Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.
aciculate | marked as if with needle scratches. |
aciculated | marked as if with needle scratches. |
annulated | marked with a ring or rings. |
annulose | ringed; composed of rings. |
areolar | divided into small areas. |
areolate | divided into small areas. |
areolated | divided into small areas. |
areolation | division into areolae. |
bausond | of animals, having white spots on the forehead. |
bawsunt | of animals, having white spots on the forehead. |
bedimple | to mark with dimples. |
bedotted | covered with dots. |
bespeckle | to mark with speckles or spots. |
bespot | to mark with spots. |
bespottedness | the state of being bespotted. |
bestar | (Arch.) to cover with stars. |
bestreak | to streak. |
biannulate | having two bands, esp of colour. |
bicoloured | having two colours. |
biocellate | of animals and plants, marked with two eyelike spots or ocelli. |
biserial | in two rows or columns. |
blebby | containing blebs, as, blebby glass. |
blotch | a large spot (verb) to mark with large spots |
blotchily | (Adv.) BLOTCHY, covered with blotches. |
blotchiness | the state of being blotchy. |
blotchy | covered with blotches. |
brinded | marked with streaks or spots. |
brindled | marked with streaks or spots. |
brushmark | an indented line left by a brush. |
chalkmark | a mark made with chalk (in phrase walk the chalkmark). |
checker | to divide into or mark with squares, esp of alternate colours. |
chequer | to divide into or mark with squares, esp of alternate colours. |
chequerwise | in chequered fashion. |
chequerwork | any pattern having alternating squares of different colours. |
chevron | (Fr.) a pattern consisting of a line of horizontal black and white V-shapes on a board. |
chevroned | marked with chevrons. |
chinky | full of chinks or fissures (noun) a meal of Chinese food |
cloverleaf | the pattern made by a leaf of clover. |
countermark | an additional mark put on a bale of goods belonging to several merchants, so that it may not be opened except in the presence of all the owners. |
creasy | full of creases. |
crimpy | wrinkled, curled. |
crisscross | to mark with intersecting lines. |
crossbanded | of a handrail, having the grain of the veneer run across that of the rail. |
crosshatch | to shade with intersecting sets of parallel lines. |
curliewurlie | (Scots) twisted, curled; (noun) a twisted or curled pattern. |
dactylogram | a fingerprint. |
dapple | to mark with spots. |
decussate | arranged in crossing pairs (verb) to divide in the form of an X; to cross or intersect |
decussately | (Adv.) DECUSSATE, arranged in crossing pairs. |
dermatoglyphic | a ridge pattern of skin on the inner surface of the hands and feet. |
dimple | an indentation (verb) to mark with indentations |
dimply | full of dimples, or small depressions. |
dot | a very small spot (verb) to make such a spot |
dotter | one who dots. |
fairnitickle | (Scots) a freckle. |
fairniticle | (Scots) a freckle. |
fairnytickle | (Scots) a freckle. |
fairnyticle | (Scots) a freckle. |
fasciola | (Lat.) a band of colour. |
fasciole | (Lat.) a band of colour. |
fenestrate | having windows or the appearance of windows. |
fenestrated | having windows or the appearance of windows. |
fernitickle | (Scots) a freckle. |
ferniticle | (Scots) a freckle. |
ferntickle | (Scots) a freckle. |
ferntickled | (Scots) freckled. |
fernticle | (Scots) a freckle. |
fernticled | (Scots) freckled. |
fernytickle | (Scots) a freckle. |
fernyticle | (Scots) a freckle. |
fiddleback | a wavy grain found in some woods commonly used for the manufacture of violins. |
fingermark | a mark made by the fingers. |
fingerprint | an impression of the ridges of the fingertip; (verb) to take fingerprints. |
fissural | like a fissure. |
flammulation | flamelike marking. |
fleck | a tiny streak or spot (verb) to mark with flecks |
flecker | to fleck, streak, speckle. |
flecky | having flecks. |
footprint | the mark left on the ground or floor by a person's or animal's foot. |
freak | an abnormal production of nature; (verb) to streak with color |
furrowy | furrowed > FURROWIER, FURROWIEST. |
graticulation | division of design into squares when scaling. |
guimp | a yarn with a hard core; (verb) to make or furnish with this. |
gymp | a yarn with a hard core; (verb) to make or furnish with this. |
hackly | rough or broken, as if hacked, esp of the surface of a mineral. |
handprint | the mark of a hand. |
hexafoil | a pattern with six leaflike lobes or sections. |
hexameral | arranged in six groups. |
holey | full of holes. |
hoofprint | the mark of a hoof. |
imbricate | overlapping (verb) to lay overlapping one another |
impression | a stamp, form, or figure resulting from physical contact. |
intervein | to intersect (as) with veins. |
lentiginose | freckled, minutely dotted. |
lentiginous | freckled, minutely dotted. |
limbate | of eg a leaf, having a border, esp one of different color from the rest. |
line | something which has length without breadth or thickness (verb) to mark with lines |
lineate | marked with lines. |
lineated | marked with lines. |
lineation | the act of marking with lines. |
lineolate | marked with fine lines. |
lineolated | marked with fine lines. |
linky | full of interlocking rings. |
liny | like a line. |
lunulate | crescent-shaped; having crescent-shaped markings. |
lunulated | crescent-shaped; having crescent-shaped markings. |
lunule | a crescent-shaped mark or organ. |
macled | of a crystal or mineral, spotted. |
macula | (Lat.) a spot, as on the skin, or on the surface of the sun. |
macular | spotted; patchy. |
maculation | being covered in spots. |
macule | to mark with spots. |
maculose | spotted. |
marbelise | to stain or grain in imitation of marble. |
marbelize | to stain or grain in imitation of marble. |
marbleise | to stain or grain in imitation of marble. |
marbleize | to stain or grain in imitation of marble. |
mark | a visible indication or sign; (verb) to make a mark on. |
mirly | marbled. |
mosaiclike | like a mosaic. |
motley | diversified in colour, multicoloured (noun) a variegated outfit, such as is worn by a jester |
mottle | to variegate blotchily. |
mottler | one who mottles. |
multigrid | comprising many grids. |
multilineal | having many lines. |
multilinear | having many lines. |
network | any structure in the form of a net; (verb) to cover with or as if with crossing lines. |
nonstriated | not striated. |
ocellate | eyelike and ringed; having an eyelike spot or spots. |
ocellated | eyelike and ringed; having an eyelike spot or spots. |
ocellation | the state of being ocellated. |
overcheck | a large prominent check pattern overlaid with a smaller. |
palmprint | the mark of a palm. |
parded | spotted, like a leopard. |
patchily | (Adv.) PATCHY, covered in or occurring in patches. |
patchy | covered with or occurring in patches. |
pearlised | treated so as to give a pearly or lustry surface. |
pearlized | treated so as to give a pearly or lustry surface. |
piebald | of different colors esp spotted or blotched with black and white; (noun) a piebald horse. |
piedness | the state of being pied. |
pinstriped | having a pinstripe, a very narrow stripe in cloth. |
pioted | (Scots) pied. |
pirnit | (Scots) unevenly wrought, striped. |
pockily | (Adv.) POCKY, full of pocks. |
pocky | full of pocks, affected with smallpox or other eruptive disease. |
poikilitic | mottled; having small crystals of one mineral irregularly scattered in larger crystals of another. |
pointille | ornamented with a pattern of dots made by a pointed tool; (noun) a fine point or subtle distinction. |
porose | full of pores. |
porous | full of pores. |
porously | (Adv.) POROUS, full of pores. |
pugmark | the track of a big cat eg a tiger. |
punctate | marked with points or dots. |
punctated | dotted, pitted. |
punctulate | bearing small spots or dots; (verb) to mark with small dots. |
punctulated | bearing small spots or dots. |
punctulation | the state of having small spots. |
punctule | a minute dot. |
puncturation | being marked with punctures. |
pupillate | having a central spot of another colour; (verb) to cry in the manner of a peacock. |
pyebald | of different colors esp spotted or blotched with black and white; (noun) a piebald animal. |
quincunx | (Lat.) the pattern of five objects arranged such that four of the five objects form a square, while the fifth is positioned in the middle. |
rangoli | (Hindi) a traditional Hindu form of decoration on floors and doorsteps, forming patterns of coloured sand and rice flour. |
reticular | netted, netlike. |
reticularly | (Adv.) RETICULAR, netted, netlike. |
rimose | full of chinks; covered with cracks. |
rimosely | (Adv.) RIMOSE, full of chinks, |
rimous | full of chinks; covered with cracks. |
ringstraked | of an animal, insect, etc, having bands of colour round the body. |
ripply | having ripples; as, ripply water. |
rivulose | marked with winding and haphazard lines. |
ruffly | ruffled, not smooth. |
rugal | wrinkled. |
rugate | wrinkled; covered with sunken lines. |
rugose | wrinkled; covered with sunken lines. |
rugosely | (Adv.) RUGOSE, having wrinkles. |
rugosity | the state of being rugose, having wrinkles. |
rugous | wrinkled; covered with sunken lines. |
rugulose | somewhat rugose, having wrinkles. |
rut | a furrow made by a wheel (verb) to make a furrow with a wheel |
scalation | the way that scales are arranged. |
scrobiculate | marked with many shallow depressions, grooves, or pits. |
scrobiculated | marked with many shallow depressions, grooves, or pits. |
sematic | of markings, coloration, etc, serving as a signal or warning. |
sigillation | marking with a seal. |
skewbald | bearing patches of white and some other colour, but not black; (noun) a skewbald horse. |
skidmark | the mark left by a skid. |
soleprint | the print of the sole of the foot. |
speck | a small spot (verb) to spot |
speckle | a little spot; (verb) to speck. |
specky | having specks (noun) someone who wears spectacles |
splodgily | (Adv.) SPLODGY, covered with splodges |
splodginess | the state of being splodgy. |
splodgy | covered with splodges. |
splotchily | (Adv.) SPLOTCHY, covered with splotches. |
splotchiness | the state of being splotchy. |
splotchy | covered with splotches. |
spokewise | arranged in the fashion of spokes. |
spot | small, roundish discolorations (verb) to mark with spots |
spottedness | the state of being spotted. |
spottily | (Adv.) SPOTTY, covered with spots. |
spottiness | the state of being spotty. |
spotty | covered with spots. |
spreckled | (Dial.) speckled. |
squiggle | a wriggly line (verb) to writhe about; squirm, wriggle |
squiggly | like squiggles. |
stain | a dye or colouring matter; discoloration; (verb) to discolor or dirty. |
starrily | (Adv.) STARRY, covered with stars. |
starriness | the state of being starry. |
starry | covered with stars. |
stellular | starlike; having starlike spots. |
stellularly | (Adv.) STELLULAR, having starlike spots. |
stepwise | in the fashion of steps. |
stipple | to engrave, paint, draw, etc in dots or separate touches. |
stippler | one who stipples. |
streak | a long narrow mark (verb) to cover with streaks |
streakily | (Adv.) STREAKY, having streaks. |
streakiness | the state of being streaky. |
streaky | having streaks. |
stretchmarks | marks left by pregnancy. |
stria | (Lat.) a fine streak; a furrow. |
striate | to mark with striae, streaks. |
striation | marking with striae, streaks. |
striature | a stria, a streak. |
stripe | a long distinct band (verb) to mark with stripes |
stripey | patterned with stripes. |
stripiness | the state of being stripy. |
stripy | patterned with stripes. |
sulcal | of a sulcus; grooved; furrowed. |
sulcate | with grooves or furrows. |
sulcated | with grooves or furrows. |
sulcation | a channel or furrow. |
tattersall | a pattern of squares formed by dark lines on a light background; a cloth with this pattern. |
tearstain | the mark left by tears. |
tearstained | marked with tears. |
tegular | of, like or overlapping like tiles or slates. |
tegularly | (Adv.) TEGULAR, of, like or overlapping like tiles or slates. |
tegulated | composed of plates overlapping like tiles. |
tessellation | fitting together exactly; leaving no spaces. |
thumbprint | an impression made by the thumb. |
torquate | with a distinctive ring (eg of feathers or a different colour) round the neck. |
torquated | with a distinctive ring (eg of feathers or a different colour) round the neck. |
trilineate | marked with three lines. |
triserial | arranged in three rows or series. |
undotted | not dotted. |
unstriated | nonstriated; unstriped. |
unstriped | not striped. |
vallecula | (Lat.) a groove or furrow. |
vallecular | pertaining to or like a vallecula, a groove. |
valleculate | shaped like a vallecula. |
variegate | to pattern with multi-colour patches. |
variegation | the act of variegating. |
veiny | full of veins. |
venation | the arrangement and pattern of veins in a leaf. |
venational | of or like venation. |
venose | with very marked veins. |
vermiculate | to decorate in a manner reminiscent of a mass of curly worms. |
vermiculation | wormlike markings. |
verticil | (Lat.) a whorl. |
vittate | marked or striped with vittae, bands or stripes of colour. |
wale | a ridge raised on the flesh by the stroke of a whip; (verb) to mark with wales. |
weal | a ridge on the skin formed by a blow. |
webwork | an intricate pattern suggestive of something woven. |
whelked | ridged like a whelk. |
wingbow | a mark on the wing of a domestic fowl. |
wrinkly | wrinkled (noun) an old person |
zonary | of or like a zone; arranged in zones. |
zonate | divided into zones. |
zonated | divided into zones. |
zonular | like a zone or zonule. |