Joining ABSP

Members receive the newsletter, filled with Scrabble-related articles and puzzles, plus discounts on all ABSP rated tournaments. Members are also welcome to join the ABSP Online League on Facebook. Come and join us, and find out what it's all about!

ABSP membership is just £10 for 2025, or £5 for those under 18 at the time of joining/renewing and can show proof. You will receive your newsletter by email.

If you have an address in the United Kingdom, then you may also elect to receive your newsletter by post. The postal option for ABSP membership is £15 for 2025, or £7.50 for those under 18 at the time of joining/renewing and can show proof.

The membership year runs from January to December. Renewals for the following year may be made from the AGM onwards. New members joining after the AGM receive membership until the end of the following year.

You can join, renew your own membership, or gift a membership to somebody else either by sending our membership secretary a cheque in the post, by direct bank transfer, or online by entering the membership details in the form below and paying with PayPal.

Join or renew by post Send your name, address and a cheque for the correct amount above, payable to 'ABSP' to our Membership Secretary:

Nuala O'Rourke, 22 Kestrel Road, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6BU or email Nuala for more information.

Join or renew by online bank transfer Please send direct payments to the following account and also let us know by e-mail that a payment has been sent.
Account name:ABSP
Sort code:77-76-25
Account number:75279668
Payment reference number:"2025 Subs" plus your membership number (if renewing) and name

Join or renew online

To gift a new or renewed membership, please enter the recipient's name or membership number in the form.