Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.
atomise | to reduce to atoms. |
atomize | to reduce to atoms. |
baby | a very young child; (adj.) like a baby (verb) to treat like a baby |
bedwarf | to make a dwarf of; to stunt or hinder the growth of. |
bitsy | (Coll.) pretty small. |
bittie | (Scots) a small piece, a short time. |
bittily | (Adv.) BITTY, tiny. |
bittiness | the state of being bitty. |
bittock | (Scots) a small bit of anything; a short distance. |
bitty | fiddly, in small bits BITTILY. |
blastie | a dwarf. |
bubkes | (Yiddish) a very small amount. |
bubkis | (Yiddish) a very small amount. |
bupkes | (Yiddish) a very small amount. |
bupkis | (Yiddish) a very small amount. |
bupkus | (Yiddish) a very small amount. |
cantlet | a piece, a fragment. |
chota | (Hindi) little, as in chota peg, a little drink. |
crine | (Scots) to shrink or shrivel. |
diddley | the least amount. |
diddly | the least amount. |
diminish | to lessen. |
diminishingly | (Adv.) DIMINISHING. |
diminution | the act of diminishing. |
diminutive | small (noun) a diminutive word, affix, or name |
diminutively | (Adv.) DIMINUTIVE, small. |
diminutiveness | the state of being diminutive. |
drib | a drop, a trickle; (verb, obs.) to do by little and little. |
dribblet | a drop, a trickle. |
driblet | a drip, a trickle. |
droich | (Gaelic) a dwarf. |
droichy | (Gaelic) dwarfish. |
durgan | (Dial.) a dwarf, any undersized creature. |
durgy | dwarfish. |
dwarf | a very small person (adj.) built like a dwarf, small (verb) to make small |
dwarfish | like a dwarf. |
dwarfishly | (Adv.) DWARFISH, like a dwarf. |
dwarfism | the condition or character of being a dwarf. |
dwarflike | like a dwarf. |
dwarfness | the state of being dwarf. |
dwindle | to decrease steadily. |
eensy | (Coll.) very small. |
exiguous | scanty in amount, meager. |
exiguously | (Adv.) EXIGUOUS, scanty in amount. |
fewtrils | little things, trifles. |
flibbert | (Dial.) a small piece. |
frust | (Sterne) a fragment. |
granule | a little grain. |
haet | (Scots) a small amount, a whit. |
hafflin | (Scots) a halfling. |
halfling | a half-grown person. |
homuncle | a little man, a manikin. |
homuncular | of or like a homunculus. |
homuncule | a little man; a manikin. |
homunculus | a little man; a manikin. |
ickle | (Coll.) little. |
imminute | (Arch.) lessened, decreased. |
least | smallest; (adv.) in the smallest degree; (noun) the smallest amount. |
leetle | an old-fashioned affectation for little. |
less | a smaller portion or quantity. |
lilliput | a very small person. |
lilliputian | very small; (noun) a very small person. |
little | small (noun) a small quantity |
littleness | the quality of being little. |
littlish | somewhat little. |
micrify | to make small. |
micromini | extremely small; (noun) something extremely small. |
microminiature | made on a very small scale. |
micronise | to reduce to a few microns in diameter. |
micronize | to reduce to a few microns in diameter. |
microscale | an extremely small scale. |
midget | a very small person. |
mignonne | small and dainty; (noun) a darling. |
mini | something distinctively smaller than others of its kind. |
miniature | a small or reduced copy, type or breed of anything; (verb) to miniaturize. |
miniaturise | to design or construct in small size. |
miniaturistic | in the style of a miniaturist. |
miniaturize | to design or construct in small size. |
minify | to diminish, in appearance or reality. |
minimise | to make as small as possible. |
minimiser | one who minimises. |
minimize | to make as small as possible. |
minimizer | one who minimizes. |
minimum | (Lat.) the smallest amount. |
minimus | (Lat.) a being of the smallest size. |
minish | (Arch.) to diminish. |
minutely | (Adv.) MINUTE, small. |
minuteness | the quality of being minute. |
minutia | (Lat.) a minute particular or detail. |
minutial | of or like a minutia, a minute particular or detail. |
minutiose | of or like a minutia, a minute particular or detail. |
modicum | (Lat.) a small quantity. |
morceau | (Fr.) a bit, a morsel. |
nanoscale | on a very small scale. No -S. |
nanoworld | the world of the very small. |
nubbin | a stunted or imperfect ear of maize etc.; (fig.) a residual part, a stub, a stump. |
particle | a very small piece or part. |
paucity | smallness of number or quantity. |
petite | (Fr.) small esp of build; (noun) a clothing size for short women. |
petiteness | the state of being petite. |
pettiness | the state of being petty. |
piddly | insignificant. |
pigmy | a person of short stature. |
pintsize | very small. |
pintsized | very small. |
puckle | (Scots) a small quantity; a grain of corn. |
puisny | (Shakesp.) puny. |
punily | (Adv.) PUNY, small and feeble. |
puniness | the state of being puny. |
puny | small and feeble. |
pygmyism | the state of being a pygmy. |
scantling | a small portion. |
scliff | (Scots) a small segment or piece. |
scrunt | (Scots) anything stunted; a niggard. |
semimicro | somewhat micro. |
shaird | a fragment. |
sherd | a shard, a fragment; now used only in composition, as in potsherd. |
shreddy | consisting of shreds. |
shrink | to contract or draw back (noun) an act of shrinking. |
shrinking | drawing back, shy. |
shrinkingly | (Adv.) SHRINKING. |
shrunk | (PaP.) SHRINK, to contract or draw back. |
shrunken | (PaP.) SHRINK, to contract or draw back. |
skerrick | (Aust.) a minute quantity, a scrap, as in 'not a skerrick'. |
skliff | (Scots) a small segment or piece; (verb) to shuffle (the feet). |
skosh | (Japanese) a small amount. |
sma | (Scots) small. |
small | not large (verb) to make or become small |
smallish | somewhat small. |
smallness | the state of being small. |
smidge | a tiny bit. |
smidgen | a tiny bit. |
smidgeon | a tiny bit. |
smidgin | a tiny bit. |
smithereen | a small fragment; (verb) to break into fragments. |
smithers | tiny fragments. |
smytrie | (Scots) a collection of small things. |
snippet | a small piece of material etc. cut off; a fragment or scrap of information etc. |
snippetiness | the state of being snippety, ridiculously small. |
snippety | ridiculously small; petty. |
stim | (Irish) a very small amount. |
stunt | a difficult, often showy, performance, enterprise; (verb) to retard the growth of. |
tad | a small amount. |
tait | (Scots) a small portion, a pinch. |
tate | (Scots) a small portion, a pinch. |
teensy | (Coll.) very small. |
teentsy | (Coll.) very small. |
teenty | (Coll.) very small. |
teeny | (Coll.) very small. |
thumbling | a diminutive being, a dwarf. |
tich | a small person. |
tichy | very small. |
tidbit | a small portion, a delicacy. |
tinily | (Adv.) TINY, very small. |
tininess | the quality of being tiny. |
tiny | very small. |
titbit | a small portion, a delicacy. |
titch | a small person. |
titchie | very small. |
titchy | very small. |
titman | the smallest pig etc. of a litter. |
ultratiny | very very tiny. |
undergrown | of small stature; not grown to a full height or size. |
undersize | below the usual size. |
undersized | below the usual size. |
wanze | (Obs.) to decrease, waste away. |
wee | small (noun) urine; (verb) to urinate |
weensy | tiny. |
whit | the smallest particle imaginable. |