Association of British Scrabble Players

Culture > Linguistics > Whatsits

Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.

dinges (Afrikaans) an indefinite name for any person or thing whose name one cannot remember.
dingus (Afrikaans) an indefinite name for any person or thing whose name one cannot remember.
doobrey a thing whose name is unknown or temporarily forgotten, a what's-its-name.
doobrie a thing whose name is unknown or temporarily forgotten, a what's-its-name.
doobry a thing whose name is unknown or temporarily forgotten, a what's-its-name.
doodad a whatsit.
doodah a whatsit.
doofer a thingummy.
doohickey a doodad, a thingy.
jigamaree a whatsit.
jiggumbob a thingamabob; a gewgaw.
oojamaflip a thing whose name is temporarily forgotten.
suchlike things of a similar kind > SUCHLIKES.
thingamabob a whatsit.
thingamajig a whatsit.
thingamy a whatsit.
thingamybob a whatsit.
thingamyjig a whatsit.
thingumabob a whatsit.
thingumajig a whatsit.
thingumbob a whatsit.
thingummy a whatsit.
thingummybob a whatsit.
thingummyjig a whatsit.
thingo a whatsit.
thingy a whatsit > THINGIES; (adj.) real, actual > THINGIER, THINGIEST.
whatchamacallit a whatsit.
whatnot a whatsit; also, a type of display stand.
whatsername a girl or woman whose name is unknown, temporarily forgotten, or deliberately overlooked.
whatsis something whose name is unknown.
whatsisname a man whose name is unknown, temporarily forgotten, or deliberately overlooked.
whatsit something whose name is unknown.
whoosis an object or person whose name is not known.
whosis an object or person whose name is not known.
whosit an object or person whose name is not known.