Association of British Scrabble Players

Culture > Names > Other Sex Players

Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.

adulterer one who commits adultery.
agender of or relating to a person who does not identify with any gender.
bicurious not identifying oneself as bisexual but interested in the possibilites.
chaperon (Fr.) a person who ensures propriety, esp a married or older woman accompanying a young unmarried woman on social occasions; (verb) to act as a chaperon.
chaperone (Fr.) a person who ensures propriety, esp a married or older woman accompanying a young unmarried woman on social occasions; (verb) to act as a chaperone.
cisgender of or relating to a person whose gender identity corresponds to the assumed gender assigned to them at birth.
cornuto (Ital.) a cuckold.
cuckold a man whose wife is unfaithful (verb) to make someone a cuckold
cuckoldise to make a cuckold of.
cuckoldize to make a cuckold of.
cuckoldly (Shakesp.) like a cuckold.
cuckoldom the state of being a cuckold.
cuckoldry the state of being a cuckold.
ephebophile one who is sexually attracted to adolescents.
erotic relating to sexual desire (noun) a person who is particularly susceptible to sexual arousal
eunuch a castrated man.
eunuchise to make a eunuch of.
eunuchism the state of being eunuch.
eunuchize to make a eunuch of.
eunuchoid having the characteristics of a eunuch; (noun) a eunuchoid person.
fornicator one who fornicates.
fornicatress a female fornicator.
frotteur (Fr.) the active participant in frottage, in the sexual sense.
gerontophil a person who experiences gerontophilia, a sexual attraction towards old people.
gerontophile a person who experiences gerontophilia, a sexual attraction towards old people.
gerontophilia sexual attraction towards the elderly.
hermaphrodite a human being, animal or plant with the organs of both sexes.
hetaerist an advocate of hetaerism, concubinage.
hetero a heterosexual.
heteroflexible one of flexible sexual orientation.
hettie a heterosexual person.
hornwork cuckoldry.
hottie a sexually attractive person.
hotty a sexually attractive person.
houri (Persian) any of the virgins of the Muslim paradise, promised as wives to believers.
incel an involuntary celibate: a person, esp a man, who identifies as being frustrated by a lack of opportunities to have sex.
intrasexual within or between members of the same sex.
lewdsby (Arch.) someone addicted to lewdness.
lewdster (Arch.) a lewd person.
lover one that loves another.
loverly (Arch.) like a lover.
matchmaker one that arranges a match.
metrosexual designating an urban male with a strong aesthetic sense who spends a great deal of time and money on his appearance and lifestyle; (noun) a metrosexual male.
necker a person who indulges in amorous fondling with another.
necrophiliac one who practises necrophilia.
nonvirgin someone who is not a virgin.
ogler one who ogles.
orgiast one who engages in orgies.
paederast one who has anal sex with a boy.
paederastic of or pertaining to pederasty.
paedo (Short for) a paedophile.
paedophile one with a perverted sexual desire for children.
paedophiliac relating to paedophilia; (noun) a paedophile.
paedophilic relating to paedophilia; (noun) a paedophile.
pederast one who has anal sex with a boy.
pedophile one with a perverted sexual desire for children.
perve (Short for) a pervert.
pervo a pervert.
platonic not erotic (noun) a platonic lover
pomosexual someone who rejects sex altogether.
pornographer one who produces pornography.
rhanja (Hinglish) a male lover.
sadomasochist one who derives sexual pleasure from inflicting pain.
scopophilia the practice of obtaining sexual pleasure from things seen, as eg naked bodies.
scopophiliac one who derives sexual pleasure from things seen, as eg naked bodies.
sexaholic someone addicted to sex.
sexologist an expert on sexual behaviour.
sexpert an expert on sex.
snogger one that snogs.
spado (Lat.) a castrated or impotent person or animal.
starfucker a person who seeks to have sexual relations with celebrities.
troilist one who engages in troilism, sexual activity between three people.
twigger (Obs.) a vigorous breeder, a wanton.
unchaperoned not chaperoned.
unisexual of one sex only.
unisexuality the state of being unisexual.
unisexually (Adv.) UNISEXUAL, of one sex only.
unloverlike not like a lover.
venerean (Obs.) devoted to the offices of Venus, or love; venereal; (noun) a person addicted to sexual gratification.
virgin chaste (verb, Shakesp.) to continue chaste
virginly (Adv.) VIRGIN, chaste.
voyeur (Fr.) one who derives sexual gratification from watching others.
voyeurism the derivation of gratification from surreptitiously watching sexual acts or objects.
voyeuristic like a voyeur.
voyeuristically (Adv.) VOYEURISTIC, like a voyeur.