Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.
anchorette | a female anchorman. |
anchorman | in broadcasting, a person in a central studio who links up and maintains contact with various outside camera units. |
anchorperson | an anchorman or anchorwoman. |
anchorwoman | a female anchorman. |
announcer | one who announces. |
auteur | (Fr.) a film director, esp when thought of as the creator of a particular genre and carrying a personal stamp. |
auteurism | the profession of auteur, film director. |
autocutie | a young and attractive but inexperienced female televison presenter. |
broadcaster | one who broadcasts. |
byliner | one that writes under a byline. |
celeb | (Short for) a celebrity. |
colorman | a sportscaster. |
columnist | one who writes a newspaper column. |
compositor | one who sets type. |
copublisher | a joint publisher. |
copyreader | a subeditor. |
copyrighter | one who copyrights. |
copytaker | a person employed to type reports as journalists dictate them over the telephone. |
directrix | a female director. |
diurnalist | (Arch.) a journalist. |
documentarist | a person who makes documentaries. |
fluffer | a person employed on a pornographic film to ensure that male actors are kept aroused. |
gameshow | a television show involving game play. |
glossily | (Adv.) GLOSSY, shiny. |
hackette | a woman journalist. |
headliner | the person whose name is made most prominent in a playbill or programme. |
helmer | (Coll.) a film director. |
hotliner | someone running a radio call-in show. |
journalist | a person engaged in journalism. |
journo | (Sl.) a journalist. |
lensman | (Coll.) a cameraman. |
magazinist | one who edits or writes for a magazine. |
mixmaster | a disc jockey. |
newscaster | one who reads news. |
newscasting | the broadcasting of news. |
newshawk | (Coll.) a reporter. |
newshound | (Coll.) a reporter. |
newsman | a news reporter. |
newspaperman | a person who owns or is employed by a newspaper. |
newspaperwoman | a woman who owns or is employed by a newspaper. |
newspeople | people who report the news. |
newsperson | a reporter. |
newsreader | a news broadcaster. |
newswoman | a female newsman. |
paragraphist | a person who writes paragraphs, news items esp for newspapers. |
periodicalist | a person who writes in a periodical. |
podcaster | one who creates podcasts. |
pressman | one who works for the Press. |
presswoman | a female reporter. |
ratpack | a show-business clique. |
recordist | a person who records esp for a cinema film. |
reporter | one that reports. |
reportorial | relating to the work of a reporter. |
screenwriting | the profession of writing screenplays. |
script | to prepare a written text for, as a play or motion picture. |
scripter | one who scripts. |
scriptwriter | a person who writes scripts, as for screenplays. |
scriptwriting | the writing of scripts. |
songwriter | a person who composes words or music or both esp for popular songs. |
speakerine | a female announcer or programme hostess. |
sportcaster | a sports commentator. |
sportscaster | a sports commentator. |
sportswriter | a person who writes about sports esp for a newspaper. |
starlet | a minor showbiz personality. |
storyteller | a teller of stories. |
stringer | a journalist or reporter not on the regular staff of a newspaper or organization, esp one retained on a part-time basis to report on events in a particular place. |
stuntwoman | a woman who doubles for an actress during the filming of stunts and dangerous scenes. |
subeditor | an assistant editor, as of a periodical or journal. |
superflack | a superior press agent. |
supermodel | a famous and successful fashion model. |
telejournalist | a journalist working for television. |
timeshift | to enable (a television programme) to be viewed at a time later than that of its original broadcast. |
tripehound | (Sl.) a newspaper reporter. |
veejay | an announcer on a program of music videos. |
weathercaster | a weather forecaster esp on radio or television. |
weathergirl | a girl who announces the weather forecast. |
weatherwoman | a woman who delivers the weather forecast. |