Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.
aldermanry | the district or ward of an alderman. |
anticolonial | one opposed to the colonial systemt. |
archduchy | the territory of an archduke or archduchess. |
arrondissement | (Fr.) the largest subdivision of a French department. |
banlieue | (Fr.) a suburb. |
beylic | (Turkish) the territory ruled by a bey. |
beylik | (Turkish) the territory ruled by a bey. |
borderland | territory at or near a border. |
borough | an incorporated town. |
canton | a division of territory eg in Switzerland; (verb) to divide into cantons. |
cantonal | of or pertaining to a canton or cantons. |
cantonise | to divide (a town etc) into separate regions according to the religion or ethnic origins of the inhabitants. |
cantonize | to divide (a town etc) into separate regions according to the religion or ethnic origins of the inhabitants. |
cantred | (Welsh) a district comprising a hundred villages, as in Wales. |
cantref | (Welsh) a district comprising a hundred villages, as in Wales. |
chapelry | the territorial district legally assigned to a chapel. |
colonial | belong to a colony (noun) a member of a colony |
colonise | to plant or establish a colony or colonies in. |
coloniser | one who colonises. |
colonize | to plant or establish a colony or colonies in. |
colonizer | one who colonizes. |
colony | a group of emigrants living in a new land. |
commonwealth | the public or whole body of the people. |
commot | (Hist.) a subdivision of a cantred. |
commote | (Hist.) a subdivision of a cantred. |
country | the territory of a nation. |
county | an administrative division of a state. |
crownland | a large administrative district of the former Austro-Hungarian empire. |
decolonisation | the act of decolonising. |
decolonise | to release from being a colony, grant independence to. |
decolonization | the act of decolonizing. |
decolonize | to release from being a colony, grant independence to. |
deme | (Greek) a territorial subdivision of Attica (also of modern Greece), corresponding to a township. |
demicanton | one of two parts of certain Swiss cantons. |
despotat | a territory governed by a despot. |
despotate | a territory governed by a despot. |
disannex | to disunite; to undo or repeal the annexation of. |
district | an area or region; (verb) to divide into districts. |
domain | an area of control. |
domainal | of or relating to a domain or to domains. |
domanial | of or relating to a domain or to domains. |
duchy | the territory ruled by a duke. |
dukedom | the realm of a duke. |
empery | wide dominion, empire. |
empire | a major political unit. |
encomendero | the commander of an encomienda. |
encomienda | (Spanish) a commandery or commander's district. |
eparchate | the province or diocese of an eparch. |
eparchial | having an eparch, in ancient Greece, the governor or prefect of a province. |
eparchy | an administrative subdivision of Greece; a diocese in the Eastern Orthodox Church. |
euroland | the area formed by the countries using the euro. |
eurozone | the area formed by the countries using the euro. |
exclave | a portion of a country separated from the main part and constituting an enclave in respect to the surrounding territory. |
eyalet | (Turkish) a province in the former Ottoman Empire, a vilayet. |
gau | a German political district of the Nazi regime. |
guberniya | (Russian) a territorial division of imperial Russia. |
hapu | (Maori) a subtribe. |
hexarchy | a group of six allied but independent states. |
hyperpower | a state that is vastly stronger than any potential rival. |
imamate | (Arabic) the office of an imam; the territory under the jurisdiction of an imam. |
imperium | (Lat.) empire. |
intrastate | existing or occurring within a state. |
irredenta | (Ital.) a region containing people ethnically related to the inhabitants of one State but politically subject to another. |
irridenta | (Ital.) a region containing people ethnically related to the inhabitants of one State but politically subject to another. |
iwi | (Maori) a tribe. |
kingdom | the area ruled by a king. |
kingdomed | (Shakesp.) having a kingdom or the dignity of a king. |
krai | (Russian) an administrative district in Russia. |
kray | (Russian) an administrative district in Russia. |
lebensraum | (Ger.) room to live (and, if necessary, expand); specif territory claimed as necessary for economic growth (as by the Nazis). |
marchland | a borderland. |
micronation | an entity that resembles an independent nation or state but which is unrecognized by world governments or major international organisations. |
microstate | a tiny country. |
ministate | a small state. |
motherland | a country regarded as a place of origin (as of an idea or a movement). |
multistate | extending over, relating to, or involving a number of the states of a union, federation. |
municipality | a primarily urban political unit having corporate status and usually powers of self-government. |
nationhood | the state of being a nation. |
nationless | without a nation. |
nomarchy | (Greek) a nome, a province or department, of modern Greece. |
nome | (Greek) a province or department esp in ancient Greece. |
nomos | (Greek) a province or department, esp in ancient Greece. |
oblast | (Russian) a political subdivision of a republic in the former USSR. |
outland | an outlying land or territory. |
pachalic | (Turkish) the jurisdiction of a pasha. |
palatinate | the province or seigniory of a palatine. |
palsgravine | the domain of a palsgrave, a count palatine. |
pargana | (Hindi) a division of an administrative district or zillah in India. |
pashalik | (Turkish) the jurisdiction of a pasha. |
pentapolis | an alliance of five cities. |
pentapolitan | relating to a pentapolis, an alliance of five cities. |
pergunnah | (Hindi) a division of an administrative district or zillah in India. |
petrostate | a small oil-rich country in which institutions are weak and wealth and power are concentrated in the hands of the few. |
phyle | (Greek) in ancient Greece, a tribe or division of the people of a state into local clans. |
polis | (Greek) an ancient Greek city state (coll.) the police |
princedom | the realm or authority of a prince. |
protectorate | an area governed by a protector. |
protectorial | of or like a protectorate. |
province | an administrative division of a country. |
realm | a kingdom. |
reame | (Spenser) a realm. |
redistrict | to divide into new districts. |
redistricting | the act of dividing into new districts. |
refoulement | the act of forcing a refugee to return to a place from which he or she is seeking asylum. |
rezone | to change the boundaries of. |
rezoning | the act of changing boundaries. |
rohe | (Maori) the territory controlled by a Maori tribal group > ROHES. |
sanjak | (Turkish) a district or a subvision of a vilayet, one of the chief administrative divisions or provinces of the Ottoman Empire. |
semicolony | a semicolonial state. |
shahdom | (Persian) the domain of a shah. |
sheading | an administrative division on the Isle of Man. |
sheikdom | the domain of a sheik. |
sheikhdom | the domain of a sheikh. |
shire | a territorial division of Great Britain; (verb) to refresh. |
shiretown | (Canadian) (in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Maine) a county seat. |
sircar | (Urdu) the state or government; the authorities. |
starosty | (Russian) a castle and domain conferred on a starosta, a Polish nobleman, for life. |
statehood | the status of a state. |
statelet | a small state. |
stewartry | (Scots) a former territorial division of Scotland (abolished in 1747) under the jurisdiction of a steward; now only in The Stewartry, the Kirkcudbright district of Galloway. |
suba | (Hindi) a province of the Mogul empire. |
subah | (Hindi) a province of the Mogul empire. |
subarea | a subdivision of an area. |
subcolony | a subordinate colony. |
subcounty | a part of a county. |
subdistrict | a subdivision of a district. |
subregion | part of a region. |
supernation | an aggregate of nations. |
superstate | a state or organization having governing power over subordinate states. |
tahsil | (Hindi) in India, a division of a district for revenue and certain other purposes. |
tehsil | (Hindi) in India, a division of a district for revenue and certain other purposes. |
territoried | having territory. |
territory | possessions in land; the whole, or a portion, of the land belonging to a state. |
tetrarchate | the fourth part of a province, a tetrarchy. |
thenage | the district in which a thane anciently had jurisdiction. |
toparchy | the territory of a toparch. |
tristate | pertaining to an area made up of three adjoining states. |
trithing | one of three ancient divisions of a county in England. |
trizonal | relating to a trizone, a country formed of three zones. |
trizone | a country formed of three zones, spec. the area of West Germany occupied by British, French and Americans after World War II. |
underkingdom | a subkingdom. |
vilayet | (Turkish) one of the chief administrative divisions or provinces of the Ottoman Empire. |
volost | (Russian) a local government district in Russia. |
wapentake | (OE) an archaic subdivision of certain counties. |
zila | (Hist.) (Hindi) an administrative district in India. |
zilla | (Hindi) an administrative district in India. |
zillah | (Hindi) an administrative district in India. |