One of the aims and objectives of the ABSP is to promote matchplay Scrabble tournaments with cash prizes. This we have achieved. There are more events than ever on the Scrabble calendar awarding cash and trophies, and our flagship event, the British Matchplay Scrabble Championship has a total prize fund this year of over £1,500.
We also seek sponsorship for our events.
Would your company like to sponsor either an established ABSP event or a new one?
Sponsorship could include any or all of the following:
• Prizes, in cash or kind
• Trophies
• Providing a venue
Tournament entry fees usually cover running costs and a modest prize fund, but
our aim is to increase prize funds by way of company sponsorship, and to hold
our events in more prestigious venues. Sponsorship also raises the profile of
tournament Scrabble in the UK, attracts top players to events, and generates
publicity for us and for our sponsors. Reciprocally, we can offer sponsors:
• Publicity on this website, featuring logo or hyperlink as appropriate
• Mention in our Press Releases (we have our own Publicity Officer)
• Advertising space in the ABSP's regular newsletter
Please contact us for more details.
A note to all ABSP members:
• Do you work for, run, or have links with, a potential sponsor organisation?
• Do you have any relevant expertise to share?
• Do you have a brilliant sponsorship idea?
If so, then please let us know. With your help, ABSP tournaments and prizes
can be bigger and better than ever.