Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.
ace | the one in cards; (verb) to play a winning serve in tennis. |
backcourt | in lawn tennis, that part of the court lying behind the service line. |
backspin | a backward rotation. |
ballboy | a boy who retrieves balls during a game. |
ballgirl | a girl who retrieves balls during a game. |
baseliner | a tennis-player who stays on or near the baseline. |
breakpoint | a point at tennis that if won gives the player a service break. |
dedans | (Fr.) spectators at a court tennis match. |
deuce | the two in cards and dice; (verb) to bring a tennis score to a tie. |
dink | trim; neat (noun) in tennis, a drop shot; (verb) to play such a shot |
dropshot | a type of shot in tennis. |
footfault | a serving fault at tennis; (verb) to commit a serving fault at tennis. |
forehand | a type of tennis stroke; (verb) to play a shot forehand. |
hardcourt | of tennis, played on a hard surface. No -S. |
overseed | to seed excessively. |
racquet | a lightweight implement used in various ball games; (verb) to strike with a racquet. |
runback | the area behind the base line at either end of a tennis court. |
sphairistike | (Greek) a ball game that developed into lawn tennis. |
tennis | an outdoor ball game. |
tennist | a tennis player. |
tiebreak | a deciding game in a drawn match. |
tiebreaker | a deciding game in a set at tennis. |
topspin | a forward spin imparted to a ball. |
volleyer | one who volleys eg in tennis. |
wristy | played with the wrist eg a tennis shot. |