Association of British Scrabble Players

Language > NaAu - Que > Quechua

Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.

alpaca a domestic animal related to the llama; a cloth made from its long silky wool. [Sp. from Quechua}.
antara a type of Andean panpipes. [Sp. from Quechua].
arracacha an umbelliferous South American food-plant with edible tubers.
biscacha bizcacha viscacha vizcacha a gregarious burrowing S. American rodent related to the chinchilla.
caoutchouc a tenacious, elastic, gummy substance obtained from the milky sap of several plants of tropical South America (esp. the euphorbiaceous tree Siphonia elastica or Hevea caoutchouc), Asia, and Africa. [Fr. from Quechua kauchuk].
charqui jerked meat. [Sp. charqui, charque from Quechua cc'arki].
cherimoya chirimoya a tree of the custard apple family. [Sp. from Quechua, from chiri cold, refreshing + muya circle].
chinchilla a S. American rodent of the genus Chinchilla, with very soft grey fur. [Sp., prob. from Aymara or Quechua].
coca the dried leaf of a South American shrub. [Sp. from Aymara kuka or Quechua koka.]
condor either of two very large vultures, Vultur gryphus, native to the Andes of S. America (more fully Andean condor), and Gymnogyps californianus, of the mountains of California (more fully Californian condor). [Sp. cóndor from Quechua kuntur.]
guanaco huanaco a South American mammal, allied to the llama, but of larger size and more graceful form, inhabiting the southern Andes and Patagonia. It is supposed by some to be the llama in a wild state.
guano the excrement of sea birds as found esp. on the islands off Peru and Chile and used as fertilizer. [Sp. huano, from Quechua huanu dung.]
hevea any of various S. American trees of the genus Hevea, of the spurge family; esp. H. brasiliensis, whose milky sap is a major source of rubber. [Quechua hyeve].
inti a former monetary unit of Peru, equal to 100 céntimos. [Sp. from Quechua ynti sun, the Inca sun god.]
kina kinakina quina quinquina quinaquina chinachina a tree yielding CINCHONA, from which quinine is made. [Sp. from Quechua kina, bark].
llama a S. American cud-chewing mammal, Llama glama, which belongs to the same family as camels but is smaller and humpless.
lucuma any of various tropical American trees of the former genus Lucuma, now Pouteria, which bear sweet fruit.
oca a South American wood sorrel, cultivated for its edible tubers.. [Amer. Sp. from Quechua ócca].
paco an alpaca. [Sp. from Quechua pako red, reddish yellow.]
pampa a vast treeless plain in S. America. [Quechua = a plain].
pita the fibre of various species of bromelia. [Quechua pita, fine thread].
puma a moderately large carnivorous mammal of the cat family, Felis concolor. [Sp. from Quechua púma.]
puna a high bleak plateau in the Peruvian Andes; a cold wind of the Andes that blows there. [Amer. Sp., from Quechua.]
quipo quipu quippu a device of knotted cords, used by Incas of Peru to calculate or order information. [Quechua khípu knot.]
ratany rhatany a type of S. American shrub with astringent roots. [Sp. ratania, from Quechua ratana].
vicuna vicugna a wild wool-bearing llama-like animal of the Andes. [Sp. from Quechua wikúña].