Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.
abacus | (Lat.) a counting device using beads. |
acalculia | an inability to do simple mathematical calculations. |
addable | capable of being added. |
addend | an amount to be added. |
addendum | (Lat.) something to be added. |
addible | capable of being added. |
additory | tending to add; making some addition. |
ae | (Scots) one. No -S. |
algorism | (Arabic) the art of calculating, esp in Arabic numeration. |
algorismic | relating to algorism. |
aliquant | (Lat.) of a number that divides into another with a remainder. |
aliquot | (Lat.) a number that divides into another without leaving a remainder. |
alligation | the calculation of values or properties of a mixture. |
antiderivative | an indefinite integral. |
antilog | an antilogarithm. |
antilogarithm | a number of which a given number is the logarithm. |
antilogarithmic | of or like an antilogarithm, a number of which a given number is the logarithm. |
augend | (Ger.) a number to which another number is added. |
bajillion | an unspecified but extremely large number. |
bazillion | an indefinitely large number. |
bifold | twofold; double; (noun) a two-piece door. |
billion | a thousand million. |
billionth | the ordinal of billion; (noun) a thousand millionth part. |
binal | twofold, double. |
binarism | the state of being binary. |
binary | composed of two things; (noun) a combination of two things. |
binomial | containing the sum or difference of two terms (noun) a binomial expression |
binomially | (Adv.) BINOMIAL, relating to an expression which contains the sum or difference of two terms. |
biquadrate | the fourth power. |
biquadratic | a quantity twice squared, or raised to the fourth power. |
bivariant | involving two variables; (noun) an expression involving two variables. |
bivariate | involving or depending on two variables; (noun) a formula involving two variables. |
calculable | that can be calculated. |
calculably | (Adv.) CALCULABLE, that can be calculated. |
calculate | to count or reckon. |
calculatedly | (Adv.) CALCULATED. |
calculatingly | (Adv.) CALCULATING. |
calculation | the process or an act of calculating. |
calculational | relating to calculation. |
calculative | relating to calculation. |
calculator | one that calculates. |
centage | rate by the hundred. |
centesimal | counting or counted by hundreds or hundredths. |
centesimally | (Adv.) CENTESIMAL, counting or counted by hundreds or hundredths. |
centillion | in UK and Germany, the hundredth power of a million, ie 1 followed by 600 zeros; in N. America and France, the hundred-and-first power of a thousand, ie 1 followed by 303 zeros. |
centillionth | the ordinal of centillion. |
centuple | hundredfold; (verb) to increase a hundredfold. |
centurial | of or pertaining to a century. |
cinq | (Fr.) the number five. |
coefficient | any of the factors of a product considered in relation to a specific factor. |
cofactor | a factor which occurs along with other factors in multiplication. |
colog | (Short for) cologarithm, the logarithm of the reciprocal of a number. |
cologarithm | the logarithm of the reciprocal of a number. |
compt | (Obs.) to count. |
comptable | (Obs.) countable. |
comptible | (Obs.) countable. |
computation | the act or action of computing. |
computational | relating to computation. |
computationally | (Adv.) COMPUTATIONAL, relating to computation. |
computative | of or relating to computation. |
connumerate | to count together. |
connumeration | the act of connumerating. |
count | the act of numbering; (verb) to list or mention the units of one by one to ascertain the total. |
countable | that can be counted. |
countably | (Adv.) COUNTABLE, that can be counted. |
crore | (Hindi) an Indian unit of counting, ten million. |
cyclotomic | a mathematical term relating to a polynomial. |
decad | (Obs.) a group of ten, a decade. |
decadal | pertaining to ten; consisting of tens. |
decennoval | (Obs.) relating to the number nineteen. |
decillion | the eleventh power of a thousand. |
decillionth | one part in a decillion. |
decimal | relating to a tenth part (noun) a fraction whose denominator is some power of ten |
decimalisation | conversion (as of a currency) to a decimal system. |
decimalise | to convert to a decimal system. |
decimalist | one who advocates a decimal system. |
decimalize | to convert to a decimal system, esp the metric system. |
decimally | (Adv.) DECIMAL, relating to a tenth part. |
decuple | tenfold; (verb) to make tenfold. |
denary | having ten as a base; (noun) the number ten, a group of ten. |
denominator | the divisor of a fraction. |
diagonalisable | a mathematical term relating to a property of matrices. |
diagonalise | to put (a matrix) in a form with all the nonzero elements along the diagonal from upper left to lower right. |
diagonalizable | a mathematical term relating to a property of matrices. |
diagonalize | to put (a matrix) in a form with all the nonzero elements along the diagonal from upper left to lower right. |
digital | relating to digits (noun) a piano key |
digitally | (Adv.) DIGITAL, relating to digits. |
discriminant | a mathematical expression providing a criterion for the behavior of another more complicated expression. |
dividend | a portion or share of anything divided, esp the share that falls to each party. |
dividendless | without a dividend. |
divisible | that can be divided. |
divisibly | (Adv.) DIVISIBLE, that can be divided. |
dozenth | the ordinal of dozen; (noun) a twelfth. |
duad | a pair. |
dualise | to make twofold. |
dualize | to make twofold. |
duo | two people considered a pair for a specific reason. |
duodecillion | ten to the power of 39. |
duodecimal | of or relating to the number twelve. |
duodecimally | (Adv.) DUODECIMAL, of or relating to the number twelve. |
duodecimals | a method of multiplying together quantities given in feet and inches, etc., without reducing them to one denomination; also called cross-multiplication. |
duodenary | relating to the number twelve. |
duple | having two parts or elements. |
duplex | double; twofold; (verb) to make duple. |
duplexity | the state of being duplex, double. |
dyad | two units treated as one; a couple; a pair. |
dyadic | pertaining to the number two; of two parts or elements (noun) a sum of mathematical dyads |
dyadically | (Adv.) DYADIC, pertaining to the number two. |
eight | the cardinal number one above seven (adj.) of the number eight. |
eighteen | a number, ten and eight (adj.) of the number eighteen. |
eighteenth | number eighteen in sequence; (noun) an eighteenth part. |
eighteenthly | (Adv.) EIGHTEENTH, number eighteen in sequence. |
eightfold | multiplied by eight; (adv.) eight times over. |
eightfoot | measuring eight feet. |
eighth | number eight in sequence (noun) one of eight equal parts |
eighthly | (Adv.) EIGHTH, number eight in sequence. |
eightieth | number eighty in sequence; (noun) one of eighty equal parts. |
eightscore | eight times twenty. |
eightsome | a group of eight. |
eighty | a number, eight times ten (adj.) of the number eighty. |
eleven | a number, ten and one. |
eleventh | eleventh in sequence (noun) one of eleven equal parts |
eleventhly | (Adv.) ELEVENTH, number eleven in sequence. |
ennead | (Greek) a group of nine. |
enneadic | relating to an ennead, a set of nine. |
enumerable | that can be counted. |
enumerate | to count. |
enumeration | the act of enumerating. |
enumerative | serving to enumerate. |
enumerator | one that enumerates. |
equation | the act of equating. |
equational | relating to an equation. |
equationally | (Adv.) EQUATIONAL, relating to an equation. |
equimultiple | a number multiplied by the same number as another. |
exponential | of or relating to an exponent (noun) an exponential function |
exponentially | (Adv.) EXPONENTIAL, of or relating to an exponent. |
exponentiation | the mathematical operation of raising a quantity to a power. |
extremum | (Lat.) a maximum or minimum of a mathematical function. |
faciend | (Lat.) the multiplicand. |
factor | one of two or more quantities which, when multiplied together, result in the given quantity; (verb) to express as a product of two or more quantities. |
factorable | that can be factored. |
factorial | relating to a factor (noun) the product of a series of factors; spec. the product of an integer and all lower integers |
factorially | (Adv.) FACTORIAL. |
factorisation | the operation of resolving a quantity into factors. |
factorise | to reduce a number to its prime factors. |
factorization | the operation of resolving a quantity into factors. |
factorize | to reduce a number to its prime factors. |
fifteen | a number, five and ten (adj.) of the number fourteen. |
fifteenth | number fifteen in sequence (noun) one of fifteen equal parts |
fifteenthly | (Adv.) FIFTEENTH, number fifteen in sequence. |
fifth | number five in sequence (noun) one of five equal parts |
fifthly | (Adv.) FIFTH, number five in sequence. |
fiftieth | number fifty in sequence; (noun) one of fifty equal parts. |
fifty | a number, five times ten (adj.) of the number fifty. |
fiftyfold | multiplied by fifty. |
figurework | counting or calculation using numbers. |
finiteness | the state of being finite. |
finitude | the condition or state of being finite. |
first | preceding all others (noun) something that precedes all others |
firstly | (Adv.) FIRST, preceding all others. |
five | a number. |
fivefold | multiplied by five; (adv.) five times over. |
fluent | flowing (noun) the variable quantity in fluxions |
fortieth | number forty in sequence; (noun) one of forty equal parts. |
forty | a number, four times ten (adj.) of the number forty. |
fortyfold | multiplied by forty. |
four | the cardinal number next above three. |
fourfold | multiplied by four; (adv.) four times over. |
fourfoldness | the state of being fourfold. |
fourscore | (Arch.) four twenties, eighty. |
fourscorth | (Obs.) eightieth. |
foursome | a group of four. |
fourteen | four and ten (adj.) of the number fourteen. |
fourteenth | number fourteen in sequence; (noun) a fourteenth part. |
fourth | number four in sequence (noun) one of four equal parts |
fourthly | (Adv.) FOURTH, number four in sequence. |
fractionlet | a small fraction. |
gazillion | an indefinitely large number. |
ghubar | as in ghubar numeral, any of a set of numerals forming the stage between ancient Hindu numerals and present-day Arabic numerals. |
gillion | in Britain, a thousand millions, equal to an American billion. |
gobar | as in gobar numeral, any of a set of numerals forming the stage between ancient Hindu numerals and present-day Arabic numerals. |
googol | the figure 1 followed by 100 zeroes (10 raised to the hundredth power). |
googolplex | the figure 1 followed by a googol of zeroes (10 raised to the googol power). |
grillion | a large indefinite number. |
halfness | the quality of being half. |
hantle | (Scots) a lot. |
hebdomad | a set of seven; a week. |
heptad | a group of seven. |
hexad | (Greek) a group of six. |
hexade | a group of six. |
hexadecimal | (Relating to) a number system with a base of 16. |
hexadic | relating to a hexad, a group of six. |
hundred | a number, ten times ten (adj.) of the number hundred. |
hundredfold | multiplied by one hundred; (adv.) a hundred times over; (noun) a multiplication by one hundred. |
hundredth | the ordinal of hundred; (noun) a hundredth part. |
idempotency | the state of being idempotent. |
idempotent | relating to a quantity which does not change when squared; (noun) a quantity that does not change when squared. |
imaginarily | (Adv.) IMAGINARY, imagined. |
imaginary | imagined (noun) an imaginary quantity or expression |
indivisible | that cannot be divided (noun) an indefinitely small quantity |
inequation | an inequality. |
infimum | (Lat.) the greatest lower bound. |
infinite | without limit (noun) something that has no limits |
infinitely | (Adv.) INFINITE, without limits. |
infinitesimal | taking on values arbitrarily close to but greater than zero (noun) an infinitesimal number |
infinitesimally | (Adv.) INFINITESIMAL, taking on values arbitrarily close to but greater than zero. |
infinity | the state of having no limits. |
innumeracy | the state of being innumerate. |
innumerate | marked by an ignorance of mathematics and the scientific approach; (noun) one who is innumerate. |
innumerous | (Arch.) innumerable. |
integer | a whole number. |
integral | whole (noun) a type of mathematical function |
integrally | (Adv.) INTEGRAL, whole. |
invariant | not varying; (noun) an invariant quantity. |
jillion | an indefinite but extremely large number. |
jillionth | the ordinal of jillion. No -S. |
kazillion | an indefinitely large number. |
known | a mathematical quantity whose value is given. |
lakh | (Hindi) a unit of counting, one hundred thousand. |
lashings | (Coll.) an abundance. |
lashins | (Coll.) an abundance. |
logarithm | a mathematical operation used esp before electronic computing, to simplify multiplication and division. |
logarithmic | of or like a logarithm. |
logarithmical | of or like a logarithm. |
logarithmically | (Adv.) LOGARITHMICAL, of or like a logarithm. |
loglog | the logarithm of a logarithm. |
lolog | the logarithm of a logarithm. |
mantissa | (Lat.) the decimal part of a logarithm. |
manyfold | many in number. |
maximum | (Lat.) greatest (noun) the largest amount |
maximumly | (Adv.) MAXIMUM, greatest. |
mille | (Fr.) a thousand. |
millenary | a group of a thousand. |
millesimal | thousandth; consisting of thousandth parts (noun) a thousandth part |
millesimally | (Adv.) MILLESIMAL, relating to a thousandth part. |
milliard | (Fr.) a thousand million. |
million | a thousand thousand. |
millionary | relating to or consisting of millions. |
millionfold | multiplied by a million; (adv.) a million times over. |
millionth | the ordinal of million; (noun) a millionth part of. |
minuend | a number from which another is to be subtracted. |
minus | a negative quantity. |
modulo | (Lat.) with respect to a modulus of (a given value). |
modulus | (Lat.) a number leaving the same remainder when divided into two others. |
monad | the number one; a unit; a single-celled organism. |
monadal | relating to a monad. |
monadic | relating to a monad. |
monadical | of, pertaining to, or like, a monad, in any of its senses. |
monadically | (Adv.) MONADICAL, of, pertaining to a monad. |
monas | the number one; a unit; a single-celled organism. |
monic | denoting a type of polynomial. |
monie | (Scots) many. |
monomial | consisting of one term only; (noun) a monomial expression. |
mony | (Scots) many. |
much | plentiful (noun) a great deal |
muchly | (Arch.) much. |
multeity | multiplicity. |
multibillion | comprising many billions. |
multifold | many times doubled; manifold. |
multimillion | comprising many millions. |
multinomial | a mathematical expression that consists of the sum of several terms. |
multiplex | manifold; multiple; (verb) to incorporate into a multiplex signal or system. |
multiplicand | a number or amount to be multiplied. |
multiplicator | a multiplier. |
multitrillion | a number or amount equal to several trillion. |
multitudinous | existing in a great multitude. |
multitudinously | (Adv.) MULTITUDINOUS, existing in a great multitude. |
myriad | (Greek) ten thousand. |
myriadfold | multiplied by a myriad; (adv.) a myriad times over; (noun) a myriad times. |
myriadth | the ordinal from myriad; (noun) one of a myriad equal parts. |
nilpotent | a quantity which equals zero when multiplied by itself. |
nine | the cardinal number above eight (adj.) of the number nine. |
ninefold | multiplied by nine; (adv.) nine times over. |
ninescore | nine time twenty; (noun) nine times twenty. |
nineteen | ten and nine (adj.) of the number nineteen. |
nineteenth | number nineteen in sequence (noun) a nineteenth part |
nineteenthly | a nineteenth thing in sequence. |
ninetieth | the ordinal of ninety; (noun) one of ninety equal parts. |
ninety | a number, nine times ten (adj.) of the number ninety. |
ninth | in the ninth place (noun) one of nine equal parts |
ninthly | (Adv.) NINTH, in ninth place. |
nonary | of a mathematical system, based on nine; (noun) a group of nine. |
nonbinary | not binary. |
nonillion | the 10th power of a thousand. |
nonillionth | the ordinal of nonillion. |
nonuple | a set of nine. |
nonvanishing | a quantity that is nonzero everywhere is said to be nonvanishing. For instance, the values of x squared + 1 are nonvanishing for real x, while those of x squared are not (since x vanishes at 0). |
nonzero | not zero. |
novemdecillion | ten to the 114th power. |
novenary | a set of nine. |
nth | an ordinal implying a large indefinite number. |
number | that by which single things are counted or reckoned; (verb) to count. |
numberable | that can be numbered. |
numberless | without number, countless. |
numberlessly | (Adv.) NUMBERLESS, without number, countless. |
numerable | that can be numbered. |
numerably | (Adv.) NUMERABLE, that can be numbered. |
numeral | according to number (noun) a symbol that expresses a number |
numerally | (Adv.) NUMERAL, according to number. |
numerary | belonging to a certain number; counting as one of a collection or body. |
numerate | to compute, calculate. |
numeration | the act of counting or numbering. |
numerative | relating to numeration. |
numerator | one who numbers. |
numeric | relating to number (noun) a numeral |
numerical | relating to number. |
numerically | (Adv.) NUMERICAL, relating to number. |
numerosity | the state of being numerous. |
octad | a set of eight things. |
octadic | relating to an octad, a set of eight. |
octal | relating to or based on the number eight; (noun) a numbering system using a base of 8. |
octillion | the ninth power of a thousand. |
octillionth | the ordinal of a thousand raised to the ninth power part; (noun) one of an octillion equal parts. |
octodecillion | ten to the 108th power. |
octonary | based on the number eight; (noun) a group of eight things. |
octuple | eightfold (verb) to multiply by eight |
octuplex | being eight times as great. |
octuply | (Adv.) OCTUPLE, eightfold. |
ogdoad | a group of eight. |
one | single, of unit number; (noun) an individual thing or person; the number or figure 1. |
oodles | lots of. |
oodlins | lots of. |
operand | a quantity on which a mathematical or logical operation is (to be) performed. |
outadd | to surpass in adding. |
pentad | a set of five. |
pentadic | in a set of five. |
pentalogy | the state of being in five parts. |
percent | one part in a hundred. |
percentage | a part of a whole expressed in hundredths. |
percental | relating to percentages. |
permillage | reckoning by the thousand. |
polynomialism | the state of being polynomial. |
primeness | the state of being first. |
pseudorandom | being or involving entities (as numbers) that are selected by a definite computational process but that satisfy one or more standard tests for statistical randomness. |
pseudoscalar | a variable quantity that has magnitude but not direction and is an odd function of the coordinates. |
pseudovector | a variable quantity, such as angular momentum, that has magnitude and orientation with respect to an axis. |
quadratic | involving the square but no higher power (noun) a quadratic equation |
quadratical | involving the square but no higher power, as a quadratic equation. |
quadratically | (Adv.) QUADRATICAL, involving the square but no higher power, as a quadratic equation. |
quadrillion | a thousand raised to the fifth power. |
quadrillionth | the ordinal of quadrillion; (noun) one of a quadrillion equal parts. |
quadrinomial | an expression of four terms. |
quadruple | fourfold; (noun) four times as much; (verb) to increase fourfold. |
quaternary | a set of four. |
quaternate | in sets of four. |
quaternion | a set or group of four; the operation of changing one vector into another, or the quotient of two vectors. |
quaternity | fourness; any group of four things. |
quinary | fivefold; (noun) a set of five. |
quindecaplet | a group of fifteen. |
quindecillion | ten to the power of 48, or in Britain ten to the power of 90. |
quintic | an equation of the fifth degree. |
quintillion | a thousand raised to the sixth power. |
quintillionth | the ordinal of quintillion; (noun) a quintillionth part. |
quintuple | fivefold; (verb) to make fivefold |
quotient | the result obtained by dividing one quantity by another. |
quotition | a division regarded as a repeated subtraction. |
radicand | a quantity in mathematics. |
ratio | (Lat.) the relation of one thing to another of which the quotient is the measure. |
rational | conforming to reason (noun) a number that can be expressed as a quotient of integers |
rationally | (Adv.) RATIONAL, conforming to reason. |
readd | to add again. |
reciprocal | acting in return (noun) something in a reciprocal relationship to another |
reciprocally | (Adv.) RECIPROCAL, acting in return. |
reciprocant | in maths, a differential invariant. |
renormalise | to subject to or calculate using renormalisation. |
renormalize | to subject to or calculate using renormalization. |
repunit | a number consisting of two or more identical integers. |
rhizic | of the root of an equation. |
scalar | a quantity that has magnitude, but not direction. |
scaleup | an increase based on a fixed ratio. |
senary | a set of six. |
septenary | a group of seven. |
septendecillion | ten to the power of 54. |
septet | a set of seven persons or objects; as, a septet of singers. |
septette | a set of seven persons or objects; as, a septette of singers. |
septillion | a thousand raised to the eighth power (10 to the 24). |
septillionth | the ordinal of septillion. |
septimal | relating to or based on the number seven. |
septuple | sevenfold; (verb) to multiply by seven. |
seven | a number. |
sevenfold | multiplied by seven; (adv.) seven times over. |
seventeen | a number, ten and seven (adj.) of the number seventeen. |
seventeenth | number seventeen in sequence (noun) a seventeenth part |
seventeenthly | (Adv.) SEVENTEENTH. |
seventh | seventh in sequence (noun) one of seven equal parts |
seventhly | (Adv.) SEVENTH, seventh in sequence. |
seventieth | a seventieth part of. |
seventy | a number, seven times ten (adj.) of the number seventy. |
sexagenary | of, containing, based on, sixty. |
sexagesimal | relating to, or based on, sixty (noun) a sexagesimal fraction |
sexagesimally | (Adv.) SEXAGESIMAL, based on 60. |
sexdecillion | ten to the power of 51. |
sextillion | a thousand raised to the seventh power (10 to the 21). |
sextillionth | the ordinal of a sextillion, a thousand raised to the seventh power. |
sextuple | sixfold (verb) to multiply sixfold |
shwanpan | (Chinese) a Chinese abacus. |
six | the next whole number after five (adj.) of the number six. |
sixfold | multiplied by six; (adv.) six times over. |
sixscore | six times twenty. |
sixteen | a number, ten and six (adj.) of the number sixteen. |
sixteenth | number sixteen in sequence (noun) the sixteenth part of something |
sixteenthly | (Adv.) SIXTEENTH. |
sixth | number six in sequence (noun) one of six equal parts |
sixthly | (Adv.) SIXTH, number six in sequence. |
sixtieth | number sixty in sequence; (noun) one of sixty equal parts. |
sixty | a number, six times ten (adj.) of the number sixty. |
sixtyfold | multiplied by sixty. |
soroban | (Japanese) a Japanese abacus. |
sphenic | wedge-shaped; (maths) having three different prime numbers as its factors. |
spinor | a type of mathematical vector. |
squillion | an indefinitely large number. |
subduple | in the ratio of one to two. |
subfactorial | something below a factorial. |
submatrix | part of a matrix. |
submultiple | dividing into another exactly; (noun) a quantity that divides into another exactly. |
subseries | a subdivision of a series. |
subtotal | partially total (verb) to form an interim total |
subtotally | (Adv.) SUBTOTAL, partially total. |
subtract | to take away. |
subtraction | the act of subtracting. |
subtrahend | the sum or number to be subtracted, or taken from another. |
subtriplicate | expressed by the cube root. |
subzero | registering less than zero. |
summable | that can be summed. |
summand | an addend, a number to be added in a sum. |
summate | to add together. |
summation | the act of summing. |
summational | relating to summation, the act of summing. |
summative | relating to summation, the act of summing. |
surd | lacking sense, irrational; (noun) a sum containing irrational roots; a voiceless sound in speech. |
swanpan | (Chinese) a Chinese abacus. |
tally | a count; (verb) to count up, reckon. |
ten | the next whole number after nine (adj.) of the number ten. |
tenfold | multiplied by ten; (adv.) ten times over; (noun) a multiplication by ten. |
tenth | number ten in sequence (noun) one of ten equal parts |
tenthly | (Adv.) TENTH, ten in sequence. |
ternal | threefold. |
ternary | in threes; (noun, obs.) a set or group of three. |
tertius | (Lat.) third; (noun) a third person. |
tetrad | the number four; a collection of four things. |
tetradic | of or pertaining to a tetrad; as, a carbon is a tetradic element. |
third | number three in sequence (noun) one of three equal parts; (verb) to divide by three |
thirding | a third part. |
thirdly | (Adv.) THIRD, number three in sequence. |
thirteen | a number, three and ten (adj.) of the number thirteen. |
thirteenth | number thirteen in sequence (noun) a thirteenth part of |
thirteenthly | (Adv.) THIRTEENTH. |
thirtieth | the ordinal of thirty; (noun) one of thirty equal parts. |
thirty | a number, three times ten (adj.) of the number thirty. |
thirtyfold | multiplied by thirty; (adv.) thirty times over. |
thousand | a number, ten hundreds (adj.) of the number thousand. |
thousandfold | multiplied by a thousand; (adv.) a thousand times over; (noun) a thousand times as much. |
thousandth | number thousand in sequence; (noun) a thousandth part of. |
thrave | (Scots) a collective noun for a number of sheaves of corn, two stooks of twelves sheaves each. |
threave | (Scots) a collective noun for a number of sheaves of corn, two stooks of twelves sheaves each. |
three | a number, three ones (adj.) of the number three. |
threefold | multiplied by three; (adv.) three times over. |
threeness | the quality of being three. |
threescore | three times twenty. |
threesome | a set of three. |
thretty | (Dial.) thirty. |
thrice | three times. |
totalise | to find the sum of; to bring to a total. |
totalize | to find the sum of; to bring to a total. |
totient | the number of totitives of a number, i.e. numbers less than and prime to it. |
totitive | a number less than and prime to another. |
transcendental | transcending; (noun) a transcendental number. |
tredecillion | ten to the power of 42. |
triad | a set of three. |
triadism | a triadic method, system, principle, or arrangement. |
triality | three united; the state of being three. |
trifold | threefold. |
trillion | a number. |
trillionth | number trillion in sequence; (noun) a trillionth part. |
trinal | threefold. |
trinary | in a group of three. |
trinomial | of three terms joined by + or - (noun) a trinomial expression |
trinomially | (Adv.) TRINOMIAL, relating to a mathematical expression of three terms joined by + or -. |
triple | threefold; (verb) to make three times as great. |
triplicate | to make triple or threefold. |
triplicity | the state of being triple. |
trois | (Fr.) three. |
twa | (Scots) two. |
twae | (Scots) two. |
twafald | (Scots) twofold. |
twain | (Arch.) two. |
twal | (Scots) twelve. |
twasome | (Scots) a twosome. |
tway | (Scots) a form of twain or twa. |
twelfth | twelfth in sequence (noun) the number twelve in a series |
twelfthly | (Adv.) TWELFTH, twelfth in sequence. |
twelve | a number, two and ten (adj.) of the number twelve. |
twelvefold | twelve in number. |
twentieth | number twenty in sequence; (noun) one of twenty equal parts. |
twenty | a number. |
twentyfold | multiplied by a twenty; (adv.) twenty times over; (noun) twenty times as much. |
twentyish | about twenty esp in age. |
twice | two times. |
twifold | twofold. |
two | the next whole number after one (adj.) of the number two. |
twoer | (Coll.) anything that counts as two or scores two. |
twofold | double; (adv.) twice over; (noun) an amount twice as great as a given unit. |
twoness | the state of being two. |
twosome | a pair. |
twyfold | twofold. |
umpteen | denoting an indefinitely large number. No -S. |
umpteenth | the ordinal of umpteen; (noun) an indefinitely large number in a sequence. |
umptieth | denoting an indefinitely large number in a sequence. |
umpty | designating an indefinitely large number > UMPTIEST. |
umteenth | denoting an indefinitely large number in a sequence. |
unary | consisting of a single element. |
uncountable | not countable. |
undecillion | a large number - a one followed by either 36 or 66 zeroes. |
undecimal | based on the number eleven. |
unit | a specific quantity used as a standard of measurement. |
unital | relating to a unit. |
unitarily | (Adv.) UNITARY, of the nature of a unit. |
unitary | of the nature of a unit; having the separate existence or individual character of a unit. |
unity | the state of being one single entity. |
vicenary | based on the number twenty. |
vicesimal | based on the number twenty. |
vigesimal | based on the number twenty. |
vigintillion | ten to the power of 63. |
wheen | (Scots) a few, a good many. |
zero | (Fr.) the sign for nothing (verb) to set at or adjust to zero |
zeroth | being numbered zero in a series. |
zillion | an extremely large but unspecified number, many millions. |
zillionth | the ordinal of zillion; (noun) a zillionth part of something. |
zonoid | like a zone; (noun) a finite vector sum of line segments. |