Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.
arefaction | the act of drying, or the state of growing dry. |
arefy | to dry up. |
arid | very dry. |
aridity | the state of being arid. |
aridly | (Adv.) ARID, very dry. |
aridness | the state of being arid. |
barken | to dry up into a barky crust. |
bedabble | to dabble. |
bedash | to wet by dashing or throwing water or other liquid upon. |
bedew | to wet with dew. |
bedrench | to drench; to soak. |
bedrop | to sprinkle, as with drops. |
beduck | to duck, drench. |
beliquor | to soak with liquor. |
bewet | (Shakesp.) to make wet. |
blash | (Scots) a dash or splash of liquid or semiliquid (verb) to splash |
clammily | (Adv.) CLAMMY, unpleasantly damp. |
clammy | unpleasantly damp. |
daggle | to trail, so as to wet or befoul. |
damp | moist (noun) moistness; (verb) to lessen in intensity |
dampen | to moisten. |
dampener | a thing that dampens; (US) a contrivance for moistening linen etc. |
dampish | somewhat damp. |
dampishness | the state of being dampish. |
damply | (Adv.) DAMP, to lessen in intensity. |
dampness | the state of being damp. |
dampy | somewhat damp. |
dank | damp (noun, Milton) a wet place |
dankly | (Adv.) DANK, damp. |
dankness | the state of being dank. |
dehydration | loss or withdrawal of moisture. |
deluge | to flood. |
desiccant | a drying or desiccating agent. |
desiccate | to remove the moisture from, dry up. |
desiccation | the state of being desiccated. |
desiccative | a drying agent. |
dew | moisture deposited from the air on cooling (verb) to moisten as with dew |
disponge | to sprinkle or discharge as if from a sponge. |
drench | a draught; a dose of liquid medicine forced down the throat (of an animal); (verb) to wet thoroughly. |
drencher | something that drenches. |
drily | (Adv.) DRY, not wet. |
drook | (Scots) to drench. |
dropple | a trickle. |
drought | a dry period. |
droughtiness | the state of being droughty. |
droughty | characterized by drought. |
drouk | (Scots) to drench. |
drouth | drought. |
dry | not wet (noun) a prohibitionist (verb) to make dry |
dryable | that can be dried. |
dryish | somewhat dry. |
dryly | (Adv.) DRY, not wet. |
dryness | the state of being dry. |
dunk | to dip into liquid. |
dunker | one who dunks. |
embrue | to wet or moisten. |
ensear | (Shakesp.) to dry up. |
exsiccant | (Something) having the quality of drying up. |
exsiccate | to dry up. |
exsiccative | serving to dry up. |
flouse | (Dial.) to splash. |
floush | (Dial.) to splash. |
flowage | an overflowing with water; also, the water which thus overflows. |
fluxion | the act of flowing. |
gizzen | (Scots) to shrink from dryness so as to leak. |
gloop | thick viscous liquid (verb) to plop slowly and heavily |
guttate | to exude liquid by guttation. |
guttation | the release of drops of moisture. |
hirstie | (Scots) dry, barren. |
histie | (Scots) dry, barren. |
humect | to moisten. |
humectate | to moisten; to wet. |
humectation | the act of moistening. |
humective | something tending to moisten. |
humefy | (Obs.) to moisten. |
humid | having much humidity. |
humidify | to moisten, make humid. |
humidly | (Adv.) HUMID, having much humidity. |
humidness | the state of being humid. |
humify | to moisten. |
hydric | adapted to life with an abundance of moisture. |
hydrically | (Adv.) HYDRIC, pertaining to an abundance of moisture. |
hyperarid | excessively arid. |
imbrue | to wet or moisten. |
immerge | to immerse; to dip into water. |
immerse | to plunge into a liquid. |
immersion | the act of immersing. |
indrench | (Obs.) to submerge in water. |
inpour | to pour in. |
introfy | to increase the wetting properties of. |
inundant | overflowing. |
inundate | to overwhelm with water. |
irriguous | watered; wet; irrigating. |
jabble | (Scots) to splash, ripple. |
jap | to splash or spatter. |
jaup | (Scots) to splash or spatter. |
jirble | (Scots) to pour splashingly. |
leakage | the act or an instance of leaking. |
lyophilise | to dry by freezing. |
lyophiliser | an agent that lyophilises. |
lyophilize | to dry by freezing. |
macerate | to steep or soak. |
madefaction | moistening. |
madefy | (Arch.) to moisten. |
madid | wet; dank. |
mersion | (Obs.) dipping, as in baptism. |
moist | damp (verb, Shakesp.) to moisten |
moisten | to make or become moist. |
moistener | something that moistens. |
moistful | full of moisture. |
moistify | to make moist. |
moistly | (Adv.) MOIST, damp. |
moistness | the state of being moist. |
moisture | condensed or diffused liquid. |
moistureless | without moisture. |
moisturise | to add moisture to. |
moisturize | to add moisture to. |
niagara | a deluge or outpouring. |
oose | (Scots) fluff, nap. |
overdry | to dry too much. |
oversoak | to soak excessively. |
overwet | to wet excessively. |
parch | to make very dry. |
parchedly | (Adv.) PARCHED, very dry. |
parchedness | the state of being parched. |
plash | a dash of water (verb) to splash, dash with water |
plasher | one who plashes. |
plashy | relating to a plash, a shallow pool or puddle. |
plesh | (Spenser) a pool; a plash. |
plotter | one who plots; (verb, Scots) to dabble in liquid; to potter. |
plouter | (Scots) to dabble in liquid; to potter. |
plowter | (Scots) to dabble in liquid; to potter. |
poachy | spongy and sodden. |
premoisten | to moisten beforehand. |
presoak | to soak beforehand. |
puddly | full of puddles. |
redry | to dry again. |
remoisten | to moisten again. |
resoak | to soak again. |
rewet | to wet again. |
saturate | to fill completely with something that permeates. |
saturation | complete infiltration. |
scoosh | to squirt, spurt. |
seepage | the action of seeping; water or other liquid that has seeped. |
seepy | tending to seep. |
semidry | half dry. |
semidrying | not drying completely. |
semimoist | slightly moist. |
sere | scorched, withered (noun) a series of ecological communities; (verb) to dry up, wither |
siccative | a drying agent. |
siccity | dryness, aridity. |
sipe | (Dial.) to soak through, seep. |
sket | (Dial.) to splash water. |
skoosh | (Scots) to squirt, spurt. |
slocken | (Scots) to quench, moisten. |
sloken | (Scots) to quench, moisten. |
sloppiness | the state of being sloppy. |
sloppy | wet or muddy. |
sloshy | splashy. |
sluicy | falling copiously or in streams, as from a sluice. |
soak | to saturate thoroughly in liquid. |
soakage | the process or period of soaking. |
soakingly | (Adv.) SOAKING, very wet. |
sodden | wet through (verb) to make or become sodden |
soddenly | (Adv.) SODDEN, wet through. |
soddenness | the state of being sodden. |
sog | (Dial.) a wet place (verb) to soak |
soggily | (Adv.) SOGGY, soaked. |
sogginess | the state of being soggy. |
soggy | soaked. |
sop | bread or other food dipped or soaked in liquid (verb) to soak |
sozzle | to splash, soak; to intoxicate SOZZLY. |
spairge | to sprinkle (with moisture). |
sparge | to sprinkle (with moisture). |
spirt | to spurt. |
splash | the effect of an impact into a liquid (verb) to scatter a liquid about |
splasher | one that splashes. |
splashily | (Adv.) SPLASHY, given to splashing. |
splashiness | the state of being splashy. |
splashy | given to splashing. |
splatch | (Scots) a splash, a splotch; (verb) to splotch. |
splatter | to spatter, to splash. |
splish | to splash. |
splodge | a big, heavy splash or spot (verb) to make a splash |
sploosh | to splash. |
splosh | to splash. |
splotch | a big, heavy splash or spot (verb) to make a splash |
splurt | to gush forth in a stream or jet. |
spouty | issuing in a spout. |
spray | a cloud of small flying drops (verb) to disperse in fine particles to chap, roughen |
sprayey | in a spray. |
spritz | (Ger.) a spray of liquid; (verb) to spray (liquid). |
spritzy | emitting a spray. |
spume | foam (verb) to foam |
spumescence | foaminess, frothiness. |
spurt | a sudden or violent gush; (verb) to gush forth. |
squatter | (Dial.) to splash water about. |
squidgy | unpleasantly damp, clammy. |
squirt | a jet, a spurt; (verb) to eject in a thin, swift stream. |
stillicide | a succession of drops of water, esp falling from the eaves of a house. |
subarid | slightly arid. |
subsaturation | a state of incomplete saturation. |
sunbake | to bake eg mud hard by the action of sun. |
swash | a wash of liquid, eg of water over a beach (verb) to dash, to splash |
swatter | (Dial.) to splash water about. |
sype | (Dial.) to soak through, seep. |
torrefaction | the act of torrefying. |
tricklet | a little trickle. |
ultradry | very very dry. |
unmoistened | not moistened. |
unsoaked | not soaked. |
unsod | not boiled, not sodden. |
unwet | not wet. |
unwetted | not wetted. |
updry | to dry completely. |
washily | (Adv.) WASHY, watery; damp. |
washiness | the state of being washy. |
washy | watery, damp. |
waterlog | to saturate. |
wet | not dry (verb) to make wet |
wetly | (Adv.) WET, not dry. |
wetness | the state of being wet. |
wetproof | waterproof. |
wettability | the ability to be wetted. |
wettable | capable of being wetted. |
wetter | something that wets. |
wettish | somewhat wet. |
xeransis | (Greek) a drying up. |
xerantic | relating to xeransis, a drying up. |