Now updated for CSW19. New words, if any, and new inflections of existing words, are shown in red.
accelerando | in music, getting quicker. |
acciaccatura | a grace-note performed quickly before an essential note of a melody. |
adagio | slow; a piece of music to be played slowly. |
addio | goodbye < ADDIOS. |
affettuoso | with feeling. |
affogato | a dessert made by pouring espresso coffee over ice cream. |
aggiornamento | the modernization of ideas of the Catholic church. |
agio | a premium paid on foreign currency exchange. |
agitato | in an agitated manner. |
albarello | a cylindrical jar used to hold drugs > ALBARELLOS or ALBARELLI. |
albergo | an inn, auberge > ALBERGHI. |
alfresco | outdoors. |
aligarta | (obs.) alligator. |
allargando | slowing. |
allegretto | quicker than andante, but not so quick as allegro. |
allegro | (a musical piece) in a cheerful manner > ALLEGROS. |
altaltissimo | very very high. |
altezza | highness. |
altissimo | very high. |
alto | the highest adult male voice, with range above the tenor. |
amabile | of wines etc., sweet. |
amaretto | a kind of liqueur flavoured with almonds > AMARETTOS or AMARETTI. |
amarone | a strong dry red Italian wine > AMARONES. |
amoretto | a cherub or spirit of love > AMORETTOS or AMORETTI. |
amorino | a cupid > AMORINI. |
amorosa | a wanton woman; a courtesan. |
amoroso | in an amorous manner; (noun) a lover; a dark sweet sherry. |
ancora | encore. |
andante | slow. |
andantino | rather quicker than ANDANTE; between that and ALLEGRETTO. |
anelli | ring-shaped pieces of pasta, used esp in soups. |
animato | in a lively manner. |
antipasto | a hors d'oeuvre, an appetizer > ANTIPASTOS or ANTIPASTI. |
anziani | councillors, senators. |
appalto | a contract or monopoly > APPALTI. |
appoggiatura | a short note placed before a longer one. |
arancini | a dish consisting of balls of rice stuffed with a savoury filling, coated in breadcrumbs and fried. |
arborio | as in arborio rice, a round-grained rice used for making risotto. |
arco | with the bow. |
aria | a song in an opera. |
arietta | a short ARIA. Also ARIETTE. |
arioso | in the melodious manner of an aria; (noun) an aria. |
arpeggio | the sounding of the notes of a chord in (usu. rapid upward) succession, not simultaneously; (noun) a chord so sounded. |
arpeggione | an early 19th century bowed stringed instrument. |
arrivederci | goodbye. |
arugula arugola rugola | a Mediterranean herb used in salads; known in Britain as rocket. |
asiago | a type of Italian cheese > ASIAGOS. |
aurelia | a jellyfish of genus Aurelia. [It. fem. of aurelio, golden]. |
autostrada | a motorway > AUTOSTRADAS or AUTOSTRADE. |
avanti | forward. |
avvogadore | an official criminal prosecutor in Venice. |
azione | a composition like an oratorio but performed as a drama. |
bagnio | a brothel; a slave prison. |
ballabile | a part of a ballet danced by the whole corps de ballet > BALLABILI or BALLABILES. |
ballerina | a female ballet-dancer. |
ballotini | small glass beads used in reflective paint. No —S. |
bambino | child > BAMBINI or BAMBINOS. |
banco | a bank, especially that of Venice > BANCOS. |
banditti | a gang of Italian bandits. |
barbicel | one of the small hooklike processes on the barbules of feathers. [Ital. barbicella, dim. of barba, beard]. |
barca | a boat, barge. |
bargello | a type of zig-zag needlepoint stitch named for Bargello Museum > BARGELLOS. |
barocco | a bold, vigorous, exuberant artistic style. Also BAROCK, BAROQUE. |
barolo | a red Italian wine > BAROLOS. |
basso | the bass or lowest part; as, to sing basso > BASSI or BASSOS. |
battalia | order of battle; battle array. [It. battaglia]. |
battuto | a selection of chopped herbs, used in Italian cookery. |
battuta | the measuring of time by beating. |
beccaccia | a woodcock. |
beccafico | a garden warbler or related bird, considered a delicacy by Italians > BECCAFICOS. |
befana beffana | an Epiphany gift. |
belladonna | a herbaceous European plant with reddish bell-shaped flowers and shining black berries. The whole plant and its fruit are very poisonous, and the root and leaves are used as powerful medicinal agents. |
belvedere | a structure (such as a cupola or a summerhouse) designed to command a view. [Ital. bel, beautiful + vedere, view]. |
beneplacito | good pleasure; by your leave. |
bergamask bergomask | a kind of rustic dance. |
bergamasko | an inhabitant of Bergamo. |
bersaglieri | an Italian sharpshooter corps. |
besognio | a beggar. [It. besogno, need, want]. |
biennale | an international arts festival held in Venice every two years. |
bimbo | an attractive but dim young woman > BIMBOS or BIMBOES. |
biscotto | a small Italian biscuit > BISCOTTI. |
bocca | a mouth > BOCCAS. |
bocce bocci boccia boccie | an Italian bowling game. Also BOCCIA, BOCCIE, BOCCI. |
bocconcini boconcini | small pieces of MOZZARELLA cheese. |
bologna | a sausage; a type of glass bottle. |
bolognese | a meat and tomato sauce. |
bonamano | a tip > BONAMANI. |
bora | a violent cold North wind that blows from the mountains (usually in the winter) towards the East coast of the Adriatic. |
bordello | a brothel; a bawdyhouse; a house devoted to prostitution. Also BORDEL. |
borghetto | a big village. |
borgo | a market town. |
borlotti | as in borlotti bean, a variety of kidney bean. No —S. |
botargo bottarga | the roe of the grey mullet > BOTARGOS or BOTARGOES. |
bottega | a wine-shop. Cf. BODEGA. |
bozzetto | a small sketch of a projected sculpture > BOZZETTI. |
braccio | an obsolete Italian measure of length, a little more than half a metre > BRACCIA. |
braciola braciole | a thin slice of meat. |
braggadocio | swagger, braggartry. |
brava | = BRAVO when addressed to a woman. |
bravi | = BRAVO, when addressed to a number of people. |
bravissimo | very well done! excellent! |
bravo | well done (BRAVA to a female, BRAVI to a number of people); (verb) to shout this > BRAVOS or BRAVOES. |
bravura | spirit and dash in execution. |
breccia | a geological formation consisting of angular fragments of rock. |
bresaola | salt-cured, air-dried beef, served thinly sliced with oil, lemon juice and black pepper. |
brindisi | a toast; a drinking-song. |
brio | enthusiastic vigour. |
bruschetta | toasted ciabatta or other bread coated with olive oil and topped with grilled tomatoes etc > BRUSCHETTAS or BRUSCHETTE. |
bucentaur | a state barge of Venice from which the Doge dropped a ring into the sea. |
buffa | the comic actress in an opera > BUFFE. |
buffo | the comic actor in an opera > BUFFI or BUFFOS. |
burletta | a comic operetta; a music farce > BURLETTAS. |
burrata | an Italian cheese made from mozzarella and cream. |
cabaletta | a simple operatic song or melody in rondo form > CABALETTE or CABALETTAS. |
cacciatora cacciatore | of meat, cooked with tomatoes, mushrooms, onions and herbs. |
cadenza | a (sometimes improvised) flourish or passage for a solo instrument or voice, usu. near the close or between the divisions of a movement. |
calabrese | a variety of sprouting broccoli. |
calamari | squid (this is a plural noun, but can take an -S). |
calando | slowing with gradually lowering volume. |
calo | (abbrev. of) CALANDO, slowing with gradually lowering volume. |
calzone | a folded over pizza > CALZONI or CALZONES. |
camerlingo | the papal chamberlain; the cardinal who presides over the pope's household > CAMERLINGOS. |
camorra | a secret society akin to the Mafia operating in the Neapolitan district; gen. any organized body engaged in extortion or other dishonest activities. |
campagna | an open level tract of country; especially "Campagna di Roma", the extensive undulating plain which surrounds Rome. |
campanile | a freestanding bell tower on church property > CAMPANILI or CAMPANILES. |
canellini cannellini | the white haricot beans used in French and Italian cooking. Also CANNELLINI. |
cannelloni canneloni | pasta in the shape of tubes, which are usually stuffed. No —S. |
cannelon | a stuffed roll. |
cannoli | a tube of pastry. |
canso | a love song > CANSOS. |
cantabank | a strolling singer; a second-rate musician. (Ital. cantambanco). |
cantabile | in a melodious, flowing style; in a singing style, as opposed to bravura, recitativo, or parlando. |
cantaloup cantaloupe | a small musk melon with a ribbed skin. Named from the Roman town of Cantalupo. |
cantata | an extended composition for one or more voices with instrumental accompaniment. |
cantatrice | a female singer. |
cantilena | a smooth, flowing melody or vocal style. |
canto | a principal division of a long poem > CANTOS. |
canzona | a song resembling a madrigal but less strict. |
canzone | a song resembling a madrigal but less strict > CANZONES or CANZONI. |
canzonet | a short CANZONE. Also CANZONETTA. |
canzonetta | a short CANZONE > CANZONETTE. Also CANZONET. |
capellini | a type of pasta. No —S. |
capicolla capicollo | a traditional Italian cold cut of pork. |
capitano | a head-man > CAPITANI or CAPITANOS. |
capo | the head of a branch of the Mafia > CAPOS or CAPI. |
capochia chipochia | in Shakespeare, a simpleton. |
capodastro | a moveable bridge secured over the fingerboard and strings of a guitar > CAPODASTROS. |
caponata | a type of Italian fish salad. |
capotasto | a moveable bridge secured over the fingerboard and strings of a guitar > CAPOTASTOS. |
cappelletti | a type of hat-shaped pasta. |
cappuccino | black coffee with a little milk. |
caprese | a salad containing mozzarella, basil, tomatoes and olive oil. |
capriccio | a kind of free composition, not keeping to the rules of any particular form > CAPRICCI or CAPRICCIOS. |
capriccioso | in a free and impulsive style. |
carabiniere | an Italian policeman. |
carbonara | a pasta sauce made with eggs, bacon, cheese and cream. |
carnaroli | a variety of short-grained rice used for risotto > CARNAROLIS. |
carpaccio | an hors-d'oeuvre made of thin strips of raw meat or fish often eaten with a relish. |
casa | a house, a mansion. |
cassata | an ice-cream containing candied fruit and nuts. |
cassone | a large chest, carved and painted > CASSONES (although the Italian plural is cassoni). |
castrato | a male singer castrated in boyhood to preserve his singing voice > CASTRATI. |
catafalco | a temporary tomb used in funerals and processions > CATAFALCOES. |
catenaccio | in football, an extremely defensive style of play > CATENACCIOS. |
cavaletti | a series of timber jumps, adjustable in height, for schooling horses. Also CAVALLETTI. |
cavatina | a short operatic air > CAVATINE or CAVATINAS. |
cembalo | a harpsichord > CEMBALOS or CEMBALI. |
chianti | a dry red Italian wine > CHIANTIS. |
chiarezza | purity, clarity > CHIAREZZE. |
chiaroscuro | the quality of being veiled or partly in shadow > CHIAROSCUROS. |
chitarrone | a large lute-like instrument with a long neck > CHITARRONI. |
ciabatta | a kind of bread made with olive oil > CIABATTE or CIABATTAS. |
ciao | goodbye. |
cicala | an insect like a grasshopper > CICALE or CICALAS. Also CICADA. |
cicerone | a guide escorting tourists, sightseers > CICERONI; (verb) to act as a guide > CICERONES, CICERONED, CICERONEING. |
cicisbeo sigisbeo | a professed gallant of a married woman > CICISBEI or CICISBEOS; SIGISBEI or SIGISBEOS. |
cinquecento | the 16th century, esp. in reference to Italian art and architecture > CINQUECENTOS. |
cioppino | a spicy fish stew. |
cipolin cipollino | a kind of white marble streaked with green. [Ital. cipolla, an onion]. |
clarino | a reed stop in an organ > CLARINI or CLARINOS. |
clavicembalo | a harpsichord > CLAVICEMBALOS. |
coda | an end-piece. |
codetta | a short passage connecting two sections, but not forming part of either; a short coda. |
codilla | the coarse tow of flax and hemp. |
cognoscente | a person who has expert knowledge in a subject, a connoisseur > COGNOSCENTI. |
coloratura | a highly ornamented, virtuoso (musical passage); a singer, especially soprano, of such music. |
comedietta | a dramatic sketch; a brief comedy. |
commodo comodo | with ease, relaxed. Also COMODO. |
concertante | exhibiting or needing great skill and brilliancy; alternating tutti passages and passages for a group of soloists. |
concertino | a piece for one or more solo instruments with orchestra; -- more concise than the CONCERTO. |
concerto | a composition (in the classical form usu. in three movements) for one, or sometimes more, solo instruments accompanied by orchestra > CONCERTOS or CONCERTI. |
concetto | an ingenious expression; a witticism. |
condottiere | a hired soldier; a mercenary > CONDOTTIERI. [Ital. condottiere, a leader of a group of mercenaries who sold their services to warring states during 14-16th centuries]. |
confetto | a bonbon > CONFETTI. |
conoscente | a person who has expert knowledge in a subject, a connoisseur > CONOSCENTI. Also COGNOSCENTE. |
consulta | a meeting of council. |
contadina | a (female) Italian peasant > CONTADINE. |
contadino | an Italian peasant > CONTADINI. |
contessa | an Italian countess. |
continuo | the bass part as written for a keyboard instrument. |
contorno | a contour, an outline of a figure. |
contrabasso | a double bass; -- applied to any instrument of the same deep range as the stringed double bass; as, the contrabass ophicleide; the contrabass tuba or bombardon. |
contrafagotto | a musical instrument like a bassoon > CONTRAFAGOTTOS. |
contralto | the part sung by the highest male or lowest female voices; the alto or counter tenor. |
conversazione | a meeting for conversation esp. about art, literature, or science > CONVERSAZIONI or CONVERSAZIONES. |
coraggio | an interjection: courage! > CORAGGIOS. |
coranto | an old dance with a gliding step > CORANTOES or CORANTOS. Also COURANT, COURANTO, COURANTE. |
cornetto | an old woodwind instrument, now revived for performances of early music. |
corno | the French horn. |
cornuto | a CUCKOLD. |
corretto | espresso coffee with a shot of alcohol. |
corso | a race esp. of riderless horses. |
cortile | an enclosed, usu. roofless courtyard > CORTILI. |
credenza | a long sideboard. [Ital., from ML credentia, trust (possibly from the practice of placing food and drink on a sideboard to be tasted by a servant before being served to ensure that it contained no poison)]. |
crescendo | with a gradual increase in loudness; (verb) to come to a crescendo > CRESCENDI or CRESCENDOS. |
crostata | a kind of fruit tart. |
crostino | a piece of toasted bread served with a savoury topping > CROSTINI. |
cupola | a spherical vault or concave ceiling; (verb) to furnish with a cupola. |
cymbalo | the dulcimer > CYMBALOES or CYMBALOS. |
decrescendo | = DIMINUENDO, in a gradually diminishing manner; with abatement of tone > DECRESCENDOS. |
diabolo | a game in which a two-headed top is thrown up and caught on a string stretched between two sticks > DIABOLOS. |
dilettante | a dabbler or lover of fine arts > DILETTANTI or DILETTANTES. |
diminuendo | (a piece of music) in a gradually diminishing manner; with abatement of tone. |
diva | a female opera singer. |
divo | a male opera singer. |
divertimento | a genre of 18th C. chamber music having several short movements > DIVERTIMENTI or DIVERTIMENTOS. |
dogaressa | a doge's wife. |
doge | the former title of the chief magistrate in Venice. |
dolce | sweet, as in dolce far niente: 'sweet to do nothing'; pleasant idling; (noun) a soft-toned organ stop > DOLCI. |
dolcemente | softly; sweetly; with soft, smooth, and delicate execution. |
dolcetto | a variety of grape for making wine > DOLCETTOS. |
dolente | to be performed in a sorrowful manner. |
doloroso | plaintive, pathetic. |
donna | a title given to a lady. |
donzel | a squire, aspirant to knighthood. |
doppio | a double measure, esp. of espresso coffee > DOPPIOS. |
duce | leader > DUCI. |
duecento | the thirteenth century, esp. in Italian art. |
duello | a duel, duelling > DUELLI or DUELLOS. |
duettino | a duet of short extent and concise form > DUETTINOS. |
duetto | a composition for two > DUETTI or DUETTOS. |
duo | two of anything > DUOS or DUI. |
duomo | a cathedral > DUOMI or DUOMOS. |
ecce ecco | behold, here is. |
emboscata | an erroneous form of Ital. imboscata, an ambuscade. |
embroglio | a confusing or disturbing situation. Also IMBROGLIO. |
equali | pieces for a group of instruments of the same kind e.g. Beethoven's Equali for four trombones. [Ital. old pl. of uguale, equal]. |
espressivo | espressivo (to be performed) in an expressive manner. |
espresso expresso | a form of coffee-making machine; coffee made with this.Pl. ESPRESSOS, EXPRESSOS. |
estro | the height of poetic inspiration > ESTROS. |
extravaganza | a literary, musical, or dramatic composition of an extravagant or fanciful character. |
fagotto | the bassoon; -- so called from being divided into parts for ease of carriage, making, as it were, a small fagot > FAGOTTI or FAGOTTOS. |
faldetta | a Maltese woman's combined hood and cape. |
falsetto | a high-pitched voice (esp. of an adult male) forced to notes above its natural register > FALSETTOS. |
fango | clay or mud from thermal springs in Italy, used in curing gout > FANGOS. [Ital. fango, mud]. |
fantastico | an absurd or irrational person; an eccentric; a fantastically-dressed person > FANTASTICOES. |
fantoccini | mechanically worked puppets used in street theatre. |
farfalle | pasta in bow shapes. |
farnesol | an alcohol found in various essential oils and used in perfumery. |
fascio | an organized political group or club > FASCI. |
fascismo | the authoritarian form of government in Italy from 1922-1943. |
fascista | fascist, the Fascist party > FASCISTI. |
fava | a broad bean. |
fedelini | a kind of vermicelli. |
felucca | a small, swift-sailing vessel, propelled by oars and lateen sails, once common in the Mediterranean. |
fermata | a pause in music > FERMATAS or FERMATE. |
festa | a holiday, a festival > FESTAS. |
fettuccine fettucine fettucini | a pasta made in long ribbons. |
fianchetto | in chess, the development of bishop on the N2 diagonal > FIANCHETTOS or FIANCHETTI. |
fiasco | 1. a flask or bottle > FIASCHI, FIASCOS or FIASCOES. 2. a complete failure of any kind > FIASCOS or FIASCOES. |
fico | a contemptibly worthless trifle, a fig > FICOS or FICOES. [Ital, denoting an obscene gesture]. |
finale | the end or climax; the last movement in a musical composition. |
finito | finished. |
finnochio finochio finocchio | a dwarf variety of fennel. |
fioratura | a florid embellishment introduced into a melody by a singer or player > FIORATURAE. Also FIORITURA. |
fioritura | a florid embellishment introduced into a melody by a singer or player > FIORITURE. |
focaccia | a kind of Italian bread. |
fontina | an Italian cheese. |
forlana | a Venetian dance in 6-4 time. Also FURLANA. |
fortissimo | very loud; with the utmost strength or loudness > FORTISSIMI or FORTISSIMOS. |
fortississimo | very very loud. |
forza | force > FORZE. |
forzando | a direction to play a passage with special emphasis or sudden loudness > FORZANDOS or FORZANDI. |
forzato | a direction to play a passage with special emphasis or sudden loudness > FORZATOS or FORZATI. |
fra | brother. |
franco | post-free, franked. |
frascati | a type of white wine > FRASCATIS. |
frate | a friar, a mendicant Franciscan > FRATI. |
fresco | painting on fresh, moist plaster with earth colors dissolved in water; (verb) to paint on fresh moist plaster > FRESCOS or FRESCOES. |
frittata | an unfolded omelet with chopped vegetables or meat. |
friulano | a mild Italian cheese. |
frizzante | of wine, sparkling. |
fugato | a piece in the manner of a fugue > FUGATOS. |
fughetta | a short FUGUE. |
fumetto | a cartoon or comic strip > FUMETTI or FUMETTOS |
furioso | in a furious manner; (noun) a furious person. |
furlana | a Venetian dance in 6-4 time. Also FORLANA. |
furore | an outburst of public indignation; outburst of enthusiasm. Also FUROR. |
fusilli | a kind of spiral pasta. |
fustanella | a white kilt worn by Greek and Albanian men. |
gabbro | a highly mafic igneous plutonic rock, typically dark in color; the rough plutonic equivalent of basalt > GABBROS. |
galleria | a shopping arcade. |
gamba | (abbrev. of) viola da gamba; also, an organ-stop of stringlike quality. |
gambado | a bound or spring of a horse > GAMBADOS; (verb) to bound or spring > GAMBADOES. Also GAMBADE. |
gambet gambetta | the redshank. [Ital. gambetta, ruff]. |
garganey | a kind of teal. [Ital. garganella]. |
garibaldi | a jacket worn by women; -- so called from its resemblance in shape to the red shirt worn by the Italian patriot Garibaldi. |
gelato | an Italian ice-cream > GELATOS or GELATI. |
genoa | a large jib which overlaps the mainsail. |
gesso | plaster of Paris used in painting > GESSOS or GESSOES. |
giga | a lively Italian dance > GIGAS, GIGHE. Also GIGUE. |
giocoso | played in a lively or humorous manner. |
girandola | a branched chandelier or similar structure. Also GIRANDOLE. |
girasol girasole girosol | a fire-opal. |
giusto | in just, correct, or suitable time. |
glissando | a gliding effect; gliding > GLISSANDOS or GLISSANDI. |
gnocchi | dumplings made of semolina or potato served with grated cheese and sauces. No —S. |
gobbo | a hunchback > GOBBI. |
gondola | a long, narrow boat with a high prow and stern, used in the canals of Venice. |
gorgia | an improvised virtuoso passage in 16th and 17th century singing. |
gradino | a step or raised shelf, as above a sideboard or altar > GRADINI. |
graffito | a mural scribbling or drawing > GRAFFITI. |
grandioso | in a broad or noble style. |
granita | a grainy-textured flavoured water-ice. [It. granita, grainy]. |
grappa | a kind of grape spirit. [Ital. 'grape stalk']. |
grazioso | gracefully; smoothly; elegantly. |
gregale | a northeast wind in the Mediterranean. [Ital. fr. L. graecus, Greek]. |
gremolata | a colourful, flavorsome garnish, as of chopped parsley, lemon or orange peel etc. |
grissini | thin crisp breadsticks. No —S. |
gruppetto | a turn > GRUPPETTI. |
gusto | zest; an individual taste > GUSTOS or GUSTOES. |
illuminati | people claiming to be unusually enlightened with regard to a subject. |
illustrissimo | most illustrious, esp. as belonging to the Italian aristocracy. |
imbroccata | a downward pass or thrust in fencing. |
imbroglio | a confusing or disturbing situation. [Ital. imbrogliare, to entangle]. Also EMBROGLIO. |
impasto | the application of pigment thickly in painting; such a pigment; (verb) to apply an IMPASTO >/3rd. pers. IMPASTOS. |
impresa imprese impresse | a device with a motto. |
inamorata | a woman with whom one is in love or has intimate relations. |
inamorato | a man with whom one is in love or has intimate relations. |
incavo | the incised part of an INTAGLIO > INCAVI. |
incognita | a woman who is unknown or in disguise. |
incognito | a man who is unknown or in disguise. |
inferno | a blaze, a great fire > INFERNOS. |
intaglio | a figure engraved into a gem or another substance; (verb) to carve an intaglio on. |
intarsia | a form of decorative wood inlay work, developed in Italy. Also TARSIA. |
intermezzo | a short connecting instrumental movement in an opera or other musical work; a similar piece performed independently. |
internuncio | a messenger between two parties; a low-ranking papal legate > INTERNUNCIOS. |
intonaco | in fresco painting, the finishing coat of lime plaster on which the paint is applied > INTONACOS. |
intrada | an introductory piece, a prelude. |
irredenta irridenta | a region containing people ethnically related to the inhabitants of one State but politically subject to another. |
jettatura | the evil eye. |
lacrimoso lagrimoso | plaintive. |
laguna | a small, shallow body of water between a barrier island or a coral reef and the mainland, also a small body of water surrounded by an atoll. |
lambrusco | an Italian sparkling wine > LAMBRUSCOS. |
largando | becoming gradually slower. |
larghetto | rather slowly; (noun) a rather slow movement > LARGHETTOS. |
largo | slow and broad; (noun) a slow broad movement > LARGOS. |
lasagna lasagne | flat sheets of pasta; a dish made with this. |
latte | a kind of coffee, as in cafe latte. [Ital. latte, milk coffee]. |
latticinio latticino | in the style of an opaque white glass used in threads to decorate clear Venetian glass. |
lavolta lavolt | a lively dance for couples in 3/4 time, in which each partner lifts the other clear of the ground in turn; (verb) to dance the LAVOLTA. |
lazaret lazarette lazaretto | a hospital treating infectious diseases. |
lazzarone | a homeless idler of Naples who lives by chance work or begging; -- so called from the Hospital of St. Lazarus, which serves as their refuge. |
lazzo | a piece of farce or comic dialogue > LAZZI. |
legatissimo | as smoothly as possible. |
legato | in a smooth, even style; (noun) a legato passage > LEGATOS. |
leggiero | light or graceful; in a light, delicate, and brisk style. |
lentamente | slowly; in slow time. |
lentando | slackening; retarding. |
lentissimo | very slow. |
lento | slow; in slow time; (noun) a slow movement > LENTI or LENTOS. |
libecchio libeccio | a strong westerly (or southwesterly) wind that blows on to Corsica's western coast. |
libero | a footballer who plays behind the backs, a sweeper > LIBEROS. |
libretto | the text of an opera > LIBRETTOS or LIBRETTI. |
linguine linguini | a kind of pasta made in narrow strips. |
lira | an Italian unit of currency > LIRE or LIRAS. |
literato | one who is literate > LITERATI. |
loggia | a covered open arcade > LOGGIE or LOGGIAS. |
louvar | a large silvery whalelike scombroid fish. |
macaroni maccaroni | a form of pasta > MACARONIS or MACARONIES; MACCARONIS or MACCARONIES. |
macchia | = MAQUIS, a dense growth of small trees and shrubs > MACCHIE. |
macchiato | espresso coffee served with a dash of hot or cold milk > MACCHIATOS. [Ital. macchiato, stained]. |
madonna | a respectful form of address to an Italian woman, or in literal renderings of Italian speech. |
maestoso | majestic or majestically > MAESTOSOS. |
maestro | a master performer > MAESTRI or MAESTROS. |
maffia mafia | a criminal society. |
mafioso | a member of a MAFIA > MAFIOSI. |
magnifico | the chief magistrate at Venice > MAGNIFICOS or MAGNIFICOES. |
maiolica | an elaborate, highly-colored, glazed Italian pottery; faience. Also MAJOLICA. |
malgrado | (obs.) in spite of. |
mancando | fading away. |
mandola mandora | an ancient lute, a large mandoline. |
mandorla | any almond-shaped object or ornament, especially (in painting, sculpture) area of light surrounding the risen Christ. [Ital. mandorla, almond]. |
manicotti | tubular pasta shells stuffed with ricotta or a meat mixture. |
mantua | a woman's loose outer gown. [From the city of Mantua in Italy]. Also (Scots) MANTY. |
marasca | a bitter wild cherry. |
marcato | in a marked emphatic manner. |
marchesa | an Italian marchioness. |
marchese | an Italian marquess. |
marchpane | an old name for MARZIPAN, a confection of ground almonds, egg whites, and sugar. |
maremma | a marsh; a miasma > MAREMMAS or MAREMME. |
marengo | designating a dish browned in oil and sauteed in mushrooms, tomatoes, onions and white wine. [From a village in N. Italy, scene of Napoleon's victory over the Austrians in 1800, after which the dish is said to have been served to him.] |
marina | a berthing area for yachts etc. |
marinara | a seasoned tomato sauce. |
marsala | a kind of wine exported from Marsala in Sicily. |
martellato | played with a hammering touch, or with short quick detached movements of the bow. |
martello | a circular fort for coastal defence. [Fr. Cape Mortella in Corsica, where one resisted for some time a British cannonade in 1794]. |
mascara | a colouring for the eyelashes, a cosmetic; (verb) to apply mascara. |
mascarpone | an Italian soft cheese, like RICOTTA. |
meno | less. |
mesto | sad. |
mezzo | a mezzo-soprano > MEZZOS. |
mezzotinto | a mezzotint. |
millefiori | an ornamental glassmaking technique > MILLEFIORIS. |
minestrone | a thick vegetable soup containing pasta or rice. |
mockado | an inferior quality woollen fabric > MOCKADOES. [Ital. mocaiardo, haircloth]. |
modello | an artist's detailed sketch or sculptural model for a larger work > MODELLI or MODELLOS. |
modena | a dark purple color. [From the N. Italian city of Modena]. |
moderato | with a moderate degree of quickness; moderately. |
modillion | an ornamental bracket under a Corinthian or other column. [Ital. modiglione, from L. modulus, from modus, a measure]. |
molto | much; very; as, molto adagio, very slow. |
monsignor | an honorific title given to a Roman Catholic prelate, officer of the papal court and household, etc. |
morbidezza | an extreme delicacy and softness. |
morello | a kind of nearly black cherry with dark red flesh and juice, -- used chiefly for preserving. |
morendo | dying; a gradual decrescendo at the end of a strain or cadence. |
morphew | a skin eruption. [Ital. morfea]. |
mortadella | a kind of Italian sausage. |
mosso | with motion or animation. |
motoscafo | a motorboat > MOTOSCAFI. |
mozetta mozzetta | a short cape with an ornamental hood worn by Catholic prelates > MOZETTAS or MOZETTE; MOZZETTAS or MOZZETTE. |
mozzarella | a mild white Italian cheese. |
nduja | a paste of cured pork, peppers, and spices, originating in Calabria in SW Italy. |
negroni | an alcoholic beverage. |
niello | a black alloy used to fill engraved designs on metal; work or object decorated with this; (verb) to decorate with this > NIELLI or NIELLOS. |
niente | softly fading away - used as a musical direction. |
nonetto | a composition for nine instruments, rarely for nine voices > NONETTI or NONETTOS. |
notturno | a nocturne > NOTTURNI. |
novella | a short novel > NOVELLAS, NOVELLE, NOVELLAE. |
nuncio | one who brings tidings; a high-ranking papal legate. |
obbligato | accompanying, or accompaniment, by solo instrument other than piano > OBBLIGATI or OBBLIGATOS. |
obligato | accompanying, or accompaniment, by solo instrument other than piano > OBLIGATI or OBLIGATOS. |
ocarina | an egg-shaped flute-like wind instrument. [Ital. ocarina, dim. of oca, goose]. |
omerta | the Mafia code of honour requiring silence about criminal activities. |
operetta | a short, light, musical drama. |
oratorio | a choral work usu. on a scriptural subject. |
orzo | pasta in the form of small pieces like barley. |
ossia | a direction to performer to designate an alternative passage. |
ossobuco | an Italian dish of veal knuckle cooked with the bone and stewed in wine, herbs etc > OSSOBUCOS. |
ostinato | a short melody or phrase that is constantly repeated in the same pitch > OSTINATOS. |
ottava | an octave higher than indicated. |
ottavino | the piccolo > OTTAVINOS. |
ovolo | a moulding with the rounded part comprised of a quarter circle > OVOLI or OVOLOS. |
padella | a shallow dish of fat with a wick used in illuminations. |
padre | father; a title given to priests; an army chaplain > PADRI or PADRES. |
padrone | an innkeeper; an employer > PADRONI or PADRONES. |
padrona | a female boss or employer. |
palazzo | an Italian palace, often one converted into a museum > PALAZZI or PALAZZOS. |
pallone | an Italian game, played with a large leather ball > PALLONES. |
pancetta | unsmoked bacon. |
panettone | a kind of spiced cake, usu. made with sultanas > PANETTONES or PANETTONI. |
panforte | a kind of hard spicy cake. |
panino | a kind of sandwich > PANINI. |
paolo | an old Italian silver coin, worth about ten cents > PAOLI. |
paparazzo | a photographer who pursues celebrities > PAPARAZZI. |
parlando parlante | speaking; in a speaking or declamatory manner; to be sung or played in the style of a recitative. |
parmigiana parmigiano | made or covered with Parmesan cheese. |
partita | a suite; a set of variations. |
partitura | a musical score. |
pasquil | a satire or lampoon. |
passacaglia | an old slow Italian or Spanish dance; variations on a theme over a continuously repeated ground bass. |
passata | an Italian sauce of pureed tomatoes. |
pasticcio | a medley, a pastiche > PASTICCI or PASTICCIOS. |
pastina | tiny pieces of pasta cooked in soups or used as baby food. |
pastorale | a composition in a soft, rural style, generally in 6-8 or 12-8 time > PASTORALI or PASTORALES. |
pavonazzo | a brightly coloured marble > PAVONAZZOS. |
pecorino | an Italian cheese made with sheep's milk > PECORINI or PECORINOS. |
pensieroso penseroso | melancholy, thoughtful. |
pensione | a boarding-house. |
pentimento | a painting or drawing that has been painted over and shows through it > PENTIMENTI. [From Italian pentimento (repentance), from pentire (to repent), from Latin paenitere (to regret).] |
peperino | a volcanic rock, formed by the cementing together of sand, scoria, cinders, etc. |
peperoni pepperino | a hard, spicy pork and beef sausage > PEPERONIS, PEPPERONIS. |
perdendo perdendosi | slowing and softening at the same time. |
pergola | an arbor formed of columns supporting trelliswork on which climbing plants are often trained. [Ital. pergola, from L. pergula (projecting roof).] |
pesante | heavy, weighty. |
pesto | an Italian sauce made of basil and cheese > PESTOS. |
piacevole | pleasant, playful. |
piano | a keyboard instrument > PIANOS; a soft passage in music > PIANI. |
pianino | a small piano, a PIANETTE. |
pianissimo | very soft; -- a direction to execute a passage as softly as possible. (Abbrev. pp.) |
pianoforte | a large keyboard musical instrument having metal strings struck by hammers and stopped by dampers, with two or three pedals to regulate the volume or length of the notes. [Ital. piano, soft, + forte, loud]. |
piazza | in Italy, a public square > PIAZZAS or PIAZZE. |
piccata | an Italian sauce. No —S. |
piccolo | a small, shrill flute, the pitch of which is an octave higher than the ordinary flute; an octave flute. |
pieta | a representation of the dead Christ held and mourned by the Virgin Mary. |
pifferaro | a PIFFERO player > PIFFERARI. |
piffero | a type of oboe, a shawm; also, a bagpipe with an inflated sheepskin for the reservoir > PIFFEROS. |
piu | more. |
pizza | a flat usu. round base of dough baked with a topping of tomatoes, cheese, meat, olives, etc. |
pizzaiola | having a rich sauce made with tomatoes. |
pizzeria | a place where pizzas are sold. |
pizzicato | a direction to violinists to pluck the string with the finger, instead of using the bow > PIZZICATI or PIZZICATOS. |
poco | little. |
pococurante | (one who is) indifferent, nonchalant. |
podesta | one of the chief magistrates of the Italian republics in the Middle Ages. |
polacca polacre | a vessel with two or three masts, used in the Mediterranean. [Ital. use as n. of fem. of polacco Polish]. |
polenta | a porridge made from maize flour. |
politico | a politician; a person holding strong political views or acting from political motivation > POLITICOES or POLITICOS. |
ponticello | the bridge of a stringed instrument. |
porchetta | seasoned boneless roast pork cut from a whole roast pig. |
porcino | an edible mushroom. |
portamento | in singing, or in the use of the bow, a gradual carrying or lifting of the voice or sound very smoothly from one note to another; a gliding from tone to tone > PORTAMENTI. |
portico | a formal entrance to a classical temple, church, or other building, consisting of columns at regular intervals supporting a roof often in the form of a pediment; a covered walkway in this style; a colonnade > PORTICOS or PORTICOES. |
portolan portolano portula | in the Middle Ages, a navigation manual. |
pozzolan pozzolana puzzolana | volcanic ashes from Pozzuoli, in Italy, used in the manufacture of a kind of mortar which hardens under water. |
predella | a platform for an altar; a portable altar or decoration upon it. |
preludio | a prelude > PRELUDI. |
presa | a musical symbol used in a canon etc. to mark the entry of a voice or instrument > PRESE. |
prestissimo | as quickly as possible. |
presto | in rapid tempo; suddenly, at once; (noun) a presto movement > PRESTOS. |
prima | fem. of PRIMO: first, the first or principal part in a duo. |
primavera | springtime > PRIMAVERAS. |
primo | the first or principal part in a duo > PRIMI or PRIMOS. |
principe | a prince > PRINCIPI. |
pronto | quick(ly), prompt(ly). |
prosciutto | aged, dry-cured Italian ham, ready to eat and usually sliced thin > PROSCIUTTOS or PROSCIUTTI. |
prosecco | an Italian sparkling white wine. |
provolone | a firm pliant smoked cheese of Italian origin. |
prunello | a fine kind of prune, esp. one made from a greengage > PRUNELLOS. |
ptomain ptomaine | a poisonous alkaloid found in decaying matter. [Ital. ptomaina, from Gk. ptoma, a corpse] |
ptyalin | an unorganized amylolytic ferment, or enzyme, present in human mixed saliva and in the saliva of some animals. [Gk. ptyalon, spittle, from ptyein, to spit]. |
pulvilio | perfumed powder; snuff. Also PULVIL, PULVILLE. |
punchinello | a fat short hump-backed clown > PUNCHINELLOS. |
punctilio | a minute detail of conduct; careful observance of forms. [Ital. puntiglio, from L. punctum, point]. |
puncto | a nice point of form or ceremony > PUNCTOS. |
punto | a nice point of form or ceremony > PUNTOS. |
putto | an artistic representation of a cherub > PUTTI. |
quadratura | a wall or ceiling painted with arches and columns in strong perspective > QUADRATURE (which is also a singular in its own right, meaning the act of squaring). |
quartetto | a composition for four voices. Also QUARTET, QUARTETT. |
quattrocento | the fifteenth century in Italy; the Italian style of art, architecture, etc., of this period > QUATTROCENTOS. |
quintetto | a quintet > QUINTETTI. |
radicchio | a purple-leaved variety of chicory from Italy. |
rallentando | a gradually slackening tempo > RALLENTANDOS. |
rapini | immature turnip plant > RAPINIS. |
rappini | immature turnip plants. This is plural: no —S hook (unlike RAPINI). |
ravioli | pasta in the form of small square cases filled with minced meat, vegetables, etc. |
recitativo | a style of musical declamation, between singing and ordinary speech, used esp. in the dialogue and narrative parts of an opera or oratorio > RECITATIVOS. Also RECITATIVE. |
regatta | a rowing or sailing competition. |
relievo rilievo | a relief, a work in relief > RELIEVOS. |
religioso | a musical direction to play in a devotional manner > RELIGIOSOS. |
reverso | a verso; a back-handed sword-stroke > REVERSOS or REVERSI. |
ribattuta | the slow beginning of a trill. |
ricotta | a type of Italian cheese. |
ridotto | a favorite Italian public entertainment, consisting of music and dancing, -- held generally on fast eves. |
rigatoni | pasta in the form of large fluted tubes. |
rinforzando | (a direction) with a sudden stress or crescendo. |
ripieno | the body of instruments accompanying the concertino in baroque concerto music > RIPIENI or RIPIENOS. |
risoluto | with emphasis, boldly. |
risorgimento | a time of renewal or renaissance: revival; specif: the 19th century movement for Italian political unity > RISORGIMENTOS. |
risotto | rice cooked in broth with grated cheese and seasonings. |
rispetto | a type of Italian folk-song with 8-line stanzas > RISPETTI. |
ristretto | a very strong espresso coffee. |
ritard | a musical passage with a gradually slackening tempo. (abbr. of next). |
ritardando | a musical passage with a gradually slackening tempo > RITARDANDOS. |
ritenuto | a musical passage with a held back tempo > RITENUTOS. |
riviera | a warm coastal district. |
romanesco | a type of cauliflower > ROMANESCOS. |
romano | a black-rinded Italian cheese > ROMANOS. |
romanza | a short instrumental piece of songlike character. |
rondino | a short RONDO > RONDINOS. |
rondo | a piece of music with a recurring leading theme, often as the final movement of a concerto, sonata, etc > RONDOS. |
rosalia | a series of repetitions of the same passage, each a tone higher. [Said to be from an Italian folksong, Rosalia cara mia]. |
rosoglio rosolio | a sweet cordial made with raisins. |
rotini | a kind of pasta in small spirals. |
rotolo | an Italian form of ROTL, a unit of weight > ROTOLOS. |
rotunda | a rounded, domed building or hall. |
rubato | in modified or distorted rhythm. |
salami | an orig. Italian variety of sausage, highly seasoned and often flavoured with garlic. |
saltando saltato | with leaping bow. |
saltarello | a lively Italian dance > SALTARELLOS or SALTARELLI. |
saltimbanco | a mountebank, a quack > SALTIMBANCOS. |
saltimbocca | an Italian dish of rolled slices of meat and ham, with cheese and herbs. [Ital. 'it leaps into the mouth']. |
salto | a daring leap; a somersault; (verb) to somersault > SALTOS. |
sbirro | an Italian police officer > SBIRRI. |
scaglia | a reddish variety of limestone. |
scagliola | stone-like plasterwork for interior decoration, made of powdered marble made into a past, applied to a gesso ground and polished. |
scalado | an ESCALADE > SCALADOS. Also SCALADE. |
scaldino | an Italian earthenware brazier > SCALDINI. |
scaloppine scallopini scaloppini | thin slices of meat coated with flour and fried. |
scampi | crustaceans of the genus Nephrops, often fried in breadcrumbs. [Ital. scampi, pl. of scampo, shrimp]. |
scarpetto | a climbing shoe with a hemp sole > SCARPETTI. |
scarpines | an instrument of torture for the feet. N.B. no singular SCARPINE. |
scena | a scene in an opera. |
scenario | a sketch or outline of the plot of a play, ballet, novel, etc., with details of the scenes and situations > SCENARIOS. |
scherzando | in a playful or sportive manner; (noun) a scherzando passage > SCHERZANDOS. |
scherzo | in music, a lively busy movement in triple time > SCHERZOS. |
schiavone | a basket-hilted broadsword used by the Doge's bodyguard of Slavs. [Ital. Schiavoni, Slavs]. |
sciolto | in a free manner. |
sciroc scirocco sirocco siroc | a hot, dry, dusty wind blowing from North Africa to the North Mediterranean coastline. |
scordato | put out of tune. |
scordatura | a temporary departure from the normal tuning of a stringed instrument. |
scorrendo | in a gliding manner. |
scorzonera | a plant, black salsify. |
scudo | a coin of silver or occas. gold formerly current in various Italian States > SCUDI. |
scungile | conch used as food > SCUNGILI. |
scungille | conch used as food > SCUNGILLI. |
scungilli | conch used as food > SCUNGILLIS. |
sdrucciola | (of rhyme) triple. |
secco | painting on dry plaster > SECCOS. |
seco | (of wine) dry. |
secondo | the second part in a concerted piece > SECONDI. |
segno | a notational sign marking the beginning or the end of a repeat > SEGNI or SEGNOS. [L. signum]. |
segue | esp. in music, to make a transition directly from one section or theme to another; generally, to move smoothly and unhesitatingly from one state, condition, situation, or element to another. |
segugio | an Italian breed of dog. |
seicento | the seventeenth century in Italy; the Italian style of art, literature, etc., of this period. |
semifreddo | a partially frozen Italian dessert similar to ice-cream > SEMIFREDDOS. |
semplice | simply, plainly. |
sempre | always; throughout; as, sempre piano, always soft. |
senza | without; as, senza stromenti, without instruments. |
seraglio | a harem; a palace of a sultan. |
serenata | a piece of vocal music, especially one on an amorous subject. |
sestina | an old verse-form of six six-lined stanzas. Also SESTINE, SEXTAIN. |
sforzando | a direction to play a passage with special emphasis or sudden loudness > SFORZANDI or SFORZANDOS. |
sforzato | a direction to play a passage with special emphasis or sudden loudness > SFORZATI or SFORZATOS. |
sfumato | (a painting) having vague outlines, and colors and shades so mingled as to give a misty appearance > SFUMATOS. |
sgraffito | the technique of scratching the surface of pottery to reveal a different colour > SGRAFFITI. |
siciliana | a Sicilian dance, resembling the pastorale, set to a rather slow and graceful melody in 12-8 or 6-8 measure; also, the music to the dance > SICILIANE. |
siciliano | a Sicilian dance, resembling the pastorale, set to a rather slow and graceful melody in 12-8 or 6-8 measure; also, the music to the dance > SICILIANOS. |
sienna | a fine pigment made from ferruginous ochreous earth, browny-yellow when raw, reddish-brown when burnt. [From the town of Siena]. |
signior | Sir, Mr: the English form and pronunciation for the Italian Signor and the Spanish Señor. |
signor | a mode of address, sir. |
signora | lady. |
signore | gentleman > SIGNORES or SIGNORI. |
signori | (pl.) SIGNORE, gentleman. |
signoria | the governing body of any of various medieval Italian republics, esp. Venice. |
signorina | a young lady, miss. |
signorino | a young man, master. |
simpatico | of like mind or temperament; agreeable; pleasing. |
sinfonia | a symphony; a symphony orchestra > SINFONIE or SINFONIAS. |
sinfonietta | a short or simple symphony. |
smalto | a piece of colored glass used in mosaic > SMALTI or SMALTOS. |
smorzando | with a gradual fading away, growing slower and softer. Also SMORZATO. |
smorzato | with a gradual fading away, growing slower and softer. Also SMORZANDO. |
soave | an Italian white wine. |
soffioni | volcanic steam-holes. |
soldo | a former Italian coin, one twentieth of a lira > SOLDI. |
solfatara | a volcanic vent emitting only gases. |
solferino | a moderate purplish-red (after the town of Solferino) > SOLFERINOS. |
solito | in the usual manner. |
sonata | a musical composition for one or two instruments (one usu. being the piano), usu. in several movements with one (esp. the first) or more in sonata form. |
sonatina | a short and simple sonata > SONATINAS or SONATINE. |
sopra | (musical direction) above. |
sopranino | (of an instrument) higher than the corresponding soprano. |
soprano | the highest singing voice; the quality or range of this voice > SOPRANOS or SOPRANI. |
sorda | fem. of SORDO, muted, damped. |
sordamente | gently, softly. |
sordino | a mute or damper > SORDINI. Cf. SOURDINE, SORDINE. |
sordo | muted, damped. |
sostenuto | in a sustained or drawn out manner. |
spadassin | a swordsman; a fighter. |
spaghetti | pasta in the form of long solid threads, between macaroni and vermicelli in thickness. |
spaghettini | pasta in the form of strings of thin SPAGHETTI; an Italian dish consisting largely of this and usu. a sauce. |
spiccato | detached; separated; -- a term indicating that every note is to be performed in a distinct and pointed manner. |
spinone | as in Italian spinone, a wiry-coated gun dog > SPINONI. |
spinto | (a voice) having dramatic qualities. |
spiritoso | spirited; -- a direction to perform a passage in an animated, lively manner. |
spumante | a sparkling white wine. |
spumone | a kind of Italian ice-cream, made of layers of flavours > SPUMONES or SPUMONI. |
spumoni | a rich Italian dessert consisting of layered ice-cream with candied fruits, nuts, and sometimes brandy > SPUMONE or SPUMONIS. |
squacco | a kind of heron found in Asia, Northern Africa, and Southern Europe > SQUACCOS. |
staccato | a musical passage marked by the short, clear-cut playing of notes > STACCATOS or STACCATI. |
stiacciato | the lowest relief, -- often used in Italian sculpture of the 15th and 16th centuries > STIACCIATOS. |
sticcado sticcato | an instrument like a xylophone > STICCADOS or STICCADOES; STICCATOS or STICCATOES. |
stiletto | a narrow dagger; (verb) to stab with a stiletto > STILETTOS. |
stoccado | a stab; a straight thrust with a rapier > STOCCADOS or STOCCADOES. |
stoccata | a stab; a straight thrust with a rapier. |
stornello | an Italian folk verse form > STORNELLI. |
stracchino | a type of soft whole-milk Italian cheese > STRACCHINI. [Ital. straccho, weak]. |
stradiot | a Venetian light horseman from Albania or Greece. |
stramacon stramazon | a downward cut in fencing. |
strappado | a form of torture in which victim is left dangling from a rope; (verb) to torture by this > STRAPPADOS. |
strepitoso | noisy, boisterous. |
stretta | the crowding of answer upon subject near the end of a fugue > STRETTE or STRETTAS. Also STRETTO. |
stretto | the crowding of answer upon subject near the end of a fugue > STRETTI or STRETTOS. Also STRETTA. |
stringendo | urging or hastening the time, as to a climax. |
stucco | a kind of plaster for exteriors of buildings, especially highly ornamented > STUCCOES. (Verb) to coat with stucco > STUCCOS. |
subito | at once; immediately. |
sugo | an Italian meat sauce. |
sympatico | of like mind or temperament; agreeable; pleasing. Also SIMPATICO. |
tagliarini | pasta cut into very thin, flat strips. |
tagliatelle | pasta made in narrow strips; an Italian dish consisting largely of this and usu. a sauce. |
taglioni | a kind of outer coat, or overcoat. [From a celebrated Italian family of professional dancers]. |
taleggio | an Italian cheese > TALEGGIOS. |
tanto | so much. |
tarantella | a lively, whirling S. Italian dance once thought to be caused by tarantism. |
tardo | slow; -- a direction to perform a passage slowly. |
tarsia | a form of decorative wood inlay work, developed in Italy. |
tartufo | a dessert of light mousse-like chocolate > TARTUFOS. [Italian tartufo, truffle]. |
tazza | a cup with saucer-shaped bowl on a pedestal > TAZZE or TAZZAS. |
tempera | an emulsion, esp. made with egg yolk, used as a medium for powdering pigments. |
tenuto | sustained; a sustained note or chord > TENUTI. |
tercet tiercet | a triplet of lines that rhyme together or are connected with adjacent rhymes. Also TERZETTA. |
terracotta | reddish-brown; (noun) a type of pottery. |
terramara terramare | a dark earthy deposit formed under prehistoric pile-dwellings in Italy. |
terrazzo | a flooring of marble chips set in mortar and then polished. |
terzetta | a triplet of lines that rhyme together or are connected with adjacent rhymes. Also TERCET, TIERCET. |
terzetto | a composition in three voice parts; a vocal (rarely an instrumental) trio > TERZETTI or TERZETTOS. |
tessitura | the ordinary range of pitch of a voice or vocal piece of music. |
theorbo | a double-necked lute > THEORBOS. [Ital. tiorba]. |
tifoso | a fan or devotee of some sport > TIFOSI. |
timpano | a kettledrum; -- chiefly used in the plural to denote the kettledrums of an orchestra > TIMPANI. Also TYMPANO. |
tiramisu | a coffee dessert. |
toccata | a brilliant, quick, fantasia-like musical composition > TOCCATE or TOCCATAS. |
tombola | a lottery in which each entrant must win a prize. [It. tombolare, to tumble]. |
tombolo | a bar of sand or gravel connecting one island with another. |
tondino | a small TONDO, a circular painting or relief carving > TONDINI or TONDINOS. |
tondo | a circular painting or relief carving > TONDI or TONDOS. |
torso | the trunk of the body > TORSI or TORSOS. |
tortelli tortellini | small stuffed pasta dumplings > TORTELLIS, TORTELLINIS. |
tortoni | a rich ice-cream flavoured with wine and containing chopped fruit. |
totanus | the redshank > TOTANUSES. [Ital. totano squid, from its habit of feeding on small crustaceans and invertebrates]. |
tramontana tramontane | a cold north wind in Italy. |
trapunto | a decorative quilted design > TRAPUNTOS. |
trattoria | an Italian restaurant > TRATTORIE or TRATTORIAS. |
travertin travertine | a white concretionary form of calcium carbonate, usually hard and semicrystalline. It is deposited from the water of springs or streams holding lime in solution. Extensive deposits exist at Tivoli, near Rome. |
trecento | the thirteenth century. |
tremolando | a tremulous effect in music. Also TREMOLO > TREMOLANDI or TREMOLANDOS. |
tremolant | a vibrating, quavering musical effect. Also TREMOLO. |
tremolo | a vibrating, quavering musical effect > TREMOLOS. Also TREMOLANT. |
trillo | a musical shake or trill > TRILLOES. |
trio | a set of three; a composition for three instruments. |
troppo | too much. |
tufa | a rock made of fine volcanic detritus. Aka CALCTUFA, TOPH, TOPHE. |
tufolo | a large macaroni shell > TUFOLI. |
tutti | a direction for all the singers or players to perform together. |
vallonia valonea valonia | a tanning material, made from the acorns of a Levantine oak. |
valuta | the comparative value of a currency. |
vaporetto | a motor-boat serving as a canal bus in Venice > VAPORETTOS. |
veduta | a panoramic view of a town > VEDUTE. |
vedutista | a painter of VEDUTE, panoramic views of towns > VEDUTISTI. |
velatura | a method of glazing a painting by rubbing with the hand. |
veloce | rapidly. |
vendetta | a blood feud in which the family of a murdered person seeks vengeance on the murderer or the murderer's family, esp. as customary in Corsica and Sicily. |
venturi | a device for measuring the flow of a liquid. [Giovanni Battista Venturi (1746—1822), Italian physicist]. |
verismo | realism or naturalism in the arts, esp. with refererence to late-19th- cent. Italian opera > VERISMOS. Cf. VERISM. |
vermicelli | the flour of a hard and small-grained wheat made into dough, and forced through small cylinders or pipes till it takes a slender, wormlike form, whence the Italian name. When the paste is made in larger tubes, it is called macaroni. |
vettura | a carriage, cab or car. |
vetturino | one who lets or drives a VETTURA > VETTURINI or VETTURINOS. |
vibrato | a throbbing effect > VIBRATOS. |
vigoroso | a direction to perform a passage with energy and force. |
viliaco | a coward > VILIACOES or VILIACOS. |
viliago | a coward. Pl VILIAGOES or VILIAGOS. |
villeggiatura | a stay in the country. |
vino | (Sl.) wine. |
violoncello | a musical instrument, aka CELLO > VIOLONCELLI or VIOLONCELLOS. |
violone | a double-bass viol. |
virtuoso | a female VIRTUOSO > VIRTUOSE, VIRTUOSAS. |
virtuoso | a person who has special knowledge or skill in the technique of a fine art, esp. music > VIRTUOSOS or VIRTUOSI. |
vista | a view, prospect; (verb) to make into, or see into, vistas. |
viva | a shout or cry used to express approval; (verb) to shout viva. |
vivace | in a lively manner; (noun) a lively movement. |
vivamente | in a lively manner. |
vivo | lively. |
volcano | a centre of eruption of subterranean matter > VOLCANOS or VOLCANOES. |
volpino | a small Italian dog with long straight hair > VOLPINOS. |
volta | a lively dance for couples in 3/4 time, in which each partner lifts the other clear of the ground in turn > VOLTE. |
volte | a fencing movement. |
volti | a direction to musicians to turn the page. |
vongole | in Italian cooking, small clams. |
zabaglione zabaione zabajone | a rich Italian custard. |
zaffar zaffer zaffre zaffir | an impure oxide of cobalt. |
zampogna | an Italian bagpipe with 2 drones and 2 conical chanters, all in one stock. |
zampone | a stuffed pigs' trotter sausage > ZAMPONI. |
zecchin zecchine zecchino zechin | a former Italian gold coin, also called a SEQUIN. The pl. of ZECCHINO is ZECCHINI or ZECCHINOS. |
zeloso | with fervour. |
zeppole | an Italian fritter > ZEPPOLES or ZEPPOLI. |
zibet zibeth | a civet cat. |
zingano | a gypsy > ZINGANI. |
zingara | a (female) gypsy > ZINGARE. |
zingaro | a gypsy > ZINGARI. |
zite ziti | a type of pasta like large macaroni. |
zocco zoccolo | a plain face or plinth at the foot of a wall, column etc. |
zoppa zoppo | having a syncopated or temporarily changing accent of a beat. [Ital. 'limping']. |
zucchetto zuchetto zuchetta | a round skullcap worn by Catholic clergy to indicate rank > ZUCCHETTOS, ZUCHETTOS, ZUCHETTAS. [Ital. zuccha, gourd]. |
zucchini | a courgette. |
zuffolo zufolo | a small flute used to train songbirds > ZUFFOLI, ZUFOLI or ZUFOLOS. |
zuppa | an Italian fish soup. |