Association of British Scrabble Players

Culture > Sport > Bowls & Skittles

Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.

bocce (Ital.) an Italian bowling game.
bocci (Ital.) an Italian bowling game.
boccia (Ital.) an Italian bowling game.
boccie (Ital.) an Italian bowling game.
bool (Scots) a bowl; (verb) to play bowls.
bowl a domestic vessel for soup etc; (verb) to roll or trundle.
candlepin a slender bowling pin.
duckpin a type of bowling pin.
fivepin a skittle in a game of fivepins.
headpin a bowling pin.
kail a ninepin.
kayle a ninepin.
kegeler (Ger.) a bowler.
kegler (Ger.) a bowler.
kegling bowling.
loggets the game called ninepins.
nineholes a game in which nine holes are made in the ground, into which a ball is bowled.
ninepin a kind of skittle.
petanque (Fr.) a game of bowls in which steel bowls are rolled towards a wooden post.
pinsetter An employee on a mechanical device that spots pins in a bowling alley.
pinspotter An employee on a mechanical device that spots pins in a bowling alley.
skittle a wooden pin used in a bowling game; (verb) to bowl over.
tenpin a skittle.
tenpinner one who practises tenpin bowling.