Association of British Scrabble Players

Being Doing Feeling > Sounds > Animal

Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.

arf a barking sound.
baa to bleat as a sheep.
bark the outer covering of a tree; (verb) to make a sound like a dog
barklike like a dog's bark
bay a wide semicircular indentation of a coastline; (verb) to bark or howl.
behowl (Shakesp.) to howl at.
bellow to shout in a deep voice.
bellower one who bellows.
birdcall the call of a bird.
birdsong the song of birds.
blat to cry like a sheep.
bleat to utter the cry of a sheep.
bombilate to buzz, drone.
bombilation a buzzing or droning sound.
bombinate to buzz, drone.
bombination a buzzing or droning sound.
bowwow a dog; (verb) to make a noise like a dog.
bray to cry like a donkey.
cackle to make the sound of a hen.
cackler one who cackles.
caterwaul to make a harsh cry.
caterwauler one who caterwauls.
caw the cry of a crow; (verb) to cry as a crow.
cheep to chirp.
chelp (Dial.) to squeak, yelp.
cherup to chirp.
chirk (Scots) cheerful (verb) to chirp or squeak
chirl (Scots) to emit a low sound, to warble.
chirm to cry out, chirp.
chirp the sharp thin sound of certain birds and insects (verb) to utter a short, shrill sound
chirr to chirp like a cricket or grasshopper.
chirre to chirp like a cricket or grasshopper.
chirrup a chirping sound (verb) to chirp
chirruper one who chirrups.
churr to coo.
cluck the sound a hen makes (verb) to make the sound of a hen
cockcrowing the crowing of a cock.
coo to make a sound like a dove.
cooer one that coos.
cooingly (Adv.) COOING, making a cooing sound.
croakily (Adv.) CROAKY, like a croak.
croakiness the state of being croaky.
croaky like a croak.
curr to make a purring sound.
droningly (Adv.) DRONING.
fuff to spit like a cat.
gaggle a flock of geese on water; (verb) to cackle.
gnar to snarl or growl.
gnarr to snarl or growl.
growl a deep harsh sound (verb) to utter a deep, harsh sound
growliness the state of being growly.
growlingly (Adv.) GROWLING.
growly making a growling noise.
grumph (Scots) a grunt (verb) to grunt
grunt a sound made by a pig; (verb) to utter a deep, guttural sound.
gruntingly (Adv.) GRUNTING.
gurl (Scots) a growl (verb) to growl
heehaw to make a sound like a donkey.
hinny to neigh, whinny.
hiss a sibilant sound (verb) to make a sibilant sound
hissingly (Adv.) HISSING, making a hiss.
hizz (Shakesp.) to hiss.
hoofbeat the sound of a horse's hooves.
hoot the note of an owl (verb) to make a sound like an owl
hooty sounding like the cry of an owl.
hout the note of an owl; (verb) to make a sound like an owl.
howlingly (Adv.) HOWLING, making a howl.
hum a low murmur as of bees; (verb) to make a humming sound.
kaw to caw.
knar a knot on a tree (verb) to snarl or growl
latrant snarling, complaining.
latration the act of yelping or barking.
lobtail of a whale, to slap its tail against the surface of the water.
looning the cry of the loon, a northern diving bird.
low not high (noun) that which is low; (verb) to make the noise of cattle
maa to bleat as a goat.
meou to make a sound like a cat.
meow to make a sound like a cat.
mew of a cat, to make a high pitched cry.
mewl to cry feebly, as a kitten.
mewler one that mewls.
miaou to make a sound like a cat.
miaow to make a sound like a cat.
miaul to make a sound like a cat.
moo of cattle, to low.
murmuration murmuring.
neigh the sound a horse makes; (verb) to make the sound of a horse.
nicher (Scots) to neigh.
nicker (Scots) to neigh.
oink imitating the noise of a pig; (noun) the noise made by a pig; (verb) to make a noise like a pig.
outbark to surpass in barking.
outbleat to surpass in bleating.
outhowl to surpass in howling.
outroar (Shakesp.) to exceed in roaring.
outyelp to surpass in yelping.
pitter to make a sound like a grasshopper.
pule to pipe; to whimper or whine.
puly given to puling, whiny.
pur (Obs.) to make a sound like a cat.
purr the sound a cat makes; (verb) to utter a low, vibrant sound.
purringly (Adv.) PURRING, making a sound like a cat.
quack the cry of a duck (verb) to utter the characteristic cry of a duck
quacker one who quacks.
quacky given to quacking.
rebellow (Spenser) to bellow in return.
ribbit the sound made by a frog.
roarer one who roars.
roin (Spenser) to growl, roar.
rore (Shakesp.) a roar, tumult.
royne (Spenser) to growl, roar.
scraich (Scots) a screech; (verb) to screech, shriek.
scraigh (Scots) a screech; (verb) to screech, shriek.
scrauch (Scots) a raucous squawk; (verb) to make a raucous squawk.
scraugh (Scots) a raucous squawk; (verb) to make this sound.
screecher one who screeches.
scritch to utter a harsh shrill cry.
snar (Spenser) to snarl.
snarfle to snarl.
snarl a growling sound (verb) to growl viciously
snarlingly (Adv.) SNARLING.
squawk a harsh cry (verb) to utter a harsh cry
squeakily (Adv.) SQUEAKY, making a squeak.
squeakiness the state of being squeaky.
squeaky making a squeak.
stridor (Lat.) a harsh shrill sound.
stridulant stridulating.
stridulantly (Adv.) STRIDULANT, stridulating.
stridulate to make a chirping or scraping sound, like a grasshopper.
stridulation the shrill sound produced by crickets and other insects.
stridulatory of or like stridulation.
stridulous squeaky.
stridulously (Adv.) STRIDULOUS, squeaky.
subsong a bird's undersong.
troat to bellow like a roaring buck.
tweet to make a sound like a bird.
twitter a succession of chirping sounds (verb) to utter a succession of chirping sounds
twitterer one who twitters.
twitteringly (Adv.) TWITTERING.
twittery given to twittering.
ululation a howling.
waff (Dial.) to bark.
warble to sing with melodic embellishments.
warblingly (Adv.) WARBLING.
waugh to bark.
waul to cry like a cat.
wawl to cry like a cat.
whicker to neigh; to bleat.
whimperer one who whimpers.
whoof to make a deep snorting sound.
whoot (Obs.) to make a sound like an owl.
woof thread for a weft (verb) to bark
wrawl (Spenser) of a cat, to caterwaul.
yap a sharp bark (verb) to bark sharply or constantly
yappingly (Adv.) YAPPING.
yelp to utter a sharp, shrill cry.
yelper one who yelps.
yicker of an animal, to utter sharp cries.
yikker of an animal, to utter sharp cries.
yip to give a short, sudden cry.
yirr to snarl.
yowl to howl, esp of a wolf.
yowler one who yowls.