Association of British Scrabble Players

Society > Occupations > Military

Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.

aimer one who aims.
alferez (Arabic) a standard-bearer.
armorer (US) an armourer.
armourer one in charge of weapons.
arquebusier a soldier armed with an arquebus.
artillerist one who operates artillery.
artilleryman a soldier in the artillery.
askari (Arabic) an E. African soldier or policeman.
axeman one who wields an axe.
axman one who wields an axe.
baresark (ON) a Norse warrior who fought without armour, or shirt of mail.
bashibazouk one of a group of irregular Turkish soldiers notorious for their brutality.
bersagliere (Ital.) a rifleman of the Italian army.
berserk (ON) a Norse warrior who fought without armor, or shirt of mail.
berserker (ON) a Norse warrior who fought without armor, or shirt of mail.
berserkly (Adv.) BERSERK, like a Norse warrior who fought without armor, or shirt of mail.
billman one who uses, or is armed with, a bill or hooked ax.
bombarder one who bombards.
bostangi (Hist.) a Turkish palace guard.
camelry troops mounted on camels.
cannoneer a soldier who managed and fired a cannon.
cannonier a soldier who managed and fired a cannon.
carabineer a soldier armed with a carbine.
carabinier a soldier armed with a carbine.
carbineer a soldier armed with a carbine.
carbinier a soldier armed with a carbine.
cateran (Scots) a military irregular or brigand.
cavalryman a cavalry soldier.
cavass (Turkish) an armed attendant in Turkey.
centinel (Obs.) a sentinel or sentry.
centinell (Obs.) a sentinel or sentry.
centonel (Spenser) a sentinel or sentry.
centonell (Spenser) a sentinel or sentry.
charioteer one who drives a chariot; (verb, arch.) to drive in a chariot.
chetnik (Serbian) a Serbian resistance fighter involved in guerrilla warfare against Turkish rule in the 19th century.
chindit (Burmese) an Allied fighter behind the Japanese lines in Burma.
codebreaker one whose job is to break codes.
comitatus (Lat.) a band of warriors who escort a prince.
commando a specialist assault soldier.
commissariat a department, esp military, for the supply of food etc.; food supplied; a government department in the USSR.
condottiere (Ital.) a hired soldier; a mercenary.
conquistador a conqueror; spec. any of the Spanish conquerors of Mexico and Peru in the 16th cent.
continental relating to a continent (noun) an American soldier of the Revolution in the Continental army
corpsman an enlisted man trained in first aid.
cossack (Russian) a Russian cavalryman.
cuirassier (Fr.) a soldier who wears a cuirass.
decuria (Lat.) a company of ten or more Roman soldiers under a decurion.
decury (Lat.) a company of ten or more Roman soldiers under a decurion.
dogface a soldier in the US army.
dogrobber an army cook.
draftee one who is drafted.
dragoon a heavy cavalry; (verb) to compel by military bullying; to compel by force.
drillmaster an instructor in military drill.
drummy (S. Afr.) a drum majorette.
enomoty (Greek) a band of sworn soldiers; a division of the Spartan army ranging from twenty-five to thirty-six men, bound together by oath.
espial a scout or spy.
estafette (Fr.) a mounted courier.
etat (Fr.) the staff of an army, including all officers above the rank of colonel.
evzone (Mod. Gr.) a soldier in an elite Greek infantry regiment.
fedayee (Arabic) an Arab commando, esp one involved in the conflict against Israel.
fencible a soldier enlisted for home service only.
flanker a player on the flank; (verb, obs.) to protect against a flank attack.
foederatus (Lat.) a conquered enemy of Rome; an auxiliary soldier fighting for the Romans.
footguards guards that serve on foot.
footman a soldier who marches and fights on foot.
fusileer formerly, a soldier armed with a fusil, now simply a historical title borne by a few regiments.
fusilier formerly, a soldier armed with a fusil, now simply a historical title borne by a few regiments.
fyrd (OE) a local militia in Anglo-Saxon times.
galloglass (Irish) the irregular infantry of Ireland, and the Highlands of Scotland.
gallowglass (Irish) the irregular infantry of Ireland, and the Highlands of Scotland.
generally (Adv.) GENERAL, widespread.
ghazi (Arabic) a Muslim warrior who has fought the infidel.
gonfalonier a person who carries a gonfalon; the chief magistrate in some medieval Italian republics.
grenadier a soldier who threw grenades; then, a member of the first company of every battalion of foot-soldiers.
guardee (Coll.) a guardsman.
guardsman a soldier of the Guards.
guerilla a member of an irregular force engaging in warfare or in the harassment of an army.
guerrilla a member of an irregular force engaging in warfare or in the harassment of an army.
guerrillero a guerrilla, someone who takes part in guerrilla warfare.
gunlayer a person who sets the sights of a ship's gun.
gunner one that operates a gun.
gunnership the office of gunner.
gyrene (Arch.) a US marine.
hackbuteer one who uses a hackbut, an arquebus.
hackbutter one who uses a hackbut.
hagbuteer one who uses a hagbut.
hagbutter one who uses a hagbut.
haiduk (Hungarian) a brigand, a guerilla warrior.
halberdier one who is armed with a halberd.
harquebusier a soldier armed with an arquebus.
heyduck heiduc (Hungarian) a brigand, a guerilla warrior.
hobbler (Obs.) a person required to keep a horse for military service.
hoplite (Greek) a heavily armed Greek foot soldier.
hoplitic of or like a hoplite, a heavily armed Greek foot soldier.
hussar (Hungarian) a light cavalryman.
impi (Zulu) a regiment of Zulu warriors.
infanteer a Canadian word for an infantryman.
infantry a branch of the army composed of foot soldiers.
infantryman an infantry soldier.
jackman a soldier wearing a jack, a kind of leather armour.
janisary (Turkish) a soldier of the old Turkish footguards.
janissary (Turkish) a soldier of the old Turkish footguards.
janizar (Turkish) a soldier of the old Turkish footguards.
janizary (Turkish) a soldier of the old Turkish footguards.
jarhead an American marine soldier.
jawan (Urdu) an Indian common soldier.
jayhawker a name given to a freebooting, unenlisted, armed man or guerrilla.
kavass (Turkish) an armed attendant in Turkey.
kern an Irish foot-soldier; (verb) to granulate.
kerne an Irish foot-soldier.
kernish relating to a kern, an Irish foot-soldier.
lancer a cavalryman armed with a lance.
landsknecht (Hist.) a mercenary foot-soldier of the 16th century.
lansquenet (Fr.) a mercenary foot soldier of the 16th century.
lanzknecht (Ger.) a mercenary foot-soldier of the 16th century.
lashkar (Hindi) a body of armed Indian tribesmen.
leatherneck a member of the United States Marine Corps.
legionary a member of a legion.
legionnaire (Fr.) a member of the French Foreign Legion.
longbowman an archer who uses a longbow.
marine related to the sea; (noun) a soldier trained for service at sea and on land.
markman an expert shot.
marksman an expert shot.
markswoman a woman skilled in shooting at a mark or target.
martialist a warrior.
matross (Obs.) an artillery soldier next in rank below a gunner.
merc (Short for) a mercenary.
mercenarily (Adv.) MERCENARY, hired for money.
mercenary hired for money; motivated by the hope of reward (noun) one who works for reward only
militar (Obs.) military.
militarily (Adv.) MILITARY, relating to armed forces.
militarist a military man.
military relating to armed forces (noun) armed forces
militia (Lat.) a military force raised from the civilian population, as distinguished from mercenaries or professional soldiers.
militiaman a member of a militia.
minuteman in the American Revolution, a militiaman who was to be ready to march at a moment's notice.
missileer one responsible for the firing of missiles.
missileman one engaged in designing, building, or operating guided missiles.
mitrailleur (Fr.) a machine-gunner.
mortarman a person firing a mortar.
mosstrooper (Hist.) a 17th century border raider.
musketeer a soldier who uses a musket.
outguard a guard or small body of troops at a distance from the main body of an army.
palikar (Mod. Gr.) a Greek soldier.
pandoor one of a class of Hungarian mountaineers serving in the Austrian army.
pandour one of a class of Hungarian mountaineers serving in the Austrian army.
paratroop relating to paratroops, troops trained to drop by parachute.
paratrooper a member of the paratroops.
paratroops troops carried by air.
paviser a soldier carrying a pavis, a shield for the entire body.
peltast (Greek) an ancient Greek soldier with a pelta, a light shield.
pentomic of an army division, formed in five units, esp when using atomic weapons.
perdu (Fr.) lost to view; in concealment or ambush; (noun, Shakesp.) one lying in ambush.
perdue (Fr.) lost to view; in concealment or ambush; (noun, Shakesp.) one lying in ambush.
pikeman a soldier who uses a pike.
pindaree (Hindi) a mercenary freebooter troublesome in India.
pindari (Hindi) a mercenary freebooter troublesome in India.
pioner (Shakesp.) a military pioneer.
pioning (Arch.) pioneer work.
pistoleer (Obs.) one who uses a pistol.
pistolero one who uses a pistol.
pistolier one who uses a pistol.
pivotman a soldier on whom a formation turns.
poilu (Fr. sl.) an infantry soldier in World War One.
pointman the soldier at the head of a patrol.
polemarch a title of several officials in ancient Greek states, orig a military commander.
pricker a light horseman employed as a skirmisher or scout.
protospathaire (Hist.) the captain of the guards at Byzantium.
protospatharius (Hist.) the captain of the guards at Byzantium.
pultan (Hindi) an Indian infantry regiment.
pulton (Hindi) an Indian infantry regiment.
pultoon (Hindi) an Indian infantry regiment.
pultun (Hindi) an Indian infantry regiment.
pyoner (Shakesp.) a military pioneer.
quartermaster one in charge of stores.
quartermistress a female quartermaster.
rapparee (Irish) a wild Irish plunderer, esp one of the 17th century.
reb a rebel, a Confederate soldier.
redcap a military police officer.
redcoat a British soldier.
reiter (Ger.) a German cavalry soldier; (verb) to reiterate.
rereward the rearguard of an approaching army.
reservist a member of a reserve force.
rifleman a soldier armed with a rifle.
ronin (Japanese) a lordless samurai.
roughrider a rider of untrained horses; a horse-breaker.
rutter (Obs.) a horseman or trooper.
sabreur (Fr.) a person, esp a cavalry officer, who fights with a sabre.
sandbagger an assaulter whose weapon is a sand bag.
sapper one who digs tunnels.
scurrier (Obs.) a scout.
scurriour (Obs.) a scout.
sebundy (Urdu) in India, an irregular soldier or soldiers.
selictar (Turkish) a sword-bearer.
sentry one who stands guard.
sepoy (Hist.) an Indian soldier.
serafile a file of officers or men appointed to ride at the rear rank of a squadron.
serrefile (Fr.) a file of officers or men appointed to ride at the rear rank of a squadron.
serviceman a male member of the armed forces.
servicewoman a woman who is a member of the armed forces.
sharpshooter a marksman.
siege the act or process of surrounding a town or fortress; (verb) to subject to a siege.
sieger a besieger.
silladar (Urdu) an irregular cavalryman who provided his own horse and arms.
skirmisher one who skirmishes.
skyman a paratrooper.
snaphance (Obs.) a freebooter; a flintlock; a spring catch or trap.
snaphaunce (Obs.) a freebooter; a flintlock; a spring catch or trap.
snaphaunch (Obs.) a freebooter; a flintlock; a spring catch or trap.
sniper one that snipes.
sodger (Coll.) soldier; (verb) to soldier.
soger (Dial.) a soldier.
soldado (Spanish) a soldier.
soldier a person engaged in military service (verb) to perform military service
soldierly like a soldier.
soldiership the state of being a soldier.
soldiery soldiers collectively.
souldier (Arch.) a soldier; (verb) to soldier.
sowar (Urdu) a mounted soldier.
sowarree (Urdu) a mounted retinue, a cavalcade.
sowarry (Urdu) a mounted retinue, a cavalcade.
spadassin (Ital.) a swordsman; a fighter.
spahee (Turkish) formerly, a Turkish or French Algerian cavalryman.
spahi (Turkish) formerly, a Turkish or French Algerian cavalryman.
spearman one who wields a spear.
spetsnaz (Russian) a select military unit in the former Soviet Union.
spetznaz (Russian) a select military unit in the former Soviet Union.
spial (Obs.) a spy, a scout.
spotter one who spots eg for artillery.
spyal (Spenser) a spy.
spycatcher a person who works in counterintelligence to detect enemy espionage activities.
squaddie (Coll.) a soldier.
squaddy (Coll.) a soldier.
stradiot (Hist.) a Venetian light horseman from Albania or Greece.
strategist one skilled in strategy.
strelitz (Russian) a soldier of the ancient Muscovite guard or Russian standing army.
sworder (Arch.) a gladiator, a swordsman.
swordman one who wields a sword.
swordsman one who wields a sword.
swordsmanship the skills of the swordsman.
swordswoman a woman who uses a sword.
targeteer (Hist.) one who is armed with a target or shield.
tercio (Spanish) an infantry regiment, orig Spanish.
territorial relating to territory (noun) a member of a territorial military unit
territoriality the state of being territorial.
territorially (Adv.) TERRITORIAL, relating to territory.
tertia (Scott) an infantry regiment, orig Spanish.
timariot (Hist.) a Turkish feudal militiaman.
tirailleur (Fr.) a skirmisher; a sharpshooter.
torpedoer one who torpedoes.
torpedoist one whose job is to fire torpedoes.
trainband (Hist.) a band of citizens from the 16c to 18c trained to bear arms.
trooper a cavalryman.
turcopole (Mod. Gr.) a light-armed soldier of the Knights of St John of Jerusalem.
turcopolier a turcopole commander, always an Englishman.
uhlan (Ger.) a light cavalryman in semi-oriental uniform; a Prussian lancer.
ulan (Ger.) a light cavalryman in semi-oriental uniform; a Prussian lancer.
unsoldierlike not like a soldier.
vanguard the forefront; the troops that march at the head of the army.
vedette (Fr.) a mounted sentry stationed to watch for enemy.
velites (Lat.) foot-soldiers of ancient Rome.
vexillary a standard-bearer.
vidette (Fr.) a mounted sentry stationed to watch for enemy.
vidicon a small television camera tube operating on the photoconducting principle.
voltigeur (Fr.) a lightly armed skirmisher.
waac a member of the Women's Auxiliary Army Corp.
wardog a dog used in war; an old warrior.
warfarer one engaged in warfare.
warman a warrior.
warrioress a female warrior.
weaponeer a person associated with the use and maintenance of weapons, esp nuclear weapons; (verb) to design weapons, especially nuclear weapons.
zouave (Fr.) one of an active and hardy body of soldiers in the French service, orig Arabs, but now composed of Frenchmen who wear the Arab dress.