Association of British Scrabble Players

Culture > Names > Oafs and Louts

Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.

alf (Aust. sl.) an uncultivated Australian.
arsehole an unpleasant and/or stupid person.
asshole an unpleasant and/or stupid person.
backwood uncouth.
barbarian a member of a primitive or uncivilized people; a coarse, insensitive, or uncultured person.
bodgie fake (noun) an Australian Teddy boy of the 1950s
boor a rude person.
boorish rude.
boorishly (Adv.) BOORISH, rude.
boorishness the state of being boorish.
bosthoon (Irish) a boor.
bounder a cad.
bovver (Sl.) rowdy or violent behaviour by street gangs.
brabbler a clamorous, quarrelsome, noisy fellow.
brattiness the state of being bratty.
bratty like a brat, spoilt.
brutism the nature or characteristic qualities or actions of a brute.
bushwhacker a guerrilla fighter; a bumpkin.
churlish like a churl, vulgar, incivil.
cuif (Scots) a lout, a dolt.
droog (Russian) a violent hooligan.
droogish like a droog, a violent hooligan.
goon a hired thug.
goonery thuggish behaviour.
goustrous (Scots) boisterous, rude.
heavily (Adv.) HEAVY, of great weight.
heavy of great weight (noun) a large strong person
hellion a hell-raiser.
hobbledehoy an awkward young fellow.
hobbledehoydom the state of being a hobbledehoy, an awkward young fellow.
hobbledehoyhood the state of being a hobbledehoy, an awkward young fellow.
hobbledehoyish like a hobbledehoy, an awkward young fellow.
homeboy a member of a youth gang.
homegirl a female homeboy, a member of a youth gang.
homie (Coll.) a homeboy, a member of a youth gang.
hooligan a hoodlum.
hooliganism rowdy, violent, or destructive behavior.
jake (Aust) honest, fine; (noun, US) a country lout, a yokel.
laddish of young men, boisterous or aggressive.
laddy laddish in behaviour.
larrikin (Aust. sl.) a hoodlum, a rowdy.
larrikinism (Aust. sl.) the activities of a larrikin, a hoodlum.
loobily (Adv.) LOOBY, lubberly.
loord (Spenser) a lout.
loutery loutish behaviour.
loutish clumsy.
loutishly (Adv.) LOUTISH, clumsy.
loutishness the state of being loutish.
lumpkin a lout.
maladroit (Fr.) clumsy, unskilful (noun) one who is clumsy
maladroitly (Adv.) MALADROIT, clumsy, unskilful.
neandertal (Ger.) a primitive or reactionary person.
neanderthal (Ger.) a primitive or reactionary person.
neddish like a ned.
nedette a female ned.
oaf a lout; an idiot.
oafish like an oaf.
oafishly (Adv.) OAFISH, like an oaf.
oafishness the state of being oafish.
ocker (Aust. sl.) an oafish uncultured Australian.
ockerism (Aust. sl.) boorishness in Australians.
oik an inferior person.
ouph (Shakesp.) an oaf, a changeling.
ouphe (Shakesp.) an oaf, a changeling.
rowdily (Adv.) ROWDY, turbulent.
rowdy turbulent (noun) a noisy, turbulent person
rowdyish somewhat rowdy.
rudi (In Jamaica) a member of a group of lower- or working-class teenagers in the 1960s, noted for listening to ska music and for juvenile delinquency.
rudie (Sl.) a rude boy.
rudy (In Jamaica) a member of a group of lower- or working-class teenagers in the 1960s, noted for listening to ska music and for juvenile delinquency.
scourer (Hist.) a member of a roistering band that roamed the streets maltreating watchmen etc.
scowrer (Obs.) a member of a roistering band that roamed the streets maltreating watchmen etc.
skinhead one whose hair is cut very short.
slobbish boorish.
slobby like a slob, boorish.
swainish boorish.
swainishness the state of being swainish, boorish.
tearaway a rough character.
tearer (Sl.) a boisterous person.
thickskin a coarse, gross person; a person void of sensibility or sensitiveness.
yahooism being like a Yahoo.
yob a lout.
yobbery being a yob.
yobbish like a yob.
yobbishly (Adv.) YOBBISH, like a yob.
yobbism being a yob.
yobby resembling a yob.