Association of British Scrabble Players

Science & Tech > Plants > Mosses & Lichens

Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.

bryophyte a moss or liverwort.
bryozoan related to the Bryozoa, mosses and liverworts; (noun) a moss or liverwort.
clubmoss a green plant resembling a large moss.
corkir (Gaelic) a lichen used for dyeing red or purple.
crotal (Gaelic) a golden-brown lichen used for dyeing.
crottle (Gaelic) a golden-brown lichen used for dyeing.
ectoproct a bryozoan, a moss or liverwort.
fontinalis a moss of the Fontinalis genus of aquatic mosses.
hypnum (Lat.) any moss of the Hypnum genus.
korkir (Gaelic) a lichen used for dyeing red or purple.
lecanora (Greek) a kind of lichen.
lichenoid of or like lichen.
lichenose of, pertaining to, or resembling, lichens; abounding in lichens.
lichenous of, pertaining to, or resembling, lichens; abounding in lichens.
liverwort any bryophyte of the class Hepaticae, with a capsule splitting open into four valves.
lycopod a plant of the genus Lycopodium, a club-moss.
lycopodium a genus of mosslike plants, aka club moss.
lycopsid a type of club moss.
marchantia a liverwort of the Marchantia genus.
moss a class of Bryophyta, small plants (verb) to cover with moss
mossiness the state of being mossy.
mosslike like moss.
mossplant a plant of moss.
mossy covered with moss.
muscology the study of mosses.
muscose mosslike.
mycobiont the fungal constituent of a lichen.
oakmoss a lichen that grows on oak trees.
parella (Fr.) a crustaceous lichen yielding archil.
parelle a crustaceous lichen yielding archil.
polyzoan a bryozoan, a moss or liverwort.
selaginella a plant of the genus Selaginella, heterosporous club mosses.
sphagnous pertaining to moss of the genus Sphagnum, or bog moss.
sphagnum (Greek) peat or bog moss.
stonerag a kind of lichen.
stoneraw a kind of lichen.
usnea (Persian) a genus of lichens, most of the species of which have long, gray, pendulous, and finely branched fronds.
wartweed any of a family of lichens having warty thalluses.