Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.
acerose | like a needle. |
acervate | heaped. |
acicular | needle-shaped. |
aciform | needle-shaped. |
acinaciform | scimitar-shaped. |
actinomorphy | the quality of being actinomorphic. |
adunc | (Lat.) hooked. |
aduncate | hooked. |
aduncated | hooked. |
aduncity | the state of being hook-shaped. |
aduncous | hooked. |
aeriform | of the form or shape of gas; gaseous. |
aliform | wing-shaped. |
alphabetiform | shaped like letters. |
alveated | formed or vaulted like a beehive. |
alveolation | the state of being alveolate. |
amorphism | absence of regular form; amorphous quality. |
amorphous | without definite shape. |
amorphously | (Adv.) AMORPHOUS, without definite shape. |
amorphousness | the state of being amorphous. |
anaxial | asymmetrical. |
anguiform | shaped like a snake. |
anguilliform | shaped like an eel. |
angular | having sharp corners. |
angularity | the quality of being angular. |
angularly | (Adv.) ANGULAR, having sharp corners. |
angularness | the state of being angular. |
angulate | to form with angles. |
angulation | a making angular; an angular formation. |
angulose | angular; having corners. |
angulous | angular; having corners. |
annularity | the state of being ring-shaped. |
annularly | (Adv.) ANNULAR, ring-shaped. |
annulation | a circular or ringlike formation. |
ansate | having a handle or handlike shape. |
ansated | having a handle or handlike shape. |
antenniform | shaped like an antenna. |
archwise | in the manner of an arch. |
arciform | shaped like a bow. |
arcuate | shaped like a bow. |
arcuated | shaped like a bow. |
arcuately | (Adv.) ARCUATE, shaped like a bow. |
arcuation | the state of being shaped like a bow. |
arrowlike | like an arrow. |
arrowy | like an arrow, in shape, motion, etc > ARROWIER, ARROWIEST. |
askewness | the state of being askew. |
aspheric | not spherical; (noun) a lens that has a shape that is not completely round; a contact lens with changing lens strength. |
aspherical | not spherical. |
asteriated | having starlike rays. |
astroid | a hypocycloid with four cusps. |
asymmetric | not symmetric. |
asymmetrical | not symmetrical. |
asymmetrically | (Adv.) ASYMMETRICAL, not symmetrical. |
auriform | shaped like an ear. |
axelike | like an axe in form. |
azonal | of e.g. soil, not arranged in zones. |
bacillary | of the shape or nature of a bacillus, rodlike. |
bacilliform | shaped like a bacillus. |
baculiform | rod-shaped. |
baggily | (Adv.) BAGGY, loose-fitting. |
bagginess | the state of being baggy. |
baggy | loose-fitting. |
ball | anything spherical or nearly so; (verb) to form into a ball. |
balls | to mess up. |
basinlike | like a basin. |
beadlike | like a bead. |
belemnoid | of a fossil, shaped like a dart. |
bellylike | shaped like a belly. |
biaxal | having two axes. |
biaxial | having two axes. |
biaxially | (Adv.) BIAXIAL, having two axes. |
bicentric | having two centres. |
biconcave | concave on both sides. |
biconcavity | the state of being biconcave. |
biconvex | convex on both sides. |
biconvexity | the state of being biconvex. |
bifacial | having the opposite surfaces alike. |
bifacially | (Adv.) BIFACIAL, having the opposite surfaces alike. |
bifarious | organized in two rows. |
bifariously | (Adv.) BIFARIOUS, organized in two rows. |
bifidity | the state of being divided into two parts. |
biforked | forked, bifurcate. |
biform | having two forms. |
biformed | having two forms. |
bifurcate | to fork. |
bifurcation | the state of being bifurcated. |
billowy | in billows. |
bilocular | divided into two chambers or cavities. |
biloculate | divided into two chambers or cavities. |
binuclear | having two nuclei. |
biparted | having two parts. |
bipyramid | a crystal formed of two pyramids base to base. |
bipyramidal | in the form of a bipyramid. |
biradial | having dual symmetry. |
bisymmetric | showing symmetry in two planes at right angles to each other. |
bisymmetrical | showing symmetry in two planes at right angles to each other. |
bisymmetrically | (Adv.) BISYMMETRICAL, showing symmetry in two planes at right angles to each other. |
bisymmetry | symmetry in two planes at right angles to each other. |
blob | a drop or globule; (verb) to make a blob or blobs. |
blobby | blob-shaped. |
blockiness | the state of being blocky, block-like. |
blocky | block-like. |
blubbery | swollen, protuberant. |
boatlike | resembling a boat. |
bowlike | shaped like a bow. |
bowllike | like a bowl. |
boxily | (Adv.) BOXY, like a box. |
boxy | like a box. |
branchlike | like a branch. |
bricklike | like a brick. |
brickshaped | shaped like a brick. |
brushlike | like a brush. |
bulbous | shaped like a bulb; rounded, swollen. |
bulbously | (Adv.) BULBOUS, shaped like a bulb. |
bulbousness | the state of being bulbous. |
bulge | a protuberance, a swelling (verb) to swell out |
bulginess | the state of being bulgy. |
bulgingly | (Adv.) BULGING, swelling out. |
bulgy | bulging. |
bullate | blistered, puckered, bubble-like. |
bunchily | (Adv.) BUNCHY, swelling out in bunches. |
bunchiness | the state of being bunchy. |
bunchy | swelling out in bunches. |
bursiculate | shaped like small pouch. |
bursiform | shaped like a pouch or purse. |
bushily | (Adv.) BUSHY, bushlike. |
byssaceous | composed of a mass of fine threads; delicately filamentous. |
byssoid | composed of a mass of fine threads; delicately filamentous. |
cactiform | cactus-shaped. |
cacuminous | with pointed or pyramidal top. |
cagelike | like a cage. |
calcariform | spur-shaped. |
calceiform | slipper-shaped. |
calceolate | slipper-shaped. |
calycoideous | calyx-shaped. |
calyculate | having a calyculus, a cuplike structure. |
calyptrate | capped or hooded. |
canaliculate | grooved or channelled lengthwise. |
canaliculated | grooved or channelled lengthwise. |
cancriform | shaped like a crab. |
capsular | of or pertaining to a capsule. |
capsulary | of or pertaining to a capsule. |
capsulate | contained in or made into a capsule. |
capsulated | contained in or made into a capsule. |
capsule | a gelatine case for holding a dose of medicine; (verb) to condense into a brief form. |
carinate | shaped like the prow or keel of a ship. |
carinated | shaped like the prow or keel of a ship. |
cavitied | having a cavity. |
cellular | consisting of, characterized by or containing cells or compartments; (noun) a cellular phone. |
cellularity | the state of being cellular. |
cellulated | cellular. |
centerless | without a centre. |
cerebriform | shaped like the brain. |
chunkiness | the state of being chunky. |
cingular | ring-shaped, encircling. |
circular | in the shape of a circle (noun) a leaflet intended for wide distribution |
circularity | the state of being circular. |
circularly | (Adv.) CIRCULAR, in the shape of a circle. |
circularness | the state of being circular. |
cirriform | formed like a cirrus or tendril. |
clavate | club-shaped; growing gradually thicker toward the top. |
clavately | (Adv.) CLAVATE, club-shaped. |
claviculate | shaped like a clavicula, the collarbone. |
claviform | in the shape of a club. |
clinopinacoid | a form consisting of two faces parallel to the clinoaxis and the vertical axis. |
clinopinakoid | a form consisting of two faces parallel to the clinoaxis and the vertical axis. |
clottiness | the state of being clotty. |
clotty | in clots. |
clump | a thick mass (verb) to form into a thick mass |
clumpiness | the state of being clumpy. |
clumplike | like a clump. |
clumpy | in clumps. |
cluster | a group of similar objects (verb) to form into a cluster |
clustery | growing in, or full of, clusters. |
clypeate | shaped like a buckler, a round shield. |
clypeiform | shaped like a buckler, a round shield. |
cobwebby | abounding in cobwebs. |
cochleariform | spoon-shaped. |
cochleate | having the form of a snail shell. |
cochleated | having the form of a snail shell. |
coilability | the ability to form coils. |
columniation | the use or arrangement of columns in a structure. |
combwise | in the manner of a comb. |
comby | full of holes like a honeycomb. |
compast | (Arch.) rounded. |
complanate | flattened. |
complanation | the state of being flattened. |
concave | curved inward (verb) to make or become hollow |
concavely | (Adv.) CONCAVE, curved inwards. |
concaveness | the state of being concave. |
concavity | the state of being concave. |
conchate | shell-shaped. |
conchiform | shaped like a shell. |
concretion | a concreted mass. |
concretionary | of or like a concretion. |
conelike | shaped like a cone. |
conglobate | shaped like a small ball or globe; (verb) to gather in a globe. |
conical | shaped like a cone. |
conically | (Adv.) CONICAL, shaped like a cone. |
conicity | the state of being conical. |
coniform | cone-shaped; conical. |
conoid | anything like a cone in form. |
conoidal | nearly, but not exactly, conical. |
conoidally | (Adv.) CONOIDAL, nearly, but not exactly, conical. |
contortedness | the state of being contorted. |
contrate | of wheels, esp in watchmaking, having cogs parallel to the axis. |
convex | having an outline or surface curved like the exterior of a circle or sphere (verb) to make convex |
convexedly | (Adv.) CONVEXED. |
convexity | the state of being convex. |
convexly | (Adv.) CONVEX, having an outline or surface curved like the exterior of a circle or sphere. |
convexness | the state of being convex. |
convolute | rolled together, coiled (verb) to twist, coil |
convolutedly | (Adv.) CONVOLUTED, coiled, twisted. |
convolutedness | the state of being convoluted. |
convolutely | (Adv.) CONVOLUTE, rolled together, coiled. |
convolution | a form or shape that is folded in curved or tortuous windings. |
convolutional | of or like convolution. |
convolutionary | of or like convolution. |
coralloidal | having the form of coral. |
corbiculate | like a small basket. |
cordate | heart-shaped. |
cordately | (Adv.) CORDATE, heart-shaped. |
cordiform | heart-shaped. |
corniculate | horn-shaped; horned. |
corniform | shaped like a horn. |
corrugation | the act of corrugating. |
coryneform | virgate, rod-shaped. |
cotyloidal | shaped like a cup. |
crabwise | in the manner of a crab, sideways. |
crateriform | cup-shaped. |
crenature | the state of being notched. |
crenulation | the state of being crenulated. |
crescent | the figure of the moon in its first or last quarter. |
crescented | having the shape of a crescent. |
crescentic | formed like a crescent. |
crestal | pertaining to a crest or peak; (noun) a crystal. |
cribriform | shaped like a sieve. |
crispation | the state of being curled. |
crispature | a curling. |
cristiform | in the form of a crest. |
cruciate | cross-shaped or Y-shaped (noun) a ligament in the knee |
cruciately | (Adv.) CRUCIATE, cross-shaped or Y-shaped. |
cruciform | cross-shaped (noun) something cross-shaped |
cruciformly | (Adv.) CRUCIFORM, cross-shaped. |
cteniform | comb-shaped. |
cube | a solid body having six equal square faces; (verb) to form into a cube. |
cubical | shaped like a cube. |
cubically | (Adv.) CUBICAL, shaped like a cube. |
cubicalness | the state of being cubical. |
cubicity | the state of being cubic. |
cubiform | shaped like a cube. |
cuboidal | cube-shaped. |
cucullated | hooded; hood-shaped. |
cultrate | shaped like a knife blade; sharp-edged. |
cultrated | shaped like a knife blade; sharp-edged. |
cultriform | knife-shaped. |
cumulate | in a heap (verb) to heap together, to accumulate |
cumulately | (Adv.) CUMULATE, in a heap. |
cumuliform | shaped like a heap, esp of a cloud. |
cumulose | containing or consisting of small heaps. |
cuneal | wedge-shaped. |
cuneate | wedge-shaped. |
cuneated | wedge-shaped. |
cuneately | (Adv.) CUNEATE, wedge-shaped. |
cuplike | like a cup. |
cuppy | cuplike. |
cupular | of or pertaining to a cup; cup-shaped. |
cupulate | of or pertaining to a cup; cup-shaped. |
curlily | (Adv.) CURLY, having curls. |
curly | having curls. |
curney | granular. |
curny | granular. |
curvaceous | pleasingly curved. |
curvaceously | (Adv.) CURVACEOUS, pleasingly curved. |
curvaceousness | the state of being curvaceous. |
curvacious | pleasingly curved. |
curvaciously | (Adv.) CURVACIOUS, pleasingly curved. |
curvaciousness | the state of being curvacious. |
curvedness | the state of being curved. |
curvey | full of curves. |
curviform | curving. |
curvilineal | bounded by curved lines. |
curvilineally | (Adv.) CURVILINEAL, bounded by curved lines. |
curvilinear | bounded by curved lines. |
curvilinearity | the state of being curvilinear. |
curvilinearly | (Adv.) CURVILINEAR. |
curviness | the state of being curved. |
curvy | full of curves. |
cusp | a point; the point or horn of the moon; a toothlike meeting of two branches of a curve. |
cuspal | of or like a cusp. |
cuspate | in the form of a cusp. |
cuspated | in the form of a cusp. |
cusped | having a cusp. |
cuspidated | shaped like a cuspid, a tooth with a single point, a canine tooth. |
cuspis | (Lat.) a point eg the horn of the moon. |
cusplike | resembling a cusp. |
cyathiform | shaped like a cup. |
cylinder | a roller-shaped object; (verb) to fit with cylinders. |
cylindraceous | somewhat cylindrical. |
cylindric | shaped like a cylinder. |
cylindrical | shaped like a cylinder. |
cylindricality | the state of being cylindrical. |
cylindrically | (Adv.) CYLINDRICAL, shaped like a cylinder. |
cylindricalness | the state of being cylindrical. |
cylindricity | the state of being cylindrical. |
cylindriform | shaped like a cylinder. |
cylindroid | a body like a cyclinder. |
decurvation | downward curvature. |
demonstrability | the state of being demonstrable. |
dendriform | shaped like a tree, eg a dendriform ulcer. |
denticulate | finely dentate or serrate. |
denticulated | finely dentate or serrate. |
denticulation | the state of being denticulate. |
dentiform | shaped like a tooth. |
dentoid | shaped like a tooth. |
difform | (Obs.) unlike, irregular in form. |
digitiform | shaped like a finger. |
digitule | any small fingerlike process. |
dilatate | dilated. |
discal | pertaining to, or resembling, a disk. |
disciform | round or oval in shape. |
disclike | like a disc. |
discoid | disc-shaped; (noun) something in the form of a disc. |
discoidal | disk-shaped. |
disform | to alter the form of. |
dishlike | like a dish. |
disklike | like a disk. |
dismayd | (Spenser) misshapen, deformed. |
distichous | in or having two rows. |
distichously | (Adv.) DISTICHOUS, in or having two rows. |
dolabrate | shaped like the head of an axe. |
dolabriform | shaped like a hatchet or cleaver. |
domelike | resembling a dome. |
dorsiflex | bent towards the back; (verb) to bend towards the back or dorsal. |
doughnutlike | like a doughnut. |
downswept | curved downwards. |
droplet | a tiny drop. |
dropwise | by drops. |
egglike | resembling an egg in shape. |
ellipse | a type of plane curve. |
ellipsoidal | having the shape of an ellipse. |
elliptic | having the shape of an ellipse. |
elliptical | having the shape of an ellipse (noun) an ellipse |
elliptically | (Adv.) ELLIPTICAL. |
ellipticalness | the state of being elliptical, having the shape of an ellipse. |
ellipticity | the state of being an ellipse. |
embossment | the act of forming bosses or raised figures. |
enridged | (Shakesp.) formed into ridges. |
enround | (Shakesp.) to make round, surround. |
erose | irregularly notched as if bitten. |
erosely | (Adv.) EROSE, irregularly notched as if bitten. |
ethmoidal | of or like a sieve. |
falcate | resembling a sickle. |
falcated | resembling a sickle. |
falcation | the state of being falcate, sickle-shaped. |
falciform | shaped like a sickle. |
fanlike | resembling a fan. |
fanwise | in the fashion of a fan. |
fasciate | exhibiting a flattened ribbon-like structure. |
fasciated | exhibiting a flattened ribbon-like structure. |
fasciately | (Adv.) FASCIATE. |
fascicled | arranged, growing, or occurring in a fascicle or fascicles. |
fascicular | in bundles. |
fascicularly | (Adv.) FASCICULAR, in bundles. |
fasciculate | in bundles. |
fasciculated | in bundles. |
fasciculately | (Adv.) FASCICULATE, in bundles. |
fasciculus | (Lat.) a little bundle; a fascicle. |
fastigiate | pointed; conical. |
fastigiated | pointed; conical. |
fatiscence | the state of being fatiscent, having gaps. |
fatiscent | gaping with cracks. |
faveolate | honeycombed. |
fibriform | shaped like a fibre. |
fibrilliform | in the form of fibrils. |
figurate | of a definite form or figure. |
figurately | (Adv.) FIGURATE, of a definite form or figure. |
filament | a slender or threadlike object. |
filamentary | like a filament. |
filamentous | threadlike; of some bacteria, viruses, etc, having long strands of similar cells. |
filiform | shaped like a thread. |
filose | threadlike; having a threadlike end. |
finched | finch-backed, striped or spotted on the back. |
fingerlike | like a finger. |
finlike | resembling a fin. |
fistular | hollow and cylindrical, like a pipe or reed. |
fisty | like a fist. |
flabellate | fan-shaped. |
flagginess | the condition of being flaggy, flabby. |
flaggy | flag-like; flabby. |
flary | flare-like. |
flatten | to make or become flat. |
flattish | somewhat flat. |
floriform | shaped like a flower. |
forcepslike | like a forceps. |
forcipate | formed and opening like a forceps. |
forcipated | formed and opening like a forceps. |
forficulate | like scissors. |
forkedness | the state of being forked. |
forkiness | the state of dividing in a forklike manner. |
forky | forked; furcated. |
formless | lacking structure. |
formlessly | (Adv.) FORMLESS, without form. |
fossulate | grooved; pitted. |
foveate | pitted. |
foveated | pitted. |
foveiform | shaped like a small pit. |
freeform | having a free-flowing design or shape. |
funiculate | forming a narrow ridge. |
funnelform | having the form of a funnel. |
furcal | forked. |
furcate | forked (verb) to divide into branches |
furcately | (Adv.) FURCATE, forked. |
furcation | a branching like a fork. |
furciferous | bearing a forked appendage; rascally. |
furcular | shaped like a fork. |
fusiform | tapering at each end, spindle-shaped. |
galea | (Lat.) a helmet-shaped structure. |
galeate | helmet-shaped. |
galeated | helmet-shaped. |
geminate | twinned (verb) to double, to arrange in pairs |
geminately | (Adv.) GEMINATE, in pairs. |
gemlike | resembling a gem. |
geniculation | being jointed, like a knee. |
geomorphic | earth-shaped. |
gibbose | humpbacked, humped; (of a moon) between half and full. |
gibbous | humpbacked, humped; (of a moon) between half and full. |
gibbously | (Adv.) GIBBOUS, of a moon, between half and full. |
gibbousness | the state of being gibbous. |
gimmal | a ring that can be divided into two or three rings. |
gimmalled | jointed, hinged, like a gimmal. |
gimp | a yarn with a hard core; (verb) to make or furnish with this. |
gladiate | shaped like a sword. |
global | spherical. |
globally | (Adv.) GLOBAL, spherical. |
globate | having the form of a globe. |
globated | having the form of a globe. |
globby | glob-like. |
globe | a ball, a round body (verb) to form into a globe |
globelike | like a globe. |
globoid | globelike; (noun) a globelike shape. |
globose | having a rounded form resembling that of a globe. |
globosely | (Adv.) GLOBOSE, having a rounded form like a globe. |
globoseness | the state of being globose. |
globosity | sphericity. |
globous | having a rounded form resembling that of a globe. |
globular | spherical (noun) a globular star cluster |
globularity | the quality of being globular. |
globularly | (Adv.) GLOBULAR, spherical. |
globularness | the state of being globular. |
globule | a little globe; a small particle of matter, of a spherical form. |
globulet | a little globule. |
globulous | globular, spherical. |
globus | (Lat.) any spherelike structure. |
globy | (Milton) round. |
glomerate | to gather into a ball. |
goadlike | like a goad. |
goosenecked | having a neck like a goose. |
granular | consisting of or like grains or granules. |
granularly | (Adv.) GRANULAR, consisting of or like grains or granules. |
granulary | (Arch.) granular. |
granuliform | having the form of a granule. |
granulose | consisting of or like grains or granules. |
granulous | consisting of or like grains or granules. |
graticule | a design or draught which has been divided into squares, in order to reproduce it in other dimensions. |
gregatim | (Lat.) in flocks. |
grid | a grating, network; (verb) to set out in a grid. |
gridded | having a grid. |
gridiron | a frame of iron bars for broiling over a fire; (verb) to mark with parallel lines or bars. |
gulflike | like a gulf. |
gutlike | like a gut. |
gymmal | a ring that can be divided into two or three rings. |
gyrose | having a folded surface; marked with wavy lines. |
gyrous | of or like a gyre, spiral. |
hairlike | resembling a hair. |
halolike | like a halo. |
hamose | hooked. |
hamous | hooked. |
hamular | of the form of a small hook, hooked. |
hastate | spear-shaped. |
hastated | spear-shaped. |
hastately | (Adv.) HASTATE, spear-shaped. |
headlike | shaped like a head. |
heap | a mass of things resting one above another (verb) to pile up |
heapy | full of heaps. |
helical | shaped like a helix. |
helically | (Adv.) HELICAL, shaped like a helix. |
helix | (Greek) a screw-shaped coil. |
hemihedron | a solid hemihedrally derived, such as a tetrahedron. |
hemisphere | half of a sphere. |
hemispheric | like a hemisphere. |
hemispherical | like a hemisphere. |
hemispheroid | the half of a spheroid. |
hemispheroidal | in the form of a half-sphere. |
hemitropal | half turned round; half inverted; (Crystallog.) having a twinned structure. |
hemitrope | of a crystal, twinned; (noun) a twinned crystal. |
hemitropic | half turned round; half inverted; (Crystallog.) having a twinned structure. |
hemitropism | the state of being a hemitrope, a twinned crystal. |
hemitropous | half turned round; half inverted; (Crystallog.) having a twinned structure. |
hersed | (Obs.) arranged like a herse, in harrow form. |
heteromorphism | the state of having different forms. |
hexagrammoid | a hexagram shape. |
hexangular | having six angles. |
hippocrepian | horseshoe-shaped; (noun) a type of bryozoan that has a lophophore shaped like a horseshoe. |
holosteric | totally solid. |
homomorphic | relating to homomorphism. |
homomorphism | similarity of external form, appearance, or size. |
hooklike | resembling a hook. |
hooplike | like a hoop. |
hornlike | resembling a horn. |
hubbly | having an uneven surface. |
hummocky | abounding in hummocks. |
humpiness | the state of being humpy. |
humplike | like a hump. |
imbricately | (Adv.) IMBRICATE. |
incisiform | shaped like an incisor tooth. |
incudal | shaped like an incus or anvil. |
infundibular | funnel-shaped. |
infundibulate | funnel-shaped. |
infundibuliform | shaped like a funnel. |
inkblot | a blotted pattern of spilled ink. |
insectiform | having the form of an insect. |
intumescence | a swollen or enlarged part of a plant or animal. |
isomorphism | similarity in shape or structure in unrelated forms. |
jagged | cut unevenly into notches. |
jaggedly | (Adv.) JAGGED, cut unevenly into notches. |
jaggedness | the state of being jagged. |
jaggy | having jags, as, jaggy teeth (noun) a jaggy computer image |
jagless | not producing intoxication. |
jymold | (Shakesp.) jointed, hinged. |
kidneylike | shaped like a kidney. |
kitelike | like a kite. |
knobbiness | the state of being knobby. |
knobbly | covered with knobs or nodules. |
knobby | covered with knobs. |
knoblike | like a knob. |
knotlike | like a knot. |
knub | a small lump. |
knubbly | knobbly. |
knubby | full of or covered with knubs or small protuberances. |
labral | relating to the labrum, liplike. |
labrum | (Lat.) a lip or edge, as of a basin. |
lacelike | resembling lace. |
lacey | of or like lace. |
lacily | (Adv.) LACY, of or like lace. |
laciness | the quality of being lacy. |
lacy | of or like lace. |
ladderlike | like a ladder. |
lageniform | shaped like a flask. |
lambdoid | shaped like the letter Greek lambda. |
lambdoidal | shaped like the Greek letter lambda. |
lamella | (Lat.) a thin plate or layer. |
lamellar | flat and thin; composed of lamellae. |
lamellarly | (Adv.) LAMELLAR, flat and thin. |
lamellate | composed of, or furnished with, thin plates or scales. |
lamellated | composed of, or furnished with, thin plates or scales. |
lamellately | (Adv.) LAMELLATE, composed of, or furnished with, thin plates or scales. |
lamelloid | like lamellae, in thin plates. |
lamellose | composed of, or having, lamellae. |
lamellosity | the state of being lamellose. |
lamina | (Lat.) a thin plate or layer. |
laminal | in, or consisting of, thin plates or layers; (noun) a consonant articulated with the blade of the tongue. |
laminar | in layers or thin plates. |
laminary | in layers or thin plates. |
laminose | relating to lamina, a thin plate or layer. |
laminous | relating to lamina, a thin plate or layer. |
lanceolate | shaped like a lance-head. |
lanceolated | shaped like a lance-head. |
lanceolately | (Adv.) LANCEOLATE, shaped like a lance-head. |
lanciform | shaped like a lance. |
lathlike | like a lath, long and slender. |
leaflike | resembling a leaf. |
ledgy | abounding in ledges; as, a ledgy island. |
leglike | like a leg. |
lenslike | like a lens. |
lenticularly | (Adv.) LENTICULAR, lens-shaped. |
lentiform | shaped like a lens. |
lentoid | shaped like a lens or lentil, biconvex; (noun) something lens-shaped. |
libriform | shaped like a book. |
ligniform | of the form or shape of wood. |
liguloid | like a ligule, a thin outgrowth at the junction of a leaf and leafstalk. |
limbous | overlapping. |
linear | of or belonging to a line. |
linelike | like a line. |
liney | like a line. |
linguiform | shaped like a tongue. |
lingular | of or like a lingula, a tonguelike process or part. |
lingulate | shaped like the tongue or a strap. |
lingulated | shaped like the tongue or a strap. |
liplike | resembling a lip. |
lobar | of or relating to a lobe. |
lobate | having a lobe or lobes. |
lobated | having a lobe or lobes. |
lobately | (Adv.) LOBATE, having a lobe or lobes. |
lobe | a rounded, projecting anatomical part; (verb) to divide into lobes. |
lobelet | a small lobe. |
lobelike | like a lobe. |
lobose | having a lobe or lobes. |
lobular | shaped like a lobe. |
lobularly | (Adv.) LOBULAR, shaped like a lobe. |
lobulate | having lobules. |
lobulation | the state of being lobulate. |
lobule | a small lobe. |
loculus | (Lat.) a small compartment or chamber. |
looplike | like a loop. |
lopsided | leaning to one side. |
lopsidedly | (Adv.) LOPSIDED, leaning to one side. |
lorate | having the form of a thong or strap. |
lozenge | a rhombus or diamond-shaped figure. |
lozenged | divided into lozenges. |
lozengy | with lozenges > LOZENGIER, LOZENGIEST. |
lump | a shapeless mass (verb) to make into lumps |
lumpily | (Adv.) LUMPY, full of lumps. |
lumpiness | the state of being lumpy. |
lumpy | full of lumps. |
lunate | crescent-shaped (noun) a crescent-shaped bone of the wrist |
lunated | crescent-shaped. |
lunately | (Adv.) LUNATE, crescent-shaped. |
lune | anything shaped like a half-moon. |
lunular | crescent-shaped. |
lyrate | lyre-shaped. |
lyrated | lyre-shaped. |
lyrately | (Adv.) LYRATE, lyre-shaped. |
lyriform | lyre-shaped. |
malleiform | shaped like a hammer. |
mamillate | with nipple-like projections. |
mamillated | with nipple-like projections. |
mamillation | the state of being mamillate, with nipple-like projections. |
mamilliform | nipple-shaped. |
mammiform | shaped like a breast. |
mammillar | resembling a breast or nipple. |
mammillate | with nipple-like projections. |
mammillated | with nipple-like projections. |
mammillation | a nipple-like protrusion. |
mammilliform | in the form of a nipple. |
mandibulate | shaped like a mandible; (noun) something shaped like a mandible. |
mandibulated | shaped like a mandible. |
maniform | having the shape of a hand. |
maplike | having or consisting of lines resembling a map. |
mapwise | in the manner of a map. |
mazelike | like a maze. |
meniscal | pertaining to, or having the form of, a meniscus. |
meniscoid | concavo-convex, like a meniscus. |
meshwork | a network, a web. |
meshy | formed with meshes; netted. |
microsphere | a small sphere. |
microspherical | of or like a microsphere. |
mirrorwise | in the fashion of a mirror. |
misform | to make in an ill form. |
monadiform | having the form of a monad. |
moniliform | having narrow intervals or joints resembling a string of beads. |
monomorphic | having or existing in only one form. |
monomorphism | existence in one form only. |
monomorphous | existing in one form only. |
monosymmetric | having only one plane of symmetry. |
monosymmetrical | having only one plane of symmetry. |
monosymmetry | the state of being monosymmetric, having only one plane of symmetry. |
monticulate | having small projections. |
monticulous | having small projections. |
morphic | relating to form, morphological. |
multangular | having many angles. |
multiangular | having many angles. |
multiaxial | having more than one axis. |
multifid | having many divisions. |
multifidly | (Adv.) MULTIFID, having many divisions. |
multifidous | having many divisions. |
multiform | a multiform object; something exhibiting many and various forms. |
multilobate | having many lobes. |
multilobular | having many lobules. |
multiserial | in many rows. |
multispiral | having many coils. |
multitier | having many tiers. |
mytiliform | mussel-shaped. |
napiform | resembling a turnip in shape, form, or appearance. |
needlelike | like a needle. |
nephroid | kidney-shaped. |
netlike | resembling a net. |
netty | like a net, or network. |
niblike | like a nib. |
nodality | the state of being nodal. |
nodated | knotted. |
nodation | the act of making a knot, or state of being knotted. |
nodose | having knots or nodules. |
nodosity | knottiness; a knotty swelling. |
nodous | having knots or nodules. |
nodular | composed of nodules. |
nodulation | the state of having nodules. |
nodule | a little rounded lump or swelling. |
noduled | having little knots or lumps. |
nodulose | having small nodes or knots. |
nodulous | having small nodes or knots. |
noncellular | not cellular. |
nooklike | like a nook. |
nooselike | like a noose. |
nubbiness | the state of being nubby. |
nubbly | having small protuberances. |
nubby | having small protuberances. |
nubiform | cloudlike. |
nuggety | in nuggets> NUGGETIER, NUGGETIEST. |
nummular | coin-shaped. |
nummulated | coin-shaped. |
oary | having the form of or using oars. |
obcompressed | flattened from front to back. |
obconic | conical, but having the apex downward; inversely conical. |
obeliscoid | shaped like an obelisk. |
obeliskoid | shaped like an obelisk. |
oblateness | the state of being oblate. |
oblong | long in one direction (noun) something that is oblong |
oblongly | (Adv.) OBLONG, long in one direction. |
obovoid | of a solid body, eg a fruit, egg-shaped, with the base as the narrower end. |
olivary | olive-shaped. |
omniform | having every form or shape. |
omniformity | the state of having every form. |
ooidal | egg-shaped. |
orbicular | spherical. |
orbicularly | (Adv.) ORBICULAR, spherical. |
orbiculate | having the shape of a solid the vertical section of which is oval, and the horizontal section circular. |
orbiculated | having the shape of a solid the vertical section of which is oval, and the horizontal section circular. |
orblike | like an orb. |
orby | orbed. |
ornithomorphic | shaped like bird. |
outbulge | to bulge outwards. |
outjet | a projection. |
outjetting | a projection. |
outjut | a projection. |
outjutting | a projection. |
oval | egg-shaped (noun) an oval (egg-shaped) figure or object |
ovality | the state of being oval. |
ovally | (Adv.) OVAL, egg-shaped. |
ovalness | the state of being oval. |
ovately | (Adv.) OVATE, egg-shaped. |
overarch | to form an arch above. |
oviform | egg-shaped. |
ovoid | egg-shaped; (noun) something egg-shaped. |
ovoidal | egg-shaped; (noun) something egg-shaped. |
pairwise | in pairs. |
paliform | shaped like a stake. |
palmlike | resembling a palm tree. |
parcelwise | by parcels, piecemeal. |
peaklike | like a peak. |
pectinal | having teeth like a comb; (noun) a fish with bones or a spine resembling a comb. |
pectinate | toothed like a comb. |
pectinated | toothed like a comb. |
pectinately | (Adv.) PECTINATE, toothed like a comb. |
pedate | footed, footlike. |
pedately | (Adv.) PEDATE, like a foot. |
pediform | shaped like a foot. |
peglike | like a peg. |
pellet | a little ball; (verb) to make into a pellet. |
pelletal | resembling a pellet. |
pelletise | to make into a pellet. |
pelletize | to make into a pellet. |
pelmatic | of or like a pelma, an impression showing the shape of the sole. |
pelviform | basin-shaped. |
penannular | in the form of an almost complete ring. |
penicilliform | paintbrush-shaped. |
pennaceous | featherlike. |
pentacyclic | having five whorls. |
pentalpha | a five-pointed star, resembling five alphas joined at their bases. |
pentangle | a five-pointed star, formerly used as a mystic or magical symbol. |
pentangular | having the shape of a pentangle. |
phacoid | lens-shaped, lentil-shaped. |
phacoidal | lens-shaped, lentil-shaped. |
phalloid | shaped like a phallus. |
phialiform | saucer-shaped. |
piecewise | piece by piece. |
piliform | shaped like a hair. |
pillowy | like a pillow in form or feel > PILLOWIER, PILLOWIEST. |
pilular | like a pilule, a small pill. |
pinacoid | a crystal face, or a crystallographic form consisting of a pair of faces, parallel to two axes. |
pinakoid | a crystal form consisting of two (or more) parallel planes or faces. |
pincerlike | like a pincer. |
pipelike | like a pipe. |
pipiness | the quality of being pipy. |
pipy | like a pipe; hollow-stemmed. |
piriform | shaped like a pear. |
pisciform | shaped like a fish. |
planform | the contour of an object as viewed from above. |
planklike | like a plank. |
planulate | flat. |
planuliform | having the form of a planula. |
plasm | a mold or matrix in which anything is cast or formed to a particular shape. |
platelike | like a plate. |
plexal | pertaining to a plexus, a network. |
plexiform | in the form of a network. |
plexure | an interweaving. |
plexus | (Lat.) a network. |
plicately | (Adv.) PLICATE, folded like a fan. |
plicateness | the state of being plicate. |
ploughwise | as in ploughing. |
pluffy | puffed up, puffy. |
poculiform | cup-shaped. |
pointy | pointed. |
polygonal | like a polygon. |
polygonally | (Adv.) POLYGONAL, like a polygon. |
polymorphic | occurring in several forms. |
polymorphically | (Adv.) POLYMORPHIC, of species where several (eg color) forms may be produced in a single brood. |
polymorphous | occurring in several forms. |
polymorphously | (Adv.) POLYMORPHOUS, having, assuming, or occurring in various forms, characters, or styles. |
pooch | a dog; (verb) to bulge. |
pouchlike | like a pouch. |
pouchy | sagging, pouched-looking. |
pouff | to give a puffed appearance to. |
pouffe | to give a puffed appearance to. |
premorse | ending abruptly as if bitten off. |
prill | to turn into pellet form eg by melting and letting the falling drops solidify. |
prismatoid | a body that approaches to the form of a prism. |
prismatoidal | having the form of a prismatoid. |
procoelous | cupped in front. |
proteiform | changeable in form. |
protuberate | to bulge out. |
pseudomorph | a false or abnormal physical form. |
pseudomorphic | of or like a pseudomorph. |
pucker | a fold or wrinkle (verb) to gather into small wrinkles or folds |
puffily | (Adv.) PUFFY, swollen, puffed up. |
puffy | swollen, puffed up. |
pulvinate | cushion-like; bulging; pillowy. |
pulvinated | cushion-like; bulging; pillowy. |
pyramidal | shaped like a pyramid. |
pyramidally | (Adv.) PYRAMIDAL, shaped like a pyramid. |
pyriform | shaped like a pear. |
quadrangle | a plane figure with four angles (and therefore four sides). |
quadrangular | like a quadrangle. |
quadrangularly | (Adv.) QUADRANGULAR, like a quadrangle. |
quadrate | square; (verb) to make square; to make to agree. |
quadricone | a quadric cone, or cone having a conic as base. |
racemation | a cluster or bunch of anything esp grapes. |
radiciform | like a root. |
raduliform | like a rasp or file. |
ramate | branched, as the stem or root of a plant. |
ramiform | branching; shaped like branches. |
randomwise | in a random fashion. |
rectangled | rectangular. |
recurvate | bent back. |
reedlike | resembling a reed. |
reniform | kidney-shaped eg of a mineral mass. |
repand | slightly wavy. |
repandly | (Adv.) REPAND, slightly wavy. |
reptiliform | having the form of a reptile. |
restiform | cordlike. |
retial | pertaining to a rete, a network. |
retiform | shaped like a net. |
retroverse | turned backwards. |
rhipidate | fan-shaped. |
ribbonlike | like a ribbon. |
riblike | like a rib. |
ridge | a long narrow ridge (verb) to form into ridges |
ridgelike | like a ridge. |
ridgy | having a ridge or ridges. |
ringlike | like a ring. |
ringwise | in the manner of a ring. |
rodlike | like a rod. |
rostrocarinate | beaked and keeled; (noun) a supposed flint implement with beak and keel. |
rotiform | wheel-shaped; as, rotiform appendages. |
rotundate | rounded off; orbicular. |
rotundity | the state of being rotund. |
round | shaped like a sphere or circle (noun) a round thing; a series of calls made by a tradesman etc.; (verb) to make round |
roundedness | the state of being rounded. |
roundish | somewhat round. |
roundly | (Adv.) ROUND, shaped like a sphere. |
roundness | the state of being round. |
sacciform | shaped like a sac. |
saccular | sac-like. |
sacculate | formed in a series of saclike enclosures. |
sacculated | formed in a series of saclike enclosures. |
sacculation | the state of being sacculated. |
sacklike | like a sack. |
saclike | like a sac. |
saddlebacked | saddle-shaped. |
sagittal | shaped like an arrowhead. |
sagittally | (Adv.) SAGITTAL, shaped like an arrowhead. |
sagittate | shaped like an arrowhead. |
saucerlike | like a saucer. |
sawlike | resembling a saw. |
scalariform | shaped like a ladder. |
scalariformly | (Adv.) SCALARIFORM, shaped like a ladder. |
scalelike | like a scale. |
scalpelliform | shaped like a scalpel. |
scalpriform | shaped like a chisel. |
scarry | having scars. |
scissorwise | in the fashion of scissors. |
scoleciform | tapeworm-shaped. |
scolopendriform | having the form of a centipede. |
scopate | brushlike. |
scraggly | irregular or ragged in growth or form. |
scrollwise | in the fashion of a scroll. |
scutate | buckler-shaped; round or nearly round. |
scutation | the state of being scutate, buckler-shaped. |
scutiform | shield-shaped. |
scyphate | cup-shaped. |
scyphiform | cup-shaped. |
seamlike | like a seam. |
securiform | shaped like an axe. |
semicircular | having the shape of semicircle. |
semicircularly | (Adv.) SEMICIRCULAR, having the shape of semicircle. |
semicylinder | a longitudinal half-cylinder. |
semielliptical | being in the form of a partial ellipse. |
semiglobe | a half globe, a hemisphere. |
semiglobular | being in the form of a half globe. |
semilunar | shaped like a half moon. |
semilunate | shaped like a half-moon. |
semioval | shaped like half of an oval. |
semiround | something half round. |
semiterete | half-cylindrical. |
septiform | shaped like a partition. |
septilateral | having seven sides. |
serpentiform | in the form of a serpent. |
serrate | to notch. |
serration | the state of being saw-edged. |
serratulate | minutely serrate. |
serrature | a notching, like that between the teeth of a saw. |
serriform | resembling a notched or sawlike edge. |
serrulate | finely serrate; having very minute teeth. |
serrulated | finely serrate; having very minute teeth. |
serrulation | the state of being serrulate, sawlike. |
sesamoid | shaped like a sesame seed; (noun) a small rounded bone formed in the substance of a tendon, eg in the flexor tendon of the big toe. |
setiform | shaped like a bristle. |
sexangular | hexagonal. |
sexangularly | (Adv.) SEXANGULAR, hexagonal. |
shapable | that may be shaped. |
shapeable | that can be shaped. |
shapeless | without shape. |
shapelessly | (Adv.) SHAPELESS, without shape. |
sheafy | resembling a sheaf. |
sheathlike | like a sheath. |
sheathy | forming or resembling a sheath or case. |
sheety | in sheets. |
shelflike | like a shelf. |
shoalwise | in shoals. |
sievelike | like a sieve. |
sigmate | s-shaped; (verb) to add a Greek s to. |
sigmoid | s-shaped; (noun) an S-shaped curve in a bodily part. |
sigmoidal | s-shaped. |
sigmoidally | (Adv.) SIGMOIDAL, S-shaped. |
sinisterwise | in left-handed fashion. |
sinuose | wavy; bending in a supple manner. |
sinuosity | the state of being sinuous. |
sinuous | wavy; bending in a supple manner. |
sinuously | (Adv.) SINUOUS, wavy. |
sinuousness | the state of being sinuous. |
skewness | the state of being skew. |
slab | a thin flat piece of stone, etc (verb) to form into slabs |
slablike | resembling a slab. |
sleevelike | like a sleeve. |
slitlike | like a slit. |
slitty | like a slit. |
slubby | lumpy, knobbly in texture. |
snaglike | like a snag. |
snakelike | like a snake. |
snubness | the quality of being snub. |
solid | having definite shape and volume (noun) a solid substance |
spadelike | like a spade. |
sparlike | like a spar. |
spathulate | spoon-shaped. |
spatular | shaped like a spatula, broad and blunt. |
spatulate | shaped like a spatula, broad and blunt. |
spearlike | like a spear. |
speary | having the form of a spear. |
sphaer | (Obs.) a sphere. |
sphaere | (Obs.) a sphere. |
sphear | (Arch.) a sphere. |
spheare | (Arch.) a sphere. |
sphenoid | wedge-shaped; (noun) a wedge-shaped bone. |
sphenoidal | wedge-shaped. |
spheral | relating to a sphere; perfectly round. |
sphere | a solid figure bounded by a surface of which all points are equidistant from a centre (verb) to place in a sphere, encompass |
spherelike | like a sphere. |
spheric | having the shape of a sphere. |
spherical | having the shape of a sphere. |
sphericality | the state of being spherical. |
spherically | (Adv.) SPHERICAL, having the shape of a sphere. |
sphericalness | the state of being spherical. |
sphericity | a descriptive term to describe how close a particle's shape is to a sphere. |
spheroid | a body resembling or approximating to a sphere in shape; esp one formed by the revolution of an ellipse about one of its axes. |
spheroidal | having the form of a spheroid. |
spheroidally | (Adv.) SPHEROIDAL, having the form of a spheroid. |
spheroidically | (Adv.) SPHEROIDAL, having the form of a spheroid. |
spheroidicity | the state of being spheroid. |
spherular | like a spherule or small sphere. |
spherule | a small sphere. |
sphery | spherelike; belonging to the celestial spheres. |
spicate | spiked; spikelike. |
spicated | spiked; spikelike. |
spicular | resembling a dart; having sharp points. |
spiculate | having a sharp point. |
spiculated | covered with spicules or needle-like. |
spiculation | the state of being spiculate, having a sharp point. |
spicule | a spike or splinter. |
spikelike | like a spike. |
spikily | (Adv.) SPIKY, having spikes. |
spikiness | the state of being spiky. |
spiky | having spikes. |
spinelike | like a spine. |
spinescence | the quality of being spiny. |
spinescent | tapering or developing into a spine. |
spiniform | like a thorn or spine. |
spininess | the state of being spiny. |
spiny | having spines. |
spirality | the state of being spiral. |
spirewise | in the form of a spire. |
spiroid | in spiral form. |
spiry | spire-like; having spires. |
spongiform | resembling a sponge; soft and porous. |
spoonways | like spoons packed closely together. |
spoonwise | like spoons packed closely together. |
squamiform | shaped like a scale. |
squareness | the state of being square. |
squarewise | in squares. |
squarish | somewhat square. |
squarishly | (Adv.) SQUARISH, somewhat square. |
squarishness | the state of being squarish. |
stairwise | in the fashion of stairs. |
stalactitiform | having the form of a stalactite. |
stalklike | like a stalk. |
staphyline | like a bunch of grapes. |
starlike | resembling a star. |
stellate | star-shaped; starry. |
stellated | star-shaped; starry. |
stellately | (Adv.) STELLATE. |
stelliform | shaped like a star. |
stellulate | minutely stellate. |
steplike | like a step. |
sticklike | like a stick. |
stilliform | having the shape of a drop or globule. |
stipitiform | in the form of a stipes. |
straticulate | composed of parallel strata. |
straticulation | the state of being straticulate. |
strigiform | shaped like an owl. |
stringily | (Adv.) STRINGY, fibrous. |
stringy | fibrous. |
strobiliform | having the form of a strobilE |
strombuliform | shaped like a spinning top; spirally twisted. |
subarcuation | the state of being subarcuate, somewhat arched. |
subcordate | somewhat cordate; somewhat like a heart in shape. |
subglobose | not quite globose. |
subglobular | having nearly the shape of a globe. |
sublunate | approaching the form of a crescent. |
suborbicular | almost orbicular, nearly circular. |
suboval | somewhat oval; nearly oval. No -S. |
subovate | nearly ovate. |
subtriangular | not quite triangular. |
subulate | awl-shaped. |
succise | (Lat.) appearing to have the lower part cut off. |
superficies | (Lat.) the outer surface or appearance of something or someone. |
swathy | in swathes. |
symmetric | having symmetry. |
symmetrical | having symmetry. |
symmetricalness | the state of being symmetrical. |
symmetry | an exact correspondence between the opposite halves of a figure. |
synclastic | curved in all directions towards a single point. |
syphonal | like a syphon. |
syphonic | like a syphon. |
tablewise | in the manner of a table. |
tabular | in the form of a table. |
tabularly | (Adv.) TABULAR, in the form of a table. |
taeniate | ribbonlike; shaped like a ribbon or tapeworm. |
taenioid | ribbonlike; shaped like a ribbon or tapeworm. |
taggy | of eg wool, matted into tags. |
taglike | like a tag. |
taillike | like a tail. |
tandemwise | in tandem. |
tanklike | resembling a tank. |
tapelike | like a tape. |
taperness | the state of being taper. |
taperwise | in tapering fashion. |
tauriform | having the form of a bull. |
tauromorphous | bull-shaped. |
tectiform | shaped like a roof. |
tela | (Lat.) a weblike structure. |
telescopiform | in the form of a telescope. |
tenioid | ribbonlike; shaped like a ribbon. |
tentlike | resembling a tent. |
tentwise | in the fashion of a tent. |
terete | smooth-surfaced, cylindrical, and tapering at the ends. |
tessellar | like a tessella, a small tessera, a token or ticket. |
testiculate | like a testicle, esp in shape. |
testiculated | like a testicle, esp in shape. |
tetracyclic | of, in or with four whorls or rings. |
tetramorphic | having four forms. |
theriomorphic | having the form of a beast. |
theriomorphous | having the form of a beast. |
thongy | resembling an item of clothing made from a strip of cloth. |
thornlike | like a thorn. |
threadlike | like thread. |
thready | threadlike. |
thumblike | like a thumb. |
thyrsoidal | having the form of a thyrsus. |
tilelike | like a tile. |
toelike | like a toe. |
tonguelike | like a tongue. |
toothlike | like a tooth. |
toroid | shaped like a doughnut or anchor-ring; (noun) anything shaped like a doughnut or anchor-ring. |
torose | swelling; bulging. |
torosity | the state of being torose, swelling. |
torous | swelling; bulging. |
torsive | twisted spirally. |
tortile | wreathed; twisted; coiled. |
tortive | (Shakesp.) turned awry. |
torulose | with small swellings at intervals. |
trachelate | having a neck. |
transeptate | divided by transverse septa. |
trapezohedral | having the shape of a trapezohedron. |
trapezohedron | a crystalline form whose faces are trapeziums. |
treelike | resembling a tree. |
triangular | having the form of a triangle. |
triangularity | the state of being triangular. |
triangularly | (Adv.) TRIANGULAR, having the form of a triangle. |
triangulately | (Adv.) TRIANGULATE, triangular. |
tricostate | three-ribbed; having three ribs from the base. |
tridental | having three prongs. |
triform | having a triple form. |
triformed | having a triple form. |
trifurcation | the state of being divided into three forks. |
trilateral | having three sides (noun) a figure with three sides |
trilaterally | (Adv.) TRILATERAL, having three sides. |
trilobed | having three lobes. |
trimorphic | having three forms. |
trimorphous | having three forms. |
trinacrian | three-pointed, with three extremities. |
trinacriform | three-pronged. |
tripart | in three parts. |
tripedal | having three feet. |
triquetra | a symmetrical triangular ornament formed of three interlaced arcs or lobes > TRIQUETRAE or TRIQUETRAS. |
triquetral | triangular; three-edged with concave faces. |
triscele | a figure consisting of three radiating curves or legs. |
triskele | a figure consisting of three radiating curves or legs. |
triskelion | a figure consisting of three radiating curves or legs. |
trisulcate | having three ridges or forks. |
trochal | resembling or revolving like a wheel. |
tubar | in the form of a tube. |
tubate | in the form of a tube. |
tube | a pipe; any long hollow body; (verb) to provide with or fit into a tube. |
tubelike | shaped like a tube. |
tuberiform | shaped like a lump or protuberance. |
tuberoid | shaped like a tuber; (noun) a thickened or fleshy root resembling a tuber. |
tuberous | having tubers; knobbed. |
tubiform | shaped like a tube. |
tubular | in the form of a tube (noun) a completely enclosed bicycle tire |
tubularity | the state of being tubular. |
tubularly | (Adv.) TUBULAR, in the form of a tube. |
tubulate | to form into a tube; to provide with a tube. |
tubulation | the act of shaping or making a tube. |
tubule | a small pipe or fistular body; a little tube. |
tubulose | resembling, or in the form of, a tube; longitudinally hollow. |
tubulous | resembling, or in the form of, a tube; longitudinally hollow. |
tubulously | (Adv.) TUBULOUS, resembling, or in the form of, a tube. |
tuft | a bunched cluster (verb) to form into tufts |
tufty | abounding with tufts. |
tumescent | tending to swell. |
tumescently | (Adv.) TUMESCENT, tending to swell. |
tunnellike | like a tunnel. |
turbinated | shaped like a top. |
turbination | being shaped like a turbinate, a scroll. |
turriculated | turreted; formed in a long spiral. |
tusklike | resembling a tusk. |
twiforked | bifurcate. |
twiformed | having two forms. |
twiglike | like a twig. |
umbiliform | shaped like an umbilicus. |
umbonal | of or like an umbo, the boss of a shield. |
umbonation | the state of being umbonate, having a central boss. |
umbraculate | overshadowed by an umbraculum. |
umbraculum | (Lat.) an umbrella or umbrella-like structure. |
unarched | not arched. |
uncate | hook-shaped. |
unciform | shaped like a hook; (noun) something hook-shaped. |
uncinate | hooked at the end. |
uncinated | hooked at the end. |
uncurved | not curved. |
undate | wavy. |
undulance | the state of being undulant. |
undulancy | the state of being undulant. |
undulant | rising and falling in waves. |
undular | undulating, wavy. |
undulose | undulating, wavy. |
undulous | undulating, wavy. |
unguiform | shaped like a claw. |
unilobar | having a single lobe. |
unilobed | having a single lobe. |
unlobed | not lobed. |
unshape | to deprive of shape; to undo. |
unshapen | (PaP.) UNSHAPE, to deprive of shape. |
urnlike | like an urn. |
variform | of various forms. |
variformly | (Adv.) VARIFORM, of various forms. |
vaselike | like a vase. |
vasiform | shaped like a duct or vase. |
vaultlike | like a vault. |
vaulty | (Shakesp.) like a vault. |
vee | the letter V. |
veillike | like a veil. |
veily | like a veil, diaphanous. |
ventricose | distended or swollen in the middle. |
ventricosity | the state of being ventricose, distended or swollen in the middle. |
ventricous | distended or swollen in the middle. |
vermiform | having the form of a worm eg vermiform appendix. |
verruciform | shaped like a wart; wartlike. |
versiform | varying in form. |
verticillate | whorled. |
verticillately | (Adv.) VERTICILLATE, resembling a whorl. |
verticillation | the state of being verticillate, whorled. |
virgulate | shaped like a little twig or rod. |
vitriform | of the form or shape of glass. |
volutoid | like a volute, a spiral. |
vulviform | shaped like a vulva, the external genital of a female animal. |
wafery | thin, wafer-like> WAFERIER, WAFERIEST. |
warp | to turn or twist out of shape. |
wavelike | resembling a wave. |
waviness | the state of being wavy. |
web | a fine structure spun by a spider (verb) to envelop with a web |
webby | of or pertaining to a web or webs. |
weblike | like a web. |
wedge | a tapering piece of wood or metal (verb) to force apart with a wedge |
wedgelike | like a wedge. |
wedgewise | in the manner of a wedge. |
wedgy | like a wedge; wedge-shaped. |
whelky | knobby; rounded. |
whiplike | resembling a whip. |
whorled | having whorls. |
winglike | resembling a wing. |
wirelike | like a wire. |
wispily | (Adv.) WISPY, like a wisp. |
wispiness | the state of being wispy. |
wispish | like a wisp. |
wisplike | like a wisp. |
wispy | like a wisp. |
womblike | like a womb. |
womby | (Shakesp.) hollow; capacious. |
wormlike | resembling a worm. |
wreath | a circlet or ring of flowers or foliage. |
wreathe | to shape into a wreath. |
wreathen | (Arch.) wreathed. |
wreathy | wreathed. |
xenomorphic | having a form not its own. |
xenomorphically | (Adv.) XENOMORPHIC, having a form not its own. |
ypsiliform | shaped like an ypsilon. |
ypsiloid | in the form of the letter Y. |
zygal | formed like the letter H; of or relating to a yoke or union. |
zygomorphic | bilaterally symmetrical. |
zygomorphism | the state of being zygomorphic, bilaterally symmetrical. |
zygomorphous | bilaterally symmetrical. |