Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.
abasia | the inability to walk due to lack of muscular coordination. |
abiosis | absence of life > ABIOSES. [Gk. a-, without, + bios, life]. |
abort | to bring forth a fetus prematurely. |
abortee | a woman who has an abortion. |
abortive | born before due time > ABORTIVELY. |
abortus | an aborted foetus > ABORTUSES. |
abrachia | a congenital lack of arms. |
abscess | a collection of pus in a cavity, usu causing an inflamed swelling; (verb)to form an abscess. |
acapnia | deficiency of carbon dioxide. |
acariasis | an irritating itching insect infestation > ACARIASES. |
achalasia | failure of the muscles of the lower part of the oesophagus to relax, which prevents food from passing into the stomach. |
ache | a persistent dull pain; (verb) to be the site of this. |
achiness | the state of having aches. |
acholia | a deficiency or want of bile. |
achy | aching > ACHIER, ACHIEST. |
acidemia | a condition of increased acidity of the blood. |
acidosis | the presence of acids in the blood beyond normal levels > ACIDOSES. |
acidotic | having acids in the blood beyond normal levels. |
aciduria | excessive acid in the urine. |
acne | a skin disease caused by inflammation of the sebaceous follicles, esp on the face, neck, and shoulders. |
acned | afflicted with ACNE. |
acrotism | a failure of the pulse. |
adenitis | inflammation of glands. |
adenoma | a usually non-lethal tumour of a gland > ADENOMAS or ADENOMATA. [Gk. aden, gland] |
adenosis | abnormal growth of glandular tissue > ADENOSES. |
adiposis | obesity > ADIPOSES. |
adiposity | obesity. |
adipsia | complete lack of thirst. |
adynamia | helplessness; lack of strength. |
adynamic | lacking strength; causing weakness. |
aerophagy | spasmodic swallowing of air. |
afebrile | not suffering from fever. |
afterpain | pain that comes after a while. |
agenesia | absence or imperfect development of a bodily part. |
agenesis | absence or imperfect development of a bodily part > AGENESES. |
agenetic | relating to imperfect development of bodily parts. |
ageusia | lack of the sense of taste. |
agita | a feeling of agitation. |
agitans | as in paralysis agitans, Parkinson's disease. |
aglossal aglossate | relating to AGLOSSIA, the congenital lack of a tongue. |
aglossia | the congenital lack of a tongue. |
agnail | a sore, corn or hangnail on the toe or foot. |
agony | extreme pain. |
agraphia | the inability to write. |
agraphic | characterized by AGRAPHIA, the inability to write. |
agria | a severe pustular eruption. |
agrypnia | wakefulness; sleeplessness. |
ague | a malarial fever. |
agued | suffering from the AGUE, a malarial fever. |
aguelike | having the nature of an AGUE. |
aguish | having the qualities of an AGUE; feverish > AGUISHLY. |
agyria | a brain disease. |
ail | to be indisposed. |
ailment | a physical or mental disorder. |
ake | an old spelling of ACHE. |
akinesia | the loss of the power of voluntary movement. |
akinesis | the loss of the power of voluntary movement > AKINESES. |
akinetic | relating to AKINESIA, the loss of the power of voluntary movement. |
alalia | loss of ability to speak. |
alastrim | a mild form of smallpox. |
albinal albinic | like an ALBINO. |
albiness | a female albino. |
albinism albinoism | the state or condition of being an albino. |
albino | a person or animal with abormally white skin and hair and pink irises > ALBINOS. |
albinotic | affected with ALBINISM. |
albugo | a white spot on the cornea of the eye; a LEUCOMA > ALBUGOS. [L. albugo, whiteness]. |
alcoholic | one suffering from alcoholism. |
algesia | sensitivity to pain. |
algesic algetic | relating to ALGESIA, sensitivity to pain. |
algesis | the sensation of pain > ALGESES. |
algid | cold or chill, especially applied to a cold fit in disease. |
algidity algidness | chilliness, especially during fever. |
algor | coldness; a shivering fit, esp. that experienced at the onset of a fever. |
alkalosis | an illness in which the blood or tissues of the body become too alkaline > ALKALOSES. |
alkalotic | affected by ALKALOSIS. |
allergic | one who suffers from an allergy > ALLERGICS. |
allergy | a state of hypersensitive reaction to certain things. |
alogia | inability to speak, due to brain lesion. |
alopecia | loss of hair, baldness. |
alopecic | relating to ALOPECIA. |
alphosis | a lack of skin pigmentation > ALPHOSISES. |
amaurosis | partial or total blindness, without apparent change in the eye > AMAUROSES. |
amaurotic | relating to AMAUROSIS. |
amblyopia | impaired sight without any apparent damage to the eye. |
amblyopic | of or pertaining to AMBLYOPIA. |
amebiasis amoebiasis | infection of the colon by amoebae > AMEBIASES, AMOEBIASES. |
amelia | congenital limblessness. |
ametropia | abnormal optical refraction. |
ametropic | relating to AMETROPIA. |
amyotonia | deficiency of muscle tone. |
anabiosis | a return to life after apparent death > ANABIOSES. |
anabiotic | relating to ANABIOSIS. |
anaemia anemia | lack of red blood cells. |
anaemic anemic | deficient in red blood cells. |
analgesia analgia | inability to feel pain. |
anarthria | loss of the ability to speak coherently. |
anarthric | relating to ANARTHRIA. |
anasarca | dropsy of the subcutaneous cellular tissue. |
anchylose ankylose | to fuse or stiffen by ankylosis. |
ancome | a sudden inflammation. |
anemia | see ANAEMIA. |
anemic | see ANAEMIC. |
anergia anergy | the failure of the immune system; loss of energy. |
anergic | lacking in energy. |
aneurism aneurysm | dilatation of an artery; any abnormal enlargement. |
angina | a disease of the heart; an inflammation of the throat. |
anginal | relating to ANGINA. |
anginose anginous | pertaining to angina or angina pectoris. |
angioma | a tumour due to dilated blood vessels > ANGIOMAS or ANGIOMATA. |
anguish | extreme pain; (verb) to suffer extreme pain. |
aniridia | a congenital condition in which the eye is incompletely formed. |
aniridic | related to ANIRIDIA. |
anidrosis anhidrosis | absence of sweating > ANIDROSES, ANHIDROSES. |
ankylose | see ANCHYLOSE. |
ankylosis | the joining together of bones or hard parts; resulting stiffness. |
ankylotic | relating to ANKYLOSIS, the joining together of bones or hard parts. |
anoopsia anopia anopsia | an upward squint. |
anosmatic | relating to ANOSMIA, lack or loss of sense of smell. |
anosmia | lack or loss of sense of smell. |
anosmic | relating to ANOSMIA, lack or loss of sense of smell. |
anoxaemia anoxemia | a disorder of the blood. |
anoxaemic anoxemic | relating to ANOXAEMIA. |
anoxia | a deficient supply of oxygen to the tissues. |
anoxic | relating to ANOXIA, a deficient supply of oxygen to the blood. |
antevert | to displace a body organ forwards. |
anuresis | inability to urinate > ANURESES. |
anuretic | unable to urinate. |
anuria | failure in secretion of urine. |
anuric | relating to ANURIA, a failure to secrete urine. |
aortitis | inflammation of the aorta > AORTITISES. |
apepsia apepsy | failure or absence of digestive function. |
aphagia | the inability to eat or swallow. |
aphakia | absence of the lens of an eye, congenital or otherwise. |
aphonia | loss or absence of the voice through a defect in the vocal organs. |
aphtha | the disease thrush; a small whitish ulcer on the surface of a mucous membrane > APHTHAE. |
aphthous | pertaining to, or caused by, APHTHAE; as, aphthous ulcers. |
aplasia | incomplete development. |
aplastic | relating to APLASIA. |
apnea apnoea | a cessation of breathing, esp. in sleep. |
apneal apneic | relating to APNEA, a cessation of breathing. |
apneusis | protracted gasping inhalations followed by short inhalations > APNEUSES. |
apneustic | relating to APNEUSIS. |
apnoea | see APNEA. |
apnoeal apnoeic | relating to APNOEA. |
apoplex | apoplexy; (verb) to be apoplectic. |
apoplexy | a sudden loss of sensation and movement due to a disturbance of blood supply to the brain; a stroke. |
apositia | an aversion to food. [Gk. apo, away from, + sitos bread, food]. |
apractic apraxic | relating to APRAXIA, impaired ability to execute complex muscular movements. |
apraxia | impaired ability to execute complex muscular movements. |
apyretic | without fever. |
apyrexia | a period of intermission in a fever. |
arcus | a bow-shaped or ring-shaped fatty deposit found in the cornea > ARCUSES. |
argyria | skin pigmentation caused by long exposure to silver. |
arhythmia arrhythmia arythmia | absence or irregularity of rhythm, esp. of the pulse. |
arhythmic | with an irregular rhythm. |
arteritis | inflammation of an artery or arteries > ARTERITISES or ARTERITIDES. |
arthritic | relating to ARTHRITIS; (noun) one who suffers from ARTHRITIS. |
arthritis | inflammation of the joints > ARTHRITISES or ARTHRITIDES. |
arthrosis | a degenerative, non-inflammatory, disease of the joints > ARTHROSES. |
arythmia | see ARHYTHMIA. |
arythmic | relating to ARYTHMIA, absence or irregularity of rhythm e.g. of the heart. |
ascites | dropsy of the abdomen. [Gk. askites, from askos, wineskin]. |
ascitic ascitical | of, pertaining to, or affected by, ASCITES; dropsical. |
asepsis | freedom from sepsis or blood-poisoning > ASEPSES. |
asphyxia asphyxy | the condition of defective aeration of the blood caused by failure of the oxygen supply; suffocation. |
asphyxial | of or relating to ASPHYXIA; as, asphyxial phenomena. |
astasia | the inability, due to imperfect muscular co-ordination, to keep erect. |
asthenia astheny | want or loss of strength; debility. |
asthma | a respiratory disease. |
asthmatic | suffering from ASTHMA > ASTHMATICALLY; (noun) one suffering from ASTHMA > ASTHMATICS. |
astigmia astigmatism | a defect in the eye or a lens by which rays from a single source are not focused at a single point. |
asynergia asynergy | lack of co-ordination, especially of muscles. |
asystole | a weakening or cessation of the contractile power of the heart. |
asystolic | related to an ASYSTOLE, a weakening or cessation of the contractile power of the heart. |
atactic ataxic | Pertaining to ATAXY. |
ataxia ataxy | the inability to co-ordinate muscles. |
atheroma | fatty degeneration of the arteries > ATHEROMAS or ATHEROMATA. |
athetoid athetosic athetotic | showing symptoms of ATHETOSIS, nervous twitching of digits and extremities. |
athetosis | nervous twitching of digits and extremities > ATHETOSES. |
atocia | female sterility. |
atonia atony | muscular weakness, lack of muscle tone. |
atonic | characterized by ATONY, or want of vital energy; as, an atonic disease. |
atonicity | the quality of being ATONIC. |
atopic | of or like ATOPY, an inherited tendency to general allergy. |
atopy | an inherited tendency to general allergy. |
atrophia | wasting away. |
atrophic | relating to ATROPHY. |
atrophy | atrophia, wasting away; (verb) to waste away. |
atropism | a condition of the system produced by long use of belladonna. |
autophony | apparent distortion of one's own voice due to infection or stoppage of ears. |
azotaemia azotemia | a less common name for URAEMIA, the retention of waste materials normally excreted. |
azotaemic azotemic | relating to AZOTAEMIA. |
azoturia | an excess of urea in the urine. |
backache | a pain in the back. |
balanitis | inflammation of the glans penis in mammals > BALANITISES. |
bald | without hair > BALDER, BALDEST; BALDLY; (verb) to become bald. |
baldness | loss of hair. |
baldhead baldy | a bald person. |
barotitis | inflammation and pain in the ear caused by pressure changes, esp during air travel > BAROTITISES. |
beal bealing | an infected sore. |
bedfast bedrid bedridden | confined to bed. |
bedsore | a type of sore caused by lying in bed. |
bellyache | a pain in the stomach; (verb) to moan, complain. |
beriberi | an acute disease occurring in India. |
bigeminy | the state of having a double pulse. |
bilestone | a gallstone. |
bilharzia | a disease caused by infection with blood flukes of the genus Schistosoma. [From Theodor Bilharz, Ger. physician]. |
birthmark | a mark, e.g. a pigmented area or spot, on one's body at birth. |
blackhead | a spot, a pimple. |
blain | a boil or blister. |
blastoma | a type of tumour > BLASTOMAS or BLASTOMATA. |
bleb | a large vesicle or bulla, usually containing a serous fluid; a blister. |
blebbing | the formation of a BLEB. |
blister | a swelling of the skin; (verb) to cause blisters. |
blistery | characterized by blisters > BLISTERIER, BLISTERIEST. |
blype | a piece of skin that peels off after a sunburn. |
boba buba | a contagious skin disease resembling syphilis, aka YAWS. |
boil | an inflamed swelling, esp one caused by infection of a hair follicle. |
borna | as in borna disease, a type of viral disease. No —S. |
botulism | food poisoning due to the bacillus Clostridium botulinum, found esp. in improperly sterilized tinned meats and other preserved foods. |
breakbone | as in breakbone fever, aka DENGUE. |
brominism bromism | poisoning by an overdose of BROMINE. |
brux | to grind the teeth. |
bruxism | habitual grinding of the teeth. |
buba | see BOBA. |
bubo | an inflammation, with enlargement, of a lymphatic gland, esp. in the groin, as in syphilis > BUBOES. |
buboed | having BUBOES, plague boils. |
bubonic | pertaining to a BUBO. |
bubukle | (Shakesp.) Fluellen's word for a red pimple [BUBO + CARBUNCLE]. |
bucktooth | any tooth that juts out > BUCKTEETH. |
bullosa | a genetic skin disorder. No —S. |
bunion | an inflamed swelling on the foot, esp. of the bursa of the first joint of the big toe. |
bursitis | inflammation of a BURSA, one of the synovial sacs > BURSITISES. |
cachaemia | a degenerated or poisoned condition of the blood. |
cachaemic | relating to CACHAEMIA. |
cachectic cachexic | relating to CACHEXY, severe wasting of the body. |
cachexia cachexy | a condition of weakness and wasting due to severe chronic illness. |
caecitis cecitis | inflammation of the CAECUM. |
caffeism | an unhealthy condition caused by taking excessive amounts of caffeine. |
calculary calculose calculous | of or pertaining to CALCULI, stone-like concretions that form in certain vessels of the body. |
calenture | (Fr.) sunstroke, or other fever or delirium due to heat. |
caligo | dimness or obscurity of sight, dependent upon a speck on the cornea; also, the speck itself > CALIGOES or CALIGOS. [L. caligo, fog]. |
callosity | a hardening and thickening of the skin or bark, esp. as a result of continued pressure or friction. |
callous | unfeeling > CALLOUSLY; (noun) a hardening or thickening of the skin; (verb) to form a callous. |
callus | a hardening or thickening of the skin; (verb) to form a callus. |
calvities | baldness. |
cancer | a malignant growth. |
cancerate | to grow into a cancer; to become cancerous. |
cancered | afflicted with CANCER. |
cancerous | afflicted with a cancer > CANCEROUSLY. |
candida | a parasitic, yeast-like fungus, that causes the infection CANDIDIASIS. |
canker | an ulcerous sore > CANKERY; (verb) to affect with ulcerous sores. |
canthal | relating to the CANTHUS, the fold of the eye. |
canthitis | inflammation of the CANTHUS > CANTHITISES. |
canthus | the angle between the eyelids at the corner of the eye > CANTHI. |
carate | a tropical skin disease. |
carcinoid | a benign or malignant tumour arising from the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract. |
carcinoma | cancer > CARCINOMAS or CARCINOMATA. [Gk. karkinoma, from karkinos, crab]. |
cardialgy | heartburn > CARDIALGIES. Also CARDIALGIA. |
carditic | relating to CARDITIS, inflammation of the fleshy or muscular substance of the heart. |
carditis | inflammation of the fleshy or muscular substance of the heart > CARDITISES. |
caried | affected by CARIES, tooth decay. |
caries | decay (of a bone or tooth) > CARIES. |
carnosity | a fleshy excrescence; esp. a small excrescence or fungous growth. |
carsick | nauseated due to the motion of a car. |
caseation | a degeneration of animal tissue into a cheesy or curdy mass. |
catalepsy | a rigid or trance-like fit. |
cataplexy | a condition feigning death, used by some animals to discourage predators. |
cataract | partial or complete opacity of the lens of the eye. |
catarrh | inflammation of a mucous membrane. |
catarrhal | pertaining to catarrh > CATARRHALLY. |
causalgia | a constant burning pain resulting from injury to a peripheral nerve. |
causalgic | relating to CAUSALGIA. |
cecitis | see CAECITIS. |
cecity | blindness. |
celiac coeliac | a person suffering from coeliac disease, a condition of the intestines in which a sensitivity to gluten prevents the proper absorption of nutrients. |
ceratitis keratitis | inflammation of the cornea > CERATITISES. |
chalazion | a swollen, inflamed sebaceous gland in the eyelid > CHALAZIA or CHALAZIONS. |
chancre | a venereal sore or ulcer; specifically, the initial lesion of true syphilis. |
chancroid | a type of venereal sore. |
chancrous | of the nature of a CHANCRE. |
chappy | chapped > CHAPPIER, CHAPPIEST. |
cheilitis | an inflammation, dryness and cracking of the lips > CHEILITISES. |
cheloidal | relating to a CHELOID, a hard growth of scar tissue. |
chilblain | a painful red swelling, esp on hands and feet, caused by constriction of small blood vessels in cold weather. |
chilblained | affected by chilblains. |
chincough | whooping cough. |
chiragra | gout in the hand. Cf. PODAGRA. |
chiragric | relating to CHIRAGRA. |
chloasma | a cutaneous affection characterized by yellow or yellowish brown pigmented spots > CHLOASMATA or CHLOASMAS. |
chloracne | a type of disfiguring skin disease, caused by contact with chlorinated hydrocarbon. |
chlorosis | a wasting disease (green sickness) typically affecting young women, characterized by anaemia, extreme lassitude and a greenish tinge of the skin > CHLOROSES. |
chlorotic | pertaining to, or affected by, CHLOROSIS. |
cholaemia cholemia | an accumulation of bile pigments in the blood. |
cholaemic | relating to CHOLAEMIA, an accumulation of bile pigments in the blood. N.B. no CHOLEMIC*. |
cholelith | a gallstone. |
cholera | an acute and frequently fatal infection of the small intestine. |
choleraic | relating to, or resulting from, or resembling, cholera. |
choleroid | like CHOLERA. |
chondroma | a benign cartilaginous growth > CHONDROMAS or CHONDROMATA. |
chordee | a painful erection of the penis, usually with downward curvature, occurring in gonorrhea. |
chorea | st. Vitus's dance; a disease attended with convulsive twitchings and other involuntary movements of the muscles or limbs. |
choreal choreatic | of or like CHOREA. |
chronic | a chronic invalid > CHRONICS. |
chronical | chronic, long-lasting > CHRONICALLY. |
chyluria | a morbid condition in which the urine contains chyle or fatty matter, giving it a milky appearance. |
ciguatera | poisoning caused by the ingestion of various normally edible tropical fish in whose flesh a toxin has accumulated. |
cirrhosed | affected by CIRRHOSIS. |
cirrhosis | a disease of the liver caused by alcoholism > CIRRHOSES. |
cirrhotic | pertaining to, caused by, or affected with, CIRRHOSIS; (noun) a sufferer from cirrhosis. |
cirsoid | having the appearance of a varicose vein. |
cistic cystic | relating to a CYST. |
clavus | a horny thickening of the skin > CLAVI. |
clonic | spasmodic; occasional; irregular. |
clonicity | the state of being CLONIC, spasmodic. |
clubfoot | a deformed foot > CLUBFEET. |
clubfooted | having a CLUBFOOT. |
clubhand | a short, distorted hand; also, the deformity of having such a hand. |
cockeye | a squinting eye. |
cockeyed | having a COCKEYE, a squinting eye > COCKEYEDLY. |
coeliac | see CELIAC. |
coinfect | to infect at the same time as another infection. |
colic | severe spasmodic pain in the abdomen without diarrhoea. |
colicky | pertaining to, or troubled with, colic; as, a colicky disorder > COLICKIER, COLICKIEST. |
colitic | of or like COLITIS, an inflammation of the large intestine. |
colitis colonitis | an inflammation of the large intestine, esp. of its mucous membrane. |
coloboma | a fissure of the eye or eyelid > COLOBOMATA or COLOBOMAS. [NL from Gk. kolobos, cut short]. |
colonitis | see COLITIS. |
colpitis | a vaginal inflammation > COLPITISES. |
coma | a deeply unconscious state characterized by absence of response to external and internal stimuli > COMAE or COMAS. |
comatic | having blurred vision as a result of a coma. |
comatose | relating to, or resembling, coma > COMATOSELY. |
comedo | a small worm-like yellowish black-tipped pasty mass which can in some persons be made, by pressure, to exude from hair follicles > COMEDOS or COMEDONES. [L. comedo > glutton or maggot]. |
comorbid | occurring at the same time as other illnesses. |
conchitis | inflammation of the CONCHA > CONCHITISES. |
condyloma | a wart-like growth in private parts > CONDYLOMAS or CONDYLOMATA. |
coniosis | an infection caused by dust inhalation > CONIOSES. |
consumpt | consumption, an earlier name for pulmonary tuberculosis. |
contagion | transmission of a disease by direct contact with an infected person or object. |
contagium | contagion; contagious matter > CONTAGIA. |
contuse | to bruise. |
contusion | a bruise. |
contusive | tending to bruise. |
copremia copraemia | blood poisoning resulting from chronic constipation. |
copremic copraemic | relating to COPREMIA, a form of blood poisoning caused by chronic constipation. |
corneitis | inflammation of the cornea > CORNEITISES. |
coronary | a coronary thrombus. |
coryza | nasal catarrh, a cold in the head. |
coryzal | relating to CORYZA, a cold in the head. |
costalgia | pain around the chest due to damage to a rib or nerve running below a rib. |
costive | affected with constipation, causing constipation > COSTIVELY. |
coxalgia coxalgy | pain in the hip. |
coxalgic | of or like COXALGIA, pain in the hip. |
coxitis | inflammation of the hip > COXITIDES. |
cramp | an involuntary and painful contraction of a voluntary muscle or group of muscles. |
crampy | affected with cramp > CRAMPIER, CRAMPIEST. |
cretinism | a congenital deficiency of thryoxine (thyroid hormone) which, if untreated, can lead to mental retardation and incomplete physical development. |
crewels cruels cruells | scrofula, the King's Evil. |
crotalism | poisoning by CROTALARIA, any plant of the SUNN hemp genus Crotalaria. |
croupous | CROUPY. |
croupy | hoarse, having CROUP > CROUPIER, CROUPIEST; CROUPILY. |
cruells | see CREWELS. |
cruels | see CREWELS. |
cruor | a mass of coagulated blood; a blood-clot > CRUORS or CRUORES. |
cyanosed | with a bluish discoloration of the skin, as resulting from cyanide poisoning. |
cyanosis cyanose | a heart condition or disease causing blueness of surface of body > CYANOSES. |
cyanotic | relating to CYANOSIS. |
cyclosis | streaming motion of protoplasm in certain cells > CYCLOSES. |
cynanche | any inflammatory disease of the throat, etc. |
cyst | a sac or bag-like structure, whether normal or containing diseased matter > CYSTS. |
cystic | see CISTIC. |
cystiform | like a cyst. |
cystitis | inflammation of the urinary tract > CYSTITIDES or CYSTITISES. |
cystocele | a hernia of the bladder. |
cytopathy | a disease or disorder of a cell. |
cytopenia | a deficiency of one or more types of blood cell. |
daltonic | colour-blind. |
daltonism | color blindness, especially the inability to distinguish between red and green. |
dandriff dandruff | flakes of scruff on the scalp. |
dandruffy | full of DANDRUFF. |
dartre | a herpes-like skin disease. |
dartrous | relating to DARTRE. |
deaf | lacking the sense of hearing > DEAFER, DEAFEST; DEAFLY. |
deafish | somewhat deaf. |
deafness | the state of being deaf. |
defluxion | a discharge or flowing of humors or fluid matter, as from the nose in catarrh. |
delirious | mentally confused, esp through fever or other illness > DELIRIOUSLY. |
delirium | the state of being delirious > DELIRIA or DELIRIUMS. |
dementia | chronic mental and emotional deterioration caused by organic brain disease. |
demential | relating to DEMENTIA. |
dengue | a tropical fever. [Swahili dinga]. |
dermoid | a cyst or similar cell structure to that of the skin. |
diabetes | any of several diseases. [Gk. diabetes, a siphon, from dia, through + bainein, to go]. |
diabetic | one suffering from DIABETES. |
diapyesis | release or discharge of pus > DIAPYESES. |
diapyetic | (something) producing suppuration > DIAPYETIC. |
diarrhea diarrhoea | a persistent purging or looseness of the bowels. |
diarrheal diarrheic diarrhoeal | of or like diarrhoea. |
diarrhoea | see DIARRHEA. |
diathesis | a constitutional predisposition to a particular disease or condition > DIATHESES. |
diathetic | pertaining to, or dependent on, a DIATHESIS; as, diathetic disease. |
dichromic | able to see two colours and two only, as in red-green colour-blind persons who see only blue and yellow. |
diplegia | paralysis of corresponding parts on both sides of body. |
diplegic | relating to DIPLEGIA, paralysis of corresponding parts on both sides of body. |
diplopia | double vision. |
diplopic | relating to DIPLOPIA, double vision. |
dipso | short for DIPSOMANIAC, one suffering from DIPSOMANIA, alcoholism. |
disease | an illness; (verb, Spenser) to make uneasy > DISEASES, DISEASING, DISEASED. |
distrix | the splitting of the ends of hairs > DISTRIXES. |
dropsical | of, pertaining to, or of the nature of DROPSY > DROPSICALLY. |
dropsied | diseased with DROPSY. |
dropsy | a condition characterised by an accumulation of watery fluid in any part of the body. |
drymouth | excessive dryness of the mouth due to insufficient secretions, aka XEROSTOMIA. |
dyschroa dyschroia | discoloration of the skin from disease. |
dyscrasia | a disordered condition of the body attributed originally to unsuitable mixing of the body fluids or humours. |
dyscrasic dyscratic | relating to DYSCRASIA. |
dysentery | inflammation of the mucous membranes of the large intestine. |
dyslalia | defective speech characteristic of those affected by APHASIA. |
dyslectic | (someone) suffering from DYSLEXIA, reading impairment. |
dyslexia | a reading impairment. |
dyslexic | (someone) suffering from DYSLEXIA, a reading impairment. |
dysmelia | the condition in which one or more limbs are misshapen or incomplete. |
dysmelic | suffering from DYSMELIA. |
dyspepsia dyspepsy | severe indigestion, especially chronic. |
dyspeptic | (someone) suffering from dyspepsia. |
dysphagia | pathological difficulty in swallowing. |
dysphagic | suffering from DYSPHAGIA, difficulty in swallowing. |
dysphasia | impairment of speech co-ordination, due to brain disease or injury. |
dysphasic | (someone) suffering from DYSPHASIA. |
dysphonia | physical abnormality causing speech impediment. |
dysphonic | relating to DYSPHONIA sounds. |
dysphoria | depression, pathological discontent. |
dysphoric | relating to DYSPHORIA. |
dysplasia | abnormal tissue development. |
dyspnea dyspnoea | difficult breathing. |
dyspneal dyspneic | of or like DYSPNEA, laboured breathing. |
dyspnoea | see DYSPNEA. |
dyspnoeal dyspnoeic dyspnoic | relating to DYSPNOEA, difficulty of breathing. |
dyspraxia | an impaired ability to perform deliberate actions. |
dyspraxic | related to DYSPRAXIA. |
dystaxia | a form of muscular tremor. |
dystaxic | suffering from DYSTAXIA. |
dysthesia | a morbid habit of body, resulting in general discomfort and impatience. |
dysthetic | suffering from DYSTHESIA. |
dystocia | difficult childbirth. |
dystocial | relating to DYSTOCIA. |
dystonia | a muscle tone disorder. |
dystonic | relating to DYSTONIA. |
dystrophia dystrophy | impaired or imperfect nutrition; any of several disorders in which there is wasting of muscle tissue. |
dysuria dysury | difficult or painful discharge of urine. |
dysuric | pertaining to, or afflicted with, DYSURY. |
dysury | see DYSURIA. |
earache | a pain in the ear. |
eclampsia eclampsy | a fancied perception of flashes of light, a symptom of epilepsy; hence, epilepsy itself; convulsions. |
eclamptic | relating to ECLAMPSIA. |
ectasia | distention of a duct, vessel or hollow viscus. |
ecthyma | a cutaneous eruption, consisting of large, round pustules, upon an indurated and inflamed base > ECTHYMAS or ECTHYMATA. |
ectopia ectopy | the displacement of internal organs in the body. |
ectopic | in an abnormal position > ECTOPICALLY. |
ectropic | relating to ECTROPION, an unnatural eversion of the eyelids. |
ectropion ectropium | an unnatural eversion of the eyelids. |
eczema | a skin disease. |
edema | local or general swelling produced by the accumulation of fluid in the body tissues or cavities > EDEMAS or EDEMATA. |
edematose edematous | pertaining to, or of the nature of, edema. |
embolic | pertaining to an EMBOLISM, the presence of one or more obstructing blood-clots in a blood vessel. |
embolise embolize | to cause EMBOLISM. |
embolism | the presence of one or more obstructing blood-clots in a blood vessel. |
embolus | a clot obstructing a blood vessel > EMBOLI or EMBOLUSES. |
emphlysis | a vesicular eruption > EMPHLYSES. |
emphysema | a swelling produced by gas or air diffused in the cellular tissue > EMPHYSEMAS. |
emptysis | the spitting up of blood > EMPTYSES. |
empyema | a collection of pus in any cavity, especially the pleura > EMPYEMAS or EMPYEMATA. |
empyemic | relating to EMPYEMA. |
empyesis | an eruption of pustules > EMPYESES. |
enanthema | an ulcer on a mucous membrane. |
encanthis | a small tumour of the inner corner of the eye > ENCANTHISES. |
endemic | (a disease) confined to one particular area > ENDEMICS |
endemial endemical | confined to one particular area. |
endemism | the state of being ENDEMIC, confined to one particular area. |
enfever | to excite fever in. |
enrheum | to contract a rheum. |
entasia | a tonic spasm; -- applied generically to denote any disease characterized by tonic spasms, as TETANUS, TRISMUS, etc. |
entastic | relating to any disease characterized by tonic spasms. |
enteric | relating to the intestines; (noun) enteric fever > ENTERICS. |
enteritis | inflammation of the intestines > ENTERITIDES or ENTERITISES. |
enthetic | introduced into the body from outside. |
entropion entropium | the inversion or turning in of the border of the eyelids. |
enuresis | uncontrollable urination > ENURESES or ENURESISES. |
enuretic | relating to ENURESIS; (noun) one suffering from ENURESIS. |
ephelis | a freckle or mole > EPHELIDES. |
epicrisis | a secondary crisis occurring in the course of a disease > EPICRISES. |
epidemic | a rapid spread of a disease. |
epilepsy | a disorder of the nervous system. |
epileptic | (someone) suffering from epilepsy > EPILEPTICS. |
epinosic | unhealthy; unwholesome. |
epistaxis | bleeding from the nose > EPISTAXES or EPISTAXISES. |
epitonic | subjected to excessive strain; overstrained. |
epulis | a hard tumor developed from the gums > EPULIDES or EPULISES. [Gk. epi, upon + oulon, gum]. |
ergotise ergotize | to affect with ERGOTISM. |
ergotism | poisoning caused by eating bread made of rye diseased with ergot. |
erythema | redness of the skin > ERYTHEMAS. [Gk. eruthema]. |
erythemal | relating to ERYTHEMA. |
erythemic | showing ERYTHEMA. |
erythrism | a condition of excessive redness. |
eschar | a slough or portion of dead or disorganized tissue, especially an artificial slough produced by caustics. |
esotropia | a condition in which the eye turns inwards. |
esotropic | relating to ESOTROPIA. |
exanthem | a skin eruption, especially accompanied by fever. |
exanthema | a skin eruption, especially accompanied by fever > EXANTHEMAS or EXANTHEMATA. |
exies | (Scots) a fit, e.g. of hysterics or the ague. [= access]. |
exotropia | a condition in which the eyes turn outwards. |
exotropic | relating to EXOTROPIA. |
exstrophy | congenital eversion of a hollow organ, esp the bladder. |
eyestrain | tiredness or irritation of the eyes. |
fasciitis fascitis | inflammation of the FASCIA of a muscle. |
favism | an acute type of anaemia in which haemolysis is precipitated by contact with broad beans. |
favose favous | like a honeycomb; relating to FAVUS. |
favus | a fungal skin disease, chiefly of the scalp > FAVUSES. |
febricity | feverishness. |
febricula febricule | a slight short fever. |
febrific | causing or having fever. |
febrile | feverish. |
febrility | feverishness. |
fever | an abnormal elevation of the body temperature; (verb) to affect with fever. |
feverish | having a fever. |
feverous | affected with fever or ague; feverish > FEVEROUSLY. |
fibroid | a fibrous tumour. |
fibroma | a tumour consisting mainly of fibrous tissue > FIBROMAS or FIBROMATA. |
fibrosis | inflammation of the nerve fibres > FIBROSES. |
fibrotic | relating to FIBROSIS. |
fistula | an abnormal duct to the body surface or to another cavity > FISTULAE or FISTULAS. |
fistulate fistulose fistulous | having the form or nature of a fistula. |
flatulent | suffering from FLATULENCE, stomach gas > FLATULENTLY. |
flatus | gas in the stomach > FLATUSES. |
flu | influenza > FLUS. |
fluey | suffering from flu > FLUIER, FLUIEST. |
fluish | somewhat like FLU. |
fluorosis | an abnormal condition due to excess fluoride, involving mottling of the teeth > FLUOROSES. |
fluorotic | relating to FLUOROSIS |
frambesia framboesia | a tropical skin disease, aka YAWS. |
freckle | a small yellowish or brownish spot in the skin, particularly on the face, neck, or hands; (verb) to cover with freckles. |
freckly | full of or marked with FRECKLES > FRECKLIER, FRECKLIEST. |
frostbite | inflammation, sometimes leading to gangrene, in a part of the body, caused by exposure to cold; (verb) to affect with frostbite > FROSTBITES, FROSTBITING, FROSTBIT, FROSTBITTEN. |
furfair | = FURFUR, dandruff, scurf. |
furfur | dandruff or scurf > FURFURS or FURFURES. [L. furfur, bran]. |
furuncle | a boil. |
gall | an abrasively-induced skin sore; (verb) to make sore by rubbing. |
gallstone | a concretion, or CALCULUS, formed in the gall bladder or biliary passages. |
gangrene | localized death of body tissue, accompanied by putrefaction and usu. caused by obstructed circulation; (verb) to be affected with gangrene. |
gastritic | of or like GASTRITIS. |
gastritis | inflammation of the stomach > GASTRITIDES or GASTRITISES. |
giantism gigantism | hugeness, excessive growth. |
glaucoma | a disease of the eye, marked by increased pressure within the eyeball and growing dimness of vision > GLAUCOMAS. |
gleet | mucus discharge from the urethra; (verb) to discharge gleet. |
gleety | slimy; purulent > GLEETIER, GLEETIEST. |
glioma | a tumour of the NEUROGLIA in the brain > GLIOMAS or GLIOMATA. |
gliosis | excessive growth of fibrous tissues in the NEUROGLIA > GLIOSES. |
globesity | obesity seen as a world-wide social problem. |
glossitic | relating to GLOSSITIS, inflammation of the tongue. |
glossitis | inflammation of the tongue > GLOSSITISES. |
glycaemia glycemia | excessive sugar in the blood. |
glycaemic glycemic | of or like GLYCAEMIA, excessive sugar in the blood. |
goiter goitre | an abnormal enlargement of the thyroid gland. |
goitered | affected with GOITER. |
goitred | affected with GOITRE. |
goitrous | pertaining to the GOITER; affected with the goiter. |
gonorrhea | a venereal disease. |
gout | a disease in which defective metabolism of uric acid characteristically causes arthritis, esp. in the smaller bones of the feet. |
goutiness | the state of being GOUTY. |
gouty | affected by GOUT > GOUTIER, GOUTIEST; GOUTILY. |
granuloma | a localized collection of granulation tissue > GRANULOMAS or GRANULOMATA. |
gravis | as in myasthenia gravis, a muscle-wasting disease. |
grayout | a temporary blurring of vision. |
greensick | suffering from CHLOROSIS. |
gripe | stomach spasm. |
gripey gripy | like or having GRIPE > GRIPIER, GRIPIEST. |
grippe | an old name for INFLUENZA. |
gumboil | a small suppurating inflamed spot on the gum. |
gumma | a syphilitic tumour > GUMMATA or GUMMAS. |
gummatous | of the nature of or resembling a GUMMA; characterized by GUMMAS. |
haematoma | a swelling composed of blood effused into tissues > HAEMATOMAS or HAEMATOMATA. Also HEMATOMA. |
halitosis | bad breath > HALITOSES. |
halitotic | relating to HALITOSIS, bad breath. |
hammertoe | a deformity of the toes. |
hangnail | a piece of torn skin at the root of a fingernail or toenail. |
hangover | the physical effects following a drinking binge. |
haplopia | normal vision. |
headache | a pain inside the head. |
headachey headachy | afflicted with a HEADACHE. |
heartburn | a burning, acrid feeling in the throat or breast, severe indigestion, cardialgia. |
heatspot | a spot or blotch on the skin caused by heat. |
hectic | habitual, especially in wasting diseases; feverish > HECTICLY or HECTICALLY; (noun) a hectic fever > HECTICS. |
helcoid | ulcerous. [Gk. helkos, ulcer]. |
heliosis | exposure to the sun; sunburn > HELIOSES. |
hematoma | a circumscribed swelling produced by an effusion of blood beneath the skin > HEMATOMAS or HEMATOMATA. |
hematuria | the presence of blood in urine. |
hematuric | relating to HEMATURIA. |
hemialgia | pain in one side of the body alone. |
hemiopia hemiopsia | a defect of vision in consequence of which a person sees only half of an object looked at. |
hemiopic hemianopic | suffering from HEMIOPIA, blind in half the field of vision. |
hepatitis | inflammation of the liver > HEPATITIDES or HEPATITISES. |
hepatoma | a tumour of the liver > HEPATOMAS or HEPATOMATA. |
hernia | a rupture > HERNIAE or HERNIAS. |
hernial | of or like a HERNIA. |
herniate | to protrude through an abnormal body opening. |
herpes | a skin disease. [L. 'creeping']. |
herpetic | relating to HERPES, a skin disease; (noun) a remedy for this > HERPETICS. |
hidrosis | perspiration, especially excessive > HIDROSES. |
hippus | a clonic spasm of the iris > HIPPUSES. |
hipshot | having the hip dislocated; hence, having one hip lower than the other. |
histioid histoid | resembling the normal tissues; as, histoid tumors. |
hordeolum | a small tumor upon the eyelid, resembling a grain of barley; a sty > HORDEOLA. |
humoral | of diseases, caused by or attributed to a disordered state of body fluids or (formerly) the bodily humours > HUMORALLY. |
hydraemia hydremia | an excessively watery condition of the blood. |
hydrocele | an abnormal collection of fluid in any saclike space, esp. around the testicles. |
hydroma | a swelling in the soft tissue that occurs over a joint, usually caused by repeating injury > HYDROMA or HYDROMATA. |
hydropic hydroptic | dropsical; thirsty. |
hydrops | hydropsy > HYDROPSES. [Gk. hydrops, dropsy]. |
hydropsy | DROPSY. |
hydroptic | see HYDROPIC. |
hygroma | a swelling in the soft tissue that occurs over a joint, usually caused by repeating injury > HYGROMAS or HYGROMATA. |
hypalgia | diminished susceptibility to pain. |
hyperemia hyperaemia | an excess or congestion of blood in an organ or part of the body. |
hyperemic | relating to HYPEREMIA, an abnormally large blood supply. |
hyperope | a far-sighted person. |
hyperopia | long-sightedness, aka HYPERMETROPIA. |
hyperopic | suffering from HYPEROPIA, long-sightedness. |
hyperpnea hyperpnoea | abnormally fast breathing. |
hyphemia | a deficiency of blood. |
hypnosis | an artificially induced state of relaxation and concentration in which deeper parts of the mind become more accessible > HYPNOSES. |
hypopnea hypopnoea | abnormally shallow breathing. |
hypopneic | related to HYPOPNEA, abnormally shallow breathing. |
hypopyon | an accumulation of pus in the eye. |
hypotonia | a hypnotic condition. |
hypotonic | of muscles, lacking normal tone. |
hypoxemia hypoxaemia | deficiency of oxygenation of the blood. |
hypoxemic | suffering from HYPOXEMIA. |
hypoxia | a deficiency of oxygen in the body tissues. |
hypoxic | relating to HYPOXIA, a deficiency of oxygen in the body tissues. |
hysteria | uncontrollable excitement or fear. |
hysteric | one who is subject to fits of hysteria > HYSTERICS. |
icterus | the jaundice > ICTERUSES. [Gk. ikteros]. |
idiopathy | a disease of unknown origin or one having no apparent cause. |
ileitis | inflammation of the ILEUM, the anterior or superior bone of the pelvis > ILEITISES or ILEITIDES. |
ileus | a complete obstruction of the intestine > ILEUSES. |
ill | unwell > ILLER, ILLEST; ILLY; (noun) harm, misfortune > ILLS. |
illness | sickness. |
impetigo | a skin disease > IMPETIGOS or IMPETIGINES. |
impostume imposthume | an abscess. |
inanition | a condition of exhaustion resulting from lack of nourishment. |
infarct | a portion of dead and scarred tissue in an organ resulting from congestion or blockage of a blood vessel serving it. |
infarcted | affected by INFARCTION, necrosis. |
infect | to contaminate with disease-producing germs. |
infectant | causing infection. |
infecter infector | one who infects. |
infection | the act of infecting. |
infectious infective | causing INFECTION. |
influenza | a highly contagious viral infection. |
intuse | a bruise. |
invalid | not valid > INVALIDLY; (noun) one who suffers from chronic ill health; (verb) to treat as an invalid. |
iodism | a morbid state produced by the use of iodine and its compounds. |
iritic | relating to IRITIS. |
iritis | an inflammation of the iris of the eye > IRITISES. |
ischaemia ischemia | an inadequate flow of blood to part of the body. |
ischaemic ischemic | relating to ISCHAEMIA, an inadequate supply of blood to part of the body. |
ischuria | retention of urine. |
iseikonia | the seeing of the same image in both eyes. |
iseikonic | relating to ISEIKONIA. |
ixodiasis | a disease caused by or transmitted by ticks > IXODIASES. |
jactation | restless tossing in bed, characteristic of severe fevers and certain mental disorders. |
jaundice | a disease that causes yellowing of the eyes; (verb) to prejudice unfavorably. |
jimjams | orig. a violent delirium caused by excessive drinking; now simply means the JITTERS. No JIMJAM*. |
karoshi | death caused by overwork > KAROSHIS. |
keratitis | inflammation of the cornea > KERATITISES or KERATITIDES. |
keratoma | a skin disease > KERATOMAS or KERATOMATA. |
keratosis | excessive growth of horny tissue of skin > KERATOSES. |
keratotic | relating to KERATOSIS, excessive growth of horny tissue of skin. |
ketonemia ketonaemia | an excess of ketone bodies in the blood. |
ketonuria | an excess of KETONES in the urine. |
ketosis | the presence of excess of ketone in body > KETOSES. |
ketotic | relating to KETOSIS. |
kibe | a chapped place on skin; an ulcerated chilblain. |
kuru | laughing sickness, a disease of New Guinea > KURUS. |
kyllosis | club foot > KYLLOSES. |
kyphosis | inward curvature of the spine > KYPHOSES. |
kyphotic | hump-backed. |
lathyrism | a neurological disease producing paralysis of the legs, apparently caused by eating cultivated vetch. |
lazar | a leper or person with similar pestilential disease. |
leaperous leaporous leaprous | leprous. |
leiomyoma | a fibrous tumour, a FIBROID > LEIOMYOMAS or LEIOMYOMATA. |
lentigo | a freckle or freckle-like condition > LENTIGINES not LENTIGOS*. [L. lentigo, -inis a freckle, from lens, a lentil]. |
leper | one affected with leprosy. |
leprosity | the state of being LEPROUS. |
leprosy | a chronic disease characterized by skin lesions and deformities. |
leprotic | relating to LEPROSY. |
leprous | suffering from LEPROSY > LEPROUSLY. |
lesion | an abnormal change in the structure of an organ or tissue; (verb) to cause lesions in > LESIONS, LESIONING, LESIONED. |
leucaemia leucemia leuchaemia leukaemia leukemia | a type of cancer |
leucaemic leucemic leukemic | of or like LEUCEMIA, a type of cancer. |
leucistic | lacking pigmentation in the skin but differing from an albino in having blue eyes. |
leucoma leukoma | a white opacity in the cornea of the eye, aka ALBUGO > LEUCOMAS, LEUKOMAS (not LEUCOMATA* or LEUKOMATA). [Gk. leukoma, from leukos white]. |
leukemoid | resembling LEUKEMIA but not causing the same changes in blood-forming organs. |
leukoma | see LEUCOMA. |
leukosis leucosis | leukaemia > LEUKOSES, LEUCOSES. |
leucaemic leukaemic | relating to LEUKAEMIA. |
leukaemogenic | causing LEUKAEMIA. |
leukotic leucotic | relating to LEUKOSIS, leukaemia. |
lienteric | of or pertaining to, or of the nature of, a LIENTERY. |
lientery | the discharge of partially digested food. |
limosis | abnormally ravenous appetite > LIMOSES. [Gk. limos, hunger]. |
lionism | a lion-like appearance symptomatic of leprosy. |
lipaemia lipemia | an abnormal level of fat in the blood. |
lipidosis | a disorder of lipid metabolism in the body tissues > LIPIDOSES. |
lipoma | a tumor consisting of fat or adipose tissue > LIPOMAS or LIPOMATA. [Gk. lipos, fat]. |
lippitude | soreness of the eyes. |
lipuria | the presence of fat in the urine. |
lithemia | an excess of uric acid in the blood. |
lithemic | relating to LITHEMIA. |
lithiasis | the formation of stony concretions or calculi in any part of the body, especially in the bladder and urinary passages > LITHIASES. |
livedo | a reddish discoloured patch on the skin > LIVEDOS. |
liverish | having a liver disorder > LIVERISHLY. |
livor | lividity. |
lockjaw | a condition caused by TETANUS. |
loiasis | a tropical African disease > LOIASES or LOIASISES. |
lordoma | a convex curvature of the spine > LORDOMAS. |
lordosis | convex curvature of the spine > LORDOSES. |
lordotic | having a convex curvature of the spine. |
lues | disease, especially of a contagious kind. |
luetic | (someone) infected with syphilis > LUETICS, LUETICALLY. |
lumbago | inflammation of the lumbar muscles and tendons > LUMBAGOS. |
lupoid | suffering from LUPUS. |
lupous | pertaining to LUPUS. |
lupus | a cutaneous disease occurring under two distinct forms > LUPUSES. [L. lupus, a wolf]. |
lurgi lurgy | a fictitious disease > LURGIES. |
luxate | to displace or dislocate. |
luxation | the dislocation of an anatomical part. |
lymphoma | a tumor having a structure resembling that of a lymphatic gland > LYMPHOMAS or LYMPHOMATA. |
lyssa | rabies or hydrophobia. |
macrocyst | an unusually large CYST. |
macrocyte | an abnormally large red blood corpuscle. |
macropsia | the condition of seeing everything in the field of view as larger than it really is. |
madarosis | loss of eyelashes or eyebrows. |
maidism | another name for PELLAGRA (attributed to a maize diet). |
malacia | abnormal softening of a tissue or part. |
malady | an illness. |
malaise | uneasiness; an indefinable feeling of illness or discomfort. |
malaria | a tropical disease. |
malarial malarian | relating to MALARIA. |
malarious | of or pertaining, to or infected by, MALARIA. |
mammitis | inflammation of the breast > MAMMITIDES. |
marasmic marasmoid | suffering from MARASMUS. |
marasmus | wasting away of the body; emaciation due to malnutrition > MARASMUSES. |
mastitic | relating to MASTITIS |
mastitis | inflammation of the breast or a milk gland > MASTITISES or MASTITIDES. |
mattery | purulent > MATTERIER, MATTERIEST. |
measle | to catch or infect with MEASLES > MEASLES, MEASLING, MEASLED. |
measles | an infectious fever accompanied by eruptions of small red spots on the skin. |
meazel | a leper, spoken in contempt of a mean person. |
megrim | an old name for MIGRAINE; depression or unhappiness. [Gk. hemicrania, half the cranium]. |
melanic | one who is affected by MELANISM, darkening of the skin. |
melanism | darkening of the skin. |
melanist | one who is affected by MELANISM, darkening of the skin. |
melano | an abnormally dark person or animal > MELANOS. |
melanoid | (someone) suffering from MELANOSIS. |
melanoma | a kind of tumour > MELANOMAS or MELANOMATA. |
melanosis | the morbid deposition of black matter, often of a malignant character, causing pigmented tumors > MELANOSES. |
melanotic | melanistic. |
melanuria | the presence of a dark pigment in the urine. |
melanuric | relating to MELANURIA, the presence of a dark pigment in the urine. |
melena melaena | excrement or vomit stained by blood. |
mellitic | containing saccharine matter; marked by saccharine secretions; as, mellitic diabetes. |
meningitis | inflammation of the MENINX. |
meropia | partial blindness. |
meropic | relating to MEROPIA. |
merycism | a rare condition in which food is returned to the mouth after a short period in the stomach. |
mesel | a leper; leprosy. |
meseled | affected with MESEL, leprous. |
meteorism | abdominal cramps and swelling due to flatulence. |
meteorist | one suffering from METEORISM. |
metralgia | pain in the uterus > METRALGIAS. |
metritis | inflammation of the womb > METRITISES. |
microcyte | an unusually small red blood cell. |
micropsia | a condition of the eyes in which objects appear smaller than normal. |
migraine | a severe throbbing pain affecting only one half of the head or face. |
miliaria | prickly heat, a fever accompanied by an eruption of small, isolated, red pimples. |
miliarial | of or like MILIARIA. |
milium | a hard mass caused by the blockage of a sebaceous gland > MILIA. [L. milium, millet]. |
miosis myosis | excessive contraction of the pupil of the eye > MIOSES, MYOSES, MIOSISES, MYOSISES. |
molimen | a great effort, especially any physical effort made by the body in carrying out a natural function. [L. molimen, from moliri, to toil, from moles, mass]. |
molluscum | a viral skin infection > MOLLUSCA. |
monosis monosy | the separation of parts usually fused. |
moonblind | dim-sighted; purblind. |
morbid | of the nature of or indicative of disease > MORBIDER, MORBIDEST; MORBIDLY. |
morbidity | the condition or state of being diseased, or being caused by disease. |
morbific | causing disease. |
morbilli | measles. [L. morbillus, spot, pustule]. |
morbus | disease, in phrases, e.g. morbus Gallicus, 'French disease'; syphilis > MORBUSES. |
morphew | a skin eruption. [Ital. morfea]. |
mutism | the condition, state, or habit of being mute, or without speech. |
myalgia | pain in the muscles; muscular rheumatism or neuralgia. |
myalgic | relating to MYALGIA. |
myasis myiases | a disease due to flies' larvae in the body > MYASES, MYIASES. |
mycetoma | a chronic fungus infection leading to nodules that discharge oily pus > MYCETOMATA or MYCETOMAS. |
mycosis | a disease due to the growth of a fungus > MYCOSES. |
mycotic | relating to MYCOSIS, a fungal disease. |
mydriasis | morbid dilatation of the pupil of the eye > MYDRIASES. |
myelitis | inflammation of the spinal marrow or its membranes > MYELITISES, MYELITIDES or MYELITES. |
myeloma | a tumour of the bone marrow > MYELOMAS or MYELOMATA. [Gk. myelos, marrow]. |
myiasis | see MYASIS. |
myoclonus | muscle spasm > MYOCLONUSES. |
myoma | a tumor consisting of muscular tissue > MYOMAS or MYOMATA. |
myomatous | of or like a MYOMA, a tumor consisting of muscular tissue. |
myopathy | a disorder of muscle tissue > MYOPATHIES. |
myope | a person having myopy. |
myopia myopy | short-sightedness. |
myopic | short-sighted > MYOPICALLY; (noun) a short-sighted person > MYOPICS. |
myops | a short-sighted person > MYOPSES. |
myopy | see MYOPIA. |
myosis | see MIOSIS. |
myositis | inflammation of the muscles > MYOSITISES. |
myotonia | muscular spasm or rigidity. |
myotonic | relating to MYOTONIA, temporary muscle rigidity. |
myxedema myxoedema | a skin disease, marked by swelling and dryness, due to insufficient thyroid secretion. |
myxedemic | relating to MYXEDEMA. |
myxoma | a tumor made up of a gelatinous tissue resembling that found in the umbilical cord > MYXOMAS or MYXOMATA. [Gk. myxo, slime]. |
naeve | a NAEVUS, a birthmark. |
naevus nevus | a birthmark > NAEVI, NEVI. |
nanism | the condition of being dwarfed or being a dwarf. |
narcoma | a coma caused by the intake of narcotic drugs > NARCOMAS or NARCOMATA. |
narcosis | drowsiness or unconsciousness produced by a narcotic > NARCOSES. |
nausea | a stomach disturbance. |
nauseate | to affect with NAUSEA. |
nauseous | causing NAUSEA > NAUSEOUSLY. |
necrose | to affect with necrosis; to undergo NECROSIS. |
necrosis | death of part of the living body, e.g. as a symptom of gangrene > NECROSES. |
necrotic | undergoing death of part of the body. |
necrotise necrotize | to become NECROTIC. |
nephralgia nephralgy | pain in the kidneys. |
nephrism | ill health caused by kidney disease. |
nephritis | an inflammation of the kidneys > NEPHRITIDES or NEPHRITISES. |
nephrosis | degenerative lesions of the renal tubules > NEPHROSES. |
nephrotic | of or like NEPHROSIS, a disease of the kidneys; (noun) a disease of the kidneys. |
neuralgia | intense burning or stabbing pain, typically along the line of a nerve, esp. in the face. |
neuralgic | of or pertaining to, or having the character of, NEURALGIA. |
neuritic | relating to NEURITIS, inflammation of the nerves; (noun) someone suffering from NEURITIS. |
neuritis | inflammation of the nerves > NEURITISES or NEURITIDES. |
neuroma | a tumor developed on, or connected with, a nerve, esp. one consisting of new-formed nerve fibers > NEUROMAS or NEUROMATA. |
nevoid | of or like a NEVUS, a birthmark. |
nevus | see NAEVUS. |
nocturia | excessive urination during the night. |
noma | an ulceration of the cheek. |
nona | a virus disease. |
nonunion | failure of a broken bone to heal. |
nonviral | not viral e.g. of an infection. |
nosebleed | bleeding from the nose. |
nubecula | a cloudy formation in urine > NUBECULAE. |
nyctalops | one afflicted with NYCTALOPIA, the condition of seeing poorly at night or in partial darkness, while the day sight is normal; erroneously, the opposite condition > NYCTALOPES. [Gk. nyktalops night-blind]. |
nystagmic | relating to NYSTAGMUS, involuntary lateral movement of the eyeballs. |
nystagmus | an involuntary lateral movement of the eyeballs > NYSTAGMUSES. |
octan | a fever recurring every eight days. |
odontalgy | toothache. |
odontoma | a tumour arising in connection with the teeth > ODONTOMATA or ODONTOMAS. |
oedema | a pathological accumulation of fluid in tissue spaces > OEDEMAS or OEDEMATA. |
oligaemia oligemia | abnormal deficiency of blood. |
oligaemic oligemic | relating to OLIGAEMIA, abnormal deficiency of blood. |
oliguria | scantiness of urine in proportion to liquid intake. |
oliguric | related to OLIGURIA. |
oncogen oncogene | an agent producing cancerous tumours. |
onychia | inflammation of the root or side of the nail, a whitlow. |
onychitis | inflammation of the root or side of the nail > ONYCHITISES. |
orchitic | relating to ORCHITIS, inflammation of the testicles. |
orchitis | inflammation of the testicles > ORCHITISES. |
orthorexiaia | an eating disorder characterized by excessive focus on eating healthy foods. |
osteitic | relating to OSTEITIS, inflammation of bone. |
osteitis | inflammation of the bone > OSTEITISES or OSTEITIDES. |
osteoma | a tumor composed mainly of bone; a tumor of a bone > OSTEOMAS or OSTEOMATA. [Gk. osteon, bone]. |
otalgia otalgy | pain in the ear. |
otalgic | of OTALGY, earache. |
otitic | relating to OTITIS, inflammation of the ear. |
otitis | inflammation of the ear > OTITIDES or OTITISES. |
otocyst | an auditory or equilibristic vesicle. |
otorrhoea | a discharge from the ear. |
ototoxic | adversely affecting hearing or balance. |
ourology urology urinology | the study of urine or the urinary tract. |
ovaritis | inflammation of the ovaries > OVARITISES or OVARITIDES. |
oversick | too sick. |
ozaena | a fetid discharge from the nostrils. [L. from Gk. ozein, to smell]. |
palinopia | a visual disorder in which the patient perceives a prolonged afterimage. |
palsy | loss of control or of feeling, more or less complete, in the muscles of the body, esp when this results in involuntary trembling; paralysis; (verb) to affect with palsy. |
palsylike | like the PALSY. |
paludism | marsh fever; malaria. |
pandemia | a widespread epidemic. |
pandemic | an outbreak of disease affecting majority of people in a region. |
pannus | a layer of vascular fibrous tissue extending over the surface of a specialized structure, esp. the cornea > PANNUSES. |
papilloma | a tumour formed by hypertrophy of a papilla or papillae, such as a wart, etc. > PAPILLOMAS or PAPILLOMATA. |
papillose papillous | covered with papules or papillae. |
papula papule | a pimple > PAPULAE or PAPULAS, PAPULES. |
papular papulose papulous | pertaining to, characterized by, or of the nature of papules or pimples. |
paracusis | disordered hearing > PARACUSES. |
paralogia | the impairment of reasoning power characterized by difficulty in expressing logical ideas in speech. |
paralyse paralyze | to afflict with paralysis. |
paralysis | the state of being unable to move > PARALYSES. |
paralytic | (someone) suffering from PARALYSIS. |
pararthria | disordered articulation of speech. |
paresis | a partial form of paralysis affecting muscle movements but not diminishing sensation > PARESES. [Gk. from parienai, to relax]. |
paretic | one affected with PARESIS. |
parotitic | of or like PAROTITIS, inflammation of the parotid glands. |
parotitis | inflammation of the parotid glands > PAROTITISES. |
paroxysm | a fit, attack, or sudden increase or recurrence of symptoms (as of a disease); a sudden violent emotion or action. |
parulis | a small suppurating inflamed spot on the gum, aka GUMBOIL > PARULISES or PARULIDES |
paruretic | one who suffers from an inability to urinate in the presence of others. |
pathogen pathogene | an agent that causes disease. |
pathogeny | the production and development of disease. |
peaky | off-colour, unwell > PEAKIER, PEAKIEST. |
pellagra | a nervous and digestive disease due to deficiency of nicotinic acid in diet. |
pellagrin | one who is afficted with PELLAGRA, a nervous and digestive disease due to deficiency of nicotinic acid in diet. |
pemphigus pemphix | a somewhat rare skin disease, characterized by the development of blebs upon different part of the body > PEMPHIGUSES, PEMPHIXES or PEMPHIGI. |
pernio | a chilblain > PERNIONES. |
pertussal | relating to PERTUSSIS, whooping cough. |
pertussis | whooping cough > PERTUSSISES or PERTUSSES. |
pestilent | deadly, producing pestilence > PESTILENTLY. |
petechia | a small red or purple spot on the skin > PETECHIAE. |
petechial | characterized by, or pertaining to, PETECHIAE. |
phagedena phagedaena | hospital gangrene, a rapidly spreading destructive ulcer. |
phimosis | a condition of the penis in which the prepuce can not be drawn back so as to uncover the glans penis > PHIMOSES. |
phimotic | relating to PHIMOSIS. |
phlebitic | relating to PHLEBITIS, inflammation of a vein. |
phlebitis | inflammation of a vein > PHLEBITIDES or PHLEBITISES. |
phlegm | thick mucus secreted in abnormal quantity especially in the nose and throat. |
phlegmon | purulent inflammation > PHLEGMONS. |
phlegmy | full of PHLEGM > PHLEGMIER, PHLEGMIEST. |
phlyctena phlyctaena | a small blister or vesicle > PHLYCTENAE, PHLYCTAENAE. |
phocomely | a type of congenital deformity, with seal-like limbs. N.B. should have a plural PHOCOMELIES*, but this has been wrongly omitted from CSW. |
phosphene | a visual sensation produced by mechanical stimulation of the retina, as by pressure on the eyeball. |
phossy | as in phossy jaw, a gangrenous condition of the lower jaw caused by exposure to phosphorus. |
photopia | vision in illumination similar to daylight, believed to involve chiefly the cones of the retina. |
photopic | relating to PHOTOPIA. |
photopsia photopsy | appearance of light flashes due to retinal irritation. |
phrenesis | delirium; frenzy > PHRENESES. |
phrenitis | inflammation of the brain, or of the meninges of the brain, attended with acute fever and delirium; aka CEPHALITIS > PHRENITISES or PHRENITIDES. |
phthisic | = PHTHISIS; also, vaguely, any lung or throat disease > PHTHISICS. |
phthisis | a progressive wasting disease; spec. pulmonary tuberculosis > PHTHISES. |
pian | a tropical disease. |
pianic | pertaining to the tropical disease PIAN. |
pigmentosa | as in retinite pigmentosa, a genetic eye condition. |
pimple | an inflamed swelling of the skin. |
pimpled | having pimples. |
pimply | having pimples > PIMPLIER, PIMPLIEST. |
pinkeye | an inflammation of the eye. |
pinswell | a small boil. |
pinta | a skin disease widespread in tropical America, caused by a spirochaete and characterized by rough blotchy skin. |
plague | to harass or torment. |
planuria planury | the discharge of urine through an abnormal passage. |
pleurisy | inflammation of the pleurae. |
pleuronia | the combined disorder of pleurisy and pneumonia. |
pleuritic | (someone) suffering from PLEURISY. |
pleuritis | pleurisy > PLEURITISES. |
plica | a fold; also, a disease of the hair, in which it becomes twisted and matted together > PLICAE or PLICAS. |
plical | relating to a PLICA, folded. |
plook plouk | a small spot, a pimple. |
plookie plooky | pimply > PLOOKIER, PLOOKIEST. |
plouk | a small spot, a pimple. |
ploukie plouky | pimply > PLOUKIER, PLOUKIEST. |
plumbism | lead poisoning. |
pneumonia | a disease of the lungs. |
pock | a pustule raised on the surface of the body in variolous and vaccine diseases; (verb) to mark with pocks. |
pocky | full of POCKS > POCKIER, POCKIEST. |
pockmark | to mark with pocks. |
pockpit | the mark, pit or scar left by a pock. |
podagra | gout of the foot. |
podagral podagric podagrous | gouty. |
polio | an infectious virus disease. |
poltfoot | a clubfoot > POLTFEET. |
polymasty polymastia polymastism | the presence of supernumerary breasts or nipples. |
polypnea | panting, very rapid breathing. |
polypneic | relating to POLYPNEA breathing. |
polyp | a pedunculated tumour growing from mucous membrane. |
polypoid | like a (medical) POLYP. |
polyposis | the presence or development of polyps > POLYPOSES. |
polypous | of the nature of a POLYPUS; affected with POLYPUS. |
polypus | a nasal polyp > POLYPI or POLYPUSES. |
polyuria | excessive urination. |
polyuric | relating to POLYURIA. |
porosis | a porous condition of bones > POROSES. |
porphyria | any of various disorders of metabolism resulting in the excretion of an excessive quantity of porphyrins in the urine, some types characterized by skin photosensitivity. |
porphyric | relating to PORPHYRIA. |
porrigo | a kind of scalp disease > PORRIGOS. [L. porrigo, dandruff]. |
postviral | as in postviral syndrome, a debilitating condition occurring as a sequel to viral illness. |
pox | any of several virus diseases causing a rash of pustules; (verb) to infect with pox. |
poxy | afflicted by pox > POXIER, POXIEST. |
precancer | a condition that may develop into cancer. |
presbyope | one who has presbyopia; a farsighted person. |
presbyopy presbyopia | long-sightedness in old age. |
presbytic | relating to an PRESBYOPIA. |
presbyopic | (someone) afflicted by PRESBYOPIA. |
pressor | something that causes an increase in blood pressure. |
procident | relating to PROCIDENCE, prolapse. |
proctalgia | neuralgic pain in the rectum. |
proctitis | inflammation of the rectum, aka RECTITIS > PROCTITISES or PROCTITIDES. |
prodromal | of or pertaining to PRODROMES; as, the prodromal stage of a disease. |
prodrome | an initial symptom of a disease > PRODROMES or PRODROMATA. |
prodromic | relating to a PRODROME, an initial symptom of a disease. |
progeria | a syndrome of children characterized by physical symptoms suggestive of premature senility. |
prolapse | of an organ etc. to slip forward or downward out of place. |
prolapsus | a prolapse > PROLAPSUSES. |
proptosis | the forward displacement of an organ, particularly the eyeball > PROPTOSES. |
protanope | a sufferer from PROTANOPIA, colour-blindness with respect to red. |
prurigo | a chronic skin condition characterized by itching and the presence of small pale pimples > PRURIGOS. |
pruritic | of or like PRURITUS, itching of the skin. |
pruritus | itching of the skin > PRURITUSES. |
psilosis | loss of hair > PSILOSES. [Gk. psilosis, from psilos, bare]. |
psilotic | relating to PSILOSIS, loss of hair. |
psora | a cutaneous disease; especially, the itch. |
psoriasis | the state of being affected with PSORA, a cutaneous disease > PSORIASES. |
psoriatic | (someone) suffering from PSORIASIS. |
psoric | of or pertaining to PSORA, a cutaneous disease. |
ptosis | a drooping of the upper eyelid > PTOSES. |
ptotic | relating to PTOSIS. |
ptyalise ptyalize | to induce PTYALISM, an excessive flow of saliva, in. |
ptyalism | an excessive flow of saliva. |
purblind | nearly blind; dim-witted > PURBLINDLY. |
purpura | an eruption of small purple spots, caused by extravasation of blood > PURPURAS. |
purpuric | of or pertaining to PURPURA, a skin disease. |
purulence purulency | the state of being purulent. |
pus | thick yellowish bodily fluid > PUSES. |
puslike | like PUS. |
pussy | full of PUS > PUSSIER, PUSSIEST. |
pustulant | (an agent) producing PUSTULES. |
pustular | of or pertaining to PUSTULES. |
pustulate | to form into PUSTULES. |
pustule | a pimple containing PUS; a lump or wart. |
pustuled | covered with PUSTULES. |
pustulous | of or pertaining to PUSTULES. |
pyaemia pyemia | a form of blood poisoning produced by the absorption into the blood of morbid matters usually originating in a wound or local inflammation. |
pyaemic pyemic | of or pertaining to PYAEMIA. |
pyelitic | relating to PYELITIS. |
pyelitis | inflammation of the pelvis of the kidney, usu. as a result of bacterial infection > PYELITISES. |
pyemia | see PYAEMIA. |
pyemic | see PYAEMIC. |
pyic | pertaining to or discharging PUS. |
pyoderma | any skin disease resulting in PUSTULES and/or PUS. |
pyodermic | of or like PYODERMA. |
pyogenic | pus-forming. |
pyoid | purulent. |
pyorrhea pyorrhoea | suppuration in the sockets of the teeth. |
pyorrheal pyorrheic | relating to PYORRHEA. |
pyosis | the formation of pus or the process through which pus is formed > PYOSES. |
pyretic | of or relating to fever > febrile. |
pyrexia | fever. |
pyrexial | showing symptoms of PYREXIA, feverish. |
pyrexic | of or like PYREXIA, fever. |
pyrogen | a substance inducing fever. |
pyrogenic pyrogenous | produced by, or producing, heat or fever. |
pyrosis | cardialgia, heartburn > PYROSES or PYROSISES. |
pyuria | the presence of pus in the urine. |
quartan | a fever recurring every third day. |
quat | a pimple; an insignificant person. |
quazzy | unwell > QUAZZIER, QUAZZIEST. |
quinsied | suffering from QUINSY. |
quinsy | severe inflammation of tonsils and throat. |
quintan | a fever occurring every fifth day. |
rabic | pertaining to RABIES. |
rabid | afflicted with rabies > RABIDER, RABIDEST; RABIDLY. |
rabidity rabidness | the state of being RABID. |
rabies | an infectious viral disease. [L. rabere, to be mad]. |
rabietic | suffering from RABIES. |
rachitic | pertaining to or having RACHITIS, inflammation of spine. |
rachitis rhachitis | inflammation of the spine; rickets > RACHITIDES or RACHITISES; RHACHITISES. |
ranula | a cyst formed under the tongue by obstruction of the duct of the submaxillary gland. |
ranular | relating to a RANULA. |
raphania | a form of ergotism, attributed by Linnaeus to wild radish. [Gk. rhaphanis, radish]. |
rash | an outbreak of red spots or patches on the skin; (adj.) over-hasty > RASHER, RASHEST; RASHLY. |
rashlike | like a rash. |
raw | uncooked > RAWER, RAWEST; RAWLY; (noun) a sore or irritated spot > RAWS. |
rectitic | relating to RECTITIS. |
rectitis | inflammation of the rectum, aka PROCTITIS > RECTITISES. |
rectocele | the herniation of the rectum into the vagina. |
redout | reddening of visual field caused by blood forced to head in conditions of low gravity. |
reinfect | to infect again. |
retinitis | inflammation of the retina > RETINITISES or RETINITIDES. |
rhachitis | see RACHITIS. |
rhagades | cracks or fissures in the skin. [Gk. rhagas, a tear]. N.B. no RHAGADE*. |
rheum | watery discharge from eyes and nose. |
rheumatic | one who suffers from rheumatism. |
(dial.) rheumatism. | |
rheumed | troubled by RHEUM. |
rheumic | pertaining to, or characterized by, RHEUM. |
rheumy | affected with RHEUM > RHEUMIER, RHEUMIEST. |
rhexis | rupture of a blood-vessel > RHEXES or RHEXISES. |
rhinitic | relating to RHINITIS, inflammation of the nose. |
rhinitis | inflammation of the nose; esp. inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nostrils > RHINITISES or RHINITIDES. |
rhinolith | a concretion formed within the cavities of the nose. |
rhonchal rhonchial | of or relating to snoring. |
rickets | a disease resulting from vitamin D deficiency. |
rigor | a sense of chilliness with contraction of the skin. |
ringworm | a contagious itching skin-disease occurring in small circular patches. |
rosacea | a condition in which a person has a large red nose. |
roseola | a rash of rose-colored patches; rose rash. |
roseolar | like ROSEOLA, a rash of rose-colored patches. |
rubella | German measles. |
rubeola | the measles. [L. rubeus, red]. |
rume | rheum. |
runround | a felon or whitlow. |
rupia | a skin ulcer covered with dead tissue. [Gk. rhypos, filth]. |
rupture | to burst. |
saburra | granular matter deposited in the body. [L. saburra, sand]. |
saburral | relating to SABURRA, granular matter deposited in the body. |
saccadic | jerky; twitching. |
sacralgia | inflammation of the SACRUM. |
sanies | a watery foul discharge from wounds or sores. |
sanious | pertaining to SANIES, a watery foul discharge from wounds or sores. |
sapego | a dry, scaly eruption on the skin; especially, a ringworm > SAPEGOES. |
sapraemia sapremia | a kind of blood-poisoning. |
sapraemic sapremic | relating to SAPRAEMIA, a kind of blood-poisoning. |
sarcoid | a granuloma of sarcoidosis; a fleshy tumour. [Gr. sarcoous, flesh]. |
sarcoma | a tumour of connective tissue; any fleshy excrescence > SARCOMAS or SARCOMATA. |
saturnic | suffering from lead-poisoning. |
saturnism | lead poisoning. |
scabies | a contagious skin infection caused by an itch mite. |
scabietic | relating to SCABIES, a contagious skin infection caused by an itch mite. |
scaldhead | a disease scalp; a scalp disease. |
scall | scabbiness, esp. of the scalp. |
scalled | afflicted with SCALL, a scalp disease. |
sciatica | inflammation of the sciatic nerve. |
scirrhoid scirrhous | resembling a SCIRRHUS, a hard swelling. |
scirrhus | a hard swelling; a hard fibrous carcinoma > SCIRRHI or SCIRRHUSES. |
sclerema | induration of the cellular tissue > SCLEREMAS. [Gk. skleros, hard]. |
scleritis | inflammation of the SCLEROTIC > SCLERITISES. Also SCLEROTITIS. |
scleroid | hard; hardened. |
scleroma | an abnormally hard patch of bodily tissue > SCLEROMAS or SCLEROMATA. [Gk. skleros, hard]. |
sclerosal | affected with SCLEROSIS. |
sclerose | to harden; to affect with SCLEROSIS. |
sclerosis | hardening; morbid hardening, e.g. of arteries by deposition of fatty plaques > SCLEROSES. |
sclerous | hard; indurated; sclerotic. |
scolioma | abnormal curvature of the spine > SCOLIOMAS (not SCOLIOMATA*). [Gk. skoliosis, from skolios, crooked]. |
scoliosis | a lateral curvature of the spine > SCOLIOSES. |
scoliotic | affected by SCOLIOSIS, a lateral curvature of the spine. |
scorbutic | pertaining to or afflicted with scurvy. |
scotoma scotomia scotomy | dizziness with dimness of sight. |
scotopia | vision in dim light. |
scotopic | relating to SCOTOPIA, vision in dim light or darkness. |
scrofula | tuberculosis of the lymph nodes, esp. in the neck, giving rise to abscesses > SCROFULAS. [L. scrofulae, from scrofa, a sow (supposed to be prone to it)]. |
scrumpox | IMPETIGO spread by players' faces rubbing together in the scrum. |
scurvy | scabby, mean > SCURVIER, SCURVIEST; SCURVILY; (noun) a disease caused by lack of Vitamin C. |
scybalous | of or like a SCYBALUM, a lump or mass of hard faeces in the intestine. |
scybalum | a lump or mass of hard faeces in the intestine > SCYBALA. |
seasick | nauseated due to motion at sea > SEASICKER, SEASICKEST. |
seborrhea | a morbidly increased discharge of sebaceous matter upon the skin. |
seik | (Scots) sick > SEIKER, SEIKEST. |
selenosis | selenium poisoning > SELENOSES. |
semicoma | a condition approaching coma. |
semideaf | partially deaf. |
seminoma | a malignant tumour of the testicle > SEMINOMAS. |
senopia | improvement of near vision occurring during the aging process because of swelling in the crystalline lens due to incipient cataract. |
sepsis | the state of being septic > SEPSES. |
septic | producing sepsis > SEPTICALLY; (noun) an agent producing SEPSIS > SEPTICS. |
septicity | the state of being septic. |
sequela | a pathological condition resulting from a previous disease or injury > SEQUELAE. [L. sequela, sequel]. |
seroma | an abnormal pocket of clear fluid in the body. |
seropus | a mixture of serum and pus > SEROPUSES. |
serosity | the state of being SEROUS, of or relating to serum. |
serous | of or relating to serum; watery. |
serpigo | a dry, scaly eruption on the skin; especially, ringworm > SERPIGOES, SERPIGINES or SERPIGOS. |
sextan | a fever recurring after six days (i.e. every fifth day. |
sialolith | a calculus in a salivary gland. |
sicken | to make sick. |
sickish | somewhat sick or diseased > SICKISHLY. |
sicklemia | a severe hereditary anaemia. |
sicklemic | relating to SICKLEMIA, a severe hereditary anaemia. |
sickly | of poor health > SICKLIER, SICKLIEST; SICKLILY; (verb) to make sickly-looking > SICKLIES, SICKLYING, SICKLIED. |
sickness | the state of being sick. |
siderosis | a sort of pneumonia occuring in iron workers, produced by the inhalation of particles of iron > SIDEROSES. |
siderotic | relating to SIDEROSIS. |
silicosis | a lung disease caused by inhaling silica dust > SILICOSES. |
silicotic | someone suffering from SILICOSIS, a lung disease caused by inhaling silica dust. |
singultus | hiccuping > SINGULTUSES. |
sinuitis sinusitis | inflammation of the sinuses. |
siriasis | sunstroke, esp. in children > SIRIASES. |
smallpox | a virus disease. |
sordes | dark incrustations on the lips of fever patients. No SORDE*. |
sore | sensitive to pain > SORER, SOREST; SORELY; (verb) to make sore. |
soroche | mountain sickness. [Quechua surucht, antimony, found in the Andes and thought to cause the sickness]. |
spanaemia | a deficiency of red corpuscles in the blood. |
spanaemic | of or pertaining to SPANAEMIA. |
spasm | a sustained involuntary muscular contraction; (verb) to go into spasm. |
spasmatic | in spasms. |
spasmic | in spasms. |
spastic | of the nature of a spasm > SPASTICALLY; (noun) one affected with spastic paralysis. |
sphacelus | necrosis, mortification > SPHACELUSES. [Gr. sphakelos. convulsive movement, painful spasm, gangrene]. |
splayfoot | a foot that is abnormally flattened and spread out; flat foot > SPLAYFEET. |
splenitis | inflammation of the spleen > SPLENITISES. |
sprain | to weaken by a sudden and violent twisting or wrenching. |
sprue | infantile THRUSH. |
sputum | thick mucus coughed up from the respiratory tract esp. in certain diseases of the lungs, chest, or throat > SPUTA or SPUTA. |
squinancy | QUINSY, suppurating tonsillitis. |
steatoma | a cyst containing matter like suet > STEATOMAS (not STEATOMATA*). [Gk. stear, steatos suet, tallow]. |
steatosis | adiposity > STEATOSES. |
stegnosis | constipation > STEGNOSES. |
stegnotic | tending to render costive, or to diminish excretions or discharges generally. |
stenosed | constricted as a result of disease. |
stenosis | narrowing of an orifice > STENOSES. |
stenotic | relating to a STENOSIS, the narrowing of an orifice. |
stound stownd | to ache, throb. |
strabism strabismus | a condition in which the eyes can't focus together because of muscle imbalance; a squint. |
strangury | severe pain in the urethra with intense desire to pass urine or painful passage of a few drops of urine. |
strep | STREPTOCOCCUS, as in a STREP throat. |
struma | scrofula or a scrofulous tumour > STRUMAE or STRUMAS. |
strumatic | scrofulous; strumous. |
strumitis | inflammation of the thyroid gland > STRUMITISES. |
strumose strumous | scrofulous; having STRUMAE. |
stye | a sore place on the eye. |
subluxate | to partially dislocate. |
subsultus | a convulsive or twitching movement > SUBSULTUSES. |
sudamen | a whitish vesicle due to the retention of sweat in the sweat ducts or under the skin > SUDAMINA or SUDAMENS. |
sudaminal | relating to SUDAMINA. |
sunburn | to burn or discolor from exposure to the sun. |
sunstroke | a medical condition of general collapse caused by prolonged exposure to intense sunlight. |
sunstruck | affected with SUNSTROKE. |
suppeago | a dry, scaly eruption on the skin; especially, a ringworm > SUPPEAGOES. |
suppurate | to discharge pus. |
surdity | deafness. |
squitters | diarrhoea. |
sycosis | an inflammation of the hair follicles > SYCOSES. [Gk. sykosis, a fig-shaped ulcer, from sykon a fig]. |
symptosis | emaciation > SYMPTOSES. |
symptotic | relating to SYMPTOSIS. |
synechia | an abnormal adhesion, esp. of the iris to the cornea > SYNECHIAS. |
synovitic | relating to SYNOVITIS, inflammation of a synovial membrane. |
synovitis | inflammation of a synovial membrane > SYNOVITISES. |
syph | syphilis > SYPHS. |
syphilis | a venereal disease > SYPHILISES. |
syphilise syphilize | to inoculate or infect with syphilis. |
syphiloid | like SYPHILIS. |
syphiloma | a syphilitic tumour > SYPHILOMAS or SYPHILOMATA. |
tabefy | to cause to waste gradually, to emaciate. |
tabes | a wasting away > TABES. |
tabescent | wasting; shrivelling. |
tabetic | of or pertaining to TABES; (someone) affected with tabes > TABETICS. |
tabid | affected by TABES. |
tachypnea tachypnoea | abnormally rapid breathing. |
taeniasis | infestation with tapeworms > TAENIASES. |
taliped | one suffering from TALIPES, club-foot. [L. talus, ankle + pes, foot]. |
talipes | club foot. [L. talis, ankle + pes, foot]. N.B. no TALIPE*. |
talpa | a mole or similar mark on the body > TALPAE or TALPAS. |
tarantism | a dancing mania or malady of late medieval Europe, attributed popularly to the bite of a tarantula. |
tarantist | one suffering from TARANTISM. |
tarsalgia | pain in the instep. |
tenesmic | pertaining to TENESMUS, a painful but ineffectual effort to urinate or defecate. |
tenesmus | a distressing but ineffectual urge to evacuate the rectum or bladder > TENESMUSES. |
teniasis | pinworm infestation > TENIASES. |
teratism | a monster, malformed person or animal. |
teratogen | an agent that raises the incidence of congenital malformation. |
teratoma | a tumor, sometimes found in newborn children, which is made up of a heterogenous mixture of tissues, as of bone, cartilage and muscle > TERATOMAS or TERATOMATA. [Gk. teras, -atos monster]. |
tertian | a fever occurring every third day. |
tetanal | relating to TETANUS. |
tetanic | related to tetanus > TETANICALLY; (noun) an agent causing tetanus. |
tetanical | relating to TETANUS. |
tetanise tetanize | to produce TETANUS or TETANIC spasms in. |
tetanoid | resembling tetanus. |
tetanus | an acute infectious disease characterized by tonic rigidity and violent spasms of some or all of the voluntary muscles, caused by infection with the bacterium Clostridium tetani; aka LOCKJAW > TETANUSES. |
tetany | a morbid condition resembling TETANUS, but distinguished from it by being less severe and having intermittent spasms. |
tetter | a vesicular disease of the skin, aka HERPES; (verb) to affect with a tetter. |
tetterous | having the character of, or pertaining to, TETTER, a skin eruption. |
thelitis | inflammation of the nipple > THELITISES. |
thrombose | to cause THROMBOSIS in. |
thrombus | a blood clot > THROMBI. |
thrush | a disease, esp of children, causing fungous blisters in the mouth and throat. |
thylose thylosis | an ingrowth from a neighbouring cell through a pit into a vessel > THYLOSES. |
thymoma | a tumour arising from thymus tissue > THYMOMAS or THYMOMATA. |
tic | an involuntary twitching of muscles; (verb) to twitch > TICS, TICCING, TICCED. |
tinea | a name applied to various skin diseases, especially ringworm. |
tineal | relating to TINEA. |
tinnitus | a sensation of noise (as a ringing or roaring) that is purely subjective > TINNITUSES. |
tisick | a cough. |
toothache | a pain in a tooth. |
topalgia | pain restricted to a particular spot. |
tophus | a gouty deposit > TOPHI. |
tormina | acute, colicky pains. No —S. |
torminal | relating to TORMINA. |
torminous | affected with TORMINA. |
torulosis | an infection by a member of the Torula genus affecting the nervous system > TORULOSES. |
toxaemia toxemia | blood poisoning due to toxins in blood. |
toxaemic toxemic | relating to TOXAEMIA, blood poisoning due to toxins in blood. |
toxicosis | a pathological condition caused by a poison or toxin > TOXICOSES. |
toxocara | a kind of parasitic worm found in the intestines of dogs and cats. |
toxocaral | related to TOXOCARA. |
trachitis | an error for TRACHEITIS, inflammation of the TRACHEA > TRACHITISES. |
trachoma | an eye-disease, a chronic form of conjunctivitis > TRACHOMAS. |
trauma | a wound, an injury > TRAUMAS or TRAUMATA. |
traumatic | relating to, resulting from, or causing wounds > TRAUMATICALLY. |
trichina | a type of nematode worm parasitic in rat, pig, and man, the adult in the small intestine, the larva encysted in muscle > TRICHINAE or TRICHINAS. |
trichinal | relating to a TRICHINA, a small, slender nematoid worm. |
trichosis | arrangement, distribution or disorder of hair > TRICHOSES. |
trichrome | pertaining to or in three colors; having normal color vision. |
trismic | relating to TRISMUS, lockjaw. |
trismus | a tetanic spasm of the muscles of the jaw, aka LOCKJAW > TRISMUSES. |
trophesy | a state of diseased nutrition due to disorder of the TROPHIC action of the nerves |
tryp | = TRYPANOSOME, a parasite causing sleeping sickness. |
tumor tumour | an abnormal swelling or enlargement, now esp a new growth of cells in the body without inflammation. |
tumoral | relating to a TUMOR. |
tumorlike | like a TUMOR. |
tumorous | having the nature of a TUMOR. |
tumour | see TUMOR. |
turista | intestinal sickness affecting a tourist in a foreign country. |
tussal tussive | relating to a cough. |
tussis | a cough > TUSSISES or TUSSES. |
twinge | a slight pain; (verb) to give a twinge of pain > TWINGES, TWINGING or TWINGEING, TWINGED. |
tylosis | an ingrowth from a neighbouring cell through a pit into a vessel > TYLOSES. |
tympany | any swelling, esp. of the abdomen. |
typhlitic | relating to TYPHLITIS, inflammation of the caecum. |
typhlitis | inflammation of the caecum > TYPHLITISES. |
typhoid | an infectious disease. |
typhoidal | relating to typhoid. |
typhose typhous | of or pertaining to TYPHUS. |
typhus | any of a group of acute infectious fevers caused by RICKETTSIAE > TYPHUSES. |
ulcer | a type of lesion; (verb) to affect with an ulcer. |
ulcerate | to ulcer. |
ulcerous | being or affected with an ulcer > ULCEROUSLY. |
ulitis | inflammation of the gums > ULITISES. |
ulosis | the formation of a scar > ULOSES. [Gk. oulosis, from oule, a scar]. |
unhealth | unsoundness, disease. |
unpainful | not painful. |
unpalsied | not palsied. |
unpanged | without pangs. |
unwell | not well. |
uraemia uremia urinemia | the retention of waste materials normally excreted. |
uraemic uremic urinemic | relating to URAEMIA, retention of waste materials normally excreted. |
uresis | urination > URESES. [Gk. ouresis]. |
urethral | of or pertaining to the URETHRA. |
urinative | provoking the flow of urine. |
urinemia | the retention of waste materials normally excreted > URINEMIAS. Also URAEMIA, UREMIA. |
urinemic | relating to URINEMIA, retention of waste materials normally excreted. |
urolith | a small stone or calculus in the urinary tract. |
urolithic | of or like a UROLITH, a calculus in the urinary tract. |
urosis | disease of the urinary organs > UROSES. |
urticaria | nettle rash, hives. |
uteritis | inflammation of the UTERUS > UTERITISES. |
uveitis | inflammation of the iris, ciliary body and choroid > UVEITISES. |
uvulitis | inflammation of the UVULA > UVULITISES. |
vaccina vaccinia | cowpox. |
vaccinial | of or like VACCINIA, cowpox. |
vaginitis | inflammation of the vagina > VAGINITISES. |
vaginosis | a bacterial vaginal infection > VAGINOSES. |
vagotonia | pathological overactivity of the vagus nerve. |
vagotonic | relating to VAGOTONIA. |
valgoid valgous | like VALGUS, club-foot. |
valgus | any deformity of a limb joint which causes a distal bone or bones to be displaced obliquely outwards (orig. inwards), as in knock-knee and some forms of club-foot > VALGUSES. Cf. VARUS. |
varicella | chickenpox. |
varicoid | having the appearance of a varicose vein. |
varicose | swollen, especially in irregular lumps and twists. |
varicosis | any condition characterized by distention of the veins > VARICOSES. |
variola | smallpox. |
variolar | of or like VARIOLA, smallpox. |
variole | a small depression resembling a pockmark. |
varioloid | a disease resembling VARIOLA, smallpox. |
variolous | of or pertaining to the smallpox; having pits, or sunken impressions, like those of VARIOLA, the smallpox. |
varus | any deformity of a limb joint which causes a distal bone or bones to be displaced obliquely inwards, as in bow-legs and some forms of club-foot > VARUSES. Cf. VALGUS. |
vasospasm | a sharp and often persistent spasm of a blood vessel resulting in reduced caliber and flow. |
verruca | a plantar wart > VERRUCAE or VERRUCAS. |
verrucose verrucous | covered with warty elevations. |
verruga | a fever with warty tumours, endemic in Peru. |
vertigo | giddiness, dizziness, a sensation of whirling motion > VERTIGOS, VERTIGOES or VERTIGINES. |
vibex | a streak due to extravasation of blood > VIBICES. |
vibriosis | infection with VIBRIONIC bacteria > VIBRIOSES. |
viraemia viremia | the presence of viral particles in the blood. |
viraemic viremic | relating to VIRAEMIA, the presence of viral particles in the blood. |
viral | relating to or caused by a VIRUS > VIRALLY. |
viremia | see VIRAEMIA. |
viremic | see VIRAEMIC. |
virilism | masculinity in women, especially with secondary male characteristics. |
virino | a hypothetical particle said to be the cause of BSE > VIRINOS. |
virosis | a disease caused by a virus > VIROSES. |
vitiligo | a rare skin disease consisting in the development of smooth, milk-white spots upon various parts of the body > VITILIGOS. [L. vitiligo, a skin eruption]. |
volvulus | the spasmodic contraction of the intestines which causes colic > VOLVULI or VOLVULUSES. |
vomica | an abscess cavity in the lungs > VOMICAE or VOMICAS. |
vomito | a form of yellow fever > VOMITOS. |
vulvitis | inflammation of the VULVA > VULVITISES. |
walleye | an eye in which the iris is pale or whitish. |
walleyed | suffering from WALLEYE. |
wart | a small hard excrescence on the skin caused by a virus. |
warted | covered with WARTS. |
wartless | having no WARTS. |
wartlike | like a wart. |
warty | covered in warts > WARTIER, WARTIEST. |
watcheye | an eye in which the iris is pale or whitish, aka WALLEYE. |
waterpox | varicella, chickenpox. |
weid | any sudden illness, cold or relapse with febrile symptoms. |
wen | a sebaceous cyst. |
wennish | having the nature of a WEN; resembling a WEN. |
wenny | having the nature of a wen; resembling a wen > WENNIER, WENNIEST. |
whally | wall-eyed, showing the whites of the eye. |
whitlow | an abscess around a fingernail. |
xanthoma | a skin disease marked by the development or irregular yellowish patches upon the skin, especially upon the eyelids > XANTHOMAS or XANTHOMATA. |
xenomenia | menstruation from abnormal orifices. |
xerasia | abnormal dryness of hair. |
xeroderma | morbid dryness of skin, ichythosis > XERODERMAS or XERODERMAE. |
xerosis | abnormal dryness of body parts > XEROSES. |
xerostoma | dryness of mouth > XEROSTOMAS or XEROSTOMATA. |
xerotes | abnormal dryness of body parts. |
xerotic | of bodily tissues, abnormally dry. |
yawey yawy | pertaining to YAWS >YAWIER, YAWIEST |
yaws | a contagious skin disease resembling syphilis. |
zit | a pimple. |
zoonosis | a disease of animals, such as rabies, which can be transmitted to humans > ZOONOSES. |
zoonotic | of or like ZOONOSIS, a disease of animals such as rabies that can be transmitted to humans. |
zyme | a ferment; a disease germ. |
zymosis | fermentation; a process resembling fermentation in development of infectious disease > ZYMOSES. [Gk. zymosis, fermentation]. |
zymotic | of the nature of, relating to or causing an infectious disease > ZYMOTICALLY; (noun) an infectious disease. |