Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.
baalebos | the master of the house > BAALEBATIM. |
bagel beigel | a hard, leavened, ring-shaped roll. [Yiddish beygel]. |
bubkes bubkis bupkes bupkis bupkus | a very small amount. |
biali bialy | an onion roll > BIALIS; BIALYS or BIALIES. |
blintz blintze | a thin filled pancake. |
boychick boychik | boy, term of endearment. |
bubbe bubbie | a Jewish grandmother. |
bupkes bupkus | see bubkes. |
chatchka chatchke | a knickknack. |
cholent | a Jewish stew of boiling fowl, rice and vegetables. |
chutzpa chutzpah hutzpa hutzpah | sass, moxy; nerve, gall. |
daven doven | to utter Jewish prayers. |
dibbuk dybbuk | a dead person's soul inhabiting a living person. |
dreck drek | inferior merchandise, rubbish. |
dreidel dreidl | a 4-sided toy marked with Hebrew letters and spun like a top; a children's game of chance played with this especially at Hanukkah. |
farfal farfel | grains of dough used as a soup garnish. |
fleishig fleishik | made of meat or meat products. |
furshlugginer | well-worn, beat-up. |
futz | to spend time aimlessly. [Origin uncertain: perh. alt. of Yiddish arumfartzen fart about.] |
ganef ganev ganof gonef gonif goniff gonoph | a thief. |
gazump | (coll.) to unfairly acquire a property by bidding more than an offer that has already been accepted. |
gefilte gefullte | as in gefilte fish, a dish of fish stuffed with various ingredients. |
gelt | money, profit |
glitch | an instance of imperfect functioning e.g. in a spacecraft or computer. [Origin unkn.: cf. hitch and Yiddish glitsh slippery place, glitshik elusive.] |
golem | an artificial human endowed with life by supernatural means. [Yiddish goylem f. Heb. golem shapeless mass]. |
gunsel | (US slang) a stupid youth; a gunman. [Yiddish genzel, dim. of goose]. |
halavah halva halvah | a sweet dish of ground sesame seed, fruit and vegetables. |
hamantasch | a three-cornered pastry traditionally eaten during the Jewish festival Purim > HAMENTASCHEN. |
kibitz kibbitz | to look on and offer unsolicited, meddlesome advice. [Possibly from German Kibitz, lapwing, a type of bird noted for its shrill and raucous cry]. |
kibitzer kibbitzer | one who looks on and offers unsolicited, meddlesome advice. |
kishka kishke | seasoned mashed potatoes in a casing. |
kittel | a white robe used in Jewish ceremonies. |
klezmer | a style of music: part Jewish, part big-band > KLEZMORIM. |
klutz | a clumsy person, an idiot. |
knaidel kneidel | in Jewish cooking, a dumpling > KNAIDLOCH or KNAIDELS; KNEIDLACH. |
knish | in Jewish cooking, dough with potato, meat etc. baked or fried. |
kreplach kreplech | small dough dumplings usu. served in soup. |
kugel | a casserole, usu. of potatoes or noodles; (verb, slang) to tease. |
kvell | to be happy > KVELLS, KVELLING, KVELLED. |
kvetch | to complain habitually, to gripe. |
kvetcher | a whiner, complainer. |
kvetchy | whiny. |
landsman | a fellow Jew from the same town in Eastern Europe. |
latke | a traditional Jewish pancake. |
lokshen | noodles. |
lox | a kind of smoked salmon. |
luftmensch | an impractical dreamer having no definite business or income > LUFTMENSCHEN. |
macher | an important person. |
mamzer, momser, momzer | an illegitimate child > MAMZERS or MAMZERIM; MOMSERS; MOMZERS or MOMZERIM. |
matzo | unleavened bread > MATZOH, MATZOT, MATZOTH. Also MATZA, MATSAH, MATZAH, with normal plurals MATZAS, MATSAHS, MATZAHS. |
maven mavin mayvin | (US slang) an expert, a pundit. |
mazeltov | congratulations. |
mazuma | money, cash. |
mensch | a person of integrity and honor > MENSCHES or MENSCHEN. |
meshuga meshugah meshugga meshuggah meshugge | mad, crazy. |
meshugaas mishegaas mishegoss mishugas | madness, foolishness. |
meshuggenah meshuggeneh meshuggener | a fool, a crazy person. |
milchig milchik | dairy. Cf. FLEISHIG, PAREVE. |
moiser | an informer. |
musar | Rabbinic literature concerned with ethics. |
nachas | pride in another's accomplishments > NACHAS. |
nebbich nebbishe nebbish nebbisher nebish | a colourless, insignificant person. |
nosh | food; (verb) to eat. |
nudnick nudnik | a dense, boring, or bothersome person. [From Yiddish nudyen, to bore]. |
noodge nudzh | to nag. |
oofy | wealthy > OOFIER, OOFIEST. |
ooftish | money. |
pareve parve parev | made without milk, meat or their derivatives. |
pastrami pastromi | highly seasoned smoked beef. |
payess | uncut sideburns worn by some Jews. |
pisher | a small boy. |
plotz | to explode, esp. with intense emotion. |
putz | to waste time. |
rebbe | a rabbi or spiritual leader of a Hasidic Jewish group. |
rebbetzin | the wife of a rabbi. |
rugelach ruggelach rugalach | in Jewish cooking, small crescent-shaped pastries filled with fruit, nuts etc. RUGELACH now takes S: RUGELACHS |
schav | a cold soup of leafy vegetables. |
schemozzle shemozzle shimozzle shlemozzle | a mess, a scrape; (verb) to make off. |
schlemiel schlemihl shlemiel shlemiehl | an unlucky or incompetent person who is often duped. |
schlep schlepp shlep shlepp | to carry; drag, lug; drag one's feet; travel a great distance; (noun) lazy one; unkempt person. |
schlepper shlepper | an incompetent or nonentity. |
schleppy | incompetent. |
schlock schlocker | (something) of inferior quality. [Yiddish shlak, evil]. |
schlockey | something trashy. |
schlocky | trashy, of inferior quality. |
schlub shlub | a stupid unattractive person. |
schlump shlump | to flop; (noun) a stoop-shouldered person. |
schmaltz shmaltz | fat, grease, oil; maudlin sentimentality. |
schmaltzy schmalzy | sickly sentimental. |
schmear | an aggregate of related things; (verb) to spread or smear. |
schmeck shmek | a taste or sniff; heroin. |
schmeer | to bribe. |
schmo shmoe shmo shmoe | a stupid person. |
schmock shmock schmuck shmuck | a pitiful, stupid or obnoxious person. |
schmoos schmoose schmooz schmooze shmoose shmooze | to chat in a friendly way. |
schmoozer | one who schmoozes. |
schmoozy | gossipy. |
schmutter schmatte shmatte | clothing, rags. |
schnook shnook | a pathetic, timid person. |
schnorr | to beg, esp. in such a way as to make the giver feel beholden. |
schnorrer shnorrer | a beggar; esp one who wheedles others into supplying his wants. |
schnoz schnozz schnozzle | the nose. |
schtick schtik shtik shtick | a familiar line of chat adapted by a particular comedian. |
schtook shtook shtuck schtuck | trouble, bother. |
schtoom schtum shtoom shtum shtumm stumm | silent, dumb, quiet. |
schul shul | a synagogoue > SCHULN (not SCHULS*); SHULN or SHULS<. |
schvitz shvitz | to sweat. |
schwag | cheap, poor quality merchandise. |
shammash shammas shammes shamos | (Yiddish) the sexton in a synagogue; the candle used to light the other 8 candles of a Chanukah menorah > SHAMMOSIM or SHAMMASHIM. |
sheitel | a wig worn by a married Jewish woman. |
shicker shikker | (Aust. sl.) strong liquor; a drunk. |
shidduch | an arranged marriage > SHIDDUCHIM. |
schlimazel shlimazel | an unlucky person; one with perpetual bad luck. |
shlumpy | slovenly. |
shmear | to bribe > SHMEARED, SHMEARING. |
shmeer | to bribe. |
shtetel shtetl | formerly, a Jewish community in an Eastern European town or village > SHTETELACH or SHTETELS; SHTETLACH or SHTETLS |
shticky | like a SHTICK > SHTICKIER, SHTICKIEST. |
shtup schtup | to have sexual intercourse with. |
shtreimel | a round, broad-brimmed hat edged with fur worn by some Hasidic Jews. |
smouse | a Jew; (verb) in S. Africa, to trade as a pedlar. |
taiglach teiglach | small, fruit- or nut-filled pastries, dipped in honey. |
tchotchke tsatske | a knickknack, a cheap trinket. |
tref trefa trefah treif treifa trayf treyf | forbidden as food, not kosher. |
tsimmes tzimmes | a sweetened stew of vegetables, fruit and meat > TSIMMES, TZIMMES. |
tsooris tsouris tsores tsoris tsuris tzuris tsorriss | grief, woe. |
tummler | one, such as a social director or entertainer, who encourages guest or audience participation; one who incites others to action. |
tush tushie tushy tuchis tuchus | the bottom, the buttocks. [Yiddish tokhes]. |
vig vigorish | the percentage of a gambler's winnings taken by bookkeeper. [Prob. f. Yiddish f. Russ. vyigrysh gain, winnings.] |
vilde | a wild animal; an uncontrolled person. |
yahrzeit | an anniversary of the death of a family member observed by Jews. |
yamalka yarmulka yamulka yarmelke yarmulke | a religious skullcap. |
yenta yente | a gossipy woman, esp. one who pries. |
yutz | a socially inept person. |
zaftig zoftig | pleasingly plump. |
zaida zaideh zaidy zeda | a grandfather. |