Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.
acarian acaroid | mite-like. |
acarid acaridan acaridean acaridian | any member of the class Acarida, mites and ticks. |
acaroid | see ACARIAN. |
acarus | a mite > ACARI. |
arachnid arachnidan | any member of the Arachnida, the large class of arthropods that includes spiders, scorpions, mites, etc. |
araneid | a spider. |
araneidan | related to spiders. |
attercop ethercap ettercap | a spider. |
bobbejaan | (S. Afr.) a large black spider; also a baboon. |
cheesemite | a very small arachnid that breeds in cheese. |
citigrade | moving quickly, applied specifically to the Lycosidae or wolf-spiders that run down their prey. |
epeira | a genus of spiders, including the common garden spider. |
epeirid | a member of the family Epeiridae, that includes garden spiders. |
eriophyid | any of a large family of minute plant-feeding MITES. |
ethercap | see ATTERCOP. |
ettercap | see ATTERCOP. |
harvester harvestman | any member of the Opiliones, a class of Arachnida with very long legs. |
ixodid | a TICK from the family Ixodidae. [Gk. ixodes, sticky, from ixos, birdlime]. |
katipo | a venomous black New Zealand spider with a red spot on its back > KATIPOS. |
mite | any of various tiny arachnids of the order Acarida, many of which carry disease, smaller than ticks and, unlike them, are not always parasitic in habits. |
mity | infested with mites > MITIER, MITIEST. |
mygale | an American bird-catching spider. [Gk. mygale a field-mouse, a shrew, from mys, mouse, and galee, weasel]. |
oribatid | any of a family of eyeless mites. |
phalangid | one of the Phalangoidea, a long-legged arachnid, a harvest-spider. |
pseudoscorpion | any of various small arachnids of the order Pseudoscorpiones, resembling a scorpion but tailless, and found in soil, leaf litter, bark, etc. |
saltigrade | a kind of jumping spider. |
sarcoptic | relating to a genus of small MITES. |
scorpioid | a scorpion; a scorpion-like animal. |
scorpion | any arachnid of the genus Scorpio or order Scorpionida with head and thorax united, pincers, four pairs of legs, and a segmented abdomen including a tail with a venomous sting. |
solpugid | a type of venomous arachnid. |
spider | an arachnid of the order Araneae. |
spiderish spiderlike | like a spider. |
spidery | abounding in spiders; (of writing) thin and straggly. |
tampan | a venomous South African tick. |
tarantula | any one of several species of large spiders, popularly supposed to be very venomous > TARANTULAE or TARANTULAS. |
tick | any of the larger bloodsucking MITES of the Acarina order. |
trombiculid | of or relating to any of the MITE family (Trombiculidae). |
tyroglyphid | a mite of the genus Tyroglyphus, including the CHEESEMITE and the flour-mite. [Gr. tyros, cheese, + glyphein, to carve]. |
varroa | an Asiatic MITE which paralyses and kills the honey-bee. [From Varro, a Latin writer on bees]. |