Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.
airmanship | skill in piloting or navigating aircraft. |
antiradar | designed to foil radar; (noun) a device designed to foil radar. |
astrocompass | a navigational instrument for giving directional bearings from the centre of the earth to a particular star. |
astronavigation | the navigation of aircraft, spacecraft or sailing craft by means of observation of the stars. |
astronavigator | one who practises astronavigation. |
avigator | one that navigates an aircraft. |
buoy | a floating secured mark, serving as a guide or as a warning; (verb) to mark with buoys. |
circumnavigable | able to be circumnavigated. |
diaphone | a siren-like fog signal. |
innavigable | that cannot be navigated. |
innavigably | (Adv.) INNAVIGABLE, that cannot be navigated. |
lidar | a system of using lasers in the same way as radar. |
lighthouse | a structure (as a tower) with a powerful light that gives a continuous or intermittent signal to navigators. |
loran | acronym for long-range radio navigation system. |
nav | (Short for) navigation. |
navaid | any of the electronic devices designed to aid navigation in a ship or aircraft. |
navar | a system of air navigation. |
navarho | a low-frequency, long-range radio navigation system for aircraft. |
navigable | that can be navigated. |
navigably | (Adv.) NAVIGABLE, that can be navigated. |
navigation | the act or practice of navigating. |
navigational | relating to navigation. |
navigationally | (Adv.) NAVIGATIONAL, relating to navigation. |
navigator | a person who navigates or sails. |
omnirange | a system of radio navigation. |
portolan | (Ital.) in the Middle Ages, a navigation manual. |
portolano | (Ital.) in the Middle Ages, a navigation manual. |
portulan | (Ital.) in the Middle Ages, a navigation manual. |
racon | a radar beacon. |
radar | an electronic locating device. |
radarscope | an instrument for detecting radar signals. |
radiophone | an instrument for producing sound by radiant energy. |
radome | a protective housing for radar antenna. |
satnav | (Coll.) satellite navigation. |
seacraft | skill in navigation, seamanship etc. |
seamanship | the art or skill of handling, working, and navigating a ship. |
sextant | a navigational instrument having a 60-degree arc, for measuring altitudes of stars and planets. |
shoran | a system of navigation in an aircraft or other vehicle using the measurement of the time taken for dispatched radar signals to return from two known fixed points. |
sonar | an underwater locating device. |
sonarman | a person who operates sonar equipment. |
sonobuoy | sonar equipment dropped to float on the sea and pick up underwater noise eg of a submarine. |
sparker | a powerful form of sonar apparatus used to investigate solid structures underlying sediment on the seabed. |
tacan | an electric system of air navigation. |
teleran | an air-traffic control system, in which ground based radar screen is televised to pilots. |
unnavigated | not navigated. |