As the ABSP year is nearly at a close, just a few things to look forward to in 2025.
Firstly, the Grand Slam will be taking place again on the 22/23 February in the usual Warrington venue. I hope to get details out to qualifiers this weekend. It has taken me a while to get confirmation of the dates from the venue due to my contact being off sick but hopefully this is not too short notice. As per last year, there will be a separate invitational only side event.
Dates in general for the Warrington events have proved trickier for 2025 as I can only use the venue on the 4th (or 5th) weekend in the month and that fell close to other weekend events in Feb/Mar/Apr/May.
The dates for the day events at Warrington are March 22/July 26/Sept 27 and will be followed by Caroline McLaughlin's Holmfirth on the day after.
Also the Easter Matchplay is booked at the Coventry Holiday Inn over the Easter weekend. Easter is late this year so is only a fortnight before the MGI so hopefully this doesn't impact either event. As a boost, there will be one qualifying space available for WESPAC 2025 in Ghana for the England team (residency criteria must be met also.)
Forms for Warrington, Holmfirth and Easter will be available soon.
Wayne Kelly