Now updated for CSW15. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.
acronic acronical acronycal acronychal | occurring at nightfall esp. of the rising or setting of stars. |
acronycally | in an ACRONYCAL manner. |
aestival estival | of or relating to summer. [L. aestas, summer]. |
aforehand | beforehand. |
aforetime | in time past; formerly. |
afternoon | the time between morning and evening. |
aftertime | the time after the present. |
afterward afterwards | at a later time. |
airest | earliest. |
airtime | the time when a broadcast begins. |
alsoon alsoone | as soon. |
amarna | pertaining to a certain historical period of ancient Egypt. |
amornings | of a morning. |
anan anon | at once; immediately. |
anno | in the year of the Christian era. |
antelucan | pertaining to the hours before dawn. [L. antelucanus, before dawn]. |
anytime | taking place at no specific time. |
anywhen | taking place at no specific time. |
arvo | (Aust. sl.) afternoon. Pl. ARVOS. |
attonce attone attones | at one, at once, together. |
auroral | of or pertaining to the dawn. |
aurorally | (adv.) AURORAL, of or pertaining to the dawn. |
autumn | the season of the year when fruits are gathered. |
autumnal | relating to autumn; like autumn. |
autumny | autumn-like. |
avenir | (Fr.) the future. |
bedtime | the time at which one goes to bed. |
birthday | the day of one's birth, or its anniversary. |
breaktime | in schools etc., a recess, a break between lessons. |
brumal | indicative of or occurring in the winter. [L. brumalis, pertaining to winter, from brevima dies, shortest day or winter solstice]. |
bygone | belonging to a past time; (noun) something belonging to a past time. |
bypast | past, gone by. |
calendal | pertaining to CALENDS, the first day of the ancient Roman month from which days were counted backwards to the Ides. |
calends kalends | the first day of the ancient Roman month from which days were counted backwards to the Ides. N.B. no CALEND* or KALEND*. |
cenozoic | relating to the most recent geologic era. |
centenary | a hundredth anniversary. |
chairdays | the evening of life. N.B. no CHAIRDAY*. |
chowtime | time for a meal. |
cockcrow | early dawn, the time when the cock crows to greet the sun. |
cockleert | cockcrow. |
cockshut | twilight, prob. referring to a time when poultry are shut up for the night. |
darkmans | (thieves' slang) night. N.B. no DARKMAN*. |
dawn | daybreak; (verb) to become day. |
dawnlike | like DAWN. |
daybreak | sunrise. |
dayspring | dawn. |
daytime | the time during which it is day. |
dimpsy | twilight. |
domesday doomsday | a day of judgment. |
dominical | indicating, or pertaining to, the Lord's day, or Sunday. |
doomsday | see DOMESDAY. |
dreamtime | in the mythology of Australian Aboriginals, the time when the earth and patterns of life on earth took shape. |
duecento | the thirteenth century, esp. in Italian art. Pl. DUECENTOS. |
earliness | the state of being early. |
early | in advance of a specified time > EARLIER, EARLIEST. |
earst | (arch.) = ERST, formerly. |
eeven eevn eevning | evening. |
eftest | readiest, most convenient. |
eftsoon eftsoons | soon after. |
ene | evening. |
eoan | of or pertaining to the dawn. |
equinox | the beginning of autumn and spring, the two days each year when the sun is directly overhead at the equator. |
erelong | before long; soon. |
erenow | before this time. |
erev | the day before. |
erewhile erewhiles | some time ago, heretofore. |
erst | before, formerly. |
erstwhile | former, previous; formerly, in the past. |
estival | see AESTIVAL. |
eve | evening. |
evenfall | the onset of evening. |
evening | the close of day. |
eventide | evening. |
evo | evening. |
fasti | those days among the ancient Romans on which it was lawful to transact legal or public business (the opposite of NEFASTI*, which is not in OSWI, though NEFAST is). |
finally | lastly. |
floruit | designating dates of a person's birth and death; (verb) to be alive at a given time. |
fore | at an earlier time or period. |
forenight | the night before. |
forenoon | the time just before NOON. |
forepast | former, bygone. |
foretime | the past; the time before the present. |
former | past, gone. |
formerly | in time past. |
forthwith | immediately. |
futural | relating to the FUTURE. |
future | time to come. |
futurity | the state of being in the future. |
gloam gloaming | the period between sunset and full night; dusk. |
halftime | the halfway point through e.g. a football match. |
heretofore | the past > HERETOFORES. |
hesternal | of or relating to yesterday. Cf. HODIERNAL. |
heyday heydey | a time when vigour is at its climax. |
hibernal | of or relating to winter. |
hiemal | of winter. |
hiems | winter. Pl. HIEMS. N.B. no HIEM*. |
hodiernal | of or pertaining to the present day. |
holocene | relating to the second and most recent epoch of the Quaternary period. |
ides | in the ancient Roman calendar, the eighth day after the NONES, i.e. the 15th of March, May, July, October, and the 13th of the other months. |
instanter | immediately; instantly; as, he left instanter. N.B. no INSTANTEST*! |
instantly | at once. |
interim | meanwhile. |
interwar | taking place in the period between wars. |
jomon | a particular era in Japanese history. No —S. |
jurassic | relating to the second period of the Mesozoic era. |
kalends | see CALENDS. |
knockoff | the time or act of leaving work. |
langsyne langsynes | long since; long ago. |
lastly | last in sequence. |
late | after the due time > LATER, LATEST. |
lated | belated. |
lately | recently. |
laten | to make or grow late. |
lateness | the quality of being LATE. |
latish | somewhat late. |
lunchtime | the time at which lunch is eaten. |
manana | tomorrow, at an unspecified time in the future. |
matinal | of or relating to the morning. |
matutinal matutine | relating to or occuring in the morning. |
mealtime | the time at which a meal is eaten. |
mediaeval medieval | belonging to the Middle Ages; (noun) a person who lived in the Middle Ages. |
mesozoic | denoting a particular era of geological time. |
midday | the middle of the day. |
midmonth | the middle of the month. |
midnight | the middle of the night. |
midnoon | the middle of noon. |
midsummer | the middle of summer. |
midterm | the middle of a term. |
midweek | the middle of the week. |
midweekly | taking place in the middle of the week. |
midwinter | the middle of winter. |
midyear | the middle part of the year. |
miocene | denoting the fourth epoch of the Tertiary period. |
moonrise | the time when the moon comes up. |
moonset | the time when the moon sets. |
morn | morning. |
morning | the first part of the day. |
morrow | the day following the present; tomorrow. |
nathemo nathemore | nevermore. |
neogene | relating to the Miocene or Pliocene epochs. |
neolithic | of or relating to the later, more advanced, Stone Age. |
newly | just recently. |
nicht | night. |
night | the period of time from sunset to sunrise. |
nightfall | the onset or beginning of the night. |
nightlike | like the night. |
nighttime | the time of night. |
nighttide | the time during which it is night. |
nightward | approaching night. |
nite | (coll.) night. |
noo | now. |
noon | the middle point of the day; (verb) to rest at noon. |
noonday noontide noontime | the time of noon, midday. |
now | at the present time; (noun) the present time. |
nowadays | in these times. |
nowness | immediacy. |
offseason | the season when there is no play, or no hunting. |
oligocene | belonging to a certain geological time period. |
oncet | once. |
onetime | former. |
overdue | due and more than due. |
overpast | past and gone. |
oversoon | too soon. |
paleocene paleogene | belonging to a certain geological time period. |
paleozoic | belonging to a certain geological time period, |
past | time gone. |
pastness | the quality of being past. |
payday | the day on which one is paid. |
peacetime | a time of peace between wars. |
permian | relating to the last period of the Palaeozoic era. |
playtime | the time when children are allowed to play. |
pleiocene pliocene | of the Pliocene geological time period. |
plenilune | the time of the full moon. |
postcrash | after a crash. |
posterity | those coming after; succeeding generations. |
postfault | taking place after a fault. |
postnatal | following childbirth. |
postteen | occurring after one's teenage years. |
posttrial | taking place after a trial. |
postwar | taking place after a war. |
prebirth | the time before birth. |
preboom | taking place before a boom. |
precoital | taking place before coition. |
precrisis | taking place before a crisis. |
predate | to precede in time. |
predawn | the time before dawn. |
predeath | the period immediately before death. |
predebate | before a debate. |
predinner | taking place before dinner. |
predive | taking place before diving e.g. 'his predive routine'. |
predusk | the time just before dusk. |
prefight | taking place before fighting e.g. 'his prefight ritual'. |
preflight | taking place before a flight. |
pregame | taking place before a game. |
preglacial | formed or occurring before a glacial period, esp. before the Pleistocene epoch. |
pregrowth | the period before something begins to grow. |
prehiring | before hiring. N.B. there is no verb PREHIRE. |
prelaunch | taking place before a launch. |
prelunch | taking place before lunch. |
premeal | taking place before a meal. |
premodern | taking place before the modern era. |
premosaic | relating to the time before Moses. |
prenoon | taking place before noon. |
prepill | occurring before the advent of the contraceptive pill. |
prepueblo | belonging to the period before the Pueblo Indians. |
prerace | taking place before a race e.g. 'his prerace rituals'. |
preradio | before the invention of radio. |
prereading | referring to the time before a child learns to reads. |
prereform | before reform. |
prereturn | preceding a return. |
prereview | taking place before a review. N.B. this is not a verb. |
preriot | taking place before a riot. |
prerock | belonging to the blissful time before the invention of rock music. |
presale | taking place before a sale. |
preseason | taking place before the advent of the season. |
presenile | occurring before the onset of old age. |
presplit | taking place before a split. N.B. this is not a verb. |
prestrike | preceding a strike. |
pretravel | taking place before travel. |
prewar | taking place before a war. |
prework | taking place before work. |
pridian | of or pertaining to the previous day. |
primal | belonging to the first age or earliest stage; original. |
primavera | springtime. |
primetime | occurring during or designed for prime time. |
priorly | previously. |
proximo | of next month. [L. proximo (mense) next (month)]. |
quondam | former, erstwhile. |
rathe | early > RATHER, RATHEST. |
rearly | early. |
recency | the state or quality of being recent. |
recent | having happened not long ago > RECENTER, RECENTEST. |
recently | (adv.) RECENT, having happened not long ago. |
regnal | relating to a reign. |
sabbatine | relating to Saturday. |
schoolday | a day on which school is held. |
seasonal | taking place during a particular season. |
seedness | sowing, seedtime. |
seedtime | the time when seeds are planted. |
seicento | the seventeenth century in Italy; the Italian style of art, literature, etc., of this period. Pl. SEICENTOS. |
sens | since. |
showtime | the time when a show begins. |
siecle | a century, period or era. |
silurian | formed in the third period of the Palaeozoic. |
sinsyne | since that time. |
sith sithen sithence sithens | since; afterwards. |
sithe sythe | (Spenser) a time |
solstice | the time when the sun reaches its maximum distance from the equator, north or south. |
someday | at an unspecified time in the future. |
sometime | at a past time indefinitely referred to; once; formerly. |
somewhen | at some indefinite time. |
soon | in a short time > SOONER, SOONEST. |
sparrowfart | the very early morning. |
spring | the season of growth; (verb) to shoot up, leap. |
statim | immediately; at once. |
summer | the warm season of the year; (verb) to pass the summer. |
summerly | of or like summer. |
sundown | the time at which the sun goes down. |
sunrise sunrising | the rising or first appearance of the sun above the horizon. |
sunset sunsetting | the setting of the sun below the horizon. |
sunup | sunrise. |
swith swithe | quickly, at once. |
swithly | (adv.) SWITH, at once. |
synchrony | simultaneity. |
sythe | see SITHE. |
teatime | the time at which tea is taken. |
tempore | in the time of. |
than | (obs.) then. Pl. THANS. |
then | that time. |
thenabout thenabouts | at about that time. |
timely | in good time > TIMELIER, TIMELIEST. |
timeous timous | timely; seasonable. |
timeously | (adv.) TIMEOUS, in good time. |
timous | see TIMEOUS. |
timously | (adv.) TIMOUS, timely. |
tite tyte | promptly, at once. |
titely | (adv.) TITE, promptly. |
today | this day, the present time. |
tofore | before. |
tomorrow | the day after today. |
tonight | this night; the night of the present day. |
trecento | the thirteenth century. Pl. TRECENTOS. |
triassic | relating to the first period of the Mesozoic era. |
twilight | the time between sunset and night; (verb) to light imperfectly or faintly; to make twilit. |
tyte | see TITE. |
ultimo | of last month. |
umquhile | some time ago; formerly. Cf. UMWHILE. |
umwhile | formerly, late, whilom. |
undertime underntime | the time of the midday meal. |
untimeous | untimely. |
vernal | of or relating to spring. |
voar | in the Orkneys, spring, seed-time. |
wartime | the time when a war is going on. |
washday | the day of the week on which washing is done. |
weekday | a day other than a weekend day. |
weekend | the non-working period from Friday evening to Sunday evening; (verb) to spend a weekend. |
weeknight | the evening or night of a weekday. |
whilom | formerly; once; former. |
winter | the coldest season of the year; (verb) to stay the winter. |
winteriness | the state of being WINTERY. |
winterish | like winter. |
workday | a day on which work is performed, as distinguished from Sunday, festivals, etc. |
workhour | a time set aside for work. |
yearend | the end of the year. |
yester yestern | relating to yesterday. |
yesterday | the day immediately before today. |
yestereve yestereven yesterevening yestreen | yesterday evening. |
yestern | see YESTER. |
yore | long ago; (noun) a long time ago. |