Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.
aga agha | a Turkish commander. |
archine arshin arshine arsheen | an old measure of length used in Turkey and Russia. |
atabeg atabek | a Turkish ruler or high official. [Turkish ata, father, + beg, prince]. |
ataghan yatahan yataghan | a Muslim long curved knife. |
bashaw | lord or master. Cf. PASHA. |
bashawism | the state of being a BASHAW, a pasha. |
beglerbeg | the governor of a province of the Ottoman empire, next in dignity to the grand vizier. |
bey | a Turkish governor. |
beylic beylik | the territory ruled by a BEY. |
bimbashi | a military officer in Turkey. [Turkish bin, thousand, + bas, head]. |
bosh | meaningless talk. [Turkish bosh, worthless]. |
bostangi | a Turkish palace guard. |
bulgur bulghur burghul bulgar | a form of cooked, broken wheat. |
caftan kaftan | a kind of tunic. |
caimac caimacam kaimakam qaimaqam | a Turkish governor. |
calpac calpack kalpak kalpac | a triangular Turkish or Tatar felt cap. |
caracal | a kind of wild cat. [Turkish qara-qualq, black ear]. |
cavass kavass | an armed attendant in Turkey. |
cezve | a small metal pot, usually of copper, with a long metal handle, used for preparing Turkish, Arabic, or Greek style coffee. |
chagan | an early form of KHAN. |
chibouk chibouque | a long Turkish pipe, usually with a mouthpiece of amber and a bowl of baked clay. [Turkish chibuk]. |
comitaji komitaji | a member of the Bulgarian Revolutionary Committee in Macedonia; any Balkan guerilla. [Turkish qomitaji, committee-man, bandit, from qomite, from Fr. comité, committee]. |
corsac | an Asian fox. |
dervish | a Muslim (spec. Sufi) religious man who has taken vows of poverty and austerity. |
dey | formerly, the pasha of Algiers. [Turkish dai]. |
dolma | a vine or cabbage leaf with a savoury stuffing. Pl. DOLMAS or DOLMADES. |
dolman | a long Turkish outer robe; a woman's coat with cape-like arm-pieces; a hussar's jacket. |
effendi | in the Eastern Mediterranean, a title of respect for high-ranking people. |
elchee elchi eltchi | a ambassador. |
eyalet | formerly, one of the administrative divisions or provinces of the Ottoman Empire; -- now called a VILAYET. |
fez | a red brimless cap. Pl. FEZES or FEZZES. |
galiongee | a Turkish sailor. [Turkish qalyunji]. |
giaour | a term used by Turks for an infidel, one not of their religion. |
gulet | a wooden Turkish sailing boat, traditionally used to carry freight, now used for pleasure trips. |
hodja khoja khodja | an Eastern term of respect: professor. |
hommos hoummos houmus hummus houmous | a Middle Eastern hors d'oeuvre of pureed chickpea and sesame oil. |
imaret | a lodging house for Mohammedan pilgrims. |
irade | a written decree of the Sultan of Turkey. |
janisary janissary janizar janizary | a soldier of the old Turkish footguards. |
kelim khilim kilim | a pileless woven rug traditionally made in the Middle East. |
khan | a prince or chief; a governor. |
khanum | (a Middle Eastern title for) a lady of rank. |
kismat kismet | fate; destiny. [Turkish, from Arabic qismah, portion or lot]. |
macrame macrami | a fringe or trimming of knotted thread. [Turkish maqrama, towel]. |
mangal | a brazier. |
meze mezze | a type of appetizer served in Greece. [Turkish meze, a snack]. |
mutessarif | the head of a Turkish SANJAK, a district or a subvision of a VILAYET. |
oda odah | a room in a harem. |
oka oke | a Turkish weight. |
ottoman | a low, stuffed seat; a heavy clothing fabric with crosswise ribs. |
pacha pasha | an honorary title given to officers of high rank in Turkey, as to governers of provinces, military commanders, etc. |
pachadom pashadom | the office of PACHA. |
pachalic pashalic pashalik | the jurisdiction of a PASHA. |
para | a small Turkish coin. [Turkish parah]. |
rakee raki | a spirituous liquor used in Greece. |
rusma | depilatory made of orpiment and quicklime, and used by the Turks. [Apparently Turkish khirisma, from Gk. chrisma, ointment]. |
saic saick saique | a Levantine vessel like a ketch. |
salep | dried orchid tubers; a food or drug prepared from them. |
salop saloop | a hot drink prepared from an infusion of SALEP. |
samiel | a hot sand-laden wind of the Arabian and North African deserts. |
sanjak | a district or a subvision of a VILAYET, one of the chief administrative divisions or provinces of the Ottoman Empire. |
selamlik | the portion of a Turkish house reserved for men. |
selictar | a sword-bearer. |
serai | a palace; a seraglio; also, in the East, a place for the accommodation of travelers; a caravanserai, or rest house. |
seraskier | a general or commander of land forces in the Turkish empire. |
sharia shariat sheria sheriat shariah | the body of Islamic law. |
shish | as in shish kebab. |
softa | a Muslim student or practitioner of sacred law and theology. |
spahee spahi | formerly, a Turkish or French Algerian cavalryman. |
tarama | a Greek paste of fish roe, garlic and lemon juice. |
timariot | a Turkish feudal militiaman. |
trehala | a sweet substance obtained from the cocoons of a Middle Eastern weevil and used as a sugar substitute. |
tugra tughra | an ornamental monogram incorporating the name and title of the Sultan. |
tulban turban turbant turband turbond tulipant | a man's head-dress, consisting of a length of cotton or silk wrapped round the head or a cap, worn esp. by Muslims and Sikhs. |
vali wali | a governor, esp. of a VILAYET. |
vilayet | one of the chief administrative divisions or provinces of the Ottoman Empire. Cf. EYALET. |
yaourt yoghurt yoghourt yogurt yogourt | a semi-solid, somewhat sour foodstuff, now often fruit- flavoured, made from milk curdled by the addition of certain bacteria. |
yardang | a ridge formed by wind erosion parallel to prevailing winds. [Turkish ablative of yar, steep bank]. |
zabtieh zaptian zaptieh | a Turkish policeman. |
zel | an Oriental cymbal. |