Association of British Scrabble Players

Culture > Linguistics > Nonsense

Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.

balderdash nonsense, drivel.
baloney deceptive talk, nonsense; Bologna sausage.
betise (Fr.) stupidity, a stupid act.
blague (Fr.) humbug; pretentious nonsense.
blatherskite (Scots) a garrulous talker of nonsense.
blathering the act of talking nonsense.
bletheranskate (Scots) a garrulous talker of nonsense.
bletherskate (Scots) a garrulous talker of nonsense.
boloney deceptive talk, nonsense; Bologna sausage.
borak (Aborig.) nonsense, banter.
bosh (Coll.) meaningless talk.
bulldust a euphemism for bullshit.
bullshit (Sl.) nonsense; (verb) to talk nonsense.
bullshitter one who bullshits.
buncombe insincere or foolish talk, nonsense.
bunkum insincere or foolish talk, nonsense.
bushwa nonsense.
bushwah nonsense.
clamjamfry (Scots) rubbish, nonsense.
clamjamphrie (Scots) rubbish, nonsense.
clanjamfray (Scots) rubbish, nonsense.
claptrap nonsense, humbug.
claptrappery nonsense, claptrap.
cockamamie ridiculous, incredible.
cockamamy ridiculous, incredible.
codswallop something utterly senseless; nonsense.
crapola (Coll.) rubbish, nonsense.
drivel to talk nonsense.
eyewash (Coll.) nonsense.
falderal nonsense; a meaningless refrain of a song; (verb) to sing meaningless songs.
falderol nonsense; a meaningless refrain of a song.
flapdoodle gross flattery; nonsense.
flubdub (US) pretentious nonsense.
folderol nonsense; a meaningless refrain of a song.
galimatias (Fr.) nonsensical talk; gibberish; gobbledygook.
gibberish rapid, gabbling talk; meaningless words.
greek something unintelligible.
greeked with text represented as grey lines on a computer screen.
guff nonsense, humbug.
haver to talk nonsense.
hogwash nonsense, worthless stuff.
hokum nonsense.
hooey nonsense.
jabberwock nonsense, gibberish.
jabberwocky nonsense, gibberish.
kidstakes (Aust. coll.) nonsense, humbug.
malarkey (US coll.) absurd talk, nonsense.
malarky (US coll.) absurd talk, nonsense.
mullarky (US coll.) absurd talk, nonsense.
nonsense behavior or language that is meaningless or absurd.
nonsensical relating to nonsense.
nonsensicality the state of being nonsensical.
nonsensically (Adv.) NONSENSICAL, relating to nonsense.
nonsensicalness the state of being nonsensical.
poppycock (Dutch) nonsense.
rigamarole a succession of incoherent statements.
rigmarole a succession of incoherent statements.
runcible a nonsense word applied by Edward Lear to a spoon.
squit (Sl.) a contemptible person, nonsense.
taradiddle a fib; a piece of pretentious nonsense.
tarradiddle a fib; a piece of pretentious nonsense.
tommyrot nonsense.
tosh (Sl.) nonsense (verb) to trim
toshy nonsensical.
trumpery worthless nonsense; trivial or useless articles, junk.