Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.
agamic | nonsexual. |
agamically | (Adv.) AGAMIC, nonsexual. |
agamogenesis | reproduction by nonsexual means. |
agamogenetic | reproducing by agamogenesis, reproduction by nonsexual means, |
agamogony | asexual reproduction in protozoans characterised by multiple fission. |
agamous | nonsexual. |
alecithal | of an ovum, having little or no yolk. |
allogamy | cross-fertilization. |
ambisexual | of sexual characteristics, common to both sexes, eg pubic hair; (noun) one of indeterminate sex. |
ambosexual | common to both sexes. |
amplexus | (Lat.) the rutting of frogs and toads. |
anamniote | any vertebrate animal, such as a fish or amphibian, that lacks an amnion. |
anamniotic | of or like an anamniote, any vertebrate aninal, such as a fish or amphibian, that lacks an amnion. |
androgenous | having only male offspring. |
androgyny | hermaphroditism. |
anestrous | relating to anestrus, a period of sexual inactivity between periods of estrus. |
anestrum | (Lat.) a period of sexual inactivity between periods of oestrus. |
anestrus | (Lat.) a period of sexual inactivity between periods of oestrus. |
anisogamy | union between markedly different gametes eg as egg and sperm, as in humans. |
anoestrous | relating to anoestrus, a period of sexual in activity between periods of oestrus. |
anoestrum | (Greek) a period of sexual inactivity between periods of oestrus. |
anoestrus | (Greek) a period of sexual inactivity between periods of oestrus. |
anovular | not involving ovulation. |
anovulation | a failure to produce eggs or to discharge them from an ovary. |
antenatal | before birth (noun) an examination during pregnancy |
antenatally | (Adv.) ANTENATAL, before birth. |
antherozoid | a motile male gamete produced in an antheridium. |
antherozooid | a motile male gamete produced in an antheridium. |
antimitotic | an agent that inhibits or disrupts mitosis. |
antipill | opposed to the use of oral contraceptives. |
aplanogamete | a nonmotile gamete. |
apomict | an organism reproducing by, or formed by, apomixis, nonsexual reproduction from an unfertilized ovum. |
apomictic | relating to apomixis, nonsexual reproduction, from an unfertilized ovum. |
apomictical | relating to apomixis, nonsexual reproduction, from an unfertilized ovum. |
apomictically | (Adv.) APOMICTICAL, relating to apomixis, nonsexual reproduction, from an unfertilized ovum. |
apomixis | (Greek) nonsexual reproduction, from an apomict or unfertilized ovum. |
archenteric | relating to the archenteron; as, archenteric invagination. |
archenteron | in the developing embryo, the primitive gut. |
arrhenotoky | giving birth only to boys. |
asexual | of reproduction, involving only one parent; it usually produces genetically identical offspring. |
asexuality | the state of being asexual. |
asexually | (Adv.) ASEXUAL, of reproduction, involving only one parent. |
aspermia | failure to produce sperm. |
asynapsis | a failure of the pairing of homologous chromosomes in meiosis. |
atokal | without offspring. |
atoke | the sexless part in certain polychaete worms. |
atokous | without offspring. |
autogamic | self-fertilizing. |
autogamous | self-fertilizing. |
autogamy | self-fertilization. |
autogenesis | spontaneous generation. |
autogenetic | relating to autogenesis. |
autogenous | self-generated. |
autogenously | (Adv.) AUTOGENOUS, self-generated. |
autogeny | spontaneous generation. |
autosexing | (The act of) self-sexing. |
begetter | one who begets. |
binovular | relating to or derived from two different ova. |
biovular | derived from two ova. |
biparous | bringing forth two offspring at a birth. |
birthrate | the proportion of live births to population. |
blastema | the protoplasmic part of an ovum, distinguished from the yolk. |
blastemal | relating to the blastema, the protoplasmic part of an ovum. |
blastematic | of or like a blastema. |
blastemic | of or like a blastema, the protoplasmic part of an ovum. |
blastogenic | related to blastogenesis, reproduction by budding. |
capacitation | the change undergone by sperm in the female reproductive tract that enables them to penetrate and fertilize an egg. |
childbed | (Arch.) the state of a woman giving birth. |
childbirth | the act of giving birth. |
chondrocranium | the cartilaginous parts of an embryonic cranium. |
chordamesoderm | the layer of specialized cells in the middle of a developing embryo which forms the notochord and structures of the central nervous system. |
chorial | relating to the chorion, the outer foetal envelope. |
chorion | (Greek) the outer foetal envelope. |
chorionic | relating to the chorion, the outer foetal envelope. |
clon | a group of asexually derived organisms. |
clonal | relating to a clone. |
clonally | (Adv.) CLONAL, relating to a clone. |
clone | a group of two or more individuals with identical genetic makeup derived, by asexual reproduction, from a single common parent or ancestor; (verb) to form a clone. |
cloner | one who clones. |
conception | the process of becoming pregnant involving fertilization or implantation or both. |
conceptional | capable of conceiving. |
conceptus | (Lat.) the products of conception; the developing foetus and surrounding tissue in the uterus. |
copulation | the act of copulating. |
copulatory | relating to copulation. |
crossbreed | to hybridize. |
deuterotoky | parthenogenesis in which both males and females are produced. |
diakinesis | the final stage of prophase in meiosis. |
dicentric | a chromosome having two centromeres. |
diestrous | in a sexually inactive state following ovulation. |
diestrum | a period of sexual inactivity. |
diestrus | a period of sexual inactivity. |
digenesis | the ability to alternate sexual and asexual means of reproduction. |
digoneutic | breeding twice a year. |
digoneutism | the state of being digoneutic, producing offspring twice yearly. |
dioecism | the condition of being dioecious, having male and female sexual organs in different individuals. |
dioestrus | a period of sexual inactivity. |
ditokous | producing two at a birth or in a clutch. |
dizygous | developed from two fertilized ova. |
ectoplasm | the outer transparent layer of protoplasm in a developing ovum. |
ectoplastic | relating to ectoplasm. |
emboly | the formation of a gastrula by invagination of the blastula. |
embryo | the entity which develops in a woman's womb until it is born as a baby, esp up to about eight weeks, after which it is known as a foetus. |
embryogenesis | the production of an embryo. |
embryogenetic | relating to embryogenesis. |
embryogenic | relating to embryogeny. |
embryogeny | the production and development of an embryo. |
embryon | (Arch.) an embryo. |
embryonal | of or like an embryo. |
embryonic | of or like an embryo. |
embryonically | (Adv.) EMBRYONIC, of or like an embryo. |
embryotic | of or like an embryo. |
embryotically | (Adv.) EMBRYOTIC, of or like an embryo. |
enwomb | to conceive in the womb. |
epigamic | of or relating to a trait or behavior that attracts a mate eg big antlers. |
epigenesis | the theory of embryonic development. |
epigenesist | an adherent of epigenesis, a theory of embryonic development. |
epimere | in an embryo, the part of the mesoderm that divides to form the dermatome and myotomes. |
ergatoid | a wingless but sexually perfect worker. |
estrous | pertaining to estrus, a period of sexual excitement and ovulation in animals. |
estrual | pertaining to estrus, a period of sexual excitement and ovulation in animals. |
estrum | (Lat.) a period of sexual excitement and ovulation in animals. |
estrus | (Lat.) a period of sexual excitement and ovulation in animals. |
exoplasm | the outer transparent layer of protoplasm in a developing ovum. |
fetal | relating to a foetus. |
fetiparous | of marsupials, such as the kangaroo, giving birth to incompletely developed offspring. |
fetus | (Lat.) the young animal in the egg or in the womb, after its parts are distinctly formed. |
fissiparism | the state of being fissiparous. |
fissiparity | the state of being fissiparous. |
fissiparous | producing new biological units or individuals by fission, as with most strains of bacteria. |
fissiparousness | the state of being fissiparous. |
foetal | relating to a foetus. |
foetation | the formation of a foetus in the womb. |
foetiparous | of marsupials, such as the kangaroo, giving birth to incompletely developed offspring. |
foetus | (Lat.) the young animal in the egg or in the womb, after its parts are distinctly formed. |
frogspawn | the gelatinous egg mass of a frog. |
funiculus | (Lat.) the umbilical cord. |
gametal | of or like a gamete. |
gamete | a reproductive cell which fuses with another gamete to form a zygote. |
gametic | of or like a gamete. |
gametically | (Adv.) GAMETIC, of or like a gamete. |
gametocyte | a cell that divides to produce gametes. |
gametogenesis | the formation of gametes. |
gametogenic | relating to gametogenesis. |
gametogenous | relating to gametogenesis. |
gametogeny | the formation and maturation of gametes. |
gametophyte | the haploid stage in the life cycle of an organism undergoing alternations of generations. |
gametophytic | of or like a gametophyte. |
gamic | sexual; sexually produced. |
gamogenesis | sexual reproduction. |
gamogenetic | relating to gamogenesis, sexual reproduction. |
gamone | any chemical substance secreted by a gamete that attracts another gamete during sexual reproduction. |
gamotropic | relating to gamotropism, the tendency of gametes to attract one another. |
gamotropism | the tendency of gametes to attract each other. |
gastrula | (Lat.) an embryo at the stage in which it forms a two-layered cup by the invagination of its wall. |
gastrular | of or like a gastrula, an embryo at the stage in which it forms a two-layered cup by the invagination of its wall. |
geniture | begetting, birth. |
gestate | to carry in the womb. |
gestation | the process of gestating, bearing in the womb. |
gestational | relating to gestation, the process of gestating, bearing in the womb. |
gestative | relating to gestation, the process of gestating, bearing in the womb. |
gestatory | (Arch.) relating to carrying. |
gonium | an immature reproductive cell. |
gonosome | individuals, collectively, in a colonial animal that are involved with reproduction. |
gravid | pregnant. |
gravidity | the state of being gravid; pregnancy. |
gravidly | (Adv.) GRAVID, pregnant. |
gravidness | the state of being gravid. |
gynandrism | the state of being gynandrous. |
gynogenesis | reproduction in which a sperm penetrates an ovum but their nuclei do not fuse, and the embryo develops with maternal chromosomes only. |
gynogenetic | relating to gynogenesis, reproduction in which a sperm penetrates an ovum but their nuclei do not fuse. |
hatch | to bring forth young from an egg. |
hatcher | one who hatches. |
heterogametic | having a dissimilar pair of sex chromosomes. |
heterogonous | reproducing both sexually and asexually. |
heterogonously | (Adv.) HETEROGONOUS, reproducing both sexually and asexually. |
heterozygosis | the mixed ancestry of heterozygotes. |
hologamy | the state of having gametes of the same size and form as other cells. |
homoblastic | derived from similar cells; showing direct embryonic development. |
homogamic | breeding like with like, inbreeding. |
homogenesis | a mode of reproduction in which the offspring is like the parent, and passes through the same cycle of existence. |
homogenetic | homogeneous. |
homogenetical | homogeneous. |
homozygosis | the condition of being a homozygote. |
homozygote | an organism or cell having the same alleles for a particular inherited characteristic. |
implacental | having no placenta. |
imposex | the superimposition of male sexual characteristics onto female gastropods, caused by certain pollutants. |
impregnation | the act of making pregnant. |
inbreed | to breed closely related stock. |
incrossbred | a plant or animal produced by crossing two inbred individuals of different breeds. |
infecund | unfruitful; not producing young. |
infecundity | the state of being infecund. |
intersex | an individual developing anatomical characteristics of both sexes. |
intersterile | incapable of producingoffspring by interbreeding. |
issueless | having no issue or progeny; childless. |
iteroparity | the state of being iteroparous. |
iteroparous | reproducing more than once in a lifetime. |
kind | disposed to do good to others (noun) a sort or type; (verb, obs.) to beget |
lactation | the act of suckling young; the period of milk secretion normally following childbirth. |
lanugo | (Lat.) a woolly down, esp covering the human fetus. |
macrogamete | the larger and usually female gamete of a heterogamous organism. |
megagamete | the larger and usually female gamete of a heterogamous organism. |
mesenchymal | relating to mesenchyme, the embryonic tissue from which circulatory, lymphatic, skeletal, and connective tissue develop. |
mesenchymatous | relating to mesenchyme, the embryonic tissue from which circulatory, lymphatic, skeletal, and connective tissue develop. |
mesenchyme | the embryonic tissue from which circulatory, lymphatic, skeletal, and connective tissue develop. |
mesoderm | the layer of embryonic cells between the ectoderm and the endoderm in a gastrula. |
mesogastrium | the mesentery supporting the embryonic stomach. |
mesonephros | the second of the three segments of the embryonic kidney in vertebrates. |
metafemale | a sterile female organism. |
metamale | a sterile male organism. |
metanephric | relating to the metanephros, the third of the three segments of the embryonic kidney in vertebrates. |
metanephros | the third of the three segments of the embryonic kidney in vertebrates. |
metestrous | relating to the metestrus, the period in the oestrous cycle following oestrus, characterized by lack of sexual activity. |
metestrus | the short period following oestrus in many mammals during which sexual activity subsides. |
metoestrous | relating to the metoestrus, the period in the oestrous cycle following oestrus, characterized by lack of sexual activity. |
metoestrus | the period in the oestrous cycle following oestrus, characterized by lack of sexual activity. |
microgametocyte | a gametocyte producing microgametes. |
micropylar | of or like a micropyle, a micropore in ovum for spermatozoon. |
milt | the soft roe of a fish (verb) of fish, to impregnate |
milty | full of milt, the soft roe of a fish. |
misbirth | (Arch.) an abortion. |
monecian | having separate male and female flowers on the same plant. |
monecious | having separate male and female flowers on the same plant. |
moneciously | (Adv.) MONECIOUS, having separate male and female flowers on the same plant. |
monestrous | of or related to mammals which experience one estrus (rut or period of heat) in a breeding season. |
monoecism | the state or condition of being monoecious, having both male and female reproductive organs. |
monogenesis | the development of an offspring from a parent like itself. |
monogenous | of or pertaining to monogenesis; as, monogenous, or asexual, reproduction. |
monogony | asexual reproduction. |
monotocous | producing only one offspring at any one time; fruiting once only. |
monozygotic | developed from one zygote only. |
monozygous | developed from one zygote only. |
morulation | the process of cleavage, or segmentation, of the ovum, by which a morula is formed. |
multigravida | a woman pregnant for at least the third time. |
multipara | a mother of two or more children. |
multiparity | the state of being a multipara, giving birth to two or more offspring. |
multiparous | having given birth to multiple children. |
myomere | part of a vertebrate embryo. |
nebenkern | (Ger.) a two-stranded helical structure of the proximal tail region of a spermatozoon. |
nepionic | of or relating to the embryonic period of development. |
neurula | (Lat.) an embryo at the stage succeeding the gastrula, when the neural tube develops from the neural plate. |
neurular | of or like a neurula, an embryo at the stage succeeding the gastrula. |
neurulation | the formation of a neurula. |
nidate | to undergo nidation. |
nidation | the process by which the blastocyst becomes attached to the wall of the uterus. |
nonparous | having not given birth to any offspring. |
nonsexual | having no distinction of sex. |
nullipara | (Lat.) a woman with no children. |
nulliparity | the state of being a nullipara. |
octuplet | one of eight children born at one birth. |
oestrual | pertaining to oestrus, a period of sexual excitement and ovulation in animals. |
oestrum | (Lat.) a period of sexual excitement and ovulation in animals. |
oestrus | (Lat.) a period of sexual excitement and ovulation in animals. |
ontogenesis | the origin and development of a single individual organism. |
oogamete | a female gamete. |
oogamous | relating to oogamy, the union of dissimilar gametes. |
oogamously | (Adv.) OOGAMOUS, relating to oogamy, the union of dissimilar gametes. |
oogamy | the fertilization of oogamous gametes. |
oogenesis | the enlargement and meiosis of an oogonium that produces an ovum. |
oogenetic | relating to oogenesis, the enlargement and meiosis of an oogonium that produces an ovum. |
oogeny | the enlargement and meiosis of an oogonium that produces an ovum. |
oosperm | the ovum, after fusion with the spermatozoon in impregnation. |
oosphere | a female gamete ready for fertilization. |
ootid | one of four sections into which an ovum divides. |
outreproduce | to surpass in reproducing. |
oviferous | egg-carrying. |
oviparity | the production of offspring via eggs. |
oviparous | producing offspring through laying eggs which are incubated outside the body. |
oviparously | (Adv.) OVIPAROUS, producing offspring through laying eggs which are incubated outside the body. |
oviposit | to lay or deposit eggs, esp of insects. |
oviposition | the act of ovipositing. |
ovipositional | relating to oviposition. |
ovisac | a brood-pouch; an egg capsule. |
ovotestis | an organ which produces both ova and spermatozoa. |
ovoviviparity | the state of being ovoviviparous. |
ovoviviparous | producing eggs which are hatched in the parent's body. |
ovoviviparously | (Adv.) OVOVIVIPAROUS, producing eggs which are hatched in the parent's body. |
ovular | relating or belonging to an ovule. |
ovulary | relating or belonging to an ovule. |
ovulate | to produce ova. |
ovulation | the act of releasing ova from the ovary. |
ovulatory | relating to ovulation. |
ovule | the structure inside an ovary which contains a female egg cell. |
ovum | the female reproductive cell. |
pachytene | the stage of the prophase of meiosis following zygotene. |
paedogenesis | reproduction by an infant or larval organism. |
paedogenetic | relating to paedogenesis, reproduction by an infant or larval organism. |
paedogenic | of an animal, reproducing in the larval stage. |
pangamic | relating to pangamy, random mating. |
pangamy | (Greek) random or unrestricted mating. |
panoistic | of an ovary, producing ova only, not yolk-forming cells, as opposed to meroistic. |
parablast | the yolk of an egg, such as a hen's egg, that undergoes meroblastic cleavage. |
parablastic | like a parablast. |
parasexual | relating to reproduction that results in recombination of genes from different individuals. |
parasexuality | the state of being parasexual. |
parous | bearing or having borne offspring. |
parthenogenesis | reproduction by a virgin or by means of an unfertilized egg. |
parthenogenetic | reproducing by parthenogenesis, reproduction by a virgin or by means of an unfertilized egg. |
parturiency | the condition of being ready to give birth. |
parturient | about to bring forth young; (noun) one who is about to bring forth young. |
parturition | the act of giving birth. |
patroclinal | of animals and plants, showing the characters of the male parent. |
patroclinous | of animals and plants, showing the characters of the male parent. |
perigenesis | reproduction (according to the theory of Ernst Haeckel) by transmission not only of chemical material but of vibrations of plastidules. |
perinatal | relating to the period between the seventh month of pregnancy and the first week of a baby's life. |
perinatally | (Adv.) PERINATAL, relating to the period between the seventh month of pregnancy and the first week of a baby's life. |
planogamete | a motile gamete. |
pluripara | (Lat.) a mother of two or more children. |
polytocous | producing many or several at a birth. |
polyzoic | relating to a colony of zooids. |
postcopulatory | taking place after copulation. |
preborn | being carried in the womb, unborn. |
precopulatory | preceding copulation. |
preggers | (Sl.) pregnant. |
preggy | (Coll.) pregnant. |
pregnance | (Obs.) pregnancy. |
pregnancy | the state of being pregnant. |
previable | before the stage when a foetus has developed sufficiently to survive outside the womb. |
primipara | (Lat.) a woman who bears a child for the first time. |
primiparity | the bearing of one's first child. |
procarp | a female sexual organ in certain algae. |
procreate | to engender, beget offspring. |
procreation | the act of procreating. |
procreational | relating to procreation. |
procreative | relating to procreation. |
procreator | one who procreates. |
proembryo | a group of cells formed in the dividing zygote, from which part the embryo arises. |
proestrus | in mammals, the coming on of heat in the oestrus cycle. |
progenitive | capable of bearing offspring. |
progeniture | an act or instance of begetting. |
puberty | the beginning of sexual maturity. |
pubescent | arrived at puberty. |
puerpera | (Lat.) a woman who has recently given birth. |
quin | (Short for) a quintuplet. |
quintuplet | one of five children born in one birth. |
redia | (Lat.) a form in the life cycle of the trematodes. |
remate | to mate again. |
replicant | in science fiction, an artificially created or cloned biological creature, esp in human form. |
reproduction | the manufacture of offspring as part of an organism's life cycle This is not the same as dispersal. |
schizogenesis | reproduction by division. |
schizogenetic | reproducing, reproduced, or formed by fission or splitting. |
schizogenic | reproducing, reproduced, or formed by fission or splitting. |
schizogonic | relating to schizogony. |
schizogonous | reproducing by multiple fission. |
schizogony | reproduction by division. |
scissiparity | reproduction by fission. |
self | one's own person (verb) to fertilize by the same individual |
sell | to give up to another for money or other valuable consideration. |
semelparity | the quality of having a single reproductive season and then dying. |
semelparous | reproducing or breeding only once in a lifetime, like salmon. |
semioviparous | bringing forth young in incomplete developmental state. |
septuplet | one of seven children born together. |
sextuplet | one of six children born in a multiple birth. |
sexualise | to render sexual. |
sperm | a male gamete. |
spermatocyte | a cell producing spermatozoa. |
spermatogenesis | the formation of spermatozoa. |
spermatozoan | a male sex cell. |
spermic | pertaining to sperm. |
sporogony | the growth or development of an animal or a zooid from a nonsexual germ. |
stillborn | a baby dead at birth. |
stomatodaeum | in embryology, the invagination that forms the anterior part of the digestive tract. |
stomodaeal | of or like a stomodaeum, in embryology, the invagination that forms the anterior part of the digestive tract. |
stomodaeum | in embryology, the invagination that forms the anterior part of the digestive tract. |
stomodeal | relating to the stomodeum, in embryology, the invagination that forms the anterior part of the digestive tract. |
stomodeum | in embryology, the invagination that forms the anterior part of the digestive tract. |
strobilate | to undergo strobilation. |
strobilation | production or reproduction by strobilae, as in jellyfish. |
strobilisation | production or reproduction by strobilae. |
strobilization | production or reproduction by strobilae. |
superfetate | to conceive when a fetus is already in the uterus. |
superfetation | a second conception when there is already a fetus in the womb. |
superfoetation | a second conception when there is already a fetus in the womb. |
syngamous | relating to syngamy, free interbreeding. |
syngamy | (Greek) the union of two gametes. |
syngenesis | sexual reproduction. |
syngenetic | relating to syngenesis, sexual reproduction. |
thelytokous | producing only female offspring. |
thelytoky | the parthenogenetic production of females only. |
totipotency | the state of being totipotent, capable of development into a complete organ or embryo. |
totipotent | capable of development into a complete organ or embryo. |
unbeget | not to beget. |
uniparous | producing only one offspring at birth. |
univoltine | having one brood a year. |
uterogestation | gestation in the womb. |
viviparism | the bringing forth of live young. |
viviparous | producing live young. |
viviparously | (Adv.) VIVIPAROUS, producing live young. |
viviparousness | the state of being viviparous. |
voltinism | the number of broods typically produced per year by a population of a particular insect species. |
xenogamous | relating to xenogamy, cross-fertilization. |
xenogamy | cross-fertilization. |
xenogenetic | relating to xenogeny, the supposed production of offspring totally different from the parents. |
xenogenic | relating to xenogeny, the supposed production of offspring totally different from the parents. |
xenogeny | the supposed production of offspring totally different from the parents. |
zoogamete | a motile gamete. |
zoogamous | of or pertaining to zoogamy, sexual reproduction of animals. |
zoogamy | sexual reproduction of animals. |
zoogonous | giving birth to live offspring. |
zooid | an asexually produced organism resembling an animal. |
zygose | pertaining to zygosis, the union of two gametes. |
zygosis | (Greek) the union of two gametes. |
zygosity | the state of being zygose, pertaining to the union of two gametes. |