Association of British Scrabble Players

Science & Tech > Implements > Miscellaneous

Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.

andvile (Spenser) an anvil.
ankus (Hindi) a spiked elephant goad.
ankush (Hindi) a spiked elephant goad.
ashplant a walking stick made of ash.
batler (Shakesp.) a small bat used for beating clothes.
batlet a small bat used for beating clothes.
bootjack a device for pulling off boots.
bootlast a footlike last on which boots or shoes are made.
caber (Scots) a heavy wooden heaving pole.
cantdog a metal hook on a long handle, aka peavey.
canthook a metal hook on a long handle.
chowri (Hindi) a whisk to keep off flies, used in the E. Indies.
chowry (Hindi) a whisk to keep off flies, used in the E. Indies.
circumferentor a surveyor's angle-measuring compass instrument.
cizers (Shakesp.) scissors.
clangbox a deflector fitted to a jet engine to divert gas flow.
clevis a U-shaped fastener with pin used to close the open end.
dabber a pad for dabbing ink on blocks or plates.
diestock a stock to hold the dies used for cutting screws.
distaff the stick that holds the bunch of flax, tow or wool in spinning.
eyebar a metal bar having a closed loop at the end.
eyebolt a bolt with a looped head, or an opening in the head.
ferrel a band placed around the end of a stick (as a pool cue) for reinforcement; (verb) to strike with a ferrel.
ferrule a band placed around the end of a stick (as a pool cue) for reinforcement; (verb) to strike with a ferrule.
ferula (Lat.) an instrument used to punish children; specifically, a flat piece of wood (as a ruler).
ferule an instrument used to punish children; specifically, a flat piece of wood (as a ruler); (verb) to strike with this.
filecard a type of brush with sharp steel bristles, used for cleaning the teeth of a file.
fireplug a hydrant for use against fires.
forfex (Lat.) a pair of scissors or pincers.
gadge (Browning) an instrument of torture.
gaufer a waffle with a pattern of crossed lines.
gauffer an iron for making pleats or ripples in material; (verb) to make pleats with such an iron.
gaufre a waffle with a pattern of crossed lines.
gib a wedge-shaped piece of metal; (verb) to fasten with a gib.
gofer a waffle with a pattern of crossed lines.
goffer an iron for making pleats or ripples in material; (verb) to make pleats with such an iron.
gradienter a surveyor's instrument for determining gradients.
graphium (Lat.) a stylus.
groma (Lat.) a Roman surveying instrument.
implement a tool; (verb) to put into practice.
kabar (Scots) a heavy wooden heaving pole.
kebar (Scots) a heavy wooden heaving pole.
kinetheodolite a theodolite used in tracking missiles and satellites.
klinostat a revolving stand for experimenting with growing plants.
lapstone a stone for the lap, on which shoemakers beat leather.
lewis a dovetailed iron tenon made to fit into a stone so that it can be hoisted.
lewisson a dovetailed iron tenon made to fit into a stone so that it can be hoisted.
lingel a shoemaker's thread.
lingle a shoemaker's thread.
locknut a nut screwed on top of another to prevent it loosening.
mandrel a bar of iron fitted to a turning-lathe on which articles to be turned are fixed.
mandril a bar of iron fitted to a turning-lathe on which articles to be turned are fixed.
mapstick the long handle of a mop.
mopstick the long handle of a mop.
neeld (Obs.) a needle.
neele (Obs.) a needle.
norman a wooden bar, or iron pin.
odontograph an instrument for obtaining curves for gear-teeth.
pinger an acoustic transmitter for the study of ocean currents.
pintle a bolt or pin on which something turns, as a hinge.
pointel a sharp instrument, esp a style.
posser (Arch.) a wooden stick for use in possing clothes.
pressboard an ironing board esp a small one for sleeves.
proker a poker.
pulpstone a grindstone for pulping wood.
puncher one who punches; an instrument for punching.
ragwheel a toothed wheel; a polishing-wheel of cloth discs.
rimmer an instrument with cutting or scraping edges, used for enlarging a round hole, as the bore of a cannon, etc.
rynd a fitting to support a millstone.
sadiron a heavy flatiron with both ends pointed and a removable handle.
scaldino (Ital.) an Italian earthenware brazier.
scrubber an apparatus for removing impurities from gas or vapour.
scummer (Scots) a shallow ladle or sieve for removing scum or floating matter from the surface of a liquid.
sextantal relating to a sextant.
shim a thin slip of metal etc. used to fill a space or to adjust parts; (verb) to fill in or adjust with a shim.
snowbrush a brush for clearing snow.
sonde (Fr.) an instrument probe for transmitting information about its surroundings underground or under water.
steelyard a weighing-machine consisting of a lever with a short arm for the thing weighed and a long graduated arm on which a single weight moves.
stepney (Sl.) a spare wheel.
stiddie (ON) a blacksmith's forge or anvil; (verb) to stithy.
stithy (ON) a blacksmith's forge or anvil; (verb) to forge.
strigil (Lat.) an instrument used by ancient Romans/Greeks for scraping the skin esp after the bath.
studdie (ON) a blacksmith's forge or anvil.
stylus (Lat.) an instrument for writing.
tableware ware, or articles collectively, for table use.
template a pattern used as a guide in making something.
templet a template.
theodolite a surveying instrument for measuring angles.
theodolitic relating to a theodolite.
thimble a (metal, ceramic, plastic, etc) protective cover for the finger, used in sewing; (verb) to use as a thimble.
thowl (Obs.) a thole pin.
thumbnut a butterfly-nut.
torret a metal ring on a harness through which the reins pass.
tribble a horizontal frame with wires for drying paper.
turnbuckle a coupling with screw threads for adjusting tension.
tuyer a nozzle, mouthpiece, or fixture through which the blast is delivered to the interior of a blast furnace, or to the fire of a forge.
tuyere (Fr.) a nozzle, mouthpiece, or fixture through which the blast is delivered to the interior of a blast furnace, or to the fire of a forge.
twier a nozzle for a blast of air.
twyer a nozzle for a blast of air.
twyere a nozzle for a blast of air.
verrel a band placed around the end of a stick (as a pool cue) for reinforcement.
wireway a tube for protecting electric wires.
wortle a perforated plate through which wire is drawn to make thinner.
zimocca a type of bath-sponge.