Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.
agitprop | pro-communist agitation and propaganda. |
apparat | the structure, mechanism, etc. of an organization, especially a political one. |
apparatchik | a member of the APPARAT. |
artel | a Russian workers' guild. |
astatki | the residue of petroleum distillation, used as fuel. |
ataman | a chief of the Cossacks. Also HETMAN. |
babushka | a triangular headscarf tied under the chin; a grandmother. |
baidarka bidarkee bidarka baidar | an Alaskan Inuit kayak. |
balalaika | a Russian musical instrument. |
banya | a Russian sauna bath. |
barometz | a fabulous Russian creature, half plant and half sheep; the inverted woolly caudex etc. of the tree-fern Cibotium barometz, which was used to create the illusion of such a creature. |
bashlik bashlyk | a Russian hood with long ends. |
beluga | the white whale; the sturgeon. |
bistro | a small bar or restaurant > BISTROS. |
blini bliny | in Russia, a small buckwheat pancake. |
bolshevik | a violent revolutionary. Hence BOLSHIE. |
borsch borsht bortsch borscht borshch | cold beetroot soup. |
borzoi | a kind of wolf-hound. |
boyar boyard | a member of the old Russian aristocracy, abolished by Peter the Great. |
boyarism | rule by the BOYARS, the old Russian aristocracy. |
brunizem | a prairie soil. |
bura buran | in central Asia, a blizzard blowing from the North, or a summer wind from the North that causes dust storms. |
caracul karakul | a sheep of Central Asia; the curled black fleece of its lambs. |
carlock | a sort of Russian isinglass, made from the air bladder of the sturgeon, and used in clarifying wine. |
cesarevna tsesarevna | the wife of a tsar's eldest son. |
cheka | the Russian secret police. |
chekist | a member of the CHEKA, the Russian secret police. |
chernozem tschernosem | a very fertile soil of sub-humid steppe. |
chinovnik | a high official in the Russian civil service. |
copeck kopek kopeck | a Russian monetary unit. One hundred copecks make a rouble, worth about sixty cents. |
cossack | a Russian cavalryman. |
coulibiac couliabaca koulibiaca | a Russian dish of flaked fish and semolina baked in pastry. |
czar tsar tzar | a ruler, emperor. |
czarevich tsarevich | the wife of a TSAR. |
czarina czaritsa czaritza tsarina tzarina | the empress of Russia. |
czarevna tzarevna | the proper title for the daughter of a czar. |
dacha datcha | a Russian country house. |
dessiatine dessyatine desyatin dessyatin | a measure of land. |
dolina doline | a typically funnel-shaped basin in a karstic region. |
douma duma | the Russian parliament. |
droog | a violent hooligan, from 'A Clockwork Orange'. [Russian drug, friend]. |
droshky drosky | a low, four-wheeled, open carriage used in Russia. |
dumaist | a member of the DUMA, the Russian parliament. |
dvornik | a Russian concierge or porter. |
feldsher feldschar feldschar | in Russia and Eastern Europe, a partly trained doctor, or one who assists a doctor on the battlefield. |
glasnost | the policy of openness and forthrightness under the premiership of Mikhail Gorbachev. |
glei gley | a sticky clay soil. |
golomynka | a very oily fish found in Lake Baikal. |
gopak hopak | a high-leaping folk-dance from the Ukraine. |
gospoda gospodin | a Russian address, equivalent to Mr. |
guberniya | a territorial division of imperial Russia. |
gulag | the system of political prisons and forced labour camps in the USSR. [Russian Gulag, acronym from Glavnoe Upravlenie ispravitel'no-trudovykh LAGere (Chief Administration for Corrective Labour Camps)]. |
gusli gusla gusle | a one-stringed Balkan musical instrument. {GUSLA is the Bulgarian form and GUSLE the Serbian form]. |
guslar | a performer on the GUSLA, a one-stringed Balkan musical instrument. |
intelligentsia intelligentzia | the intellectual or cultured classes, orig. in Russia. |
isba | a Russian log hut. |
izvestia izvestiya | news, information. |
jarovize | to hasten the flowering of a plant. [Russ. yarovizatsiya, f. yarovo, spring-sown]. |
kalashnikov | a sub-machine gun made in the former USSR. |
kasha | a porridge or gruel-like dish made from crushed buckwheat. |
katorga | penal servitude, hard labour, esp. in the labour camps of Stalin. |
kazachok kazatzka kazatski kazatsky | a Russian folk dance > KAZACHKI; KAZATZKAS; KAZATSKIS; KAZATSKIES. |
keta | a Pacific salmon, the dog-salmon. |
kibitka | a tent used by the Kirghiz Tartars. |
kissel | thickened fruit purée dessert. |
knout | to flog; to scourge. |
kolhoz kolkoz kolkhos kolkhoz | a collective or co-operative farm in the former USSR. |
kolinski kolinsky | a kind of Northern Eurasian mink > KOLINSKIES. |
kompromat | documents, photographs, etc that may be damaging to a person's reputation, kept as a potential tool for blackmail. |
kopiyka | a monetary unit of the Ukraine > KOPYIYOK or KOPIYKAS. |
koumis kumiss koumys koumiss kumis | an intoxicating fermented or distilled liquor originally made by the Tartars from mare's or camel's milk. |
krai kray | a Russian administrative district. |
kremlin | a Russian citadel. |
kubasa | a Ukrainian sausage. |
kulak | in Russia, a rich peasant > KULAKS or KULAKI. [Russian kulak, fist]. |
kurgan | a prehistoric burial mound. |
kvas kvass quass | an Eastern European rye beer. |
laika | a breed of small reddish-brown working dog. |
mammoth | an extinct species of elephant. |
maskirovka | use of deception or camouflage as military stratagem. |
matroyshka matryoshka | a hollow wooden doll > MATRIOSHKI; MATROYSHKAS or MATROYSHKI; MATRYOSHKI. |
mazout mazut | petroleum residue after distillation. |
mir | a Russian peasant farming commune. |
moujik mujik muzhik muzjik | a Russian peasant. |
nomenklatura | office-holders and managers in a communist regime. |
oblast | a political subdivision of a republic in the [former] USSR > OBLASTS or OBLASTI. |
osetra ossetra | a type of caviar. |
osseter | a species of sturgeon. |
pashka paska paskha/B> | a rich Russian dessert, traditionally served at Easter. |
pavlova | a type of dessert consisting of a meringue base topped with whipped cream. [From the dancer Anna Pavlova]. |
perestroika | the period of reconstruction in Russia under Mikhail Gorbachev. |
pierogi perogi perogie perogy pyrogy pyrhohy | a small dumpling with a filling. |
pirog | a large Russian pie, stuffed with meat, fish, eggs, or cabbage > PIROGI, PIROGHI, PIROGEN. |
pirogi | (Pl.) PIROG, a large Russian pie, stuffed with meat, fish, eggs, or cabbage. 2. as a singular, a dumpling with a filling, with plural PIROGIES. Also PIEROGI. |
pirojki piroshki pirozhki | a small Russian pastry made with meat or cabbage filling. Also PIROSHKI, PIROZHKI. |
podsol podzol | a leached soil formed in cool, humid climates. Also PODZOL. |
pogrom | a violent, anti-Semitic attack on a Jewish village or area; (verb) to massacre. |
politburo | the policy-making committee in communist states > POLITBUROS. |
polynia polynya | an area of open water amidst sea ice, as in the Arctic. |
pood | a Russian weight, equal to forty Russian pounds or about thirty-six English pounds avoirdupois. |
proso | a variety of millet > PROSOS. |
puschkinia | a genus of spring-flowering bulbous plants native to western Asia. [From A. Mussin-Puschkin]. |
pysanka | a hand-painted Ukrainian Easter egg. |
refusenik refusnik | a Soviet Jew wishing to emigrate; a dissident. |
rendzina | a fertile soil-type derived from calcium-rich bedrock. |
riza | an ornamental silver plate covering a Russian icon. |
rouble ruble | a Russian monetary unit. |
rusalka | a Russian water-nymph. |
saffian | brightly-coloured goatskin or sheepskin leather. |
saiga | an antelope native to the plains of Siberia and Eastern Russia. The male has erect annulated horns, and tufts of long hair beneath the eyes and ears. |
samizdat | in the former Soviet Union, the clandestine circulation of underground literature. |
samovar | a tea-urn. |
samoyed | a Siberian breed of dog. |
sarafan | the national dress of Russian peasant woman. |
sastruga | long parallel ridges of snow that form on windy plains > SASTRUGI. Also ZASTRUGA. |
sazhen | a unit of length formerly used in Russia, equal to 7 feet (2.13 m). |
seecatch | an adult male Aleutian fur seal > SEECATCHIE. |
sevruga | a species of sturgeon found in the Black Sea. [Russ. sevyruga]. |
shaman | a priest of the type of religion which once prevailed among all the Ural-Altaic peoples (Tungusic, Mongol, and Turkish), and which still survives in various parts of Northern Asia. |
shashlik shashlick shaslik | a type of lamb kebab. |
shchi shtchi | a kind of cabbage soup. |
sierozem | a type of soil. |
solonchak | a pale or grey soil type found in arid to subhumid, poorly drained conditions. |
solonets solonetz | an alkaline soil-type having a hard dark subsoil under a thin friable topsoil. |
souslik suslik | a ground squirrel. |
soviet | any of a number of elected local, district, or national councils in the former USSR with legislative and executive functions. |
sovkhoz | a Soviet state-owned farm > SOVKHOZY or SOVKHOZES. |
soyuz | a Soviet spacecraft > SOYUZES. |
spetsnaz spetznaz | a select military unit in the former Soviet Union. |
sputnik | an orbiting spacecraft. |
starets staretz | an Eastern Orthodox spiritual advisor. |
starosta | a village headman; a Polish noble holding a STAROSTY or domain bestowed by the crown. |
starosty | a castle and domain conferred on a STAROSTA, a Polish nobleman for life. |
steppe | one of the vast plains in Southeastern Europe and in Asia. |
sterlet | a small sturgeon found in the Caspian Sea. |
strelitz | a soldier of the ancient Muscovite guard or Russian standing army; also, the guard itself > STRELITZI or STRELITZES. [Russ. strelets, archer]. |
stroganoff | of meat, cut thinly and cooked with onions. [From Count Pavel Aleksandrovich Stroganov (1772—1817), Russian diplomat]. |
taiga | subarctic Siberian evergreen forest. |
tarantas | a low four-wheeled carriage used in Russia > TARANTASES. Also TARANTASS. |
tarantass | a low four-wheeled carriage used in Russia > TARANTASSES. Also TARANTAS. |
telega | a four-wheeled springless wagon. |
terek | a kind of sandpiper, named for the river Terek in Russia. |
tokamak tokomak | a toroidal device used in fusion. |
tovarich tovarisch tovarish | friend, comrade. |
troika | a carriage drawn by three horses. |
ukase | a proclamation by a Russian emperor or government having the force of law. [Russian ukazat, to show, order]. |
urman | swampy pine forest. |
uvarovite | a green lime-chrome garnet. [From Count S. S. Uvarov, a Russian minister of education]. |
vaivode voivode waivode waiwode | originally, the title of a military commander in various Slavonic countries; afterwards applied to governors of towns or provinces. |
varenyky | Ukrainian stuffed dumplings. |
verst verste | a unit of distance equal to approximately 2/3 of a mile. |
vodka | an alcoholic drink. |
volost | a local government district in Russia. |
vozhd | a supreme leader in Russia. |
yourt | a felt tent used by Mongolians. Also YURT. |
yuft | a kind of Russian leather. |
yurt | a Mongolian tent made of felt > YURTS or YURTA. Also YOURT. |
zakuska zakouska | a hors d'oeuvre; a snack > ZAKUKSKI, ZAKOUSKI. |
zastruga | long parallel ridges of snow that form on windy plains > ZASTRUGI. Also SASTRUGA. |
zek | in the USSR, an inmate of a prison or labour camp. |
zemstvo | an elected local administrative council in Czarist Russia > ZEMSTVA or ZEMSTVOS. |
ziganka | a Russian country dance. |