Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.
babblative | given to babbling, loquacious. |
babble | to talk incessantly, to divulge secrets. |
babblement | babbling, indiscreet gossip. |
backbiter | one who engages in malicious gossip. |
bavardage | small talk or chitchat; idle chatter. |
bizzo | irrelevant talk > BIZZOS. |
blab | to talk idly; to tell tales. |
blabber | to talk foolishly or indiscreetly, reveal secrets. |
blabbermouth | an indiscreetly talkative person. |
blabby | tending to BLAB > BLABBIER, BLABBIEST. |
blather | to talk loquacious nonsense. |
blatherer | one who BLATHERS. |
blellum | (Scots) an idle boring chatterer. |
blether | to talk loquacious nonsense. |
bletherer | one who BLETHERS, talks loquacious nonsense. |
blither | to talk loquacious nonsense. |
bloviate | to orate verbosely or windily. |
bloviation | long-winded speech. |
burbler | one who burbles. |
busybody | one who minds other people's business; (verb) to act like a busybody. |
bytalk | small talk, gossip. |
cagmag | to chat idly. |
carrytale | a gossip, a sneak. |
chat | to converse informally. |
chatter | to talk rapidly and trivially. |
chatterer | one who chatters. |
chattery | full of chatter. |
chattiness | the state of being CHATTY. |
chatty | talkative > CHATTIER, CHATTIEST; CHATTILY. |
chinwag | a talk, a gossip; (verb) to gossip. |
chitchat | gossip; (verb) to gossip. |
claver | gossip; (verb) to gossip. |
clishmaclaver | (Scots) gossip. |
confab | familiar talk or conversation; (verb) to converse, gossip. |
coze | to chat. [Fr. causer]. |
cummer kimmer | (Scots) a gossipy woman. |
craic | (Irish) pleasant conversation. |
dicacious | talkative; pert; saucy. [L. dicax, sarcastic]. |
earbash | to talk to someone loudly and at length. |
earbasher | one who EARBASHES. |
flaneur | a lounger, gossiper; an idle man-about-town. |
gab | to chatter. |
gabber | a chatterbox. |
gabbiness | the state of being GABBY, loquacious. |
gabble | to chatter or talk inarticulately. |
gabblement | gabbling. |
gabbler | one who gabbles. |
gabby | loquacious > GABBIER, GABBIEST. |
gabnash | (Scots) chatter, prattle. |
gadder | one who roves about idly, a rambling gossip. |
garrulous | talkative. |
gasbag | a talkative person; (verb) to talk at length > GASBAGS, GASBAGGING+, GASBAGGED+. |
gossip | to run about telling idle or malicious tales > GOSSIPS, GOSSIPING or GOSSIPPING, GOSSIPED or GOSSIPPED; GOSSIPY, GOSSIPINGLY+. |
gossiper gossipper | one who gossips, a gossip. |
gossipmonger | one who spreads gossip. |
gossipper | see GOSSIPER. |
gossipy | full of, or given to, gossip > GOSSIPIER, GOSSIPIEST |
gup | gossip, prattle. |
jabber | to talk rapidly. |
jabberer | one who jabbers. |
jaw | to talk at length. |
jawing | long talk > JAWINGS. |
kimmer | see CUMMER. |
loquacious | talkative. |
loquacity | talkativeness. |
macrology | much talk with little to say. |
mag | to tease or chatter. |
muckraker | one who spreads defamatory gossip. |
nashgab | (Scots) prattle, chatter. |
natter | to chatter. |
natterer | one who natters. |
newsmonger | a person who deals in news; a gossip. |
palaver | to talk profusely or idly. |
prate | to talk foolishly or sententiously. |
prater | one who prates. |
pratingly | with idle talk. |
prattle | to talk at length about nothing in particular. |
prattlebox | a prattler, a chatterbox. |
prattler | one who prattles. |
prattlingly | in a prattling manner. |
quidnunc | one who seeks to know all the latest news or gossip, a busybody. [L. quid nunc, literally 'What now?']. |
rattlebrain | a shallow, voluble, volatile person. |
rawmaish | (Irish) foolish or dissolute talk. |
rumormonger | one who spreads rumours. |
scandalmonger | one who spreads scandal. |
schmoos schmoose schmooz schmooze shmoose shmooze | to chat in a friendly way. |
schmoozer shmoozer | one who SCHMOOZES. |
schmoozy shmoozy | gossipy > SCHMOOZIER, SCHMOOZIEST. |
scuttlebutt | (slang) rumour, gossip. |
spintext | a long-winded clergyman. |
stickybeak | (Aust. sl.) a Nosey Parker; (verb) to pry > STICKYBEAKS, STICKYBEAKING+, STICKYBEAKED+. |
sweetiewife | a garrulous person > SWEETIEWIVES. |
talebearer | a gossip, a sneak. |
talkative | given to talking. |
talkativeness | the state of being talkative. |
talkiness | talkativeness. |
talky | talkative. |
tatler tattler | an indiscreet talker, a gossip. |
tattle | to talk idly esp. to tell secrets. |
tittle | to tattle. |
tonguester | one who uses his tongue; a talker; a story-teller; a gossip. |
twaddle | to prate; to talk much and idly; to gabble. |
twaddler | one who talks twaddle. |
twaddly | talking in a weak and silly way > TWADDLIER, TWADDLIEST. |
twattle | to prate; to talk much and idly; to gabble. |
twattler | one who twattles. |
waffle | to talk at length to little purpose. |
waffler | one who waffles. |
waffly | given to waffling > WAFFLIER, WAFFLIEST. |
windbag | a long-winded person. |
wongi | to talk or chat > WONGIS, WONGIING, WONGIED. |
yack | persistent or idle talk; (verb) to talk persistently. |
yak | to talk persistently > YAKS, YAKKING, YAKKED. |
yenta yente | (Yiddish) a gossipy woman, esp. one who pries. |