Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.
ablutomane | one obsessed with washing. |
aboulia | (Greek) an abnormal lack of ability to act or to make decisions. |
aboulic | relating to aboulia, loss of willpower. |
abreact | to resolve a neurosis by reviving forgotten or repressed ideas of the event first causing it. |
abreaction | the resolution of a neurosis by reviving forgotten or repressed ideas of the event first causing it. |
abreactive | relating to abreaction, the resolution of a neurosis by reviving forgotten or repressed ideas of the event first causing it. |
abulia | (Greek) abnormal lack of ability to act or to make decisions. |
abulic | relating to abulia, loss of willpower. |
acrasia | (Greek) loss of self-control. |
acratic | pertaining to acrasia or lack of self-control. |
aeroneurosis | flight fatigue, a nervous disorder of airmen, with emotional and physical symptoms. |
affluenza | a malaise said to affect affluent young people, characterised by guilt feelings. |
agnosia | the loss of the ability to recognize familiar things or people, usually caused by brain injury. |
agnosic | relating to agnosia, the loss of the ability to recognize familiar things or people. |
akathisia | a psychological condition characterised by agitation and a frequent desire to alter the posture. |
akrasia | (Greek) loss of self-control. |
akratic | relating to akrasia, loss of self-control. |
alexia | a neurological disorder marked by the loss of ability to read words, aka word blindness. |
alexic | relating to alexia, the inability to read. |
algolagnia | a perversion (as sadism or masochism) characterized by pleasure and esp sexual gratification in inflicting or suffering pain. |
algolagniac | one who suffers from algolagnia. |
algolagnic | relating to algolagnia. |
alienism | the study of mental disease. |
ament | a person who fails to develop mentally. |
amentia | temporary insanity or a dazed trance. |
amnesia | loss of memory. |
amnesiac | one suffering from amnesia. |
amnesic | of or pertaining to amnesia; (noun) one suffering from amnesia. |
amnestic | causing loss of memory. |
anglomania | a craze or obsession with England and the English. |
anglomaniac | one suffering from anglomania. |
angst | (Ger.) a state of morbid fear or anxiety. |
angsty | displaying or feeling angst. |
anhedonia | an unresponsiveness to pleasure. |
anhedonic | suffering from anhedonia, unable to experience pleasure. |
anoesis | consciousness with sensation but without thought and without understanding of the environment. |
anoetic | of or pertaining to anoesis, consciousness with sensation but without thought. |
anomie | (Fr.) a condition of hopelessness caused or characterized by breakdown of rules of conduct and loss of belief and sense of purpose. |
anomy | (Fr.) a condition of hopelessness caused or characterized by breakdown of rules of conduct and loss of belief and sense of purpose. |
anorectal | pertaining to anorexia. |
anorectic | pertaining to anorexia; (noun) one suffering from anorexia. |
anoretic | pertaining to anorexia; (noun) one suffering from anorexia. |
anorexia | want of appetite, without a loathing of food. |
anorexic | pertaining to anorexia; (noun) one suffering from anorexia. |
anorexigenic | promoting or causing anorexia. |
anorexy | want of appetite, without a loathing of food. |
anterograde | as in anterograde amnesia, loss of memory for events after injury to the brain or mental trauma, with little effect on information acquired previously. |
anthomania | an obsession with flowers. |
anthomaniac | one suffering from anthomania, an obsession with flowers. |
aphasia | the inability to use or comprehend words. |
aphasiac | one suffering from aphasia, the inability to use or comprehend words. |
aphasic | suffering from aphasia; (noun) one suffering from aphasia. |
aphrodisia | sexual desire, esp violent. |
apimania | an excessive interest in bees. |
arithmomania | an obsession with numbers, esp compulsion to count things. |
astereognosis | the inability to recognize objects by touch. |
autist | one who suffers from autism. |
autistic | relating to autism (noun) a person affected by autism |
autistically | (Adv.) AUTISTIC, suffering from autism. |
autohypnosis | self-induced and usually automatic hypnosis. |
autohypnotic | relating to autohypnosis. |
autophoby | a shrinking from making any reference to oneself. |
balletomania | an abnormal fondness for ballet. |
bibliomane | one with a mania for collecting books. |
bibliomania | a craze for books or reading. |
bibliomaniacal | relating to bibliomania. |
bulimia | (Greek) an eating disorder in which binge eating is followed by depression and guilt, self-induced vomiting and purging, etc. |
bulimiac | relating to bulimia; (noun) one suffering from bulimia > BULIMIACS. |
bulimic | relating to bulimia; (noun) one suffering from bulimia. |
bulimus | (Greek) an eating disorder in which binge eating is followed by depression and guilt, self-induced vomiting and purging, etc. |
bulimy | (Greek) an eating disorder in which binge eating is followed by depression and guilt, self-induced vomiting and purging, etc. |
cacoethes | (Greek) an insatiable desire or mania; a bad habit. |
cacoethic | relating to cacoethes, an insatiable desire or mania. |
catatonia | a trancelike state. |
catatonic | in a trancelike state (noun) one suffering from catatonia |
catatonically | (Adv.) CATATONIC, suffering from catatonia, a trancelike state. |
catatony | periodic rigidity in schizophrenia. |
chemopsychiatry | treatment of mental illness by drugs. |
cleptomania | an obsessive urge to steal, driven by emotional disturbance rather than material need. |
cleptomaniac | a person having an obsessive urge to steal. |
compulsive | driven by an ungovernable impulse (noun) one driven by an ungovernable impulse |
compulsively | (Adv.) COMPULSIVE, driven by an ungovernable impulse. |
coprolalia | an uncontrollable or obsessive use of obscene language. |
coprolaliac | relating to coprolalia, the uncontrolled, often excessive use of obscene or scatological language that may accompany certain mental disorders. |
coprophilia | an abnormal liking for excrement. |
coprophiliac | one suffering from coprophilia. |
coprophilic | relating to coprophilia, an abnormal liking for excrement. |
crackup | a mental breakdown. |
cyclothyme | a person with a cyclothymic temperament, having alternating moods of euphoria and depression. |
cyclothymia | a mental condition of alternating moods of euphoria and depression. |
dartitis | a nervous condition affecting darts players, resulting in an inability to release the dart. |
delusionist | one who suffers from delusions. |
derealisation | a feeling of altered reality (as that occurring in schizophrenia or in some drug reactions) in which one's surroundings appear unreal or unfamiliar. |
derealization | a feeling of altered reality (as that occurring in schizophrenia or in some drug reactions) in which one's surroundings appear unreal or unfamiliar. |
disinhibition | the removal of inhibitions controlling normal behaviour. |
dyscalculia | the inability to calculate correctly. |
dysgraphic | (Someone) suffering from dysgraphia, the inability to write. |
dysmorphic | obsessively concerned with supposed defects in one's appearance. |
dysthymia | a mild depression, despondency. |
dysthymiac | a person who suffers from dysthymia, despondency. |
echolalia | the often pathological repetition of what is said by other people as if echoing them. |
echolalic | of or like echolalia, the often pathological repetition of what is said by other people as if echoing them. |
echopraxia | in mental illness, echo-like repetition of another's actions. |
echopraxis | in mental illness, echo-like repetition of another's actions. |
egomania | excessive preoccupation with the self. |
egomaniac | one suffering from egomania, excessive preoccupation with the self. |
egomaniacal | of or like an egomaniac. |
egomaniacally | (Adv.) EGOMANIACAL, of or like an egomaniac. |
eleutheromania | a manic desire for freedom. |
erethic | showing erethism, abnormal irritability. |
erethism | abnormal irritability. |
erethistic | causing erethism, abnormal irritability. |
erethitic | causing erethism, abnormal irritability. |
ergomania | excessive desire to work. |
ergomaniac | one who suffers from ergomania, excessive desire to work. |
erotomania | an unusually strong sexual desire. |
erotomaniac | one suffering from erotomania, an unusually strong sexual desire. |
etheromania | addiction to the taking of ether. |
europhobia | an irrational fear of Europe and things European. |
europhobic | suffering from europhobia, an irrational fear of Europe and things European. |
flagellomania | an obsession with flogging. |
flagellomaniac | a sufferer from flagellomania. |
francomania | an obsession with France and the French. |
graphomania | an obsession with writing. |
gynophobe | a person who hates or fears women. |
hallucinator | one who hallucinates. |
hallucinosis | a pathological mental state characterized by hallucinations. |
hebephrenia | a form of dementia occuring at puberty. |
hebephreniac | one suffering from hebephrenia, a form of dementia occuring at puberty. |
hebephrenic | one suffering from hebephrenia, a form of dementia occuring at puberty. |
hydromania | an irrational craving for water. |
hyperactive | affected with or exhibiting hyperactivity; (noun) one who is hyperactive. |
hypermania | an extreme form of mania. |
hypermanic | suffering from hypermania, an extreme form of mania. |
hypermnesia | abnormally vivid or complete memory or recall of the past. |
hypermnesic | relating to hypermnesia. |
hypnoanalysis | psychoanalysis conducted on a hypnotized person. |
hypnoanalytic | related to hypnoanalysis, psychoanalysis conducted on a hypnotized person. |
hypochondria | suffering from imaginary illness. |
hypochondriac | one who suffers from hypochondria. |
hypochondriasis | morbid concern about one's health esp when accompanied by delusions of physical disease. |
hypochondriasm | hypochondria. |
hypochondriast | a hypochondriac. |
hypomania | slightly abnormal overactivity and elation. |
hypomanic | relating to hypomania, a mild form of mania; (noun) one afflicted with hypomania. |
hyponea | dulled mental activity. |
hyponoia | dulled mental activity. |
hysteromania | hysterical mania, often marked by erotic delusions and an excessive desire to attract attention. |
idiotism | the medical state of being an idiot. |
infantilism | retention of childish physical, mental, or emotional qualities in adult life. |
infomania | an excessive desire for information. |
insanie | (Shakesp.) insanity. |
islomania | an obsessional enthusiasm for islands. |
katharsis | (Greek) a natural or artificial purgation of any passage, as of the mouth, bowels, etc. |
klepto | a person having an obsessive urge to steal. |
kleptomania | an obsessive urge to steal, driven by emotional disturbance rather than material need. |
kleptomaniac | a person having an obsessive urge to steal. |
latah | a psychological condition, observed esp in Malaysian cultures, in which an individual, after experiencing a shock, becomes anxious and suggestible, often imitating the actions of another person. |
mania | an excessive interest or enthusiasm. |
manic | affected by mania (noun) someone affected by mania |
manically | (Adv.) MANIC, of or affected by mania. |
masochism | the derivation of sexual gratification from the suffering of pain. |
masochist | one who derives sexual gratification from the suffering of pain. |
masochistic | relating to masochism. |
masochistically | (Adv.) MASOCHISTIC, relating to masochism. |
megalomania | a mania for great or grandiose performance. |
megalomaniacal | relating to megalomania. |
megalomanic | relating to megalomania. |
melancholia | a mental state characterised by dejection and misery. |
melancholiac | one suffering from melancholia. |
melancholic | subject to melancholy; (noun) one given to melancholy. |
melancholically | (Adv.) MELANCHOLIC, subject to melancholy. |
melancholily | (Adv.) MELANCHOLY, sad, gloomy. |
melancholiness | the state of being melancholy. |
melancholy | sad, gloomy (noun) prolonged depression of spirits |
melomania | a mania for music. |
melomanic | suffering from melomania, a craze for music. |
menticide | the systematic undermining of a person's beliefs, attitudes, and values. |
methomania | a morbid craving for alcohol. |
metromania | an insatiable desire for writing verse. |
monomania | an abnormal obsession with a single thought or idea. |
monomaniac | someone obsessed with one subject only. |
morphinomania | a habitual craving or desire for morphine. |
mythomania | an excessive or abnormal propensity for lying and exaggerating. |
mythomaniac | a sufferer from mythomania, an excessive or abnormal propensity for lying and exaggerating. |
narcism | excessive love of oneself. |
narcissism | egocentrism. |
narcissist | one who shows narcissism. |
narcissistic | relating to narcissism. |
narcist | one given to narcism, excessive love of oneself. |
narcistic | excessively admiring of oneself. |
narcosynthesis | narco-analysis directed toward unearthing repressed memories. |
necrophil | someone who is morbidly attracted to corpses. |
necrophile | someone who is morbidly attracted to corpses. |
necrophilia | the erotic love of corpses. |
necrophilic | relating to necrophilia. |
necrophily | the erotic love of corpses. |
neophilia | an obsessive love of novelty. |
neophiliac | one suffering from neophilia, an obsessive love of novelty. |
neurasthenia | nervous debility or breakdown. |
neurastheniac | one suffering from neurasthenia. |
neurasthenic | relating to neurasthenia; (noun) one suffering from neurasthenia. |
neurofeedback | a therapy technique that presents the user with realtime feedback on brainwave activity. |
neurosal | relating to neurosis. |
neurosis | nervous activity distinguished from or associated with mental activity. |
neurotic | suffering from a neurosis (noun) someone given to neurosis |
neurotically | (Adv.) NEUROTIC, suffering from a neurosis. |
neuroticism | a neurotic character, condition, or trait. |
nootropic | acting on the mind; (noun) a nootropic drug. |
nostomania | an overwhelming desire to return home or to go back to familiar places. |
nympho | (Short for) a nymphomaniac. |
nymphomaniac | one afflicted with nymphomania. |
oedipal | pertaining to the libidinous feelings of a son towards his mother. |
oedipally | (Adv.) OEDIPAL, pertaining to the libidinous feelings of a son towards his mother. |
oenomania | an obsession or craze for wine. |
opsomania | an abnormal love for one kind of food. |
orchidomania | an obsession with orchids. |
orthogenic | pertaining to correction of children's mental defects. |
orthogenically | (Adv.) ORTHOGENIC, pertaining to correction of children's mental defects. |
orthomolecular | relating to the theory that mental illness is chemical. |
paedophilia | the sexual love of children. |
palilalia | a disorder characterized by rapid repetition of words. |
paramnesia | abnormality of memory, esp forgetting of meaning of words. |
paranoea | a form of mental derangement; insanity. |
paranoeic | suffering from paranoia; (noun) someone suffering from paranoia. |
paranoia | a form of mental derangement. |
paranoiac | suffering from paranoia; (noun) someone suffering from paranoia. |
paranoic | suffering from paranoia (noun) someone suffering from paranoia |
paranoically | (Adv.) PARANOIC, suffering from paranoia. |
paranoid | suffering from paranoia; (noun) someone suffering from paranoia. |
paranoidal | suffering from paranoia. |
paraphasia | a disorder in which one word substituted for another. |
paraphasic | of or like paraphasia, a disorder in which one word substituted for another. |
paraphilia | abnormal sexual practices. |
paraphiliac | a person who indulges in paraphilia, abnormal sexual practices. |
paraphrenia | any mental disorder of the paranoid type. |
paruresis | a type of phobia in which the sufferer is unable to urinate in the presence of others. |
pedophilia | sexual desire for children. |
pedophiliac | one who suffers from pedophilia, sexual desire for children. |
pedophilic | relating to pedophilia; (noun) a pedophile. |
potichomania | a craze for imitating Oriental porcelain. |
prosopagnosia | inability to recognize familiar faces. |
psychoanalyse | to subject to psycholanalysis. |
psychoanalyser | one who psychoanalyses. |
psychoanalyze | to subject to psychoanalysis. |
psychoanalyzer | one who psychoanalyzes. |
psychogenic | derived from the mind. |
psychogenically | (Adv.) PSYCHOGENIC, derived from the mind. |
psychoneurosis | neurosis. |
psychopathic | relating to psychopathy; (noun) a psychopath. |
psychopathy | the state of being a psychopath. |
psychosis | a serious mental disorder characterized by eg illusions, delusions, hallucinations, mental confusion and a lack of insight on the part of the patient into his or her condition. |
psychosynthesis | a form of psychotherapy combining psychoanalytic techniques with meditation and exercise. |
psychotic | suffering from a psychosis (noun) one suffering from a psychosis |
psychotically | (Adv.) PSYCHOTIC, suffering from a psychosis. |
pteridomania | a passion for ferns. |
pyromania | an obsessive urge to set fire to things. |
pyromaniac | a sufferer from pyromania, an obsessive urge to set fire to things. |
pyromaniacal | relating to pyromania. |
sadism | a tendency to take delight in inflicting pain. |
sadist | one marked by sadism. |
sadistic | like a sadist. |
sadistically | (Adv.) SADISTIC, like a sadist. |
schizoid | suffering from schizophrenia; (noun) one suffering from schizophrenia. |
schizoidal | suffering from schizophrenia. |
schizophrene | one affected with schizophrenia. |
schizophrenetic | suffering from schizophrenia. |
schizophrenia | a mental disorder with 'splitting' of personality and separation from environment. |
schizophrenic | relating to schizophrenia; (noun) one suffering from schizophrenia. |
schizothymia | schizoid behavior that resembles schizophrenia in the tendency toward autistic thinking but remains within normal limits. |
shellshock | mental disturbance due to war experiences, once thought to be caused by the bursting of shells. |
shellshocked | suffering from shellshock. |
squandermania | irrational propensity for spending money wastefully. |
subinhibitory | below a level that causes inhibition. |
technomania | an obsession with technology. |
theatromania | a craze for going to plays. |
theomania | the belief that one is God or specially chosen by God on a mission. |
timbromania | a craze for stamp collecting. |
toxicomania | a morbid craving for poisons. |
tulipomania | an obsession with tulips. |
typomania | the overwhelming urge to see one's name in print. |
undinism | a psychological obsession with urine and urination. |
urolagnia | sexual arousal caused by, or associated with, urine or the urination. |
xenomania | an inordinate attachment to foreign things. |
zoanthropic | relating to zoanthropy, a form of mental delusion in which a person believes himself or herself to be an animal. |
zoanthropy | a form of mental delusion in which a person believes himself or herself to be an animal. |
zoomania | an excessive enthusiasm for animals. |
zoophobous | having an abnormal fear of animals. |
zooscopic | relating to zooscopy, a kind of hallucination in which imaginary animal forms are seen. |
zooscopy | a kind of hallucination in which imaginary animal forms are seen. |