Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.
anobiid | any type of beetle. |
beetle | any insect of the order Coleoptera, having biting mouthparts and forewings modified to form shell-like protective elytra. |
billbug | a weevil or CURCULIO of various species, as the corn weevil. |
bookworm | a larva that eats holes in books, esp. of the Anobium beetle. |
borer | a kind of boring beetle. |
bruchid | a beetle of the family Bruchidae, whose larvae live on peas, beans etc. |
buprestid | a kind of wood-boring beetle. |
cadelle | a small black beetle. [Fr., from L. catellus, little dog]. |
canegrub | any of various species of beetle native to Australia. |
cantharid cantharis | a beetle with an elongated cylindrical body of a brilliant green color, aka Spanish fly > CANTHARIDS, CANTHARIDES. |
carabid | a black carnivorous beetle. |
chafer | any of several kinds of beetle, esp. of the Scarabeidae. |
chrysomelid | a member of the leaf-beetle family. |
clavicorn | a beetle having club-shaped antennae. |
clerid | a predatory beetle. |
cockchafer | any of several kinds of beetle, esp. of the Scarabeidae. |
coleopteral | of or like any member of the insect order Coleoptera. |
coleopteran coleopteron | a large order of insects having the front wings modified as hard wing-cases, and comprising the beetles and weevils. The pl. of COLEOPTERON is COLEOPTERA. |
coleopterous | pertaining to beetles and weevils; having hard anterior wings |
coprophagan | a beetle that lives in dung. |
curculio | a weevil. [L. curculio, corn-weevil]. |
deathwatch | a small beetle (Anobium tessellatum and other allied species). By forcibly striking its head against woodwork it makes a ticking sound, which is a call of the sexes to each other — hm, could be worth a try I suppose - but has been imagined by superstitious people to presage death. |
dermestid | any of a family of beetles with clubbed antennae, destructive to organic material. |
dor | a dung-beetle (also DORR); (verb) an obsolete word meaning to mock > DORS, DORRING, DORRED. |
dorbug dorbeetle | a cockchafer. |
dorr | a kind of dung-beetle. Also DOR. |
drumbledor dumbledore | a large flying beetle, aka the brown COCKCHAFER. |
dytiscid | relating to the genus Dytiscus, diving-beetles. |
elater elaterid | a kind of click beetle, aka skipjack beetle. |
figeater | a large beetle which in the Southern United States destroys figs. |
firefly glowfly glowworm | any nocturnal beetle of the family Lampyridae, common in warm and tropical regions, having luminescent abdominal organs. |
goldbug | a golden-coloured beetle. |
hornbug | a large nocturnal beetle with long, curved upper jaws, resembling a sickle. |
huhu | (Maori) a New Zeland beetle. |
humbuzz | a COCKCHAFER. |
ladybird ladybug ladycow ladyfly | any of various small brightly coloured beetles of the family Coccinellidae. |
lamellicorn | a scarab or other beetle with leaf-tipped antennae. |
lampyrid | a GLOWWORM or FIREFLY. |
longicorn | a kind of beetle with very long antennae. |
mealworm | the larva of various beetles of the genus Tenebrio feeding on meal, flour, and similar stored foods. |
meloid | a blister beetle. |
minotaur | As in minotaur beetle, a kind of dung-beetle. No —S. |
phylloxera | a kind of beetle, a pest of vineyards. Pl. PHYLLOXERAS. |
pinchbug | a kind of large beetle. |
potatobug | the Colorado beetle. |
sawyer | any of several large longicorn beetles that bore holes in timber. |
scarab scarabaean scarabaeus scarabee scarabaeid scarabaeoid scaraboid | orig., a beetle of any kind. Now, a lamellicorn beetle of the family Scarabaeidae, esp. (in full sacred scarab) Scarabaeus sacer, which was revered by the ancient Egyptians. The pl. of SCARABEUS is SCARABEUSES or SCARABEI. |
scolytid scolytoid | any one of numerous species of small bark-boring beetles of the genus Scolytus and allied genera. [Gk. skolyptein to strip]. |
serricorn | a type of beetle with serrate antennae > SERRICORNS. |
staphylinid | a kind of beetle aka rove beetle. [Gk. staphylos, bunch of grapes]. |
tenebrionid | a nocturnal beetle that is usually dark-colored. |
toktokkie | a large S. African beetle. |
tumblebug | a dung beetle, that rolls up balls of dung for protection and nourishment of young. |
vedalia | an Australian ladybird, which has been imported into California and elsewhere to control scale insects. |
weevil | a popular name for various beetles, esp. one that lives in flour. |
weeviled weevilled | infested by weevils. |
weevily weevilly | full of weevils. |
wireworm | the slender hard-skinned larva of a click-beetle, destructive to the roots of plants; any of various similar larvae, esp. the leather-jacket grub of a crane-fly. |
woodworm woodborer | any of various insect larvae that bore into wooden furniture, beams, etc., esp. the larvae of the furniture beetle and the deathwatch beetle. |
xylophagan | one of a tribe of beetles whose larvae bore or live in wood. |
zyzzyva | a tropical weevil. |