Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.
aborigen aborigin aborigine | an original or native inhabitant of a country. |
amphiscian | an inhabitant of the torrid zone, one whose shadow is thrown both ways. |
anglo | a white inhabitant of the US not of Latin origin > ANGLOS. |
antiscian | a dweller on the exact opposite side of the world. |
ascian | an inhabitant of the torrid zone, shadowless when the sun is right overhead. |
auslander | (German) a foreigner. |
autochthon | one sprung from the ground he inhabits, an aborigine. |
backblocker | one who lives in the BACKBLOCKS, a rural backwater. |
bayman | one who lives in a bay. |
baynoddy | a bayman. |
baywop | in Newfoundland, a derogatory term for one from an outlying community. |
bedawin bedouin beduin | a tent-dwelling nomadic Arab. |
bedu | a tent-dwelling nomadic Arab. N.B. no —S. |
beento | (W. African) a person who has resided in Britain, esp as part of his education > BEENTOS. |
bluenose | a nickname for a Nova Scotian. |
bohemian boho | an artist or writer following an unconventional lifestyle. |
booner | a young working class person from Canberra. |
brotha | an African-American man. |
buppie buppy | a Black urban professional. |
bushie | someone who lives in the bush. |
bushy | someone who lives in the bush; (adj.) bush-like > BUSHIER, BUSHIEST; BUSHILY. |
cagot | one of an outcast class found in the Pyrenees, supposed to be the descendants of lepers. |
cajun | relating to descendants of the French-speaking Acadians deported to Louisiana in 1755. No —S. |
chai | (Romany) a woman. |
chal | (Romany) a man. |
chicana | a (female) American of Mexican descent. |
chicano | a (male) American of Mexican descent > CHICANOS. |
chigga | (Aust. sl.) derogatory term for a young working-class person from Hobart, Tasmania. |
chola | a Mexican-American girl. |
choom | (Aust. sl.) an Englishman. |
citizen | a resident of a city or town. |
citizenly | like a CITIZEN. |
cockney | a person born in London within sound of Bow Bells. |
colleen | an Irish girl. [Ir. cailín dim. of caile countrywoman, girl]. |
colored coloured | a coloured person. |
comeover | a person who has come from Britain to the Isle of Man to settle. |
coon | (offensive) a black person; (non-offensive) a raccoon. |
coonshit | (offensive) a malodorous black person. |
countian | an inhabitant of a county. |
countryman | a man who lives in the country. |
countrywoman | a woman who lives in the country. |
creole creolian | a native of mixed blood. |
criollo | a Latin American native of European esp. Spanish blood > CRIOLLOS. |
crunchie | in S. Africa, an Afrikaaner. |
culshie | a person from rural Ireland > CULSHIES; (adj.) boorish > CULSHIER, CULSHIEST. |
dalesman | one who lives in the dales. |
demonym | a name used to denote the inhabitants of a particular place. |
desi > DESIS | a person of Indian, Pakistani or Bangladeshi birth who lives abroad. |
deshi > DESHIS | a person of Indian, Pakistani or Bangladeshi birth who lives abroad. |
dhimmi | a non-Muslim subject of a state governed in accordance with sharia law. |
didakai didakei didicoi didicoy diddicoy | (Romany) an itinerant tinker or scrap-dealer, not a true GYPSY. |
downstater | one who lives or comes from downstate. |
downtowner | one who lives or comes from downtown. |
earthling earthman | an inhabitant of the earth. |
easter | one living in the east. |
easterling | a native of the east; a trader from the Baltic. |
easterner | one who lives in or comes from the east. |
emigre emigree | one of the natives of France who were opposed to the first Revolution, and who left their country in consequence. |
ephebe | a young adult Greek > EPHEBES. |
ephebos | a young adult Greek > EPHEBOI. |
ephebus | a young adult Greek > EPHEBI. |
espanol | a native of Spain > ESPANOLES. |
etranger | (Fr.) a (male) foreigner. |
etrangere | (Fr.) a (female) foreigner. |
evolue | (characteristic of or designating) an African who has had a European education or has adopted European ways or attitudes. |
farang | (Thai) a foreigner. |
faw | (Romany) a gypsy. |
fenman | one native to the fens of East Anglia. |
flatlander | one who lives in flat country. |
foreigner | a person belonging to, or from, another country. |
frau | a German woman or housewife. |
fraulein | a German girl. |
freshie | a new immigrant to the UK from Asian countries. |
frow vrow vrouw vrou | a Dutch woman. |
furriner | a foreigner. |
gadgie gauje gaudgie gadje | (Romany) a fellow, a man. |
gadjo gajo gorgio | (Romany) a non-gypsy. |
gaijin | (Japanese) a term for a foreigner. No —S. |
geechee | (US) a rural southern black. |
gentile | one of a non-Jewish nation; one neither a Jew nor a Christian |
gentilic | belonging to a gentile tribe or nation. |
gipsy gypsy | a Romany, a member of a wandering people of Indian origin; (verb) to live like a gipsy. |
gitana | (Spanish) a female gypsy. |
gitano | (Spanish) a male gypsy. |
gook | a native of an occupied country. |
gooky | gook-like. No comp! |
gora | (Hinglish) a white or fair-skinned male > GORAS. |
gorgio | see GADJO. |
gori | (Hinglish) a white or fair-skinned female > GORIS. |
greaseball | a person of Latin racial origin. |
grockle | a tourist or incomer in a holiday area. |
gub gubbah | (Caribbean) a white man. |
gumsucker | a native-born Australian. |
habitan habitant | a French native of Louisiana or Carolina. |
hairyback | (S. Afr.) an offensive name for an Afrikaaner. |
haweater | an inhabitant of Manitoulin Island, Ontario. |
heteroscian | a dweller in a temperate zone. |
hieland | characteristic of Highlanders esp in respect of supposed gullibility. |
highlander | one who lives in the highlands. |
hottentot | one of a South African ethnic group, with yellowish brown complexion, high cheek bones, and woolly hair growing in tufts. |
hundreder hundredor | an inhabitant or freeholder of a hundred. |
inlander | one who lives in the interior of a country. |
insular | like an island > INSULARLY; (noun) a native or inhabitant of an island > INSULARS. |
islander | one hwo lives on an island. |
isleman islesman | an ISLANDER, esp. an inhabitant of the Hebrides. |
issei | a Japanese immigrant to the USA > ISSEIS. |
isthmian | a native of an isthmus. |
jackeen | (Irish) a person from Dublin, esp. one with a parochial attitude. |
jafa | (NZ) an offensive name for a person from Auckland [Just Another F**king Aucklander]. |
jungli | one who inhabits a jungle, wild and uncivilized > JUNGLIS. |
kabloona | (Inuit) a person who is not an Inuit > KABLOONAS or KABLOONAT. |
kamaaina | (Hawaii) a longtime resident of Hawaii. [Hawaiian kama, child, + aina, land]. |
kelper | an inhabitant of the Falkland Isles. |
kibei | an American Japanese educated in Japan. |
klooch klootch kloochman klootchman | a Native American woman, wife. The pl. of KLOOCHMAN is KLOOCHMANS or KLOOCHMEN; the pl, of KLOOTCHMAN is KLOOTCHMANS or KLOOTCHMEN. |
koori | a young Aborigine girl > KOORIS or KOORIES. |
kraut | a derogatory term for a German. |
landsman | a fellow Jew from the same town in Eastern Europe > LANDSMEN. |
latina | a female Latin American. |
latino | a Latin American > LATINOS. |
limey | (US) an Englishman. |
liveyer liveyere livier livyer | a permanent resident of Newfoundland. |
llanero | one of the inhabitants of the llanos of South America > LLANEROS. |
localite | one who lives in a particular locality. |
lowlander | one who lives in the lowlands. |
lunarian | an (imaginary) inhabitant of the moon; a student of the moon. |
mainlander | one who lives on the mainland. |
mameluco | a child born of a white father and Indian mother > MAMELUCOS. [Port., prob. f. Arab. mamluk, possession, slave]. |
marcher marchman | a person living in the marches between England and Scotland or Wales. |
martian | a supposed inhabitant of Mars. |
mary | (Aust.) a woman, esp. an aboriginal woman > MARIES. |
melanochroi | people, like Caucasians, with dark hair and light skin. [Greek melas, (dark) + okhros, (pale)]. |
melungeon | any of a dark-skinned group of people living in the Appalachians, of mixed White, Indian and Black origin. |
meneer mijnheer mynheer | a Dutchman. |
mestee mustee | in the West Indies, the offspring of a white person and a quadroon. |
mesteso | a person of mixed, esp. Spanish and American-Indian parentage > MESTESOS or MESTESOES. |
mestino | a person of mixed, esp. Spanish and American-Indian parentage > MESTINOES or MESTINOS. |
mestiza | a female MESTIZO, a person of mixed, esp. Spanish and American-Indian parentage > MESTIZAS. |
mestizo | a person of mixed, esp. Spanish and American-Indian parentage > MESTIZOES or MESTIZOS. |
metic | (In ancient Greece) a resident alien in a city, subject to a special tax. |
metif | the offspring of a white and a quadroon. |
metis | the (male) offspring of a white person and an American Indian > METIS (METISSES is the plural of METISSE). |
metisse | the (female) offspring of a white person and an American Indian > METISSES. Cf. METIS. |
mickey | an Irishman; (verb) to drug someone's drink. |
midlander | one who lives in the midlands. |
milesian | of Irish origin. |
miscegen miscegene miscegine | a person of mixed racial heritage. |
monsieur mounseer | a Frenchman. The pl. of MONSIEUR is MESSIEURS. |
montagnard | one of a mountain-dwelling people of Southern Vietnam on the Cambodian border. |
mooloo | (NZ) a person from the Waikato. |
moorman | an inhabitant of a moor. |
morisco | a Moor > MORISCOS or MORISCOES. |
mounseer | see MONSIEUR. |
mudejar | a Spanish Moor, esp. one allowed to remain in Spain after the Conquest > MUDEJARES. [Arabic mudajjan, one allowed to remain]. |
murree murri | a native Australian. |
mustee | see MESTEE. |
myall | an Australian aborigine living traditionally; also a kind of acacia. |
mzungu | in E. Africa, a white person. |
nisei | a second-generation Japanese immigrant. |
nomad nomade | a member of a wandering pastoral community. |
nonblack | one who is not black. |
nonwhite | one who is not white. |
nortena | (used by Latin Americans) a female North American. |
norteno | (used by Latin Americans) a male North American > NORTENOS. |
northern | a native of the north. |
occidental | one who lives in the west. |
oppidan | a town-dweller; a student at Eton boarding in the town |
orarian | a coast-dweller. |
outbacker | one who lives in the outback, remote rural regions. |
outlander | (S. Afr.) a foreigner. |
outporter | an inhabitant or native of a Newfoundland outport. |
pakeha | (Polynesia) a white man; a non-Polynesian citizen. |
palagi | a Samoan word for a person from outside the Pacific islands, esp. a European. |
paleface | (Am. Ind.) a white man. |
pampean | an inhabitant of the pampas. |
peopler | a settler; an inhabitant. |
pepsi | (offensive) a French Canadian. |
periscian | a person living inside the polar circle. |
pigmaean pigmean pygmaean pygmean | pygmy-like. |
pigmoid pygmoid | one of pygmy form > PIGMOIDS, PYGMOIDS. |
pigmy pygmy | a member of any of the unusually short-statured human races (Negritos, Negrillos and others). |
plaidman | a Scots Highlander. |
plainsman | a dweller in a plain, esp. in N. America. |
pom pommie pommy | (Aust. sl.) an Englishman. |
portman | an inhabitant or burgess of a port, esp. of one of the Cinque Ports. |
pygmaean | see PIGMAEAN. |
pygmean | see PIGMAEAN. |
pygmoid | see PIGMOID. |
pygmy | see PIGMY. |
pygmyish | like a PYGMY. N.B. no PIGMYISH*. |
raia raya rayah | a non-Muslim subject of Turkey. |
redleg | (W. Indies) a term for a poor white person, esp. a descendant of original white settlers. |
riverain | a riverside dweller. |
rom | (Romany) a gypsy man > ROMA, ROMS. |
ronzer | (NZ) someone from the rest of New Zealand i.e. apart from Auckland. |
rooinek | an Afrikaans nickname for an English-speaking person. [Afrikaans = 'red neck']. |
rosbif | (French) an English person. |
rural | a country-dweller > RURALS. |
saganash | (Am. Ind.) a white man. [Algonquin]. |
saheb sahib | (Hindi) an Englishman or other European as addressed or spoken of by Indians. |
sambo | a colloquial or humorous appellation for a black person > SAMBOS or SAMBOES. |
sannop sannup | a married male in N. American Indian societies. |
sansei | a resident of the Americas born of the offspring of Japanese immigrants. |
scattermouch | any Latin or Levantine person. |
scouser | a native or inhabitant of Liverpool. |
shagroon | an early settler in New Zealand of other than British origin. [Irish seachran, wandering]. |
shoneen | an Irishman who imitates the ways and manners of the English. |
shoreman shoresman | one who dwells on or by the shore. |
sider | a person who or thing which lives or is situated on a side specified by a preceding wd; spec. (esp. Austral.) a native or inhabitant of a specified district. |
silvan sylvan | one that lives in a forest. |
sista | an African-American woman. |
siwash | a NW American Indian; (verb) to camp out using natural shelter > SIWASHES, SIWASHING, SIWASHED. |
sloper | a native or inhabitant of the Pacific slope of the United States. |
southern | a southerner. |
southerner | an inhabitant or native of the south, esp. of the Southern States of North America; opposed to Northerner. |
southlander | one who lives in the south. |
southron | someone from the south. |
soutie soutpiel | derogatory for an English-speaking South African. |
spag | an Italian person; (verb) of a cat, to scratch a person > SPAGS, SPAGGING, SPAGGED. |
squarehead | a German or Scandinavian. |
swaddler | a term of contempt for an Irish Methodist. |
swamper | a person who lives or works in the swamps. |
tartanalia | artefacts etc. that are self-consciously Scottish. |
tartar | a formidable, rough, unmanageable or ferocious person, as people from Tartary were considered to be > TARTARLY. |
tauiwi | non-Maori people of New Zealand > TAUIWIS. [Maori 'foreign race']. |
teuchter | a derogatory term used by a Lowland Scot for a Highlander. |
townee townie | a town-dweller. |
townish | of or pertaining to the inhabitants of a town; like the town. |
townfolk townsfolk | the people of a town. N.B. TOWNSFOLKS is OK but there is no TOWNFOLKS*. |
townskip | a city urchin. |
townsman | one who lives in a town. |
tribal | pertaining to a tribe > TRIBALLY; (noun) a member of an aboriginal tribe of India > TRIBALS. |
troglodyte | a member of any of various peoples (as in antiquity) who lived or were reputed to live chiefly in caves. |
tsigane tzigane tzigany zigan | (Hungarian) a gypsy. |
tsotsi | a member of a black S. African street gang; a young hooligan > TSOTSIS. [Perh. f. Nguni tsotsa, to dress in exaggerated clothing]. |
uitlander | in S. Africa, a foreigner, esp. a Briton in the Transvaal. |
uplander | one who lives on the uplands. |
upstater | one from the northern region of an American state. |
uptowner | one from the residential part of a town. |
urbanite | one who lives in a town. |
vahine | (Tahitian) a woman > VAHINES. |
vandalic | of or pertaining to the Vandals; resembling the Vandals in barbarism and destructiveness. |
villager | one who lives in a village. |
volk | the Afrikaner people. |
voortrekker | (Afrikaans) one of the Dutch farmers from Cape Colony who took part in the Great Trek into the Transvaal in 1836. |
vrow vrouw vrou | see FROW. |
vrystater | (S. Afr.) a native inhabitant of the Free State, esp one who is White. |
wahine | (Maori) a Maori woman. Cf. VAHINE. |
westerner | one who lives in or comes from the west. |
westie | (Aust. sl.) a young working-class person from the western suburbs of Sydney. |
whenwe | (S. Afr.) a white immigrant from Zimbabwe. |
whity | (adj.) whiteish > WHITIER, WHITIEST. |
woodlander | one who lives or works in woodland. |
woollyback | a dialect term used in Liverpool, England for a non-Liverpudlian, esp. from one of the neighbouring towns. |
wop | a member of a Mediterranean or Latin race, eg an Italian; (verb) to thump > WOPS, WOPPING, WOPPED. |
wudjula | (Australina aborigine) a non-aboriginal person. |
yanqui | in Latin America, a North American. |
zingano | (Ital.) a male gypsy > ZINGANI. |
zingara | (Ital.) a female gypsy > ZINGARE. |
zingaro | (Ital.) a male gypsy > ZINGARI. |