Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.
alb | a priest's long, white vestment. |
almuce amice | a college hood, worn by certain religious orders. |
beretta berretta biretta birretta | a square cap worn by Roman Catholic ecclesiastics. |
calotte | a Roman Catholic skullcap. |
capouch capuccio capuche capuchin | a pointed hooded cloak worn esp. by Capuchin friars. |
cassock | a close-fitting ankle-length clergyman's garment. |
cassocked | wearing a CASSOCK. |
chasuble | a sleeveless ecclesiastical garment. |
chimar chimer chimere | a loose sleeveless robe worn by Anglican bishops. |
chrisom christom | a white robe put on newly baptised child. |
cilice | a haircloth shirt worn by Roman Catholics as a penance. |
cingulum | a girdle, as of a priest's alb > CINGULA. |
clericals | clerical garb. |
cope | a semicircular, sleeveless, hooded vestment worn over the alb or surplice by priests at certain Christian ceremonies. |
cotta | a short surplice > COTTAS or COTTAE. |
cowl | a large loose hood, esp of a kind worn by a monk; (verb) to cover with a cowl. |
dalmatic | an ecclesiastical robe or other outer vestment. |
encolpion | a reliquary; a cross worn on the breast. |
encolpium | a reliquary; a cross worn on the breast > ENCOLPIUMS or ENCOLPIA. |
ephod | a sleeveless garment worn by priests in ancient Israel. |
fannel fannell | a narrow strip of material worn on the left sleeve by a priest. |
fano fanon fanum | a liturgical garment worn by the Pope when celebrating a solemn pontifical mass. |
flabellum | a fan; especially, the fan carried before the pope on state occasions, made in ostrich and peacock feathers > FLABELLUMS or FLABELLA. |
gremial | a cloth laid on a bishop's knees to keep his vestments clean from oil at ordination. |
guimpe | a wide cloth covering neck and shoulders worn by nuns. |
ihram | the scanty white cotton garment worn by Muslim pilgrims to Mecca. |
izar | a long cotton outer garment (usually white) worn by Muslim women. |
kamelaukion | a tall cylindrical hat worn by Orthodox priests. |
kippa kippah | a religious skullcap. |
maniple | a clerical vestment used during the sacrament, a narrow strip worn on the left arm. |
mitre miter | a high, pointed headdress, cleft crosswise on top and with two ribbons hanging from the back, worn by archbishops and bishops; (verb) to join with a mitre joint. |
mozetta mozzetta | a short cape with an ornamental hood worn by Catholic prelates > MOZETTAS or MOZETTE; MOZZETTAS or MOZZETTE. |
muscatorium | a FLABELLUM, a fan; especially, the fan carried before the pope on state occasions, made in ostrich and peacock feathers > MUSCATORIA. |
omophorion | an Eastern bishop's vestment like the pallium > OMOPHORIA. |
orarion | in the Orthodox Church, a deacon's stole. |
orarium | in the Orthodox Church, a deacon's stole > ORARIA. |
orfray orphrey | gold or other rich embroidery on clerical robes. |
orphreyed | embroidered with ORPHREY, gold. |
pallium | a white woollen vestment like a double Y, embroidered with crosses, worn by the Pope > PALLIA or PALLIUMS. |
parament | a rich ecclesiastical robe > PARAMENTA or PARAMENTS. |
phaelonion | an Eastern vestment like a chasuble > PHAELONIONS. |
phelonion | an Eastern vestment like a chasuble > PHELONIA or PHELONIONS. |
pluvial | a cope or ceremonial mantle. |
pontificals | the formal clothes of a priest, bishop, or pope. |
rochet rocquet | a close-fitting surplice-like vestment worn by bishops and abbots. |
saccos | an Eastern bishop's vestment > SACCOI or SACCOSES. |
sakkos | an Eastern bishop's vestment > SAKKOI or SAKKOSES. |
sanbenito | in the Spanish Inquisition, a yellow scapular-shaped garment, with a red St Andrew's cross before and behind, worn by a confessed and penitent heretic > SANBENITOS. |
scapular scapulary | a loose sleeveless vestment falling in front and behind, worn by certain religious orders and devout persons. |
soutane | a Roman Catholic priest's CASSOCK. |
sticharion | a vestment like an alb worn by Orthodox priests > STICHARIONS. |
stole | a narrow ecclesiastical vestment worn on the shoulders, hanign down in front. |
stoled | wearing a STOLE. |
subucula | in the early English church, a kind of cassock worn under the alb > SUBUCULAS. |
succinctorium | a band embroidered with an Agnus Dei, worn hanging from the girdle by the Pope on some occasions > SUCCINCTORIA or SUCCINCTORIUMS. |
sudarium | a cloth for wiping sweat, esp the veil or handkerchief of St Veronica, believed to have retained miraculously the image of Christ's face > SUDARIA. |
sudary | a SUDARIUM. |
superhumeral | an ecclesiastical garment worn over the shoulders. |
surplice | a loose-fitting ankle length overgarment worn by clerics. |
surpliced | wearing a SURPLICE. |
tallis | the traditional prayer shawl worn by Jewish men > TALLISIM or TALLISES. |
tallit | the traditional prayer shawl worn by Jewish men > TALLITIM, TALLITES, TALLITOT or TALLITS. |
tallith | the traditional prayer shawl worn by Jewish men > TALLITHES, TALLITHIM, TALLITHS, TALLITOTH, TALEYSIM or TALLAISIM. |
tika tilak | a red mark or pendant on the forehead of Hindu women, originally of religious significance but now also worn for ornament. |
tippet | an ecclesiastical scarf. |
tonsure | the shaven crown worn by monks; a bald spot resembling same; (verb) to cut the hair in tonsure form. |
tsitsith tzitzis tzitzit tzitzith | tassels and fringes found on certain religious ceremonial garments. |
tunicle | a short ecclesiastical vestment worn by bishop or subdeacon. |
uncowl | to take off a cowl. |
vakas vakass | an Armenian EPHOD, a sacerdotal habit > VAKASES, VAKASSES. |
vestiment | a vestment, garb. |
vestimental | of or like a VESTIMENT, vestment |
vestment | a ceremonial garment, esp one worn in religious ceremonies. |
vestmental | relating to a VESTMENT. |
vestmented | wearing a VESTMENT. |
vestural | relating to VESTURE, clothing. |
vesture | clothing, esp. ecclesiastical; anything that covers or cloaks; (verb, arch.) to clothe. |
whimple wimple | a cloth covering for head and neck worn by nuns; (verb) to wrap in a whimple. |
woolward | wearing wool next the skin, esp. as a penance. |
yamalka yamulka yarmelke yarmulka yarmulke | a Jewish religious skullcap. |
zizit | the tassels on the four corners of a Jewish prayer shawl. |
zizith | the tassels on the four corners of a Jewish prayer shawl. |
zucchetto | a round skullcap worn by Catholic clergy to indicate rank > ZUCCHETTOS or ZUCCHETTI. [Ital. zuccha, gourd]. |
zuchetta | a round skullcap worn by Catholic clergy to indicate rank > ZUCHETTAS. |
zuchetto | a round skullcap worn by Catholic clergy to indicate rank > ZUCHETTOS. |