Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.
abaca abaka | the Manila-hemp plant, or its fiber. |
absinth absinthe | the wormwood plant or other species of Artemisia; a liqueur made from this. |
abutilon | a plant of the mallow family. [Arabic aubutilun]. |
acanth acanthus | a genus of herbaceous prickly plants > ACANTHUSES or ACANTHI. |
achillea | a plant of the yarrow genus. [From Gk. Achilleus, Achilles]. |
achimenes | a genus of herbaceous perennnial plants > ACHIMENES. |
acidanthera | a white-flowered plant of NE Africa. |
aconite aconitum | the monk's-hood or wolf's-bane plant. |
adderwort | the common BISTORT, aka SNAKEWEED. |
adjigo | a plant native to Australia that has edible tubers, aka yam plant. |
agapanthus | a genus of lily native to S. Africa > AGAPANTHUSES. |
agave | any of numerous spiny-leaved plants of the American genus Agave. |
ageratum | a genus of plants, one popular species of which has lavender-blue flowers in dense clusters. [NL, ultimately from Greek ageraton something which does not grow old]. |
agrimony | a perennial herb of a genus (Agrimonia) of the rose family. |
agrostemma | a European caryophyllaceous plant, aka CORNCOCKLE > AGROSTEMMAS or AGROSTEMMATA. |
agueweed | a North American gentianaceous plan, that has clusters of pale blue-violet or white flowers; also, another name for BONESET. |
ajuga | a genus of plants, including BUGLE. |
aka | a New Zealand vine. |
akatea | a New Zealand vine with white flowers. |
alecost | a garden plant having a strong balsamic smell, nearly allied to tansy. Aka COSTMARY. |
alfilaria alfileria | a Californian weed, aka pin grass. [Sp. alfilerro, from alfiler, pin]. Aka FILAREE. |
alisma | a plant of the water-plantain genus. [Gk. alisma, water-plantain]. |
alison | a plant of the Alyssum genus of low-growing, cruciferous plants, aka ALYSSUM. |
alizari | levantine MADDER. Cf. ALIZARIN. |
alkanet alkannin | a wild flower; a reddish plant-based dye obtained from this. |
allheal | a herb with curative properties. |
allium | a plant of the Allium genus to which onions, garlics, leeks etc. belong. |
allseed | a weed of the flax family. |
alocasia | any of various tropical plants of the genus Alocasia. |
alsike | a kind of clover. |
althaea althea | a genus of plants of the mallow family, that includes the garden hollyhock. |
alumroot | any of several North American plants of the saxifragaceous genus Heuchera, having small white, reddish, or green bell-shaped flowers and astringent roots; the root of such a plant. |
alyssum | a plant of the Alyssum genus of low-growing, cruciferous plants. |
amaracus | marjoram > AMARACUSES. [L. amaracus]. |
amarant amaranth | a reddish-purple flower that never fades. |
amarantin | of or like AMARANTH. |
amaryllid | any member of the AMARYLLIS family. |
amaryllis | the belladonna lily, or any of several similar plants. [Amaryllis, a girl's name in the Greek and Latin poets and others]. |
ambari ambary | a fibre-yielding plant of E. Indies, aka KENAF. |
amomum | a plant of the ginger family native to Asia and Africa. [Gk. amomon, probably cardamom]. |
amsinckia | a Californian herb. |
anacharis | a fresh-water weed of the frog's-bit family, native to America > ANACHARISES. |
anchusa | a plant of the borage family. |
anemone | any member of the genus Anemone of the crowfoot family. |
angelica | a white flower, used in cooking and medicine. [ML. herba angelica, angelic herb]. |
anglepod | a flowering plant. |
anil | indigo, the plant or dye. |
anise | an annual Mediterranean plant of the carrot family. |
anthemis | a genus of aromatic herbs of the family native to the Mediterranean region and SW Asia. |
anthurium | a tropical American plant. |
antirrhinumum | a garden flower, aka SNAPDRAGON. |
apiaceous | parsley-like. |
aquilegia | a genus of plants including columbine. |
arabis | any member of a large genus of trailing plants. |
arachis | a Brazilian plant genus that includes monkey-nut. |
aralia | a genus of ivy-like plants. |
arethusa | a kind of orchid. [From Arethusa, a girl turned into a fountain by Artemis]. |
argemone | a plant of the prickly poppy genus. [Gk. argemone, a kind of poppy]. |
armeria | the generic name for the plant thrift. |
arnica | a genus of plants including the mountain tobacco; a tincture obtained from mountain tobacco used for bruises, etc. |
aristolochia | any plant of the birthwort genus Aristolochia. |
aroid | any plant of the ARUM family. |
arrowgrass | either of two species, sea arrowgrass or marsh arrowgrass, of monocotyledonous perennials having long thin fleshy leaves and spikes of inconspicuous flowers. |
arrowhead | an aquatic plant. |
arrowroot | a W. Indian plant with fleshy tuberous rhizomes; a pure edible starch made from this. |
artemisia | a plant, sagebrush and wormwood, named for Artemis, to whom it was sacred. |
arum | a large-spathed plant, aka 'cuckoo-pint' or 'lords and ladies'. |
asclepiad asclepias | an American plant of the milkweed genus > ASCLEPIASES. [Gk. asklepias, swallow-wort]. |
asphodel | a plant of the lily family; in literature, the flower of the Elysian fields. |
aster | a plant of the Aster genus of Compositae, with large showy flowers. |
astilbe | a garden flower. |
astrantia | a plant of the Astrantia genus of hardy, perennial umbelliferous plants with showy petal-like bracts. |
astrofell astrophel | an unidentified bitter starlike plant, possibly aster. |
atamasco | a plant of the south-eastern US, bearing a single white lily-like flower > ATAMASCOS. |
aubretia aubrieta aubrietia | any of several dwarf trailing cruciferous plants of the genus Aubrieta, usu. bearing violet or purple flowers. |
auricula | a species of Primula, or primrose, aka, from the shape of its leaves, bear's-ear > AURICULAE or AURICULAS. |
avens | a wild flower > AVENSES. N.B. no AVEN*. |
awlwort | an aquatic plant with awl-shaped leaves. |
axseed | a European herb. |
baldmoney | a wild flower, aka MEU, SPIGNEL or SPICKNEL. |
baneberry | a black poisonous berry, the fruit of the ranunculaceous plant Actaea spicata; the plant itself. |
baptisia | a genus of N. American leguminous plants. |
barbasco | any of a variety of S. American plants, the roots of which are used to make fish-poison etc > BARBASCOS or BARBASCOES. |
barilla | the alkali plant, Salsola soda; an impure alkali made by burning this. |
barrenwort | an herbaceous plant of the Barberry family. |
bartsia | a wild flower. |
basil | a kind of herb. |
bearberry | a trailing plant of the heath family, having leaves which are tonic and astringent, and glossy red berries of which bears are said to be fond. |
bearbine | a bindweed. |
beargrass | a N. American plant. |
bedstraw | any of numerous straggling plants of the genus Galium, belonging to the madder family and bearing many tiny flowers. |
beggarweed | any of various plants, such as KNOTWEED, SPURREY or DODDER, that grows on waste ground. |
begonia | a garden plant with waxy leaves and ornamental flowers. |
bellbind | hedge or field bindweed. |
bellflower | another name for CAMPANULA. |
bellwort | a genus of plants with yellowish bell-shaped flowers. |
beni benne benni | sesame, a plant native to SE Asia, producing seeds used as food and yielding an edible oil. |
bennet | as in herb bennet, another name for AVENS. |
bergenia | any of various perennial plants of the genus Bergenia, of the saxifrage family. [From K. A. von Bergen, Ger. physician & botanist]. |
berseem | a kind of clover. |
betony | a wild flower with a spike of reddish-purple flowers, formerly used in dyeing. |
bindweed | any of various weeds that trail along the ground and twine themselves around other plants. |
birdseye | a kind of primrose. |
birdsfoot | a papilionaceous genus of plants with clawlike pods. |
birthroot | an herbaceous plant with an astringent rootstock, said to have medicinal properties. |
birthwort | a plant formerly reputed to help parturition. |
bishopweed | another name for GOUTWEED. |
bisnaga biznaga | a type of cactus. |
bistort | a plant with a twisted astringent root. Aka ADDERWORT, SNAKEWEED. |
bittercress | one of several perennial or annual cruciferous plants of the genus Cardamine. |
bittersweet | the woody nightshade, whose roots if chewed first tast bitter, then sweet. |
bitterweed | any of various plants containign a bitter-tasting substance. |
biznaga | see BISNAGA. |
blackboy | an Australian plant of the lily family. |
blawort blewart | the harebell; the corn bluebottle. |
blite | a genus of herbs with a fleshy calyx. |
bloodroot | a plant with a red root and red sap, and bearing a pretty, white flower in early spring, aka PUCCOON, REDROOT. |
bloodwort | a plant with a red dye in the roots. |
bloomer | a flower that blooms in a specified way e.g. a night bloomer |
blowball | the downy seed head of a dandelion, which children delight to blow away. |
blueball | a medicinal herb. |
bluebell | in S England, the wood hyacinth; in Scotland and N England, the harebell. |
bluecurls | a North American plant. No BLUECURL*. |
bluet | any of various blue-flowered plants; esp. the cornflower. |
blueweed | a bristly weed. |
bogbean | a wild flower. |
boltonia | a perennial herb. |
boneset | a medicinal plant, aka THOROUGHWORT, with diaphoretic and tonic properties. |
borage | a rough-stemmed herb used in salads. |
bouvardia | a flowering plant. |
boxberry | the wintergreen. |
briony bryony | any of several herbaceous climbing plants. |
bromelia bromeliad | any plant of the genus Bromelia, that includes pineapples. |
brooklime | a wild flower with small blue flowers. |
brookweed | a small white-flowered herb found usually in wet places; aka water pimpernel. |
broomrape | a parasitic plant. |
browallia | a flowering plant. |
bryony | see BRIONY. |
buckbean | a marsh plant. |
bugbane | a perennial white-flowered herb of the order Ranunculaceae, aka BUGWORT. |
bugleweed | a plant of the mint family, having mild narcotic and astringent properties. |
bugloss | a wild flower, with bristly stem and vivid blue flowers. |
bugseed | an annual herb. |
bugwort | a perennial white-flowered herb of the order Ranunculaceae, aka BUGBANE. |
bullbrier | a prickly American vine. |
bullweed | knapweed. |
bulrushy | full of bulrushes. |
buplever | a plant, hare's ear. |
burdock | a dandelion-like plant. |
burseed | a coarse weed. |
burweed | any of various burry plants such as BURDOCK. |
butterbur | a plant of damp places with very broad leaves. |
buttercup | a crowfoot (genus Ranunculus), esp of one of those species that have golden-yellow cup-shaped flowers. |
butterwort | a genus of low insectivorous plants. |
cabomba | an aquatic plant. |
cactus | a succulent plant of the family Cactaceae, with thick fleshy stems, usu. spiny and without leaves > CACTI or CACTUSES. |
calabash | a gourd-bearing vine; a dish made from the gourd. |
caladium | any tropical plant of the genus Caladium, of the arum family, the plants of which are grown for their attractive foliage. [Malay keladi]. |
calamint | a genus of labiate aromatic plants allied to mint and thyme. |
calanthe | an orchid of the genus Calanthe, having tall spikes of long-lasting flowers. [Gk. kalos, beautiful + anthe, blossom]. |
calathea | a showy indoor plant. |
calceolaria | any plant of the S American genus Calceolaria, the plants of which are largely cultivated for the beauty of their slipperlike flowers. |
calendula | a marigold. |
calla | a genus of plants, of the order Araceae. |
calliopsis | a genus of herbaceous composite plants, mostly America. Also COREOPSIS. |
calluna | any plant of the genus CALLUNA, ling. |
caltha | a genus of plants including the marsh marigold. |
calycanthus | the Carolina allspice or strawberry shrub, a North American shrub. |
camas camash camass quamash | a blue-flowered liliaceous plant of northwestern America, the bulbs of which are collected for food by the Indians. |
camelia camellia | a showy flower. |
camomile chamomile | a creeping aromatic plant of the composite family, with yellow-centred white-rayed flowers, formerly much grown for its fragrance. |
campanula | a plant of the Campanula genus, commonly known as bellflowers or bells, the best-known being the harebell or Scottish bluebell. |
campion | any plant of the genera Lychnis and Silene having usu pink or white star- or salver-shaped flowers with notched petals. |
canaigre | a large Texan dock, whose root is used in tanning. |
candelilla | a Mexican wax-yielding spurge. |
candock | the yellow water lily. |
candytuft | a cruciferous plant of the genus Iberis, with flowers in tufts or corymbs, the outer petals larger than the inner. |
canna | a tropical lily with showy red or yellow flowers > CANNAE or CANNAS. [L. canna, reed]. |
caprifoil caprifole | honeysuckle. |
caraway carraway | an umbelliferous plant with aromatic seeds used as a tonic and condiment. |
cardamine | a genus of cruciferous plants. [Gk. kardamine, from kardamon, cress]. |
cardon | a variety of cactus. |
cardoon | a thistle-like plant. |
carduus | a kind of thistle > CARDUUSES. |
carline | any plant of the genus Carlina closely related to the true thistles, especially the carline thistle. |
carnation | a double-flowering cultivated variety of the clove pink. |
carraway | see CARAWAY. |
casava cassava | a tropical plant whose roots yield a valuable starch. |
catananche | any of the hardy perennial genus Catananche, from S Europe; some, esp. C. caerulea, are grown for their blue-and-white flowers that can be dried as winter decoration. |
catchfly | a name for a species of campion (Lychnis viscaria) and several bladder campion (genus Silene) with sticky stems. |
catchweed | goosegrass or cleavers. |
catmint catnep catnip | a mint-like plant attractive to cats. |
cattail | any of various plants with long thin parts suggestive of cats' tails, esp. the reed-mace. |
cattleya | a kind of orchid. [From William Cattley, English botanist]. |
cebadilla sabadilla cevadilla | a liliaceous plant, yielding the alkaloid veratrine. [Sp. cebada, barley]. |
celandine | either of two plants (greater celandine, Chelidonium majus, and lesser celandine, Ranunculus ficaria) supposed to flower when the swallows came, and to perish when they went. |
celosia | a flowering plant. |
centaurea | a large genus of composite plants, related to the thistles and including the cornflower or bluebottle. |
centaury | a plant of the genus Centaurium, of the gentian family, usu. with pink flowers. |
cerastium | any low ground-covering plant of the genus Cerastium, that includes the alpine mouse-ear chickweed. |
cereus | a genus of plants of the Cactus family. They are natives of America, from California to Chili. [L. cereus waxen, wax-taper (from their stiff form)]. |
cetywall setwall setuale | valerian, a plant formerly valued for its restorative qualities. |
cevadilla | see CEBADILLA. |
chamomile | see CAMOMILE. |
charlock | a weedy plant with yellow flowers. |
chay chaya shaya | an Indian plant of the madder family whose root chayroot yields a red dye. [Tamil saya]. |
checkerbloom | a Californian malvaceous plant with pink or purple flowers. |
chelone | a genus of hardy perennial flowering plants, natives of North America. |
chenopod | any dicotyledonous flowering plant of the family Chenopodiaceae, the goosefoots. |
chervil | a wild umbellifer. |
chia | a Mexican herb. |
chicalote | a poppy of the SW US. |
chiccory chickory chicory | succory, a blue-flowered composite plant. |
chickweed | any plant of the genus Stellaria. |
chive cive | a herb of the onion family. CHIVE can also be a verb: to knife. |
chrysanth | chrysanthemum. |
cicely | an umbelliferous plant. |
cicoree | a perennial herb. |
cicuta | the hemlock plant. |
cilantro | coriander > CILANTROS. |
cineraria | any of various garden hybrids, with corymbs of daisy-like blue, purple, etc., flower-heads, grown as pot plants. |
cistus | any plant of the rock rose genus. [Gk. kistos, rock rose]. |
cive | a herb of the onion family. |
claddie | a native New Zealand flax plant, aka KORARI. |
clarkia | any plant of the N American genus Clarkia, a favourite border plant. |
clary | any plant of the genus Salvia sclarea, sometimes used as a culinary herb, |
claytonia | an American genus of perennial herbs with delicate blossoms, aka spring beauty. |
clearweed | a nettle-like plant. |
cleavers clivers | goose-grass. |
cleome | an aromatic plant with white or purplish flowers. |
clivers | see CLEAVERS. |
clivia | a leek-like S.African plant. [From Lady Margaret Clive]. |
clote clotbur cocklebur | the burdock. |
cloudberry | a low-growing plant with an amber fruit known as BAKEAPPLE. |
clover | any papilionaceous plant of the genus Trifolium. |
clovered | covered with CLOVER. |
cloverlike | any papilionaceous plant of the genus Trifolium. |
clovery | like clover > CLOVERIER, CLOVERIEST. |
clow | = CLOVE. A clow-flower is a gillyflower. |
clusia | any member of the genus Clusia of evergreen climbing plants. |
cocklebur | see CLOTE. |
cohosh | a perennial American herb whose rootstock is used in medicine. |
colchicum | a genus of bulbous-rooted plants including the meadow saffron > COLCHICA or COLCHICUMS. [L. from Gk. kolchikon, meadow saffron, neuter of Kolchikos, relating to Kolchis, the sorceress Medea's country]. |
cole | a plant of the Brassica or Cabbage genus; esp. that form of B. oleracea called rape and coleseed. |
coleseed | the common rape or cole. |
coleus | a plant of several species of the Mint family, cultivated for its bright-colored or variegated leaves. [Gk. koleos, a sheath]. |
colewort | a variety of cabbage in which the leaves never form a compact head. |
colicroot | a herb of the Bloodwort family, with small yellow or white flowers in a long spike. |
colicweed | any of various plants of genus Corydalis. |
collinsia | a North American plant of the scrophulariaceous genus Collinsia, having blue, white, or purple flowers. |
colocynth | a cucurbitaceous plant with bitter-tasting gourds. [Gk. kolokynthis]. Also COLOQUINTIDA. |
coltsfoot | a composite plant (Tussilago farfara) with a shaggy stalk and large soft leaves. |
coltwood | perhaps a plant with shaggy stalk and large soft leaves. |
columbine | a flower, aka aquilegia. |
columnea | a flowering plant. |
comfrey | a wild flower. |
conium | a genus of biennial, poisonous, white-flowered, umbelliferous plants, bearing ribbed fruit and decompound leaves. |
copihue | a climbing vine. |
coralroot | a kind of orchid. |
coralwort | a cruciferous herb of certain species of Dentaria; aka TOOTHWORT. |
coreopsis | a genus of herbaceous composite plants, mostly American. |
coriander | a plant yielding seeds used in medical and in curries and pickles. |
cornflag | another name for a GLADIOLUS. |
corydalis | a climbing plant. |
cosmea | a plant of the genus COSMOS. |
costmary | a garden plant having a strong balsamic smell, and nearly allied to tansy, used as a pot herb and salad plant and in flavoring ale and beer. Aka ALECOST. |
cowage cowhage cowitch | a leguminous climbing plant with crooked pods covered with sharp stinging hairs. [Hindi kavach]. |
cowbane | a poisonous plant. |
cowbind | a species of bryony. |
cowgrass | perennial red clover. |
cowhage | see COWAGE. |
cowherb | a European flowering plant related to the carnation. |
cowish | an umbelliferous plant with an edible tuberous root found in North America. |
cowitch | see COWAGE. |
cowpea | the seed of one or more leguminous plants of the genus Dolichos; also, the plant itself. |
cowslip | a species of primrose (Primula veris), with fragrant yellow flowers arranged in umbels. |
crazyweed | a plant the consumption of which drives cattle mad, aka LOCOWEED. |
creamcups | a California annual of the poppy family > CREAMCUPS. N.B. no CREAMCUP*. |
crinkleroot | any of several species of TOOTHWORT. |
crinum | a family of tropical plants. [Gk. krinon, a lily]. |
crocine | pertaining to the CROCUS. |
crocosmia | any plant of the genus Crocosmia, including MONTBRETIA. |
crocus | a kind of flower > CROCUSES or CROCI. |
crosswort | a BEDSTRAW with leaves set crosswise. |
croton | a plant, yielding an acrid oil used as a purgative. [Gk. kroton, a sheep-tick, which the seed resembles]. |
crowfoot | a wild flower, aka buttercup or spearwort > CROWFEET or CROWFOOTS. |
cudweed | a woolly composite plant of the genus Gnaphalium. |
cumbungi | a tall Australian marsh plant. |
cumin cummin | an umbelliferous plant of the Mediterranean region with seeds like caraway. |
cunjevoi | a tall Australian plant of the arum family whose corms were formerly cooked as food; also, a kind of sea squirt found on Australian reefs and rocks and used as bait. |
curcuma | any plant of the genus Curcuma (of the ginger family), especially C. longa yielding turmeric. [Arabic kurkum]. |
cyclamen | a plant of the S European Cyclamen genus. |
cymbidium | a family of orchids > CYMBIDIUMS or CYMBIDIA. |
cytisus | a plant of the broom genus > CYTISI. |
daffodil | a yellow-flowered narcissus. Also DAFFODILLY, DAFFADOWNDILLY. |
dagga | Indian hemp; also, an African labiate plant smoked as a narcotic. |
dahlia | a showy garden flower. [From Andreas Dahl (1751-89), Swed. botanist]. |
daisied | covered with daisies. |
daisy | a composite wild or garden plant, with a yellow disc and white rays. |
daisylike | like a daisy. |
damewort | a cruciferous plant, remarkable for its fragrance, especially toward the close of the day. |
dandelion | a common yellow-flowered composite with jagged-toothed leaves. |
datura | a genus of solanaceous plants, with large funnel-shaped flowers and a four-celled, capsular fruit. [Hindi dhatura]. |
daturic | relating to DATURA, a genus of solanaceous plants. |
dayflower | a genus consisting mostly of tropical perennial herbs, having ephemeral flowers. |
daylily | a liliaceous plant genus, whose flowers last for one day only. |
dayshell | a thistle. |
deerweed | a bushlike herb. |
dentaria | any plant of the genus Dentaria, including the cruciferous toothwort. |
derris | a vine yielding ROTENONE, that can be used as an insecticide. |
desmodium | a plant of the telegraph-plant genus > DESMODIUMS. |
dianthus | a genus of plants including the pink, carnation, and Sweet William > DIANTHUSES. |
diascia | a plant of the genus Diascia, native to southern Africa, cultivated for its colourful, pink flowers. |
dicentra | a genus of herbaceous plants, with racemes of two-spurred or heart-shaped flowers. [Gk. di- double + kentron, a point, spur]. |
dichondra | a genus of tropical perennial herbs of the morning glory family. |
dielytra | an erroneous name for DICENTRA, a genus of herbaceous plants. |
dill | an umbelliferous herb related to parsnip, the fruits of which are used in condiments and as a carminative. |
dillweed | the leaves of the dill plant. |
disa | an African orchid, with dark green leaves. |
dittander | a pungent cruciferous plant, aka PEPPERWORT. |
dittany | a plant of the mint family, a native of Crete. |
dock docken | a polygonaceous weed of genus Rumex. |
dodder | a parasitic plant; (verb) to walk unsteadily or falteringly, totter. |
dogbane | a small genus of perennial herbaceous plants, with poisonous milky juice, bearing slender pods pods in pairs. |
dogberry | the berry of the dogwood. |
doronicum | a flower, leopard's-bane. |
dragonroot | a North American aroid plant, Arisaema dracontium, having a greenish spathe and a long pointed spadix; the tuberous root of this plant, formerly used in medicine. |
dropwort | a wild flower, a species of Spiraea. |
drosera | the fruit-fly > DROSERAS. [Gk. droseros, dewy]. |
dryas | an Alpine plant. |
duckweed | any of various tiny aquatic plants belonging to the genus Lemna. |
dulcamara | a flower of the potato family, aka BITTERSWEET. [L. dulcis, sweet + amara, bitter]. |
dumbcane | a poisonous tropical plant. |
dwale | deadly nightshade. [ON dvöl, dvali delay, sleep]. |
earthnut | an umbelliferous plant, aka PIGNUT. |
echeveria | a kind of succulent plant. |
echinacea | a plant of the genus Echinaceae. |
echium | any plant of the genus ECHIUM. |
edelweiss | a white Alpine flower of the composite family. [G. edel, noble + weiss, white]. |
eelgrass | any of several submerged marine flowering plants with ribbon-like leaves, aka ZOSTERA. |
eelwrack | a grasslike flowering plant of the pondweed family. |
elodea | an American genus of Hydrocharitaceae, to which the Canadian waterweed belongs. |
emlets | as in blood-drop emlets, a Chilean flower. No EMLET*. |
epacrid epacris | a member of an Australian genus of heath-like plants. |
epazote | a herb of the goosefoot family. |
ephedra | a plant of the sea-grape genus. [Gk. ephedra, horsetail]. |
epilobium | a genus of plants that includes willowherb. |
episcia | a tropical American herb related to the African violet. |
equisetum | a plant, horsetail. |
eremurus | a flower, the foxtail lily > EREMURI or EREMURUSES. |
erica | a genus of plants, heather. |
erigeron | a plant of the genus Erigeron, fleabanes. [Gk. erigeron, groundsel, from eri, early + geron, old]. |
eringo eryngo eryngium | a plant of the genus Eryngium, sea holly, reputed to be an aphrodisiac > ERINGOES or ERINGOS; ERYNGOES or ERYNGOS; ERYNGIUMS. |
erinus | any rock plant of the genus Erinus. |
erodium | a plant of the stork's-bill genus. [Gk. erodios, heron]. |
ers | the bitter vetch > ERSES. |
ervil | a European vetch. |
eryngium | see ERINGO. |
eryngo | see ERINGO. |
estragon | a herb, aka TARRAGON. |
eucharis | a plant of a genus of S. American bulbous plants with fragrant white flowers > EUCHARISES. [Gk. charming, from eu well + charis grace]. |
eupatorium | any plant of the genus Eupatorium, of tropical America and the Caribbean, cultivated for their ornamental clusters of purple, pink, or white flowers > EUPATORIUMS. |
euphorbia | any herb or shrub of the spurge family. |
euphrasia euphrasy | a wild flower, eyebright. |
exacum | any plant of the genus EXACUM. |
eyebright | a wild flower, once used to treat disorders of the eyes. |
fanwort | an aquatic plant. |
felicia | any member of a S. African genus of herbs. [L. felix, happy]. |
felwort | a flower of the Gentian family. |
femetary femiter fenitar | the wild flower fumitory. |
fennel | a yellow-flowered umbelliferous plant. |
fennelflower | any of various species of Nigella with finely-divided leaves. |
fenugreek | a kind of herb. [L. fenum graecum, Greek hay]. |
feverfew | an aromatic plant. |
feverroot | an American wild plant. |
feverweed | a plant thought to be medicinal. |
feverwort | a coarse American herb of the honeysuckle family. |
figwort | a genus of herbaceous plants. |
filaree | a Californian weed, aka pin grass. [Sp. alfilerro, from alfiler, pin]. Aka ALFILARIA. |
fimble | light summer hemp, that bears no seed. |
finnochio finocchio finochio | a dwarf variety of fennel. |
fique | a tropical plant. |
firepink | a flowering plant of the US. |
fireweed | a flower, aka rosebay willowherb. |
flax | the fibres of the plant Linum, which are woven to make linen cloth; the plant itself. |
flaxlike | like flax. |
fleabane | a wild flower. |
fleawort | a herb, formerly believed to destroy fleas. |
flixweed | a plant of the mustard family. |
fluellen | a weedy annual related to toadflax. |
fluellin | a name given to various speedwells and toadflaxes. [Alt. of Welsh llysiau Llywelyn Llewelyn's herbs]. |
foalfoot | a wild flower, aka COLTSFOOT. |
foamflower | an American woodland spring-flowering herb. |
fogfruit | an American flowering plant. |
fouat fouet | the house-leek. |
foxberry | the bearberry, a trailing plant of the heath family. |
foxglove | a tall plant (genus Digitalis) with spikes of drooping (typically purple) bell-shaped flowers and leaves from which the drug digitalis was produced. |
freesia | a garden flower. |
frogbit | a kind of water-plant with roundish leaves and small white flowers. |
fuchsia | a genus of flowering plants having elegant drooping flowers. [From Leonard Fuchs, a German botanist]. |
fumitory | any pant of genus Fumaria, esp one used to treat scurvy. |
funckia funkia | any plant of an Asiatic genus allied to the day-lilies, now called HOSTA. [From a German botanist]. |
furcraea | a tropical American genus of plants related to the AGAVE. [From A. F. de Fourcroy (1755-1800), French chemist]. |
galax | a heath-like evergreen plant of the southwestern US. |
gallica | a variety of rose. |
galtonia | a bulbous plant of the lily family native to Southern Africa. |
gaywings | a perennial herb > GAYWINGS. N.B. no GAYWING*. |
gazania | any plant of the genus Gazania, with bright orange or yellow flowers. [From Theodore of Gaza]. |
gelsemium | a genus of climbing plants, with showy and deliciously fragrant flowers > GELSEMIUMS or GELSEMIA. [Ital. gelsemino, jasmine]. |
genista | a genus of plants including the common broom of Western Europe. |
genseng ginseng | a plant of the genus Aralia, the root of which is highly valued as a medicine among the Chinese. |
gentian | any plant of the genus Gentiana, herbs, usually blue-flowered, abounding chiefly in alpine regions. |
geranium | a plant of the genus Geranium with seed vessels like a crane's bill, typical of the family Geraniaceae; (loosely) any cultivated plant of the genus Pelargonium. |
gerardia | any of a genus of often root-parasitic herbs of the snapdragon family. |
gerbera | a genus of S. African plants. [From T.Gerber, German naturalist]. |
germander | a plant of the genus Teucrium, of mintlike herbs and low shrubs. |
gesneria gesneriad | a plant of a tropical American genus Gesneria. [From Konrad von Gesner, Swiss botanist and scholar]. |
gessamine | jasmine. |
geum | an avens, a plant of the Geum genus of the rose family. |
gilcup giltcup | a buttercup. |
gilliflower | a carnation. Also GILLYFLOWER. |
gillyvor | a gillyflower, a carnation. |
ginseng | see GENSENG. |
gipsywort | a hairy Eurasian plant, Lycopus europaeus, having two-lipped white flowers with purple dots on the lower lip. |
gladdie | gladiolus. |
gladdon | an iris. |
gladiola gladiole gladiolus | a lilylike plant of the genus Gladiolus, aka corn flag. The pl. of GLADIOLUS is GLADIOLUSES or GLADIOLI. |
gladiolar | like a GLADIOLUS. |
glasswort | a plant of salt marshes. |
gloriosa | a genus of climbing plants with showy lilylike blossoms, natives of India. |
gloxinia | a house plant with bright bell-shaped flowers. |
goatsbeard | a Eurasian plant, Tragopogon pratensis, with woolly stems and large heads of yellow rayed flowers surrounded by large green bracts. |
goatweed goutweed goutwort | an umbelliferous weed, long supposed to be good for gout. |
godetia | any plant of the American genus Godetia, closely related to the evening primrose. [From C. H. Godet, Swiss botanist (died 1879)]. |
goldenrod | a dark golden yellow flower. |
goldenseal | a N. American ranunculaceous plant, with a yellow rhizome used in medicine. |
goldilocks | a species of buttercup > GOLDILOCKSES. |
goldthread | a North American woodland ranunculaceous plant, with slender yellow roots; the root of this plant, which yields a medicinal tonic and a dye. |
gollan golland gowlan gowland | a name for various yellow flowers including marigold. |
gool goold gule | dialect name for MARIGOLD. |
goosefoot | a genus of herbs, mostly annual weeds. |
goutweed | see GOATWEED. |
goutwort | see GOATWEED. |
gowan | a daisy. |
gowaned | covered with GOWANS, daisies. |
gowany | having, abounding in, or decked with, daisies. |
gowlan | see GOLLAN. |
gowland | see GOWLAN. |
greenbrier | any of a genus of woody or herbaceous vines of the lily family. |
greenweed | a name given to certain half-shrubby species of Genista. |
grindelia | any coarse plant of the American genus Grindelia, with yellow daisy-like flower-heads. |
gromwell | a wild flower. |
guaco | any of several tropical American plants used as antidotes to snake-bites > GUACOS. |
guarana | a Brazilian liana of the soapberry family; a paste prepared from the seeds of this shrub, used as a food or medicine and esp. to make a drink resembling coffee. [Port. f. Tupi guaran´.] |
gule | see GOOL. |
gumweed | a plant covered with a gummy substance. |
gunnera | a large-leaved ornamental herb of the mare's-tail family. |
gypsywort | a labiate plant of watersides, with deeply cut leaves and whorls of small white flowers. |
haemony | in Milton, a plant 'of sovereign use against all enchantments'. |
hairbell harebell | a wild flower with a blue bell-shaped flower. |
hairif | the plant CLEAVERS. |
halogeton | a coarse annual herb of the goosefoot family. |
harakeke | flax. |
hardheads | another name for KNAPWEED. |
hardoke hordock | a plant, perhaps BURDOCK. |
harebell | see HAIRBELL. |
harmala harmel | the so-called African or Syrian rue, of the bean caper family. |
hawkbit | a flower of the dandelion family. |
hawkweed | any of the numerous microspecies of the genus Hieracium and Pilosella, of the composite family. |
heathberry | any of various plants that have berry-like fruits and grow on heaths, such as the bilberry and crowberry. |
hebe | a member of a genus of shrubby plants. [Gk. hebe, youth]. |
hebenon hebona | anything e.g. a plant or fruit with a poisonous juice. |
hedysarum | a leguminous plant of the genus Hedysarum including both poisonous species and those with edible roots, e.g. licorice root. |
helenium | any plant of the genus Helenium, commonly with yellow flowers. |
helianthus | any plant of the genus Helianthus, such as the sunflower and Jerusalem artichoke, typically having large yellow daisy-like flowers with yellow, brown, or purple centres. |
heliconia | a tropical flowering plant. |
heliopsis | a flowering plant of the daisy family > HELIOPSES. |
hellebore | any of various early-flowering plants constituting the genus Helleborus, of the buttercup family. |
hemlock | a highly poisonous umbelliferous plant with glaucous spotted stems, white flowers, and finely divided leaves. |
hemp | a plant yielding a coarse fibre and an oil. |
hempweed | a climbing plant. |
henbane | a plant of the nightshade family with amber purple-streaked flowers, noted for its poisonous and narcotic properties. |
henbit | either of two low-growing weeds with roundish shallowly lobed leaves. |
henequen henequin heniquen heniquin | mexican agave, its leaf-fibre, used for cordage. |
hepatica | a flower, aka LIVERWORT > HEPATICAE or HEPATICAS. |
herbelet herblet | any small herb. |
herbose herbous | abounding with herbs. |
heuchera | a N. American plant with heart-shaped leaves and mostly red flowers. |
hibiscus | any of numerous chiefly tropical herbaceous plants, shrubs, and trees of the genus Hibiscus > HIBISCUSES. [L. from Gk. ibiskos, marsh-mallow]. |
hieracium | any plant of the genus Hieracium, the hawkweeds. |
hioi | a plant of the mint family. |
hoarhound horehound | a kind of wild flower. |
hognut | another name for PIGNUT. |
hogweed | a coarse umbellifer. |
hollyhock | a plant (genus Althaea) of the mallow family. |
hom homa | a sacred plant of the ancient Persians. Also HOMA. |
honesty | a flower with silky round seed-pods. |
honewort | an umbelliferous plant of the genus Sison, so called because it was used to cure a swelling called a HONE. |
hoodia | a succulent S. African plant. |
hordock | see HARDOKE. |
horehound | see HOARHOUND. |
hornwort | a rootless water-plant with much-divided submerged leaves. |
horokaka | a low-growing New Zealand plant with fleshy leaves and pink or white flowers. |
horsemint | a coarse American plant of the Mint family. |
horsetail | a waterside plant. |
horseweed | a common American weed of the composite family. |
hortensia | a hydrangea of a group of varieties that have large rounded flower heads composed chiefly of sterile florets. |
hosta | any plant of the liliaceous genus Hosta. [From Austrian botanist N. T. Host]. |
houseleek | a plant of the leek family. |
houstonia | a small North American plant with blue, white or purple flowers. |
hoya | a plant of genus Hoya, the wax-plant. |
hyacine | a hyacinth. |
hyacinth | a bulbous genus of the lily family. |
hydrastis | any of various Japanese and N. American plants, such as GOLDENSEAL, having showy foliage and ornamental red fruits. |
hydrilla | an aquatic plant used as an oxygenator in aquaria and pools. |
hyoscyamus | any plant of the solanaceous genus Hyoscyamus, of Europe, Asia, and N Africa, including HENBANE. |
hypericum | a herbaceous plant or shrub. |
hyssop | an aromatic bitter-tasting labiate herb native to the Mediterranean region, with spikes of small blue flowers. |
iberis | any plant of the genus Iberis, including candytuft > IBERISES. |
impatiens | a genus of plants, so called because the elastic capsules burst when touched, and scatter the seeds with considerable force. |
imphee | any of several southern African varieties of sorghum. [Zulu imfe, sweet cane]. |
incarvillea | any plant of the genus Incarvillea, of the family Bignoniaceae typically having trumpet-shaped flowers borne in clusters on erect stems. |
inula | a kind of plant, aka ELECAMPANE > INULAS. |
ipomoea | a genus of twining plants with showy monopetalous flowers, including the morning-glory, the sweet potato, and the cypress vine. [Gk. ipos, a worm, + homoiso, like]. |
irid | any plant of the IRIS family. |
ironweed | a tall weed with purplish flowers. |
isoetes | a plant of the QUILLWORT genus. [Gk. isoetes, houseleek]. |
itchweed | a plant, Indian poke. |
ivyleaf | as in ivyleaf geranium, a geranium plant. |
ixora | a flowering plant, aka St. Rita and Maltese Cross. |
jatropha | any plant of the genus Jatropha esp Jatropha curcas whose seeds yield an oil that can be used as a biofuel. |
jessamy | jasmine; a dandy. |
jewelweed | a plant of the touch-me-not genus with crimson-spotted yellow flowers. |
jimson | as in jimson weed, a type of poisonous plant with white flowers and shiny fruits > JIMSONS. |
jimpson | as in jimpson weed, a type of poisonous plant with white flowers and shiny fruits. No —S. |
jointweed | an American wild plant. |
jonquil | a Eurasian amaryllidaceous plant, Narcissus jonquilla with long fragrant yellow or white short-tubed flowers. |
juncus | any plant of the genus Juncus, rushes > JUNCUSES. |
kalanchoe | a succulent plant which bears red, yellow or pink clusters on long stems. |
kali | the prickly saltwort or glasswort > KALIS. |
kenaf | a fibre-yielding plant of E. Indies, aka AMBARY or AMBARI. |
ketmia | as in bladder ketmia, a plant with yellow flowers and a bladder-like calyx. |
kingcup | a meadow flower. |
knapweed | any of several plants of the genus Centaurea, related to the thistles. |
knawel knawe | a cornfield weed of the chickweed family. [Ger. Knauel]. |
kniphofia | any plant of the Kniphofia genus, the red-hot poker. |
knitbone | a name for the plant comfrey. |
knotgrass | any of several weeds of the genus Polygonum, with wiry jointed creeping stems and small pinkish or whitish flowers in the axils of the leaves. |
knotweed | a pernicious weed of waterways. |
kochia | any of several plants whose foliage turns dark red in summer. |
korari | a native New Zealand flax plant, aka CLADDIE. |
krubi krubut | an aroid tropical plant with an unpleasant smell. |
kudzu | an ornamental papilionaceous plant of China and Japan. |
ladino | a fast-growing clover > LADINOS. |
larkspur | any of various ranunculaceous plants of the genus Delphinium, with spikes of blue, pink, or white irregular spurred flowers. |
laserwort | any plant of the umbelliferous genus Laserpitium, the root of which yields a resinous substance of a bitter taste. |
lathyrus | any plant of the Lathyrus genus, that includes sweet peas. |
lavandin | a hybrid plant with blue or grey flowers, developed by crossing true lavender with spike lavender; an essential oil extracted from this plant. |
lavatera | any plant of the genus Lavatera of the family Malvaceae, mallows. |
leadplant | an American flower. |
leadwort | a genus of maritime herbs with lead-colored spots on the leaves, and nearly lead-colored flowers. |
ledum | a plant of the Labrador tea genus. |
lespedeza | bush clover. [From Lespeder, Governor of East Florida]. |
lewisia | a perennial herb with pink and white flowers. [From the American explorer Meriwether Lewis]. |
liatris | a North American plant with small white flowers. |
lilied | adorned with lilies. |
lily | any plant or flower of the genus Lilium. |
lilylike | like a lily. |
limonium | a maritime plant with brightly coloured funnel-shaped leaves. |
linseed lintseed | lint or flax seed. |
linum | a genus of herbaceous plants including the flax. |
liriope | a grasslike plant. |
lithops | a fleshy-leaved plant. |
livelong | a kind of stone-crop, ORPINE. |
liverleaf | a woodland plant. |
lobelia | a garden flower. [From botanist Matthew de Lobel]. |
locoplant locoweed | astragalus or other related plant, that drives cattle mad. |
logania | any of a family of Australian plants related to the gentians. |
loofa loofah luffa | a kind of vine: the fibrous gourd-like fruit is used as sponge. |
lote | lotus. |
lotos | lotus > LOTOSES. |
lotus | any of various plants, including certain water-lilies. |
lousewort | any plant of the genus Pedicularis, of the figwort family. |
lovage | a kind of herb. |
lovevine | a twining herb. |
lucerne luzern | a fodder plant, alfalfa. |
luffa | see LOOFA. |
lunary | another name for the plant HONESTY. |
lungwort | a wild flower with spotted leaves. |
lupin lupine | any papilionaceous plant of the genus Lupinus. |
luzern | see LUCERNE. |
lychnis | a plant of the campion genus Lychnis of the pink family. [Gk. lychnis, rose-campion]. |
lythrum | any of various plants of the loosestrife family. |
maca | a cruciferous biennial plant, native to the Peruvian Andes; the powdered root of this plant, used as a stimulant and health supplement. |
mache | lamb's lettuce, corn-salad. |
madwort | any of various plants believed to cure canine madness. |
maguey | the century plant, a species of agave. |
malanga | a tropical plant, aka Mantle of the Queen. |
mallow | any of various plants of the family Malvaceae and esp. of the genus Malva, typically with hairy stems and leaves and deeply-cleft purple flowers. |
malva | any plant of the mallow family. |
mandrake | a poisonous and narcotic Mediterranean plant of the nightshade family. |
mangemange | a climbing plant of S. Africa, aka Bushman's Mattress. |
maranta | a genus of tropical plants that includes ARROWROOT. [From Bartollomeo Maranta, 16th-cent. Italian botanist]. |
marigold | a composite plant of genus Calendulam with orange-yellow flowers. |
marihuana marijuana | Indian hemp; its dried flowers or leaves smoked as an intoxicant. |
mariposa | any of several liliaceous plants of the genus Calochortus, of the southwestern U.S. and Mexico, having brightly coloured tulip-like flowers. [Sp. mariposa, butterfly]. |
marjoram | any of various labiate plants of the genus Origanum, aromatic herbs much used in cooking. |
marshelder | a herbaceous, oily, annual plant native to North America and once cultivated for its edible seeds, aka SUMPWEED. |
marshwort | a small umbelliferous marsh plant related to celery. |
martagon | a kind of lily. |
marybud | a marigold bud. |
mashua | a tuber plant grown in the Andes. |
matfelon matfellon | the greater knapweed. |
matico | a Peruvian plant, allied to the pepper, the leaves of which are used as a styptic and astringent > MATICOS. |
mayapple | an American plant, the egg-shaped fruit of this. |
mayweed | a name for various plants including stinking camomile. |
meadowsweet | a tall fragrant plant growing esp in watery meadows. |
medaewart | an old name for MEADOWSWEET. |
medick | a clover-like plant. |
melampode | black hellebore, Helleborus orientalis. |
melastome | a tropical flowering plant > MELASTOMES. |
melilot | a wild flower. |
meu | the plant SPIGNEL, aka MEUM or BALDMONEY. |
milfoil | a yarrow, or other species of Achillea, with finely divided leaves. |
milkweed | any of certain plants with milky juice, esp. sowthistle. |
milkwort | a plant (genus Polygala) supposed by some to promote the production of milk in women. |
miltonia | any of various epiphytic orchids of the tropical S. American genus Miltonia, bearing large brilliantly coloured flowers. |
mimulus | any of various scrophulariaceous plants of the genus Mimulus, cultivated for their yellow or red flowers, aka monkey flower > MIMULUSES. [Gk. mimos, a mime, with L. diminutive suffix -ulus, from the grinning corolla]. |
mint | any plant of the aromatic labiate genus Mentha; (verb) to coin, to invent. |
mintlike | like mint. |
mirabilis | a genus of plants, the marvel of Peru > MIRABILISES. |
miterwort mitrewort | any plant of the genus Mitella, having slender, perennial herbs with a pod slightly resembling a bishop's miter. |
monarda | a plant of the Monarda genus of N. American aromatic herbs of the mint family. [From N. Monardes (died 1588), Spanish botanist]. |
moneywort | a trailing plant, with rounded opposite leaves and solitary yellow flowers in their axils. |
monkshood | a plant of the genus Aconitum; aka ACONITE. |
montbretia | a garden flower of a S. African iridaceous genus. |
moonflower | a tropical flower, Calonyction aculeatum. |
moonseed | a climbing plant of the genus Menispermum; -- so called from the crescent-like form of the seeds. |
moonwort | a wild flower. |
moorwort | a flower, aka bog rosemary, bog asphodel. |
morelle | a flowering plant. |
moschatel | a plant of the genus Adoxa, the flowers of which are pale green, and have a faint musky smell. |
mousetail | any of various temperate ranunculaceous plants of the genus Myosurus. |
mudwort | a small herbaceous plant growing on muddy shores. |
mugwort | a temperate perennial herbaceous plant, Artemisia vulgaris, with aromatic leaves and clusters of small greenish-white flowers. |
mullein mullen | any of various Mediterranean herbaceous plants of the scrophulariaceous genus Verbascum. |
multiflora | a type of climbing rose having clusters of small flowers. |
muskroot | a plant of the genus Adoxa, the flowers of which are pale green, and have a faint musky smell. Also MOSCHATEL. |
myosote myosotis | a genus of flower, forget-me-not. [Gk. myosotis, mouse-ear, from its furry leaves, from mys, myos a mouse, + ous, otos an ear]. |
narcissus | any of numerous bulbous spring-flowering plants of the genus Narcissus > NARCISSI or NARCISSUSES. |
nard | an East Indian plant of the valerian family, used from remote ages in Oriental perfumery; an ointment made from this; (verb) to anoint with nard. |
nardine | of or pertaining to NARD; having the qualities of nard. |
nardoo | an Australian name for Marsilea drummondii, a four-leaved aquatic plant related to the ferns, sometimes used for food. |
navelwort | a perennial succulent herb, having round, peltate leaves with a central depression; aka PENNYWORT. |
neckweed | an American annual weed, with small white flowers and a roundish pod. |
nelumbium nelumbo | a plant of the Nelumbium genus of waterlilies that includes the sacred lotus. The pl. of NELUMBO is NELUMBOS. |
nemesia | a garden flower. [Gk. nemesion, a kind of catchfly]. |
nemophila | a plant of a N. American genus of garden annuals. |
nenuphar | a white or yellow water-lily. |
nep | catmint. |
nepeta | any of various labiate plants of the genus Nepeta. [L. nepeta, calamint]. |
nerine | a S. African plant related to the AMARYLLIS. [L. nerine, a nereid]. |
nettle | any of various common weeds (genus Urtica) with stinging hairs; (verb) to annoy. |
nettly | like a nettle > NETTLIER, NETTLIEST. |
nicotiana | any plant of the tobacco genus Nicotiana, of the family Solanaceae. |
nigella | a garden flower. [Fem. of L. nigellus, blackish, from niger black, from the plant's black seeds]. |
nonsuch nonesuch | another name for black medick. |
nopal | a Central American cactus plant, on which the cochineal insect feeds, and from which it is collected. [Nahuatl nopalli, cactus]. |
nopalito | a small cactus. |
nymphaea | any plant of the waterlily genus. |
oca | a South American wood sorrel, cultivated for its edible tubers. [Amer. Sp. f. Quechua ócca]. |
oenothera | a type of S. American plant with yellow flowers that open in the evening. |
oilseed | a kind of rape. |
oncidium | an orchid of the tropical American genus Oncidium > ONCIDIUMS. |
ongaonga | a New Zealand nettle with a severe or fatal sting > ONGAONGAS. |
opuntia | a genus of cactaceous plants: the prickly pear, or Indian fig. [L. Opuntia (herba, plant) of Opus (Greek Opous), a town of Locris where Pliny said it grew]. |
orach orache | a genus of the goosefoot family. The pl. in both cases is ORACHES. |
orchid | any plant or flower of the Orchidaceae, a family of monocotyledons, including many tropical epiphytes. |
orchis | any flower of the Orchis genus. [Gk. orkhis, testicle]. |
oregano origan origane origanum | wild marjoram. |
orpin orpine | a kind of stone-crop, aka LIVELONG. |
orrice orris | the Florentine or other iris; its dried rootstock smelling of violets, used in perfumery. |
orval | the wild flower clary. |
oshac | the ammoniac plant. |
ourali oorali ourari urali urari woorari woorali wourali woorara | the plant yielding curare. |
oxalis | a plant of the wood-sorrel genus. [Gk. oxalis, from oxys, sharp or acid]. |
oxeye | a wild chrysanthmemum with yellow disc and white rays. |
oxlip oxslip | a flower like the cowslip. |
oxtongue | any of several plants with rough tongue-shaped leaves. |
oxytrope | a genus of plants in the legue family, including LOCOWEED. |
paeony peony | any of various stout perennial herbaceous plants and shrubs constituting the genus Paeonia. |
pagle paigle | a species of Primula, either the cowslip or the primrose. |
palmiet | a S. African aloe-like riverside plant of the rush family. |
pance paunce pawnce | the pansy. |
pansied | full of pansies. |
pansy | a name for various species of violet. |
papaver | a genus of poppies. |
parakeelya parakelia | a succulent Australian herb. |
parataniwha | a New Zealand plant with pink and red serrated leaves. |
pareira | a tropical climbing plant. |
paris | a plant, herb Paris, once used as a narcotic > PARISES. |
parsley | a bright-green umbelliferous herb (Carum petroselinum) with finely divided, strongly scented leaves, used in cookery. |
paunce | see PANCE. |
pawnce | see PANCE. |
pearlwort | a name given to several low and inconspicuous herbs of the Chickweed family. |
pellitory | a low, harmless weed of the nettle family. |
pennyroyal | an aromatic herb. |
pennywort | a perennial succulent herb, having round, peltate leaves with a central depression; aka NAVELWORT. |
penstemon pentstemon | a genus of showy flowers. |
penthia | another name for the unidentified plant ASTROPHEL. |
peony | see PAEONY. |
peperomia | a genus of subtropical herbaceous plants. |
perilla | a genus of labiate herbs, of which one species is often cultivated for its purple or variegated foliage. |
perpetual | a type of rose that flowers several times in one season. |
perseline | purslane. |
petunia | a S American genus of ornamental plants closely related to tobacco. [Tupi petun, tobaco]. |
phacelia | any of various chiefly annual N. American plants, with clustered blue, violet, or white flowers, freq. grown for ornament. |
phlomis | any plant of the Phlomis genus of labiate herbs > PHLOMISES. [Gk. phlomis, mullein] . |
phlox | any plant of the N. American genus Phlox. [Gk. phlox, flame, wallflower]. |
phormium | a tall New Zealand evergreen plant of the agave family, with sword-like leaves. |
physalis | a plant of the Cape gooseberry genus > PHYSALISES. |
pia | a tropical plant with a rhizome yielding E. India or Madagascar arrowroot. |
picotee | a variety of carnation, with petal margins of different color. |
pigface | a creeping succulent plant with brightly coloured flowers and red fruits. |
pignut | an umbelliferous plant, aka EARTHNUT. |
pigweed | a name of several annual weeds. |
pilewort | a wild plant, used to treats piles. |
pimpernel | a small red flower of waste ground. |
pinedrops | a reddish herb of the United States, found parasitic on the roots of pine trees. N.B. no PINEDROP*. |
pinesap | a reddish fleshy herb, formerly thought to be parasitic on the roots of pine trees, but more probably saprophytic. |
pingrass | a European weed. |
pinkroot | a flowering plant, aka WORMROOT. |
pinweed | any plant of a genus of low North American herbs with branching stems, and very small and abundant leaves and flowers. |
piny | a peony; (adj.) having e.g. the fragrance of pine > PINIER, PINIEST. |
pioney piony | a peony. |
pipewort | an aquatic or marsh herb with soft grass-like leaves. |
pitahaya pitaya | a giant cactus of Central America. |
plantain | any of various low-growing plants constituting the genus Plantago. |
pogonia | a small orchid. |
pokeberry | an American plant, a species of Phytolacca. |
pokeroot pokeweed | an aromatic perennial herb of the United States. |
polyantha | any of large number of dwarf hybrid roses. |
polygala | any plant of the milkwort genus Polygala. |
polygonum | any plant of the knot-grass family Polygonaceae. |
polygony | any plant of the genus Polygonum. |
pondweed | any plant of the genus Potamogeton. |
poppied | covered with poppies. |
poppy | a cornfield plant with large scarlet flowers; (adj.) like pop (music): POPPIER, POPPIEST. |
poppyseed | the seed of the poppy. |
portulaca | any plant of the PURSLANE family. |
pothos | a climbing plant > POTHOSES. |
primula | any of numerous usu. low perennial plants constituting the genus Primula. |
protea | a plant of a large S. African genus. |
puccoon | a plant with a red root and red sap, and bearing a pretty, white flower in early spring, aka BLOODROOT, REDROOT. [Algonquin]. |
puha | sow-thistle. |
pulsatilla | another name for PASQUEFLOWER. |
purpie purpy | purslane, or perhaps brooklime. |
purslain purslane | a pot herb and salad herb. |
pusley pussley pussly | purslane. |
pussytoes | a genus of composite herbs > PUSSYTOES. N.B. no PUSSYTOE*. |
puttyroot | an American orchidaceous plant which flowers in early summer. |
pyrethrum | a name still applied to various garden flowers, especially varieties of Chrysanthemum. |
pyrola | any plant of the wintergreen genus. [Dim. of pyrus, pear, from the shape of the leaves]. |
quamash | see CAMAS. |
queencup | another name for CLINTONIA. |
quillwort | an aquatic plant with hollow stems. |
quinoa | a S. American goosefoot, with seeds used as rice. [Sp. spelling of Quechua kinua, kinoa.] |
rafflesia | any of various stemless leafless parasitic plants, native to Java and Sumatra. |
ragweed | any of various greyish N. American plants of the genus Ambrosia, of the composite family. |
ragwort | a common coarse yellow-headed composite weed of pastures. |
ramee rami ramie | rhea or China grass, a plant of the nettle family. |
rampion | a wild flower, with a root used in salads. |
ramson | a broad-leaved species of garlic. |
ramtil ramtilla | a plant of the Indian subcontinent, cultivated for the oil pressed from the seeds. |
raoulia | a New Zealand plant. |
rattlebox rattlepods | any of various tropical and subtropical plants with inflated seedpods within which the seeds rattle. |
rauriki | sow-thistle. |
reate | any of several kinds of water-crowfoot. |
rebloomer | a flower that blooms again, especially in the same growing season. |
redleg | an arable weed. |
redroot | a plant with a red root and red sap, and bearing a pretty, white flower in early spring, aka PUCCOON, BLOODROOT. |
reseda | a flower, mignonette. |
restharrow | a wild flower. |
ribgrass | the ribwort plantain. |
ribwort | a plantain with lanceolate prominently veined leaves, common in grassland. |
richweed | a herb of the nettle family, having a smooth, juicy, pellucid stem. |
ricinus | a genus of plants of the Spurge family, containing one species, the castor-oil plant. |
riverweed | any plant of the genus Podostemon. |
rocambole | a plant closely related to garlic. |
rockcress | another name for the plant arabis. |
rocket roquette | a kind of salad plant. |
rodgersia | a flowering perennial herb. |
roselike | like a rose. |
rosemary | a small fragrant pungent Mediterranean labiate shrub. |
roseroot | a fleshy-leaved herb, so called because the roots have the odor of roses. |
rosinweed | the compass-plant, Silphium. |
rudbeckia | a composite plant of the sunflower family. [From Olaf Rudbeck (1660-1740), Swed. botanist]. |
rue | a plant with medicinal leaves; (verb) to regret. |
ruellia | a plant of the acanthus family. [From the French botanist Jean Ruel (1479-1537)]. |
rugosa | a type of rose. |
ruscus | any plant of the genus Ruscus, that includes butcher's broom > RUSCUSES. |
rushlike | resembling a rush; weak. |
rushy | rushlike; full or made of rushes > RUSHIER, RUSHIEST. |
sabadilla | see CEBADILLA. |
safflower | a thistle-like plant yielding an orange dye. |
sage | a garden labiate plant (Salvia officinalis) whose grey-green leaves are used as a flavouring; (adj.) wise > SAGER, SAGEST. |
saguaro sahuaro | a kind of cactus > SAHUAROS. |
sainfoin saintfoin | a leguminous plant, used as fodder. |
salfern | a wild flower, aka GROMWELL. |
salicornia | any plant, such as glasswort, of the Salicornia genus of gooosefoots, found on salt marshes. |
salsilla | a tropical plant. |
saltwort | a plant, growing on sandy seashores. |
salvia | a genus of plants including sage. |
samnitis | an unknown poisonous plant > SAMNITISES. |
samphire sampire | a fleshy sea-coast plant; glasswort. |
sandbur sandburr sandspur | an annual herb. |
sandwort | any of various small white-flowered plants of the genus Arenaria and several related genera of the pink family. |
sanicle | a wild flower, with astringent properties. [Gr. sanus, healthy]. |
santonica | the dried unexpanded flower-heads of a species of wormwood. |
saponaria | a genus of flowers, aka SOAPWORT. |
sasanqua | a kind of camellia. |
satinflower | another name for the greater stitchwort. |
satinpod | a flower, aka HONESTY. |
saulge | an old name for SAGE. |
savory | a kind of herb; (adj.) (US) savoury > SAVORIER, SAVORIEST. |
saxifrage | a kind of rock plant. |
scabiosa scabious | any wild flower of genus Scabiosa. [L. scabiosus, from scabies, the itch]. |
scammoniate | of or like SCAMMONY, a species of bindweed or convolvulus. |
scammony | a species of bindweed or convolvulus. [Gk. skammonia]. |
scilla | any plant of the squill genus. [L. scilla, sea onion]. |
scindapsus | any plant of the tropical Asiatic climbing genus Scindapsus, grown as greenhouse or house plants for their leathery heart-shaped variegated leaves. |
seablite | a coastal plant. |
seakale | a kind of maritime cabbage. |
sedum | a genus of plants, mostly perennial, having succulent leaves and cymose flowers. [L. sedum, house-leek]. |
sego | a liliaceous plant of Western North America, and its edible bulb. [Ute]. |
selfheal | a plant with blue flowers. |
semsem | sesame. [Arabic simsim]. |
senecio | any plant of the genus Senecio, that includes groundsels and ragworts. [L. senecio, old man, groundsel, in ref. to the plant's white pappus]. |
sengreen | the houseleek. |
senna | the leaves of several leguminous plants of the genus Cassia, used as a cathartic medicine. [Arabic sana]. |
sesame | a plant native to SE Asia, producing seeds used as food and yielding an edible oil. |
seseli | a kind of umbelliferous plant > SESELIS. |
setuale | see CETYWALL. |
setwall | see CETYWALL. |
shamrock | the national emblem of Ireland, a trifoliate leaf or plant. |
shasta | a flowering plant of the daisy family. |
shaya | see CHAY. |
shinleaf | a perennial herb > SHINLEAFS or SHINLEAVES. |
shiso | an Asian plant with aromatic leaves that are used in cooking > SHISOS. |
shoreweed | a plant of the plantain family, found on lakesides. |
shortia | an American herb. |
sida | any plant of the Queensland hemp genus Sida, of the mallow family. |
sidalcea | a plant of the genus Sidalcea of the mallow family. |
silene | a flowering plant of the genus Silene, including the campions and catchfly. |
silkweed | another name for MILKWEED. |
silphium | a plant imported by the Greeks from Cyrenaica and used as a foodstuff and in medicine > SILPHIA or SILPHIUMS. [L. from Gk. silphion]. |
silverweed | a creeping plant with silvery leaves and yellow flowers. |
sinningia | one of a family of Brazilian plants that includes gloxinia. |
sinsemilla | a plant yielding marijuana. |
skirret | a water parsnip with edible roots. |
skunkweed | a low-growing fetid swamp plant of N. America. |
slinkweed | rosebay willow-herb or other flower believed to make cattle slink, i.e. give birth prematurely. |
slipperwort | another name for CALCEOLARIA. |
smartweed | an acrid plant which produces smarting if applied where the skin is tender. |
smilax | a genus of perennial climbing plants, usually with a prickly woody stem. |
snakemouth | a N. American orchid. |
snakeroot | bistort, milkwort, or any other plant whose root has been thought good for snakebites. |
snakeweed | a plant with a twisted astringent root, aka BISTORT. |
snakewood | an East Indian climbing plant having a bitter taste, and supposed to be a remedy for the bite of the cobra, aka LETTER-WOOD. |
snapdragon | a garden flower, aka ANTIRRHINUM. |
snapweed | a flowering plant of the US. |
sneezewort | a herbaceous plant allied to the yarrow, having a strong, pungent smell. |
snowdrop | a drooping white flower of early spring. |
soaproot | a perennial herb the root of which is used in Spain as a substitute for soap. |
soapwort | a tall herb (Saponaria officinalis, or other species) of the pink family, whose roots and leaves contain saponin. |
sola solah shola | an Indian plant with a pith used in making tropical hats, aka SPONGEWOOD. |
solanum | any herbaceous plant of the genus Solanum, incl the potato, bittersweet and certain nightshades. |
solidago | a flower, goldenrod > SOLIDAGOS. |
sotol | any of several desert plants of the agave family, native to south-western N. America. |
sourock | sorrel. |
sowbread | a kind of cyclamen, so called because its tubers are eaten by pigs. |
sparaxis | a S. African iridaceous plant with star-like flowers and lacerated spathes > SPARAXISES. [LL, from Gk. sparassein, to tear, lacerate]. |
spearmint | a common garden mint used in cooking and flavouring. |
spearwort | a name given to several species of crowfoot which have spear-shaped leaves. |
speedwell | any species of the scrophulariaceous genus Veronica, typically blue-flowered. |
spicknel spignel | an umbelliferous herb having finely divided leaves, common in Europe; aka BALDMONEY and MEU. |
spiraea spirea | a group of plants, including hardhack, and meadowsweet. [Gk. speiraia, privet]. |
spongewood | an Indian plant with a pith used in making tropical hats. |
sprekelia | a bulbous plant grown for its striking crimson or white pendent flowers. |
spurge | a plant of genus Euphorbia, usually having a milky juice which yields powerful emetic and cathartic products. |
spurrey spurry | an annual herb with whorled filiform leaves, sometimes grown for fodder. SPURRY is also an adjective: spur-like. No comp, but there is a noun SPURRIER, one who makes spurs. |
squawroot | a scaly parasitic plant found in oak woods in the United States. |
squill | sea onion, used as expectorant, etc. |
squinancy | a wild plant believed to cure quinsy. |
stachys | any labiate plant of the genus Stachys. [Gk. stachys, ear of corn]. |
stapelia | any of various succulent southern African plants constituting the genus Stapelia. [From the Dutch botanist J. B. van Stapel (d 1636)]. |
staragen | the tarragon plant. |
starwort | any plant of the genus Aster. |
statice | sea lavender. [L. statice, thrift, from Gk. statike]. |
stevia | a S. American plant cultivated for its sweet-tasting leaves. |
stickseed | any of various weedy herbs of the borage family. |
stickweed | any of several plants, such as beggar's lice, with adhesive seeds. |
stingy | a stinging nettle. |
stinkweed | any foul-smelling plant. |
stitchwort | a plant of the chickweed genus. |
stokesia | a perennial herb. |
stonecrop | a yellow flower of rockeries etc. |
stramony stramonium | thorn apple, and its leaves used in medicine. |
strapwort | a seaside plant of the pink family. |
strawflower | any Australian composite flowering plant of the genus Helichrysum. |
succory | chicory. |
sumpweed | a marsh plant. |
sunchoke | the Jerusalem artichoke, a type of sunflower. |
sundew | an insectivorous bog-plant. |
sundrops | an American evening primrose with flowers that open at sunset. N.B. no SUNDROP*. |
sunflower | a composite plant (genus Helianthus) or its large head with yellow rays and edible seeds from which an oil is extracted. |
sunn | an E. Indian plant with tough fibre used in cordage. |
superweed | a hybrid plant that contains genes for herbicide resistance. |
swallowwort | a kind of vine with brownish-purple flowers. |
tagetes | a garden flower. [L. Tages, an Etruscan god]. N.B. no TAGETE*. |
tampala | an annual herb. |
tansy | a kind of flower. |
taraxacum | a plant of the dandelion genus. |
tarragon | a kind of herb. [Arabic tarkhan]. |
tarweed | a resinous, composite Californian plant. |
teaberry | wintergreen; the wintergreen berry. |
teasel teazel teazle | a plant of the genus Dipsacus, with prickly flowers; (verb) to raise a nap with teazel > TEASELED or TEASELLED; TEAZELED or TEAZELLED; TEAZLED. |
teel til | the sesame plant. |
thale | as in thale cress, a cruciferous wall plant. |
thickleaf | any of various succulent plants of the genus Crassula > THICKLEAVES. |
thimbleweed | any of various anemones with cylindrical seed heads. |
thistle | a prickly composite plant with pink, white, yellow but usu purple flower-heads. |
thistly | full of thistles > THISTLIER, THISTLIEST. |
thrissel thristle | thistle. |
thyme | any member of the labiate genus Thymus. |
tidytips | a California composite plant, the flower of which has yellow rays tipped with white > TIDYTIPS. N.B. no TIDYTIP*. |
til | see TEEL. |
tillandsia | any plant of the mainly epiphytic tropical American genus Tillandsia of the pineapple family. |
timbo | a S. American sapindaceous climbing plant > TIMBOS. |
tithonia | a small herb. |
toadflax | a plant of the figwort family, resembling a snapdragon. |
toothwort | a plant whose roots are fancied to resemble teeth, as certain plants of the genus Lathraea, and various species of Dentaria. |
tormentil | a small POTENTILLA of heaths and moors having four-petalled yellow flowers and strongly astringent roots. |
trefoil | a three-leaved plant; a three-lobed architectural ornament. |
trifolium | any leguminous plant of the large genus Trifolium, characterized by trifoliate leaves > TRIFOLIUMS or TRIFOLIA. |
trifoly | sweet trefoil. |
trillium | a genus of liliaceous plants; the three-leaved nightshade; -- so called because all the parts of the plant are in threes. |
tritoma | a flowering plant, aka KNIPHOFIA. |
tritonia | a S. African iridaceous plant. |
trollius | the globeflower. |
tuberose | a Mexican amaryllid with fragrant, creamy-white flowers. |
tule | a large American bulrush. [Sp. f. Nahuatl tollin, tullin]. |
tulip | any plant or flower of the bulbous liliaceous genus Tulipa, with showy, usu solitary, flowers. |
tuliplike | like a TULIP. |
tulsi | a type of BASIL. |
turnsole | heliotrope; -- so named because its flowers are supposed to turn toward the sun. |
tutsan | any of several plants credited with healing properties, esp. a St John's wort with large aromatic leaves and a berry-like fruit, aka PARKLEAVES. |
twayblade | any one of several orchidaceous plants which have only two leaves, as the species of Listera and of Liparis. |
udo | a Japanese plant with edible shoots > UDOS. |
urali | see OORALI. |
urari | see OORALI. |
urena | any plant of the tropical genus Urena of the mallow family, yielding a jute substitute. [Malayalam uren]. |
urtica | any plant of the nettle genus > URTICAS. |
valerian | a flower; its roots are used as sedative. |
valeric | relating to VALERIAN. |
vanda | a tropical orchid. [Hindi vanda, mistletoe]. |
venidium | a plant native to S. America with yellow or cream flowers. |
veratrum | a genus of coarse liliaceous herbs having very poisonous qualities > VERATRUMS. [L. veratrum, hellebore]. |
verbascum | another name for MULLEIN. |
verbena | a plant of the VERVAIN genus. [L. verbena, a leafy twig, sacred bough]. |
veronica | any of several herbs of the speedwell genus. |
vervain verven | a wild verbena, believed to have magical powers. |
vetch | any of a number of leguminous flowers. |
vetchling | any small leguminous plant of the genus Lathyrus, especially L. nissolia. |
vetchy | consisting of vetches or of pea straw > VETCHIER, VETCHIEST. |
vinca | a genus of plant, including periwinkle. |
vinelike | like a VINE. |
violet | any plant or flower of the genus Viola. |
viscaria | any plant of the Eurasian perennial genus Viscaria > low-growing, with pink, white, or purple flowers. |
wald weld | a scentless species of MIGNONETTE, yielding a yellow dye. WELD is also a verb: to join two pieces of metal by fusing. |
wallpepper | a small Eurasian crassulaceous plant, having creeping stems, yellow flowers, and acrid-tasting leaves. |
wallwort | dwarf elder, aka DANEWORT. |
wartwort | a name given to several plants thought to be a cure for warts. |
waterleaf | any plant of the American genus Hydrophyllum, herbs having white or pale blue bell-shaped flowers > WATERLEAFS. |
waterlily | a name commonly given to the different species of Nymphaea and Nuphar. |
waterweed | any plant with very small flowers and leaves growing in ponds, etc, esp ANACHARIS. |
waxflower | any of various plants with waxy flowers. |
waxplant | any of several plants of the genus Hoya, with clusters of waxy white or pink flowers. |
waxweed | an annual herb. |
waybread | the common dooryard plantain. |
william | as in sweet william, a flowering plant. |
willowherb | a perennial herb of the evening primrose family with willow-like leaves and seeds. |
wincopipe | a little red flower, probably the scarlet pimpernel. |
wintergreen | an aromatic plant of genus Pyrola, yielding a stimulant oil. |
wistaria wisteria | an ornamental climbing plant. [From Caspar Wistar (or Wister) (1761-1818), US anatomist]. |
witchweed | a yellow-flowered plant of the snapdragon family. |
withwind withywind | bindweed or other climbing plant. |
woad | a broad-leafed plant yielding a blue dye. |
woadwax woodwax woodwaxen woadwaxen | dyer's greenweed. |
wolfsbane | a kind of aconite. |
woodroof woodruff | a small herb having a pleasant taste, sometimes used for flavoring wine. |
woodwax | see WOADWAX. |
woodwaxen | see WOADWAX. |
woorali | see OORALI. |
woorara | see OORALI. |
woorari | see OORALI. |
wormroot | a flowering plant, aka PINKROOT. |
wormseed | any one of several plants whose seeds have the property of expelling worms from the stomach and intestines. |
wormwood | the bitter plant Artemisia absinthium, formerly used as a vermifuge. |
woundwort | any of several plants popularly held to have wound-healing properties. |
wourali | see OORALI. |
xanthoxyl zanthoxyl | a plant of a genus of the rue family found in Brazil, in particular the prickly-ash or Hercules club. |
yage | a tropical vine of the Amazon region. |
yarr | the corn spurrey. |
yarrow | a wild flower. |
yautia | a tropical plant. |
yellowweed | any of various yellow-flowered plants, such as the ragwort in Europe and some species of goldenrod in the U.S. |
yellowwort | a wild flower. |
yuca yucca | any plant of the genus Yucca of plants of the family Liliaceae, native to Mexico. |
zanthoxyl | see XANTHOXYL. |
zebrina | a trailing or creeping Central American plant. |
zedoary | certain species of CURCUMA, native to the Indian subcontinent, China, etc, whose rootstocks are aromatic, bitter and pungent. |
zingiber | any plant of the Zingiber or ginger family. [L. zingiber, from Gk. zingiberis, ginger]. |
zinnia | a garden flower. |
zygocactus | a kind of cactus, aka the Christmas cactus > ZYGOCACTI or ZYGOCACTUSES. |