Association of British Scrabble Players

Being Doing Feeling > Qualities > Directions

Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.

abapical away from the apex.
abaxial facing away from the axis, as the surface of a leaf.
abaxile facing away from the axis, as the surface of a leaf.
aboveground located above the surface of the ground.
adjacence the state of being adjacent or contiguous.
adjacency the state of being adjacent or contiguous.
adjacent next to (noun) the side lying between the specified angle and a right angle in a right-angled triangle
adjacently (Adv.) ADJACENT, next to.
aft behind; near the stern of a vessel, etc.
after behind in place or order.
aftermost hindmost, as opposed to foremost.
airt (Scots) direction, quarter; (verb) to direct.
airward toward the air; upward.
airwards toward the air; upward.
alineation alignment.
allineation alignment.
alongshore along the shore or coast.
altarwise in the proper position of an altar, that is, at the east of a church with its ends towards the north and south.
ambilateral relating to or involving both sides.
anglewise in an angular manner; angularly.
antarctic of, near, or relating to the south pole.
anterior situated in or toward the front.
anteriorly (Adv.) ANTERIOR, situated in or toward the front.
anticlockwise in the opposite direction to clockwise.
antipode the point on the earth's surface exactly opposite of a given point.
antipodean relating to the antipodes; (noun) an inhabitant of the antipodes.
antrorse turned upward and forward.
antrorsely (Adv.) ANTRORSE, turned upward and forward.
anyplace anywhere.
anywhere in or to any place.
anywheres (US) in any place.
anywhither to or towards any place.
apex (Lat.) a summit or peak.
apical of or at the apex (noun) a sound articulated with the tip of the tongue
apically (Adv.) APICAL, at the apex.
appropinquity nearness.
arriere (Fr.) in the rear, backward.
axal of the axis.
axial of the axis.
axiality the state of being axial.
axially (Adv.) AXIAL, of the axis.
backmost hindmost.
backward in a reverse direction.
backwardly (Adv.) BACKWARD, in a reverse direction.
backwards in a reverse direction.
beachside situated at the side of a beach.
bedward towards bed.
bedwards towards bed.
behind in the rear; (prep) to the rear of; (noun) the buttocks.
behindhand being in arrears.
below at a position lower than; (noun) the lower part of something.
belowdecks inside or into the superstructure of a boat.
belowground underground.
belowstairs in or belonging to the servants' quarters.
beneath under.
beside next to.
between in the space that separates; (noun) an intermediate size of needle.
betweenness the state of being between.
betwixt (Arch.) between.
beyond on the farther side of; (noun) the unknown, the hereafter.
bidirectional involving two usually opposite directions.
bidirectionally (Adv.) BIDIRECTIONAL, involving two usually opposite directions.
bivious (Obs.) offering a choice; splitting between two directions.
borderline an intermediate position or state.
boreal related to northern regions.
bottommost situated at the very bottom.
breadthways in terms of breadth, broadside on.
breadthwise in terms of breadth, broadside on.
broadwise breadthwise.
cantic slanted.
catercorner in a diagonal or oblique position, on a diagonal or oblique line.
catercornered in a diagonal or oblique position, on a diagonal or oblique line.
center (US) centre; (verb) to centre.
centrality the state of being central.
centrally (Adv.) CENTRAL, in the centre.
centre the middle point of anything; (verb) to make central.
centric placed in the center or middle; central.
centrical placed in the center or middle; central.
centrically (Adv.) CENTRIC, placed in the centre.
centricalness the state of being centrical.
centricity the state or quality of being centric.
chordwise in the direction of an aerofoil chord.
churchward in the direction of the church.
churchwards in the direction of the church.
circumambient going round about; encompassing.
circumambiently (Adv.) CIRCUMAMBIENT, going round about.
circumjacency the state of being circumjacent, lying around.
circumjacent bordering on every side.
cisalpine on the hither side of the Alps with reference to Rome, that is, on the south side of the Alps.
cislunar on this side of the moon, i.e. between moon and earth.
cismontane on this or the near side of the mountains.
cispadane on the hither side of the river Po with reference to Rome; that is, on the south side.
cispontine on this side of the bridges, i.e. in London, north of the Thames.
cityward towards the city.
citywide including all parts of a city.
clockwise moving in the direction of a clock's hands.
close near at hand; shut tight (adv.) near; (verb) to block against entry or passage
closely (Adv.) CLOSE, near.
coadjacency the state of being coadjacent.
coadjacent contiguous; (noun) something that is adjacent to another thing in experience or thought.
coastward in the direction of the coast.
coastwards in the direction of the coast.
coastwise along the coast.
concyclic lying or situated on the circumference of the same circle.
concyclically (Adv.) CONCYCLIC, lying or situated on the circumference of the same circle.
conterminal adjacent, end to end.
conterminally (Adv.) CONTERMINAL, adjacent, end to end.
contraclockwise anticlockwise.
contrariwise on the contrary.
cornerways with the corner in front.
cornerwise with the corner in front.
crosscourt to or toward the opposite side of a court (as in tennis or basketball).
crosswise in the fashion of a cross.
cumbent lying down; reclining.
deasil (Scots) a sunwise motion.
deasiul (Scots) a sunwise motion.
deasoil (Scots) a sunwise motion.
deathward toward death.
deathwards toward death.
decubital in a lying down position.
decumbency the act or posture of lying down.
decumbent lying down; reclining on the ground.
decumbently (Adv.) DECUMBENT, lying down; reclining on the ground.
deepmost deepest.
deiseal (Scots) a sunwise motion.
deisheal (Scots) a sunwise motion.
dextral right, as opposed to sinistral, or left (noun) a right-handed person
dextrally (Adv.) DEXTRAL, right, as opposed to sinistral, or left.
dextrorsely (Adv.) DEXTRORSE, rising spirally and turning to the left.
diagonal slanting (noun) an oblique line
diagonally (Adv.) DIAGONAL, slanting.
direction aim at a certain point.
directionless without direction.
distant far off or apart.
distantly (Adv.) DISTANT, far off or apart.
doon (Scots) down.
doun (Scots) down.
downfield in or into the part of the field towards which the opposing team is headed.
downhill descending,sloping; (adv.) in a downward direction; (noun) a downward slope.
downmost most down; in the lowest position.
downrange in a direction down the range.
downright straight down; perpendicularly; (adj.) plainspoken, blunt.
downrightly (Adv.) DOWNRIGHT, straight down.
downriver down the river.
downslope downhill; (noun) a downward slope.
downstair situated in the lower storey of a house.
downstairs in or towards a lower storey; (noun) a lower storey.
downstate the region of a State remote from large cities, a rural area.
downstream in the direction of or nearer to the mouth of a stream.
downtown the downtown part of a town or city.
downward from a higher place to a lower.
downwardly (Adv.) DOWNWARD, from a higher place to a lower.
downwardness the state of being downward.
downwards from a higher place to a lower.
downwind in the direction that the wind blows.
eachwhere (Obs.) everywhere.
earthward in the direction of the earth.
earthwards in the direction of the earth.
eassel (Scots) eastwards, easterly.
easselgate (Scots) eastwards.
easselward (Scots) eastwards.
eassil (Scots) eastwards, easterly.
east one of the four cardinal points of the compass; (adj.) situated towards the east; (adv.) towards the east; (verb, archaic) to move or turn east.
eastabout towards the east.
eastbound bound for the east; travelling east.
eastermost (Obs.) most easterly.
eastern being to, toward, or in the east.
easternmost at the furthest point east.
eastland relating to the eastern part of a country; (noun) the land in the east.
eastlin (Scots) eastward.
eastling eastward.
eastlings (Scots) eastward.
eastlins (Scots) eastward.
eastmost at the furthest point east.
eastward towards the east.
eastwardly (Adv.) EASTWARD, towards the east.
eastwards towards the east.
edgeways with edge foremost or uppermost.
edgewise with edge foremost or uppermost.
elsewhere in another place.
elsewhither to another place.
emong (Obs.) among.
emonges (Obs.) amongst.
emongest (Obs.) amongst.
emongst (Obs.) amongst.
endlang (Scots) endlong, lengthwise.
endlong lengthwise.
endmost farthest; remotest; at the very end.
endways on end, lengthwise.
endwise on end; lengthwise.
eothen (Arch.) from the east.
equatorial of, relating to, or located at the equator (noun) an equatorial telescope
equatorially (Adv.) EQUATORIAL, relating to the equator.
equatorward in the direction of the equator.
everwhere to or in all parts and places.
everywhence from all directions.
everywhither in all directions.
ewest (Scots) near, close at hand.
excentric eccentric, lying outside the centre; (noun) something excentric.
exterior outside (noun) a part or surface that is outside
exteriorly (Adv.) EXTERIOR, outside.
external on the outside (noun) an exterior
externally (Adv.) EXTERNAL, on the outside.
extrorsal facing outward, away from the axis.
extrorse facing outward, away from the axis.
eyelevel level with a person's eyes.
facedown with the front part down; (noun) the act of confronting someone and forcing them to back down.
faceup with the front part up.
far distant (adv.) a long way; (verb) to remove to a distance
faraway distant, abstracted; (noun) the distance.
farmost most distant.
farness the state of being far off.
farside the farther side.
farther more distant; (adv.) to a greater distance.
farthermost most distant.
faur (Scots) far.
feetfirst with feet leading the way.
ferninst right opposite to in location.
fieldward in the direction of a field.
fieldwards in the direction of a field.
flatling (Spenser) with a flat side or edge.
flatlong (Spenser) with a flat side or edge.
flatways with or on the flat side.
flatwise with or on the flat side.
forby (Scots) besides.
forbye (Scots) besides.
foreanent (Scots) right opposite to in location.
foreby (Spenser) besides.
forebye (Scots) besides.
forefront the front or foremost part.
forelie (Spenser) to lie in front of.
foremost first in position.
fornenst (Scots) right opposite to in location.
fornent (Scots) right opposite to in location.
forrad (Scots) forward (noun) a forward
forrit (Scots) forward.
forth (Arch.) onward in time, place, or order.
forward towards the front; (adj.) presumptuous (verb) to send on
frontally (Adv.) FRONTAL, at the front.
frontward towards the front.
frontwards towards the front.
frontways towards the front.
frontwise towards the front.
frowards in a direction away from.
furder (Milton) further.
furth (Scots) forth, outside of.
further more distant; (adv.) to a greater distance; (verb) to help forward.
furthermost most distant.
gainst (Arch.) against.
goalward toward a goal.
godward toward God.
godwards toward God.
graveward in the direction of the grave.
halfway being in the middle.
hamewith (Scots) homewards.
harborside (US) located next to a harbor.
headfirst with the head in front.
headforemost headfirst.
headmost foremost.
headward backwards beyond the original source.
headwards backwards beyond the original source.
heavenward towards heaven.
heavenwards towards heaven.
hellward in the direction of hell.
hellwards in the direction of hell.
here in this place.
hereabout in the local area.
hereabouts in the local area.
hereat (Arch.) at this point.
hereaway hereabout.
hereaways hereabout.
herein in this.
hereinbefore in the preceding part of this writing or document.
hereinto into this place.
hereon on or upon this.
hereto up to this point.
hereunder under this; below.
hereunto hereto.
hether (Spenser) hither.
hetherward (Spenser) hitherward.
highermost highest.
highmost highest.
hindermost hindmost.
hindforemost with the back part in the front place.
hindmost farthest to the rear.
hindward towards the rear.
hinterland the inland area behind coast or coastal town.
hithermost nearest on this side.
hitherside the nearest side.
hithersides on this side of.
hitherward (Arch.) toward this place; hither.
hitherwards (Arch.) toward this place; hither.
hiveward in the direction of a hive.
hivewards in the direction of the hive.
homeward in the direction of home.
homewards in the direction of home.
horizontalness the state of being horizontal.
imprimis (Lat.) in the first place: originally used to introduce the first of a number of articles in a list, such as a will, an inventory, etc.
inby (Scots) towards the interior, by the house.
inbye (Scots) towards the interior, by the house.
indoor pertaining to the interior of a building.
indoors in or into a house.
infraposed placed below something else.
inground sunk into ground; (verb) to fix (something) in something as in the ground.
inland the interior of a region.
inly inwardly; thoroughly.
inlying lying within.
inmost farthest within.
innerly more within.
innermost farthest in; (noun) an innermost thing.
inshore belonging to the region near the shore.
inside within; (noun) something that lies within.
interbasin between two (river) basins.
intercolline lying between hills.
interfacial between plane faces; of an interface.
interfacially (Adv.) INTERFACIAL, between plane faces.
interior internal (noun) the inside
interiorly (Adv.) INTERIOR, on the inside.
interjacency the state of being situated between.
interlocal between localities.
intermont situated between mountains.
intermontane situated between mountains.
intermountain situated between mountains.
internal inner (noun) an inner attribute
internality the state of being internal.
internally (Adv.) INTERNAL, directions and positions.
interne the interior.
internodal between nodes.
internodial (Obs.) between nodes.
interocean between oceans.
interpoint the technique of printing Braille on both sides of the paper, spacing the dots in such a way that none counteracts each other.
interpolar between poles.
interrow between rows.
interspatial of or like an interspace.
interspatially (Adv.) INTERSPATIAL, of or like an interspace.
interstitial occurring in an interstice (noun) an extra atom in a crystal lattice, causing a defect
interzonal between zones.
interzone a zone between zones.
intil (Scots) into, in.
into to the inside of.
intra (Lat.) within.
intramural being within the walls, as of a city.
intramurally (Adv.) INTRAMURAL, being within the walls, as of a city.
intrazonal within zones.
introrse turned or facing inward.
introrsely (Adv.) INTRORSE, turned or facing inward.
inward placed within (adv.) moving towards the inside.
inwardly on the inside.
inwards towards the inside.
inwith (Scots) within.
jacent (Obs.) lying flat; sluggish.
juxtapositional in a state of juxtaposition.
kirkward (Scots) in the direction of the church.
laeotropic turning to the left.
laevo turning towards the left.
lakeview overlooking a lake.
lakeward facing a lake.
lakewards facing a lake.
landward in the direction of land.
landwards in the direction of land.
laterally (Adv.) LATERAL, sideways.
lattermost last.
leeward on the lee side; (adv.) towards the lee side (noun) the leeward side or quarter
leewardly (Adv.) LEEWARD, towards the lee side.
leewards towards the lee side.
left opposite to right.
leftmost the extreme left.
leftward on the left (adv.) towards the left; (noun) the left side
leftwardly towards the left.
leftwards towards the left.
lengthways in the direction of the length.
lengthwise in the direction of the length.
levo turning towards the left.
levogyre turning towards the left; (noun) an anticlockwise spiral.
limitrophe near the frontier or border.
longways along the length.
longwise along the length.
lower to appear dark and threatening LOWERY.
lowermost lowest.
manward towards man.
manwards towards man.
mesal in or towards the median plane.
mesally (Adv.) MESAL, on the middle line.
mesiad situated at the centre.
mid middle; (noun) the middle.
midair in the middle of the air, aloft; (noun) the middle part of the air.
midcourse in mid course.
middest (Spenser) situated most nearly in the middle.
middlemost being in the middle, or nearest the middle.
midland the central or inland part of a country.
midline a line down the middle of something.
midmost a part exactly in the middle.
midpoint a point at the middle.
midrange the middle of a range.
midsection the middle section of something.
midspace the middle of a space.
midst amid; (noun) the middle.
midstory the middle part of a story.
midstream the middle part of a stream.
midtown the middle part of a town.
midway the central avenue in a fair or exhibition.
midwestern belonging to the American Midwest.
mongst (Obs.) amongst.
moonward in the direction of the moon.
moonwards in the direction of the moon.
multivious leading in many directions; offering many different paths.
narre (Spenser) nearer.
nayward (Shakesp.) the negative side.
near close at hand (verb) to approach
nearby near.
nearish somewhat near.
nearness the state of being near.
nearside the nearer side of something.
neath (Dial.) beneath.
neist (Scots) next, nearest.
nether lower.
nethermore lower; (noun) the weaker or inferior party.
nethermost lowest.
netherward in a downward direction.
netherwards in a downward direction.
next nearest (noun) the next thing or person
nextdoor situated adjacently.
nextly (Adv.) NEXT, nearest.
nextness the quality of being next.
nigh near (verb) to draw near to
nighly (Adv.) NIGH, near.
nighness (Obs.) nearness.
noncentral not central.
noplace nowhere.
norland the northern land.
north a direction; (verb, arch.) to move towards the north.
northbound heading north.
northeast the direction between north and east.
northeasterly from the northeast; (noun) a wind from the northeast.
northeastern of, relating to, or characteristic of a region conventionally designated northeast.
northeastward in a northeasterly direction.
northeastwardly (Adv.) NORTHEASTWARD, in a northeasterly direction.
northeastwards in a northeasterly direction.
northerliness the state of being northerly.
northermost most northerly.
northernmost most northerly.
northland the northern part of a country.
northmost most northerly.
northward towards the north.
northwardly in a northward direction.
northwards towards the north.
northwest between west and north; (noun) the region between north and west.
northwesterly from the northwest; (noun) a wind from the northwest.
northwestern of, relating to, or characteristic of a region conventionally designated northwest.
northwestward in a northwesterly direction.
northwestwardly (Adv.) NORTHWESTWARD, in a northwesterly direction.
northwestwards in a northwesterly direction.
norward in a northerly direction.
norwards in a northerly direction.
nowhere a nonexistent place.
nowhither (Arch.) in no direction.
obiter (Lat.) in passing; incidentally; by the way.
oblique slanting (verb, obs.) to deviate from a direct line
obliquely (Adv.) OBLIQUE, slanting.
obliquid (Spenser) oblique.
obliquitous relating to obliquity.
obliquity the state of being oblique.
occident the part of the world to the west of some recognized part.
occidentally (Adv.) OCCIDENTAL, western.
occy as in all over the occy, in every direction.
oceanfront a strip of land bordering on the ocean.
offa off, off from.
omnidirectional in all directions.
onshore toward the shore.
onto to a position upon.
onward going on.
onwardly going on.
onwards going on.
oot (Scots) out; (noun) an out.
orient eastern; (noun) the part where the sun rises; (verb) to determine the position of, relatively to fixed or known directions.
outby (Scots) out of doors; a little way off.
outbye (Scots) out of doors; a little way off.
outdoor pertaining to the open air.
outdoors in the open air.
outedge the farthermost bound.
outermost farthest from the middle or interior.
outlier a detached portion of anything lying some way off or out, eg a rock.
outmost farthest from the middle or interior.
outness the state of being out.
outpart (Obs.) an outlying part.
outremer (Fr.) the region beyond the sea.
outside the outer side, surface, or part.
outskirt an outlying area.
outward toward the outside.
outwardly (Adv.) OUTWARD, toward the outside.
outwardness the state of being outward.
outwards towards the outside.
outwith (Scots) outside of.
overhead the general cost of running a business.
overnear too near.
overplaced placed above.
oversea across the sea.
overseas in foreign lands; (adv.) to foreign lands.
overthwart athwart; (verb, obs.) to lie athwart.
owerby (Scots) a little way over.
paravant (Spenser) before, in front; (noun) a preeminent person or thing.
paravaunt (Spenser) before, in front.
parkward towards a park.
parkwards towards a park.
pericentral surrounding a centre or central body.
pericentric surrounding a centre or central body.
poleward towards the pole.
ponent (Milton) western, of the setting sun; (noun) the west.
portside situated on the port side.
posterior coming after (noun) the buttocks
posteriorly (Adv.) POSTERIOR, coming after.
posterolateral posterior and lateral in position or direction.
prebasal situated in front of a base.
procumbent lying face down, prone.
prone lying face down (noun, obs.) a place in a church where intimations are given out
pronely (Adv.) PRONE, lying face down.
propendent (Obs.) inclining forward or toward.
propinquity nearness in space, time or relationship.
prostrate prone; lying or bent with one's face on the ground; (verb) to throw forward on the ground.
proximate nearest or next.
proximately (Adv.) PROXIMATE, nearest or next.
proximation immediate nearness in time, place, relationship, etc.
proximity immediate nearness in time, place, relationship, etc.
quadrivial leading in four directions; concerning a four-way junction.
quaquaversal sloping downward from the center in all directions.
quaquaversally (Adv.) QUAQUAVERSAL, sloping downward from the center in all directions.
rearmost coming or situated last.
rearward towards the rear.
rearwards towards the rear.
recumbence the state of being recumbent.
recumbent reclining; lying comfortably.
recumbently (Adv.) RECUMBENT, reclining; lying comfortably.
remote far off (noun) a remote control
reorient to restore orientation.
resupinate turned through 180 degrees; reversed.
resupine lying on the back; inclined backwards.
retral at or toward the rear.
retrally (Adv.) RETRAL, at or toward the rear.
retrograde going backwards (verb) to cause to go back
retrogradely (Adv.) RETROGRADE, going backwards.
rhumb a compass point; in rhumb line, an imaginary line on the earth's surface cutting all meridians at the same angle, used as the standard method of plotting a ship's course on a chart.
rightmost on the extreme right.
rightward toward the right.
rightwardly (Adv.) RIGHTWARD, towards the right.
rightwards toward the right.
riverward towards a river.
riverwards towards a river.
schoolward toward school.
schoolwards toward school.
seaward towards the sea.
seawardly (Adv.) SEAWARD, towards the sea.
seawards towards the sea.
selfward towards oneself.
selfwards towards oneself.
septentrial (Obs.) northern.
septentrion (Arch.) the north.
septentrional northern.
septentrions the seven stars of the Plough, the Great Bear.
shorefront the part of a shore nearest the sea.
shoreward in the direction of the shore.
shorewards in the direction of the shore.
shuttlewise backwards and forwards.
sideling sideway, oblique; (noun) a slope (esp on the side of a road).
sidelong sideways, oblique.
sideward in a sideways direction.
sidewards in a sideways direction.
sideway from the side.
sideways from the side.
sidewise toward or on one side.
sinistral of or pertaining to the left, as opposed to dextral (noun) a left-handed person
sinistrality the state of being sinistral.
sinistrally (Adv.) SINISTRAL, of or pertaining to the left.
sinistrorse rising spirally and turning from right to left.
sinistrorsely (Adv.) SINISTRORSE, rising spirally and turning from right to left.
sinistrous inauspicious, sinister.
sinistrously (Adv.) SINISTROUS, of or pertaining to the left.
skeef (S. Afr.) at an oblique angle.
skew oblique, biased (verb) to make oblique
skewwhiff awry.
skyward towards the sky.
skywards towards the sky.
slanting deviate from the horizontal or vertical.
slantingly (Adv.) SLANTING.
slantingways in a slanting direction.
slantways in a slanting direction.
slantwise in a slanting direction.
slopewise obliquely.
slopy sloping; inclined.
someplace somewhere.
somewhere in or to some place.
somewhither (Arch.) to some place; somewhere.
south a point of the compass; (verb, arch.) to move or veer towards the south.
southbound travelling or heading south.
southeast the direction between south and east.
southeasterly from the southeast; (noun) a wind from the southeast.
southeastern of, relating to, or characteristic of a region conventionally designated southeast.
southeastward in a southeasterly direction.
southeastwards in a southeasterly direction.
southerliness the state of being southerly.
southermost (Obs.) most southerly.
southernly somewhat southern.
southernmost situated furthest south.
southernness the state of being southern.
southland the southern part of a country.
southmost situated furthest south.
southward towards the south.
southwardly in a southward direction.
southwards towards the south.
southwest between south and west.
southwesterly from the southwest; (noun) a wind from the southwest.
southwestern lying toward or coming from the southwest.
southwestward in a southwesterly direction.
southwestwardly (Adv.) SOUTHWESTWARD, in a southwesterly direction.
southwestwards in a southwesterly direction.
spaceward towards space.
stateside of, in, or pertaining to the United States of America.
statewide throughout a state.
sternmost farthest astern; as, the sternmost ship in a convoy.
sternward towards the stern.
sternwards towards the stern.
storewide extending throughout a store.
straddleback with legs astride.
straightway (Arch.) in a direct course.
straightways (Arch.) in a direct course.
streamside the side of a stream.
streetward towards or facing the street.
streetwards towards or facing the street.
stridling (Dial.) astride.
subapical of or pertaining to the part just below the apex.
subarctic the zone just below the arctic circle.
subaxial somewhat axial.
subcentral under the center.
subcentrally (Adv.) SUBCENTRAL, under the center.
subglacial of or relating to the bottom of a glacier or the area immediately underlying a glacier.
subglacially (Adv.) SUBGLACIAL, of or relating to the bottom of a glacier or the area immediately underlying a glacier.
subjacency the state of being subjacent, underlying.
subjacent lying under or below something.
subjacently (Adv.) SUBJACENT, lying under or below something.
sublunar under the moon; earthly; terrestrial.
sublunary under the moon; earthly; terrestrial.
submontane situated on or characteristic of the lower slopes of a mountain range.
submontanely (Adv.) SUBMONTANE, situated on or characteristic of the lower slopes of a mountain range.
subnodal situated under a node.
suboceanic below the ocean.
subpolar situated below the poles.
substellar directly under a star.
subterrain an underground chamber, room or dwelling.
subvertical below the vertical.
sunward towards the sun.
sunwards towards the sun.
sunwise in the direction of the sun's apparent revolution.
superjacent lying above or upon.
supination being turned upward.
supralunar beyond the moon; very lofty.
supramundane above or beyond this world.
sur (Fr.) on, above.
surfside situated next to the sea.
thataway in that direction.
thence from that place.
there that place.
thereat at that point, place or occurrence; on that account.
thereaway in that direction.
therein in that place.
thereinbefore in the preceding part of that writing or document.
thereness the quality of being there.
thereunder under that.
thether (Spenser) thither.
thisaway (Coll.) this way.
thither to that place.
thitherto to that point; so far.
thitherward in that direction.
thitherwards in that direction.
thon (Scots) yon.
thonder (Scots) yonder.
through by way of.
throughly (Arch.) far through.
thwartways crosswise; from side to side.
thwartwise crosswise; from side to side.
topmost highest.
topwater floating on or near the top of the water.
toward in the direction of; (adj.) approaching.
towards in the direction of.
townward in the direction of the town.
transalpine on the other (i.e. the north) side of the Alps; (noun) an inhabitant of the region beyond the Alps.
transandean beyond, or crossing, the Andes.
transandine beyond, or crossing, the Andes.
transatlantic crossing or extending across the Atlantic Ocean.
transcaucasian of the region beyond the Caucasus mountains in Georgia.
transisthmian across an isthmus.
transleithan beyond the river Leitha, once in part the boundary between Austria and Hungary; hence, Hungarian.
transmarine across or beyond the sea.
transpolar across the poles.
transpontine situated on the far side of a bridge, esp situated on the south side of the Thames River in London.
tween (Short for) between; (noun) a child typically of an age between eight and twelve.
twixt between.
under in a lower position than.
underearth subterranean; (noun) the soil found beneath the surface of something.
undermost lowest, as in place, rank, or condition.
underneath beneath; (noun) the under part or side.
underside the underneath.
unneath (Dial.) underneath.
upalong a location away from a person or place.
upby a little farther on.
upbye a little farther on.
upcoast up the coast.
upcountry of or in the interior of a country; (adv.) in or to the interior of a country.
upfield into the part of the field towards which the offensive team is going.
uphill an upward slope.
uphillward (Milton) in an uphill direction.
uplying upland, elevated.
upmost highest.
upo upon.
upon on.
uppermost in the top position.
upside the upper side.
upsideowne (Spenser) upside down.
upslope up a slope; (noun) an upward slope.
upstair pertaining to an upper floor.
upstairs of or in an upper storey or flat; (adv.) in or toward a higher storey; (noun) the part of a building above the ground floor.
upstate the northern region of an American state.
uptown to or in the upper part of a town; as, to go uptown; (noun) the upper or residential part of a town.
upward toward a higher place or position.
upwardly (Adv.) UPWARD, toward a higher place or position.
upwardness the state of being upward.
upwards in an upward direction.
usward (Arch.) towards us, in our direction.
uswards (Arch.) towards us, in our direction.
uttermost utmost.
vanward located in the van, advanced.
vaward (Shakesp.) the foremost part.
vertical upright (noun) a vertical line
vertically (Adv.) VERTICAL, upright.
vicinal neighboring; local.
vicinity the region near or about a place.
warpwise in a vertical direction.
wast (US) west.
weathermost furthest to windward.
weftwise in a horizontal direction.
west a part of the compass; (verb) to move towards the west.
westabout towards the west.
westbound heading in a westerly direction.
wester to turn westward.
westerliness the state of being westerly.
western in or from the west; (noun) one who lives in the west.
westernmost most to the west.
westlin (Scots) towards the west.
westlins (Scots) to or in the west.
westmost farthest west.
westward in a westerly direction.
westwardly in a westward direction.
westwards in a westerly direction.
whencever from whatsoever place.
wherever in or to whatever place.
whether if it be the case that.
whitherward toward what or which place.
whitherwards toward what or which place.
widdershins in a left-handed, wrong, or contrary direction; counterclockwise.
widershins in a left-handed, wrong, or contrary direction; counterclockwise.
widthway across the width, as distinct from lengthways.
widthways across the width, as distinct from lengthways.
widthwise across the width, as distinct from lengthways.
windward in the direction of the wind.
windwards in the direction of the wind.
withershins in a left-handed, wrong, or contrary direction; counterclockwise.
within inside; (noun) an interior place or area.
withindoors indoors.
without lacking; outside; (noun) an exterior place or area.
withoutdoors outdoors.
worldwide all over the world.
yon that, those; (adv.) yonder; (pron.) that one.
yond yonder.
yonder over there (noun) the distance
yont yonder, over there.