Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.
abessive | a grammatical case indicating absence or lack. |
ablatival | relating to the ABLATIVE case. |
ablative | (a case) indicating direction from or time when > ABLATIVES, ABLATIVELY. |
ablaut | vowel change in related words, esp. that in Indo-European, which survives in English in, e.g., sing, sang, sung, song. |
absolutive | a type of grammatical case. |
accidence | the science of inflections in grammar. |
accusatival | relating to the ACCUSATIVE. |
accusative | a case indicating the direct object of a verb. |
actant | a noun phrase functioning as the agent of the main verb of a sentence. |
active | expressing action > ACTIVELY; (noun) the active mood of a verb. |
adessive | (a case) indicating place where or proximity to. Cf. ABESSIVE. |
adjective | added, dependent > ADJECTIVELY; (noun) a word added to a noun to qualify it. |
adnominal | pertaining to an ADNOUN; adjectival; (noun) a word attached to a noun. |
adnoun | an adjective used as a noun. |
adverb | a word used to modify the meaning of a verb, adjective, or other adverb. |
adverbial | relating to an adverb > ADVERBIALLY; (noun) an adverbial phrase > ADVERBIALS. |
agentive | a grammatical case indicating the agent performing an action. |
agrammatical | not grammatical. |
allative | a grammatical case indicating movement towards. Cf. ELATIVE, ILLATIVE. |
amphibology amphiboly | a grammatically ambiguous phrase or sentence. |
anacoluthia | a non-sequential syntactic construction in which the latter part of a sentence does not grammatically fit the earlier. |
anacoluthic | relating to ANACOLUTHIA. |
anacoluthon | a sentence or construction lacking grammatical sequence > ANACOLUTHA or ANACOLUTHONS. |
antepenult | the antepenultimate (third from last) syllable or word. |
antibarbarus | a list of words and sayings to be avoided in the classical usage of a language > ANTIBARBARUSES. |
antonym | a word opposite in meaning to another. |
antonymic antonymous | like an ANTONYM. |
antonymy | the state of being an ANTONYM. |
aorist | (a tense) expressing simple past time with no continuance. [Gk. aoristos, indefinite]. |
aoristic | indefinite; pertaining to the AORIST > AORISTICALLY. |
apathaton | (Shakesp.) = EPITHETON, an epithet. |
apodosis | the main clause in a conditional sentence > APODOSES. [Gk. apodosis, from apo, back, + didonai. to give]. |
apposition | the position of a word parallel to another in syntactic relation. |
appositive | relating to APPOSITION; (noun) a clause in apposition. |
aptote | a noun that has no grammatical cases. Cf. MONOPTOTE, TRIPTOTE, TETRAPTOTE. |
aptotic | uninflected; indeclinable. |
asemantic | not semantic. |
assertoric | stating a fact, as opposed to expressing an evaluative judgment. |
asyndetic | not connected by conjunctions: I came, I saw, I conquered. |
asyntactic | loosely put together, irregular, ungrammatical. |
atelic | pertaining to a type of verb form. |
athematic | without a thematic vowel. |
bahuvrihi | (Sanskrit) a class of compound words where the first element describes the second but cannot substitute for it, e.g. turncoat. |
biliteral | consisting of two letters; as, a biliteral root of a Sanskrit verb. |
cacology | bad choice of words or faulty pronunciation. |
catachresis | the use of a wrong word for the context; the strained use of a word or phrase. |
causal | relating to cause > CAUSALLY; (noun) a word expressing a cause or reason > CAUSALS. |
causative | relating to causation > CAUSATIVELY; (noun) a causative agency; a causative word > CAUSATIVES. |
clausal | relating to a clause. |
clause | a distinct part of a composition. |
clausula | a short clause ending a period in Latin prose > CLAUSULAE. |
clausular | consisting of, or having, clauses. |
cohyponym | a word which is one of multiple hyponyms of another word. |
comitative | expressing accompaniment; (noun) a comitative case. |
conjugable | that can be conjugated. |
conjugate | joined, connected > CONJUGATELY; (verb) to give the various inflections or parts of (a verb). |
conjugateness | the state of being CONJUGATE. |
construe | to analyse the grammatical construction of (a sentence). |
construer | one who construes. |
copula | a word which unites the subject and predicate > COPULAE or COPULAS. |
copular | relating to a COPULA. |
copulative | a CONJUNCTION that indicates combination e.g. 'and'. |
datival | relating to a DATIVE. |
dative | a grammatical case, indicating the indirect object of a verb > DATIVES, DATIVELY. |
deictic | relating to the time and place of utterance > DEICTICS, DEICTICALLY. |
deixis | the use of words relating to the time and place of utterance > DEIXES or DEIXISES. |
denominal | derived from a NOUN. |
denotive | serving to denote. |
deponent | a verb having a passive form but active meaning. |
desinence | an ending or termination, especially the terminal inflection of a word. |
desinent desinential | terminal, especially of the terminal inflection of a word. |
deverbal | (a word) deriving from a verb. |
diaeresis diereses | the separation or resolution of one syllable into two; cf. SYNAERESIS > DIAERESES, DIERESES. [Gk. diairesis separation]. Also DIERESIS. |
diaeretic | pertaining to DIAERESIS, the separation or resolution of one syllable into two. |
dieretic | of or like DIERESIS, the separation of two vowels into two syllables. |
disyllable | a word with two syllables, |
disyllabic | having two syllables. |
durative | (a tense) denoting continuing action. |
dvandva | (Sanskrit) a compound word in which neither element is subordinated to the other, e.g. tragicomedy. |
elative | of a grammatical case, indicating movement away from. Cf. ILLATIVE, ALLATIVE. |
emic | a type of linguistic analysis > EMICS. |
enallage | the exchange of one grammatical case for another, as of singular for plural, present for past tense, etc. |
enclisis | the state of being an ENCLITIC > ENCLISES. |
enclitic | dependent, especially of a word or particle attached to the preceding word: in "Give 'em the works" the particle em has no independent accent and forms an accentual and graphemic unit with "give". |
endeictic | showing, exhibiting or demonstrating. [Gr. endeiktikos]. |
endeixis | an indication > ENDEIXES or ENDEIXISES. [Gk. endeiktikos]. |
epithesis | the addition of one or more letters to a word > EPITHESES. |
epithet | an ADJECTIVE or adjectival phrase; (verb) to apply an epithet to > EPITHETS, EPITHETING, EPITHETED. |
epitheton | an EPITHET > EPITHETONS. |
equative | in grammar, denoting identity or equivalence. |
equivoke equivoque | an ambiguous term; a word susceptible of different significations. |
ergative | a grammatical case found in certain languages > ERGATIVES. |
ergativity | the state of being ERGATIVE, a grammatical case found in certain languages. |
essive | a case in Finnish and certain other languages expressing a continuous state of being. |
etic | a type of linguistic analysis > ETICS. |
etymic | relating to the ETYMON, the original form of a word, as, an etymic word. |
etymon | an earlier word form; a morpheme from which derivatives are formed > ETYMA or ETYMONS. |
exocentric | not fulfilling the grammatical role of any of its constituents; as in until last Easter, where the constituents are prepositional, adjectival, and nominal, while the whole construction is adverbial. |
extremal | a clause in a recursive definition. |
factive | designating or pertaining to a verb taking an assumed fact as object (e.g. English know, regret, resent). |
finite | limited > FINITELY; (noun) a finite verb > FINITES. |
genitival | relating to the GENITIVE case > GENITIVALLY. |
genitive | (a grammatical case) indicating possession, origin or relation > GENITIVES, GENITIVELY. |
gerund | a verbal form such as 'cooking' that functions as a noun > GERUNDS. |
gerundial | pertaining to, or resembling, a GERUND; as, a gerundial use. |
gerundive | in Latin, the verbal adjective formed from the gerund stem and having the sense 'that can or must be done' > GERUNDIVES, GERUNDIVELY. |
glosseme | an indivisible unit in a language. |
grammar | the science which treats of the principles of language; the study of forms of speech, and their relations to one another. |
grammatic grammatical | belonging to, or according to the rules of, grammar > GRAMMATICALLY. |
grammaticalness | the state of being GRAMMATICAL. |
heteroclite | deviating from the ordinary rule; eccentric; (in grammar) irregularly inflected; (noun) an irregularly inflected word. |
heteroclitic | irregularly inflected. |
heteronym | a word having same spelling but different sound and meaning e.g. lead/lead. |
holophrase | a single word expressing sentence or phrase. |
holophrastic | expressing a sentence in one word, e.g. "Go"; expressing complex ideas in a single word, as in some Eskimo languages. [Gk. holo (whole) + Greek phrastikos, from phrazein (to speak)]. |
homoeoteleuton | the use of words with similar endings in close proximity. |
homograph | one of two or more words that have the same spelling but differ in origin, meaning, and sometimes pronunciation e.g. bow (in hair) and bow (of a ship). |
homonym | a word having the same sound as another but a different meaning e.g. noun 'quail' and verb 'quail'. |
homonymic homonymous | like a HOMONYM. |
homonymy | the state of being a HOMONYM. |
homophone | a word that sounds the same as another but is spelt differently e.g. 'to', 'too' and 'two'. |
hypercorrect | refers to a linguistic construction or pronunciation produced by mistaken analogy with standard usage out of a desire to be correct, such as 'open widely' or 'on behalf of my wife and I'. |
hypercorrection | a grammatical, usage or pronuciation mistake made by 'correcting' something that's right to begin with. |
hypernym | a word representing a class of words or things, e.g. DOG. |
hypernymy | the state of being a HYPERNYM. |
hyponym | a term which is a member of a larger class e.g. spaniel of dog. |
hyponymy | the state of being a HYPONYM. |
hypotactic | relating to HYPOTAXIS, a dependent or subordinate relationship of clauses with conjunctions. |
hypotaxis | a dependent or subordinate relationship of clauses with conjunctions > HYPOTAXES. |
illative | (a grammatical case) indicating movement into or toward > ILLATIVES, ILLATIVELY. Cf. ELATIVE, ALLATIVE. |
imparisyllabic | having different number of syllables in different cases. |
imperative | expressive of command, advice or request > IMPERATIVELY; (noun) a verb in the imperative mood > IMPERATIVES. |
imperfect | not perfect > IMPERFECTLY; (noun) a verb tense expressing ongoing action in the past > IMPERFECTS. |
imperfective | expressing action as incomplete or without reference to completion or as reiterated > IMPERFECTIVELY; (noun) an imperfective verb > IMPERFECTIVES. |
inceptive | marking the beginning or formation > INCEPTIVELY; (noun) an inceptive verb > INCEPTIVES. |
inchoative | expressing or pertaining to a beginning; inceptive; as, an inchoative verb > INCHOATIVELY. |
inessive | (a grammatical case) indicating location within) > INESSIVES. |
inferencing | the practice of inferring the meaning of an unfamiliar word or expression from the meaning of familiar words occurring with it in a context together with one's knowledge of or beliefs about the context. |
infinitive | expressing the verbal idea without reference to person, number or time > INFINITIVELY; (noun) the infinitive mood; a verb in the infinitive mood > INFINITIVES. |
inflection inflexion | a change in the form of a word, usually modification or affixation, signalling change in such grammatical functions as tense, voice, mood, person. |
intensive | making intense > INTENSIVELY; (noun) an intensifier > INTENSIVES. |
intercalation | an insertion or interposing, as of a word between other words in a sentence. |
intercalative | relating to INTERCALATION, an insertion or interposing, as of a word between other words in a sentence. |
jussive | (a mood of a verb) expressing a command > JUSSIVES. |
lapsus | a slip e.g. of the tongue > LAPSUS. |
lexeme | the fundamental unit of the lexicon of a language e.g. ind, found, and finding are members of the English lexeme find. |
lexemic | of or like a LEXEME, one of the vocabulary items of a language. |
loanshift | the adaptation of a word from one language to another. |
loanword | a word borrowed from another language. |
locative | (a grammatical case) signifying place where > LOCATIVES. |
locution | a form of expression, a phrase. |
meronym | a word whose relation to another is that of a part to the whole, e.g. whisker to cat. |
meronymy | the state of being a MERONYM, a word whose relation to another is that of a part to the whole. |
modal | related to mood > MODALLY; (noun) a modal auxiliary > MODALS. |
modality | the property of a verb or verbal form that is represented or distinguished by its mood. |
moneme morpheme | a word or part of a word that contains no smaller unit of meaning. |
monosemic | having only a single meaning. |
monoptote | a noun that has one grammatical case only > MONOPTOTES. Cf. TRIPTOTE, TETRAPTOTE. |
monosemy | the fact of having only one meaning. |
monosyllable | a word with one syllable. |
monosyllabic | having only one syllable. |
morpheme | see MONEME. |
morphemic | of or like a MORPHEME. |
morphemics | the study of MORPHEMES. |
morphology | the study of the forms of words. |
morphophonemics | linguistic structure in terms of the phonological patterning of MORPHEMES. |
mumpsimus | an erroneous word or spelling that, through long usage, has become absorbed into the language; an incorrect manuscript reading blindly adhered to by some scholar > MUMPSIMUSES. |
mutative mutatory | expressing a change of place or state. |
nominal | only in name > NOMINALLY; (noun) a noun or phrase etc. standing as a noun > NOMINALS. |
nonpast | a verb form that lacks an inflection for a past tense > NONPASTS. |
nonstative | denoting a verb describing an action rather than a state, as for example throw or thank as opposed to know or hate; (noun) a nonstative verb. |
noun | a word used to denote the name of something. |
nounal | of or pertaining to a noun > NOUNALLY. |
nounless | without nouns. |
nouny | having many nouns; having the nature of a noun > NOUNIER, NOUNIEST. |
nunnation | the addition of a final n in the declension of nouns. |
optative | a grammatical mood expressing a desire or wish. |
orthographical | relating to ORTHOGRAPHY, the part of language study that deals with letters and spelling. |
orthography | a part of language study that deals with letters and spelling. |
parasynthesis | the derivation of words using hyphenated compounds. |
paronym | a word from the same root or having the same sound as another. |
paronymic | of or like a PARONYM. |
paronymous | having the same derivation; allied radically; conjugate; -- said of certain words, as man, mankind, manhood, etc. |
paronymy | the quality of being PARONYMOUS; also, the use of paronymous words. |
parsable | that can be parsed. |
parse | to describe a word fully in terms of classification. |
partitive | parting, distributing > PARTITIVELY; (noun) a word indicating a part of a larger whole > PARTITIVES. |
passive | not active > PASSIVELY; (noun) the passive mood of a verb > PASSIVES. |
pastless | lacking a past. |
paucal | a grammatical number in some languages representing a few. |
pejoration | degeneration of a word or term e.g. "hector" has degenerated from "hero" to scourge. |
penult penultima | the last but one syllable. |
perfective | (of a verb aspect) denoting completed action > PERFECTIVELY. |
perissosyllabic | having an additional syllable. |
phatic | relating to a communication meant to generate an atmosphere of social relationship rather than to convey some information > PHATICALLY. |
phrasal | of the nature of a phrase; consisting of a phrase; as, a phrasal adverb > PHRASALLY. |
pluperfect | of a tense, signifying completion of action before a certain point in past time. |
plural | more than one > PLURALLY; (noun) a word that expresses more than one. |
polyseme polysemant | a word with many meanings. |
polysemic polysemous | relating to a POLYSEME, a word with many meanings. |
polysemy | the state of having many meanings. |
polysynthetic | of languages, where whole phrases are combined into one word. |
postbase | following a base word. |
postfix | a letter, syllable, or word, added to the end of another word; a suffix; (verb) to suffix. |
postpositive | of an adjective, placed after the word it modifies e.g. attornery general, Scrabble player manque. |
predicator | the part of a sentence or clause containing the verbal group. |
prefix | to add as a prefix (a form affixed to the beginning of a root word). |
prefixal | relating to a PREFIX > PREFIXALLY. |
prelexical | denoting or applicable at a stage in the formation of a sentence at which words and phrases have not yet replaced all of the underlying grammatical and semantic material of that sentence in the speaker's mind. |
prenominal | placed before a noun, esp. (of an adjective or sense of an adjective) used only before a noun. |
preterit preterite | the grammatical tense signifying past time or a completed action. |
preteriteness | the state of being PRETERITE. |
preteritive | used only in the preterite. |
preverb | a particle or prefix which precedes a verb. |
privative | indicating absence, deprivation or negation > PRIVATIVELY; (noun) a privative attribute, quality, proposition, or particle > PRIVATIVES. |
proclitic | a word transferring its stress to the following word. Cf. ENCLITIC. |
prolative | esp. of an INFINITIVE > serving to continue or complete a predication. |
pronoun | a word that may be used in place of a noun. |
prosthetic | of or pertaining to prosthesis; prefixed, as a letter or letters to a word. |
protasis | the first or introductory clause in a sentence; spec. the clause expressing the condition in a conditional sentence > PROTASES. Cf. APODOSIS. |
provection | the transferring of a letter from the end of one word to the beginning of the next, eg a newt from an ewt. |
rankshift | to shift or be shifted from one linguistic rank to another. |
rection | syntactical government, i.e. the influence of one word over another in determining the case of a noun, the mood of a verb, etc > RECTIONS. |
reflexive | indicating that the action turns back upon the subject; relating to a reflex > REFLEXIVELY; (noun) a reflexive pronoun or verb > REFLEXIVES. |
relatival | relative. |
retronym | a word coined for an existing thing to distinguish it from a new thing. |
rhematic | of words or verbs; forming a word or words. [Gk. rhema, word]. |
rheme | the constituent of a sentence that adds the most new information. |
sandhi | modification of the sound of a word or affix caused by the context in which it is uttered. |
semanteme | an irreducible linguistic unit of meaning. |
semantic | of or relating to meaning > SEMANTICALLY. |
sememe | the smallest unanalysable unit of linguistic meaning (e.g. a word or affix). |
sememic | pertaining to a SEMEME or meaning of a linguistic unit. |
semiology semeiology | the study of signs and symbols ((including but not confined to words). |
semiotics semeiotics | the study of signs and symbols (including but not confined to words) |
singular | not plural; strange > SINGULARLY; (noun) a singular word or form > SINGULARS. |
solecise solecize | to commit a SOLECISM. |
solecism | a nonstandard usage or grammatical construction; a violation of etiquette. |
solecist | one who commits a SOLECISM. |
solecize | see SOLECISE. |
sprachgefuhl | an intuitive sense of what is linguistically appropriate > SPRACHGEFUHLS. |
statal | of a passive verbal form > expressing a state or condition rather than an action. |
stative | a verb indicating a state rather than an action. |
subclause | a part of a CLAUSE. |
subordinative | containing a subordinate clause or clauses. |
suffix | to add as a suffix (a form affixed to the end of a root word). |
suffixal | relating to a SUFFIX. |
sumpsimus | a correct expression that replaces a popular but wrong one > SUMPSIMUSES. Cf. MUMPSIMUS. |
supine | lying on the back, passive > SUPINELY; (noun) a Latin verbal noun > SUPINES. |
svarabhakti | development of a vowel between consonants. |
syndetic | connected, esp. by conjunctions. |
syndeton | a type of grammatical construction. |
synesis | a construction in which a form differs in number but agrees in meaning with the word governing it, e. g. If anyone arrives, tell them to wait > SYNESES or SYNESISES. |
synonym | a word having the same meaning as another. |
synonymatic | of, consisting of or relating to synonyms. |
synonyme | a synonym. |
synonymic synonymical | like a SYNONYM. |
synonymise synonymize | to make synonymous. |
synonymist | a student of synonyms. |
synonymous | having the character of a synonym > SYNONYMOUSLY. |
synonymousness | the state of being synonymous. |
synonymy | the state of being synonymous. |
syntactic | relating to SYNTAX. |
syntactics | the branch of semiotics that deals with the formal properties of signs and symbols. |
syntagm | a syntactic unit comprising one or more (esp. linguistic) signs or elements. |
syntagma | a syntactic unit comprising one or more (esp. linguistic) signs or elements > SYNTAGMAS or SYNTAGMATA. |
syntagmic | relating to a SYNTAGMA. |
syntax | grammatical structure in sentences. |
tagmeme | any of the positions in the structure of a sentence into which a certain class of grammatical items can fit. |
tagmemic | relating to TAGMEMES. |
tagmemics | the analysis of the grammar of a language based on the arrangement of spoken elements. |
tatpurusha | (Sanskrit) a class of compound words in which the first element modifies the second by standing to it in various types of relation e.g. goatskin, fieldmouse. |
taxeme | any element of language that can affect the meaning of an utterance. |
taxemic | relating to a TAXEME, a unit of grammatical relationship. |
tenseless | without tenses, e.g. a language. |
tetraptote | a noun that has four grammatical cases only. Cf. APTOTE, MONOPTOTE, TRIPTOTE. |
tmesis | the separation of the parts of a word by insertion of another word > TMESES. |
transitive | (a verb) taking a direct object > TRANSITIVES. |
transitiveness | the state of being TRANSITIVE. |
trilieral | (a word) consisting of three letters > TRILITERALS. |
triptote | a noun that has three grammatical cases only. Cf. APTOTE, MONOPTOTE, TETRAPTOTE. |
trisyllable | a word with three syllables. |
tuptowing | present participle of TYPTO, to work at Greek conjugation. |
typto | to work at Greek grammar (literally to conjugate the Greek verb typto, I strike) > TYPTOS, TUPTOWING, TYPTOED. |
ultima | the last syllable of a word. |
unmeaning | having no meaning or signification; as, unmeaning words > UNMEANINGLY. |
verb | a word used to express an act, occurrence, or mode of being. |
verbid | the non-finite part of a verb. |
verbify | to convert into a verb. |
verbing | the use of nouns as verbs. |
verbless | without a verb. |
vocative | a grammatical case indicating calling or personal address > VOCATIVES, VOCATIVELY. |
volitive | a verb expresing desire. |