Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.
afresh | again |
again agen agin | once more. |
algate algates | always; wholly; everywhere. |
alway always | at every time. |
ance | once. |
anew | afresh, again. |
annual | happening every year > ANNUALLY; (noun) a plant that flowers for one year only. |
biannual | taking place twice a year > BIANNUALLY; (noun) something appearing, occurring, etc., twice a year. |
biennial | taking place every two years > BIENNIALLY; (noun) something appearing, occurring, etc., every two years. |
biennium | a period of two years > BIENNIA or BIENNIUMS. |
bihourly | taking place every two hours. |
bimensal | occurring every two months. |
bimestrial | occurring every two months; lasting for two months. |
bimestrially | in a bimestrial fashion. |
bimillennial | recurring every two thousand years. |
bimonthly | a periodical that comes every other month. |
biquarterly | happening every second quarter. |
biweekly | a periodical that comes every other week. |
biyearly | every two years. |
centennial | recurring every hundred years > CENTENNIALLY; lasting a hundred years; (noun) a hundredth anniversary. |
circadian | occurring every 24 hours. |
dailiness dailyness | the quality of being DAILY. |
daily | taking place every day. |
decennial | happening every ten years > DECENNIALLY. |
diarial diarian | pertaining to a diary; daily. |
duodecennial | recurring twelve years. |
everyday | taking place every day. |
everywhen | on every occasion. |
fortnightly | taking place once a fortnight. |
frequent | often > FREQUENTLY. |
frequentness | the state of being FREQUENT. |
hebdomadal | occurring once every seven days; weekly > HEBDOMADALLY. |
hourly | taking place every hour. |
ilkaday ilkadays | every day, every day but Sunday. |
infrequent | not frequent > INFREQUENTLY. |
mensal | monthly. |
monthly | occurring every month; (noun) a monthly periodical > MONTHLIES. |
nightly | taking place every night. |
novennial | recurring every ninth year. N.B. no NOVENNIALLY*. |
octennial | recurring every eighth year > OCTENNIALLY. |
oft | often > OFTER, OFTEST. |
often | happening many times > OFTENER, OFTENEST. |
oftenness | frequency. |
oftentimes | often, repeatedly. |
ofttimes | often. |
once | one time. |
onst | once. |
periodic | happening at set intervals. |
quarterly | occurring every quarter (three months); (noun) a periodical appearing once every three months > QUARTERLIES. |
quinquennial | occurring every fifth year > QUINQUENNIALLY. |
seldom | not often > SELDOMLY. |
semestral | half-yearly. |
semimonthly | (something) issued or happening twice a month. |
semiweekly | (something) issued or happening twice a week. |
semiyearly | issued or happening twice a year. |
semper | (Lat.) always. |
sexennial | happening once in six year > SEXENNIALLY. |
sometimes | happening from time to time. |
somewhiles | sometimes. |
sporadic | at irregular intervals. |
statedly | at stated times; regularly. |
triennial | happening every third year, or continuing for three years > TRIENNIALLY; (noun) a period of three years > TRIENNIALS. |
trieteric | occurring in alternate years. |
trimonthly | every three months. |
triweekly | occurring or appearing three times a week. |
unoften | not often. |
unseldom | not seldom. |
vicennial | occurring every twenty years. N.B. no VICENNIALLY. |
weekly | happening every week. |
whenever | at every time when. |
yearly | occurring every year; (noun) a publication appearing once a year. |
yince | (Scots) once. |