Association of British Scrabble Players

Science & Tech > Physics > Electricity

Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.

airgap a gap in the magnetic circuit of a piece of apparatus.
ambipolar of plasmas and semiconductors, involving both positive and negative charge carriers.
ampacity the largest amount of current that a wire can carry.
amplidyne a type of direct-current generator.
anaphoresis the movement of suspended charged particles towards the anode in an electric field.
anodal relating to an anode.
anodally aNODAL, relating to an anode.
anode a positive terminal; an electrode by which current enters, or to which electrons flow.
anodic of or like an anode.
anodically aNODIC, of or like an anode.
antistatic reducing, removing, or preventing the buildup of static electricity; (noun) an antistatic substance.
armature the iron core of an electromagnetic machine together with the windings which carry the induced electromotive force; (verb) to furnish with armour.
astatic having no fixed position of stability; esp not lining up with or otherwise responding to external magnetic fields.
astatically aSTATIC, having no fixed position of stability.
astaticism the quality of being astatic, having no fixed position of stability.
autodyne a type of electric circuit.
balun a device for coupling two electrical circuits.
barretter a resistor capable of variation and used eg for detecting radio waves or stabilizing electric current.
bremsstrahlung electromagnetic radiation given off when an electron collides with a positive nucleus.
busbar an electric conductor connecting various circuits.
capacitance in electricity, the ability to store an electric charge; measure of such ability.
cathodal relating to a cathode.
cathodally cATHODAL, relating to a cathode.
cathode the positive terminal of a battery.
cathodic relating to a cathode.
cathodical relating to a cathode.
cathodically cATHODICAL, relating to a cathode.
catholically cATHOLIC, universal.
catholyte the part of the electrode that surrounds the cathode in an electrolytic cell.
catolyte the part of the electrode that surrounds the cathode in an electrolytic cell.
cogeneration the production of electricity from waste heat.
cogenerator a device for cogeneration, the production of electricity from waste heat.
conductance a conductor's power of conducting electricity, the reciprocal of the resistance.
cryotron a tiny form of electronic switch operating in a bath of liquid helium a few degrees above absolute zero.
demagnetise to remove the magnetic property from.
demagnetize to deprive of magnetic properties.
deperm to demagnetize.
diatron a circuitry design that uses diodes.
dielectric nonconducting (noun) a substance which does not allow the passage of an electric current through it
dielectrically dIELECTRIC, preventing the passage of an electric current.
diode an electronic component.
dopant in electronics, a substance used in doping.
dynatron an electrode thermionic valve used to generate continuous oscillation.
dynode an intermediate electrode between anode and cathode.
eigenmode a normal mode of vibration of an oscillating system.
elastance the reciprocal of the capacity of a condenser, from its electromechanical analogy with a spring.
electret a nonconductor having permanent positive and negative poles.
electric relating to electricity (noun) an electric vehicle, machine etc
electricity the manifestation of a form of energy associated with separation or movement of charged particles, such as electrons and protons.
electrise to make electric.
electrize to make electric.
electrode a conductor by which a current of electricity enters or leaves an electrolytic cell.
electrology the study of electricity.
electromotance the force of an electric current.
electrophorus an apparatus consisting of a disk and metal plate to demonstrate static electricity.
electropolar having, as an electrical conductor, one end or surface positive and the other negative.
electrorheology the study of the flow of fluids under the influence of electric fields.
endodyne of an electrical circuit in which the same elements and valves are used both as oscillator and detector, aka autodyne.
faradaic produced by or associated with electrical induction.
faradic produced by or associated with electrical induction.
faradisation the act of faradising.
faradization the act of faradizing.
feedthrough a device for connecting two parts of an electronic circuit.
flashover an electric discharge over the surface of an insulator.
galvanise to subject to the action of an electric current.
galvanism the production of an electric current by chemical means, as in a battery.
galvanize to subject to the action of an electric current.
hookup an electrical assemblage.
hygristor an electronic component whose resistance varies with humidity.
ignitron a device for conducting current in which an electrode dips into a pool of mercury and draws up an arc to start ionization.
impedor a component, such as a capacitor or resistor, that offers impedance.
inductance the property of inducing an electromotive force by variation of current in a circuit.
inductor a part of an electrical apparatus which acts inductively on another, esp to produce an electromotive force or a current.
insulator a nonconductor of electricity; a device for insulating a conductor.
kathode the positive terminal of a battery.
kenotron a type of diode.
klystron a kind of electron tube.
magnetic relating to magnets (noun) a magnet
magnetics the study of magnetism.
magnetizable capable of being magnetized.
monophase a type of matter or a compound that contains only one phase or a clear-cut and unattached type of matter.
monophasic of electric current, single-phase.
monostable of an electronic circuit, having only one stable state but able to pass into a second state in response to an input pulse.
nonconductor a substance that conducts heat, electricity, or sound only in very small degree.
overvoltage the excess potential required for the discharge of an ion at an electrode over and above the equilibrium potential of the electrode.
paramagnetic applied to any substance of which a rod suspended between the poles of a magnet arranges itself parallel to the lines of force, as opposed to diamagnetic.
paramagnetism the state of being paramagnetic.
permeance the property of allowing the passage of lines of magnetic flux.
phasor a rotating vector representing a quantity eg a voltage.
photocell a photoelectric cell.
photoionise to ionize by electromagnetic radiation.
photoionize to ionize by electromagnetic radiation.
piezo piezoelectric, relating to electric current generated by compression of crystals.
piezoelectric relating to electric current generated by compression of crystals.
piezomagnetic relating to piezomagnetism.
piezomagnetism magnetism developed in a similar way to piezoelectricity, using a magnetic instead of an electric field.
polyphase having several alternating electric currents of equal frequency with uniformly spaced phase differences.
reactance the component of impedance due to inductance or capacitance.
rectifier a person who rectifies (esp alcohol).
reluctivity a specific or relative reluctance of a magnetic material.
remanence the property of staying magnetic.
remanency the property of staying magnetic.
resistor a piece of apparatus used to offer electrical resistance.
resnatron a high-power, high-frequency tetrode.
rheochord a wire rheostat, a metallic wire used for regulating the resistance of a circuit.
rheocord a wire rheostat, a metallic wire used for regulating the resistance of a circuit.
rheostat an instrument for measuring electric resistance.
rheostatic relating to a rheostat.
rheotome an instrument which periodically or otherwise interrupts an electric current.
rheotrope an instrument for reversing the direction of an electric current.
rheotropic relating to a rheotrope, an instrument for reversing the direction of an electric current.
solenoid a cylindrical wire coil acting as a magnet when charged.
solenoidal like a solenoid.
solenoidally sOLENOIDAL, like a solenoid.
superconduct to exhibit superconductivity.
superconduction the act of superconducting.
superconductive capable of superconduction.
supercurrent a current of electricity flowing in a superconductor.
tetrode a thermionic valve with four electrodes.
thermocouple a pair of different metals in contact giving a thermoelectric current.
thermoelectric relating to electricity developed by bodies at different temperatures.
thyristor a thyratron-like solid-state semiconductor device.
transductor an arrangement of windings on a laminated core or cores, part of a device for amplifying current.
triac an electronic device used to control power.
triode a three-electrode valve.
varistor a semiconductor with resistance varying in accordance with voltage.
voltage electromotive force expressed in volts.
voltaic of electricity, generated by chemical action.
voltaism the branch of electricity concerning the production of an electric current from the chemical interaction of two immersed dissimilar metals.
vril a hypothetical electric fluid in Bulwer-Lytton.
wattless denoting a type of electric lightbulb.
waveguide in electronics, a hollow metal conductor through which high-frequency energy can be propagated efficiently.