Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.
adelgid | a small insect related to the aphids. |
alderfly | a riverside neuropterous insect. |
antlion | an insect that digs a pit to catch ants. |
aphid | a plant-louse (e.g. greenfly or blackfly), a small homopterous insect that sucks plant juices > APHIDS or APHIDES. |
aphidian | of the family Aphidae, aphids. |
aphidious | like an APHID. |
aphis | a plant-louse; member of genus Aphis which includes greenfly, etc > APHIDES. |
armyworm | the larva of a small fly or moth that moves in large armies destroying crops. |
bedbug | an insect that infests beds. |
beflea | to infest with fleas > BEFLEAS, BEFLEAING, BEFLEAED. |
blackfly | a THRIPS or APHIS that infests broad beans. |
booklouse | an insect that eats books > BOOKLICE. |
caddisfly | any small mothlike insect of the order Trichoptera that lives near, and lays its eggs in, water. |
caddisworm | the larva of the caddis-fly. |
casebearer | an insect larva that forms a protective coat of silk. |
caseworm | a CADDIS worm. |
cercopid | a spittle-bug. |
chegoe chigger chigoe chigre | a small tropical flea; the fertile female burrows under the skin of the host including humans. |
chinch | a N. American bug, very destructive to cereals and other grasses; also, a bedbug. |
cicada cicala | an insect like a grasshopper > CICADAE or CICADAS, CICALE or CICALAS. |
cicadellid | a genus of insects including leafhoppers. |
cimex | a bed-bug > CIMICES. |
clipshear | an earwig. |
coccid | a kind of insect, the scale insects and mealy bugs. |
cochineal | an insect that feeds on cacti and is the source of a scarlet dyestuff. |
cockroach | an orthopterous insect, the so-called black beetle. |
collembolan | a SPRINGTAIL, any one of numerous species of small apterous insects belonging to the order Thysanura. |
conenose | a bloodsucking insect. |
corixid | a type of water bug. |
cricket | a jumping insect of the family Gryllidae, related to the grasshopper and locust; (verb) to play cricket > CRICKETS, CRICKETING, CRICKETED. |
crotonbug | a species of COCKROACH. |
damselfly | an insect of the order Odonata, resembling the dragonfly. |
dictyopteran | any insect of an order including COCKROACHES and MANTISES. |
dragonfly | a predaceous long-bodied often brilliantly-coloured insect of the Odonata. |
earwig | any dermapterous insect of the family Forficulidae, once supposed to creep into the ear; (verb) to pester with demands; to eavesdrop > EARWIGS, EARWIGGING, EARWIGGED. |
earwiggy | full of earwigs. |
ephemera | an insect of the mayfly genus Ephemera, whose adult life is very short > EPHEMERAS or EPHEMERAE. |
ephemerid | an insect of the mayfly family > EPHEMERIDES or EPHEMERIDS. |
ephemeron | an insect that lives for only one day; anything short-lived > EPHEMERA or EPHEMERONS. |
firebrat | a small insect found in bakehouses. |
flea | any of an order of wingless, very agile, parasitic, bloodsucking insects. |
fleahopper | any of various small jumping bugs that feed on certain plants. |
fleasome | full of fleas. |
froghopper | another name for SPITTLEBUG. |
gogga | an insect, a creepy-crawly. |
grapelouse | an insect of the genus Phylloxera, that attacks vines > GRAPELICE. |
grasshopper | a name for various herbivorous jumping insects of the order Orthoptera, related to locusts and crickets, that chirp by rubbing their wing-covers. |
greenbug | a green aphid. |
greenfly | a kind of aphid. |
grig | a cricket, a grasshopper; a sand-eel; (verb) to fish for grigs (in sense of sand-eels) > GRIGS, GRIGGING, GRIGGED. |
hemipter hemipteran hemipteron | a member of the Hemiptera, an order of insects, variously defined, with wings (when present) often half leathery, half membranous, ie the bugs, cicadas, greenfly, cochineal insect, etc. |
hemipteral hemipterous | relating to the Hemiptera, an order of insects including bugs and cicadas. |
heteropterous | relating to true bugs. |
hexapod | an animal with six feet, an insect. |
insect | a word loosely used for a small invertebrate creature, esp one with a body divided into sections; in zoological terms, a member of the Insecta. |
insectan insectean | pertaining to insects. |
isopteran | Any member of an order of insects, the termites, having the two pairs of wings (when present) closely alike. |
isopterous | relating to the Isoptera, an order of insects having the two pairs of wings closely alike. |
jassid | an insect of the leafhopper family. |
jointworm | the larva of a small, hymenopterous fly, which is found in gall-like swellings on the stalks of wheat. |
kade ked | a wingless fly that infests sheep. |
katydid | a kind of grasshopper. |
kekerengu | a New Zealand bug. |
lacewing | any one of several species of neuropterous insects of the genus Chrysopa and allied genera. |
leafhopper | a name for various hopping orthopterous insects that suck plant juices. |
locust | any of numerous orthopterous insects of the genus Locusta; (verb) to lay waste like a locust > LOCUSTS, LOCUSTING, LOCUSTED. |
louse | a wingless parasitic insect (genus Pediculus), with a flat body and short legs > LICE. (Verb) to mess up > LOUSES, LOUSING, LOUSED. |
mantid | a member of the Mantis family of insects. |
mantis | any of various predatory insects of the family Mantidae > MANTISES or MANTES. |
mayfly | a short-lived insect (genus Ephemera) that appears in May. |
mealybug | a hothouse pest, a coccus insect with a white powdery appearance. |
mirid | a variety of leaf-bug. |
mudeye | the larva of the dragonfly, commonly used as a fishing bait. |
murragh | an angler's name for a large CADDISFLY esteemed by trout. |
neuropteran | an order of insect including lacewing flies. |
neuropteron | any of an order of insect including lacewing flies > NEUROPTERA. |
neuropterous | pertaining or belonging to insect order including lace-wing flies. |
nit | a young louse; a fool. |
noninsect | a creature that is not an insect. |
nymph | in aquatic insects, the larval stage. |
odonata | insects of the order Odonata, dragonflies and damselflies. |
odonate | any member of the order Odonata, dragonflies and damselflies. |
orthopteran orthopteron | any member of the Orthoptera order of insects > ORTHOPTERANS, ORTHOPTERA. |
orthopterous | pertaining or belonging to insect order including grasshoppers, crickets, etc |
pedicular | of or pertaining to lice. |
pediculous | lousy. |
pediculus | a genus of wingless parasitic Hemiptera, including the common lice of man > PEDICULI. |
phasmid | any orthopterous insect of the family Phasmidae, as a leaf insect or a stick insect. |
proturan | any of a variety of white wingless insects. |
psocid | any member of the family Psocidae, tiny winged or wingless insects that include booklice, barklice etc. |
psylla | any insect of the genus Psylla, leaping plant lice > PSYLLAS. [L. from Gk. psulla, flea]. |
psyllid | a PSYLLA, a plant louse. |
pulicene | pertaining to, or abounding in, fleas. |
rearhorse | a praying mantis (from its stance). |
redbug | a CHIGGER, a blood-sucking larval mite. |
reduviid | the Reduviidae family of predaceous bugs. |
roseslug | a larval sawfly that eats rose-leaves. |
sawfly | a hymenopterous insect of various kinds. |
shadfly | the mayfly. |
sialid sialidan | an alderfly. |
silverhorn | any of various usually darkish caddis flies of the family Leptoceridae, characterized by very long pale antennae. |
snowflea | a white wingless insect appearing on snow in springtime. |
spittlebug | any of a family (Cercopidae) of leaping homopterous insects whose larvae emit froth. |
springtail | any one of numerous species of small apterous insects belonging to the order Thysanura. |
stinkbug | a shield bug that releases foul-smelling secretions. |
stylopid | an insect that is parasitic on other insects. |
termite | a so-called white ant, a pale-coloured insect of the order Isoptera, only superficially like an ant, some species feeding on wood and damaging trees, buildings, etc. |
termitic | of termites. |
tettix | the cicada > TETTIXES. |
thrips | any insect of the order Thysanoptera, esp a minute black insect of the genus Thrips, common in flowers > THRIPSES. [Gk. thrips, a woodworm]. |
thysanuran | a member of the bristle-tails, an order of small wingless insects with abdominal appendages. |
thysanurous | relating to a THYSANURAN, a bristle-tail. |
voetganger | a locust before its wings grow. [Du voet, foot + gang, walk]. |
weta | a large New Zealand grasshopper. |
woodwasp | a large wasplike insect. |