl.) WAI, water.
wait To stay in expectation of > WAITS, WAITING, WAITED.
waka 1. (Japanese) a Japanese verse-form > WAKAS. 2. (Maori) a traditional Maori canoe, usu made of a hollowed tree trunk.
wake To rouse from sleep > WAKES, WAKING, WAKED or WOKE, WOKEN.
wakf (Arabic) the donation of land, property or money for charitable or pious purposes > WAKFS. Also WAQF.
wald (Scots) = WELD, wild mignonette > WALDS.
wale (Noun) a raised mark on the skin left by a blow. Also WEAL, WHEAL. (Verb) to choose > WALES, WALING, WALED.
wali (Turkish) a governor, esp. of a vilayet > WALIS. Also VALI.
walk To advance on foot > WALKS, WALKING, WALKED.
wall To provide with a wall (an upright structure built to enclose an area) > WALLS, WALLING, WALLED.
waly 1. (Scots) alas.
wame (Obs.) womb > WAMES, WAMED. Also WEM, WEMB, WEAMB.
wand A slender rod > WANDS.
wane To decrease in size or extent > WANES, WANING, WANED.
wang (Obs.) the cheek; a WANG tooth is a molar > WANGS.
wank To masturbate > WANKS, WANKING, WANKED.
wans (3rd.) WAN, to make wan.
want To have a desire for > WANTS, WANTING, WANTED.
wany Waning > WANIER, WANIEST. Also WANEY.
waps (3rd.) WAP, to throw off quickly.
waqf (Arabic) the donation of land, property or money for charitable or pious purposes > WAQFS. Also WAKF.
warb (Aust. sl.) a dirty or insignificant person > WARBS.
ward To turn aside > WARDS, WARDING, WARDED.
ware (Verb) to beware of > WARES, WARING, WARED.
wark (Scots) to work > WARKS, WARKING, WARKED.
warm Moderately hot > WARMER, WARMEST; WARMLY; (verb) to make warm > WARMS, WARMING, WARMED.
warn To make aware of impending or possible danger > WARNS, WARNING, WARNED.
warp To turn or twist out of shape > WARPS, WARPING, WARPED.
wars (3rd.) WAR, to make war.
wart A small hard excrescence on the skin caused by a virus > WARTS, WARTED.
wary Cautious > WARIER, WARIEST; WARILY.
wase A small bundle of hay or straw for resting one's head > WASES.
wash To cleanse by immersing in or applying a liquid > WASHES, WASHING, WASHED, (obs.) WASHEN.
wasm an obsolete belief; an out-of-fashion 'ism' > WASMS.
wasp Any of a large number of insects belonging to the order Hymenoptera > WASPS.
wast (Obs.) waste > WASTS.
wate (Scots) 3rd pers. of WIT, to know.
wats (Pl.) WAT, a Buddhist temple.
watt The SI unit of power, equal to a rate of working of one joule per second > WATTS.
wauk To full (cloth) > WAUKS, WAUKING, WAUKED. Also WAULK.
waul To cry like a cat > WAULS, WAULING, WAULED. Also WAWL.
waur (Scots) to defeat, to worst > WAURS, WAURING, WAURED.
wave To move freely back and forth or up and down > WAVES, WAVING, WAVED.
wavy Wave-shaped > WAVIER, WAVIEST; WAVILY; (noun) (Am. Ind) the snow-goose > WAVIES. [Cree]. Also WAVEY.
wawa (Am. Ind.) to speak > WAWAS, WAWAING, WAWAED. [Chinook].
wawe (Spenser) a wave > WAWES.
wawl To cry like a cat > WAWLS, WAWLING, WAWLED. Also WAUL.
waws (Pl.) WAW, a Hebrew letter.
waxy Like wax > WAXIER, WAXIEST; WAXILY.
ways (3rd.) WAY, to weigh, esteem.
wazz (Dial.) to urinate > WAZZES, WAZZING, WAZZED.
weal A ridge on the skin formed by a blow > WEALS. Also WALE, WHEAL.
wean To withhold mother's milk from and substitute other nourishment > WEANS, WEANING, WEANED.
wear To turn a ship's stern to windward to alter its course > WEARS, WEARING, WEARED; to put on clothes > WEARS, WEARING, WORE, WORN.
webs (3rd.) WEB, to envelop with a web.
weds (3rd.) WED, to marry.
weed To remove weeds (undesirable plants) > WEEDS, WEEDING, WEEDED.
week A period of seven days > WEEKS.
weel A whirlpool; a fish-trap > WEELS. Also WEIL, WIEL.
weem (Gaelic) a subterranean dwelling > WEEMS. [Gaelic uaim, cave].
ween To think; to imagine > WEENS, WEENING, WEENED.
weep To express sorrow by shedding tears > WEEPS, WEEPING, WEPT.
weer (Comp.) WEE, small.
wees (3rd.) WEE, to urinate.
weet (Verb) to know > WOT, WOTS, WOTTETH, WEETING, WEETED. Also WEETE, WYTE, WIT. (Adj.) wet > WEETER, WEETEST.
weft (Verb) to form a weft > WEFTS, WEFTING, WEFTED.
weid (Scots) any sudden illness, cold or relapse with febrile symptoms > WEIDS.
weil A whirlpool > WEILS. Also WEEL, WIEL.
weir A low dam that is built across a river to raise the water level, divert the water, or control its flow; (verb) to wear > WEIRS, WEIRING, WEIRED.
weka (Maori) a flightless rail of New Zealand > WEKAS.
weld A scentless species of MIGNONETTE, yielding a yellow dye. Also WALD. (Verb) to join two pieces of metal by fusing > WELDS, WELDING, WELDED.
welk (Obs.) to wither or shrivel > WELKS, WELKING, WELKED.
well To rise to the surface and flow forth > WELLS, WELLING, WELLED.
wels Ger.) a large fish, the American giant catfish, introduced into European rivers, aka sheatfish > WELS.
welt (Verb) to lash, beat > WELTS, WELTING, WELTED.
wemb (Obs.) womb > WEMBS. Also WEM, WAME, WEAMB.
wems (Pl.) WEM, womb.
wena (S. Afr.) you.
wend To turn, to betake oneself > WENDS, WENDING, WENDED.
wens (Pl.) WEN, a sebaceous cyst.
went (Noun) (Spenser) a path, a journey > WENTS.
wept (Pt.) WEEP, to shed tears.
were (Pt.) BE.
wero (Maori) a challenge made by an armed Maori warrior to a visitor to a MARAE > WEROS.
wert (Pt.) BE.
west (Verb) to move towards the west > WESTS, WESTING, WESTED.
weta (Maori) a large New Zealand grasshopper > WETAS.
wets (3rd.) WET, to make wet.
wexe (Obs.) = WEX, waxed, grew.
weys (Pl.) WEY, a measure of dry goods.
whae (Scots) who. Also WHA.
wham To crash or bang into > WHAMS, WHAMMING, WHAMMED.
what The true nature of something > WHATS.
whee An expression of delight. No -S.
when The time in which something is done or occurs > WHENS.
whet To sharpen by friction > WHETS, WHETTING, WHETTED.
whew (Verb) to say whew > WHEWS, WHEWING, WHEWED.
whey The watery part of milk which remains after the formation of curds > WHEYS.
whid (Scots) to move quickly, whiz > WHIDS, WHIDDING, WHIDDED. Cf. WHIDDER.
whig (Scots) to jog along > WHIGS, WHIGGING, WHIGGED.
whim (Verb) to be whimsical; to turn > WHIMS, WHIMMING, WHIMMED.
whin Gorse, furze > WHINS.
whio (Maori) a New Zealand mountain duck with blue plumage > WHIO. No -S.
whip To beat with a whip > WHIPS, WHIPPING, WHIPPED or WHIPT.
whir To make a continuous rapid buzzing or softly clicking sound > WHIRS, WHIRRING, WHIRRED. Also WHIRR.
whit The smallest particle imaginable > WHITS.
whiz To fly through the air with or as if with a whistling noise > WHIZZES, WHIZZING, WHIZZED.
whoa Stop, esp. to a horse.
whom The objective case of WHO.
whot (Spenser) hot.
whow (Scots) interjection expressing deploration.
whup (Coll.) to defeat totally > WHUPS, WHUPPING, WHUPPED.
whys (Pl.) WHY, the reason or cause of something.
wice (Scots) wise.
wich A tree with pliant branches, as in wych elm > WICHES. Also WYCH.
wick A bundle of loosely twisted fibers in a candle or oil lamp > WICKS.
wide Broad > WIDER, WIDEST; WIDELY; (noun) a wide ball in cricket > WIDES.
wiel A whirlpool > WIELS. Also WEIL, WEEL.
wife (Verb) to take to wife > WIFES, WIFING, WIFED.
wigs (3rd.) WIG, to scold.
wiki A collaborative web site that allows users to add, edit, and delete the site's content > WIKIS.
wild Not tame > WILDER, WILDEST; WILDLY; (verb) obs. form of WIELD > WILDS, WILDING, WILDED.
wile (Verb) to beguile, inveigle > WILES, WILING, WILED. Also WYLE.
wili In the ballet Giselle, the spirit of a girl who dies before her wedding day > WILIS.
will To decide upon > WILLS, WILLING; WILLED; used as an auxiliary followed by a simple infinitive to express futurity, inclination, likelihood, or requirement > past sing. 2nd person WOULD, WOULDEST, or WOULDST.
wilt To become limp > WILTS, WILTING, WILTED.
wimp An ineffectual or pusillanimous person; (verb) to behave like a wimp > WIMPS, WIMPING, WIMPED.
wind To pass around an object or fixed center > WINDS, WINDING, WINDED or WOUND.
wine An alcoholic drink produced by the fermentation of grapes with water and sugar; (verb) to take wine > WINES, WINING, WINED.
wing To travel by means of wings (organs of flight) > WINGS, WINGING, WINGED.
wink To close and open one eye quickly > WINKS, WINKING, WINKED.
winn (Sl.) a penny > WINNS.
wino (Sl.) an alcoholic > WINOS or WINOES.
wins (3rd.) WIN, to gain.
winy Like or tasting of wine > WINIER, WINIEST. Also WINEY.
wipe To rub lightly in order to clean or dry > WIPES, WIPING, WIPED.
wire To fasten with wire (a slender rod, strand, or thread of ductile metal) > WIRES, WIRING, WIRED.
wiry Thin and tough > WIRIER, WIRIEST; WIRILY.
wise Intelligent > WISER, WISEST; WISELY; (Scots) to guide in a certain direction > WISES, WISING, WISED. Also WEISE, WEIZE.
wish To feel an impulse toward attainment or possession of something > WISHES, WISHING, WISHED.
wisp (Verb) to make into a wisp > WISPS, WISPING, WISPED.
wist (Arch.) to know > WISTS, WISTING, WISTED.
wite (Scots) to blame, lay the blame on > WITES, WITING, WITED. Also WIGHT, WYTE.
with In the company of; (noun) a partition between chimney flues > WITHS.
wits (3rd.) WIT, to know.
wive To take for a wife; to become the wife of > WIVES, WIVING, WIVED.
woad A broad-leafed plant yielding a blue dye > WOADS, WOADED.
woah a call to stop, esp. to a horse.
wock (Chinese) a pan used in Chinese cookery > WOCKS. [Cantonese wohk, pan]. Also WOK.
woes (Pl.) WOE, grief, sadness.
wofs (Pl.) WOF, a fool, idiot.
woke (Pt.) WAKE, to rouse from sleep.
woks (Pl.) WOK, a pan used in Chinese cookery.
wold An open tract of country > WOLDS.
wolf A predatory canine mammal, Canis lupus > WOLVES; (verb) to eat greedily > WOLFS, WOLFING, WOLFED.
womb (Shakesp.) to enclose > WOMBS, WOMBING, WOMBED.
wonk An expert who studies a subject or issue thoroughly and excessively > WONKS.
wons (3rd.) WON, to abide, dwell.
wont To be accustomed to > WONTS, WONTING, WONTED.
wood (Verb) to cover with woods or trees > WOODS, WOODING, WOODED.
woof (Verb) to bark > WOOFS, WOOFING, WOOFED.
wool The dense, soft hair forming the coat of certain mammals > WOOLS, WOOLED, WOOLLED.
woon (Spenser) to dwell > WOONS, WOONING, WOONED. Cf. WON.
woos (3rd.) WOO, to court.
woot (Shakesp.) wilt (thou).
wops (3rd.) WOP, to beat, whop.
word To express in words (speech sounds that communicate meaning) > WORDS, WORDING, WORDED.
wore (Pt.) WEAR, to turn a ship's stern to windward to alter its course.
work To exert one's powers of body or mind for some purpose > WORKS, WORKING, WORKED or WROUGHT.
worm To rid of worms (small, limbless invertebrates) > WORMS, WORMING, WORMED.
worn Affected by wear or use.
wort Any herb or vegetable; an infusion of malt before fermentation > WORTS.
wost (Arch.) 2nd. pers. sing. pres. of WIT, to know.
wots (3rd.) WOT, to know.
wove (Pt.) WEAVE, to form by interlacing threads.
wowf (Scots) crazy > WOWFER, WOWFEST.
wows (3rd.) WOW, to impress.
wrap To enclose in something wound or folded about > WRAPS, WRAPPING, WRAPPED or WRAPT.
wren A small songbird > WRENS.
writ A legal or financial document > WRITS.
wuds (Pl.) WUD, wood.
wudu (Arabic) ritual washing before the daily prayer > WUDUS.
wull (Spenser) to will > WULLS, WULLING, WULLED.
wuss A wimp > WUSSES. Also WOOSE.
wych A tree with pliant branches, as in wych elm > WYCHES. Also WICH.
wyes (Pl.) WYE, the letter Y, or anything shaped like it.
wyle To beguile > WYLES, WYLING, WYLED. Also WILE.
wynd A narrow street or lane > WYNDS.
wynn A rune having the value of modern English W > WYNNS. Also WYN.
wyns (Pl.) WYN, a rune, having the value of modern English W.
wyte (Scots) to blame, lay the blame on > WYTES, WYTING, WYTED. Also WITE, WIGHT.
xray In international radio communication, a code word for the letter x > XRAYS.
xyst A long covered portico or court used by ancient Greek athletes for exercises > XYSTS. Also XYSTOS, XYSTUS.
yaar (Hinglish) friend, man (as a form of address) > YAARS.
yaba (Coll.) yet another bloody acronym. No -S.
yack Persistent or idle talk; (verb) to talk persistently > YACKS, YACKING, YACKED.
yads (Pl.) YAD, a hand-held pointer used for reading the Torah.
yaff (Scots) to bark, scold, nag > YAFFS, YAFFING, YAFFED.
yage a tropical vine of the Amazon region, aka ayahuasca > YAGES.
yagi (Japanese) a type of shortwave antenna > YAGIS.
yags (Pl.) YAG, a type of synthetic garnet containing yttrium and aluminium, used in lasers and as a gem.
yahs (Pl.) YAH, an exclamation of derision.
yaks (3rd.) YAK, to talk persistently.
yald (Scots) active, nimble. No comp! Also YAULD.
yale A fabulous heraldic beast > YALES.
yams (Pl.) YAM, a large tuberous edible root like the potato, grown in tropical countries.
yang (Chinese) a species of Thai timber tree > YANGS.
yank To pull suddenly > YANKS, YANKING, YANKED.
yapp A limp leather binding > YAPPS. [From Yapp, a bookseller].
yaps (3rd.) YAP, to bark sharply or constantly.
yard (Verb) to enclose in a yard > YARDS, YARDING, YARDED.
yare (Arch.) lively; manoeuvrable > YARER, YAREST; YARELY. Also YAR.
yark (Dial.) to make ready > YARKS, YARKING, YARKED.
yarn Spun thread; (verb) to tell tales > YARNS, YARNING, YARNED.
yarr The corn spurrey > YARRS.
yate (Spenser) a gate > YATES.
yaud (Scots) a mare, jade > YAUDS.
yaup To cry hoarsely > YAUPS, YAUPING, YAUPED. Also YAWP.
yawl (Noun) a two-masted sailing vessel, rigged fore-and-aft, with a large mainmast and a small mizzenmast stepped aft of the rudderpost; (verb) to howl > YAWLS, YAWLING, YAWLED.
yawn To open the mouth wide with a deep inhalation of air > YAWNS, YAWNING, YAWNED.
yawp To cry hoarsely or harshly > YAWPS, YAWPING, YAWPED. Also YAUP.
yaws A contagious skin disease resembling syphilis.
yawy Pertaining to YAWS. No comp! Also YAWEY.
yays (Pl.) YAY, an affirmative vote, a YEA.
ybet (Obs.) pt. of BEAT.
yead (Spenser) to go, proceed > YEADS, YEADING, YOD or YODE. Also YEED, YEDE.
yeah Yes > YEAHS.
yean Esp. of a sheep, to bring forth young > YEANS, YEANING, YEANED. Also EAN.
year The time taken by the earth to orbit the sun > YEARS.
yeas (Pl.) YEA, an affirmative vote.
yebo (S. Afr.) yes, I agree.
yech An exclamation expressing disgust; (noun) something disgusting > YECHS. Also YECCH, YUCH, YUK.
yede (Spenser) to go, proceed > YEDES, YEDING, YOD or YODE. Also YEAD, YEED.
yeed (Spenser) to go, proceed > YEEDS, YEEDING, YOD or YODE. Also YEAD, YEDE.
yegg A criminal, esp. a safecracker or burglar > YEGGS.
yeld Barren, not giving milk.
yelk Yolk > YELKS.
yell To cry out loudly > YELLS, YELLING, YELLED.
yelm (Dial.) a bundle of straw laid straight for thatching; (verb) to straighten straw for thatching > YELMS, YELMING, YELMED. Also YEALM.
yelp To utter a sharp, shrill cry > YELPS, YELPING, YELPED.
yelt (Dial.) a young sow > YELTS. Also ELT.
yens (3rd.) YEN, to desire, yearn for.
yeow an interjection used to express pain or shock.
yeps (Pl.) YEP, yes.
yerd (Scots) to bury > YERDS, YERDING, YERDED. Also YIRD, YEARD, EARD.
yerk To draw tight; to bind > YERKS, YERKING, YERKED. Also YIRK.
yesk (Scots) to hiccup or belch > YESKS, YESKING, YESKED. Also YEX.
yest (Obs.) yeast > YESTS.
yeti (Tibetan) the Abominable Snowman > YETIS.
yett (Scots) a gate, door > YETTS. Also YATE.
yeuk (Dial.) to itch > YEUKS, YEUKING, YEUKED. Also YUCK, YOUK, EWK, YUKE, YUKE.
yeve (Obs.) to give > YEVES, YEVING, YEVEN.
yews (Pl.) YEW, any tree of the genus Taxus.
ygoe (Spenser) pt. GO.
yike An interjection expressing alarm; (verb) to quarrel, argue > YIKES, YIKING, YIKED.
yill (Scots) ale > YILLS.
yins (Pl.) YIN, one.
yipe An interjection expressing fear or surprise. Also YIPES.
yips (3rd.) YIP, to give a short cry.
yird (Scots) to bury > YIRDS, YIRDING, YIRDED. Also EARD, YEARD, YIRTH.
yirk To tie with a jerk > YIRKS, YIRKING, YIRKED. Also YERK.
yirr To snarl > YIRRS, YIRRING, YIRRED.
yite (Dial.) the yellow-hammer > YITES.
ylem A form of matter hypothesized by proponents of the big bang theory to have existed before the formation of the chemical elements > YLEMS.
ylke (Obs.) ilk > YLKES.
ympe (Spenser) to imp > YMPES, YMPING, YMPT.
ympt (Spenser) pt. YMPE, to imp.
yobs (Pl.) YOB, a lout.
yock To laugh > YOCKS, YOCKING, YOCKED. Also YOK.
yode (Pt.) YEDE, to go, proceed.
yodh (Hebrew) a Hebrew letter > YODHS. Also YOD.
yods (Pl.) YOD, a Hebrew letter.
yoga (Sanskrit) a system of Hindu philosophy > YOGAS.
yogh The Middle English letter representing a velar or partial fricative > YOGHS.
yogi (Sanskrit) one who practises yoga > YOGIS. Also YOGEE, YOGIN.
yoke To fit with a yoke (a wooden frame for joining together draft animals) > YOKES, YOKING, YOKED.
yoks (3rd.) YOK, to laugh.
yold (Obs.) pt. of YIELD.
yolk The yellow portion of an egg > YOLKS, YOLKED.
yomp To march with heavy equipment over difficult terrain; to cover a certain distance in this way > YOMPS, YOMPING, YOMPED.
yond Yonder, over there. Also YONT.
yoni (Sanskrit) a representation of the female genitals > YONIS.
yont Yonder, over there. Also YOND.
yoof Youth, young people > YOOFS.
yoop An interjection representing a sobbing sound > YOOPS.
yore Long ago; (noun) a long time ago > YORES.
york To bowl a batsman with a YORKER > YORKS, YORKING, YORKED.
yorp (Dial.) to shout > YORPS, YORPING, YORPED.
youk (Dial.) to itch > YOUKS, YOUKING, YOUKED. Also YUCK, YUKE, EWK, EUK, YEUK.
your A possessive form of the pronoun you.
yous (Coll.) YOU when addressing more than one person.
yowe (Scots) ewe > YOWES. Also YOW.
yowl To howl, esp. of a wolf > YOWLS, YOWLING, YOWLED.
yows (Pl.) YOW, a ewe.
yuan (Chinese) a Chinese monetary unit > YUANS.
yuca (Carib) any plant of the genus Yucca of plants of the family Liliaceae, native to Mexico > YUCAS. Also YUCCA.
yuch An interjection expressing disgust. Also YECH, YECCH, YUK.
yuck (Dial.) to itch > YUCKS, YUCKING, YUCKED. Also YUKE, YOUK, EWK, EUK, YEUK.
yuft (Russian) a kind of Russian leather > YUFTS.
yuga (Sanskrit) one of the four Hindu ages of the world > YUGAS. Also YUG.
yugs (Pl.) YUG, one of the four Hindu ages of the world.
yuke (Dial.) to itch > YUKES, YUKING, YUKED. Also YUCK, YOUK, EWK, EUK, YEUK.
yuko (Japanese) in judo, a points penalty > YUKOS.
yuks (3rd.) YUK, an interjection expressing disgust.
yuky Itchy > YUKIER, YUKIEST. Also YUCKY.
yule Christmas or Christmastide; the feast of the Nativity of our Savior > YULES.
yump In rally-driving, to leave the ground when going over a ridge or crest > YUMPS, YUMPING, YUMPED.
yunx (Lat.) the wryneck > YUNXES. [L. iynx, from Gk. iynx or iynx]. Also JYNX.
yups (Pl.) YUP, yes.
yurt (Russian) a Mongolian tent made of felt > YURTS or YURTA. Also YOURT.
yutz (Yiddish) a socially inept person > YUTZES.
yuzu (Japanese) a type of citrus fruit > YUZUS.
ywis (Arch.) certainly. [From I wis, i.e. I know]. Also IWIS.
zack (Aust. slang) sixpence, now a five-cent piece > ZACKS.
zags (3rd.) ZAG, to change direction on a zig-zag course.
zany (Noun) a clown; (adj.) comical > ZANIER, ZANIEST; ZANILY; (verb) to play the zany to > ZANIES, ZANYING, ZANIED. [Ital. zanni, a nickname for Giovanni].
zaps (3rd.) ZAP, to destroy.
zarf (Arabic) an ornamental metal holder for a handleless coffee cup > ZARFS. Also ZURF.
zari (Urdu) a type of thread made of fine gold or silver wire used in traditional Indian and Pakistani garments > ZARIS.
zati The bonnet-monkey > ZATIS.
zeal Enthusiastic devotion > ZEALS.
zeas (Pl.) ZEA, part of a cereal plant, once used as a diuretic.
zebu (Fr.) a humped domestic ox > ZEBUS.
zeda (Yiddish) a grandfather > ZEDAS.
zeds (Pl.) ZED, the letter Z.
zees (Pl.) ZEE, the letter Z.
zein A protein found in Indian corn > ZEINS.
zeks (Pl.) ZEK, an inmate of a Russian prison-camp.
zels (Pl.) ZEL, an Oriental cymbal.
zens (Pl.) ZEN, a state of calm attentiveness.
zeps (Pl.) ZEP, a long sandwich.
zerk A fitting on a bearing, axle, etc., by which lubricant can be introduced under pressure > ZERKS.
zero (Fr.) the sign for nothing > ZEROS or ZEROES; (verb) to set at or adjust to zero > ZEROS, ZEROING, ZEROED.
zest (Verb) to give zest to > ZESTS, ZESTING, ZESTED.
zeta (Greek) a Greek letter > ZETAS.
zeze (Bantu) a stringed musical instrument of Africa > ZEZES.
zhos (Pl.) ZHO, a kind of yak.
ziff (Aust. sl.) a beard, a goatee > ZIFFS.
zigs (3rd.) ZIG, to change direction on a zig-zag course.
zila (Hindi) an administrative district in India > ZILAS. Also ZILLAH, ZILLA.
zill One of a pair of finger cymbals > ZILLS.
zimb (Amharic) an Ethiopian dipterous insect > ZIMBS. [Amharic, a fly]. Also ZEBUB.
zinc (Verb) to coat with zinc > ZINCS, ZINCING or ZINCKING, ZINCED or ZINCKED.
zine (Sl.) a specialist magazine > ZINES.
zing To move very swiftly, esp. with a high-pitched hum > ZINGS, ZINGING, ZINGED.
zins (Pl.) ZIN, a type of wine.
zips (3rd.) ZIP, to fasten with a zip.
zite (Ital.) a type of pasta like large macaroni. No -S. Also ZITI.
ziti (Ital.) a type of pasta like large macaroni > ZITIS. N.B. is really a plural, but does take an -S, unlike ZITE. Also ZITE.
zits (Pl.) ZIT, a pimple.
zizz A snooze, sleep; (verb) to snooze > ZIZZES, ZIZZING, ZIZZED.
zobo (Tibetan) a male ZO > ZOBOS. Also DSOBO, ZOBU.
zobu (Tibetan) a male ZO > ZOBUS. Also DSOBO, ZOBO.
zoea (Lat.) a larval stage in certain crustaceans, esp. decapods > ZOEAE or ZOEAS. Also ZOOEA.
zoic Pertaining to animals; containing evidence of life.
zols (Pl.) ZOL, a cannabis cigarette.
zona (Lat.) a girdle or belt; a zone > ZONAE.
zone (Verb) to divide into zones > ZONES, ZONING, ZONED.
zonk To exhaust > ZONKS, ZONKING, ZONKED.
zoom To move with a loud humming sound > ZOOMS, ZOOMING, ZOOMED.
zoon An animal which is the sole product of a single egg, as opposed to ZOOID > ZOONS or ZOA; (verb) to zoom > ZOONS, ZOONING, ZOONED.
zoos (Pl.) ZOO, a garden or park where animals are kept.
zoot As in zoot suit, a man's suit consisting of baggy trousers with tapered bottoms and a long jacket with wide padded shoulders.
zori (Japanese) a Japanese sandal consisting of a flat sole with a thong between the toes > ZORIS.
zouk A style of Caribbean dance music > ZOUKS.
zulu A type of two-masted fishing vessel formerly used in Scotland > ZULUS.
zupa (Serbian) in early Serbia, a confederation of villages, governed by a ZUPAN > ZUPAS.
zurf (Arabic) an ornamental metal holder for a handleless coffee cup > ZURFS. Also ZARF.
zyga (Pl.) ZYGON, a fissure in the brain.
zyme A ferment; a disease germ > ZYMES.
zzzs An informal noun meaning sleep: to catch a few ZZZS.