Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.
aasvogel | a S. African vulture. [Dutch 'carrion bird']. |
aberdevine | a bird-fancier's name for the SISKIN. |
accentor | a songbird. |
accipiter | a bird belonging to the Accipiter genus of hawks. [L. accipiter, a hawk]. |
accipitral | resembling a hawk. [L. accipiter, a hawk]. |
accipitrine | pertaining to or designating birds of the family Accipitridae, which includes most birds of prey other than owls, falcons, and New World vultures. |
adjutant | a large Indian stork or crane. |
aepyornis | a large fossil bird of Madagascar > AEPYORNISES. [Gk. aipys tall, and ornis bird]. |
agami | a crane-like bird of S. America. |
aigrette | another name for the EGRET. |
albatross | a large long-winged seabird. |
alcatras | a kind of large water bird > ALCATRASES. [Arabic 'the diver']. |
alcid | a diving seabird, an auk. |
alcidine | relating to the auk family. |
altrices | birds whose young are hatched in a very immature and helpless condition, so as to require the care of their parents for some time, as opposed to PRAECOCES. N.B. no ALTRICE*. |
amadavat avadavat | the strawberry finch, a small Indian song bird, commonly caged and kept for fighting. |
amazon | a tropical green parrot. |
amokura | a white pelagian bird of tropical latitudes, with a red beak and red tail feathers. |
anhinga | a kind of bird, the water turkey. [Tupi ayinga]. |
ani | a tropical American bird. |
anserine | belonging to the goose family; silly. |
anserous | resembling a goose; silly; simple. |
antbird | a group of tropical birds. |
antpitta | any of several S. American birds related to the ant thrushes. |
apteryx | a genus of New Zealand birds about the size of a hen, that includes the kiwi. |
aquiline | of or like an eagle. |
araponga arapunga | the CAMPANERO or S. American bell-bird. |
archangel | a kind of pigeon. |
argala | the adjutant stork of India. |
argus | an East Indian pheasant; an ophiuroid with much-divided coiling arms. [Gk. argos, bright]. |
auk | a short-winged, black-and-white, heavy-bodied seabird of the family Alcidae. [ON alka]. |
auklet | a small auk. |
avian | a bird; (adj.) like a bird. |
avicular | of or pertaining to birds. |
avifauna | the birdlife of a region > AVIFAUNAS or AVIFAUNAE. |
avifaunal | relating to AVIFAUNA, the birdlife of a region. |
avine | like a bird. |
avocet avoset | a wading bird with a long bill bent upwards towards the tip. |
awlbird | the green woodpecker; the avocet. |
axebird | a nightjar of Queensland. |
babbler | a family of tropical birds. |
baldicoot | the coot, from its white frontal shield. |
baldpate | a kind of wild duck. |
bantam | a small variety of the common domestic fowl. |
banty | a bantam. |
barb | a dark-coloured fancy pigeon. |
barbet | a tropical bird with a bristly beak. |
bargander bergander | the shelduck. |
bargoose | a kind of wild goose. |
barnacle | a kind of wild goose. |
bateleur | a kind of eagle. [Fr. bateleur, a tumbler]. |
bawk | an Atlantic seabird. |
becasse | a woodcock. |
beccaccia | a woodcock. |
beccafico | a garden warbler or related bird, considered a delicacy by Italians > BECCAFICOS. |
beefeater | an African bird, aka OXPECKER. |
bellbird | a South American bird, aka CAMPANERO. |
bergander | the shelduck. Also BARGANDER. |
berghaan | the bateleur eagle. [Afrik. berg, mountain, + haan, cock]. |
bernicle | a kind of wild goose. Aka BRANT or BARNACLE. |
biddy | (dial.) a chicken or hen; an old woman. |
birdie | a little bird. |
birdlife | birds collectively> BIRDLIFES . |
birdlike | like a bird. |
bishopbird | an Australian bird. |
bittern | any of several marsh birds of the heron family. |
bittor bittour bittur | the bittern. |
blackbird | a bird of the thrush family; (verb) to traffic in slaves. |
blackcap | a kind of warbler. |
blackcock | the male of the black grouse. |
blackgame | black grouse. |
blackhead | any of various birds with a black head, such as the black-headed gull. |
blackpoll | a warbler of the United States. |
blighty | a New Zealand bird, aka white-eye. |
bluebill | an American duck of the genus Fuligula. |
bluebird | a small American bird realted to the warblers. |
bluebreast | a small European bird; the blue-throated warbler. |
bluecap | the BLUETIT. |
bluejay | an American bird. |
bluethroat | a singing bird of northern Europe and Asia, related to the nightingales. |
bluetit | a small bird of the tit family. |
bluewing | the blue-winged teal. |
boatbill | a wading bird of the tropical parts of South America. Its bill is somewhat like a boat with the keel uppermost. |
boattail | a kind of bird, a GRACKLE. |
bobolink | a N. American songbird of the warbler family. |
bobwhite | a kind of quail. |
bokmakierie | (S. Afr.) a large yellow shrike. |
bonxie | the great skua. [ON bunkie, heap]. |
boobook | a kind of owl found in Australasia, aka MOPOKE, MOREPORK. |
booby | a name for various kinds of gannet. |
bowerbird | any of various passerine birds native to Australia and New Guinea, which construct elaborate runs adorned with feathers, shells, etc., during courtship. |
brahma | a large domestic fowl. |
brambling | a bird of the finch family. |
brancher | a young hawk when it leaves the nest. |
brant | a species of wild goose, aka brent goose. |
brantail | the European redstart; -- so called from the red color of its tail. |
brent | a kind of wild goose; (Scots) lofty, steep > BRENTER, BRENTEST. |
broadbill | a wild duck, which appears in large numbers on the eastern coast of the United States, in autumn; -- aka BLUEBILL, BLACKHEAD and SCAUP. |
broiler | a quickly-reared young chicken sold ready for broiling. |
brolga | an Australian crane. |
budgerigar | an Australian parakeet. |
budgie | budgerigar. |
bufflehead | a N. American diving duck resembling the golden-eye; a stupid fellow. |
bulbul | an Indian bird. |
bullbat | a night hawk. |
bullfinch | a common European finch with red breast and a thick neck. |
bulnbuln | the lyrebird. |
bunting | any of the small finch-like birds of the subfamily Emberizinae. |
burgomaster | a popular name for the glaucous gull. |
bushtit | a bird. |
bustard | any bird of the genus Otis, resembling cranes. |
butcherbird | the SHRIKE. |
buteo | any of a genus of hawks Buteo with broad rounded wings; a buzzard. |
buteonine | of hawks. |
butterball | the buffel duck. |
buzzard | a large bird of prey of the genus Buteo. |
cacique cazique | any of various tropical American blackbirds of the genus Cacicus, with conical bills. |
cageling | a bird confined in a cage; esp. a young bird. |
cahow | a large rare petrel which breeds in Bermuda. {Imitative of the call]. |
caille | in cooking, a quail. |
campanero | the bellbird of South America. [Sp. campanero, bellman]. |
canary | a bright yellow songbird found in the Canary Islands. |
canvasback | a species of duck, so named from the markings of the plumage on its back. |
capercaillie capercailzie | a large Scottish bird of the grouse family. [Gaelic capull coille, horse of the woods]. |
capon | a castrated cock. |
capuchin | a hooded pigeon. |
caracara | a South American bird of several species and genera, resembling both the eagles and the vultures. |
carassow curassow | a quail-like bird of Curacao. |
cardinal | a kind of finch. |
cargoose | a species of grebe, aka crested grebe > CARGEESE. [ON kjarr, copsewood + goose]. |
cariama | a large South American bird related to the cranes, that preys upon snakes. [Ult. from Tupi siriema, sariama, çariama, explained as 'crested']. Aka SERIEMA. |
carrier | a type of pigeon. |
cassowary | any large flightless bird of the genus Casuarius, related to the emu. [Malay kesuari]. |
catbird | an American bird allied to the mocking bird, whose note resembles at times the mewing of a cat. |
cedarbird | the cedar waxwing. |
chaffinch | a small songbird of the finch family. |
chalder | a kind of bird; the oyster catcher. |
chanticleer | a rooster. |
chat | any small songbird of a subfamily (Turdinae) of thrushes. |
chatterer | a name for two families of birds, the WAXWING and the COTINGA. |
chawk | a jackdaw. |
chebec | a small bird. |
cheeper | a young bird, esp. a game bird. |
cheewink chewink | an American bird of the finch family, so called from its note. |
chewet | an obsolete name for the CHOUGH. |
chickadee | a small bird, the blackcap titmouse, of North America; -- named from its note. |
chick chicken | the young of birds, esp. the domestic fowl. |
chickling | a little chicken. |
chiffchaff | a small European warbler. |
chikhor chikor chukar chukor | an Indian partridge. |
chinstrap | a kind of penguin. |
chirper | a little bird. |
chittagong | an Indian variety of domestic fowl. [From Chittagong in Bangladesh]. |
chook chuckie chucky chookie | a chicken. |
chough | a kind of jackdaw found in rocky places on the sea-coast. |
chukar chukor | see CHIKHOR. |
cirl | a species of bunting. |
clucker | a chicken. |
cob | a male swan. |
cobb | a gull, esp. the great black-backed gull. Also COB. |
cochin | a large variety of the domestic fowl, originally from Cochin China. |
cock | the male of a bird. |
cockateel cockatiel | a small crested parrot of Australia. |
cockatoo | a bird of the parrot family. [Malay kakatua]. |
cockbird | a male bird. |
cockerel | a young cock. |
cockish | of or like a COCK. |
cocklike | of or like a COCK. |
cocky | a COCKATOO. |
coletit | a bird of the tit family. |
colibri | a type of humming-bird > COLIBRIS. |
colin | the American quail or BOBWHITE. |
coly | an African bird. |
condor | either of two large American vultures. |
conure | a tropical finch. |
coot | a short-tailed waterfowl. |
coppersmith | an Asian bird, a kind of barbet. |
corbie corby | a crow, a raven. |
corella | an Australian long-billed cockatoo. |
cormorant | a shiny black webfooted seabird. |
corncrake | a type of rail with characteristic rasping call. |
corvid | a member of the crow family. |
corvine | crow-like. |
cotinga | a passerine bird of the tropical American family Cotingidae, noted for its brilliant plumage. [Tupi cutinga]. |
coturnix | a variety of QUAIL > COTURNIXES. |
coucal | a large, Old World, ground cuckoo of the genus Centropus, of several species. |
courlan | a South American bird, of the genus Aramus, allied to the rails. |
courser | a swift running bird. |
cowbird | a kind of American starling, so called because frequently associated with cattle. |
crake | a crow, raven; the cry of a corncrake; (verb) to utter a crake. |
crane | any member of the Gruidae, large wading birds with long legs. |
creeper | a kind of bird that runs up a tree. |
crombec | a kind of African warbler. |
cropper | a kind of pigeon noted for its large crop. |
crossbill | a kind of finch. |
crow | any of several large black birds of the genus Corvus. |
crowlike | like a crow. |
cuckoo | any bird of the family Cuculidae; (verb) to utter the call of the cuckoo. |
cuculiform | of the cuckoo family. |
culver | a dove. |
cumulet | a variety of domestic fancy pigeon. |
curassow | see CARASSOW. |
curlew | a wading bird of the woodcock family, |
currawong | an Australian crow-like bird with a resounding call. |
cursores | in old classifications, running birds. |
cushat cushie | the wood-pigeon or ring-dove. |
cygnet | the young of the swan. |
dabchick dipchick dobchick | the little grebe. |
dakerhen | a European bird. |
daw | a jackdaw; (verb) to dawn. |
dawcock | a cock jackdaw. |
dawish | like a DAW, a jackdaw. |
demoiselle | a type of CRANE. |
dickcissel | the American black-throated bunting. |
dickeybird dickybird | (coll.) a bird; a false shirt-front. |
didapper dopper | a small grebe. |
dikkop | the stone curlew. |
dipper | a water bird with a dipping action. |
diver | any member of a genus (Gavia) of duck-like diving birds. |
dodo | an extinct bird of Madagascar > DODOS or DODOES. [Port. doudo silly]. |
dollarbird | a bird of the roller family, found in S and SE Asia and Australia, with a round white spot on each wing. |
dominick dominicker dominique | one of an American breed of chickens. |
doo | dove, pigeon. |
dorhawk | the nightjar. |
dotterel dottrel | a kind of plover. |
dove | a PIGEON, esp. one of the smaller kinds. |
doveish dovish | like a dove. |
doveishly dovishly | in the manner of a dove. |
dovekey dovekie | a kind of guillemot; also, the little auk. |
dovelet | a young or small dove. |
dovelike | like a dove. |
dowitcher | the red-breasted or gray snipe. [Iroquois]. |
drake | a male DUCK. |
drongo | any member of the family Dicruridae, glossy-black fork-tailed insect-catching birds of the Old World tropics; (Aus. sl.) an idiot > DRONGOS or DRONGOES. |
duck | any bird of the family Anatidae, with webbed feet and long flattened bill. |
ducker | a diving bird. |
duckling | a young duck. |
duiker duyker | (S. Afr.) a cormorant. |
dunlin | a species of brown-and-white sandpiper. |
dunnock | the hedge-sparrow. |
eagle | a name given to many large birds of prey of the family Falconidae. |
eaglehawk | a large bird of prey. |
eaglet | a young EAGLE. |
egret | a bird of the heron family. |
eider | a kind of duck. |
elanet | a kite of the genus Elanus. [Gk. elanos, a kite]. |
emu emeu | a flightless bird. |
erne | the sea-eagle. |
estrich estridge | an ostrich. |
estrildid | any member of a genus of oscinine birds, the weaver-finches. |
evejar | the nightjar. |
eyas nyas eyass | a young hawk taken from the nest or training. |
falcon | any of the long-winged birds of prey of the genus Falco or related genera. |
falconet | a small falcon. |
falconine | like a falcon or hawk; belonging to the Falconidae. |
fantail | a broad-tailed variety of the domestic pigeon. |
fatbird | a wading bird. |
fauvette | a small singing bird, as the nightingale and warblers. |
fernbird | a small brown and white New Zealand bird. |
fieldfare | a species of thrush, having a reddish-yellow throat and breast spotted with black. |
finch | a name applied to many passerine or perching birds, esp. to those of the genus Fringilla. |
finchlike | like a finch. |
finfoot | a South American bird allied to the grebes. |
firebird | a bird with bright plumage, aka Baltimore oriole. |
firecrest | a bird closely related to the goldcrest, aka KINGLET. |
flamingo | a long-legged tropical bird > FLAMINGOES or FLAMINGOS. |
flapper | a young wild duck or partridge. |
fledgling fledgeling | a young bird just fledged. |
flicker | a N. American woodpecker. |
flinthead | an American wading bird. |
flycatcher | one of numerous species of birds that feed upon insects, which they take on the wing. |
forktail | a name for various birds esp. the kite. |
fowl | a bird esp. of the poultry kind. |
francolin | a bird of the Francolinus genus of partridges. |
friarbird | an Australian honeyeater with featherless head. |
fringillaceous | of or pertaining to finches. |
fringilliform | resembling a finch. |
fringilline | like a finch; belonging to finch family of birds. |
frogmouth | one of several species of Asiatic and East Indian birds, so called from their very broad, flat bills. |
fulmar | a gull-like sea bird. |
gadwall | a large duck, found in the northern parts of Europe and America. |
gairfowl garefowl | the great auk; also, the razorbill. [ON geirfugl]. |
galah | an Australian bird of the parrot family; (fig.) a loud, rude person. |
gallinaceous | of or resembling pheasants and other domestic birds. |
gallinazo | a turkey-buzzard or other vulture > GALLINAZOS. |
gallinule | any of various aquatic birds of the rail family. |
gambet gambetta | the redshank. [Ital. gambetta, ruff]. |
gamecock | a cock (of a kind) bred for fighting. |
gamefowl | a gamecock. |
gander | a male goose. |
ganderism | behaviour of or suited to a gander. |
gannet | a large white seabird of the family Sulidae, with black-tipped wings. |
garefowl | see GAIRFOWL. |
garganey | a kind of teal. [Ital. garganella]. |
garrot | a name for various ducks esp. the GOLDENEYE. |
gentoo | a kind of penguin. [Port. gentio, a Gentile]. |
gerfalcon gyrfalcon jerfalcon | a heavy, powerful falcon of cold northerly regions. |
gled glede | the common kite. |
gleenie | a guinea-fowl. |
gnatcatcher | any of the insectivorous American songbirds of the genus Polioptila. |
gnatwren | any of various species of small bird of the gnatcatcher family. |
gnow | in W. Australia, the MALLEE fowl. |
goatsucker | one of several species of insectivorous birds, belonging to Caprimulgus and allied genera, so called from the mistaken notion that it sucks goats. |
gobbler | a turkey cock. |
goburra | a large Australian kingfisher. Its call sounds like a raucous laugh. Also KOOKABURRA. |
godwit | a bird of the plover family, with a long slightly up-curved bill and long slender legs. |
goldcrest | a gold-crested bird of the genus Regulus. |
goldeneye | a kind of duck. |
goldfinch | a European finch of the genus Carduelis. |
goldspink gowdspink | the goldfinch. |
goldy | a goldfinch > GOLDIES. |
gooney goony goonie gooneybird | the albatross. |
goosander | any bird of the genus Mergus (goosander, smew, etc). |
goose | a kind of bird; (verb) to prod someone between the buttocks from behind. |
gooselike | like a goose. |
goosy goosey | like a goose > GOOSIER, GOOSIEST; (noun) a goose, a blockhead > GOOSIES, GOOSEYS. |
gor | a seagull > GORS. |
gorcock | the cock of the red grouse. Cf. GORHEN. |
gorcrow | the carrion crow. |
gorhen | the hen of the red grouse. Cf. GORCOCK. |
goshawk | any large hawk of the genus Astur. |
goslet | one of several species of pygmy geese, native to Africa, India, and Australia. |
goura | a large, crested ground pigeon inhabiting New Guinea and adjacent islands. [Native name]. |
grackle grakle | one of several American blackbirds, of the family Icteridae. |
grassbird | an Australasian warbler with streaked brown plumage. |
grassfinch | a kind of Australian finch. |
grassquit | a tropical American finch. |
grayback greyback | the hooded crow. |
grayhen | the female of the blackcock. |
graylag greylag | a species of wild goose. |
grebe | a diving bird. |
greenfinch | a finch of a green colour, with some grey. |
greenhead | the mallard. |
greenlet | any of various small American songbirds of the genus Vireo, which have mainly green or brown upperparts and yellow or white underparts. |
greenshank | a large sandpiper with long, somewhat greenish legs. |
greenwing | a green-winged teal. |
greyhen | the female of the blackcock. |
gripe grype | a GRIFFIN; a VULTURE. |
grosbeak | any of various finches or finchlike birds with heavy bills. |
grouse | a game bird like a partridge; (verb) to grumble. |
gruiform | designating an order of birds, the cranes. |
guacharo | a nocturnal bird of South America and Trinidad, aka OILBIRD > GUACHAROES or GUACHAROS. |
guan | any one of many species of large gallinaceous birds of Central and South America. Several of the species are often domesticated. |
guanay | a Peruvian cormorant. |
guga | a young gannet. |
guillemot | a northern black-and-white sea bird. |
guitguit | one of several species of small tropical American birds of the family Coerebidae, allied to the creepers. |
gull | any seabird of the family Laridae. |
gynney gynny | a guinea hen. |
hackbolt hagdon hagden hagbolt hagdown | the greater shearwater. |
hacklet haglet | the kittiwake or shearwater. |
hadedah | a large greyish-green ibis. |
haggard | a wild or unreclaimed hawk. |
halcyon | a bird that calmed the sea on the winter solstice; the kingfisher. |
hammerkop hammerhead | a bird of the heron family, aka UMBRETTE. [Dutch 'hammer-head']. |
handsaw | perhaps a corruption of HERONSHAW > a heron. |
hangbird hangnest | the Baltimore oriole, so called because its nest is suspended from the limb of a tree. |
hareld | a N. American duck, aka OLDSQUAW or OLDWIFE. |
harrier | any of various birds of prey e.g. marsh harrier, hen harrier. |
hawfinch | the common GROSBEAK. |
hawkish | like a hawk. |
hawklike | like a hawk. |
hazelhen | a brown speckled grouse of European woodland, Bonasa bonasia. |
heathbird | the black grouse. |
heathcock | the male black grouse. |
heathfowl | a red, or black, grouse. Also MOORFOWL. |
helldiver | a small greyish-brown N. American grebe. |
hemipod hemipode | the button quail. Also HEMIPODE. |
hen | a female bird, esp. a female domestic fowl. |
henlike | like a hen. |
hennish | like a hen. |
hennishly | hENNISH, like a hen. |
henny | like a hen > HENNIER, HENNIEST; (noun) a hen-like cock. |
hern hernshaw heronshaw heronsew | a heron. |
heron | a large long-legged, long-necked wading bird. |
hickwall | the green woodpecker. |
hickymal | a titmouse. |
hirundine | of or pertaining to swallows. |
hoactzin hoatzin | a South American bird; the young have clawed wings > HOACTZINES or HOACTZINS and HOATZINES or HOATZINS. |
hobby | a small species of falcon. |
homer | a homing pigeon. |
homescreetch | the missel thrush. |
honeycreeper | a kind of tropical bird. |
honeyeater honeysucker | any bird of a large Australian family. |
honeyguide | an African bird that guides men and ratels to honey. |
honker | a wild goose. |
hoodie | a kind of crow. |
hoopoe hoopoo | a medium-sized, short-legged perching bird of Africa and Eurasia, having a prominent crest. |
hornbill | a bird with a horny excrescence on its bill. |
hornywink | a lapwing. |
horseman | a kind of carrier pigeon. |
houdan | a black-and-white five-toed domestic fowl. |
huia | a New Zealand bird akin to a crow. |
hummer hummingbird | any member of the tropical family Trochilidae, very small birds of brilliant plumage and rapid flight. |
ibis | any of a group of gregarious wading birds of warm and tropical climates. |
ichthyornis | toothed fossil bird of America. |
icterid | of or resembling a member of a family of American orioles. |
ivorybill | the ivory-billed woodpecker. |
jabiru | one of several large wading birds, allied to the storks in form and habits. |
jacamar | any of various small insectivorous birds of tropical S. America of the family Galbulidae, with partly iridescent plumage. [Fr. from Tupi]. |
jacana | any of various small tropical wading birds of the family Jacanidae, which have greatly elongated toes and claws, enabling them to walk on floating vegetation. [Portugese, from Tupi]. |
jackdaw | a small species of crow with a greyish neck. |
jacksnipe | a kind of snipe. |
jacobin | a hooded pigeon; a kind of hummingbird. |
jager jaeger | a skua that chases and robs other birds. |
jay | a bird of the crow family with colourful plumage. |
jaybird | a jay. |
junco | a kind of bird > JUNCOS or JUNCOES. [Sp. from L. juncus rush]. |
jynx | the wryneck. [L. iynx, from Gk. iynx or iynx]. Also YUNX. |
kae | a jackdaw; (verb) to serve. |
kagu | a flightless bird. [Native name in New Caledonia]. |
kaka | a brownish-green New Zealand parrot. |
kakapo | a ground-dwelling New Zealand parrot. |
kakariki | a green-feathered New Zealand parrot. |
kamichi | a S. American bird, aka the horned screamer. |
karearea | a New Zealand falcon. |
karoro | a large seagull with black feathers on its back > KAROROS. |
kawau | the black shag. |
kea | a large brownish-green parrot of the Southern Alps of New Zealand, formerly reputed to kill sheep. |
keelie | the kestrel or other hawk; also, an urban tough, esp. from Glasgow. |
keet | a young guinea fowl. |
kereru | a New Zealand pigeon. |
kestrel | a small species of falcon. |
kight | a kite. |
killdee killdeer | a bird of the plover family. |
kingbird | a small American bird, noted for its courage in attacking larger birds, even hawks and eagles, especially when they approach its nest in the breeding season. |
kingfisher | a European fish-eating bird with very brilliant blue-green and chestnut plumage, formerly known as the HALCYON. |
kinglet | any of several tiny birds of the genus Regulus. |
kiskadee | a kind of large flycatcher. |
kite | a long-tailed bird of prey of the hawk family; (verb) to fly like a kite. |
kittiwake | a kind of gull. |
kiwi | a New Zealand bird, the APTERYX. |
knot | a wading bird of the sandpiper family. |
koekoea | the long-tailed cuckoo of New Zealand. |
koel | an Asian or Australian bird of the cuckoo family. [Hindi koël, koïl from Skt. kokila]. |
kokako | a large dark grey wattled crow of New Zealand > KOKAKOS. |
kookaburra | a large Australian KINGFISHER. Its call sounds like a raucous laugh. Also GOBURRA. |
kora | another name for the water cock. |
korimako | the BELLBIRD. |
korora | the fairy penguin or little blue penguin. |
kotare | a small greenish-blue kingfisher found in New Zealand and Australia. |
kotuku | a kind of heron with brilliant white plumage, black legs, yellow eyes and bill. |
kuku | a large fruit-eating pigeon of New Zealand. |
lammergeier lammergeyer | a large European bird of prey, aka bearded vulture. |
landrail | the corncrake. |
langshan | a small black Chinese hen. |
lanner | a kind of falcon. |
lanneret | the male LANNER, a kind of falcon. |
lapwing | a bird of the plover family with crested head. |
larine laroid | of or pertaining to the gull family. |
lark | a bird of the genus Alauda. |
lavrock laverock | a skylark. LAVEROCK can also be a verb > to catch larks. |
leghorn | a kind of chicken. |
leipoa | any bird of the genus Leipoa of Australian mound-birds. [Gk. leipein, to leave + oon, an egg]. |
limicoline | any bird of the suborder Charadrii. |
limpkin | an American wading bird, like a rail. |
linnet | a common finch, feeding on flaxseed. |
lintie lintwhite | a linnet. |
loerie lourie | a type of African bird with crimson or grey plumage > LOERIES. Also LOURIE. |
longspur | any of several N. American buntings of the genus Calcarius. |
loom loon | a northern diving bird. |
lore | on a bird, the area between the eye and the bill. |
lorikeet | a kind of Australian parrot. |
loriot | the golden oriole. |
lory lowrie lowry | a kind of small parrot. [Malay lori]. |
lovebird | a small bird popular in aviaries. |
lowan | an Australian bird, the mallee-bird. [Aboriginal lauan]. |
lungie lunyie | the guillemot. |
lyrebird | an Australian bird, that spreads its tail like a lyre during courtship. |
macaroni | a ROCKHOPPER or crested penguin. |
macaw | any of the large, long-tailed, brightly-coloured tropical American parrots of the genus Ara or Anodorhynchus. |
madge | the barn owl. |
maggie | a magpie. |
mag magpie | a black-and-white bird of the crow family. |
mallard | a kind of wild duck with a shiny green head. |
mallemuck | the albatross. [Du. mallemok, f. mal foolish + mok gull]. Also MOLLYMAWK. |
manakin | any of various small fruit-eating passerine birds of the tropical American family Pipridae. |
manucode | a bird of Paradise. |
manumea | a Samoan pigeon with a notched lower mandible. |
marabou marabout | a large stork, which furnishes plumes worn as ornaments. [Fr. fr. Arabic murabit, hermit]. |
martin martinet | a bird of the swallow genus. |
martlet | = SWIFT, the bird ('the temple-haunting martlet'); (Her.) a footless, beakless bird, denoting fourth son. |
matata | a New Zealand bird, aka FERNBIRD. |
mavie mavis | a songbird. |
maw | (obs.) a gull. |
maybird | an American songbird. |
meadowlark | any of several American songbirds of the genus Sturnella, speckled brown with yellow underparts. |
meawes | = MEWS, gulls. |
megapod megapode | one of a family of birds of Australasia, including jungle fowl, brush turkey, etc. |
merganser | an aquatic bird. |
merl merle | a blackbird. |
merlin | a species of small falcon. |
meropidan | one of a family of birds that includes bee-eaters. |
mew | a GULL. |
milvine | of or resembling birds of the kite kind. |
mina myna mynah | an Asiatic bird of the starling family. [Hindi maina]. |
minivet | a singing bird of India. |
minorca | a type of domestic fowl. |
miromiro | a small New Zealand bird. |
missel | the mistle-thrush. |
moa | an ostrich-like New Zealand bird, extinct for over a century. |
mockingbird | any of various long-tailed songbirds of the New World family Mimidae, spec. Mimus polyglottos of the southern US and Central America, noted for mimicking other birds' calls and other sounds. |
mohua | a small New Zealand bird with yellow head and breast. |
mollyhawk | the juvenile of the southern black-backed gull. |
mollymawk mallemuck | the albatross. [Du. mallemok, f. mal foolish + mok gull]. |
molter moulter | a moulting bird. |
monal monaul | a kind of pheasant, native to the Himalayas. [Nepali munal]. |
moorbuzzard | the marsh harrier. |
moorcock moorfowl | a red, or black, grouse. |
moorhen | a water bird, aka water-hen. |
moosebird | a North American jay. |
mopehawk mopoke morepork | an owl of Australia and New Zealand. |
mossbluiter | (Scots) the bittern. |
mossie mossy | the Cape sparrow. |
motmot | any of several mainly insectivorous passerine birds of the neotropical family Momotidae. |
moundbird | an Australian bird that lays eggs in mounds. |
mousebird | another name for the COLY, an African bird. |
mudhen | a water bird living in muddy places. |
mudlark | a name for various birds that frequent mud. |
murr murre | a guillemot, an auk. |
muscovy | as in muscovy duck, a kind of duck. |
murrelet | any of several small auks of the N. Pacific. |
musket | a male SPARROWHAWK. |
muttonbird | An Australasian shearwater, esp. the short-tailed, said by some to taste like mutton. |
nandoo nandu nhandu | the RHEA, or S. American ostrich. |
nelly | a large seabird of the PETREL family. |
nene | a kind of goose native to Hawaii. |
nestling | a bird in the nest. |
nestor | a genus of parrots with gray heads, of New Zealand and Papua, allied to the cockatoos. |
nid | a pheasant's nest or brood. |
nide | a pheasant's nest or brood; (verb) to nest. Also NID. |
nightbird | a bird that flies or sings at night. |
nighthawk | an American bird. |
nightingale | a small bird of the thrush family, celebrated for its song. |
nightjar | a nocturnal insectivorous migratory bird, with grey-brown cryptic plumage and a distinctive churring call. |
nisgul | the smallest and weakest in a brood of chickens. |
noddy | an oceanic bird related to the TERNS. |
nonavian | not relating to birds. |
notornis | a domestic-fowl-like bird of New Zealand. [Gk. notos, south + ornis, a bird]. |
nutcracker | a bird of the crow family. |
nuthatch | any of various small passerine birds of the genus Sitta. |
nutjobber nutpecker | the nuthatch. |
oi | a New Zealand bird, the grey-faced petrel. |
oilbird | a nocturnal bird of South America and Trinidad, aka GUACHARO. |
oldsquaw oldwife | a kind of duck, aka HARELD. |
oological | relating to OOLOGY, the collection and study of birds' eggs. |
oriole | any of various mainly tropical Old World passerine birds, noted for the melodious song and brilliant plumage of the males. [L. aureus, golden]. |
ornis | the birds collectively of a region; its AVIFAUNA > ORNITHES or ORNISES. |
ornithine | a bird. |
ornithoid | bird-like. |
ortolan | a kind of bunting, common in Europe and eaten as a delicacy. |
oscine | belonging to the sub-order of birds including singing birds. |
oscinine | of or pertaining to song-birds. |
osprey | a bird of prey (Pandion haliaetus) that feeds on fish. |
ossifraga | the giant fulmar. Cf. OSSIFRAGE. |
ossifrage | a large bird of prey, e.g., an hawk, buzzard, vulture, or eagle. Cf. OSSIFRAGA. |
ostrich | a genus of large flightless bird. |
ousel ouzel | a European bird of the thrush family. |
ovenbird | an American bird. |
owl | a nocturnal bird; (verb) to smuggle, esp. wool. |
owlet | a young owl; also, a kind of moth. |
owlish owllike | like an owl. |
owly | owlish > OWLIER, OWLIEST. |
oxpecker | an African bird, aka BEEFEATER. |
oystercatcher | a black and white wading bird, with red bill and feet, feeding on limpets and mussels (not oysters). |
oystrige | ostrich. |
paiock paiocke pajock pajocke | an obscure word conjectured to be a misprint for peacock. |
paitrick | a partridge. |
palmiped palmipede | a web-footed bird. |
parakeet parrakeet paroquet parroquet paraquito parroket paraquet | a small long-tailed parrot. |
pardalote | a small Australian songbird. |
parera | a New Zealand duck with brown-edged grey feathers. |
parrot | any of various tropical birds with bright plumage. |
parroty | of or like a parrot > PARROTIER, PARROTIEST. |
partridge | a game bird of the pheasant family. |
passager | as in passager hawk, a young hawk or falcon caught on migration. |
passerine | relating to perching birds, and songbirds e.g. jays, warblers, finches, blackbirds, sparrows. |
pauraque | a long-tailed nocturnal bird. |
pavone | a peacock. |
pavonian pavonine | of or relating to peacocks. |
peachick | a young peafowl. |
peacock | a genus (Pavo) of large birds of the pheasant kind; (verb) to strut about or pose in order to display one's beauty, elegance, or accomplishments. |
peacocky | like a peacock > PEACOCKIER, PEACOCKIEST. |
peafowl | a large pheasant. |
peahen | a female peacock. |
peaseweep peesweep | the peewit. |
peetweet | the American sandpiper. |
peewee peewit pewit | a bird, the lapwing or plover. |
peggy | a small warbler of various kinds. |
pelican | a large tropical and subtropical waterfowl with an enormous pouched bill. |
pen | a female swan. |
penduline | building a pendulous nest, as in penduline tit. |
penguin | a flightless seabird of the Southern hemisphere. |
percher | a bird with feet adapted for perching. |
percolin | a small bird, a cross between a partridge and a quail. |
peregrin peregrine | a kind of falcon. |
peristeronic | of or relating to pigeons. |
pern | the honey buzzard; (verb) to move with a spiralling motion > PERNS, PERNING, PERNED. |
petchary | the grey king-bird. |
petrel | a kind of seabird. |
pettichaps | the garden warbler > PETTICHAPSES. |
pewee | a small, olive-brown N. American bird. |
phalarope | a small sandpiper-like shore bird. |
pheasant | a richly-coloured, long-tailed game bird. |
philomel | a nightingale. |
philomela | a nightingale. Also PHILOMEL. |
phoebe | the pewee, or pewit. |
picarian picine | of or pertaining to woodpeckers. |
piciform | like a woodpecker. |
pickmaw | the black-headed gull. |
pictarnie | a tern. |
piculet | a small tropical American woodpecker. |
pie piet pyat pyot pyet | a magpie. |
pigeon | any bird of the dove family; (verb) to gull or hoax. |
pihoihoi | a variety of New Zealand pipit. |
pinguin | a penguin. |
pinnock | the hedge sparrow. |
pintada pintado | a kind of petrel; the Cape guinea fowl. [Port. pintado, painted]. Pl. PINTADOES or PINTADOS; PINTADAS. |
pintail | a kind of duck. |
piopio | a New Zealand thrush, thought to be extinct. |
piper | a young pigeon. |
pipit | one of several lark-like singing birds; a titlark. |
pipiwharauroa | a Pacific migratory bird with metallic gold-green plumage. |
pitta | a genus of Old World birds, aka ant-thrush. |
piwakawaka | a New Zealand bird, aka the Grey Fantail. |
plover | a kind of bird, aka LAPWING. |
plovery | abounding in plovers > PLOVERIER, PLOVERIEST. |
pluvian> | a crocodile bird > PLUVIANS. | poaka | a New Zealand bird of the stilt family. |
pochard pockard | a kind of European duck with a red head. |
podargus | a bird of the FROGMOUTH genus. |
poll | a parrot. |
poorwill whippoorwill | a NW. American nightjar. |
popinjay | a parrot. |
porphyrio | any bird of the purple-coot genus Porphyrio. |
potoo | a large South American GOATSUCKER. [Jamaican creole from Twi patú of imit. origin]. |
poulard | a fatted or spayed hen. |
poult | a chicken. |
poultry | domestic fowl collectively. |
poussin | a chicken reared for eating at four to six weeks old. |
pouter powter | a variety of pigeon that can puff out its crop. |
powin pown | a peacock. |
pratincole | a bird related to the plovers, with swallow-like wings and tail. |
prion | any petrel of the genus Pachyptila, blue-grey above and white below, feeding on the plankton of the southern oceans. |
protoavis | a member of the genus Protoavis of the Triassic periods, with dinosaur-like tail and hind legs, but some anatomical features characteristic of modern birds. |
psittacine | of or like parrots. |
ptarmigan | a game-bird of the grouse family. [Gael. tarmachan, f. tarm-, torm-, grumble, croak]. |
puffback | a small African bird. |
puffbird | any bird of a Central American family relating to the BARBETS. |
puffin | any of various seabirds (esp. of the genus Fratercula) of the auk family. |
pukeko | a New Zealand wading bird with bright plumage > PUKEKOS. |
pullus | a chick or young bird > PULLI. |
putangitangi | a New Zealand bird, aka paradise duck. |
puttock | a kite or buzzard. |
pygargus | the white-tailed sea eagle. |
quail | a genus of small birds of the partridge family. |
quarrian quarrion | a kind of COCKATIEL. |
queest quest quist quoist | a cushat, the wood-pigeon or ring-dove. |
quelea | a kind of African weaver-bird. [From African name]. |
quetzal quezal | a gold and green bird with long tail feathers > QUETZALS; QUEZALS or QUEZALES. |
raddocke | = RUDDOCK, the robin. |
rail | any bird of the genus Rallus, especially the water-rail, |
rainbird | a bird, such as the green woodpecker, supposed to foretell rain. |
ralliform | of the rail family of birds. |
ralline | pertaining to the rail family of birds. |
raptatorial | predatory; pertaining to birds of prey. |
raptor | a bird of prey. |
raptorial | predacious; of or relating to a bird of prey. |
ratite | a bird having a flat breastbone, such as ostrich, emu. |
raven | a large black bird of the crow family. |
ravenlike | like a RAVEN. |
razorbill | a species of auk, with a compressed bill. |
redback | a wading bird, the DUNLIN. |
redbird | a large seed-eating finch. |
redbreast | the robin. |
redhead | any of several birds with reddish head, especially the pochard. |
redpoll | a kind of finch. |
redshank | a kind of wading bird. |
redstart | a bird of the thrush family, characterised by a red tail. |
redtail | a kind of hawk. |
redwing | a bird of the thrush family, with a red underwing. |
ree | a female RUFF. |
reedbird | a kind of bird, aka BOBOLINK. |
reedling | a small marsh bird. |
reeler | the grasshopper warbler. |
reeve | a female RUFF. |
reguline | of or pertaining to the REGULUS genus of birds, goldcrests. |
rhea | an ostrich-like bird. |
ricebird | the Java sparrow. |
riflebird | each of three birds of paradise of the genus Ptiloris, having velvety black plumage with bright coloured patches, and a long bill. |
ringdove | the wood-pigeon, from the broken white ring or line on its neck. |
ringneck | any one of several species of small plovers having a ring around the neck. |
ringtail | a bird having a distinct band of color across the tail, such as the hen harrier. |
riroriro | the grey warbler > RIRORIROS. |
roading | the woodcock's evening flight. Also RODING. |
roadrunner | a bird of the turkey family, aka the chaparral cock. |
robin | a widely spread red-breasted bird. |
roch rotch rotche rotchie | the little auk. |
rocker rockier | the rock dove. |
rockhopper | a crested penguin, aka MACARONI. |
rockier | the rock dove. |
roding roading | the woodcock's evening flight. |
roller | a bird (genus Coracias) related to the KINGFISHER. |
rook | a gregarious species of CROW. |
rookish | like a rook. |
rooky | full of rooks > ROOKIER, ROOKIEST. |
rooster | a domestic cock. |
rosefinch | any of various finches of the genus Carpodus found in Europe and Asia, the males more or less covered with red or pink plumage. |
rosella | an Australian parakeet. [First observed at Rose Hill near Sydney]. |
rouen | a type of domestic duck. [From Rouen in France]. |
roughleg | any one of several species of large hawk, having the legs feathered to the toes. |
rubythroat | any one of numerous species of humming birds, in which the male has on the throat a brilliant patch of red feathers having metallic reflections. |
ruddock | the robin. |
ruff | a kind of sandpiper, the male of which has an erectile ruff during the breeding season. Feminine REEVE or REE. |
rumkin rumpy | a tailless chicken. |
ruru | the BOOBOOK owl. |
rype | a ptarmigan > RYPER. |
sabrewing | a hummingbird of a group with bent outer primaries in the male. |
saddleback | a rare bird of New Zealand, with saddle-shaped markings on its wings. |
saddlebill | a large black-and-white stork. |
saker | a falcon native to Southern Europe and Asia, closely resembling the LANNER. |
sakeret | the male of the SAKER. |
salangane | a swiftlet that builds edible nests. |
sanderling | a small gray and brown sandpiper. |
sandgrouse | any bird of genus Pterocles. |
sandpeep | any small sandpiper. |
sandpiper | any of various smaller waders of the family Scolopacidae. |
sapsucker | a kind of woodpecker that eats sap. |
sarus | a large red-headed crane found from India to the Philippines > SARUSES. |
sawbill | a kind of bird, the MERGANSER. |
scamel | probably a misprint for sea-mel, sea-mew. |
scape | the snipe; its cry when flushed. |
scart scarth skart skarth | a cormorant. SCART is also a verb, to scratch, scrape. |
scaup | a kind of duck; (verb) to scalp. |
scaury scourie scowry | in the Orkneys, a young gull. |
scissortail | an American flycatcher. |
scolopaceous | snipelike. |
scooper | another name for the AVOCET. |
scops | a kind of owl. |
scoter | a diving duck. |
scray scraye | a tern; the sea swallow. |
screamer | a gooselike S. American bird. |
seabird | any marine bird. |
seafowl | a seabird. |
seagull | a general term for birds of the gull family. |
seahawk | the skua. |
seedeater | a bird that eats seeds. |
seriema | a large South American bird related to the cranes. It preys upon snakes and is often domesticated. [Ult. from Tupi siriema, sariama, çariama, explained as 'crested']. Aka CARIAMA. |
serin | a bird of the finch family. [Fr. serin, canary]. |
shag | a bird allied to the cormorant; (verb) to make shaggy. |
shama | an Indian millet-like cereal; an Indian song-bird. |
sharptail | a kind of grouse. |
shearwater | a gull-like oceanic bird of the petrel family. |
sheathbill | either of two Antarctic seabirds having a white plumage and a horny sheath at the base of the bill. |
sheldduck shelduck shellduck | a large duck of genus Tadorna. |
sheldrake shelldrake shielddrake | a male SHELDUCK. |
shikra | a kind of small sparrowhawk. |
shoebill | a large African wading bird allied to the storks and herons, and remarkable for its enormous broad swollen bill. |
shorebird | any of various birds that live on the shore or close to water. |
shoveler shoveller | a kind of duck with a broad shovel-shaped bill. |
shoveller | someone who shovels; a dabbling duck. Also SHOVELER. |
shrike | a kind of bird, the butcher-bird. |
sicklebill | any one of three species of humming birds of the genus Eutoxeres, native of Central and South America. |
silktail | a bird, a kind of WAXWING. |
silverbill | an Old World finch of the genus Minia, as the M. Malabarica of India, and M. cantans of Africa. |
silvereye | a greenish-coloured tropical songbird. |
sirgang | a green Asiatic jay-like bird. |
siskin | a small green-yellow European finch. |
sitella sittella | a type of generally small black-and-white bird. |
sittine | a member of the nuthatch family of birds > SITTINES. |
skimmer | a seabird that skims the water. |
skua | a predatory gull-like sea bird. |
skunkbird | the BOBOLINK. |
skylark | the common lark; (verb) to frolic, engage in horseplay. |
smeath smee smeeth | a name for various ducks including smew and pochard. |
smew | a bird, the smallest MERGANSER. |
snakebird | any one of four species of aquatic birds of the genus Anhinga or Plotus. They are allied to the gannets and cormorants, but have very long, slender, flexible necks, and sharp bills. |
snipe | any of several wading birds of the genus Gallinago; (verb) to shoot at from cover. |
snipelike | like a SNIPE. |
snipy | snipe-like; frequented by snipe > SNIPIER, SNIPIEST. |
snowbird | an arctic finch, often appearing in large flocks during snowstorms. |
snowcap | a very small humming bird native of New Grenada. |
snowfleck snowflick | the snow bunting. |
solan soland | the common gannet. |
solitaire | any of various extinct birds related to the dodo. |
songbird | any singing bird. |
songster | a singing bird. |
sora soree | a North American rail. |
sord | a flock of mallard. |
spadger | sparrow. |
sparrow | any member of a family of small finch-like birds. |
sparrowhawk | any member of the Accipiter genus of long-legged, short-winged falcons. |
speug spug spuggy | a house sparrow. |
spink | the chaffinch. |
spoonbill | a kind of wading bird with a spoon-shaped bill. |
sprigtail | a species of duck. |
sprug | a sparrow. |
spurling | a tern. |
squab | a young pigeon. |
squacco | a kind of heron found in Asia, Northern Africa, and Southern Europe. |
standgale | a corrupt form of STANIEL, the kestrel. |
staniel stannel stanyel | the kestrel. [OE stangella, stone-yeller]. |
stare starling | a bird with black, brown-spotted, iridescent plumage. |
steganopod | any bird of the pelican order. |
stilt stiltbird | a long-legged bird related to the avocet. |
stinkbird | another name for the HOATZIN. |
stint | a small sandpiper; (verb) to be niggardly with. |
stonechat | a small bird of heath and moor. |
stork | any large wading bird of the family Ciconiidae. |
stormbird | a petrel. |
stormcock | another name for the missel-thrush. |
strich | the screech-owl > STRICHES. |
strigine | owl-like; of the owls. |
struthioid | of birds, relating to the ostrich. |
struthious | of or relating to ostriches or related birds. |
sturnine sturnoid | pertaining to starlings. |
sturnus | any bird of the starling genus. |
suboscine | belonging to a certain subfamily of birds. |
sultan | a small white variety of domestic fowl with feathered legs and feet. |
sunbird | a family of small, often brightly-coloured, tropical birds related to honey-eaters and superficially like hummingbirds. |
sungrebe | the FINFOOT, a South American bird allied to the grebes. |
surfbird | an American Pacific shorebird. |
swallow | a small long-winged migratory bird. |
swan | any species of Cygnus, a family of large aquatic birds. |
swanlike | like a swan. |
swanny | swanlike; as, a swanny glossiness of the neck > SWANNIER, SWANNIEST. |
swift | a bird superficially related to the SWALLOW, but closer to the HUMMINGBIRD. |
swiftlet | a species of swift, the builder of edible nests. |
swordbill | a kind of S. American hummingbird. |
sylvia | any warbler of the genus Sylvia. [L. silva, wood]. |
sylviine | pertaining to any warbler of the genus Sylviidae. |
taha | a S. African weaver-bird. [Zulu taka]. |
tauhou | a greenish-coloured tropical songbird, aka SILVEREYE. |
tailorbird | a kind of Asian warbler. |
takahe | an almost-extinct New Zealand bird, brightly colored, flightless, with a large bill. |
talegalla | a genus of Australian birds which includes the brush turkey. [Malagasy taleva, the purple coot, + L. gallus, cock]. |
tanager | a brightly-coloured S. American bird. |
tanagrine | of or pertaining to the TANAGERS, a family of brightly-coloured S. American birds. |
tapacolo tapaculo | a small S. American passerine bird with a tilted tail > TAPACOLOS, TAPACULOS. [Sp. 'cover posterior']. |
tarcel tercel tiercel tarsal tarsel tassel tassell | a male hawk. |
tatler tattler | any (especially American) bird of the Totaninae family, so-called because of their loud cry. |
teal | a kind of duck. |
tercelet tiercelet | the male of various falcons, esp. of the peregrine. |
terek | a kind of sandpiper, named for the river Terek in Russia. |
tern | a long-winged aquatic bird, related to the gulls. |
teuchat tewhit tewit | the lapwing. |
thickhead | any bird of an Australian family related to shrikes and flycatchers. |
thornbill | any one of several species of small, brilliantly colored American birds, which have a long, slender, sharp bill. |
thornbird | any of several tropical birds of the genus Phacellodomus that construct large globe-shaped nests. |
thorntail | a tropical American hummingbird with bright green plumage. |
thrasher | any of several N. American birds of the family Mimidae, with greyish or brownish plumage and a slightly down-curved bill. |
throstle | the song-thrush. |
thrush | any member of a family of songbirds. |
thrushlike | like a tit. |
ticklace tickleass | in Newfoundland, a kittiwake. |
timberdoodle | the N. American woodcock. |
tinamou | any one of several species of South American birds belonging to Tinamus and allied genera. |
tit | any of various small songbirds of the family Paridae. |
titipounamou | (Maori) a kind of wren, aka RIFLEMAN. |
titlark | a pipit, esp. the meadow pipit. |
titlike | like a tit. |
titling | any of various tits, pipits, and similar small birds, esp. a dunnock. |
titmose | a TITMOUSE. |
titmouse | one of various small birds of the tit genus > TITMICE. |
tody | a small West Indian insectivorous bird. |
tomtit | a small bird, e. g. a titmouse. |
totanus | the redshank > TOTANUSES. [Ital. totano squid, from its habit of feeding on small crustaceans and invertebrates]. |
toucan | a tropical bird with a large bill. [Fr. f. Port. tucano f. Tupi tucan, imit. of the bird's call.] |
toucanet | a smaller kind of TOUCAN. |
touraco turaco turacou | any one of several species of bird of the genus Turacus, native to Africa, remarkable for the peculiar green and red pigments found in their feathers. towhee any of several buntings of the genus Pipilo, of brush and woodland in N. America. |
towhee | any of various N American finches. |
tragopan | a kind of bright-hued Asiatic pheasant. [Gk. tragopan, hornbill, from tragos, goat + Pan, the god Pan]. |
trembler | a West Indian bird of the family Mimidae. |
triller | a kind of tropical bird. |
trochil | the crocodile bird. [Gk. trochilos]. |
trochilus | a genus of humming birds > TROCHILI or TROCHILUSES. [Gk. trochilos, a crocodile bird, a wren]. |
trogon | any one of numerous species of beautiful tropical birds belonging to the family Trogonidae, noted for their brilliant colors. [Gk. trogon, nibbling]. |
troopial troupial | any of various American orioles of the family Icteridae. |
tropicbird | any aquatic bird of the tropical family Phaethontidae, having long slender tail feathers and a white plumage with black markings. |
trumpeter | a kind of swan; also, a kind of domestic pigeon. |
tubenose | a group of birds, including the fulmar. |
tui | a New Zealand bird, a honey-guide. |
tumbler | a kind of pigeon. |
turbit | a domestic pigeon having white body, coloured wings, and short beak. |
turdine | characteristic of thrushes. |
turdoid | thrush-like. |
turkey | a genus of the pheasant family. |
turnstone | any of various species of limicoline birds, allied to the plovers. |
turr | a Newfoundland name for the guillemot. |
turtle turtledove | a kind of dove. |
twite | the mountain linnet, a bird of the finch family. |
tystie | the black guillemot. |
umbre umbrette | the HAMMERHEAD, a brown bird related to the storks. |
urubu | the American black vulture. |
veery | an American thrush, common in the Northern United States and Canada. |
verdin | a small yellow-headed bird of Lower California, allied to the titmice. |
vireo | any one of numerous species of American singing birds, aka GREENLET. |
vireonine | any bird like a VIREO. |
volucrine | of or pertaining to birds; bird-like. |
vulture | any of a number of large rapacious birds of prey. |
vulturine | rapacious; of or pertaining to a vulture. |
vulturish vulturous | like a vulture; rapacious. |
vulturism | the quality or state of being like a vulture; rapacity. |
vulturn | the Australian brush turkey. |
wader | a bird that wades in search of food, eg the snipe, sandpiper, etc. |
wagtail | any bird of the Motacilla and Dendronanthus genera. |
waldrapp | the hermit ibis of N. Africa and the Middle East. [Ger. 'wood-crow']. |
warbler | any of numerous small plain-coloured Old World songbirds of the family Sylviidae. |
waterbird | a bird that leaves on or near water. |
waterfowl | any bird that frequents the water. |
waterhen | the gallinule or moorhen. |
waterthrush | a species of American warbler. |
wattlebird | any one of several species of honey eater. |
wavey wavy | the snow-goose. [Cree]. |
waxbill | any of numerous small finchlike birds of the African genus Estrilda, whose bills have a waxy appearance. |
waxeye | a small New Zealand bird with a white circle round its eye. |
waxwing | each of three crested perching birds of the genus Bombycilla, which have red waxlike tips to the inner wing feathers. |
weaver weaverbird | any bird of a passerine family resembling the FINCH. |
weka | a flightless rail of New Zealand. |
whaup | a curlew, sometimes great whaup as distinct from little whaup, the whimbrel. |
wheatear | any of several birds of the genus Oenanthe, which have black tails and conspicuous white rumps. |
whidah whydah whyda | a group of African birds related to the finch. |
whimbrel wimbrel | a bird like a curlew. |
whinchat | a small brown and buff song-bird. |
whio | a New Zealand mountain duck with blue plumage. |
whipbird | the coachwhip-bird. |
whippoorwill | a species of nightjar native to N. America. Aka POORWILL. |
whistler | any of vairous birds having a whistling call, such as various Australian flycatchers. |
whitecap | the male redstart or other bird with light-coloured head. |
whitehead | the blue-winged snow goose. |
whitethroat | a kind of warbler. |
whitewall | the spotted flycatcher, so called from the white color of the under parts. |
whitewing | the chaffinch; -- so called from the white bands on the wing. |
whooper | a kind of swan. |
widgeon wigeon | a kind of fresh-water duck with a light crown. |
widowbird | another name for the WHYDAH. |
wildfowl | a game-bird, esp. a duck, a goose. |
willet | a large North American snipe. |
windhover | the kestrel. |
winnard | a heron. |
wishtonwish | the whip-poor-will. |
witwall | the green woodpecker or the greater spotted woodpecker. Cf. WOODWALE. |
wonga | the large Australian white-faced pigeon. |
woodchat woodshrike | a species of shrike, with black-and-white plumage but a red-brown crown. |
woodcock | a genus of birds related to the snipe. |
woodgrouse | the capercailzie. |
woodhen | the WEKA, the flightless rail of New Zealand. |
woodlark | a kind of lark, smaller than the skylark and having a shorter tail. |
woodpecker | any of a family of birds in the order Picariae, remarkable for modification of the skull and bill enabling the latter to be used to drill holes. |
woodshrike | see WOODCHAT. |
woodspite | the green woodpecker. |
woodswallow | any of the fly-catching Artamidae, related to the shrikes. |
woodthrush | an American bird. |
woodwale | the woodpecker, esp. the green woodpecker. Cf. WITWALL. |
woosel woosell | a European bird of the thrush family. Cf. OUSEL, OUZEL |
wren | a genus of small songbirds. |
wrentit | a long-tailed North American bird. |
wrybill | a New Zealand bird related to the plovers. |
wryneck | either of two birds of the genus Jynx, characterized by their habit of twisting and writhing the neck when disturbed. |
wyandotte | a breed of domestic fowl, of American origin. [Huron wendat]. |
yaffingale | the YAFFLE or green woodpecker. |
yaffle | the green woodpecker. |
yeldring yeldrock yoldring yowley | the yellow-hammer. |
yellowbird | the American goldfinch, or thistle bird. |
yellowhammer | a small yellow bird. |
yellowhead | a species of flycatcher found in New Zealand. |
yellowlegs | any one of several species of long-legged sandpipers of the genus Totanus, in which the legs are bright yellow. |
yellowthroat | any of several largely olive American warblers. |
yite yitie | the yellow-hammer. |
ynambu | a very large South American TINAMOU. |
yorling | as in yellow yorling, the yellow-hammer. |
yucker | an American bird, the FLICKER or golden-winged woodpecker. |
yunx | the wryneck. [L. iynx, from Gk. iynx or iynx]. Also JYNX. |
zenaida | a wild dove. |
zoozoo | the wood pigeon. |
zopilote | the URUBU or American black vulture. |