Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.
airsick | suffering from nausea induced by being in a plane. |
barf | to vomit. |
bevomit | to cover with vomit. |
boak bock boke | to belch, vomit. |
carsick | suffering from nausea induced by being in a car. |
cat | to vomit. |
chunder | to vomit. |
cowk | to retch, feel nauseated. |
cropsick | suffering from nausea induced by gluttony. |
egurgitate | to vomit, to cast forth. |
emesis | the act of vomiting > EMESES or EMESISES. [Gk. emeein, to vomit]. |
emetic | a drug inducing vomiting. |
emetical | inducing to vomit; producing vomiting > EMETICALLY. |
emetophobia | the fear of vomiting. |
heave | to vomit. |
honk | to vomit. |
hurl | (US) to vomit. |
hyperemesis | excessive vomiting. |
keck | to heave or retch, as in an effort to vomit. |
kotch | to vomit. |
nausea | a feeling of sickness and inclination to vomit. |
nauseate | to induce a feeling of nausea in. |
nauseation | the act of arousing nausea. |
puke | to vomit. |
puker | an emetic. |
pukey puky | of or resembling vomit > PUKIER, PUKIEST. |
qualm | a sudden feeling of faintness or sickness; |
qualmish | sick at the stomach; affected with nausea. |
qualmishness | the state of being QUALMISH, sick at the stomach. |
qualmy | full of qualms, feeling sick > QUALMIER, QUALMIEST. |
queasiness | the state of being QUEASY. |
queasy | feeling sick > QUEASIER, QUEASIEST; QUEASILY. |
queazy | feeling sick > QUEAZIER, QUEAZIEST; but not QUEAZILY*. |
ralph | to vomit. |
regorge | to bring back food. |
regurgitate | to bring back food. |
retch | to make an effort to vomit. |
seasick | suffering from nausea induced by being at sea > SEASICKER, SEASICKEST. |
spew | to vomit. |
spewer | one who spews. |
spue | to vomit > SPUES, SPUING or SPUEING, SPUED. |
spuer | one who spues. |
upchuck | to vomit. |
urp | to vomit. |
vom | to vomit. |
vomit | to eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth. |
vomiter | one who vomits. |
vomiting | the act of being sick. |
vomitive | a substance causing the ejection of matter from the stomach; an EMETIC. |
vomitory | a substance causing the ejection of matter from the stomach; an EMETIC. |
vomitous | pertaining to vomiting. |
vomiturition | violent retching. |
vomitus | matter vomited > VOMITUSES. |
vomity | resembling or smelling of vomit > VOMITIER, VOMITIEST. |
wamble | to feel a rolling of the stomach. |
wambly | feeling sick, unsteady > WAMBLIER, WAMBLIEST. |
woops | to vomit. |