Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.
alderman | a member of a municipal legislative body. |
aldermanity | the state of being an alderman. |
aldermanlike | like an alderman. |
aldermanly | pertaining to, or like, an alderman > ALDERMANLIER, ALDERMANLIEST. |
amban | (Chinese) a Chinese resident official in a dependency. |
ambassador | an official envoy. |
ambassadorial | of or like an ambassador. |
ambassadorship | the position of an ambassador. |
ambassadress | a woman who is an ambassador. |
amildar | (Urdu) a factor or manager in India, a collector of revenues. |
assemblyman | a member of an assembly. |
assemblywoman | a female member of an assembly. |
attache | (Fr.) a junior member of an ambassador's staff. |
backbencher | a Member of Parliament who sits on the backbenches. |
brinkman | a person who practises brinkmanship. |
burgomaster | (Dutch) the mayor of a Dutch or Flemish town. |
cancellarial | of or relating to a chancellor. |
cancellarian | of or relating to a chancellor. |
cancellariate | the office of chancellor. |
chairman | one who presides (verb) to act as a chairman |
chairwoman | a woman who serves as chairman. |
chancellor | the secretary of a nobleman, prince, or king. |
chancellorship | the office of chancellor. |
chancellory | the position, court, or department of a chancellor. |
chinovnik | (Russian) a high official in the Russian civil service. |
chrematist | a political economist. |
cochair | a joint chairperson, male or female; (verb) to share a chairmanship. |
cochairman | one who shares a chairmanship. |
cochairwoman | a female cochairman. |
codist | a codifier; a maker of codes. |
commissar | the head of a government department in the USSR. |
commissarial | of or like a commissar. |
commissary | one to whom is committed some charge, duty, or office, by a superior power. |
commissaryship | the office of commissary. |
committeeman | a member of a committee. |
congressman | a member of a congress. |
congressperson | a congressman or congresswoman. |
congresswoman | a woman who is a member of a congress. |
councilman | a member of a council, esp of the common council of a city. |
councilmanic | relating to a councilman. |
councilwoman | a woman who is a member of a council. |
crossbencher | an independent member of the House of Lords. |
curule | of high authority, as a higher Roman magistrate who was entitled to a curule chair, one like a campstool with curved legs. No -S. |
demagog | (Greek) a person who appeals to the prejudices and emotions of the people to gain power; (verb) to manipulate an issue, to speak, or to act in the manner of a demagogue. |
demagogic | of or like a demagogue. |
demagogical | of or like a demagogue. |
demagogism | the practices of a demagogue. |
demagogue | a person who appeals to the prejudices and emotions of the people to gain power; (verb) to act in the manner of a demagogue. |
demagoguery | the actions of a demagogue. |
demagoguism | being a demagogue. |
demagogy | the practices of a demagogue. |
detente | (Fr.) a relaxation of strained relations, esp between countries. |
detentist | a supporter of detente. |
detenu | (Fr.) a (male) prisoner, esp a political prisoner in India. |
detenue | (Fr.) a (female) prisoner, esp a political prisoner in India. |
diplomat | a person employed or skilled in diplomacy. |
diplomatist | a diplomat. |
dogaressa | (Ital.) a doge's wife. |
dogate | the office of a doge, or chief magistrate of Venice. |
doge | (Ital.) the former title of the chief magistrate in Venice. |
dogeate | the office of a doge, or chief magistrate of Venice. |
dogedom | the office of doge. |
dogeship | the office of doge. |
duumvir | (Lat.) one of two men sharing same office. |
duumviral | of or belonging to the duumviri or the duumvirate. |
elchee | (Turkish) an ambassador. |
elchi | (Turkish) a Turkish ambassador. |
electioneer | to take an active part in an election. |
electioneerer | one who works to secure the election of a candidate. |
electoress | the wife or widow of an elector in the old German empire. |
electress | the wife or widow of an elector in the old German empire. |
eltchi | (Turkish) an ambassador. |
embassador | (Obs.) an ambassador. |
envoy | a messenger; a minister plenipotentiary, ranking just below ambassador. |
envoyship | the office or position of an envoy. |
evenement | (Fr.) an event or happening; spec. a political strike. |
filibuster | (Dutch) orig a plunderer; a freebooter; also, one who obstructs legislation by making long speeches; (verb) to make such speeches. |
filibusterer | one who filibusters. |
filibusterism | the actions of a filibuster. |
filibusterous | like a filibuster. |
fiscal | relating to the public treasury or revenue (noun) a treasurer; a public prosecutor |
fiscally | (Adv.) FISCAL, related to public finances. |
fonctionnaire | (Fr.) a civil servant. |
frontbencher | one who sits on the front benches in Parliament. |
fundie | a member of the radical wing of the German Green party. |
fundy | (Ger.) a member of the radical wing of the German Green party. |
genro | (Japanese) a group of elder statesmen in Japan. |
goonda | (Hindi) a hired thug, esp one in the hire of a political party. |
helotry | the whole body of the helots; any class of slaves. |
herrenvolk | (Ger.) a master race, a race believing themselves to be fitted to rule the world. |
jacobin | (Fr.) an extremist or radical in politics. |
kleagle | an official in the Ku Klux Klan. |
komissar | a commissar. |
laborite | one who supports workers' rights. |
labourist | one who supports workers' rights. |
labourite | a member or supporter of the Labour party. |
ledger | (Obs.) an ambassador; (verb) to fix (tackle or bait) for fishing on the bottom without a float. |
leidger | (Obs.) an ambassador. |
leiger | (Obs.) an ambassador. |
lenvoy | an envoy. |
lidger | (Obs.) an ambassador. |
lieger | (Obs.) an ambassador. |
maire | (Fr.) a mayor. |
malik | (Arabic) in India, the head of a village, an employer. |
mandarin | a member of one of nine ranks of public officials in the Chinese Empire. |
mandarinate | the rank or office of a mandarin. |
mandarinic | appropriate or peculiar to a mandarin. |
mandarinism | the state of being a mandarin. |
mayor | the chief executive official of a city or borough. |
mayoralty | the office, or the term of office, of a mayor. |
mayoress | a female mayor. |
mayorship | the office of a mayor. |
melik | (Arabic) in India, the head of a village, an employer. |
missioner | a missionary; an envoy; one who conducts a mission. |
mughal | (Persian) an influential person, a magnate. |
mugwump | (Am. Ind.) a bolter from the Republican party in 1884; a political independent. |
mugwumpery | the acts and views of a mugwump, a bolter from the Republican party in 1884; a political independent. |
mugwumpish | like a mugwump. |
mugwumpism | being a mugwump. |
nat | (Coll.) a nationalist. |
nazi | (Ger.) a type of fascist. |
nazir | (Arabic) an Indian court official. |
noncabinet | denoting one who is not a member of the Cabinet. |
notaire | in France, a public official authorized by the state to attest and certify certain legal documents, oversee property transactions, etc. |
ombudsman | (Swedish) a government official who investigates complaints against government departments. |
omlah | (Arabic) a staff of officials in India. |
outcaste | someone who is of no caste, or has lost caste. |
pamphleteer | to write and/or distributes pamphlets. |
pamphleteering | the writing and/or distribution of pamphlets. |
physiocrat | one of the followers of Quesnay of France, who, in the 18th century, founded a system of political economy based upon the supremacy of natural order. |
physiocratic | of or like a physiocrat. |
plenipo | (Arch.) a plenipotentiary, an envoy having full power. |
plenipotentiary | of eg an envoy, having full power. |
politician | a person experienced in the art or science of government. |
politico | a politician; a person holding strong political views or acting from political motivation. |
politique | (Fr.) in French history, a member of a moderate party between Huguenots and Catholics. |
pollster | a person who conducts an opinion poll. |
polltaker | a person conducting a poll. |
portreeve | a mayor or principal magistrate. |
premiership | the office of premier. |
presidency | the office of president. |
procureur | (Fr.) a procurator. |
prolocutor | a presiding officer; a chairman, esp of the lower house of Convocation. |
prolocutorship | the office of a prolocutor, a spokesman. |
prolocutrix | a spokesman, a chairwoman, esp of the lower house of Convocation. |
psephologist | one who studies election results and trends. |
queenite | a queen's partisan. |
realo | (Ger.) a member of the less radical section of the German Green party. |
referendary | a referee; formerly a court official who was the medium of communication with the Pope, emperor etc. |
remembrancer | an officer of exchequer. |
revanchist | one adhering to policy of aggressively seeking recovery of lost territory. |
schout | (Dutch) a municipal officer. |
secesh | (US sl.) a secessionist. |
secesher | (US sl.) a secessionist. |
selectman | one of a board of town officers chosen annually in the New England States to transact the general public business of the town. |
senator | (Lat.) a member of a governing body or parliament, spec. of the federal senate in the US. |
senatorial | of or pertaining to a senator. |
senatorially | (Adv.) SENATORIAL, of or pertaining to a senator. |
senatorship | the office of senator. |
sherpa | an aide to, or personal representative of, a head of government participating in a summit conference. |
speakership | the office of speaker. |
speechwriter | a person who writes speeches (as for a politician). |
spoilsman | (US) someone who looks for profit out of politics or who advocates the spoils system. |
spokesman | a person who speaks for another, or for others. |
spokesmanship | the office of spokesman. |
spokeswoman | a woman who speaks as the representative of another or others often in a professional capacity. |
stakhanovite | a superlative worker. |
statesman | a person who takes an important part in governing the state. |
statesmanlike | like a statesman. |
statesmanship | the skills of the statesman. |
statesperson | a statesman or stateswoman. |
stateswoman | a female statesman. |
statist | a statesman; a politician. |
subconsul | an assistant to a consul. |
subprefect | one ranking below a prefect. |
tahsildar | an Indian district official in charge of revenues. |
tanaiste | (Irish) in Irish politics, the vice-Taoiseach or deputy prime minister of the Republic of Ireland. |
tehsildar | (Hindi) one who administrates a tehsil. |
tory | a member of the Conservative party. |
tribunate | the office of a tribune. |
tribune | an ancient Roman official; spec. (a) a magistrate appointed to protect the interests and rights of the plebeians; b) a legionary officer. |
tribuneship | the office of tribune. |
tribunicial | relating to a tribunate. |
tribunician | relating to a tribunate. |
tribunitial | relating to a tribunate. |
tribunitian | relating to a tribunate. |
unstatesmanlike | not like a statesman. |
wealsman | (Shakesp.) a statesman; a politician. |
whiggamore | (Scots) a Whig; a cant term applied in contempt to Scotch Presbyterians. |
witan | (OE) a member of the Anglo-Saxon council, the witenagemot. |
yamen | (Chinese) the offices and residence of a mandarin. |
yamun | (Chinese) the offices and residence of a mandarin. |