Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.
adultescent | an adult whose activities and interests are typically associated with youth culture. |
angishore | (Canadian) a weak miserable person. |
antwackie | old-fashioned. |
asswipe | (US offensive) another term for arse. |
barathrum | (Lat.) an insatiable extortioner or glutton; (hist.) a pit in Athens into which condemned criminals were thrown. |
bastard | an illegitimate child. |
bastardly | like a bastard; baseborn; spurious. |
baster | a bastard, a person conceived and born out of wedlock. |
bedwetter | a person who urinates in bed. |
bigot | a prejudiced person. |
bigoted | like a bigot, intolerant. |
bigotedly | (Adv.) BIGOTED, like a bigot, intolerant. |
bleeder | one that bleeds. |
blinkard | (Arch.) one who blinks or has weak eyes. |
blusterer | one who blusters. |
blusterous | inclined to bluster. |
blusterously | (Adv.) BLUSTEROUS, inclined to bluster. |
blustrous | (Shakesp.) inclined to bluster. |
bobo | a well-to-do person who holds bohemian values and leads a bourgeois life. |
bolshie | a leftwing person; an obstreperous person. |
brownshirt | a Nazi, a Fascist. |
buccaneer | a pirate, orig of the Spanish-American coasts; an unscrupulous adventurer; (verb) to act as a buccaneer. |
buccaneerish | of or like a buccaneer. |
buccanier | a pirate, orig of the Spanish-American coasts; an unscrupulous adventurer; (verb) to buccaneer. |
bureaucrat | a member of a bureaucracy. |
cacafogo cacafuego | a person with a fierce temper; a vain braggart. |
carborexic | a person who is regarded as being obsessed with reducing their carbon footprint. |
carpetbagger | a Northerner in the South after the American Civil War usually seeking private gain under the reconstruction governments. |
carpetbaggery | the actions of a carpetbagger. |
chairwarmer | an office holder, committee member, or employee who is inactive and ineffective. |
chancer | one who takes a chance. |
chauvin | (Fr.) one with excessive pride in his own country. |
chauvinist | one who is blindly patriotic. |
chav | (Coll.) a young working class person who wears casual sports clothes. |
chavish | like a chav. |
chavtastic | suitable for use by a chav. |
chavvy | like a chav. |
chugger | a charity worker who approaches people in the street to solicit them for regular donations. |
clerkling | a small clerk. |
cocooner | one who retreats to the private world of the family. |
conchie | (Coll.) a conscientious objector. |
conchy | (Coll.) a conscientious objector. |
crachach | (Welsh) Welsh people who snobbishly affect English customs, manners and speech. |
crapehanger | a morose, gloomy, or pessimistic person. |
crookback | (Shakesp.) a hunchback. |
crumblies | (Sl.) very old people. |
crustily | (Adv.) CRUSTY, covered with a crust. |
crusty | covered with a crust (noun) a young vagrant with matted hair |
cutup | a mischievous person. |
daydreamer | one who daydreams. |
deader | a dead person. |
declassee | of a female person, reduced or degraded in social class or status. |
demic | relating to a demos. |
destructo | (Aust. sl.) a destructive person. |
dirtball | a dirty or contemptible person. |
dullsville | a boring place where nothing happens. |
dumpee | the person in a relationship being dumped. |
fashionist | a follower or setter of fashion. |
fashionista | a follower or setter of fashion. |
flyaway | streaming, flighty; (noun) an elusive person. |
footdragger | one who engages in footdragging. |
frenemy | a person who pretends to be a friend but is actually an enemy. |
fucker | one that fucks; a general term of abuse. |
fuckoff | an annoying or unpleasant person. |
fustianist | a writer of fustian. |
fustilarian | (Shakesp.) a fat and slovenly person. |
fustilirian | (Shakesp.) a term of abuse. |
fustillirian | (Shakesp.) a term of abuse. |
gadabout | one who is always rushing around. |
galere | (Fr.) a group of esp undesirable people; an unpleasant situation. |
gamin | (Fr.) a street urchin; a precocious imp. |
gapeseed | anything that causes stares; or someone who stares. |
gatecrasher | one who attends parties uninvited. |
gomer | an unwanted hospital patient. |
grebo | a devotee of heavy metal or grunge music, with unkempt hair and clothes > GREBOS or GREBOES. |
greebo | an unkempt young man > GREEBOES or GREEBOS. |
greedhead | an avaricious person. |
gurrier | in Dublin, a low-class tough ill-mannered person. |
gutterblood | (Scots) a lowborn person. |
haramda | (Hinglish) an illegitimate male. |
haramzada | (Hinglish) an illegitimate male. |
hardass | (Coll.) a tough person. |
hardcase | a person difficult to deal with or reform. |
hardface | a soullessly relentless person. |
hardman | (Sl.) a tough, ruthless man. |
hardnose | a tough, unsentimental person. |
hardrock | (Coll.) a tough, uncompromising man. |
hepster | (Sl.) one who is hep, streetwise. |
hireling | one that works for money only. |
homebird | a person who is reluctant to leave their hometown or their childhood home. |
horson | (Shakesp.) a whoreson. |
hotblood | a reckless person. |
hotdogger | one who hotdogs, shows off. |
hothead | an impetuous person. |
hotheaded | rash, impetuous. |
hotheadedly | (Adv.) HOTHEADED, rash, impetuous. |
hotspur | a rash, hotheaded man. |
hyper | excitable > HYPERER, HYPEREST; (noun) an excitable person. |
illegal | not legal (noun) an illegal immigrant |
illegally | (Adv.) ILLEGAL, not legal. |
infidelic | of or like an infidel. |
intemperant | a person who is intemperate. |
jingo | a chauvinistic, sabre-rattling patriot. |
jingoist | a blindly patriotic person. |
lameter | (Dial.) a cripple. |
lamiger | (Dial.) a cripple. |
lamiter | (Dial.) a cripple. |
lammiger | (Dial.) a cripple. |
landshark | a person who makes inordinate profits by buying and selling land. |
laodicean | a person having a lukewarm attitude in religious matters. |
laughingstock | an object of ridicule. |
leggism | (Arch.) the character of a blackleg. |
litterbug | someone who creates litter. |
louser | (Irish) a mean, nasty person. |
lowbrow | not intellectual; (noun) an uncultivated person. |
lowbrowed | of vulgar tastes. |
lowbrowism | the state of being a lowbrow. |
macho | (Spanish) aggressively virile; (noun) a man of this type. |
machoism | the quality of being macho. |
makebate | (Arch.) a mischief-maker. |
malignancy | the state of being malignant. |
malignant | evil, malign (noun) a supporter of the royalist cause during the English civil war |
malignantly | (Adv.) MALIGNANT, evil, malign. |
middlebrow | a person who is moderately but not highly cultivated. |
miserablist | a person who appears to enjoy being depressed, esp a performer of or listener to gloomy music. |
moer | (S. Afr.) a despicable person; (verb) to attack someone. |
mofo | (US) a motherfucker. |
mossback | a veteran partisan; one who is so conservative in opinion that he may be likened to a stone or old tree covered with moss. |
muckymuck | a person who is or looks very important. |
mudslinger | one who engages in malicious slander intended to discredit another. |
munter | (Coll.) an unattractive person. |
mushmouth | (US) a person who slurs or mumbles in speaking. |
mutha | (Sl.) a motherfucker. |
naff | tacky (verb) to go away |
naffly | (Adv.) NAFF, tacky. |
naffness | the quality of being naff. |
nailbiter | someone who bites his or her nails. |
neandertaler | a primitive or reactionary person. |
neanderthaler | a primitive or reactionary person. |
newwaver | a member of a new wave. |
niffnaff | a trifle, a diminutive person; (verb) to trifle. |
nimbyness | adherence to the doctrine of 'not in my back-yard'. |
nogoodnik | a bad person. |
nonentity | a person or thing of no importance. |
nonpartizan | not partizan. |
nonperson | someone without the rights of a person. |
nudnick | (Yiddish) a dense, boring, or bothersome person. |
nudnik | (Yiddish) a dense, boring, or bothersome person. |
nuisancer | one who makes or causes a nuisance. |
obsessionist | someone who is obsessed by a fixed idea. |
offscouring | someone rejected by society. |
paleocon | an extremely right-wing conservative. |
parroter | one who simply repeats what he has heard. |
partisan | biased (noun) an adherent, esp a blind or unreasoning adherent, of a party or a faction |
partisanly | (Adv.) PARTISAN, biased. |
partizan | an adherent, esp a blind or unreasoning adherent, of a party or a faction. |
patchery | (Shakesp.) knavery. |
penpusher | a person whose work involves a lot of boring paperwork. |
perisher | (Coll.) an annoying, contemptible, or pitiable person. |
philistine | materialistic in outlook; uncultured; (noun) one who is materialistic in outlook. |
platitudinarian | one who utters platitudes. |
plugugly | a very ugly person. |
pompier | (Fr.) of art, conventional, traditional, uninspired; (noun) a conventional or imitative artist. |
poobah | an influential person. |
popster | a pop star. |
pothunter | someone who hunts for the pot; someone who competes merely to get trophies. |
pottymouth | one given to habitual use of bad language. |
potzer | (Ger.) an inept chess player. |
prosumer | an amateur user of electronic equipment suitable for professionals. |
pussycat | a very amenable person. |
pussyfooter | one who pussyfoots. |
quarterdecker | a stickler for naval etiquette. |
raffish | marked by or suggestive of flashy vulgarity or crudeness. |
raffishly | (Adv.) RAFFISH, cheaply or showily vulgar in appearance or nature. |
ragamuffin | someone, esp a child, in ragged, dirty clothes |
ranga | (Aust.) an offensive term for a person with red hair. |
rantipole | (Arch.) a wild, reckless person; (verb) to act in a wild way. |
redliner | one that redlines, withholds loans or insurance from certain neighbourhoods. |
refusenik | (Russian) a Soviet Jew wishing to emigrate; a dissident. |
refusnik | (Russian) a Soviet Jew wishing to emigrate. |
ribald | earthily sexy RIBALDLY; (noun, obs.) a menial of the lowest grade; a loose, low character |
ribaldly | (Adv.) RIBALD, earthily sexy. |
ribaud | (Spenser) a menial of the lowest grade; a loose, low character. |
ringleader | a leader of a ring of individuals engaged esp in improper or unlawful activities. |
roadhog | a selfish or aggressive driver. |
rorter | a spiv. |
rotter | a scoundrel. |
roturier | a plebeian, a commoner; literally, one who breaks ground. |
rubberneck | an over-inquisitive or gaping person; (verb) to look curiously at something. |
rudesby | (Shakesp.) an uncivil, turbulent fellow. |
saddie | a dull unsociable person. |
scaremonger | one who raises false alarms. |
schemie | (Scots) derogatory word for member of a housing scheme. |
schlimazel | (Yiddish) an unlucky person; one with perpetual bad luck. |
schlump | (Yiddish) a stoop-shouldered person (verb) to flop |
scofflaw | (US coll.) a person who contemptuously breaks the law. |
screenager | a socially inept teenager who is adept at electronic communication. |
scuzzbag | a dirty, disreputable person. |
securocrat | an important personage in the security services. |
sheeple | people who follow the herd blindly > SHEEPLES. |
shieldling | a protected person. |
shillyshallier | one who is indecisive. |
shlimazel | (Yiddish) an unlucky person. |
shlump | (Yiddish) a stoop-shouldered person (verb) to flop |
shmucky | foolish, contemptible. |
shonky | (Aust. sl.) unreliable, dishonest. |
shortarse | (Coll.) a short person. |
skanger | (Irish) derogatory for a young working-class person who wears casual sports clothes. |
slapdash | haphazard, careless; (noun) a careless person; (verb) to do in a hasty, imperfect manner. |
sleazeball | a sleazy person, esp one who tries to take advantage of women. |
sleazoid | a sleazy person. |
sleeveen | (Irish) a crafty, smooth-talking person. |
slimebag | an odious and contemptible person. |
slimeball | (Sl.) a disgusting person. |
slob | a slovenly or boorish person (verb) to behave like a slob |
slumlord | a landlord of slum dwellings. |
slummer | one who slums. |
slyboots | a sly person. |
snollygoster | a shrewd unprincipled person, esp a dishonest politician. |
softie | a weak or sentimental person. |
softling | (Arch.) a soft, effeminate person. |
sonofabitch | an abusive term of address or of description. |
sorehead | one who is disgruntled by a failure in politics, or the like. |
sourpuss | a bad-tempered person. |
speccy | wearing spectacles (noun) someone who is bespectacled |
spide | (Irish) a young working class man who wears casual sports clothes. |
spivvery | the world or the practice of spivs. |
squarer | (Shakesp.) a fighting, quarrelsome person. |
stalko | (Irish) a gentleman without fortune or occupation. |
statto | (Coll.) a person who is preoccupied with the facts and figures of a particular subject, esp a sport. |
stercoranist | a disparaging nickname given to one who holds that the consecrated elements of the Eucharist undergo digestion in and evacuation from the body of the recipient. |
stinker | a very unpleasant person. |
stinkeroo | a bad or contemptible person. |
stirrer | a troublemaker. |
stodger | a dull, unenterprising person. |
stowaway | a person who hides in a ship, etc to get a passage. |
straggler | one who straggles. |
stumblebum | (US) an awkward person. |
sucker | somoneone easily duped; (verb) to send out suckers. |
superbrat | a very brattish child. |
sybarite | a person who is self-indulgent or devoted to sensuous luxury or pleasure. |
sybaritic | like a sybarite, devoted to luxury. |
sybaritical | like a sybarite, devoted to luxury. |
sybaritically | (Adv.) SYBARITICAL, like a sybarite. |
tagalong | one who tags along, trails after someone. |
tailard | (Obs.) a person with a tail. |
tanky | a hardline communist. |
tatar | a ferocious person. |
tatterdemalion | ragged, tattered; (noun) a person in ragged clothes. |
tatterdemallion | ragged, tattered; (noun) a person in ragged clothes. |
teenybop | of or pertaining to teenyboppers. No -S. |
tenderling | one made tender by too much kindness. |
theologaster | a petty or shallow theologian. |
tittish | (Sl.) like a teat; contemptible. |
toolie | in Australia, an adult who gatecrashes the Schoolies Week celebrations, esp one who makes sexual advances towards students. |
tosser | (Sl.) an unpleasant or despicable person. |
treachour | (Obs) a traitor. |
trickster | one who plays tricks. |
trimmer | one that trims, a politician that constantly changes his views. |
troublemaker | a person who consciously or unconsciously causes trouble. |
unperson | a nonperson; (verb) to make someone into an unperson. |
valetudinarian | a person of weak or sickly constitution. |
valetudinary | a valetudinarian. |
varletry | (Shakesp.) the rabble, the crowd. |
verbalist | a person dealing in or concentrating on mere words rather than reality or meaning. |
verbalistic | of or like a verbalist. |
vermin | small, common, harmful, or objectionable animals. |
vidiot | a habitual undiscriminating viewer of television. |
vociferant | clamorous; (noun) a vociferant person. |
voluptuary | a sensualist; a person fond of luxury. |
vulgar | common (noun) the common people; one of the unrefined |
vulgarian | a vulgar person; one who has vulgar ideas. |
vulgarly | (Adv.) VULGAR, common. |
whiner | one who whines. |
whoreson | (Arch.) bastard; whore's son. |
wildman | a wild person. |
wirepuller | a person who uses private or secret influence for his own ends. |
worldling | a person engrossed in concerns of the present world. |
worryguts | (Coll.) someone who worries a lot. |
worrywart | a person who worries excessively. |
wosbird | whore's bird, whore's child, a vulgar term of abuse. |
yindie | a person in his or her early thirties who combines a lucrative career with non-mainstream tastes. |
yupster | a hipster with a professional job who seeks to climb the corporate ladder while remaining true to his ideals. |