Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.
aimer | one who aims. |
alferez | (Arabic) a standard-bearer. |
armorer | (US) an armourer. |
armourer | one in charge of weapons. |
arquebusier | a soldier armed with an arquebus. |
artillerist | one who operates artillery. |
artilleryman | a soldier in the artillery. |
askari | (Arabic) an E. African soldier or policeman. |
axeman | one who wields an axe. |
axman | one who wields an axe. |
baresark | (ON) a Norse warrior who fought without armour, or shirt of mail. |
bashibazouk | one of a group of irregular Turkish soldiers notorious for their brutality. |
bersagliere | (Ital.) a rifleman of the Italian army. |
berserk | (ON) a Norse warrior who fought without armor, or shirt of mail. |
berserker | (ON) a Norse warrior who fought without armor, or shirt of mail. |
berserkly | (Adv.) BERSERK, like a Norse warrior who fought without armor, or shirt of mail. |
billman | one who uses, or is armed with, a bill or hooked ax. |
bombarder | one who bombards. |
bostangi | (Hist.) a Turkish palace guard. |
camelry | troops mounted on camels. |
cannoneer | a soldier who managed and fired a cannon. |
cannonier | a soldier who managed and fired a cannon. |
carabineer | a soldier armed with a carbine. |
carabinier | a soldier armed with a carbine. |
carbineer | a soldier armed with a carbine. |
carbinier | a soldier armed with a carbine. |
cateran | (Scots) a military irregular or brigand. |
cavalryman | a cavalry soldier. |
cavass | (Turkish) an armed attendant in Turkey. |
centinel | (Obs.) a sentinel or sentry. |
centinell | (Obs.) a sentinel or sentry. |
centonel | (Spenser) a sentinel or sentry. |
centonell | (Spenser) a sentinel or sentry. |
charioteer | one who drives a chariot; (verb, arch.) to drive in a chariot. |
chetnik | (Serbian) a Serbian resistance fighter involved in guerrilla warfare against Turkish rule in the 19th century. |
chindit | (Burmese) an Allied fighter behind the Japanese lines in Burma. |
codebreaker | one whose job is to break codes. |
comitatus | (Lat.) a band of warriors who escort a prince. |
commando | a specialist assault soldier. |
commissariat | a department, esp military, for the supply of food etc.; food supplied; a government department in the USSR. |
condottiere | (Ital.) a hired soldier; a mercenary. |
conquistador | a conqueror; spec. any of the Spanish conquerors of Mexico and Peru in the 16th cent. |
continental | relating to a continent (noun) an American soldier of the Revolution in the Continental army |
corpsman | an enlisted man trained in first aid. |
cossack | (Russian) a Russian cavalryman. |
cuirassier | (Fr.) a soldier who wears a cuirass. |
decuria | (Lat.) a company of ten or more Roman soldiers under a decurion. |
decury | (Lat.) a company of ten or more Roman soldiers under a decurion. |
dogface | a soldier in the US army. |
dogrobber | an army cook. |
draftee | one who is drafted. |
dragoon | a heavy cavalry; (verb) to compel by military bullying; to compel by force. |
drillmaster | an instructor in military drill. |
drummy | (S. Afr.) a drum majorette. |
enomoty | (Greek) a band of sworn soldiers; a division of the Spartan army ranging from twenty-five to thirty-six men, bound together by oath. |
espial | a scout or spy. |
estafette | (Fr.) a mounted courier. |
etat | (Fr.) the staff of an army, including all officers above the rank of colonel. |
evzone | (Mod. Gr.) a soldier in an elite Greek infantry regiment. |
fedayee | (Arabic) an Arab commando, esp one involved in the conflict against Israel. |
fencible | a soldier enlisted for home service only. |
flanker | a player on the flank; (verb, obs.) to protect against a flank attack. |
foederatus | (Lat.) a conquered enemy of Rome; an auxiliary soldier fighting for the Romans. |
footguards | guards that serve on foot. |
footman | a soldier who marches and fights on foot. |
fusileer | formerly, a soldier armed with a fusil, now simply a historical title borne by a few regiments. |
fusilier | formerly, a soldier armed with a fusil, now simply a historical title borne by a few regiments. |
fyrd | (OE) a local militia in Anglo-Saxon times. |
galloglass | (Irish) the irregular infantry of Ireland, and the Highlands of Scotland. |
gallowglass | (Irish) the irregular infantry of Ireland, and the Highlands of Scotland. |
generally | (Adv.) GENERAL, widespread. |
ghazi | (Arabic) a Muslim warrior who has fought the infidel. |
gonfalonier | a person who carries a gonfalon; the chief magistrate in some medieval Italian republics. |
grenadier | a soldier who threw grenades; then, a member of the first company of every battalion of foot-soldiers. |
guardee | (Coll.) a guardsman. |
guardsman | a soldier of the Guards. |
guerilla | a member of an irregular force engaging in warfare or in the harassment of an army. |
guerrilla | a member of an irregular force engaging in warfare or in the harassment of an army. |
guerrillero | a guerrilla, someone who takes part in guerrilla warfare. |
gunlayer | a person who sets the sights of a ship's gun. |
gunner | one that operates a gun. |
gunnership | the office of gunner. |
gyrene | (Arch.) a US marine. |
hackbuteer | one who uses a hackbut, an arquebus. |
hackbutter | one who uses a hackbut. |
hagbuteer | one who uses a hagbut. |
hagbutter | one who uses a hagbut. |
haiduk | (Hungarian) a brigand, a guerilla warrior. |
halberdier | one who is armed with a halberd. |
harquebusier | a soldier armed with an arquebus. |
heyduck heiduc | (Hungarian) a brigand, a guerilla warrior. |
hobbler | (Obs.) a person required to keep a horse for military service. |
hoplite | (Greek) a heavily armed Greek foot soldier. |
hoplitic | of or like a hoplite, a heavily armed Greek foot soldier. |
hussar | (Hungarian) a light cavalryman. |
impi | (Zulu) a regiment of Zulu warriors. |
infanteer | a Canadian word for an infantryman. |
infantry | a branch of the army composed of foot soldiers. |
infantryman | an infantry soldier. |
jackman | a soldier wearing a jack, a kind of leather armour. |
janisary | (Turkish) a soldier of the old Turkish footguards. |
janissary | (Turkish) a soldier of the old Turkish footguards. |
janizar | (Turkish) a soldier of the old Turkish footguards. |
janizary | (Turkish) a soldier of the old Turkish footguards. |
jarhead | an American marine soldier. |
jawan | (Urdu) an Indian common soldier. |
jayhawker | a name given to a freebooting, unenlisted, armed man or guerrilla. |
kavass | (Turkish) an armed attendant in Turkey. |
kern | an Irish foot-soldier; (verb) to granulate. |
kerne | an Irish foot-soldier. |
kernish | relating to a kern, an Irish foot-soldier. |
lancer | a cavalryman armed with a lance. |
landsknecht | (Hist.) a mercenary foot-soldier of the 16th century. |
lansquenet | (Fr.) a mercenary foot soldier of the 16th century. |
lanzknecht | (Ger.) a mercenary foot-soldier of the 16th century. |
lashkar | (Hindi) a body of armed Indian tribesmen. |
leatherneck | a member of the United States Marine Corps. |
legionary | a member of a legion. |
legionnaire | (Fr.) a member of the French Foreign Legion. |
longbowman | an archer who uses a longbow. |
marine | related to the sea; (noun) a soldier trained for service at sea and on land. |
markman | an expert shot. |
marksman | an expert shot. |
markswoman | a woman skilled in shooting at a mark or target. |
martialist | a warrior. |
matross | (Obs.) an artillery soldier next in rank below a gunner. |
merc | (Short for) a mercenary. |
mercenarily | (Adv.) MERCENARY, hired for money. |
mercenary | hired for money; motivated by the hope of reward (noun) one who works for reward only |
militar | (Obs.) military. |
militarily | (Adv.) MILITARY, relating to armed forces. |
militarist | a military man. |
military | relating to armed forces (noun) armed forces |
militia | (Lat.) a military force raised from the civilian population, as distinguished from mercenaries or professional soldiers. |
militiaman | a member of a militia. |
minuteman | in the American Revolution, a militiaman who was to be ready to march at a moment's notice. |
missileer | one responsible for the firing of missiles. |
missileman | one engaged in designing, building, or operating guided missiles. |
mitrailleur | (Fr.) a machine-gunner. |
mortarman | a person firing a mortar. |
mosstrooper | (Hist.) a 17th century border raider. |
musketeer | a soldier who uses a musket. |
outguard | a guard or small body of troops at a distance from the main body of an army. |
palikar | (Mod. Gr.) a Greek soldier. |
pandoor | one of a class of Hungarian mountaineers serving in the Austrian army. |
pandour | one of a class of Hungarian mountaineers serving in the Austrian army. |
paratroop | relating to paratroops, troops trained to drop by parachute. |
paratrooper | a member of the paratroops. |
paratroops | troops carried by air. |
paviser | a soldier carrying a pavis, a shield for the entire body. |
peltast | (Greek) an ancient Greek soldier with a pelta, a light shield. |
pentomic | of an army division, formed in five units, esp when using atomic weapons. |
perdu | (Fr.) lost to view; in concealment or ambush; (noun, Shakesp.) one lying in ambush. |
perdue | (Fr.) lost to view; in concealment or ambush; (noun, Shakesp.) one lying in ambush. |
pikeman | a soldier who uses a pike. |
pindaree | (Hindi) a mercenary freebooter troublesome in India. |
pindari | (Hindi) a mercenary freebooter troublesome in India. |
pioner | (Shakesp.) a military pioneer. |
pioning | (Arch.) pioneer work. |
pistoleer | (Obs.) one who uses a pistol. |
pistolero | one who uses a pistol. |
pistolier | one who uses a pistol. |
pivotman | a soldier on whom a formation turns. |
poilu | (Fr. sl.) an infantry soldier in World War One. |
pointman | the soldier at the head of a patrol. |
polemarch | a title of several officials in ancient Greek states, orig a military commander. |
pricker | a light horseman employed as a skirmisher or scout. |
protospathaire | (Hist.) the captain of the guards at Byzantium. |
protospatharius | (Hist.) the captain of the guards at Byzantium. |
pultan | (Hindi) an Indian infantry regiment. |
pulton | (Hindi) an Indian infantry regiment. |
pultoon | (Hindi) an Indian infantry regiment. |
pultun | (Hindi) an Indian infantry regiment. |
pyoner | (Shakesp.) a military pioneer. |
quartermaster | one in charge of stores. |
quartermistress | a female quartermaster. |
rapparee | (Irish) a wild Irish plunderer, esp one of the 17th century. |
reb | a rebel, a Confederate soldier. |
redcap | a military police officer. |
redcoat | a British soldier. |
reiter | (Ger.) a German cavalry soldier; (verb) to reiterate. |
rereward | the rearguard of an approaching army. |
reservist | a member of a reserve force. |
rifleman | a soldier armed with a rifle. |
ronin | (Japanese) a lordless samurai. |
roughrider | a rider of untrained horses; a horse-breaker. |
rutter | (Obs.) a horseman or trooper. |
sabreur | (Fr.) a person, esp a cavalry officer, who fights with a sabre. |
sandbagger | an assaulter whose weapon is a sand bag. |
sapper | one who digs tunnels. |
scurrier | (Obs.) a scout. |
scurriour | (Obs.) a scout. |
sebundy | (Urdu) in India, an irregular soldier or soldiers. |
selictar | (Turkish) a sword-bearer. |
sentry | one who stands guard. |
sepoy | (Hist.) an Indian soldier. |
serafile | a file of officers or men appointed to ride at the rear rank of a squadron. |
serrefile | (Fr.) a file of officers or men appointed to ride at the rear rank of a squadron. |
serviceman | a male member of the armed forces. |
servicewoman | a woman who is a member of the armed forces. |
sharpshooter | a marksman. |
siege | the act or process of surrounding a town or fortress; (verb) to subject to a siege. |
sieger | a besieger. |
silladar | (Urdu) an irregular cavalryman who provided his own horse and arms. |
skirmisher | one who skirmishes. |
skyman | a paratrooper. |
snaphance | (Obs.) a freebooter; a flintlock; a spring catch or trap. |
snaphaunce | (Obs.) a freebooter; a flintlock; a spring catch or trap. |
snaphaunch | (Obs.) a freebooter; a flintlock; a spring catch or trap. |
sniper | one that snipes. |
sodger | (Coll.) soldier; (verb) to soldier. |
soger | (Dial.) a soldier. |
soldado | (Spanish) a soldier. |
soldier | a person engaged in military service (verb) to perform military service |
soldierly | like a soldier. |
soldiership | the state of being a soldier. |
soldiery | soldiers collectively. |
souldier | (Arch.) a soldier; (verb) to soldier. |
sowar | (Urdu) a mounted soldier. |
sowarree | (Urdu) a mounted retinue, a cavalcade. |
sowarry | (Urdu) a mounted retinue, a cavalcade. |
spadassin | (Ital.) a swordsman; a fighter. |
spahee | (Turkish) formerly, a Turkish or French Algerian cavalryman. |
spahi | (Turkish) formerly, a Turkish or French Algerian cavalryman. |
spearman | one who wields a spear. |
spetsnaz | (Russian) a select military unit in the former Soviet Union. |
spetznaz | (Russian) a select military unit in the former Soviet Union. |
spial | (Obs.) a spy, a scout. |
spotter | one who spots eg for artillery. |
spyal | (Spenser) a spy. |
spycatcher | a person who works in counterintelligence to detect enemy espionage activities. |
squaddie | (Coll.) a soldier. |
squaddy | (Coll.) a soldier. |
stradiot | (Hist.) a Venetian light horseman from Albania or Greece. |
strategist | one skilled in strategy. |
strelitz | (Russian) a soldier of the ancient Muscovite guard or Russian standing army. |
sworder | (Arch.) a gladiator, a swordsman. |
swordman | one who wields a sword. |
swordsman | one who wields a sword. |
swordsmanship | the skills of the swordsman. |
swordswoman | a woman who uses a sword. |
targeteer | (Hist.) one who is armed with a target or shield. |
tercio | (Spanish) an infantry regiment, orig Spanish. |
territorial | relating to territory (noun) a member of a territorial military unit |
territoriality | the state of being territorial. |
territorially | (Adv.) TERRITORIAL, relating to territory. |
tertia | (Scott) an infantry regiment, orig Spanish. |
timariot | (Hist.) a Turkish feudal militiaman. |
tirailleur | (Fr.) a skirmisher; a sharpshooter. |
torpedoer | one who torpedoes. |
torpedoist | one whose job is to fire torpedoes. |
trainband | (Hist.) a band of citizens from the 16c to 18c trained to bear arms. |
trooper | a cavalryman. |
turcopole | (Mod. Gr.) a light-armed soldier of the Knights of St John of Jerusalem. |
turcopolier | a turcopole commander, always an Englishman. |
uhlan | (Ger.) a light cavalryman in semi-oriental uniform; a Prussian lancer. |
ulan | (Ger.) a light cavalryman in semi-oriental uniform; a Prussian lancer. |
unsoldierlike | not like a soldier. |
vanguard | the forefront; the troops that march at the head of the army. |
vedette | (Fr.) a mounted sentry stationed to watch for enemy. |
velites | (Lat.) foot-soldiers of ancient Rome. |
vexillary | a standard-bearer. |
vidette | (Fr.) a mounted sentry stationed to watch for enemy. |
vidicon | a small television camera tube operating on the photoconducting principle. |
voltigeur | (Fr.) a lightly armed skirmisher. |
waac | a member of the Women's Auxiliary Army Corp. |
wardog | a dog used in war; an old warrior. |
warfarer | one engaged in warfare. |
warman | a warrior. |
warrioress | a female warrior. |
weaponeer | a person associated with the use and maintenance of weapons, esp nuclear weapons; (verb) to design weapons, especially nuclear weapons. |
zouave | (Fr.) one of an active and hardy body of soldiers in the French service, orig Arabs, but now composed of Frenchmen who wear the Arab dress. |