Association of British Scrabble Players

Science & Tech > Mathematics > Functions, Groups, Sets

Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.

abelian a term in group theory designating a type of commutative group.
bijection in maths, a kind of mapping function.
bijective having the properties of a bijection, a kind of mapping function.
cardinality the number of elements in a given mathematical set.
codomain a set of values that a function is allowed to take.
coset a set which when added to another set results in a larger set.
covariance the property of varying concomitantly.
covariant a function of the coefficients and variables of a given function which is invariant under a linear transformation except for a factor equal to a power of the determinant of the transformation.
covariation the correlated variation of two or more variables.
covary to vary in a covariant way.
differential relating to a difference (noun) the product of the derivative of a function of one variable by the increment of the independent variable
differentially (Adv.) DIFFERENTIAL, relating to a difference.
eigenfunction each of a set of independent functions which are the solutions to a given differential equation.
eigenvalue mathematical term relating to solutions of an equation.
eigenvector a vector which when operated on by a given operator gives a scalar multiple of that vector.
groupoid a type of mathematical set.
holomorphic of a function of a complex variable, having a derivative at each point of its domain.
homography a type of transformation that maps straight lines onto another plane.
injective being a one to one mathematical function.
integrand a function to be integrated.
maximal pertaining to the maximum (noun) an element of a mathematical set that is followed by no other
maximin the highest value in a set of minimum values.
minimal relating to the minimum (noun) a term in a mathematical set preceding all others
minimally (Adv.) MINIMAL, relating to the minimum.
orthonormal orthogonal with the integral of the square of each function over a specified interval equal to one.
parameterise to set parameters for.
parameterize to set parameters for.
permutation the arrangement of a set of things in every possible order.
quantic a rational integral homogeneous function of two or more variables.
quantical of or like a quantic, a homogeneous algebraic function of two or more variables.
quartic of the fourth degree; (noun) a function, curve or surface of the fourth degree.
recursive involving or designating a repeated procedure such that the required result at each step except the last is given in terms of the result(s) of the next step.
recursively (Adv.) RECURSIVE, involving or designating a repeated procedure such that the required result at each step except the last is given in terms of the result(s) of the next step.
subset a mathematical set contained within a larger set.
superset a set that includes all the elements of another set plus further elements.
supremum in maths, a maximum bound.
surjection a mapping function in which all elements in one set correspond to all elements in another set.
surjective relating to surjection, a mapping function in which all elements in one set correspond to all elements in another set.